by Howard Ratcliffe on Apr 29, 2022



As far as I’m CONCERNED, coming from a LIFETIME of CONSTANT RESEARCHWE have been LIED to on a MASSIVE SCALE.



Thanks, Guzzy!

Howard seems to have the same belief but reveals the truth of the source:

The info came from the 120 years:

  • Cain
  • Enoch
  • Tubal-cain
  • Jabal
  • Jubal


We would have been all over the world with that technology, but the Serpent (Satan) usurped and kept it secret.



Tartarus “Hell on Earth”

Tartar: Chinese term, ‘Ta-Ta’ ‘dirty’ or ‘barbarian’.

Tatar became Tartar, meaning ‘People from Hell’, a reference to Tartarus, the ancient Greek version of Hell.

Khazaria ‘Serpent People’;  Russia=Tatarstan.

CIVILIZATION: KHAZAR: The 13th Tribe – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Tatar was suggestive of Tartarus, a Hell-like realm in Greek mythology.

Tartarian history has been rewritten.

The Russians ‘Rus’, Belarus  ‘White Rus’ and Ukrainians ‘Kievan Rus’ were formed from Orthodox Slavs, “oarsmen” aka Phoenicians ‘Canaanites’.

‘This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.‘ Dan 4:17 KJV

Mizpah ‘watchtower’: Lebanon=Laban chose the Chaldean ‘Heap of witness’; Jacob chose ‘Galeed’; he wrestled with God and became Israel; until ‘The virgin of Israel is fallen’ Amos 5:2

Secrets of the Giants + PLAYLIST

More About the Giant Cover-Up of Our Past

Giants are not Nephilim.

Old World Technology – Free Energy Generators – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills

Cathodes=Cathedrals; Free Energy Generators; ‘Konn Torrs’ operated by Shemsu Hor=Horus

Blimps / Sky-Ships and How They Hid Them from Us – SpaceBusters

Tesla Towers for airships.

IsRaEl (Isis + Ra ‘Sun’ + El ‘Canaanite Creator’) attacked Russia’s (Tatarstan) Hmeimim (Arab) Airbase in Tartus (Phoenicia) Syria (Land of the Amorites) BS! Tartus/Tartarus: “angels who sinned,” Gen 6:4, Jude 11, Rev 9:11 say, were cast down to Tartarus ‘a place of restraint, a prison, earth’; ‘People from Hell’ where they are bound until God judges them at Armageddon.

This Tartarus, this “hell” where the demons are restrained, is none other than their “first estate”, see Ezekiel 28:17; Revelation 12:7-9.

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Flag of Wales, House of Romanov (Tsar of Russia) and Tatarstan

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The Flag of Tatarstan is the Griffin it was changed to the Red Star, Hammer and Sickle by the Romanov Tsar Nicholas ‘Conquer the Laity’.

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The Flag of Tartarstan became the Flag of Wales (Brit-ish=’Covenant by Birth’; Cain, Canaan, Ishmael, Esau) Esau (‘Dominion’ Gen 27:39-41KJV).

Russia, Belarus and Ukraine ‘Rus’= VI Kings.

Amalekites ‘At war with God from generation to generation’ Exo 17:16 KJV.

St Nicholas ‘Conquer the People’; Santa=Satan.

“We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria ‘Serpent People’, the Jewish state (Canaanites)on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel.” – Mashiach, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, 1994.

The Jews (Parasites) believe he will resurrect from the grave using Jewish Kabbalah (Kaaba=Enclosure of Allah) and necromancy; we have the right to colonize Crimea.

Evil Locations | Odessa

“We have lived together with the Ukrainians for 1000 years.

Ukraine is our Land.”

‘Temple of all religions’ in Kazan, Russia, the Capital of Tatarstan

2024 BRICS Summit will be held in Kazan, Russia, from October 22nd to 24th, 2024.

Feast of Tabernacles is Jesus’ Birthday.

1000 years ago Russia was called ‘Kievan Rus’, the current name of Ukraine, the exiled Sarmation ‘Priest Kings’ is Khazaria ‘Land of the Serpent People’ (Sargon=Canaan); before that ‘Cimmerians’; Cymry a native or resident of Wales, e.g. Druids and King Charles of Wales.

Incredible AI View Of Old World Chicago – Chilaga They Destroyed – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills

Chicago “onion” Illinois ‘Tribe of Superior People’. 33rd degree Luciferian Freemason Neil Armstrong said

The secrets of the world are like an onion…

Airships have been around much longer than they tell us. (*Language Warning*)

How the Old World Generated FREE Energy – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills

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Cimmerians were Iranian i.e. Sarmations = sarman

“he who preserves the doctrine of Zoroaster” (Undiluted Star= Satan) and the “bee;


and Scythians (Father Time = Satan carries a Scythe and Hourglass).

