by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Founder, Webmaster, & Editor, In5D.com on November 14, 2014
Did you ever wonder why a sports team would have the name of “Giants” or “Angels”?
The late Dolores Cannon once said that the extraterrestrials are fascinated by sports because of the emotion we elicit when both playing and watching them.

[Dolores Eilene Cannon (April 15, 1931 – October 18, 2014) was an American author, self-trained hypnotherapist, and publisher. She was a leader of the New Age movement and a promoter of fringe theories relating to aliens and alternative realities.]
New Age Movement – Library of Rickandria
We mistakenly assume that all forms of life share similar sets of emotions, but this is not true.
Imagine looking at sports from an extraterrestrial perspective?
If you’re at a stadium and the home team scores, most of the crowd will scream with jubilation while a smaller part of the visiting crowd will moan in discontent… all over a game.
I find it interesting that an American football game (Dallas vs. Jacksonville) was played in England on Remembrance Sunday, which is the English version of Veteran’s Day.
The intriguing part is how ALL sports boil down to the divide and conquer principle, which is basically,
“My tribe versus your tribe.”
…. or my country versus your country.
To celebrate and/or remember the veterans of war through a game that promotes the divide and conquer principle is something that is not perceived by many people.
We even see the “Cowboys vs. Indians” theme in American football when the Dallas Cowboys play the Washington Redskins or Kansas City Chiefs.
It makes me wonder if sports are being played on other inhabited planets and if so, are any similar to ours?
Another interesting facet about sports are the team names.
In baseball, there are the San Francisco “Giants” and the Tokyo “Giants” while in American football, there are the New York “Giants”.
Myths & Legends of the Giants – Library of Rickandria
You’ll even find mythical creatures of lore such as the:
- Westminster Griffins
- Oneonta State Red Dragons
- Hutchinson Blue Dragons
in collegiate sports.
Spiritual names such as the:
and Elon State Fighting Christians.
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
Esoteric names such as the:
and cosmic names such as the:
and the Houston Rockets.

In professional wrestling, Andre the Giant’s hand size was measured at 16 inches (40.6 centimeters) and wore a shoe size of 24.

Dolores Cannon also stated that the ET’s are amused by television, more specifically, how the actors elicit emotions while pretending to be someone they’re not.
Dolores Cannon Comments About the New Earth – Library of Rickandria
We take our emotions for granted because this is the only way we know of how to express ourselves, but from an extraterrestrial perspective, this is also what makes us unique.
In the movie, “Lucy,” Morgan Freeman’s character (Professor Norman) asks the question,
“What if there was a way of accessing 100% of our brains?
What would we be capable of?”
The Lucy character, played by Scarlett Johansson stated,
“I don’t feel pain, fear, desire.
It’s like all things that make us human are fading away.
It’s like the less human I feel, all this knowledge about everything, quantum physics, applied mathematics, the infinite capacity of the cell’s nucleus, they’re all exploding inside my brain.
All this knowledge.
I don’t know what to do with it.”
Lucy also stated,
“It’s funny, I used to be so concerned with who I was and what I wanted to be, and now that I have access to the furthest reaches of my brain, I see things clearly and realize that what makes us “us” — it’s primitive.
They’re all obstacles.
Does that make any sense?
Like this pain you’re experiencing.
It’s blocking you from understanding.
All you know now is pain.
That’s all you know, pain.”
We also know love, which Lucy basically said was a distracting emotion.
The capacity to love is one of the things that makes us “human” and is probably the most fascinating aspect of our civilization when viewed by extraterrestrials.
While the motion of “love” may seem primitive to advanced alien cultures, it may also be the emotion lacking from one particular dying race, the Greys.
The Greys: Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth – Library of Rickandria
According to some reports, the Greys are abducting people from our planet in order to harvest sperm and eggs in an effort to keep their civilization alive.
The Human Harvest – Library of Rickandria
The divide and conquer principle is specifically designed to keep us living in fear, yet many of us are oblivious as to how easily we are being programmed through sports and the mainstream media, who continuously push the fear agenda while emphasizing competitiveness from every angle.
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