For whatever reason and of course due to Jews, who constantly misinform and slander the Gods, lies are written about them all the time.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
The Gods are not only hated because they are our ET progenitors, but because their faith and worship actually consisted of high spiritual art, creativity, and power on the civilizations of Gentiles.
Gentiles/Pagans/Goyim – Library of Rickandria
This was both for evolutionary purposes and for purposes of day-to-day life, all the way upwards to ascent and doing the Magnum Opus.
Jews have attacked the Gods, both on the basis of being commanded to do such from their inferior ET conglomerate [in a Kamikaze mission they are going to lose entirely], but also, because of the symbolism and the evolutionary importance the faiths of the Gentiles had in empowering us.
Gentile/Pagan/Goyim Programs – Library of Rickandria
Attacking our creation implied to stop its progress.
These tenets of “Paganism” were anything but “primitive”, especially if observed through advanced metaphysics and other branches of physics such as Quantum Physics.
Quantum – Library of Rickandria
People applied these everyday like bread and butter, but after we entered the Middle Ages, the knowledge of these everyday laws was shrunk to the point we had to re-invent the Calculus in Europe, in a series of unfortunate events after which we were again able to march towards our destiny again.
Most of the Pagan Cultures had elaborate functions which were spiritual and transcendental, and these represent the highest faculties of man creatively and:
- spiritually
- ethically
- morally
and yes, scientifically also.
Application of magic for example, falls largely under both natural and “Newtonian” principles [materially], but also principles such as Quantum Mechanics [spiritually].
Of course, branding these that way is not necessary, but since these are relative terms which we understand today, there is a bridge built to everyone’s intellectual advantage.
Everything this world has, does owe it directly to the Gods, from the first plow that we created to master the soil, to the Internet which was seeded in our mind.
Enki – Library of Rickandria
The basic foundations that turned us from irrelevant beings to civilized creatures also are techniques and knowledge shared by the Gods.
We built up on these and our destiny is to progressively build ourselves up until we become our own sources of guidance and our Gods, eventually, joining them.
The Gods from a natural standpoint do represent the forces of the earth, gave advice for human advancement and affairs, represented all important and eternal mythology of the cosmos, and also served to guide humanity directly, face to face, through the Priesthood and the people who followed them.
It was also known that they would frequently [and less frequently after the war with other ET’s broke out] visit the Earth face to face, either to instate and create new levels of human civilization, or to help humanity through natural disasters and other threatening affairs that we had little or no control over.
The highest goal of this in every civilization was to allow people to experience life, develop, and eventually achieve the Magnum Opus, and become immortalized.
This is the reason the enemy wages war, even scribed into the bible.
The Truth About the Bible – Library of Rickandria
The eventuality that at some point we would advance considerably on a civilization scale to become immortal, created terror to the enemy alien conglomerate.
Therefore, they attacked us.
The above to the side, the trinity of:
- Anu
- Enki
- Enlil
has been, like everything from Sumeria, slandered and defamed to no end.
Sumer & the Anunnaki (basecamp.com)
Anu has been defamed, yet “Anu” does not really consist of an actual “personal being” such as Satan, or how he was called in Sumeria, Enki.
Anu is merely the principle of the Ether, and more specifically, the active principle in nature that keeps the universe going, the principle of movement of the cosmos.
- Enki
- Enlil
- Anu
they do of course form the “Ruling Trinity” from which the Trinity is stolen.
Stolen from the Gentiles/Pagans/Goyim – Library of Rickandria
The so called “Trinity” is tied together by a bond of perfect unity.
Understanding the full meaning of the forces of the “Trinity” makes one a superior and enlightened being, as such, the symbol of the Freemasonic eye of the Pyramid.
Masons & Knights Templar (basecamp.com)
Freemasons no longer represent the Ancient Luciferian teachings, and they are basically overtaken by the physical race of reptilian offspring for now, but this does not invalidate that the meanings of the stolen symbols remain of utility.
In regard to Anu, his “Consort” is Ki, the “Mother of all Gods”.
An and Ki represent respectively the male and female principles of existence [also spelled as En-Ki, which is hidden in plain sight in Enki’s name, but Enki is the materialized form], and in the East, “Qi” or “Ki” still symbolizes the vital energy, and “An” appears in basically every civilization under different forms, with the vowels changing before the N, such as ON [On-tology for example, from the Greeks] or “En”, the other Greek term which devotes to the “EN” or the “Singular principle” or the unity of the cosmic Aether.
In all Pagan Pantheons, this was considered and frequently called both the “Heavenly mother” and the “Heavenly father”.