Scythians were likely descended from Canaan in Ur of the Chaldeans ‘BabEl‘ ‘Hieros Gamos’ (Marriage) settled in ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ i.e. ‘Sodomy’ ‘Satan’s Sex’ who were rained on by ‘Fire and Brimstone’ (Gen 13:13; Rev 13), made their way to Knossos (Gnosis), Crete ‘Minotaur’ (Zeus + Europa=Minotaur) and ‘Satan’s Seat’ who went to Egypt as ‘Hyksos’ ‘Foreign Shepherd Kings’, were kicked out by Hatshepsut’s ‘Cross Dressing Pharaoh’ father, whose ‘Heart was hardened’ and drowned in the Exodus, then escaped to Thera where a volcanic eruption froze them in place, and the resulting Tsunami destroyed Knossos.

Scythians played an important part in the Silk Road (China’s Qin Dynasty) a vast trade network connecting ancient:

  • Greece
  • Persia
  • India

and China.

Zoroastrianism ‘Zero Aster’ (Undiluted Star=Black Star) descended from the monotheistic branch Mazdaism ‘Ahura Mazda’=Light=Lucifer and Mithraism ‘Mitre’ worn by Catholic/Orthodox Clergy Vedic Dyaus Pitar=Zeus

RELIGION: Scutum Fidel – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Qin=Cuman self-referred to as Tatar; false coverts to:

  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  • Islam

aka ‘Proselytes’.

Qin=China=Daqin is “An-tu” ‘Antioch’, the first ‘Christians’ came from Antioch.

Nicholas a proselyte of Antioch became Santa Claus=Satan

“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell

Miles Williams Mathis: George Orwell Faked his Death – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

“When everything people believe is false our disinformation campaign will be complete” CIA Director Bill Casey

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‘Qin’ is believed to be the etymological ancestor of the modern-day European name China.

The word made its way into the Indo-Aryan languages first as ‘Cina’ or ‘Sina’ and then into Greek and Latin as ‘Sinai’; ‘Wilderness of Sin’; Qoz the Edomite National god=the ‘Unforgivable Sin’ is AI. ‘qin ai’ ‘Dear, beloved.

Romans knew of the existence of China.

They called it Serica, meaning ‘the land of silk’, or Sinae, meaning ‘the land of the Sin or Qin’ Byzantines especially Syria (Aram/Assyria) called China Daqin or Great Qin.

China=Sino comes from the Arabic word for the country, Sin=China.

Sinim resembles Sinae, the Latinization of Qin, after the Qin state, founded in 778 BC, and the Qin dynasty, founded in 221 BC by Qin Shi Huang-Di.

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Sogdians ‘Hu’=’Human’ ‘God Men’ traveled the ‘Silk Road‘ from Sogdia to:

  • China
  • Korea
  • Japan

‘And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.’ Deu 7:10 KJV

Sogdian entertainers and servants often appear as grotesque, with large noses; Chang’an (Xian) e.g. Xi Jing Ping.

Parthians=Medes ‘Magi’

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“To be or not to be”

Miles Williams Mathis: William Shakespeare, an Intelligence Project – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Abys is Fauci’s “Sickle” mothers name; the abyss of Tartarus, the underworld.

The Aleph “Bull of Heaven” is made with an X for a reason.

Flat Earth is Bullshit!

Flat vs. Round Earth – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Evil Locations | Odessa



The telephone was mentioned in the above video.

Miles Williams Mathis: Alexander Graham Bell was a world-class fraud & thief – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

MLB mentions the electricity experiment that I thought was conducted by Benjamin Franklin,

Miles Williams Mathis: Benjamin Franklin: Premier American (British) Spook – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

but he says it was Thomas Edison, while showing pictures of Benjamin Franklin.

Miles Williams Mathis: Thomas Alva Edison isn’t who we have been told – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Despite that discrepancy the My Lunch Break channel is highly interesting & well put together, as well as the narration sounding like the soothing voice of Vin Diesel.

Off subject, the script for Fast & Furious was stolen by Hollywood & it became a HUGE franchise launching multiple films.


Thieves all around, profiting from others.


Onto the next video, this guy is great & he has a lot more videos now.

These next ones that Howard selected are MLB’s earlier ones – but you have to start somewhere!



USA is Ancient? – History Different Than We’re Told – LB #19

White Skies In 1902 Photos Explained – Cultivate Elevate (LOR QUICK NOTE: Like SpaceBusters suggested in a prior video, the airships disappeared completely after the Hindenburg disaster.)

