This chapter contains a lot of technical data about the powers of ancient pagan people, especially in ancient Europe.

It is meant to give background information about the kinds of spiritual and religious knowledge that the lies of the Jews destroyed.

Skip this chapter if it is not to your liking and move on to the next chapter; then come back later to find the secret knowledge of Mankind.

To better put their betrayals of Mankind into perspective and before further studying the Monsters of Babylon, you should first know some of the incredible secret powers and mystical knowledge that have remained hidden from both modern Man and from modern science.

Archaeologists admit that they do not understand many of the ancient artifacts that they have unearthed.

Ordinary, mundane artifacts that they dig up – such as spoons and dishes and hair combs – are easy to understand.

But those mysteries that science cannot fathom – such as auras and swastikas and sun wheels and Celtic spirals – are from the religious and spiritual knowledge of ancient Man, a knowledge that can be experienced rather than merely “thought about.”

So, of course, scientists are stumped.

They do not understand religion in even their own modern lives.

Therefore, scientists are disqualified from understanding the ancient mysteries of antiquity, many of which are presented in this book for the first time in 2500 years.

We will have to rely upon the archaeological record because the various discoveries of the ancient peoples were never written into books or explained in an organized religious teaching. 

This record is found in:

  • petroglyphs
  • pictographs
  • sculptures
  • paintings
  • drawings

and bas-reliefs which anyone can see for himself.

The archaeological record is, however, not continuous across any single culture.

So, I am going to combine the various archaeological discoveries of the ancient people into a single montage spanning all cultures and all times while being as concise as possible. 

Hopefully, you will not be confused by this approach.

I will try to link everything logically even though I will have to jump around between cultures and distant time frames.

You will find that this will lead us to an understanding of the differences between true religion and the false religions promoted by the lying Jews, the deceiving Muslims and the atheistic scientists.

Modern scientists are blinded and deafened to the mysteries of the Universe because they put a telescope over one eye, a microscope over the other eye, put ear buds in their ears to better hear the static, fill their noses with after shaves and vapor rubs, turn the air conditioner on to low cold or high heat, fill their stomachs with:

  • instant noodles
  • hamburgers
  • fries

and consider themselves superior to the ancient peoples.

Our modern inventions steal our common sense while dulling our innate human awareness.

The ancient peoples did not rely upon the scientific instruments that blind so many of us modern people.

Instead, they used the most powerful of all instruments – the human mind.

The human mind is what has given us:

  • our modern inventions
  • our scientific
  • our technological achievements

But modern scientists cannot see the mystery just beyond the tip of their noses because they are looking outward at the distant stars and not looking inward at the marvels of their own inner being.

In an infinite universe, infinity is also found within us.

We don’t have to look infinitely far to find it.

Long before there were any:

  • lying Jews
  • thieving bankers
  • swindling financiers

there were holy people who found joy in the good things of life.

A natural abundance of:

  • fresh air
  • clean water
  • good food
  • loving spouses
  • giggling children

all provided everything that anyone could desire, except for one thing – knowledge of God.

Unlike modern people who have their minds filled with Jewish debauchery spewing out of their television sets and radios or headlined as filth across Jewish newspapers and magazines, the ancient peoples had the tranquility of clean air, starry nights, bright water and unpolluted earth.

COSMOS: EARTH: Hollow Earth Theory – Library of Rickandria

Unencumbered with vast hordes of furniture, binding clothes and flashing lights, those people sat quietly around the family fire or stood stoically beneath the moon, breathing freely and thinking deeply.

Within the quiet of one’s own Mind, the Infinite can be perceived.

It is simultaneously the Great Beyond and the Great Within and is not separate from us.

Mankind became established on this beautiful planet without any kind of synthetic devices or inventions of any sort.

Even when we walked around completely naked, the Earth provided our food and our shelter quite simply without agriculture and without even the invention of simple tools.

Even before we discovered the uses of fire and stone tools, we were in harmony with Nature.

Our bare feet carried us wherever we wanted to go; and we were perfectly suited to live anywhere on this planet.


Earth is a planet of:

  • heaving oceans
  • aurora lights
  • flashing lightning
  • grumbling earthquakes
  • spinning stars
  • blinding sunlight

and cleansing rains.

It is a fantastic and living planet that evolved all creatures upon it with an orchestral arrangement of cosmic energies and terrestrial powers.

Mankind is one of those powers.

Men and Women can plug into and use those cosmic and planetary energies for personal power with no instruments other than our own minds and inner sensitivities.

Ancient Man could harness the powers around him without using any physical devices of any kind because the human mind is more powerful than any computer; and the human awareness of the natural universe is more sensitive than any device.

Scientists with their instruments may dispute this, but their instruments are not alive.

Their instruments only pick up one frequency and are not attuned to the multi-channel combination of holographic frequencies as is the human Mind.

The lost mystic skills of the ancient peoples can be achieved by modern man.

Scientific instruments are useless for such a quest.

As an introduction to my methodology, here is an easy-to-understand example from ancient times.

I use this example to show you how to see what the ancient people were telling us.

Have a look at this sculpted bas relief for a moment.

This is the 25,000-year-old “Venus from Laussel”. (see Figure 3 – Venus from Laussel)

Figure 3 – Venus from Laussel 800 KB View full-size Download

Can you understand what these ancient Europeans of 25,000 BC are telling you?

Look at it for a while with your eyes and listen to it with your Mind.

Can you understand the message?

This limestone bas-relief tells us much about the mysteries of Life.

The woman has no face because the ancient people did not recognize individuals but only fellow tribes members, fellow humans.

Thus, she represents all women.

She is very fat and healthy for producing and nurturing healthy children.

Sir Mix-A-Lot – Baby Got Back (Official Music Video)

Her fatness tells us that she has attained at least the first seven of the Eight Necessities of Life. 

The woman is holding aloft a morphological puzzle, an actual example of rubber-sheet geometry.

It is the hollow horn of a European bison.

Such a shape is geometrically very mysterious and mind-boggling because this same shape simultaneously forms both a hollow, round, interior hole containing empty space as well as an exterior, jutting point.

It is simultaneously both female and male, yin and yang, hollow like a vagina and erect like a penis, all contained within the same shape.

A European Bison horn is naturally smooth, but this one is incised with thirteen notches.

These notches correspond with the thirteen moons or the number of menstrual cycles in one year.

This indicates the awareness of the prehistoric cave people of the relationship of a woman’s periods to the cycles of the moon, a mystery of female reproductive abilities congruent with the celestial moon cycles.

While she is holding this union of two sexual symbols in one hand, her other hand rests over her womb to indicate the connection to or the result of the union of this mystery.

“Look!” she says,

“This hollow horn combines two amazing wonders to create a third miracle.

The union of the horn (penis) and the hollow (vagina) creates the miracle of conception in my womb!

The mystery of birth!

I, a woman, can do this.”

And thus, we know that she has attained all eight of the Eight Necessities of Life – mystical knowledge of the universal power of Creation.

This is a simple message from prehistoric times, passed along through the media of a limestone sculpture, telling of the amazing potential of a woman to conceive.

We do not have to know how to read and write to understand the message.

But we must know how to understand what the ancient peoples were telling us through their graphic arts because that is how they communicated.

That is how they recorded their observations of Reality.

And that is how you will learn the hidden secrets described in this book.

Here is another example of my methodology in showing you what the ancient people knew about the secrets of the universe.

But in this case, I will use both modern science and ancient technique – the first proving the second.

Here are two photographs for you to consider.

Kuo in 1975 783 KB View full-size Download

Kuo Lien-ying (1895 in Inner Mongolia, China – 1984) was one of the most distinguished and revered martial artists of the twentieth century. He brought the Guang Ping Yang tai chi to the United States.

