Apparently neither human institutions nor aliens are quite ready yet to declare ‘game-over’ and all come out from behind the masks.
The charade has sacred purposes and profane purposes.
The sacred purpose apparently is soul evolution, and the profane purpose is apparently soul control.
The notions or Service-to-Self and Service-to-Others in popular use in channeled Ufology today are outrageous, but apt simplifications of the real intricacies of the matter.
What is STS & STO? – Library of Rickandria
As the definitions change of exactly what ‘self’ encompasses these notions map across a wide variety of different orientations, and it is appropriate to introduce the dialectic, the triad pattern that is really involved beyond the dualistic notion.
Although merely extending the differentiating metaphor into three classes is hardly as far as it can be taken.
The Ends Justify the Means Orientation
- Orion and Dark Sirian disposition pool Humanoid Demons and Devils
- Souls are commodities of central spiritual power and control and domination
- Body and Mind worship (2 body fixated Masculine principle emphasis)
- Bottom up material evolution
- Does long division by hand, in matter
- Extreme Service-to-Self focused
- Random Process Causal Reality
The Means Justify the Ends Orientation
- Light Sirian disposition pool
- Human archetype Angels, and Non-humanoid Semi-physical Creatures Souls are sovereign fragments of evolved integrated immortal creators
- Heart and Spirit worship (2-body fixated Feminine principle emphasis)
- Top down spiritual evolution
- Does the spiritual division in their head
- Extreme Service-To-Others focused
- Unidirectional Causal Reality
The Means are As Important as Ends Orientation
- Pleiadean and Vegan disposition pools
- Humanoid Angels and Biological Lords
- Souls are important to evolve and integrate.
- Body, Heart, Mind, and Spirit worship body integrative, Balanced Masculine and Feminine principle emphasis
- Egalitarian spirit-matter evolution
- Does spiritual division in head and in matter
- Balanced Service-To-Self-And-Others
- Mutual Causal Reality
Now the institutions have discovered to their great dismay, that the divinities and deviltries of history are just readily and easily bypassing them.
The last thing these institutions want humankind to generally believe, is that ETs are the real heavenly masters of spiritual history.
And in turn, they don’t wish to have the populace educated in knowing how to spot a false master when they see one.
Who is the false master?
The ETs that helped to create the Messiahs, or the human institutions that represent the Messianic divinities of history?
Now you can get an idea of how sticky the wicket gets.
Therefore, our most secret institutional forces (institutions of dollars, souls and swords), in alliance (limited partnering) with ET, and in opposition to ET, and just knowledgeable about ET, have a complex developing situation.
Those who are directly involved with ET – in facilities, in abductions, in communication, – are hush about their work, and even less clear about their alliances.
But the alliances have developed, with several different types of ET creatures, and encounters or occasional capture of other creatures and ET technology.
The baseline assumption that suggests itself is there are as many ET power factions as there are human power factions.
There are divine gifts and Faustian bargains.
There are levelheaded and hot-headed approaches.
At the highest end of levelheaded approaches, are the more enlightened modern day secret order Knights Templars – neo-Masonic parties.
These soldiers of faith realize some aliens are indeed truly beneficent and these aliens were indeed involved with some religious figures of history.
These rare soldiers realize this long-term Earth experiment and all the alien intervention is about the evolution of soul and love.
And that is a good thing. It is about the spark of divinity in humankind, not about being commodity soul currency to feed the fancies of the followers of the dark laws, be psychic corndogs for reptilian devil creatures with technology millions of years in advance of our own.
That is not a war we can win without allying with the other side.
That is one prevailing view.
Is it possible one of the reasons alliances are being made by ET’s so actively with humanity, is to establish, in a timely manner, some eminent domain in matters of the soul?
Is someone else of the more devilish kind on their way here?
Or are they already here, hanging back a bit under force of other alien (or divine alien) rule?
Are the demon aliens getting more and more unleashed, that is, allowed to interact and contact and influence the populace in the coming times?
Are the prophecies of opening seals and events of Biblical proportions veiling the coming of a new alien ET operation?
Just how many different aliens are part of the ancient Earth custodial force?
How many factions are there?
How many ETs are new players?
How many are we just bumping into since they have come to spectate and research Zoo-Earth?
More Than Two Sides to Every Issue & Influence (basecamp.com)
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