The original religion of earth is called the Sanātana Dharma.
Kumara means Lord, Sanat means Eternal.
Sanat Kumara means Eternal Lord, The Eternal God.
Sanat is also spelled as Satan by His ancient Followers as well.
Satan Kumara.
The Eternal God.
The Eternal, highest God is also called:
- Sata
- Satam
- Satan
in Hinduism, & His mantra is Satanama the highest mantra of serpent power yoga.
The False Teachings of Modern Yoga – Library of Rickandria
Satan or Sanat is the same title & meaning.
In the most ancient texts of Hinduism in Tamil Nadu they state the primordial age or golden age the Sat Yuga, civilization was called Kumari Kandam & was ruled by Sanat Kumara, who came to this world with the other Gods from another star system.
This civilization extended to a land mass now underwater.
With some of it remaining above water such as Tamil Nadu.
The Peoples of the Far East from Thailand to the ancient America’s all have the same record of a golden age civilization that once extended across a large continent now much of it under the Indian & Pacific Ocean.
- Greeks
- Druids
- Egyptians
& Romans stated in their ancient records they came from the east from the same area.
The Romans had a ritual of mourning called Lemuria where they threw effigies of their ancestors into the Tiber River to remember when this land was lost.
The name of this land was also called MU.
The ancient Mayan’s had the record of coming from this early region as well.
And the Peoples of the America’s record these White Gods teaching them spiritual knowledge & cultural knowledge from how to grow food to build homes & medicines, astrology & other knowledge.
There are African tribes they state they received the same from the same Beings such as the Dogon.
This explains the megalithic ruins found across the east from off the coast of India all the way to Nan Madol to the ruins off the Japanese coast.
To the Andes in the America’s.
All are shown to come from the same core civilization.
Described by the natives as having been built by a tall White Race with light hair & European features, who were ascended.
The ancient Tibetan & Far Eastern texts state the hub of this ancient civilization was in the region of the current Gobi Desert region.
In which there have been numerous findings.
From the White Mummies to what Professor Kosloff, a Russian archaeologist, found a tomb in the Gobi after digging down fifty feet.
There were artifacts in their dated to 18,000 years old.
The records claim and the migration shows the Aryan Race pushed westwards from the regions of the:
- Gobi
- Pamir
- Northern India
& central Asia in general.
The world’s largest Pyramids are in north, western China & there are over a hundred of them.
The largest ancient cities on earth have been found around the ancient silk road & their inhabitants were Aryan Peoples.
The Chinese mention they received their culture from tall, Aryan peoples & their ancient records talk of green & blue-eyed Emperor’s.
The aboriginal Japanese are known to have been a White Race.
Many people in:
- China
- Korea
- Japan
are what today would be called Euro-Asian.
They still have the divine culture of the Gods as well.
The Japanese call Sanat, Sonten & state His eternal spirit resides in the sacred Mount Kurama, in Japan.
Discovering the Roots of Reiki | Reiki
Kurama Yama – International House of Reiki (ihreiki.com)
Sonten, First Channelled Reiki Symbol of the Free Reiki School
This Gobi region was stated in the records in the Golden age to have been the capital in which Sanat Kumara ruled from directly while on earth along with the other Gods.
This is called Shambhala in the Far East.
And might be the source of Valhalla the city in which Odin rules from.
Some of the writings on the ancient Norse mention they migrated from the east.
The people of modern Hungry & Romania did as well.
The ancient Aryan Hun Empire went all the way to the Far East to the Uighur regions of the current Gobi.
Hungry is from Hun-Land, it was officially granted to the Hun’s forebears of Attila.
They were not racial Asians but Aryans from further east.
The Scythians came out of the central Asian regions into Europe & became the Slav’s to the Saxon’s to the Celts.
The Yazidis who are called the Blonde Blood Line, their calendar is seven thousand years old & the Yazidis state they migrated out of the east from Northern India & were part of the Sumerian civilization.
The Chaldeans came out of the Hindu Kush along with the ancient Phoenicians who called themselves the Ya Khut’s – a title still used in Kasmir.