One is of Kuo Lien-ying of San Francisco, a modern-day kung-fu master [20] who is standing in an ancient Chinese meditation and qi gong posture. (see Figure 4 – Kuo Lien-ying)

Figure 4 – Kuo Lien Ying 558 KB View full-size Download

The other is a photo of modern astronauts [21] sleeping while in weightless space. (see Figure 5 – weightless arms)

Figure 5 – weightless arms 1.01 MB View full-size Download

Do you see what is similar about the two photos?

This standing meditation posture known as “the Universal Post” has been practiced for thousands of years among the Taoists of China and similar postures were famous among the Odinists and Celts of Europe.

Egypt reached incredible religious insights through the practice of standing meditation postures.

(see Figure 6 – Horus god)

Figure 6 – Horus god 117 KB View full-size Download

Here is why and how.

The astronauts’ photo was taken in about 1985 as they were orbiting the earth in a space station and sleeping at zero gravity.

Their bodies are strapped to their bunks, but their arms are floating free.

With zero gravity, their arms can take any possible posture without the influence of gravitational pull.

So, without first seeing this photo, one might assume that under zero gravity their arms would be all akimbo in a random variety of postures.

Why do the two sleeping astronauts have their arms in identical postures and at about the same posture as has Kuo Lien-ying in his Taoist meditation stance?

This question is actually impossible for a modern scientist to answer – unless they, themselves, practice the Universal Post meditation or the Rune Stances.

The answer is this:

The Standing Meditation Postures are weightless postures.

There is no muscular exertion needed to stand in this way because the body is not supported by the muscles and ligaments; the body is supported by the naturally and properly aligned bones.

All that the muscles and ligaments do is to keep the bones aligned and balanced against gravity so that the weight of the body is directed through the skeletal structure into the center of the earth.

Once the bones are aligned directly over the center of the earth, the body floats weightlessly on its tendons and fascia as if pulled upward by a string attached to the crown of the head.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: SAHASRARA – The Crown Chakra (HEAVEN) – Library of Rickandria

The slightest breeze can cause the arms and body to sway like a pine tree or a bamboo.

Looking at a photo of the standing posture might make you think that it is an unnatural posture.

Most people who practice it, stand too stiff and solid and therefore tire quickly.

But the modern astronaut photo proves that the arms naturally assume that shape in the absence of gravity.

These kinds of simple, yet sophisticated, knowledge of harmony within natural phenomena, gave the ancient peoples a power that is overlooked and lost to modern man.

While standing in the Universal Post or in the variety of other standing postures, you must allow your muscles to relax so that your Qi, that is, your Life Force, freely circulates.

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

Only then, do old age symptoms and diseases disappear.

If you practice the Universal Post Standing Meditation Posture for yourself, you will definitely discover a very ancient and wonderful secret of ancient Man hidden within yourself.

If you can attain the weightless balance within this and similar standing meditation postures, you will feel as if you are hanging suspended between heaven and earth.

And that is where you want to be, balanced between heaven and earth, the natural and spiritual state of Man.

Odin, in his guise as a wanderer, as imagined by Georg von Rosen (1886) 596 KB View full-size Download

Odin (/ˈoʊdɪn/; from Old Norse: Óðinn) is a widely revered god in Germanic paganism. Norse mythology, the source of most surviving information about him, associates him with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, war, battle, victory, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and depicts him as the husband of the goddess Frigg. In wider Germanic mythology and paganism, the god was also known in Old English as Wōden, in Old Saxon as Uuôden, in Old Dutch as Wuodan, in Old Frisian as Wêda, and in Old High German as Wuotan, all ultimately stemming from the Proto-Germanic theonym *Wōðanaz, meaning ‘lord of frenzy’, or ‘leader of the possessed’.

This and similar standing postures are recorded in the ancient Nordic stories about Odin

“hanging in the tree of knowledge for nine days”

while seeking knowledge.

The “nine days” are counted by the Nine Standing Runes.

And the Tree of Knowledge is none other than oneself, if you look within as did Odin and many other saints from long ago.

Odin was an actual warrior saint of Scandavavia who had attained a high level of Intrinsic Power and Mystical Insight.

He was not a god, but later men of lesser attainment made him into a god in their stories, stories that contain the kernels of truth about Norse spiritual skills.

These martial and spiritual skills are recorded in the shapes of the Runes.

Although you can practice the Universal Post posture for yourself, don’t expect instantaneous results.

It requires practice and a calming of the mind, an awareness of the inner self, and a slowness of breathing to attain its secrets.

That’s why it’s called:

“a standing meditation posture”

because as you stand, you are practicing:

  • meditation
  • deep breathing
  • contemplation

and a penetrating inspection of your very bone marrow by using only your Mind.

I am merely pointing out the naturalness of this meditation posture and its modern equivalent in the postures of the astronauts.

SCIENCE: TECHNOLOGY: MODERN PAST: Ancient Astronauts Theory – Library of Rickandria

Convincing you of its merits and the power it gives you, is for you to discover through actual practice of the posture.

One of the greatest of the ancient secrets, is the secret of the swastika.

This ancient symbol, the swastika (see Figure 7 – swastika) has had a lot of bad media attention in modern times, primarily because of the lying Jews who own the Media.

Figure 7 – swastika 55.5 KB View full-size Download

Their slanders against one of the oldest and most revered symbols from the ancient times, is really quite criminal.

The entire story of why the modern Jews hate the swastika and, simultaneously, why the National Socialists of 20th century Germany completely misunderstood the swastika, themselves, is found in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.

image.png 106 KB View full-size Download

But for now, please understand the swastika as the ancient peoples understood it, as a symbol of good health and personal power.

The famous swastika symbol is much older than the Jews, dating from at least 7000 BC.

The word “swastika” comes from the Aryan Sanskrit word, svastika, where “su” means “good,” “asti” means “to be,” and “ka” is a suffix.

Thus, the word “swastika” means “all is well” or “good is”.

But the symbol, itself, has a meaning that is easier to show than to explain.

For example, this 160-kilo copper casting was dedicated to Naram-Sin of Agade (~2254–2218 BC). (See Figure 8 – copper swastika) You will notice that the legs form a swastika.

Figure 8 – copper swastika 251 KB View full-size Download

Casting it in copper rather than bronze was a more difficult accomplishment for these very accomplished Sumeria craftsmen.

Of course, it weighed much more before it was broken off during the destruction of the palace.

Naram-Sin, as you remember from Volume One, was the grand-son and third successor to Sargon the Great of Akkad.

It is significant that he was the first of the Mesopotamian kings to declare himself with godly attributes.

That he would do such a thing can be partly understood by the spiritual power that he and his people had.

The swastika is one example of this spiritual power. And not just spiritual power but the actual physical power that the swastika bestows upon those who properly practice its techniques.

Once again, I say, modern people cannot understand the ancient people and their religious knowledge without actually doing some of the necessary tasks required to obtain that religious knowledge.

In this case, sitting in the swastika posture will give you rest from your meditations and give you pliable joints in your:

  • hips
  • knees
  • ankles

(see Figure 9 – Swastika sitting)

Figure 9 – Swastika sitting 119 KB View full-size Download

This is a resting posture found today in the Theravada Buddhist monasteries of Southeast Asia, which is one of the reasons the swastika is a Buddhist symbol since it is used in sitting meditation, usually as a resting position after full lotus sitting.

Miles Williams Mathis: BUDDHISM – The Stronger Poison – Library of Rickandria

It is very good for the health.

SCIENCE: TECHNOLOGY: HEALTH: Medical & Environmental Industry – Library of Rickandria

People who can sit in the swastika posture never have old age symptoms in their:

  • ankles
  • knees
  • hips

or spine because the swastika postures give them pliable joints and limber cartilage.

In such postures, the promise of the Buddha is realized, and the power of the Aryans is attained.

Miles Williams Mathis: More on the Buddha – Library of Rickandria

Such swastika methods from the ancient times can be better understood if you refer to them as Aryan Yoga.

