GOD VÖLUND.« The Song of Velund” – the ancient Eddic myth

“The Legend of Velund” tells that Velund is the son of the king of the Finns and has two brothers – Egil and Slyagfid.

They were powerful hunters and often went skiing across the snow-covered Scandinavian Peninsula.

Later, the brothers stopped in Ulvdalir (“wolf valley” in Old Icelandic), near Lake Ulvsyar (“wolf lake”).

One day, three beautiful women stopped to rest by the lake.

They could take the form of swans and were Valkyries.

The brothers, fascinated by the beauty of the maidens, immediately married them.

Slyagfid married the Valkyrie Hlädgüd (translated from Old Icelandic as “white swan”), the daughter of King Hlidver (another spelling of Clovis is possible).

Egil married Elrun of Walland (presumably as Italy was formerly called), who was the daughter of Chiar (possibly Caesar).

After living seven winters in harmony with their husbands, on the eighth the Valkyries got tired of living a peaceful life and, after the onset of the ninth, they abandoned the peaceful life and went to war.

When Velund is left alone in Ulvdalir (this place is in Scandinavia to this day), King Nidud finds out about this and decides to capture Velund so that the greatest blacksmith can work for him in prison on the island of Sevarsted.

While Velund was hunting, Nidud and his warriors break into his house.

When they entered the house, they saw seven hundred of the most beautiful rings, and Nidud decided to take one of them.

It is assumed that it was a ring belonging to Vellund’s wife.

In the future, Bedwild, the daughter of Nidud, will receive this ring as a gift from her father and become Vellund’s wife.

There is an assumption that the ring was a magical artifact that allowed Velund to float in the air (later, by taking the ring from Bedwild, he would be able to rise into the air).

They cut the tendons under his knees and left him on an island that was not far from the shore and was called Sevarsted.

There he forged all kinds of jewelry for the king.

No one dared to visit him, except the king.

“In the “Legend of Välund” it is said that Bedwild came to Velund:

“Bödwilde came with a broken ring, showed it:

“You are the only one who will help in this.”

Velund said that he would fix the ring and, after giving her a drink, he would take her as his wife.

After taking the ring, a satisfied Velund takes off and goes to Nidud.

Taking an oath from him that nothing will happen to his wife Bedwild, he informs the king what he has done to his sons.

“He cut off the heads of both of them and put their legs under the skins; from the skulls of the bowl he made, forged into silver, and sent them to Nidud.

The bright eyes of the Yakhonta the wise sent to the wife of Nidud; he took the teeth of both of them, and made breast buckles out of them for Bedwild.”

And also, that Nidud’s daughter is now his wife.

After that, he takes off and leaves the king, who remains in sorrow and grief.

Nidud calls Bedwild to find out if Velund told the truth.

Bedwild recounts what happened to her on the island, confirming Velund’s words.


Further, the “Tale of Velund” tells that Nidud’s daughter, Bedwild, came to the blacksmith on the island of Sevarstead.

She brought Velund his ring, which was damaged. Velund took the ring, gave Bedwild a beer, and took her as his wife.

Then the blacksmith, laughing, rises into the air and flies to Nidud.

He tells the king everything but first takes an oath from him that he will not touch his wife (now it is Bedwild).

Then the blacksmith flies away, leaving the king in grief and loneliness.

Nidud summons Bedwild, who confirms that she is carrying Velund’s child.

In my opinion, Velund has symbolism with a snake (legless) and lightning falling from heaven (Lucifer), and with each individual He became a blacksmith/alchemist but a locked king on an island/land.

In the end, he forged his wings (became a caduceus or a snake with wings, a dragon) and flew away, taking revenge on the king, to other worlds or just wherever he wanted, or rather, acquired a second support in the higher / heavenly.

This is purely Gnozzzis

If you don’t want to, don’t accept revelations, as they say.

If you want, you can go straight to the analysis of the Scandinavian epic without my thinking about lizards and their direct biological descendants, snakes.

In this regard, the snake, as for me, is the beginning of work or the stage of Nigredo (pure body, matter, origin, also regrowth of limbs, world serpent chaos without structure).

