On the planet there are many races and life often-times is a very complex instrument that most people just want to simplify.
Our world is also lying and built upon the deception that “everyone is the same” and that “we are all humans” but the reality couldn’t be further from the Truth.
Ancient people knew that not everyone is from the same bunch, and they also strongly divided people and races and human tribes, and even families, into groups of different beings.
The Egyptians had many “enemy races” which were unspiritual, brutes and animals for all intents, and they waged wars on them to finish off the oppression from them.
There are many examples of this. In India today, there are hundreds of different tribes, but only the “finest” have evolved into the civilization “era”, from today.
Not everything that walks on two legs is human, and even worse, within of what we call “humanoids” we also have major ranges of development and wisdom.
Don’t look very far here into other planets, look in that one, or in your own family.
Everyone has at least a few super andrapods in their family that are only interested in food and going to the bathroom.
The above, while when it comes to Gentiles, is actually “theoretically” and “in potentio” something from the thing that the Gods seeded a long time ago, no longer “is” that.
That’s because of natural and entropic laws that regress evolution for species.
In other words, that’s a simple case of:
“If you don’t use it, you lose it.”.
As you disconnect the spiritual culture from an individual or a person, then you essentially devalue them into an andrapod, or as the Jews boast, you make them into a goy.
This “goy” eventually is a soulless animal that walks on two legs and not much else, consciousness wise.
Certain tribes on this earth, didn’t figure how to write a script, or to do math, or to do anything.
People of course today think that these are for granted, but these are not for granted.
Theater, tragedies, advanced philosophy, ethical norms, advanced farming, elaborate poetry about man and wife, all of these things are not for granted.
If one was an honest anthropologist, that takes in consideration the many tribes of the earth who didn’t even invent the bow, you will know for a fact that species who do the above are advanced and maybe even “alien”, which will seem as a more reasonable explanation, and is the factual truth compared to nonsense that everyone is human.
Additionally, while someone might invent something, and others can use it [like our computers], certain hominids and humanoid species have walked upon the earth that they likely couldn’t do any of this.
Our “progress” has been altered and affected in more than one way.
And for these effects to occur, a species has to have an active “mind”, which we also found hominids on the earth that didn’t have it.
These tribes do live still in isolation in the middle of nowhere, and while people went there with cameras, they didn’t have spears.
There were no “colonizers” that kept them back in anyway, as is another common lie.
In fact, the “Colonizers”, actually might drastically upgrade the chances of people they come in contact with to survive, instead of nothing being done, as eventually, a giant tsunami, a solar storm, or simply a disease, will sooner or later wipe out a tribe or a people.
Still, if people are left on a place on their own, without anything, chances are also high that they might end up dead, enslaved, or generally never form a very elaborate civilization, capable to organize itself and face the difficulties of existence, which are many.
Space faring civilization level is also NOT to be taken for granted, few planets make it to this, and this doesn’t have to do with external enemies, but life’s conditions in themselves.
We should be thankful the Gods have influenced us, no matter if certain ungrateful fools would also argue they “Colonized” us or whatever.
- civilization
- art
- farming
- spirituality
or the other “colonizer” things, the “native species” of the earth, which was a semi-monkey situation, would likely still be breaking rocks on each other’s head over a banana, and die at approximately 25 years old.
Certain races have been left without any attention from any colonizer or any external civilization, and we still find them for the last 100 years in the above situation or worse.
They didn’t have the input from other species to evolve, or they didn’t reach the level YET.
And the way to reach that level is filled with so many obstacles, that life forms tend to die way before this.
Many hominids from earth have died way before they reached any of that level, too.
It is a far reach going from not being able to make a bow, to becoming an initiate into the Mysteries of Egypt.
When the people themselves saw civilizations like Egypt in the past, they got a cultural shock, and they believed that the Egyptians were aliens.
Which technically, they “were”, as “we”, the “Civilized” people have not only been seeded here by the Gods, but we also have followed their path and teachings since millennia.
If you brought a pygmy today and put them on the side of Aristotle, the reality is, Aristotle is a God and nothing below that.
The history that we are told about “our species” is a collective lie, meant to sound simple, believable and approachable, and acceptable by the median level IQ people as being real.
That’s why every smarter person believes in aliens or “conspiracy theories” on this planet, while the stupid believes that somehow penicillin was invented by “accident” or that it was “easy” and not by an advanced perception in the mind of a practicing scientist that saw this in the middle of the invisible Aether, or what we call, “his thoughts“.
Or that Tesla was someone “kind of smart” when he invented the Turbine, and not really a literal alien god-like intelligence.
And that Tesla and the pygmies were actually the same species doing this and that they are all the same or something.
Which is absolutely untrue.
The system wants humanity, and especially the offspring of the Great Cultures [Gentiles] to be literally retarded.
This retardation ensures for easy control.
The “powers that be” know of our collective alien origins, and they also know that “certain ones” on this planet are “further ahead” than others, while inherently all Gentiles massively comprise something that resembles far more and alien than anything that “existed casually on earth”.
Native “inhabitants” of this earth or the totally uncivilized hominids, are essentially not much more besides animals.
They hardly invented the script, they procreate, eat, and then sit there on rocks not even having a language in many cases.
Among the “Three Core Races”, we also have certain peoples who were FAR MORE advanced than the median average, who were spiritual kings of their time, and maybe rose and fell accordingly.
At the point of height of wisdom in Ancient Greece, people who were spiritually “up there” were called “Hellenes”.
Although that was to begin with the title for the Greeks as “racial bunch”, it later started becoming a quasi-racial title, that involved those who were mysteries initiates, and the same happened with the Hindus calling people “Aryans”, an honorary title for being a super deity compared to the “chandala” or the “andrapod”.
Because of repeated lies that “race doesn’t exist”, confusion and conflation of everything into the same soup has occurred now, where the 50 IQ pygmy has been “equalized” to some astronomy and astrology hyper-genius that is as intelligent as a living AI.
Super advanced people sporadically have shown up in all the Gentile races, and these abilities are “Remnants” from the Gods, who seeded us and made us.
We are told, that “all of this is humanity” and that “everyone is equal”, but all of this is literally exactly what the earth, our history, and our species, is NOT about.
We were created as seeds in time with the abilities of the Gods to evolve and to build upon the divine patterns.
Some lose them, others lose them and regain them later, and others lose them for good.
The key to these is the sciences and civilization advancement, and spiritual advancement.
As a closing line, in more than one way, reality is stranger than fiction.
Every mother out there for example knows that she has a form of a telepathic bond with her kid, at least maybe sometimes, but we are all supposed to pretend this doesn’t even exist to appease the Jews, who tell you that this doesn’t exist and try to train like monks in order to tap into the “unseen powers“ they try to tell you don’t even exist.
All we are offering here is the truth and nothing more.
We try our earnest.
If people cannot accept this because of “What the status quo says” barriers on their behalf, they are fools.
This in itself proves all the points here of lack of an active mind and development, because if one literally believes that beings that don’t invent the spear while some random dude showing up somewhere suddenly invented spacecraft or rocketry, something has to be really off in one’s mind to buy these fairy tales for grownups.
As a conclusive note, the advanced “Ancient Knowledge” is knowledge that is otherworldly.
It was not conceived by people that couldn’t get the spear, and it’s not primitive.
Its beliefs, practices and origins are built upon the most advanced physics, that our whole planet brainstorming for centuries, only now starts to touch upon.
We owe this to “Those who from the heavens to the Earth came”, but we also owe it to ourselves, because evidently, they also… seeded us.
Races that Aren’t from the Enemy or from the Gods (basecamp.com)
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