SPRITUALITY: YOGA: The False Teachings of Modern Yoga – Library of Rickandria

(See Figure 10 – Swastika arms)

Figure 10 -Swastika arms 88.6 KB View full-size Download

Attaining such postures in practice also empowers you with the combat applications (of which there are many) contained within the swastika shape.

SPIRITUALITY: YOGA: The False Spiritual Teachings of Yoga – Library of Rickandria

The swastika was also a symbol of good luck because when you have good health, your luck is always improved through alertness and quickness.

Also, the spiral energy around your spine gives you the famed Kundalini power.

Although the secrets of the swastika were known in the temples where prayer and sitting mediation was common, those secrets became lost among the common people as more and more people sat in chairs and wore Jewish fashions, causing a deterioration and stiffening of their joints.

Eventually, through cultural deterioration and lack of practice, the secrets of the swastika became lost because people were too hunchbacked and decrepit to achieve its health-giving postures.

As practice of the swastika postures fell into disuse, the actual meaning of this graphic symbol was forgotten until its true meaning was reduced to an ignorant guessing devoid of truth.

This led to an admiration of the swastika’s graphical perfection without any actual experience of its power.

You can discover the power inherent in the swastika merely by practicing the warrior-yoga postures of our Aryan ancestors.

There are static postures to the swastika where you hold the asana to develop your mind, breathing and spirit. (See Figure 11 – Swastika kneeling)

Figure 11 – Swastika kneeling 127 KB View full-size Download

Through practice, these lead to active postures where movements from one swastika posture to the next will manifest into the Norse and Celtic snake power, as exemplified in this Iron Age Danish broach design. (See Figure 12 – Denmark swastika)

Figure 12 – Denmark swastika 184 KB View full-size Download

The active warrior techniques of the swastika are still found in the Norse martial art known as Stav.

stavfsnesupp2011.pdf 257 KB View full-size Download

Stav – Viking Martial Art?

Many of these active postures you can discover for yourself after sitting in a static swastika posture for a length of time.

Once you feel your muscles beginning to tire and your joints strain, it is time to very gently and carefully move your posture into a different swastika shape.

In this way, you will feel the spiral energy within you, not as some intellectual idea but as a very real manifestation of your inherent power as a Man.

This same power is no less powerful within Woman.

But you can’t attain it unless you seek it; and you will not find it unless you do what our ancient ancestors did and practice the swastika postures as a part of your:

  • daily life
  • daily exercise
  • devotions

I am giving you the map.

Will you use it to find the Treasure?

The more advanced active swastika postures produce what is known in modern times as the:

  • Gait of Power
  • the Wheel of the Dharma
  • the Goose Step

The Goose Step is identical to the secret stepping method that is found in the Chinese martial art of Baguazhang as well as in the Cossack dance techniques of Russia.

These are discussed later.

The swastika is a symbol used in Buddhism (See Figure 13 – Buddha feet) because it represents True Power as well as excellent health.

Figure 13 – Buddha feet 253 KB View full-size Download

You will notice that this Buddhist swastika is in the center of the Buddha’s bare feet and at the center of the Wheel of the Dharma, the swastika is at the very center of the power of the Buddha.

The swastika symbolizes real powers, not mere intellectual or philosophical imaginations, or artistic embellishments.

The basic teaching of the Aryan prince, Gautama Buddha, was that through the practice of prayer and meditation anyone can overcome illness, old age and death.

So, it is very, very significant that the secret for overcoming illness, old age and death is centered in the Truth upon which the Buddha stood – the swastika and the sun wheel.

Although the swastika and the wheel are symbols, it is what they represent that is important, not the symbols, themselves.

They actually represent a physical phenomenon that ancient Man discovered within himself, and which modern Man can rediscover, if and only if you are willing to practice the ancient postures and walk the ancient path.

Think about this for a moment.

The word, “bread”, is not real bread, but it represents real bread.

No person whether ancient or modern is foolish enough to believe that the word is the same as the actual food.

In the same way, the ancient symbol for the swastika, is not the real swastika.

The swastika symbol only represents something that ancient Man knew and which he recorded with a graphic symbol which we call a swastika.

That “something” is a real phenomenon found within a Human Being.

But because the swastika symbol is a graphic and not a written word, people have wrongly assumed that the graphic symbol, itself, is the secret.

But in fact, the symbol only represents something beyond its mere graphical shape.

It is easy to see the difference between the word “bread” and real bread.

But the difference between a graphic symbol of a swastika and what it represents, is not so easy to discern because its true meaning is not found by what we see but by what we experience within ourselves.

We see a graphic symbol of a swastika and our eyes stop there.

This is why you must look inside of yourself to find what the swastika represents.

When you do that, you will find:

  • Power
  • Insight
  • Good Health

and Immortality, just as the ancient people knew it through their religious discoveries, just as Aryan prince Gautama as well as Jesus the Galilean, discovered through their own systems of spiritual discovery.

This swastika shape was revered by many of the ancient peoples who recognized the great power and flexibility that they had achieved when their limbs followed the natural swastika shape.

Their bodies and spirits attained the swastika’s power by doing it, not by looking at it!

Basically, the swastika is the mechanics of the human shape in perfection.

For example, swastika postures are found all throughout Egyptian culture. (See Figure 14 – Egypt)

Figure 14 – Egypt 91.7 KB View full-size Download

Notice the arms and leg postures.

The great Hammurabi, king of Babylon (1792-1750 BC), demonstrated a swastika posture when he knelt before his god. (See Figure 15 – Hammurabi kneeling)

Figure 15 – Hammurabi kneeling 255 KB View full-size Download

The swastika was recognized as a symbol of God by the Assyrians.

And it was considered to be such good luck and godly power that the Anglo-Celtics used it on burial urns as protection and good wishes for the deceased. (See Figure 16 – Swaz Urn)

Figure 16 – Swaz Urn 97.7 KB View full-size Download

Modern people have difficulty attaining the power and good health of the swastika postures because of the extensive use of chairs rather than sitting on the floor or on cushions.

All of our ancient ancestors such as these Scythians (See Figure 17 – Scythian) had limber legs and pliable joints because they followed the natural way of sitting like the Japanese do today, on cushions or on mats on the floor.

Figure 17 – Scythian 334 KB View full-size Download

And they did not wear debilitating Jewish fashions on their feet but wore flat shoes with no heels or arch-supports.

They all had swastika power, good health and good luck, even if they did not represent this power with a swastika.

Of course, the modern-day Jews abhor the swastika because to them it represents justice for their crimes.

There is nothing that criminals hate more than justice for their crimes.

So, they malign the swastika at every opportunity, even banning its display in an effort to prevent the people of the world from understanding the true power of healthy living and mystical attainment.

Thus, with no other alternative, we exchange our natural good health for the expense and fraud of Jewish medicine.

We exchange our natural good health for the expense and fraud of Jewish medicine.

There are some scientists such as archaeologist Miranda Green, who claim that the swastika is a symbol for the sun, but in her own book, as you can see from this drawing of a Celtic altar from the Roman period (See Figure 18 – Altars), it is really a symbol for a Man, two arms and two legs.

Figure 18 – Altars 37 KB View full-size Download

In this case, it is the outline of a man praying while practicing swastika sitting combined with a transitory pose of the same man kneeling in prayer.

This particular swastika is like an animation of just two drawings superimposed one over the other to show the movement from sitting in meditation to kneeling in prayer.

The Caucasian people had a fine sense of spiritual excellence.

And they attained the highest level of spiritual perfection, which they recorded with graphic symbols.

The ancient people certainly used other symbols to represent the sun, but the swastika was not usually one of them because it represented not the sun but the incarnated power within Man.

The arms and legs of Man are the Four Pillars of Power that stand in support of both Heaven and Earth.

And it contains the secret of the Gait of Power, also known as the Goose Step or the secret stepping method of Baguazhang kung-fu.