The Albedo lizard because it already has legs and, most importantly, hands in front of it – a tool, lizards drip, although snakes too, but the fact itself is also felt by lizards with their noses, unlike snakes (mobile mind, phoenix survival, regrowth of limbs, kinship with crocodiles).

And the Rubedo Dragon because it already has legs and wings!

And maybe that’s it.

It is worth noting that cold-blooded animals are active only in warm weather, but in cold weather they are inactive or sedentary (Kali Yuga) and some of them like to bask in the sun/stones to absorb energy.

“In warm weather, when the environment heats up, lizards and snakes can receive heat from the sun’s rays and heat up in the sun or on warm surfaces.

This allows them to increase their body temperature, activate, and perform their vital functions such as foraging, reproduction, and security.”

Blacksmithing is associated with the fire of the prana of the sun.

The dragon is often associated with fiery breath.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY – Yahweh: The Misunderstood Dragon – Library of Rickandria

It should also be noted that Chinese dragons are often wingless, but they have paws!

And the Serpent of the world is precisely a serpent because it is called the serpent of chaos, primary but not as developed as the same dragon based on all criteria draconem (nominative case: draco), which means “huge serpent”; from the ancient Greek δράκων, drákōn(genitive: δράκοντος, drákontos), which means “snake”“giant sea fish”.

Similar Greek and Latin terms referred to any large snake, not necessarily mythological.

The Greek word δράκων most likely comes from the Greek verb δέρκομαι(dérkomai), meaning “I see”, the aoristic form of which is ἔδρακον(édrakon).

It is believed that this refers to something with a “deadly gaze”, with unusually “bright” or “sharp” (sharp-sighted) with eyes, or to the fact that the snake’s eyes always seem to be open; in fact, each eye sees through a special transparent film in the eyelids, which are constantly closed.

The Greek word probably comes from the Indo-European base *derḱ- “to see”; the Sanskrit root दृश् (dr-) also means “to see”.

I.e. dragons see the essence, clairvoyant.

Some researchers of heraldry (A. B. Lakier, P. P. Winkler) do not separate the snake and the dragon, while others (Yu. V. Arsenyev) do, pointing to a different number of paws (the snake has four, the dragon has two), although in most artistic images (in paintings, films, sculptures) Dragons have four legs.

The word “serpent” has been found in Slavic texts since the XI century (including in the “Moscow” Bible of 1663), and the word “dragon” was borrowed from Greek only in the XVI century, appears for the first time in texts translated by Maxim the Greek.

Andrei Kurbsky applied the word “dragon” to the devil (similarly, in the King James Bible, the words “serpent”“dragon” and “devil” are used synonymously).

In the “Moscow” Bible of 1663, the devil is called a serpent, in the “Elizabethan” Bible of 1756 and later both “serpent” and “dragon” are used.

You can also mention here a bunch of snakes lizard dragon crocodile frog similar gods by type
Nehebkau (Egypt.nḥb.kʒw — The winner of many Ka)— in the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the serpent god (with the body or head of a snake), who, as a judge, determines the afterlife for the deceased.

Later, he was one of the guards of the entrance to the Duat, a companion of Rav on a night voyage, a deity of fertility and time, one of the gods of the Little Ennead.

The center of the cult is Heracleopolis.

Nehebkau was depicted as a snake “with many rings” or a snake with human legs.

His image is found in many frescoes with drawings of a solar boat crossing the Duat at night, often standing among other deities – defenders of Ra —:

  • Mafdet
  • Upuaut
  • Onuris


A bronze statue of him is on display in the Egyptian Hall of the Hermitage.

Or the Balto-Slavic god Zaltis.

The Komodo dragon, or giant Indonesian monitor lizard, (Latin Varanus komodoensis), is a species of lizard from the monitor lizard family (Varanidae).

Currently, the species is distributed on the Indonesian islands of:

  • Komodo
  • Rincha
  • Flores

and Gili Motang, although it was previously more widespread – in particular, it was found in Australia and Java.

The aborigines of the islands call it ora or buaya darat (“land crocodile”).

It is worth noting that the Vahana or mount of the god Varuna (which some relate to Neptune or something similar to the Atlantic) was a similar creature.

