This virtual copy of WiH is based on the Second Printing, issued in the fall of 1990 by Spiritual Revolution Press.

It was prepared from a digital scan of the original, which was photocopied on 8-1/2 by 11 sheets and spiral bound and is intended for free downloading by anyone who is interested in the ideas it contains.

War in Heaven introduces a completely new and revolutionary conception of the nature of spiritual reality.

The material in it was dictated to me by automatic writing, but WiH contains more explicit, detailed spiritual information than most modern channeled books and it is much more militant and controversial in tone.

Some readers of the pre-publication edition of War in Heaven were disturbed or frightened by it, and a few attacked the book as evil and satanic.

However, a larger number of readers hailed it as a major breakthrough in cosmological theory.

War in Heaven is not a typical New Age channeled book, and I am not a typical New Ager, though I helped to found that movement in the Sixties and Seventies.

I was raised as a traditional occultist, and my primary goal in life has always been to develop my skills as a psychic and magician.

However, I also possess past-life memories that have caused me to develop into a very different kind of occultist from my relatives who were:

  • Freemasons
  • Rosicrucians
  • Spiritualists

or Theosophists.

I have been aware since 1946, when I was four years old, that my soul was deliberately sent to this planet by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization to assist Earth people in dealing with a major crisis in their spiritual evolution.

For this reason, I’ve studied UFOs and related subjects as seriously as I’ve studied psychic and spiritual phenomena, and the relationship between the two has always been obvious to me.

The same applies to conspiracy theories – I have known all my life that unseen forces really do manipulate the course of human history, and my response has not been fear or anger, but rather a desire to help any of these agencies whose ethical and political goals seem similar to mine.

I’ve been a left-wing anarchist and a member of the counterculture since the late Fifties, and I’ve grown more politically and socially radical with age.

In the late Sixties, my spirit guides suggested that I call myself a Spiritual Revolutionary, and I’ve been doing so ever since.

However, I didn’t become fully conscious of what the term meant until 1983, when I made a breakthrough in personal awareness about spiritual reality.

In July of that year, after several years of intensive magical and intellectual preparation, I asked my spirit guides:

“Tell me the Great Secret, the theory that explains the true nature of gods and human beings and the relationship between them.”

The reply that I received by automatic writing didn’t surprise me, but I was absolutely astonished by it just the same.

The spirits seemed to be trying to dictate a completely new and revolutionary cosmology:

a view of spiritual reality with:

  • moral
  • social
  • political

implications that most people would consider literally unthinkable.

I eventually became able to record the messages in clear and explicit English.

It took me over five years, and thousands of hours of grueling labor, to receive all the spirit-dictated information for War in Heaven and write it into a book.

The review on the next page will give you an idea of what WiH is about and why I am advertising it as,

The most controversial channeled book of the century.”

Gerry Zeitlin’s excellent summary of the book:

Gerry Zeitlin: Notes for “War in Heaven” Book – Library of Rickandria

Kyle Griffith

August 29, 2006


War in Heaven – The Invisible College – 00 (

War in Heaven: The Invisible College – A Completely New & Revolutionary Conception of the Nature of Spiritual Reality – Library of Rickandria

War in Heaven: Forward (

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