This bronze sculpture presently in the Louvre Museum, was made for the Middle Elamite king, Shilhak Inshushimak (c. 1150 BC).

It is the only three-dimensional scene from the Ancient Near East to have been found so far.

(See Figure 19 – Elamite priests)

Figure 19 – Elamite priests 264 KB View full-size Download

It shows two naked priests performing a sunrise ceremony among the ziggurats of Susa.

Besides the straight spines of the priests, please notice that the priest in the foreground is squatting on one leg in a swastika stance with his left foot flat on the ground while his right foot is only touching the ground lightly with his toes. (see Figure 20 – Sun worship)

Figure 20 – Sun worship 58.8 KB View full-size Download

This is an example of true power, not the muscular power which modern people use to squat down, but the light, effortless, weightless power of the swastika stance.

When the bones of your skeleton are properly aligned, you will have the effortless movements and the power of a cat.

The ancient people knew this, but modern people need to re-learn this lost knowledge, not through our intellects but through our actual experiences.

And this is only attained through practice, not just by thinking that you know it.

It may surprise many people to learn that the most enthusiastic modern-day promoters of the swastika design, the National Socialists of Germany, did not actually understand this ancient Aryan knowledge, themselves.

Miles Williams Mathis: Hitler & Top Nazi Genealogy – Library of Rickandria

They used the swastika as a logo but didn’t know its actual power.

Miles Williams Mathis: The BEER HALL PUTSCH was Faked! – Library of Rickandria

The following photograph proves this.

You will notice from this photo taken during National Socialist times in Germany, that the secret of the swastika had already been lost even to the Nazis who, themselves, made the swastika famous as their official logo. (See Figure 21 – Shoes Goose Step wrong)

Figure 21 – Shoes Goose Step wrong 349 KB View full-size Download

Jewish perversion is so pervasive in the West that even the famed Nazis suffered from it in both overt and covert ways.

Notice that these soldiers have their weight on their toes.

This raises their center of gravity, making their stance unstable and causing the momentum of their bodies to fall forward.

In order to keep on their feet, the front foot is unnaturally thrust forward in preparation for a quick, stiff-legged step while the power of each step comes out of the calves rather than their thighs.

Their necks and backs are not straight and the whole purpose of and power of the Goose Step is lost to them.

All of this is because Europe was so long under the corruption of Jewish fashions that the Germans forgot their natural Celtic and Norse footwear and were wearing unhealthy Jewish fashions on their feet, shoes with heels and arch supports.

The biggest quacks in Jewish medicine today are the podiatrists.

The proper way to do the Goose Step can be understood simply by looking at what is natural.

It is no accident that the sculpture of the Aryan Buddha’s feet (See Figure 13 – Buddha feet) shows the swastika at the very center of his bare feet.

Figure 13 – Buddha feet 253 KB View full-size Download

This is where the natural weight should center, not on the toes or – even worse – not on the little toe of the foot as is so common among modern people who wear Jewish working its poison upon Mankind to cause suffering, old age and death.

In natural, swastika walking and running – so much glorified by the European Peoples of old – the momentum of the hips should have a pendulum trajectory (centered at the tip of the tail bone) like the shape of the small-case letter “u”.

With this human way of walking, each step moves the body down then up.

The people of the West have been the victims of the Jewish fashion industry for so many centuries that they have accepted the wearing of shoes with heels and arch supports as normal because:

“that’s how it has always been.”

Like everything else in the universe of mystical knowledge, it is all very easy to learn, but difficult to master.

Here is the proper method for doing the Goose Step.

It is also the same method used in Baguazhang Chinese kung-fu for walking the circle, known as the Camel Step or Mud Walking Step.

This method straightens the spine and neck, balances the body and brings the power of the Earth upward through the bones and acupuncture meridians.

So, breathe carefully as you practice.

Begin by standing in the Tiwaz Rune. (see Figure 22 Tiwaz rune stance)

Figure 22 Tiwaz rune stance 105 KB View full-size Download

Spread your hands as wide and flat as you can. (See Figure 23 – Right hand)

Figure 23 – Right hand 95.4 KB View full-size Download

This will cause your spiritual power to expand into your tendons and ligaments to your very extremities.

This power was known by the ancient peoples both in ancient Italy and among the Norse. (see Figure 24 – Camonica hands)

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In a relaxed manner, lift one leg as shown in this illustration. (See Figure 25 – Goose step)

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Balance without wavering and then slowly squat down on one leg as far as you can.

As the raised foot touches down lightly, squat down a bit more and let the light foot slide forward to give a longer step.

Once that foot is planted securely, quickly spring up from the weighted leg onto the front leg and again hold your balance.

Repeat as often as you have the ability.

You can warm up for this exercise with deep squats, keeping your weight flat on your feet with your back straight.

If you cannot squat down without rising up on your toes, then your feet and legs have been ruined with Jewish fashions.

Flat shoes or bare feet and deep knee bends will cure the illness.

This is the practice method for learning the power of the swastika legs

 You should practice slowly, carefully and with full attention to your breathing.

With practice, the power of your Qi will manifest like a bolt of lightning driving up your spine to the top of your head.

However, when the Goose Step is used for marching, the front foot is placed down solidly without the addition of a forward slide.

If you study how geese walk on a gravely surface, you will observe the technique.

But always, always concentrate your mind so that your center of gravity describes a “u-shape” trajectory.

The modern Chinese misunderstand this method today because its name in Chinese is the “mud walking step” and their culture, too, has been poisoned with Jewish fashions.

They think that the forward slide of the front foot should be equated with slipping on mud when, in fact, it is the back foot that is pulled up after the upward spring, as if pulling your feet out of sticky mud – that is the key to this Baguazhang stepping method.

In Volume I, The Sumerian Swindle, you looked at the Ubaidian sculptures through the eyes of those ancient people by looking through your own eyes.

We are, after all, the same people – homo sapiens – with the same intelligence as we have always had.

The difference between us and the ancient people is not a difference in intelligence but a difference in the quantity and quality of data and knowledge that we have.

We know more now than they did then, but we are really not any more intelligent than they were.

Even so, some of the ancient secrets have been lost.

We can understand those ancient secrets only if we put aside what we have been taught as so-called “valuable modern knowledge” and accept the ancient data in its pure and unbiased simplicity.

We can understand what the ancient peoples knew if we do what the ancient people did to discover those metaphysical mysteries.

Standing in the rune stances, walking in the Goose Step, are just a few of the ancient secrets.

The Secrets of the Runes are explained in Volume 3: The Bloodsuckers of Judah.

The Ubaidian sculptures exhibited in Volume One demonstrate how those ancient people viewed themselves from the inside looking out.

By closing their eyes to thin slits, they could perceive – just as you can – your true Self.

Their sculptures show us this, but modern scientists have been unable to see it for themselves because they are materialists who only believe what they see in a mirror or through the lens of a telescope or microscope.

They look upon their reverse reflection in a mirror as being more valid than the living Life Force and bright spirit that they could perceive simply by looking through half closed eyes and looking inward as did the ancient Ubaidians.

Scientists look outward through the lens of a microscope or telescope but never look inward through the lens of their own inner eye.

Thus, they can never understand the ancient people – or the tranquil power bequeathed to all who gaze at their True Selves inwardly.

This makes no sense to those Readers who read about it but don’t practice it.

This is not intellectual knowledge; it is experiential knowledge.

You can’t experience it, if you don’t try.

People who practice and study religion are no better off than the scientists, substituting actual knowledge and the actual experience that they could have for themselves for what they call their “belief” and their “faith.”

In this way, they never really know or experience genuine mystical insight or real knowledge.

They talk about it as if they know it, but it is all merely talk.

They “believe” but their belief is only a wish or a hope or a dream; it is never an actual experience.

Belief is not knowledge.

It is better to know God than it is merely to believe in God.

With knowing, your belief is vindicated and made whole, made actual, made real.