In general, I’m talking about biological and archetypal lizards, and not about some ephemeral David Icke monsters of this century.

Reptilians are an unfortunate name for an astral phenomenon chosen because no others have been proposed, but they are not related to terrestrial reptiles.

The view of science +mysticism is simple one.

Biologically, Snakes descended from LIZARDS, and the first fossil species were found in sediments 150-167 million years old.

In modern nature, their closest relatives are spindle-shaped and iguana-like lizards.

Although they have nostrils, snakes cannot smell.

On a downward path, the light came down and degradation initially occurred with all the consequences.

From dragon to lizard from lizard to snake.

From God to man, etc.

At the same time, for someone it will be a development here is already a philosophy.

Then began the turn of the cycle and development, the so-called evolution, for that matter, the adaptation of living organisms to the environment.

In the Vedas (one of them) it is said that at one time the Asuras rule and at another the devas change…

At least in one of the interpretations, this is so, it is definitely no longer possible to find the clipping, at least without a request.

And in general, the jungle about reincarnation is already beginning, meaningless reasoning!

In short of all that is above man developed as the middle stage in cosmology, it can be correlated as that on the path to divinity (dragonness).

But he has already passed a certain stage of the snake.

And he has legs and arms like a lizard, it remains to acquire wings (to master the fiery breath and the like, of course, can still be taken into account and the main thing is wisdom).

But let’s go Below to the Scandinavian Myth Itself!

The Song of the Welund

The elder Edda.

About Velund and Nidud


We were flying from the south above the dense forest
Valkyrie maidens, the battle seekers.
They stopped on vacation by the lake, flax is precious
They started spinning.


The First Virgin,-
There is no more beautiful one,-
On Egil’s shoulders
She threw up her hands;
Svankhvit the second, in white clothes made of swan’s feathers;
And the third sister Velunda neck
She wrapped her arm around him.

So here we have the Number THREE, and the second virgin is wearing White and is associated with a Swan, as in Albedo Alchemy, And the third turns out to be Rubedo!


Seven have passed quiet winters,
and on the eighth
Longing took them,
And on the ninth I had to break up;
They rushed away into the thicket of the forest
Valkyrie maidens,
Those who were looking for battles.

(The number 9 is associated with the ending because after 9 there is 10 or again 1+0=1 123456789)


We returned from hunting
The shooter is sharp-eyed, Slugfid and Egil
The house is empty,
We wandered around, looking for, looking around.
Beyond Elrun to the east Egil on skis and a Slugfeed to the south
They rushed after Svanhvit.

South and East are where the most developed civilizations of antiquity were from:

  • Northern Europe
  • Babylon
  • India
  • China
  • Greece
  • Egypt


In general, it is not surprising that salvation will come from the north and it is not surprising that the Vikings had a dragon’s head on their drakkars and it is worth remembering here the God of the American Indians, the Dragon of Knowledge!

And it’s worth remembering who was in America before Columbus Azazzazazacetzalcoatl (Quetzalcoatl, Quetzalcoatl, ast. QuetzalcōĀtl — literally “quetzal snake” or “feathered snake”[1]; Spanish Quetzalcóatl; [ketsaɬˈko.aːtɬ]) is the name of a deity of ancient America, one of the main gods of the Aztec pantheon and pantheons of other civilizations of Central America, as well as the name of a historical figure.


And Velund alone, sitting in Ulvdalir, began to set stones in red gold, rings like snakes were skillfully woven by him;
I was waiting for everything – will the light one come back?
Will his wife return to him again?

(Rings in general can be correlated with vertebral discs in part as well as with some other ring-shaped objects, or with the prana energy of qi around the chakras, here we can recall Tolkien’s ring of omnipotence.


Nyarov Lord,
Nidud found out that Velund was the only one left in Ulvdalir.
The warriors rode in chain mail at night, under the waning moon their shields glittered.