The Phoenician Gods were Red Haired & blue eyed as their ancient images show them as Aryan People like the Sumerians.
Tests on their remains show them as European.
The Yazidis show Sanat who they call Satan.
As the eternal youth surrounded with peacock feathers in their writings.
The same way Sanat is shown in India & Tibet.
The Yazidi text the Al-Jiwah mentions the realm of Shambhala with in it.
If one goes to India, you will find the Yazidi religion – as the Yazidis themselves state.
In the worship of Sanat Kumara also called Skanda who is colored red many times & also riding the Peacock & with the serpent.
This is how the Tibetan’s show Amitabha Buddha.
Communism in Nepal – Library of Rickandria
Colored red & riding the Peacock.
Amitabha Buddha worship is twenty thousand years old in the Far East.
He is the head God.
The Tibetans original religion is called Bon further east to China it’s called Mon.
The worship of Mon is not the everlasting blue sky.
It’s actually a blue colored God.
The Mongols relate their origin from a race of blue-eyed Whites of divine descent.
The Tibetan’s stated they got Bon from a race of Aryan’s.
Of the current Asian groups in the Far East many one way or another mention a previous race of Aryans whose home civilization was Shambhala.
The Yazidis state the Aryan race came directly from Satan, Sanat Kumara & are the original People of this world.
Who is Satan to the Jews? – Library of Rickandria
However, the other races are under the protection of the Gods, & some do descend from them as well.
The hidden name of the Yazidi God is Aivas which is arranged to reveal the hidden name to “A SHIVA” the ancient name of the religion still survives in South Indian it’s called A SHIVAM.
The Jews call the Demon’s the “Shidim” in their kabala, but this is from the older Babylon name of Shidda which is Sidda.
The name of the Yazidi in Sanskrit is Ya Sidda.
The Siddha’s or shining ones.
A SHIVAM is the title of the religion of the Siddha tradition in South India.
Shiva is also called SATA SHIVA in Hinduism.
Which in Sanskrit is also Satan Shivam.
In Hinduism Shiva is called “Swarupa” which means “The White God”.
Which is a racial term as the Indian’s called the European’s the “Swarupa’s”.
For this reason, in Primordial Greece before the fall of the Minoan civilization, the head God Zeus was shown as the eternally young God called Korios.
He was blue colored had a White bull; 12 cow herder companions & a consort called Rodha.
He played a sacred flute as well.
Korios is from the Sanskrit, Kumara.
His other symbols are the Peacock & the serpent, and he carries a staff, thyrsus or spear as Dionysus.
The Peacock is only native to the Far East, where the Greeks state they came from a place called Panchaia.
Their oldest God still carries the same:
- appearance
- banners
- totems
and myths as Skanda in India.
Of whom the Greeks state Dionysus was.

Of their maps they called Sri Lanka the place of Dionysus.
The mythos of Dionysus is the exact same as Skanda.
Korios is the primordial God from which the other images of the head Gods in Greece came from.
Dionysus is the Korios.
His worship was so ancient the later Greeks thought His religion was foreign.
From Egypt, as the Greeks lost much of their culture after the devastation that caused the end of the Minoan civilization the whole island blew up & destroyed most of the region in the fall out.
The Egyptians recorded this & that they had kept the records the Greeks had largely lost when they were nearly wiped out.
The Greeks and Egyptians both stated Osiris & Dionysus are the same God, & Ptah is another name of Osiris in Memphis.
One will note the ancient figure of Korios is also the famous incarnation of Visnu in India, Krisna.
The Hindu Purana’s state all the famous head God’s of Hinduism including Visnu, go back to one pre ancient God.
Sanat Kumara.
They are images of the same primeval God, Sanat Kumara.
The Chandogya Upanishads also state that it was Sanat Kumara who handed down the Siddha Marga, the Path of Perfection to mankind the teachings of ascension.
The Yazidis who worship the same God Sanat as Satan also state the same.