Miles Williams Mathis: The Hindenburg was Scuttled for Insurance Money or wait, no it wasn’t – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

There was a Superior Culture that lived before us – We Have been Lied to about Our timline – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills (LOR QUICK NOTE: this is an MLB video, but the poster of the video on 153 News is 72 years old & believes that there was some Old World that existed, prior.)

‘Tesla Towers’ Tesla means ‘magnetic flux density’; “harvester”.

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Power Transmission Poles are shaped as a Double Cross for a reason!

They are not needed!

TECHNOLOGY: Tesla Towers – Magnetic-Earth-Electro-Sun “harvester” – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Cymatic Tartaria (English)

John Kerry (Cohen) Climate Czar, Jew, Jesuit, 33rd degree Luciferian Freemason wants to cut CO2; he fell for the Ways of Cain and will perish! Jude

XI=Chi “Messiah“

Red Dawn Rising = Edomite “Dominion”

Red Dragon of the Flag; Red Planet

CHILEAN ASTRONOMER & SEISMOLOGIST PREDICTED 3 MAJOR EARTHQUAKES AS HERCOLUBUS SWINGS THROUGH SOLAR SYSTEM; Hercolubus has no Gravity, no effect on Earth, does not produce light so it invisible; it is called the Red Planet = Edom aka Nibiru “crossing” or “point of transition”, he shepherds the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk (Bull god), described in tablet 5 of the creation epic Enûma Eliš (4 Stars around the central 5th Star on the Chinese Flag); China=Sina “Sin”

Nibiru cataclysm – Wikipedia

Feb 10, 2024, is the Year of the Dragon

Konn-Torrs: Konn: To Know, Frog (Rev 16:13 Dragon, Beast, False Prophet); Torrs=unit of pressure.

Konn Torrs were the first post-flood Priests of the Toroid.

Gravity is a Lie, they applied pressure developed from the differential between the Ionosphere (+) and the Earth (-) aka Aether, to cut/build stones for the Egyptian Pyramids and dozens of other pre-flood “Cyclopean” Masonry projects.

Lighting Electricity without wires, complete with:

  • Ventilation
  • Air Travel
  • Sound Waves-Levitation


The info came from the 120 years:

  • Cain
  • Enoch
  • Tubal-cain
  • Jabal
  • Jubal


We would have been all over the world with that technology, but the Serpent (Satan) usurped and kept it secret.

It is Shamanism and Witchcraft and God Flooded the world to stop it; Ham and his Cursed mother brought the Curse across the Flood with Canaan.

Tartary; Aether, Quintessence = 5th Element (Bruce Willis movie) and Elemental;

  • Earth
  • Air
  • Fire
  • Water

Quintessence are Witchcraft.

Bee careful; God Flooded the Earth to end this.

And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them Gen 6:6-7.

There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. Deu 23:17

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God?

Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind 1 Cor 6:9

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

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File:California island Vinckeboons5.jpg – Wikipedia

Jesuit Map of California, c. 1650, by Johannes Vingboons.

The compass rose in the center of the map marks the approximate location of the modern United States–Mexico border, south of San Diego.

Tartarian Christianity & The Revelation: Episode 2



The video above is very interesting, looking at historical accounts about Tartary using a biblical point of view.

The 7 Churches from the Church Warnings given by JESUS (Rev 2 & 3) are shown.

Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. Rev 1:11

Apparently the 3 Magi (Wise men) that visited Jesus Christ when He was born were Tartarian.

They even mention something about the Jews not being welcome there, which the narrator takes it as antisemitism, but history suggests otherwise.

BOOK: EXCERPT: The White Man’s Bible – Relentless Problems Go Back with Jews for Thousands of Years – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?




The above video mentions that the CIA said they would have to cover up the Tartarian history.

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL INTELLIGENCE: CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

It also reveals that the Tartarians were in America, showing you that it was originally a Tartarian civilization.

NEW WORLD ORDER: American “Empire” – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Combined with the MLB videos, this investigation is starting to come together.

If all of this knowledge came from:

  • Cain
  • Enoch
  • Tubal-cain
  • Jabal
  • Jubal

Then the Mark of Cain starts to make sense to me as a genetic mark that separates Cain’s lineage from the rest.

That genetic mark IMO is the ability to grow facial hair.

So, would that make the lineages of Cain be the native Americans, that were erroneously called Indians by Christopher Columbus.

Miles Williams Mathis: Christopher Columbus is not Who you Thought, and neither is anything else – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

That would also draw question to the INCA in Peru, deep in South America… having the name CAIN, but rearranged.