They got off their saddles at the door of the dwelling, entered inside, and walked through the house.
They see that rings are suspended from the bast, – this warrior had seven hundred of them

700, in general 7 is the number of both Saturn or matter and the tail of the serpent Ketu servant of Mercury, the star of Vishnu or “David” Hexagon hexagram has 6 corners and 1 center it is believed that 7 planets can be placed well in it from the sun in the center (excluding earth) ) taking into account the earth there will be another star, a star The “magicians” of 7 or 8 corners are just in fact missing, perhaps one digit or the constituent earth + Neptune Uranus Pluto, but this is completely different.

However, the bottom line is that perhaps just the lack of one ring was a consequence of the following problems of Velund and his elevation, however, through the torments.


They began to take them off and thread them again, only one ring was hidden.
Velund came, a sharp-eyed shooter returned from hunting from distant places.


He wanted to roast bear meat;
the dry pine burned like brushwood, – the wind dried the firewood.


Sitting on the skin, the ruler of the Alva counted the rings, – there is no one – he thought: when he returned to the house, his daughter, a young Valkyrie, took him.


I sat for a long time, finally fell asleep.
I woke up and saw that trouble had happened:
my hands were tied with a strong rope my legs were tied with tight fetters.


Velund said,
“Whose warriors have appeared here?

Who’s holding me tight?
Did you tie it up with a piece of string?”


Nyarov Lord,
Nidud shouted:
“Where did you come from, Velund, the ruler of the Alps, in this land could you get our gold?”

The Inquisition came to Alikhmik for material gold, a typical situation.


Velund said:
“The edges of the luggage
You won’t find it here,-
The Rhine hills
It’s a long way away.
I remember: more
There were treasures
On the days when we are together
We lived, relatives:


Hladgood and Hervey,
Khledver’s daughter,
And Chiara’s daughter
The beautiful Elrun.”
. . . . . . . . . .


Entering the house,
She walked along the ward,
She became and said
in a quiet voice:
“Coming from the forest
He won’t become a friend.”
King Nidud gave his daughter Bedwild a gold ring, which he took from Velund’s bast rope, and he himself began to wear Velund’s sword. Then Nidud’s wife said:


“Will he see the sword,
Does Bedwild have a ring –
your teeth
He grins viciously;
He has eyes
they burn like dragon’s eyes; (Opaaaa Dragon’s Eyes, yes, it’s worth remembering Sigurd the Snake-Eyed here)
cut it off quickly
He’s got tendons,-
Let him sit
on Sevarsted Island!”

And so it was done:

they cut the tendons under his knees and left him on an island that was not far from the shore and was called Sevarsted.

There he forged all kinds of jewelry for the king.

No one dared to visit him except the king.

Velund said:


“On the Niduda belt
My sword is shining,
I sharpened it
as sharp as possible
and tempered
As tight as possible;
My sword is forever
They took it away from me,
He can’t be anymore
in the forge of Velund;

Here, by the way, you can see a non-Ego, i.e. enemies came and took away what belongs to the adept, which prompted his serpentine will through resentment and anger to work on himself.


That’s Bedwild’s
The ring is gold
my young wife…
How to take revenge on me!”


Having forgotten the dream,
He was hitting with a hammer –
A tricky thing
I was cooking Niduda.
Two sons
Where did you think of it
Take a look at the treasures
Sevarsted Islands.


They came up to the chest,
The keys were asked,-
Their treachery is here
It was lurking;
A lot of treasures
The boys saw it,-
red gold and jewelry.

Ahhh, red gold is literally Rubedo, i.e. the bastards did not know, but he did his job, and they fell asleep.


Velund said:
“Another time
Come together,-
Gold is
Get both!
Just keep quiet:
No servants, no maidens
Let them not know,
That you were here!”


Soon he called
Brother’s boy:
“Brother, let’s go
Let’s see the treasures!”
They came up to the chest,
The keys were asked,-
Their treachery is here
It was lurking.


Heads off
I cut them both off
in under the fur
Put their feet in;
Made of skulls
The bowls he made,
forged in silver,
I sent them to Nidud.


Clear eyes
yachts are bright
I sent it wisely
to the wife of Nidud;
The teeth of both
I took it for Bedwild too
chest buckles
made of them.


Bedwild came
with a damaged ring,
showed it:
“You’re the only one
who can help with this.”