Venus in Sanatana Dharma is the highest cosmic principal it rules sound & white light and the spectrum of light.
As it descends creating all existence which is condensed sound & light.
However, what we perceive as white light is stated in the Vedic texts to be blue light.
This is why the ancient image of the God Sanat Kumara are also shown blue.
The purified soul & the concept of Venus.

This is the reason for Lucifer, it’s a name of Venus.
Sanat Kumara is called Shurka, Venus in the original language of Sanskrit.
Sanat esoterically represents Venus.
This is the same God as Dionysus & Osiris are also called Venus in their ancient cultures.
The reason for the Left Hand Path, which is from Sanatana Dharma, it’s the name of Kundalini Yoga, the Left is Shakt the serpent energy.
Is because the planet Venus is the only planet that rotates anti-clockwise to the left.
The LHP is the path of Venus, Sanat Kumara.
The pentagram is also the symbol of Venus the shape of the orbit of Venus & the five is a Venus number.
This symbol of Venus would have 666 placed with it to show spiritual rebirth.
Venus’s number also connect to the sun.

The ankh the symbol of spiritual rebirth is the symbol of Venus.

Venus rules the mystical transformation of the soul as the morning and evening star.
Venus’s eight-year cycle is a spiritual number of enlightenment & immortality.
Its position on the horizon as the evening star just before it disappears into the night of the underworld, to its triumphant reappearance in the dawn heralding the reborn soul, spiritual victory.
Venus is also ruler of the serpents.
Venus rules wisdom.
This is connected to the throat chakra, which Venus rules which is why Siva is called the blue throated one.
Venus rules the path of the gods the sushumna.
Vasu is the name of Vishu relating to Venus as well.
Vasu, Vas is the symbol of divine kingship in Egypt.
Venus is about spiritual material perfection.
Venus in Sanatana Dharma rules the serpent energy & the raising of this energy.
Venus rules the Muladhara chakra & the other chakras.
The Venus power is about bringing the serpent up thought the chakras.
Venus rules the element of air, which is the breath of life & spirit which element is sound and the blue light of creation.
Which is ruled by Mercury on a level but Venus on the highest level.
The perfected body is related to this element in the Far East, air.
The symbol of air, prana is the serpent of Sanat Kumara, Satan.
Spirit, Vayu also rules all the five elements.

Venus rules the Kunda which means water pond but is the name of the root chakra & tail bone & serpent energy.
The water of life – which is the serpent energy, & flowing prana.
The sushumna is called the Kunda Kula, the Kunda path.
The name Kunda… lini comes from this.
This is Kundry in the grail mythos.
Shambhala is shown esoterically as the eight-petal city with Sanat Kumara sitting on the throne of the world in the center of His palace.
In Sri Lanka the entrance to the Temple of Sanat Kumara as Skanda, has a golden throne outside to show His kingship of the world.
The grail castle in the Western mythos of the Templars has Sanat Kumara sitting in the center of an eight-sided grail castle wearing a peacock crown.
Just like in Tibet the same being is shown with a peacock crown.
The Grail is openly of Venus, the Venus stone or cup in the Grail mythos.
The emerald & diamond are the symbols of Venus the ancient name of Osiris was Al-Khadir this is also a name of the Yazidi God, Satan.
The Al Jilwah: The Black Book of Satan – Library of Rickandria
In Sri Lanka the Temple sacred to Sanat Kumara is called Kadirgamar “The Place of Khadir”.
In the story of Khadir, He rules the waters of life, the kundalini & drinks of them & becomes immortal.
Al-Khadir means “The Green man”.
The color of emerald.
The emerald rules the transmuted stone, the stone is the element of earth & by the serpent fire its transmuted in a pure light crystal of the emerald or diamond.
The meaning of the Grail which means Gro-al, the inscribed stone.
The Templars have the images of the Green Man in the eight-pointed star in their buildings.
The popular shape of the western grail is the Mount Meru column in the east.
