The climax of the Cosmic Conspiracy
Millions of faithful await the uplifting ascension of mankind into the clouds.
Learn the truth about what will really meet them there and why.
As we approach the millennium, tensions mount in preparation for a great CHANGE.
New Agers await the coming ascension of mankind, when the benevolent alien watchers will trigger man’s shift into the next dimension of ONENESS in the “Photon Belt.”
Believers in the Bible lock their doors and look to the skies in anticipation of the great rapture, when they will be changed and beamed up to the clouds to be with Jesus.
The common theme here is:
“Man’s time on earth as an unpredictable individual is about to come to an abrupt end.”
The orchestrators who are behind this effort to alter man’s destiny have been preparing us for their direct intervention in our affairs for hundreds of years.
The Ascension
There have been hundreds of accounts of people who claim to have received communiques from aliens (channelers) that speak of the coming ascension of man.
Those who fall for this propaganda are taught that if man becomes selfless and loses his personal ambition, bowing to the authority of the Cosmic Consciousness, he will be transformed into a higher plane of existence.
Living in the light of love and service to the ONE, man will transcend beyond this physical world and become a spiritually evolved being.
Many of these channeled messages speak of a “rescue” ship which will descend into orbit to beam up those who are selfless and ready to enter into service with the extraterrestrial “custodians” of our planet.
The channelers say that those who are willing will have their spirit energy transported into the awaiting storage pods on the escape vessels.
The Rapture
Christians have been taught that, at the end-times, the believers who are left alive at the time of Jesus’ second coming will be lifted up “in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
Modern Christians argue with each other over when this rapture will take place, but most believe that they can expect to ascend up into the clouds just like Jesus did at his resurrection.
The Bible also speaks of the destiny of those who are taken up into the clouds and how they will become pillars in the temple of the New Jerusalem.
Jesus of Borg – Library of Rickandria
The Deception
As we have briefly covered in The Immaculate Deception, and The Tower of Babel, humanity has been the victim of a vast conspiracy to prevent our advancement.
Alien races have exploited our resources and our ancestors for thousands of years, keeping us constantly at odds with each other through:
- religion
- nationalism
- race
- culture
and sex.
We are nothing more than cattle to these aliens and anytime we have tried to evolve, technologically or individually, we have been hindered by their efforts to keep us enslaved.
Ironically, Christians freely admit that any attempts by man to improve himself are against the will of God.
In the Garden of Eden, it was God’s will that man remain ignorant and unable to “know” good from evil.
Taken literally, this equates to God’s desire being for man to remain like a robot, since the knowledge of good and evil is merely the ability to discern alternative choices and choose the best option by comparing the possible consequences of one’s actions to a standard of value.
Christians believe that a serpent tempted the ignorant Eve by lying to her.
It’s funny that nothing the serpent said can be shown to be a lie and in fact it was the Elohim who attempted to deceive man by keeping him ignorant.
The Elohim admitted the reason for wanting to keep man ignorant when they said:
“Behold the man has become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever: Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden…” — Genesis 3:22-23
The Elohim (Gods) were afraid that man would become a threat to their status quo!
This is further made evident from their response to man’s attempts to better himself at the Tower of Babel.
We saw what happened when the rebel Elohim attempted to help mankind by taking human women as their wives and mating with them; (Genesis 6:2) the Elohim tried to drown all of the genetically advanced human offspring in the Flood.
After the days of Noah, man had made a city and built a launch tower for an air/spacecraft like they had seen the Elohim use.
The all-knowing “God” of the Bible then had to come down to Earth:
“…to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” — Genesis 11:5-7
Once again, God feels threatened by man’s advancement and he disrupts human societal evolution to keep us enslaved.
Repeatedly throughout the Bible we can see what happens to man anytime he tries to better himself.
Unbeknownst to most people, the “sins” which men were committing in Sodom and Gomorrah were not homosexuality but GENETIC EXPERIMENTATION!
A group of rebel human/alien hybrids had once again established a base on Earth and had set up a genetic laboratory to help mankind break free of the genetic bonds of aging which the Elohim had programmed into our DNA.
When the agents of the Elohim came down to see if the rumors of this lab were true, some of the men of Sodom went to take them into custody so that they could extract their DNA for the experiments which the rebels were performing.
This is why they turned down Lot’s offer of his two virgin daughters.
They wanted Elohim DNA, not human DNA.
After the mob attacked the house where Lot and the Elohim’s agents were staying, the agents blinded the members of the mob with an instrument similar to that seen on the movie MIB’s (Genesis 19:11).
After that they called in an aerial strike to totally demolish all evidence of the genetic laboratory (Genesis 19:24-25).
It’s obvious that the only time “God” responds in such a totally destructive manner is when his position of control is threatened.
Now as we enter the technological era and the new age of humanity, the “Gods” are once again preparing to tighten the reins on mankind and put us back in our proper place…kneeling and serving…praising and glorifying…mooing and bleating like the livestock we have always been to them.
Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
The “Beast”
Realizing that man would eventually grow beyond the shackles that the Gods have forged for us, the alien masters have channeled visions of an impending apocalypse in the minds of many humans.
The book of Revelations in the Bible is a popular example of this imagery.
In this channeled vision, the author describes a world leader who will rise to power and bring mankind under a single world government.
This leader is given scary titles such as “The Antichrist” or “The Beast” to keep people afraid and to prevent them from using reason to judge the value of this leader’s actions.
The Antichrist – Library of Rickandria
Once again, we see our alien masters using that age-old tool:
FEAR, to cause people to react irrationally.
Those who are slaves to this programmed fear will be more than ready to “jump ship” when the saviors of man arrive in their “clouds of glory.”
The Slaughterhouse of the Human Spirit
The common promise which the rapture predictors give is eternal:
- peace
- harmony
- servitude
Nowhere in their promises is there room for:
- human ambition
- individual rights
- personal accomplishment
or self-interest.
Religion teaches us that pride, ambition and desire are sins because they motivate man to rise out of the mire and to accomplish great things.
When men are able to accomplish great things, they become self-dependent and self-dependent beings don’t make good slaves.
It is for this reason that man will not be allowed to continue to evolve unhindered.
Only those who display a:
- crushed
- humble
- contrite
and subservient spirit will be allowed to inherit “eternal life.”
What purpose would God have for surrounding himself with these types of beings?
Why is God so afraid of competition?
It’s obvious that what we are dealing with here is NOT any God, but just another form of life which is seeking to use our species to feed its own ego.
Independence Day
When the alien mother ship arrives with its crew of reptilian invaders, the earth will be defended by a valiant group of warriors, banded with our mutant forefathers and their technology we will rewrite the ending of the Book of Revelation.
When the alien holographic projection of angels and Jesus descending through the clouds blinds the minds of millions, those who truly represent mankind will not bow down and surrender.
We shall stand united against the alien foe, fiercely fighting the oppression of the Masters and boldly judging the injustices of God and his minions against the only objective standard of human morality:
- life
- liberty
- pursuit of happiness
“Let us not go gently to that endless winter night.”
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