Tatarians are not Israel, they are “Is Ra El”, The throne (Isis), of Ra (Sun) and El (Canaanite “god”, “Allah”).

Amos 3:12

“The children of Israel shall be taken out…”

Amos 5:2

“The virgin of Israel has fallen…ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun”

Isa 7:9

“The head of Ephraim (Israel) is Samaria”

What Is the Lost Empire Of Tartaria? | Discover Magazine


Muslim and Jewish, Shariah Law versus Noahide Law, both require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

Hence, it was called “Hell on Earth”

The Tatars: The Golden Horde, People from Hell, Or Something Else? | Ancient Origins

Why did God Flood the Earth?

How did they move large blocks in the Pyramids?

How did they cut ashlar stones?

More importantly, why did they keep this technology from the masses?

How They Destroyed Tartaria 1 – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills

How They Destroyed Tartaria 2 – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills

How They Destroyed Tartaria 3 – 153 News – Because Censorship Kills

Jacob impersonated Esau:

  • Tartary
  • Turan
  • Khazaria

Israel is Edom’s revenge; even blind, God gave the blessing, not Isaac.

Tartar Cloth or Tartan is Canaanite Cloth.

Knight aka Sir:

“Person in service to the Queen”

This would be the Queen of Heaven:

  • Ashtaroth
  • Mary
  • Turan

Sir Francis Bacon played the role of William Shakespeare:

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances”

the real founder of America literally Hoodwinked the world.

Miles Williams Mathis: William Shakespeare, an Intelligence Project – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?


Strongs G#1818 Thoroughly Deceived; Hood Winked (e.g. Freemasonry Master Mason Ritual), Taken in; Bait that brings the Hook e.g.

George Washington=King George III’s son William Cavendish.

Miles Williams Mathis: Who WAS George Washington? – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Abe Lincoln and Jeff Davis were brothers.

Miles Williams Mathis: Lincoln’s Assassination was a Manufactured Event – Meaning it NEVER Happened – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Walt Disney = Adolf Hitler

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Lionel Barrymore = Winston Churchill = Hermann Goering,

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the son of Ulysses S. Grant who was Andrew Carnegie.

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Lucille Ball = Queen Elizabeth II

Wernher von Braun = Elliot Roosevelt

Ann Frank = Ayn Rand

Neil Armstrong = John Lear (UFOlogist)

Bryan Cranston = Scott Carpenter

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Pat Boone hawks new version bibles with 33rd degree Luciferian Freemason Charleton Heston and now leads NASA aka SpaceX and WEF Young Global Leader stooge Elon Musk.

Kirk Douglas = Buzz Aldrin

Pat Boone = Bill Nelson (NASA Dir)

Bill Cooper (MJ-12) = Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Roger Stone = Bill Bratton (NYC Police Commissioner)

Christopher Lee = Fidel Castro

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Christopher Reeve = Sir John Major (Aus PM)

Jodie Foster = Julia Guillard (Tranny playing female Aus PM)

Jane Fonda = Nancy Pelosi

Sir Richard Branson = David Icke

Jonathan Pryce = Pope Francis

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Miles Williams Mathis: A New Teddy Roosevelt – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Caution: I can’t vouch for these investigations, but was taken down in 2021 for some reason.


Perhaps it was Volodymyr Zelenskyy also being an actor and WEF Young Global Leader’s School Initiate with:

  • Vladimir Putin
  • Emanuel Macron
  • Justin Trudeau
  • Boris Johnson
  • Richard Branson
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Elon Musk
  • Bill Gates


Cooperative Security Treaty Organization:

Soviet Nations of Independent Tartary including:

  • Kazakhstan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan

use the:

  • Hammer
  • Sickle
  • Red Star

Esau sold his birthright and was renamed Edom = Red; Edomites will gain worldwide “Dominion” seen in the world map colored Red; Venus/Turan is the Star called the Morning and Evening Star.

Tartary and Turan are the global Confederacy against JESUS listed in Psa 83

  • Edomites
  • Ammonites
  • Moabites
  • Phoenician/Canaanites
  • Amalekites

Tur is cognate with Thor; Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir seen in the Maccabees “Hammer of God” and Transgenic Oral Covid 19 pill Molnupiravir.

Transhumanism is about DNA alteration.




There are MANY that are against MANKIND having ANY SPIRITUALITY, but welcome TRANSHUMANISM.

These people are convinced that they can attain a higher sense of spirituality by using technology.

It sounds like an oxymoron, but that is what the elite believe.

