September 20, 2019
The wise person should abstain from drugs, even weed in particular, though falsely and based on hearsay by many people to be ‘harmless’.
Altered States Experience – Library of Rickandria
While it may be harmless, as in, let’s say, clinical studies, this does not mean that something does not have specific threatening properties.
This loop of drugs has become a literal cancer to modern civilization, and it’s becoming more and more pronounced and brutal, with those behind this aiming for weak targets such as very your teenagers, or even children.
Elite’s Drug Management – Library of Rickandria
Remember, we were told for decades that Tobacco was also harmless, and it was first marketed as a “Suppressed medical product”, then it was “Recognized by the doctor community” and started likewise as a stress relaxant, so the weed revolution is just this in replay of this.
A few decades later it started breaking in how it ruins:
- teeth
- the respiratory system
- the mouth
- the tongue
and your lungs significantly.
There is no point to be stupid, waste money, and waste your time and worse on these things.
Weed is used to pacify the masses, create a profitable subculture, and is no different than what tobacco once was.
While tobacco harms the breathing system, and it most of the time stays at that, and the bad scent, what weed does is way worse, as it creates cognitive issues, and on the deep levels of use, just ruins the awareness.
Perceptiveness, understanding, attention, focus, and all these things, do fall under the active or Pingala side of the soul.
Soul & Spirit – Library of Rickandria
Lack of coordination, lethargy, and in the last states, complete loss of consciousness, fall under the level of Ida.
A specific balance is required to cycle the above, so we go in waking and sleeping circles, and as far as meditation is concerned, careful rising of the Ida and also of the Pingala, by uniting calmness with acute attention.
This is why your attention is required in meditation, and mastering focus is extremely important.
Due to high necessity of this civilization to deal with:
- spiritual
- mental
- moral
- racial
and many other problems that it cannot address and does not want to solve, people are pushed incessantly [and experimented upon at the same time] with heavy drug use.

Humanity’s History & Ancient Civilizations – Library of Rickandria
This civilization has gone as far as to prescribe meth to children in the form of ADHD medication, and many other things.
Ancient Civilizations on Earth – Library of Rickandria
Instead of mastering the mind and learning about it, we have reduced it to nothingness, and therefore people cannot solve their own problems.
This creates the necessity to banish the mental effects that come with an undisciplined mind, dirty aura, low level soul, and an unnatural society on top of it.
Weed is so forcibly promoted because being a Yin-based plant, it increases the yin energy.
People who are using weed too much, are emotionally addicted to it, and all the talk aside and the fake claims on how it’s not addictive “biochemically”, the emotional addiction is real.
You take the pipe away from someone and they can start a confrontation or worse.
Inhaling too much, results in what is called a Yin Coma, where one basically just loses consciousness.
Consciousness & its Expressions – Library of Rickandria
The above is the utmost antithesis of any form of actual meditation.
MEDITATION – Library of Rickandria
The above comatose lethargy is exactly what the meditator is trying to move away from.
Not in regard to sleep obviously, but as a general state of wakefulness.
This state is in particular a state similar to states where brainwashing happens, or where people are unconscious, or even worse, extreme suggestibility.
If you have friends who do weed, you will notice they are extremely brainwashed by the system.
By dropping the guard of the active attention, one opens themselves up for brainwashing and suggestion, which is what is the case with habitual weed smokers.
Their mind is open wide, and this has other implications as well.
The situation with the aura and opening holes in the aura, is because with prolonged use of these substances, the auric field loses its ability of defense or active deflective attention.
How to Clean Your Aura – Library of Rickandria
This effect is later mirrored on in the mind, which becomes extremely suggestible, open for the taking.
If you think that by open for the taking, I am making a joke, on the last levels of drugs, this is what happens.
One’s astral body, aura and other parts of the soul are so decomposed and ruined, that they can become prey to any entity that wants to do whatever to them, limited but not included, to possess them and take them over.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
While this case is extreme, it can actually happen, and everyone has seen at least one extreme drug addict in their life who was soulless or even devoid, or even worse, was constantly crazy.
The possession case is extremely rare, but yes, it can happen, and it does happen.
When one has lost all control over this, this is why there is a psychiatric ward.
People in psychiatric wards do suffer from extreme damage in their astral body and spiritual bodies.
Astral Plane – Library of Rickandria
This also has a psychological dimension & medical dimension, physically.
Hyperdimensions – Library of Rickandria
An argument for weed users is that it helps them relax, but they have never tried to relax on their own or set their minds in order in the first place.
