Samael is a Hebrew corruption of the name and divine image of Satan, originating within Jewish Mysticism.
The Jews admit that Satan is a title, it’s an epithet, even in their own language, that simply means “Enemy” of the Jewish people, their “Accuser”.
The REAL NAME they ascribe to the deity behind this title, whoever that is, is the angelic name “Samael”, which is thoroughly created by Jews as part of their occult lore.
Under this they also accept who or what they name “Samael”; he is father of the White people and seeks destruction of the Jewish race by subverting them in any way necessary, while also ascribing to this deity the survival and sustenance of White people, as a detestable thing.
Samael is the Jewish name for Satan & it’s blasphemous to the core.
Satan is not called “Samael”, as this is disrespectful to the deity.
Satan comes from Satyan, which is Sanskrit.
And predates Judaism by thousands of years.
Satanism: Far East Origins – Library of Rickandria
Meaning Truth and bringing from the root of Sat all the noblest words there are.
What this means to the Jews is irrelevant – the name is Sanskrit.
If the Jews turned this to an ugly epithet, it is of no importance of what this name existentially does mean.
Satan was not created by Jews either as a name, it’s Sanskrit in essence.
It was just put there for reversing meaning and demonization of what was once the greatest of all spiritual aspirations.
Samael was created by Rabbis and is part of the Midrashic texts, which is their own creation entirely.
Samael means the opposite of Satan.
Satan relates to Satyan which deals with Cosmic Consciousness, but Samael means “Blind One” from Gnostic sources as well.
Lucifer or Satan, the bringer of light, is called blind, what does that tell us about this name.
Also, Lucifer is nothing negative of a title either, it’s the bringer of the light, which is the antipode of darkness.
And the key to Satya, or Truth.
Lucifer is just a Greek and Roman title and is not disrespectful either.
The Jews don’t use Satan’s name anywhere either, as they consider it poisonous and toxic.
They use Samael, they also use “SAMEL” and other names, and other epithets or names about this particular deity.
In Gnosticism even Samael is a cursed name and deals with blindness.
When Rabbis have a conversation about “The Satan” (Ha-Satan, “The adversary”) they call him Samael.
They avoid Satan and mention it scarcely as they are scared and terrified of this name.
In Jewish lore it’s considered that saying names like Satan or Lilith brings curses on the Jews.
However, with Samael they are just fine, because they made this name as a slang to call Satan, “The Blind One”.
There is the story of a Rabbi in the 15th century, Rabbi Reina who attempted to curse “Satan” and he was first enslaved and then destroyed fully by Satan as a result, both him and others in his company which were the top Rabbis of the time.
The Jews know well of many stories of Rabbis exterminated because of Satan, there are such stories even in the present day, and they warn people to not get “In the realm of the Samel”, because they avoid Satan even verbally and only mention “Ha-Satan” which has the blotting out sound of Ha in the front.

The Jewish ‘agent’ the Jews summon and try to bind as part of their thought matrix, they call Samael.
This is because Samel or Samael is their mental creation in the Midrashic texts, sort of like a way the Jews tried to explain their enemy whilst renaming him and avoiding him.
This is truly a Jewish renaming of the deity.
Satan is not.
They do not mess around, let alone try to do such things to Satan, as they know this is not something they themselves came up with.
When they attempt them, they get ruined.
What was the result of the attempt to create a negative and clown-infested Jewish “Church of Satan“…
The destruction of Judea a couple of years later, as vengeance from the Gods…
You meddle with Satan you get burned, that’s a well-known rule with all of the Jews.
Anthroposophy which was made by the Rudolf Steiner, with whom Hitler had a severe hatred for playing the Wanna-Be occultist in the midst of Germany… Praises the following Jewish egregores:
- Anael
- Gabriel
- Michael
- Oriphiel
- Raphael
- Samael
and Zerachiel.
He simply praises the Jewish egregores.
What Hitler writes in 1921 about Steiner:
“It is possible that Simons can actually value it better; the man appears to have exactly valued the capacity for work of the German people.
In the course of the London affair there now rises to the surface, by degree, such mysterious accompanying circumstances that it is not only appropriate but also quite necessary to inspect somewhat closer this Mr. Minister — the intimate friend of the Gnostic, Anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner himself the adherent of the Threefold Social Order which is one of the many completely Jewish methods of destroying the peoples’ normal state of mind – to see whether his mindless face, mindless according to the opinion of Lloyd George, is really only the result of the lack of spirit or whether it is the larva behind which something else is concealed…”
Hitler Attacks Rudolf Steiner (defendingsteiner.com)
What is the simple fact here…
Just destroying Jewish spirituality all around.
Which is why Hitler also destroyed the Freemasons, the Illuminati and all the orders who praised the Jewish egregores and read the Torah, while conspiring with the entities behind the “Angelic Host” to destroy Germany.
Why Hitler Destroyed Freemasonry – Library of Rickandria
Because Hitler was with the opposing side of ET’s who wanted Germany to live.
Pagan Programs Before the Jewish Infiltration – Library of Rickandria
This is one of the reasons Hitler is also called “The Satan”, as he is an enemy of the Jews.
The Truth About the Third Reich & Adolf Hitler – Library of Rickandria
The Christards of Zion literally call Hitler “The Anti-Christ”.
The Bible and the Jews identify Satan / Lucifer with the Roman Empire, the Antichrist being the Beast.
The Jews specifically identify “Samael” as the “Prince” & “Guardian Angel” of Rome, the Book of Revelation calls the Cult of Zeus “Where Satan resides” and says “The Red Dragon gave power to the Beast”, the Beast being the Roman Emperor.
Subsequent authors have drawn on that and have connected Lucifer with the Imperial Spirit; in Milton’s Paradise Lost, Satan accuses the Monarchial God the Father and Jesus Christ as a Tyrant and embodies a personality not dissimilar to Caesar in his outcry against the corruption of the institutions, marching on God in order to enthrone himself as Emperor.
The idea of Satan embodying Caesarist / Imperial principles is something well known in Theistic Satanism, even normie Scooby Doo bands like Ghost, draw on it with songs like “Year Zero”
and “Kaiserion”
it also pops up in secular media which draws upon Satanic mythology, including the Sith in Star Wars and Sauron in Lord of the Rings.
Hitler was thoroughly Satanic in spirit, a pagan Germanic revival against the Jewish power structure, almost a manifestation of Lucifer revolting against the Jewish God.
This is obvious as to why.
In closing…
To say “Satan” is some Jewish thing is simply uneducated, retarded, and insisting on a blind meme.
“Blind Like Samael”
is what these people are…
Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rickandria
More links:
Unveiling the Truth: Is Samael in the Christian Bible? – Christian Educators Academy
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