SCIENCE: TECHNOLOGY: GENOME: TRANSHUMANISM: Yuval Noah Harari – There is no Free Will – Library of Rickandria – What are YOU researching TODAY?

Yuval Noah Harari – Hacking the Human Body.

People like Yuval Noah Harari, work in conjunction with organizations like the World Economic Forum.

SCIENCE: TECHNOLOGY: GENOME: TRANSHUMANISM: Yuval Noah Harari – Hacking the Human Body – Library of Rickandria – What are YOU researching TODAY?

The WEF & the UN are behind the AGENDA 2030 CAMPAIGN.

NEW WORLD ORDER: AGENDA 2030: Blackjack – 21 Near Future Predictions – Library of Rickandria – What are YOU researching TODAY?

Howard Ratcliffe:

Yuval Noah Harari advises Klaus Schwab at the WEF.

(Hebrew: הררי) Harari is a Jewish surname that can be translated from Hebrew as ‘mountainous’ or as ‘mountain dweller’; Shia Muslims worship

“The Old man of the Mountain”

Noahide Law (“Jewish” and Christian) and Shariah Law (Muslim) require Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, the only Unforgivable Sin.


The Sickle is the weapon of the Grim Reaper; the Thresher of Wheat; followers of God are the Tares in the Wheat to be separated at the Jebusite Threshing Floor aka Temple Mount.

Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem, the city He referred to as:

“Spiritually Sodom and Egypt”

Solomon’s Temple Prostitutes ring a Baal?


Mr. E believes God to be:

  • Yahweh
  • Yeshua
  • YHWH
  • G-D

not JESUS:

this is the same error introduced by UNIFYD (Academy of Divine Knowledge)

International Court of Natural Justice “ICNJ” – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Dr. Carrie Madej of Phoenix Medical Group in Atlanta.

The Phoenix is the symbol of Cain and Canaanites.

Tartary is the world Unifying around Saturn/Molech/YHWH, the reinstitution of the Sins of the pre-Flood world; a world ruled by Sin aka “Abominations”.

There is only 1 remedy for Sin, JESUS aka Holy Ghost.


“Person assigned a sex at birth based on external genitalia which does not match gender identity”

Gender Dysphoria

“Psychological distress caused by Transgenderism”

Transvestite (Trans=Over + Vesture=Clothes)

“Person dressing as opposite sex”

Welcome to the Amalekite Transformation aka New Aeon of Horus.

Julie Andrews:

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A man pretending to be a woman, pretending to be a man, being herself.

Elite Gender Inversion: The Documentary (Jon Humanity)

Governors of the Trans-nited States of Abomination MrE3000 Transpocalypse Now MrE Transvestigation [2019-12-11]: Red_Red: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming: Internet Archive

The Transformer franchise put it all out in the open; the Decepticon “One who deceives” Megatron “Great Device” leader exiled on Saturn (Molech) disguised as a Dogde Charger Hellcat Redeye.

Meghan (Meg=Margaret=Pearl) + Fox (F=6; O=15=6; X=24=6) is a MTF Amalekite (Ones who licks Blood) Tranny.

Natalie PortMAN playing Thor another example.

“When everything the American people believe is false, our disinformation campaign will be complete” Ronald Reagan’s Jesuit (Fordham) educated CIA Director William Casey.

Ronald Reagan essentially discovered Norma Jean, the man who became Marilyn Monroe in 1945, the year the Soviet Union was born on May Day.

The Man in Marilyn Monroe | The Unexpected Cosmology



Miles Williams Mathis has a paper on Marilyn Monroe.

Miles Williams Mathis: Marilyn Monroe’s Death was faked – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

He also has a paper on the Transgender movement.

Miles Williams Mathis: The Trannies PSYOP – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?


The Homosexual Manifesto 1987 as published in the Congressional record by Michael Swift at Jesuit Fordham University during the Ronald Reagan Administration.

  • Ronald Reagan
  • VP George HW Bush
  • Mikhail Gorbachev

attended Bohemian Grove for decades together, perpetrating the Cold War, Star Wars and Communist threat; the real threat is Tartarian enemies in our own Congress as it always has been.

Internet History Sourcebooks Project

Michael Chertoff (Chertoff means Devil/Demon) Crypto Jew 911 Commission/Prosecutor replaces Nina Jankowicz:

DHS Disinformation Governance Board headed by 33-year-old Jesuit Georgetown educated Polish Crypto Jew and likely Transexual, Nina Jankowicz.