The palace of Sanat Kumara in Shambhala in the Kala Chakra, His teachings of ascension, show the base of the palace is the yantra of the root chakra & upward steps as the levels of the Mount Meru column in other images the Meru column is openly shown as the hexagram symbol the star of Venus.
In India the Yogi’s who worship Sanat Kumara directly, practices are based on awakening the serpent at the root & moving it up the spine.
The exoteric world Sanat Kumara, Satan is the ruler of is this physical planet.
The Esoteric world He is ruler of is the soul.
His kingdom is the spine which is the cosmic axis & the serpentine life force that flows thought it.
His symbol of the grail is the unified soul.
It’s a six-pointed star symbol.
Which is the star of Venus in the east & the symbol on His yantra in Southern India.
His other symbol is the peacock standing atop the Mount Meru column.
This is also the flute Krisna carries it has the peacock on the top.
The spine with the serpent energy the prana moving thought it.
Krisna-Visnu as mentioned is the India Venus.
Visnu is pronounced Vesnu, this is arranged to Venus in the west.
Venus was shown as the androgynous being many times & was the origin of the Baphomet of the Templars.
The main Templar symbol is the eight-pointed star of Venus.
And their practices are still found in Hindu Tantra – the awaking of the serpent energy & moving it up the spine.
The eight-pointed star is the entire soul all 13 major chakras.
The Chakras – Library of Rickandria
13 and 8 are both Venus numbers.
The esoteric meaning of the world is the Temple.
It represents the entire soul including the physical body which is the animation of the soul’s denser manifestation.
The teachings of Sanat are how to make the body and soul one – by purifying the earth element with serpent fire.
Hence, He is the God of fire as well.
As Skanda, He descends to earth and makes war on & exterminates the Asura’s from the earth who represent the dross to be burned out.
The process of Yoga is purifying all the elements back to their core essence of spirit which is ruled by Venus – by the practices of Siddha Marga, the kundalini Yoga.
Kundalini Yoga – Library of Rickandria
Kundalini is the symbol of Venus, Sanat Kumara.
Satan Was God Over Egypt
In the earliest Dynasties of Egypt Sat or Sata, Satan was king over all the Gods.
Egypt: Land of Kemet – Library of Rickandria
As known in Sanskrit Sata also spelled Satan is the name of the highest God and called the savior God.
This was also the case in ancient Egypt.
From the ancient Egyptian text, the Papyrus of Nu, we find something important.
Papyrus of Nu:
“I am the serpent Sata whose years are many, I die and I am born again each day.
I am the serpent Sata which dwelleth in the uttermost parts of the earth. I die, and I am born again, and I renew myself, and I grow young each day.” [1]
In Egypt Sata is the serpent of the Taut which is the milky way galaxy.
Which is the symbol of the savior God and called the serpent rope to the ancient serpent cultures.
It’s also related to Orion.
It’s the symbol of the serpent energy flowing though the spine & soul.
“[my note Sata] He embodied immortality and was the “son of the Earth’ reborn each day from the womb of the Great Mother.” [2]
Sata was also called the serpent spirit or the good serpent in Egypt.
The Nu Papyrus is describing the fact Sata as a mantra unites the polarity of the sun & moon channels and causes the soul to regenerate.
The earth is the symbol of the physical body that holds the other four bodies together which is to be transformed by the Magnum Opus as part of the soul.
Sata also spelled Satan is the serpent which gives eternal life.
The serpent is also the Totem of the actual living God Satan.
The same head God in Sumerian was called Satan & also Enki which means En, Lord & Ki serpent.
The ancient Pharaohs also had variations of Sata in their name as well.
Note at some time someone went in & tried to physically remove any mention of Sata right off the ancient monuments.
This was probably done during the cultural genocide of Egypt which occurred when the Roman Empire was taken over by Christianity.
This is why the enemy extra-terrestrials, the Reptilians who attacked this planet in a cosmic war across the solar system around ten thousand years ago which caused the devastation of this planet & the end of the golden age.