If you have practiced the inward-looking technique of the Ubaidian culture as described in Volume One, you will find the next example even easier – the secret knowledge of “outward looking.”

Once again from ancient Sumeria, the archaeologists have found thousands of sculptures that are a puzzle to them.

But these sculptures are so simple!

What could they mean? (See Figure 26 – Sumerian family)

Figure 26 – Sumerian family 143 KB View full-size Download

The scientists have tentatively identified these as representing family groups.

The mother and child on the right, is obvious.

The two siblings on the left make sense, or alternatively, they could represent a man and wife since, as was explained in Volume One, there was an equality between husband and wife in Sumeria before the bankers and moneylenders destroyed their society.

And in the middle, according to the archaeologists, a father figure seems to be a logical supposition.

But they are puzzled by what they call a “turban” on his head.

The scientists have two questions about these little sculptures:

(1) why do they have only big eyes on their faces and

(2) what is that thing on the top of the father’s head?

Question Two, I will explain later.

Using the reverse of the method taught in Volume One, you can understand these ancient mysteries, yourself.

But unlike the Ubaidian sculptures where you perceived your Inner Self or Inner Spirit, these sculptures exemplify the ancient Sumerian method of being in awe of your Outer Being.

You cannot understand this merely from reading a book because it is not an intellectual idea; it is an actual experience in ancient knowledge.

You can only understand this by actually doing what the ancient people did.

First, sit up or stand up straight and don’t move.

Open your eyes as wide as you can and look around.

Don’t move your head or body at all, just roll your eyes slowly and look in all directions and see as much of your surroundings as you can without moving any other part of your body other than your eyes.

Take some time to do this before reading beyond this paragraph and understand what you are observing about yourself.

Just stand or sit and see everything that you can with your eyes as wide as possible.

Within even a short time, you will get the impression that you, yourself, are nothing but two big eyes.

This is seeing your outer Being.

Try it.

You can see everything around you as well as your own nose.

Eventually, you will see yourself as just another part of your surroundings because you, yourself, are just one of the objects in your surroundings.

In our everyday modern views, we tend to think of ourselves as separate from our surroundings.

But using this ancient Sumerian method of looking, you can actually observe yourself as just another object in your surroundings.

This is an important understanding about Life.

When you can see yourself as a part of your environment, you cannot make the same mistake that modern people make in believing that you are separate from your environment.

Such fools believe that they can destroy their environment without destroying a part of themselves in the process.

Once again, I caution you. Reading about this and not doing it, means that you have no experience of the very thing that you are reading about.

Whether you believe that I am right or not, depends not upon what you imagine without actual experience, but rather upon what you experience.

So, practice what I am showing you so that you have the actual knowledge, a knowledge given to you not by what you read in a book but by what you experience in your life.

I am giving you the map, you are the one who must find the treasure.

This holds true for all of the techniques that are included in this book.

You probably won’t be able to sit in the swastika posture very easily but even trying to do so, will give you the first steps to attaining the good health that that symbol represents.

Even trying and failing will show you just how much lower modern health and exercise standards are than the attainments of the ancient people.

You can achieve the ancient skills if you try.

After using your own eyes in this way, you will begin to understand how the ancient people knew of the spiritual power that is expressed through the eyes.

The adoration and veneration for their gods was shown by the Sumerian sculptors in the eyes of these devotees. (See Figure 27 – Sumerian devotees)

Figure 27 – Sumerian devotees 289 KB View full-size Download

Such statues as these (See Figure 28 – Sumerian Worshipper) were found buried in the foundation of the Sumerian Temple at Eshnunna.

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The clueless modern scientists make a guess that the statues were placed there:

“to pray for the life of the donor.”

Most likely, however, they represented the devotees, themselves, who helped in the financing and building of the temple and were a memorial to them in the same way that modern people want their names and photographs associated with some:

  • public
  • cultural
  • religious

building project.

Ancient people were no different than modern people who want to be remembered, even if it is just their name on a plaque or in the donation lists to a new public building or on a new freeway.

We modern people are no different in this respect than were the ancient people who were our ancestors such as the French cave man at Lascaux (See Figure 29 – Hands of Lascaux) who left an outline of his hand to show that

“I was here, and I painted these pictures.” [22]

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There is nothing left of either the Sumerian worshippers who stood in awe and adoration of god nor of the cave man from Lascaux who devoted his cave paintings to timeless eternity, nothing other than the record they left of a devotion that transcends time because they are in Time.

One of the most famous of ancient secrets is called the Third Eye of the Buddha.

In Europe, it was called the Eye of Odin.

You do not need to be a Buddhist or an Odinist to try this secret technique for yourself.

In fact, it is also one of the secret Christian teachings that got lost soon after Jesus ascended.

The manner in which the eyes are posed, can be seen in this Buddha of Crete and Mycenae from around 400 BC. (See Figure 30 – Buddha of Crete)

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Similar statues of buddhas with the inward-looking crossed eyes, are found in countless archives of photos and in statues in museums and private collections throughout Asia.

However, modern people (outside of a few Buddhist monks) have no idea what the crossed eyes and the inward gaze means.

But you can look through the Buddha’s Third Eye, yourself, merely by following these simple directions.

And you can understand the single Eye of Odin as well as the Single Eye of Jesus, by actually practicing this ancient and secret technique.

The word “buddha” actually means an “enlightened teacher.”

As the Aryan Prince Gautama Buddha taught, there have been countless enlightened teachers (buddhas) born among Mankind since immeasurably distant times.

Odin was such an enlightened teacher, an Aryan Buddha from ancient Scandinavia.

He, as well as the Aryan Prince Gautama, used the Third Eye Technique for looking into infinity. 

Here is how it is accomplished.

As in the above Big Eye Method of the Sumerians, sit up straight without moving your head or body.

Only this time, lower your eye lids and focus your eyes down to look at the tip of your nose. 

Yes, you will be cross eyed, so only do this if it isn’t too uncomfortable for you.

Practice is the key as in almost everything.

Once you can concentrate your vision on the tip of your nose and hold it there without too much discomfort, hold that position while breathing gently.

Next lower your eyelids until the edge of your eyelids appear to touch the tip of your nose.

This will cut off one-half of your field of vision.

Keep your concentration on the tip of your nose.

Sit quietly for a few moments and breathe peacefully as you concentrate gazing in this way. 

Once your breathing is gentle and relaxed and your mind is calm, very slightly (and while keeping your eyes on the tip of your nose) very carefully and very slightly raise your eyelids just a little bit while keeping your eyes focused on the tip of your nose.

From looking at the tip of your nose, very slightly raise the gaze of your eyes just a little bit above the tip of your nose.

It will seem as if you are gazing out of a single eye since the area of vision has been blended between the right and left eyes.

This area of vision is divided into a dim area on the left and right; and in between those two areas, you will see a bright area in the center.

This is the Buddhist Third Eye.

This is the one eye of Odin.

This is the single eye of Jesus.

When you combine this technique with gentle breathing and some mantras or prayers, you have everything you need to attain:

  • powers
  • perceptions
  • insights

that will amaze you.

Your entire being will be filled with spiritual light.

The treasure is there within yourself.

I am merely giving you the map to find it. You, yourself, can actually gaze through the Third Eye of the Buddha, the One Eye of Odin and the Single Eye of Jesus.

The above technique has been given these three names, depending upon the religious background of the practitioner.

If you only read these instructions but do not follow the map and search for the treasure yourself, then you will always be a pauper standing outside the treasure house of metaphysics. 

These instructions are a key, whether you use them to open the door to the Universe, is up to you, yourself.

Scoffers close the door to mystic knowledge without themselves walking through.

Only those who try, succeed.

Even trying a little bit, will give you great insight.

And within that treasure house, which is in actuality within yourself, is found the Eighteen Supernatural Powers.