Official portrait, 2022 1.32 MB View full-size Download

Nina Jankowicz (born 1988 or 1989) is an American researcher and writer. She is the author of How to Lose the Information War (2020), on Russian use of disinformation as geopolitical strategy, and How to Be a Woman Online (2022), a handbook for fighting against online harassment of women. She briefly served as executive director of the newly created United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Disinformation Governance Board, resigning from the position amid the dissolution of the board by DHS in May 2022.

Initiated into the Ukraine (Khazaria/Tartary; WEF Young Global Leader School Initiate Volodymyr Zelensky also a Tranny) Foreign Ministry during the Obama (Obama is a Prince Hall Freemason, Sodomite; Michelle Obama is a Man.

Miles Williams Mathis: Obama’s Genealogy & so much more – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Woodrow Wilson Center Disinformation Fellow declares dis-information on Kamala Harris is a threat to US Democracy and National Security.

Kamala’s alleged parents were not US Citizens at the time of her birth making her ineligible for the office of VP or POTUS under the Natural Born Citizen Clause.

The selection of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was facilitated by Canadian based Dominion Voting; ballots contained the Commonwealth Crown Water Mark.

Time Magazine even featured Kamala on the cover the week before the selection with a remote-controlled Dominion Voting machine and the US Flag in chains.

Kamala is a Boule Society Initiate, Sacred Prostitutes of Qadesh (Strongs #6945 Qadesh=male prostitute) who sleep their way to wealth and power, obtaining secrets from scented pillows.

Nina is pictured singing a Christmas Song about sleeping her way to wealth and power.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Time Magazine Person of the Year.

Kamala Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen and therefore is ineligible to be President or VP

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President” Art 2 Sec 1 Clause 5 

Kamala is a Boule (Noble Caste) Society Initiate, the oldest Black Greek Fraternity similar to Prince Hall Freemasons; Obama is a Prince Hall Freemason/Sodomite.

Boule means “Council of Chiefs/Noblemen” “Advisers to Kings”.

Harris referred to the:

“Harris Administration with Joe Biden as President”

Kamala Devi is named after Devi, the goddess wielding the power of Shiva.

In front of CERN Shiva dances the Nataraja “Dance of Destruction”; witnessing the Trinity Atomic Detonation J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted Shiva from the Bhagavad Gita

“I am Death, the destroyer of worlds”

Kamala is Amalekite “People who Wring, Vex, and Lick”; the SPIRITUAL offspring of Eve and Cain who brought the Curse across the Flood with Ham and his Cainite mother to Canaan whose daughters married Ishmael and Esau giving birth to Amalek.

Amalekites are a mix of:

  • Canaanite
  • Hittite
  • Horite (Worshippers of Horus)

who attacked Israel (People who wrestle with God) across the Red Sea and aligned with Israel’s enemies at every turn.

Amalek – Wikipedia

Anyone speaking Dis-information about Kamala Harris is considered a Domestic Terrorist having no rights under the Law.



The global civilization God flooded, and history forgot is Hell on Earth.

Tartary originated on Mt. Everest.

Mt. Everest “Chomolungma” or Earth Mother is the highest point created by the Flood and location of Noah’s Ark.

The Central Asian Steppes become the first inhabited land, the Confederation of Nomads (Cain the first Vagabond/Nomad) called the Dark Civilization; they worship Venus (Turan) in the Land of Tur; Turannos meaning Tyrant Ruler or Mistress.

Namaah becomes the Temple Prostitute in Ur (BabylOn=Gate of Osiris/Saturn “Black Sun”), her daughter (Likely of the same incest Cain and Eve used) a Temple prostitute (mistress) in Harran (Turkey=Turk=Turan).

Sabaeans (Saba=Sunrise) refers to the Black Sun (Nazi SS) which has 2 Foci points, one inside the Sun, one outside Earth i.e. the Star of the Magi) introduce worship of the:

  • Sun
  • Moon
  • Venus

in Abraham’s day, known as Saturnalia or Christmas and the Feast of St John where John refers to the Chaldean Oannes “Beast rising from the Sea”; the Arab Trinity is seen in Islam as the 3 daughters of Allah “The God” al Uzza, al Lah and Manat.

Ishmael and Esau marry Canaanite women violating the Covenant God made with Abraham; Esau prophesied to obtain worldwide “Dominion” (Dan 7:6), handing control over to the 4th Beast of Iron; Pale Horse “Death” (Dan 7:7; Gen 6:8)

Worship of the Pale Horse “Death” results in “Hell” (Tartarus); Cainites are Society 322 “Brotherhood of Death”; the Skull & Bones symbol used in Piracy with the final goal to steal one’s Soul. e.g.

Black Star worshipper David Bowie narrated the video game Omicron:

Nomad Soul stating

“Ashtaroth created Omicron as a Soul Prison”

Ashtaroth is Venus/Turan.

