by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com on January 7, 2016
If you’re reading this, then chances are you’ve taken that first step of spiritual awakening in your life.
Stages of Spiritual Awakening – Library of Rickandria
For many of us, it was a specific event such as 9/11 or the end of the Mayan calendar that brought us to where we are now.
Artifacts Prove Mayans Had Alien Contact! – Library of Rickandria
But what if you’ve just woken up?
Your awakening will bring you many exciting revelations such as:
- how thoughts become manifestations through the Law of Attraction
- how the double slit experiment proves that that thoughts and intentions can create reality
- you never truly die
- you’re here for a purpose, even if it’s just to simply share your energy with others
- numerous prophecies have shown that we’re living in extraordinary times
At first, you may hide your spiritual awakening from people who are close to you because you don’t want your loved ones to know about it but chances are, they probably have as many questions and interests in these same areas as you.
Do You Know Someone Who is Hiding Their Spirituality? – Library of Rickandria
For example, my 21-year-old daughter has psychic abilities.
Psychic Universe – Library of Rickandria
One day, she confided to her best friend about her psychic abilities and as it turned out, her best friend has them too, but was never confident enough to share this ability with others.
Proven Techniques for Developing Psychic Abilities – Library of Rickandria
The following are a few ideas and suggestions on how to facilitate your spiritual awakening:
- Join social networking groups where you can talk with like-minded people
- Follow social media pages
- Go to metaphysical shops and talk with people there
- Find a local drum circle and meet people
- Look for synchronicities in life to confirm your awakening and life path
- Follow your intuition and research areas that fascinate YOU
- Listen and subscribe to online podcasts, such as In5D Radio
Many of us have already experienced the “Dark Night of the Soul” so if you haven’t experienced that already, then be prepared!
The Dark Night of the Soul – Library of Rickandria
The dark night of the soul is actually a blessing because it presents you with an opportunity for immense spiritual growth by overcoming life’s greatest obstacles.
Accelerated Spiritual Growth – Library of Rickandria
You’ll probably lose a few old friends, as many of us have experienced, but you’ll replace them with MANY new ones who are like-minded.
So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends – Library of Rickandria
If you look at your life, you’ll find that specific people have helped you become who you are today and have helped to influence your spiritual progression.
You’ll also notice that specific circumstances happened to you over and over again because these are lessons that we must confront at some point in our lives.
For example, my mother is a Type A personality…. very controlling.
In the past, I’ve been attracted to these types of women and always had the same result.
As a Libra, I dislike confrontation but these relationships were telling me that I needed to confront my mother regarding her controlling tendencies… which I did in 2009.
She backed down and we have a whole new relationship since then.
One of your biggest questions is how to find your life purpose, which I wrote an article about that provides a number of tips on this subject.
You can also ask yourself,
“If there was no such thing as money, then what would I be doing right now?”
Once we take money out of the equation, it gives us an idea of what our true, divine purpose for being here is.
Remember this:
No one can enlighten you.
All anyone can do is to light the candle of enlightenment but it’s up to YOU to maintain that flame.
Ask LOTS of questions and most importantly, FOLLOW YOUR INTUITION regarding any specific topics to research.
On some level, you’re being guided along a specific path.
Always remember that you’re NEVER alone on your journey.
Chances are, there are MANY other people who are experiencing very similar thoughts and feelings as you, so be vocal and don’t be afraid to talk to other people about your experiences!
I Have Just Spiritually Awakened… Now What? – In5D
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