And their Reptilian hybrid race the Jews, the alien Jews themselves are the only race on earth that has an actual Reptilian gene the Cohen gene & a Reptilian appearance and behavior, have been working to remove this knowledge from humanity & rewrite history in a false narrative to turn this planet into a plantation state were humanity is reduced to micro chipped cattle.
The eastern texts make constant mention that Sanat Kumara appears to & works with different Yogi’s directly in His etheric form & gives them instructions.
As Satan, Sanat states He does in the Al-Jiwah.
The famous Yogi, Boganathar stated He received direct instruction from Sanat in this etheric form & finished the Magnum Opus & ascended with Sanat’s instruction.
From here He established a school of Yoga to teach others.
What is left of the known teachings of this Yoga, its kundalini Yoga.
There are many records of Yogi’s doing such with direct help from Sanat.
The ancient Greeks stated that Zeus which is Sanat sends Daemons to help those on the spiritual path.
Daemon later became Demon in spelling.
These are the Gods appearing in their astral bodies to help the dedicated ones.
These are people who have spiritual practices which allow them to be on the spiritual level where they can communicate with the etheric form of Sanat Kumara.
The Gods have the ability to astrally project & communicate directly face to face with humans who have the spiritual, psychic centers open enough for this.
The enemy needs to remove this knowledge to close humanity off from Satan & the Gods so we can no longer communicate with them.
Because this would be the end of the enemy’s program.
So, they remove this knowledge and then scare everyone with lies about Satan, Sanat & about the “occult” to keep people powerless and deceived.
And when the lack of spiritual knowledge has taken its toll, they then push Marxist Materialism.
Which allows the enemy to push their own agenda to exterminate and enslave humanity into a global factory farm run by Jews – who use occult power in their kabala at the top.
And communicate with their Reptilian masters.
This is why the enemy though form of Jehovah has numerous curses to bind humanity on the soul & keep them from ascending on any level.
Bind them & then damn them.
The Jews game.
In Germany there was a young patriot who was practicing the spiritual knowledge he was able to find in spiritual publications & books from the Hindu east & opened up his spiritual abilities to where he could communicate with Sanat, Satan directly.
He was a member of a spiritual society.
That group created the National Socialist Party, & that man became the German Leader of a new society that’s purpose was the divine mission of restabilizing the Sanat-ana Dharma to the world & defeating the power of the enemy trying to enslave humanity under Marxism.
Today that man is lied about as much as Sanat, Satan by the same enemy for the same reason.
That is just what happened the last time with a handful of people.
What does the future hold?
Our planet will be ruled again in a new golden age from the peacock throne of Satan Kumara – Lord of the World.
The Lost Civilization of Lemuria, Frank Joseph
“Before the Indonesian tsunami or Hurricane Katrina’s destruction of New Orleans, there was the destruction of Lemuria.
Oral tradition in Polynesia recounts the story of a splendid kingdom that was carried to the bottom of the sea by a mighty “warrior wave”—a tsunami – far greater than the tsunami that struck Indonesia in December 2004.
It was known as Lemuria or Mu, a vast realm of islands and archipelagoes that once sprawled across the Pacific Ocean.
Relying on 10 years of research and extensive travel, Frank Joseph offers a compelling picture of this motherland of humanity, which he suggests was the original Garden of Eden.
This lost realm has been cited in numerous other indigenous traditions, spanning the globe…”
Guardians of the Holy Grail, Pinkham
Presenting the ancient Holy Grail lineage from Asia and how the Knights Templar were initiated into it, this book reveals how ancient Asian wisdom became the foundation for the Holy Grail legend.
The Serpent, Eagle, Lion and Disc, Parker
Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus, Danielou
“Shiva and Dionysus are the Hindu and Greek gods of magical power, intoxication, ecstatic sexuality, and transcendence who initiate us into communion with the creative forces of life.
Revealing the earliest sources of the traditions of Shiva and Dionysus, Alain Danielou reconstructs the fabric of our ancient relationship with creation, vividly relating practices that were observed from the Indus Valley to the coasts of Portugal at least six thousand years ago.”
Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, Pinkham
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Christ In Egypt, D.M. Murdock
Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
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