Velund said:
“So, I will fix the crack in the gold that even father will be pleased;
your mother will like it more, and you will like it too.”


The cunning man brought her beer, took her, and the virgin fell asleep on the bench.
“Here I have avenged all the wrongs, except for one and the most severe.”


Velund said;
“Now I will fly on the wings that the warriors of Nidud took away!”
Velund, laughing, rose into the air;
Bedwild left the island sobbing:
she grieved for her darling,
she was afraid of her father.


His wise wife stands
at the house, entered the house,
and walked along the ward;
and he sat down on the fence to rest:
“Are you asleep, Nidud,
Nyarov’s lord?”


“No, I’m not sleeping,- grief torments me,
is it up to sleep now, –
I have lost my sons;
Your advice was disastrous!
I would like to say Velundu is the word.


Tell me, Velund,
ruler of the alps,
how did you destroy my young sons?”


Velund said:
“First swear to me with a strong oath, the side of the rook and the edge of the shield,
The horse ridge
And the steel of the sword,
What didn’t you ruin the Velunda couple,
That he wasn’t the murderer of my dear wife;
you know my other wife- she will give birth to a child in your house!


Go to the forge,
you built it yourself
you will find bloody skin from the heads there:
I cut off the heads of my sons completely and under the furs
I put my feet in them.


I made bowls out of skulls,
forged them in silver and sent them to Niduda;
Clear eyes of the yacht bright wise sent to the wife of Nidud;


I made breast buckles out of teeth and Bedwild sent them.
Bedwild has now become pregnant, your daughter, who was born by you.”


Nidud said:

“You couldn’t have said a more bitter word, if there hadn’t been another word that hurt more!

Who, mighty one, will overcome you!

Who can pierce you with an arrow when you are soaring high in the sky!”


Velund, laughing, rose into the air.

Nidud is the only one left in the mountain.


Nidud said:

“Takrad, get up, my best slave, Bedwild, call the fair-eyed maiden, let her come
and talk to her father.”


“Is it true, Bedwild, that they told me- were you and Velund on the island together?”


Bedwild said:

“The truth to you, Nidud, they said:

I was on the island with Velund, it would be better if I didn’t know this hour!

I couldn’t resist the force.

I couldn’t defend myself!”

Separately, we can note the lines Velund has experienced:

The mighty leader, in the snake pit.

The longing of exile, Woe to the outcast!

The servant was in the house of winter snow (Kali Yuga).

The long-suffering sitter Since Nidud hobbled my husband of the best husbands

tendon bonds.

How did that pass,

So, this is a blowjob.

Old English poetry Deor.

Enki (the Great Rebel) and Ningishzida (the Snake-like Punisher who planted the Tree of Knowledge) share an extremely close bond of loyalty.

Ningishzida, with snakes emanating from his shoulders, on a relief of Gudea, c. 2000 BCE 12.7 MB View full-size Download

Ningishzida (Sumerian: 𒀭𒊩𒌆𒄑𒍣𒁕 DNIN.G̃IŠ.ZID.DA, possible meaning “Lord [of the] Good Tree”) was a Mesopotamian deity of vegetation, the underworld and sometimes war. He was commonly associated with snakes. Like Dumuzi, he was believed to spend a part of the year in the land of the dead. He also shared many of his functions with his father Ninazu.  In myths he usually appears in an underworld setting, though in the myth of Adapa he is instead described as one of the doorkeepers of the sky god Anu.

The latter defended the former in battles in the form of a ferocious wolf in the anthem Ptah gave life to every member of the Ennead and the soul of everyone.

Horus appeared, and He appeared from thoughts in the heart of Ptah and words in the language of Ptah.

The thoughts of Ptah’s heart and the words of Ptah’s tongue guide all the thoughts and all the words of the Ennead.

Ra created with the help of material substances, while Ptah created with the help of intellectual function, this duo was known to the Greeks as Poseidon and Apollo, who worked closely together in many areas, such as the construction of the walls of Troy, and the former guarded the Delphic Oracle for the second, and in their journey they founded the Brotherhood of the Serpent.

RELIGION: ANCIENT TEXTS – Song of Volund/Velund/Welund/Wayland