Turan or Tartary (Persian Tatar) has roots with Tartarus “Hell”, Tartan (Is 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17) the Assyrian Army Commander, Tartar Cloth “Canaanite Cloth”, and Tata, the name of Mongols; “Tata for now” may ring a Baal.

Tartan is the Assyrian army commander who took Israel captive and replaced them during the reign of Sargon II (Scottish Presbyterians celebrate Kirkin O Tartan to this day).

Mongols (Mongolia) a mix of Turks and Tartars regarded as barbarian, savage, Irascible; To catch a Tartar means

“Get hold of what cannot be controlled”

originated in the 1660’s (1st Thanksgiving Turkey; Rosicrucian Ben Franklin wanted the Turkey for the National Bird for this reason).

Pluto returns to its July 4, 1776, position Feb 22, 22; Biden’s Ritual?

Same date 2/22/81 on Cleopatra’s Needle (Anderson Cooper a grad of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader School).

Egypt (Land of Gypsies/Nomads) was Kemet “Black Land”, founded by Mizraim a son of Ham (Black)

Jesus railed on Sadducees and Scribes who become Karaites and Masoretes during the Dark Ages (6th=10th c ad); YHWH/Yahweh, the Black Sun is added to the Old Testament replacing JEHOVAH (Exo 6:3) the Hebrew version of JESUS (Mat 1:25 KJV)

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes


Venus is the Arab al Uzza “Mighty One” aka Turan.

The “Transgender at will” “Gender Fluid”, Mother Goddess of LGBTQIA.

Rosh is added to Eze 38:2 in new bible versions; Why?


Rosh means Head:

Of Man and Animals e.g. Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Idol and Head of the Abomination of Desolation.

Commander; Top:

Mountain Top i.e. Everest; Summit, Height of the Stars; Chief: Of

  • man
  • cities
  • nations
  • family
  • priest

e.g. Melchizedekian or Sarmatians “Priest Kings”


“Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

“Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say,

‘Thus says the Lord God:

“Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.
 Eze 38:1-3 NKJV 

And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” Eze 38:1-3 KJV

The world’s largest confederation of nations, history often ignores yet encompasses much of the world is also called Turan; Tur/Tor=Black.

Turan originated with Ham on Chomolungma aka Mt. Everest aka Turtanu immediately after the Flood Turan is a name cognate with Venus aka Arab al Uzza “Mighty One”.

The “Dark Ages” were the Golden Age of Karaites and Masoretes, “Jewish Scribes” who added YHWH (a name of the Black Sun Saturn) to scripture.


The Chief god of Tartarians and Turanians is Tengri, the sky god equivalent with Zeus aka Dyeus (Daylight/ Blue=666THz), created according to Gnostics by his father Saturn “Grim Reaper” aka “Black Sun”; e.g. Jesuits are the Militia of Zeus (aka Horus, Tammuz, Jupiter), they have been ejected from nearly every nation on earth, and we all are about to find out why.

Miles Williams Mathis: The Jesuits – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Capitols “Womb of Jupiter/Zeus” are in every nation on Earth.


Latin Tartarus, Persian Tatar or Tata all mean “Hell”; Tartan “Commander in chief” e.g. the Assyrian army commander who captured and deported Israel (Isa 20:1; 2 Ki 18:17) replacing God’s people with foreigners (2 Ki 17:30)

Tartan means “Canaanite Cloth” the “Family” of Cain brought across the Flood by Ham and his mother to Canaan.

Golden Horde:

  • Mongols
  • Tatars
  • Turks

carried Bubonic Plague to Crimea from Wuhan 666 years before Covid 19.

To catch a Tatar means

“Get hold of what cannot be controlled”

Tatarians are called

  • Barbarians
  • Savages
  • Rough
  • Irascible


Eze 38-39; Rev 20:7-8 describes a worldwide confederation against Jesus and all of His followers in Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium resulting in the Ancient of Days re-uniting with the Son of Man (Dan 7:14).

Tartan or Tartar Cloth is Canaanite Cloth; the Assyrian Army commander Tartan replaced Israel with Canaanites 2700 years ago (2 Ki 17:30)

Canaanites/Phoenicians and Edomites impersonating God’s people “Israel” is the world’s biggest Deception; Quite a Trump eh?

Miles Williams Mathis: Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

OJ even made a movie Capricorn 1 about faking the Moon Landing.

Tartan/Tartar Cloth: Course Fabric “Tartan” aka Canaanite Cloth.

