By Ephrat Livni Published August 22, 2018
US president Donald Trump is more magician than politician.
WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria
Reality is whatever he says it is.
The Matrix – Library of Rickandria
He casts a spell on supporters with:
- exclamations and incantations
- outrageous and outraged tweets and speeches
- flights of fancy
rather than fact.
Trump isn’t hemmed in by pesky old-times notions, like rules.
He does and says what he wants when he wants, acknowledging only what suits him.
In this sense, the US president resembles the early 20th century occultist Aleister Crowley, whose entire philosophy is summed up in this single commandment,
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
Aleister Crowley – Library of Rickandria
The scandalous British “magick” practitioner was once considered “the wickedest man in the world.”
Magic or Magick? – Library of Rickandria
He believed life’s primary principle is the pursuit of personal will, unconstrained by law, or conventional ethics, just like Trump.
Until now, the president has had good reason to believe that if he just keeps on insulting, ignoring, and dismissing critics, things will go his way.
In this sense too, Trump resembles Crowley.
Because his journey of “spiritual enlightenment” showed him he was “beyond the Gods,” Crowley relished the criticism that lent him his notoriety.
He even encouraged it by referring to himself as “The Great Beast 666.”
666 Decoded – Library of Rickandria
In 1923, at Crowley’s Sicilian compound—where he led followers of his religion premised on personal will “The Law of Thelema”—an Englishman died in a mysterious ritual involving cat blood.
Crowley was expelled from Italy and castigated in the British press.
Yet he persisted, continuing to write books, perform bizarre rituals, and attract followers.
The magician wrote a book of poems described by one contemporary critic as:
“The most disgusting piece of erotica in the English language.”
Is the English Language Really Reversed Hebrew? – Library of Rickandria
It didn’t stop the writer from continuing to publish and even create his own religion.
Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria
It certainly didn’t halt his erotic explorations.
Like Trump, who has been widely accused of sexual misconduct, Crowley was unconstrained by conventional notions of relating, breaking societal taboos.
Donald Trump sexual misconduct: photos explain how he gets away with it (qz.com)
The one big difference between Crowley and Trump, however, is that one was an occultist and the other is was responsible for a country.
It will take some very powerful magic indeed for the former commander-in-chief to retain his spell on the people if the rule of law keeps proving to be as strong as it showed itself yesterday.
Hubbard and the Babalon Working > Scientology Research (scientology-research.org)
The Connection Between Donald Trump & Aleister Crowley – Library of Rickandria
Donald Trump’s response to the Manafort conviction channels occultist Aleister Crowley (qz.com)
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