The Eighteen Supernatural Powers are:

  1. to see all, clairvoyance
  2. to hear all, clairaudience
  3. the ability to enter your Qi into another’s body, to bring back life to the dead and to heal diseases
  4. freedom from hunger and thirst
  5. to adopt a desired form, the ability to change the form to that of another person
  6. to die at will, to die the way one wants to
  7. to get desires fulfilled, to have all that one wants, to bless (or curse) others
  8. the ability to go anywhere in the Spirit (as the astral self or Ba) without any hindrance or obstruction
  9. to go anywhere at the speed of thought
  10. to have enjoyment along with the gods, to join them in enjoyments and merry making
  11. the ability to become very small, minute
  12. to become big, gain colossal size
  13. to become heavy, gain an excessive weight
  14. to become light, subtle enough to walk on water
  15. to get success, achieve goals, and get fulfilled
  16. to read the minds of other people
  17. Wisdom, lordliness, and power to persuade others
  18. to control another’s mind, self-control, control over all senses.

Although these powers are obtainable, they are also hindrances to finding God if you dwell on them overly much.

They are merely powers; they are not the Goal.

With these insights, we can rebuild all the damage that has been purposely done to human culture, to true religion and to genuine mysticism by the Jews and atheists.

As private and as personal as these methods are, there are some very evil people who will want to prevent you from discovering your immortal soul and bright spirit.

Such enemies of Mankind as:

  • the Jews
  • the Muslims
  • the Communists
  • the atheists,

and many modern scientists, will attempt to stop you from even the most ordinary practices of personal power and enlightenment.

It is a power that they do not have, themselves, only because they are prevented by their own corruption and lack of faith from attaining it.

But in order for them to have power over your life, their strategy is to prevent you from attaining these Secrets.

Ignore them and go your own way.

This genuine knowledge of the holy spirit as expressed through the eyes, was exemplified in some of the teachings of Jesus such as in Matthew 6:22-23 and in Luke:

“No one lights a lamp and puts it in some hidden place or under a tub, but on the lamp stand so that people may see the light when they come in.

The lamp of your body is your eye.

When your eye is sound, your whole body too is filled with light; but when it is diseased your body too will be all darkness.

See to it then that the light inside you is not darkness. If, therefore, your whole body is filled with light, and no trace of darkness, it will be light entirely, as when the lamp shines on you with its rays.”
 (Luke 11:33-36)

What is this “light” that Jesus talks about?


  • Jews
  • Muslims
  • atheists

and Communists do not know.

It is the light of the human spirit.

It is a light that shines forth from those who have attained a spiritual insight into the Universe or into God.

If you cannot see that light, then practice the exercises in this book and the light will manifest for you.

Just as you could actually see your own spiritual Being by using the Ubaidian methods from Volume One, this light also shines outside of the body.

The various:

  • paintings
  • drawings
  • sculptures

across wide swathes of time and geography prove this.

The representations of auras and rays of light emitted from the sculptures and paintings of:

  • gods
  • goddesses
  • saints

are too numerous and too much separated by geography and time to be just a delusion.

The same “delusion” expressed by unrelated peoples is not a delusion but is, rather, a common observation of real phenomenon.

This is alluded to in the Old Babylonian “Creation Epic” where the authors of the poem state that the god Marduk went out to battle the monster, Tiamat.

“For a cloak Marduk was wrapped in an armor of terror; With his fearsome halo his head was turbaned.” [23]

Now, look at that Sumerian family once again. (see Figure 26 – Sumerian family)

Figure 26 – Sumerian family 143 KB View full-size Download

So, yes, the scientists are partly right; it is a turban.

But it is not a turban of cloth, it is a turban of the holy spirit.

Thus, it can be seen that the holy knowledge of the Babylonians included a halo above the head of their great god, Marduk.

Knowledge of halos is a sign of actual spiritual enlightenment for the Babylonians.

To both know of and to be able to actually see and experience halos, is an indication of their spiritual elevation.

Additionally, this same shape is reflected in the crown of the Egyptian pharaoh as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit (Qi) around his head to the topmost height.

Nowhere in all of the lies and forgeries of the Jews for the past 3500 years is there any mention of halos simply because this knowledge was unattained by them while they destroyed all manifestations of true religious knowledge among the people around them.

Furthermore, the Babylonian Creation Epic shows the broad-minded outlook of the Akkadians in their views of God.

They wrote,

“As for us, by however many names we pronounce, he is our god. Let us then proclaim his fifty names …” [24]

What does modern science say about auras and rays of light emitted by the human Being?

The discoveries of Robert O. Becker, MD, give us valuable insight into what modern science can actually prove about such phenomenon as rays of light and auras.

He writes:

“Certainly human skin is electrically active.

It’s piezoelectric (creating electricity as it bends) and pyroelectric (turning heat into electricity) as well as a transporter of ions. [25]

Biological semiconductors even offer a possible basis for the aura often reported around living things by “sensitives.”

There has long been speculation that this ‘halo’ might be some manifestation of an electromagnetic biofield.

The ability of high-voltage (Kirlian) photography to produce an image very much like descriptions of the aura has aroused hope that the technique might render some aspect of psychic phenomena visible in a way that would be conducive to experiment. [26]

We found that human bone functions as a Light Emitting Diode (LED).

Like many such materials, it required an outside source of light before an electric current would make it release its own light, and the light it emitted was at an infrared frequency invisible to us, but the effect was consistent and undeniable.

Whole bone fluoresced a bluish ivory, while collagen yielded an intense blue and apatite a dull brick-red. [27]

On the other hand, the aura could literally be a form of light, perhaps at frequencies invisible to all but a few of us.

The skin-nerve interface…may well be a diode.

If so, the proper level of current could cause emission of light from the skin. [28]

Although this scientist just barely touches on the subject, he is limited to the use of scientific instruments while over-looking the most sensitive instrument of all – the Human Being.

We humans have great powers.

You can learn to find and use them through your own efforts and some of the hints in this book.

First, let’s look at the Eight Essentials of Life.

You can figure out what these Eight Essentials of Life are if you think about it:

  • Air
  • Water
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Shelter
  • Spouse
  • Children

and God.

They are listed in order of importance since without Air, we would die within minutes.

Without Water, we would die within days.

Without Food, we would die within weeks or months (depending on how much body fat we started with).

Without clothing, we would be at the mercy of the elements and either roast in the hot sun or freeze in the snow.

Shelter is a necessity because clothing alone is not enough to protect against the extremes of Nature and without shelter, it is difficult to co-habit with a spouse.

A Spouse is necessary to share in the labor of finding food and making a homelife inside of the shelter.

Once we attain all of these necessities, the mystery of what the “Venus from Laussel” is telling us can be realized.

Children can be raised to help in gaining a richer life and in giving us ease in our old age.

Above all of these earthly concerns, we need the Eighth Essential, that is, God or a divine spiritual awareness to aid us in leaving this earthly realm and for finding peace in this life and in the hereafter.

All of the ancient people understood the Eight Essentials of Life and tried to incorporate them into successful living.

But modern people seem to have forgotten even these simple facts of life.

You can understand the quality of your own life if you can answer “Yes” in having all of these Eight Essentials of Life.

If you don’t have all of them, you should ask yourself why.

Usually, those who do not have the Eight Essentials of Life are the victims of the modern-day Jews whose philosophy is:

“Many must suffer and die so that a few Jews may live in luxury.”

The first and most necessary of the Eight Essentials of Life is air.

Of course, if you hold your breath for only a few minutes you will have to stop being stupid and breathe or else you will die.

Modern people have forgotten how to breathe and the modern Jewish Medical Monopoly swindles billions of dollars per year from sick people whose only actual cause for illness is improper breathing.

There are many reasons why this is so, which I will cover in a later book, but for now know that just as a fire cannot burn without oxygen neither can the fire in your cells live without this element.

The vast majority of modern physicians are totally ignorant of the proper way to breathe.

So, they are not qualified to teach this art which you can learn for yourself by following the instructions at the end of this volume in Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit.