The Assyrian Army Commander “Tartan” made a treasonous pact with Ephraim leading to the capture and deportation of Israel and subsequent adoption of the name Israel by the tribe of Ephraim.

Cain was “Cursed” for killing his brother Abel and lying to God about it; Cain and his mother Eve gave birth to 6 generations leading to Tubal-cain and Naamah who married Noah.

Ham and Naamah had Canaan who carried the “Curse” and was named the first Legitimate King “Sargon the Great”; Tartar Cloth identifies the destroyers of the world both pre and post Flood.

LGBTQIA is the reason God flooded the earth, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and the reason He will return to end the New Age.

“TV is the Satanic Altar of the New Age” Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey

The Mark of Cain is the Six-Pointed Star of Tartaria.

The Crowned Dragon (aka Devil, Satan, serpent, snake, Lucifer, Rev 12:9) of Tartary has deceived the entire world.

Sarah Palin, allegedly 9 months pregnant, but not showing, obtains her doctor’s approval, travels to a Governor’s Convention hosted by TX Gov Rick Perry, wakes up to amniotic fluid, gives a speech, heads to the Dallas airport, has a 2 hr. layover in Seattle enroute to Anchorage, by passes the high risk hospital and gives birth 12 hrs. later with no proof she was ever pregnant or gave birth.

Sarah Palin, the Press, and the Incredible Birth Story – Business Insider

Michael means “Who is like El”; El seen in Elohim, is the Canaanite “Saturn”.

Barack “Lightning” Obama

“He is with us”

in Zoroastrian Farsi.

When Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, he was renamed Edom aka Adam

“Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” Gen 5:2

Edomites worship Saturn as Qos or YHWH in Israel (Amos 5:26) Pulled the wool over our eyes eh?

Obama: Zoroastrian “He is with us” – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Klaus Schwab is a Swabi/Suevi aka Alemani in public he wears a Darth Vader outfit, on vacation a more casual attire.

WEF and Schwab financed by Bain & Company, Gates Foundation and a host of International Banks recruit Young Global Leaders to join in Lockstep toward the Great Reset.

  • Vladimir Putin
  • Tony Blair
  • Angela Merkel
  • Jacinda/Jason Ardern
  • Emmanel Macron
  • Leo DiCaprio
  • Anderson Cooper
  • Pete Buttigieg
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Sergei Brin
  • Jack Ma
  • Jeff Bezos
  • Elon Musk
  • Gavin Newsome
  • Jonathan Soros
  • Bobby Jindal

and Rockefeller Foundation CEO Rajiv Shah to name a few Global Kleptocrats enriching each other and enslaving the masses.

WEF Director Jeremy Jurgens

“Next COVID crisis will be faster, steeper growth, economic impact more significant”

You Think Covid-19 Is Bad?

“A global cyber-attack will soon happen that will cause the entire internet of the world to go dark, and also shut down the food-supply chain, electricity, water, plunging the entire world into Chaos”– Klaus Schwab

Schwab’s Death Star is Tesla based EM weaponry e.g.

  • Boeing CHAMP High-power microwave drones
  • NERC (Power Grid Frequency changes=destruction)
  • Star Link 5G Satellites/5G Transmitters
  • Derivatives/Money Printing
  • Graphene “Vaccination”


The Psychopath calls this the Great Reset and his Clone Army is in Lockstep towards destroying the world economy and Building Back Better via the IOT and IOB The IOT (Internet of Things) is largely controlled by Blackstone Group, a large part of Infrastructure Remote Control is the Freescale KL-03 RF Microchip demonstrated on MH-370 and MH-17 and controlled by Jacob Rothschild.

Every electronic device controlled by RF IOB (Internet of Bodies) uses self-assembling Graphene Nano-circuitry as a Neural Interface and mRNA/mDNA injections to alter human DNA to Trans-human DNA with no Rights on Earth or in Heaven.

Jesus calls this the Beast Kingdom.

Transgender Richard-Rachel Leland Levine sworn in as a 4 Star Admiral head of the 6000 person US Public Health Service Commissioned Corp.

Official portrait, 2021 1.12 MB View full-size Download

Rachel Leland Levine (/ləˈviːn/ lə-VEEN; born October 28, 1957) is an American pediatrician who served as the United States assistant secretary for health, the admiral in charge of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, from 2021 until 2025.

Levine is derived from Levi, the corrupted Priestly Tribe (Heb 7).

Levine is in command of Vice Adm Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, sworn in on the Bhagavad Gita, overseeing 1000 Oath Sworn Doctors staffing 1000 Mobile Tent Hospitals with Bio-waste disposal capability.


Miles Williams Mathis: Tartaria – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?


Tartary | TheresNothingNew