Relaxation should come upon someone without use of external aid or paying a Jew a specific amount of money to get 10 minutes of relaxation.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
The slavery scheme here is real and is no different than tobacco.
Another thing people claim is that it “Calms their nerves” and makes them “less aggressive” or helps them set down their anger.
This anger people describe, in the first place, can be a biochemical imbalance, or pent-up emotions, or both combined.
Ponerology: The Science of Evil – Library of Rickandria
In that case, pacifying this with weed, most of the time, makes the matter return, and harder.
This is why people who use weed for anger management are essentially becoming twice as crazy when it wears off.
Because the suppression of the rise of anger, results in its doubling after it’s pushed down.
After a point many of these people cannot calm down, and they develop a sense of paranoia, or extreme aggression when they don’t have their weed.
This is observable in many people and a common theme in rap songs.
Tobacco ruins your breathing system, but on the other hand, it does not pacify mentally to the extent of Weed.
Tobacco creates energetic and respiratory density, which should be by all means avoided, but it does not cause pacification.
On the other hand, though, Tobacco causes heavy density, and can make people stuck lower.
This is why Tobacco was traditionally linked to hard work and labor.
If one wants the puffing thing about smoking, you can get an electronic cigarette that has taste and not nicotine or anything else like weed and related involved.
These are 0% formulas which contain nothing.
Some people have been able to ditch smoking because it was a habitual thing, and an e-cig has helped them in this.
For heavily addicted cases, you can also work your way down the ladder of consumption, that’s also what medicine states.
While there are arguments against this by some people, saying these fragrances of e-cigs are also toxic, it’s definitely not going to do you any harm compared to weed or actual tobacco.
There is no psycho-cataleptic effect associated to the above though, which is the important thing.
Heavily addicted cases may need to go down this road first until one can leave off the hook.
Lastly, what has to be noticed in regard to weed, is that it comes part in parcel with ideologies.
Pacifying yourself into a coma comes at an ideological package.
Open borders, communism, some pot smokers are obsessive over Christianity, pacifism, and all sorts of other self-destructive ideologies, all of which reflect the internal constitution of the users.
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
As one for example has not grown mentally to understand the importance of borders and separation between people, or between themselves and others, so does one advocate externally the destruction of all borders.
The more one is closing in death in the inside, and feels worthless, the more one forcibly advocates that we are “All the same”.
- weed
- drugs
- brainwashing
and many other things do constitute a greater package to cause the slow decay of the human mind and turn it into a field open for the taking.
Some new-age sects have gone as far as to say openly what I have been raving about for years now, that it’s an alien agenda of promoting “Oneness”.
This in regard to aliens is all a strange ritual to break down human mental, spiritual, and general sanity and defenses.
True “Oneness” is achieved by actual projection of the strong soul into the universe, and not by destroying yourself, your identity.
The higher one wants to go spiritually, the more powerful the soul has to be, in order to be able to project itself and to also withstand external energies and forces which try to keep it on lockdown.
The enemy is one example here.
How these people also meditate, pacifistic-ally, and with the intent of merely saying a lot, and doing nothing, and for the ultimate end of personal death, dissipation of all aspects and layers of the self, etc., is also characteristic of this mentality.
Doing drugs and expecting to reach Samadhi or what is grossly stated as “Oneness”, a canned and bad term for explaining the union of the soul with the higher soul of the world, is as if one does anorexic diet and expects to win Mr. Olympia.
Such connection for its maintenance requires power, strength, and a decently worked soul and mind.
It’s never going to happen through:
- weakness
- extreme pacifism
- drugs
Unless of course this time where one is like dying from malnutrition and:
“In their mind it was real”
“They wuz Mr. Olympia.”
This is called being totally delusional.
It’s of no point of anyone to stay on these negative habits, your time and money are well invested elsewhere and for your betterment.
It’s not a question of guilt here, it’s a question of doing what’s better for yourself, so that you do what’s best for yourself and feel more comfortable being yourself.
You can also, by spiritual practice, and a decent lifestyle and diet, have a great experience most of the time in your own body mind and soul, without the need of any hampering externalities.
This is hidden potential that is kept secret from humans in order to maintain the standards of control.
Maybe if weed users and others want to carry a little rebellion, they would first throw the obviously overpromoted Yin plant out of their hands and try to reclaim their innate ability for inner peace.
The Real Difference Between Yin and Yang Qi Energy (subtle.energy)
That would be meaningful.
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