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

Of course, you know that someone who isn’t breathing or who has been cut off from oxygen for a short time, turns blue in color.

And someone who has fully oxygenated blood, has a reddish complexion.

This is not only reflected in modern medical lore but is recorded in the graphics of ancient Egypt as well.

Archaeologists are puzzled as to why the ancient Egyptians painted pictures of themselves with a reddish skin color – which to a pale and unhealthy scientist seems odd.

Yet, the Egyptians accurately painted the skin color of all of the people around them. (See Figure 31 – African and Asian)

Figure 31 – African and Asian 256 KB View full-size Download

The archaeologists are puzzled because as modern scientists, they have no idea how to properly breathe any more than does the average modern person.

When modern scientists are missing the first of the Eight Necessities of Life, how can you expect to obtain accurate information from them on the best ways to live your life?

Here is how the ancient Egyptians recorded the people around them. (See Figure 32 -Foreigners)

Figure 32 – Foreigners 317 KB View full-size Download

The Negroes and Asiatic all have the correct skin color pigmentation.

The Egyptians obviously knew how to observe and accurately record their observations.

But this picture of Horemheb (1348-1320 BC) is standard for how the Egyptians painted pictures of themselves.

(See Figure 33 – Horemheb)

Figure 33 – Horemheb 454 KB View full-size Download

Western scientists are puzzled as to why the Egyptians painted their skin color with a reddish hue.

In fact, all of the Egyptians were painted this color whether they were kings and nobles or common laborers.

And why?

Because the Egyptians – all of them – practiced the deep breathing and meditational methods that were usually kept as well-guarded secrets in other cultures.

The red coloration is the reddish hue exhibited by those who have oxygenated blood.

Whether it is the red face of the Chinese General Kwan Ti (See Figure 34 – Kwan Ti) with his powerful Qi Gong, or the red coloration of the Egyptian Pharaohs, this red color is a sign of good health, spiritual power and a fully oxygenated blood.

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Fully oxygenated blood is the result of deep and proper breathing, a secret that was shared in common among the Egyptians, but a secret that the Egyptians did not share with other peoples.

In Chinese Qi Gong and Kung-Fu, the windpipe and esophagus are known as the Triple Warmer Channel down which the circulating Qi enters the abdomen from its external circulation over the top of the head and upward from the Conception Vessel.

(This is discussed in Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit.)

The general meditational skills of the Egyptians can be observed in the fact that they were fully aware of the Triple Warmer, an internal path that the Qi (the Holy Spirit) circulates downward into the lower abdomen.

This internal skill is signified by the Egyptian hieroglyph for “Union”. (See Figure 35 – Union) It is no coincidence that this hieroglyph uses the representation of a human esophagus and lungs to represent a “union.”

Figure 35 – Union 216 KB View full-size Download

This hieroglyph for “union” was also the hieroglyph for “Life” and was considered by the Egyptians to be the basis of Egypt’s well-being and the power of the pharaoh.

A powerful meaning given for something that modern people assume to be so inconsequential as breathing!

The well-being of the People and the Power of the Pharaoh was found in their breathing!

But it has been a secret until now as to why the Egyptians painted themselves with a well-oxygenated reddish hue and how they created such an incredible culture.

In Egyptian culture, Air, the First Essential of Life was well known and revered, as it also was among the ancient Sumerians whose chief god was the Sky God, An.

The proper breathing of air and its internal circulation allowed the Egyptians not only high mental states of awareness and psychic skills, but it gave them great physical strength as well. 

This physical strength was linked by their Minds to their breathing and was used as a means of spiritual attainment in the same way that Chinese Kung-Fu links Mind, Qi and Body.

Each of these three can be used to strengthen the other two, synergistically.

A word should be said here regarding the environment of the ancient peoples, especially the Mesopotamians and Egyptians.

Both of these people lived in desert areas that only supported life because of the rivers that flowed through them.

All of the buildings in Sumeria and Babylonia were built of mud bricks.

In Egypt, the ordinary houses were built of mud bricks but since they also had access to stone, they built their monuments and temples of durable stonework, using limestone and granite. 

Because mud brick is made of widely available ingredients—soil, water and chopped straw, with occasional additions of dung or sand—and because it is baked in the sun rather than in a kiln, it is one of the cheapest of all building materials.

It is labor-intensive rather than energy intensive.

Furthermore, it is a poor conductor of heat, and so it is particularly suitable for arid regions where the daily variation in temperature is high.

When the temperature climbs above 90 degrees Fahrenheit on a summer day, the temperature inside a mud-brick house stays in the 70’s.

In contrast, in a modern non-air-conditioned house built of prefabricated concrete, temperatures can rise to above 100 degrees.

So, the ancient mud-brick houses stayed cooler in the summer than do modern homes.

The same arid climate that makes mud brick the ideal building material in the Near East makes roof vaulting the perfect technique for constructing a ceiling or a roof.

A vaulted ceiling allows hot air to rise higher than a low flat ceiling does and thus helps to keep the living space even cooler.

More important, in many parts of the Near East there are no forests, and consequently the timber needed to support flat ceilings is scarce.

A mud-brick vault requires no wood beams for support. 

Not only is it practical and economical but also it is a singularly graceful way to cover a building. [29]

With such humble building materials, the priests of both Mesopotamia and Egypt could practice their contemplation of the Universe in relative comfort, sitting in meditation in the cool shade, breathing gently with their abdomens, circulating the Life Force down the esophagus to the abdomen, looking through the Third Eye into Eternity.

No one needs the instruments of scientists to find and verify God.

You, yourself, are the finest instrument; and complete with everything you need.

The highest level of religious science was discovered in Egypt through the very same breathing methods employed by:

  • the Aryan Hindus
  • the Aryan Buddha
  • Jesus
  • Odin

and by the Celtic Druids.

They all just used different names to describe it.

As the Egyptians indicated in their hieroglyph, the Union between the outer and the inner man connects via the esophagus, the Triple Warmer, between the lungs and the abdomen.

Through the Science of Breath, inside becomes outside and back again.

One of the lies told by the Jews is that the Egyptian pyramids were built with slave labor.

Modern archaeology proves this to be entirely false and only offers additional proof of how bogus the Jewish tales of Exodus and its related counterfeits really are.

In fact, it was a great honor for the Egyptian people to be able to work on the pyramids because, in the first place, they were working for their god who happened to be represented in the incarnation of the Pharaoh.

It was not the work that a low-life slave would be allowed to perform.

Not only was it a holy occupation, but the pay was excellent.

The Pharaohs were only too happy to provide for the workmen who were building their House of Eternity, the best in food and plenty of it.

A colossal pink granite statue of Ramesses II at the Grand Egyptian Museum entrance in Giza, Greater Cairo. Dating to the 19th Dynasty (1279–1213 BC), it was originally in Mit Rahina (ancient Memphis) and moved to its current location in 2018 1.13 MB View full-size Download

Ramesses II (/ˈræməsiːz, ˈræmsiːz, ˈræmziːz/; Ancient Egyptian: rꜥ-ms-sw, Rīꜥa-masē-sə,[b] Ancient Egyptian pronunciation: [ɾiːʕamaˈseːsə]; c. 1303 BC – 1213 BC), commonly known as Ramesses the Great, was an Egyptian pharaoh. He was the third ruler of the Nineteenth Dynasty. Along with Thutmose III of the Eighteenth Dynasty, he is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom, which itself was the most powerful period of ancient Egypt. He is also widely considered one of ancient Egypt’s most successful warrior pharaohs, conducting no fewer than 15 military campaigns, all resulting in victories, excluding the Battle of Kadesh, generally considered a stalemate

Pharaoh Rameses II even shows on one of his wall murals the kind of banquets his laborers in the quarries as well as on the pyramid enjoyed. (See Figure 36 – food for quarrymen)

Figure 36 – food for quarrymen 402 KB View full-size Download

The pharaohs wanted their “house of eternity” to be built with joy, not with sorrow.

