This is one reason I strongly encourage people to perform the dedication ritual to Satan.
When we make a commitment to Satan, he protects us as we advance spiritually.
Many who go it alone with sorcery and advancing their souls meet with disaster.
This does not come from Satan but is from the enemy who uses fear and negative experiences to frighten and discourage people from attaining any real power.
Those who reach a certain level, stand out on the astral.
There are numerous Yahoo groups on the internet, those who are without, who discuss kundalini and other psychic empowerment phenomena and the negative experiences these people have are rampant.
I subscribed to several of these groups some time ago and read many messages concerning negative experiences with astral entities and anxiety attacks and unwanted spiritual intrusions where these people suffered attacks that they had no explanation for.
One woman permanently lost all of her hair after performing a spell.
As the illustration in the text used in the movie “The Nine Gates” warned:
“Venture too far and danger can descend on you from up above”
WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
this is true to reality.
Many so-called “spooks” are in reality extraterrestrials, including the:
- Cyclops
- fairies
- elves
- gnomes
and others.
Fairies, gnomes, and related are elemental beings that only have one or two elements that comprise their souls, where human beings have five:
- fire
- earth
- air
- water
and ether.
The Elements – Library of Rickandria
Single-element beings are also adept at astral projection and other feats, which explain much of the “hallucinations” experienced by those who open their minds up enough to “see” them.
Non-conformity is a major part of Satanism.
Those who conform are sheep and will never have the strength to think for themselves enough to see the truth and evolve to a higher level.
One cannot conform if one wishes to empower oneself.
One must completely know oneself in order to evolve and effectively practice magick and not follow the herd.
Every problem can be solved with the right kind of knowledge.
Knowledge also eliminates fear and is the key to power.
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