Knowing the Jews from their own Writings & Quotes: Deep Dive Version – Library of Rickandria
The Reptilian Origins of the Jews – Library of Rickandria
“Jewish” Holidays – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish Origins of Christianity – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish Hoax of Christianity – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish Run Media – Library of Rickandria
Jewish Control of the U.S. Government – Library of Rickandria
How Much Israel Costs the American Taxpayers Alone – Library of Rickandria
The Kosher Food Tax – Library of Rickandria
How Jews Take Control of Opposing Sides to Advance their Communist Agenda – Library of Rickandria
Relentless Problems with the Jews Go Back for Thousands of Years – Library of Rickandria
Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rickandria
History of the Jews in the Bohemian Lands – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
How Jewish Is Jewish History? – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Jews, Wars, and Communism. Vol. 1: The Attitude of American Jews in World War I, the Russian Revolutions of 1917, and Communism (1914-1945) by Zosa Szajkowski;Jews, Wars, and Communism. Vol. 2: The Impact of the 1919-20 Red Scare on American Jewish Life by Ders.;Jews, Wars, and Communism. Vol. 3: Kolchak, Jews and the American Intervention in Northern Russia and Siberia, 1918-20by Ders.;Jews, Wars, and Communism. Vol. 4: The Mirage of American Jewish Aid in Soviet Russia 1917-1939 by Ders – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
The Jews, and the Jews in England – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
The Origin of the Jews: The Quest for Roots in a Rootless Age – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
The Curious History of the Six-Pointed Star
The six-pointed star known as the Magen David or Shield of David, which is now emblazoned on the flag of…
The six-pointed Shield of David, now inscribed on the flag of Israel, is universally accepted as the Jewish symbol par excellence; and it is commonly assumed that the Magen David’s special significance reaches back to remote antiquity, and enshrines some deep, traditionally hallowed, religious or historical meaning. Gershom Scholem, one of the great Jewish scholars of our time, here traces the obscure story of the Magen David through its long and curious career and reveals that the true story of the symbol is quite different from that asserted by most accepted “authorities.”
THE SIX-POINTED STAR KNOWN AS THE MAGEN DAVID OR SHIELD OF DAVID, which is now emblazoned on the flag of the State of Israel, is from every point of view a cause for astonishment. Where did the symbol originate, and what is its true meaning? In the scholarly literature, as well as the popular, truth and fantasy are mingled. Writers on the subject confuse the authentic tradition of the symbol, which they do not understand very well, with their own speculations, some of which are very far-fetched indeed: in sum, each man interprets the Magen David as he pleases.
Stolen from the Gentiles/Pagans/Goyim – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish War of Survival
I STOOD, AS MR. RICHARD STOKES, M. P., STOOD, FOR A NEGOTIATED PEACE, but, possibly, on vastly different grounds. Mr. Stokes was not interned, because he will not face the Jewish Menace. Since the beginning of the War, I did what little I could in favor of a negotiated peace, no matter which side was for the moment on top. I believe that the War was, from the National standpoint, a disaster — wrong and unnecessary.
For holding similar views on other wars contemporary to them, such well-known men as: Pitt, Fox, Bright, Lloyd George, Ramsay MacDonald and the present Home Secretary Herbert Morrison were not interned. There is of course a difference in my case, as I am attacking the Jews and they were not, and the Jew holds supreme power.
I have attacked the Jews before and won a great moral victory over them. The Jews had me imprisoned for six months in 1936 for what was said to be a “public mischief” in that I mentioned in my paper, “The Fascist,” the subject of Jewish Ritual Murder. Evidently judging me by their own standards, they thought to frighten me into silence. When I came out of prison I published a book on the subject, and they honored me by maintaining a silence so intense that it could almost be heard! They were afraid to advertise it by taking another action against me. I defied them successfully and the book has since been distributed all over the world. I hope therefore to do it successfully again.
This War was Jewish and has never had any other object than the salvation of the Jews from Hitler. The first nine chapters of this book disprove the “causes” given from time to time by politicians and others for our being in a War which even the ignorant mob had sensed and labelled “phony.”
The Tenth Chapter deals with a half-truth prevalent amongst the better-informed. The rest of the book completes my case that the War was Jewish, and that Britain was forced into it for Jewish purposes. The world has only seen one more stupendous bluff than this war, and that was Jewish too.
Guildford, Surrey ARNOLD LEESE – 5th May 1945
Could the Modern Jews Be Israel?
ALTHOUGH THE BIBLE IS THE MAIN SOURCE OF INFORMATION IN THIS PAPER, there are quotations given in support from various Jewish Encyclopedia as well as from the Roman historian Josephus. Modern Jewry should find no offence at direct quotations from their own written encyclopedia.
Modern Jewry is able to talk about being the singular ancient people chosen by God, about being Edom and also about being multi-racial at the same time. Christians and non-Christians have been misled into thinking that the word “Jews” refers to a singular race of people being God’s chosen people, but in fact, this is not so.
The “Jews” returning to the State of Israel today are multi-racial and we could hardly admit that a Chinese Jew and a Negro Jew are of the same race, in the historic meaning of the word ‘race’.
Jews Have Cursed the Black Race – Library of Rickandria
False Identity – Hoskins Report – 257
A FEW MONTHS AGO, I RECEIVED AN ADVERTISEMENT FROM THE NEW COUNTRY OF ISRAEL about a “Revolutionary New Discovery.” The discovery was that the people of northern Europe were descended from the ancient Israelites. I sent for the book and received The Tribes, The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples. [1]
This book was one more Jewish-authored book revealing “the amazing discovery that Saxons [2] are Israel.”
It contained most of the same proofs that Bible students have long known.
It came with maps of the migrations of the tribes of the early Israelite-Saxons, their final places of settlement, and the counties in which they settled – Naphtali to Norway; Asher and Gad to Britain, Scandinavia and Germany; Dan to Denmark, etc.
Ben Israel’s Argument
The Jews have always known the truth about Saxon-Israel and have used the information, or not used it, as circumstances demanded.
The entry of the Jews into Britain was a time when they needed to use it.
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