There are things that will always end up escaping our traditional understanding because we are so conditioned.
And we have been so for many generations.
It may be that now with the massive access to a lot of information we begin to know more of what has been hidden, but under this same massiveness is that it becomes difficult to connect the dots that lead to discovering certain truths that were hidden.
The one truth, which is why you entered this book, is that there are many truths.
Yours, mine, and, what I consider the most powerful of all, the truth/reality that we all together create as a planetary community.
As much as I write about personal development, every so often books like this come to me as a message.
I can be brushing my teeth, working out or even just lost in the middle of nowhere or surrounded by many people when a thought/idea pops up and whispers to me
“This is the title of the new book, write down the table of contents now”
I am passionate about mysteries, I admit it, if it is not that I read or look at something somewhere, I myself end up pondering and going to levels where I put my own mind in check to realize how limited it ends up being to the physical and three-dimensional.
But without getting discouraged, in this book we will talk in depth about the control that is exercised over all of us at an unconscious level and how this even leads to these people being able to “predict” what will happen, or even, us to create those same things that we then catalog as predictions.
As a result of this, we will introduce COVID and pandemic, but more than anything to open our eyes to discover its secret formula of manipulation and not let it rule us anymore.
The last two chapters is where we will push our mind to its limit to try to expand the understanding and perspectives, we have of ourselves, the past, the Earth and the future from there.
In these chapters, you can prepare to shatter boundaries and beliefs that were dwelling in your mind that were false.
It should be noted that I do not come here as the savior or a God with all the answers you need, nor am I the one who knows the most or knows best.
I only feel that I have a great tool (writing) and a great power of communication with which I can get messages like these to millions of people.
What is my purpose?
To uncover my blindfolds more and more to easily connect with my essence and realize that I am a spiritual being living a human experience.
That I am not a physical body, but that I am inhabiting one.
That I am nothing and no one, but that I am also everything and everyone.
And by direct consequence, so are you.
Know the Only Truth: Control of Humanity – Library of Rickandria
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