Enki in Sumeria is essentially the same overlapping symbol of the Serpent energy, “En-Ki”, manifested in the form of a being, and respectively, existing as a symbol for humans to follow to become the same.
Enki is incorporated En and Ki and does represent “An in the Flesh” or “Anu” in the materialized form.
Satan was frequently called in every ancient civilization as the representation of the Universe, or “He who sits on the Throne”.
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria
These are all terms to denote the extremely and beyond comprehension high spiritual rank that this being does possess.
The same interpolation was later put on and desecrated in Hebrew stories, which consist of nothing but slander and propaganda.
In their fake reptilian stories, which are made to dissuade humanity from advancing, and confuse us, “The Serpent” is “At war with heaven” and at “war with the divine father”.
This schism of perception was made by Jews for political reasons and also because they were hateful and knew exactly what kind of mental virus they were concocting.
The “Serpent” is not “Against God”, but rather, “Is God”, and “Leads to God”, exactly as Enki is the representation of Anu in the material realm.
Ever more gross have Jews become when they started trying to ponder into the ET history of the Gods, and here is where they concocted the stupidest and vilest propaganda.
This was not only extremely stupid, but also very underhanded.
For example, they created all sorts of stories at how “Enlil was in battle with Enki” or how both were “Trying to overthrow Anu”.
These gross misinterpretations are literally so retarded that I will just skip them by saying these are inferior reptilian stories to divert attention from the real meanings of these.
The Gods were never in any sort of “Battle” among themselves.
With the hostile Greys and Reptilians, certainly.
But these exist nowhere in our pure Pagan religions, which were created in honesty, nature and Truthfulness.
In regard to the actual character of Enlil or Beelzebul, who is Satan’s Brother and second in command, it is written in Sumer that he was the most gracious Father of all the Gods, a watcher of humanity, who has watched over us with great love and care over millennia.
The Sumerians said that he was so powerful that even other Gods could not look him straight in the face, which is a metaphor of being extremely immersed in spiritual light, and supernal authority.
The allegory of “Enlil Drowning the Humans” has to do with the fact that Enlil rules the higher part of the Soul.
The higher part of the Soul, which Enlil represents [“The opener of the heavens, the bringer of the rain”] has to do with the dew of the Pineal Gland.
When this happens to be activated, the bliss flows downwards and “submerges” the body, from the “Heaven” [Crown] to the “Earth”.
All the lower chakras, which was based on the level of consciousness of the lower world, do become submerged, and therefore, the “Sinful humans die in the flood”.
This deals with the destruction of the:
- corrupted
- misaligned
- negative
This is How Humans Are Energy Conductors for the Anunnaki (basecamp.com)
When the “Flood of Enlil” happened, “Enki”, or the Serpent, is responsible for carrying out the “Good elements of humanity” and “Saving them” by allowing them to ride on the water.
This is metaphorical as the purified Serpent energy is not “submerged” by the flood of Enlil, but rather, raises itself during its rising, carrying with it purified energy.
The two above forces work together.
Enki was well known in Sumeria to be a teacher to humanity and is therefore called the “God of the Humans” and the “Lord of the Earth”, both in the literal but also in the metaphorical case.
Enki was also the “Lord of Civilization”, which later on the enemy, since they knew, they called Satan, “The Lord of This World”, which He indeed, is, has been, and will forever be.
Make no mistake the Jews of old which concocted the great lies, knew at least approximately what these things were about, and how these were spiritual allegories.
As such they wrote lies of the lowest caliber, and unfortunately, retarded and non-spiritual practitioners, followed these out of bleeding ignorance.
Later on, when with the advent of the Internet, the knowledge of Ancient Civilizations [much of it discovered only in the last 200 years] and our advancement in meditation, moving towards “Re-Paganization” and so forth, the Jews were left with only one choice: to create the grossest and the stupidest lies to deceive people with, which involved copious lies and purposeful misinterpretation of mythology by Jews like Zecharia Sitchin.
These of course were done in the regular defamatory fashion, that dissuaded people from meditation, spiritual advancement, seeking the Gods, or seeing them as the glorious beings that they were.
Sitchin made his darndest to represent the Gods as “everything but human” and make them appear measly and irrelevant.
We were not made to slave as miners for “Gold” [the Gods have technology and machines to do all of that], nor did Satan fight with his own father, nor did Enlil and Enki have a “brotherly fight because Enlil was evil and wanted to slay humanity”, nor any of the other deceitful and underhanded Jewish claims matter, and these are only attempts to make our History to look stupid and anything less than the supreme and Divine history it is.
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