By Banjo Billy in 2014
The truth is revealed in history and archaeology.
“When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you — a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant … (Deuteronomy 6:10-11)
“The goyim shall rebuild your walls, and their kings shall minister unto you …
Your gates shall be open continuously; day and night they shall not be shut; that men may bring to you the wealth of the goyim, with their kings led in procession.
For the goyim or kingdom that will not serve you; shall perish; those nations shall be utterly laid waste … “ (Isaiah 60:10-12)
“You shall suck the milk of the goyim; you shall suck the breast of kings …. (Isaiah 60:10-16)
“And goyim shall stand and feed your flocks, strangers shall be your plowmen and vinedressers; but you shall be called the priests of the Lord, men shall speak of you as the ministers of our God; you shall eat the wealth of the goyim, and in their riches you shall glory.” (Isaiah 61:5-6)
This has got to be one of the best books that I’ve ever read. I’ve always wondered when the conspiracy for world conquest started. Sumerian Swindle is the only book that provides an answer to this question. No other book goes so far and deep into history to trace this plan to its origin. It pinpoints the start of world conquest at around 5000 BC, when usury (lending money at interest) was first invented in Sumer. This invention created generational banking families who passed a secret of usury onto their male descendants. Over ensuing centuries usury enabled these banking families to impoverish, bankrupt and enslave entire nations. Today we are witnessing the final stages of this process, where entire world money supply is being transferred into hands of just few people. It so thoroughly covers this extremely important part of ancient history and explains all the things still going on in the world to this very day, that I cannot praise this work enough. As for saying it is an antisemitic canard; this can only be considered as such by either a blind man incapable of seeing the world situations of today, or a misinforming deceiver, or one of the ilk in question, or a complete fool. If this material was taught in schools the world would rapidly cease to suffer under this type of wicked system that we find ourselves in today. After Klassen’s “Nature’s Eternal Religion” this is probably second-best book ever written on conspiracy for world conquest. Sumerian Swindle must be read if you are to fully understand how this conquest started and how it developed over last 7000 years to the present day.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Mafia, Thugs & Jews
Chapter 2: The Land of Mesopotamia, Cradle of Civilization
Chapter 3: The Sumerian Swindle: Ancient Secret of Wealth & Power
Chapter 4: The Sumerians & the Beginning of Civilization
Chapter 5: Daily Life in Sumeria
Chapter 6: Time in History, Warfare & Money Lending
Chapter 7: The Assyrians & the Goat Rustlers
Chapter 8: The Apiru, the Hapiru, the Habiru, the Hebrew 1520 BC
Appendix A: The Thugs of Old India
The Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – Vol. 1 of 3
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