So, no Hyksos slaves were forced to build the pyramids.

Great honor, the blessings of the god and excellent pay, was for the religiously striving Egyptians, not for dirty slaves.

Again, the Jews are liars.

They never worked on any Egyptian pyramids.

Building a pyramid, or House of Eternity, was a high honor as well as an exercise in what can be called, Egyptian Yoga.

Yoga means:

“yoking oneself to godly knowledge.”

SPRITUALITY: YOGA: The False Teachings of Modern Yoga – Library of Rickandria

In yoga as well as in Chinese kung fu, physical exercises are directly linked to mystical and sacred attainments all connected by the breath.

SPIRITUALITY: YOGA: The False Spiritual Teachings of Yoga – Library of Rickandria

Modern people should understand that the breath is what gave many of the ancient people their spiritual power and physical strength.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: The Breath – The Basis of Magic, Energy Manipulation, & Mind Power – Library of Rickandria

By using their Egyptian breathing methods, every Egyptian, not just Pharaoh, could attain union with their god.

Their meditational deep breathing gave the Egyptians spiritual power and a perceptive excellence.

Every Egyptian painting and sculpture reflect this perfection in their lives, whether of servants performing simple chores or nobles like Queen Kawit of Dynasty XI sipping from a bowl. (See Figure 37 – Queen Kawit)

Figure 37 – Queen_Kawit 356 KB View full-size Download

Kawit was an ancient Egyptian queen consort, a lower ranking wife of Pharaoh Mentuhotep II of the 11th Dynasty. Her tomb (DBXI.9) and small decorated chapel were found in her husband’s Deir el-Bahari temple complex, behind the main building, along with the tombs of five other ladies, Ashayet, Henhenet, Kemsit, Sadeh and Mayet. She and three other women of the six bore queenly titles, and most of them were priestesses of Hathor, so it is possible that they were buried there as part of the goddess’s cult, but it is also possible that they were the daughters of nobles the king wanted to keep an eye upon.

Every movement to an Egyptian was a movement within Eternity.

The Egyptians made every movement as perfectly as their meditational awareness made possible.

Sculpture of the Buddha preaching his first sermon from Sarnath, 5th century CE 4.23 MB View full-size Download

Siddhartha Gautama, most commonly referred to as the Buddha (lit. ‘the awakened one’), was a wandering ascetic and religious teacher who lived in South Asia[h] during the 6th or 5th century BCE and founded Buddhism. According to Buddhist legends, he was born in Lumbini, in what is now Nepal, to royal parents of the Shakya clan, but renounced his home life to live as a wandering ascetic. After leading a life of mendicancy, asceticism, and meditation, he attained nirvana at Bodh Gaya in what is now India. The Buddha then wandered through the lower Indo-Gangetic Plain, teaching and building a monastic order. Buddhist tradition holds he died in Kushinagar and reached parinirvana (“final release from conditioned existence”).

Jumping ahead a few thousand years, the blue eyed, Ayran prince, Gautama Buddha, attained Enlightenment merely by observing his inward and outward breathing.

Miles Williams Mathis: BUDDHISM – The Stronger Poison – Library of Rickandria

Bodhidharma, Ukiyo-e woodblock print by Japanese artist Yoshitoshi, 1887 1.82 MB View full-size Download

Bodhidharma was a semi-legendary Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th or 6th century CE. He is traditionally credited as the transmitter of Chan Buddhism to China and is regarded as its first Chinese patriarch. He is also popularly regarded as the founder of Shaolin kung fu, an idea popularized in the 20th century but based on the 17th century Yijin Jing and the Daoist association of daoyin gymnastics with Bodhidharma.

And later, this knowledge was passed on by another Aryan prince, Bodhidharma (Da Mo) to the Chinese at the Shaolin Temple and refined into the External Schools of Chinese Kung Fu.

Breathing linked to physical movement and acupuncture theory was amalgamated by the Chinese Taoists into the Internal Schools of Chinese Kung Fu and Qi Gong.

So, breathing and the science of breath, has been the foundation of three of the world’s greatest religious discoveries while being almost entirely unknown in the West.

Unknown not because it never existed in the West, but unknown because this knowledge was lost until now.

It was basic knowledge among the wise men and warriors of ancient Europe, though secretly protected among the Celts and Druids.

Jumping back once again to ancient Egypt, observe how their Egyptian Yoga was part of the daily lives of the people.

All of the Egyptian sculptures and paintings and bas-reliefs show Egyptian yoga postures and Qi Gong skills.

Meditative breathing and contemplation of Eternity was not set aside as something that only priests or religious recluses could practice.

“Every moment Zen”

was the god conscious practice of those ancient people.

Whether standing (See Figure 38 – Ranofer Prophet of Ptah)

Figure 38 – Ranofer Prophet of Ptah 691 KB View full-size Download

sitting (See Figure 39 – lector priest),

Figure 39 – lector priest 207 KB View full-size Download

kneeling (See Figure 40 – Unknown Scribe)

Figure 40 – Unknown Scribe 289 KB View full-size Download

rowing a boat (See Figure 41 – Oarsmen),

Figure 41 – Oarsmen 258 KB View full-size Download

grinding grain (See Figure 42 – Woman Grinding Grain)

image.png 164 KB View full-size Download

or working in the fields (See Figure 43 – Harvest scene),

Figure 43 – Harvest scene 1.39 MB View full-size Download

the entire Egyptian culture and all of its people were finely attuned to Eternity and the connection that the Science of Breath had with daily life, linking their lives to the perfection of God.

The Science of Breath is, indeed, a true science in that you must closely:

  • observe
  • inquire
  • experiment
  • analyze

and test both the processes of thinking and non-thinking using the First Essential of Life as it manifests within the laboratory which is Yourself.

Not understanding this, modern scientists think that these Egyptian arts reflect some sort of “ideal” postures and not those postures actually practiced daily by the Egyptians.

Perfection is first and foremost a matter of mental awareness and physical discipline.

It is an attainment, not merely an ideal.

Thus, Egyptian art reflects the actual attainment of the Egyptian people, not just their “ideals” of perfection.

Just as Egyptian artists accurately represented the world around them, so too did they accurately represent themselves in their art.

Figure 4 – Kuo Lien-ying 158 KB View full-size Download

Notice how the modern kung-fu posture of Kuo Lien-Ying (See Figure 4 – Kuo Lien-ying) has a similar leg stance as the ancient Egyptians practiced here in a sculpture of Hori the priest. (See Figure 44 – Hori the Priest)

Figure 44 – Hori the Priest 146 KB View full-size Download

In this ancient stance, the weight of the body is not equally balanced.

Most of the weight is on the back leg.

One can stand for long, long periods of time in this stance.

Such a posture is what is known in Tai Chi Chuan as:

“avoiding double weightedness.”

This kind of stance gives one a lithe and nimble ability, making for a weightless movement skill, a limber spine and a tireless standing ability.

Try it for yourself and you will see what the scientists are missing.

This skill is not easy to achieve because it takes effort and acuity of mind, along with aware relaxation, but the method to achieve that skill is easy – just stand and study yourself in the posture, breathe, relax and use your Buddha Eye, your single Eye of Odin, to look inside at the marrow of your bones and the brightness of your spirit.

If you want scientific proof and if you are on friendly terms with an ordinary house cat, try this experiment:

Hold the cat as if picking up a child with your hands under its shoulders and around its chest.

Dangle it so that only its back feet can just barely touch the ground.

Let the cat put its back paws on the ground as if you were helping a child to learn to walk.

Notice how the cat will never allow itself to stand with both paws equally balanced.

Cats only allow one foot to bear the weight while the other foot is always light.

Cats are single weighted like Tai Chi masters.

Dogs are not like this; they are perfectly happy to stand with their weight equally planted on both hind feet.

Try the same experiment with a dog.

A dog is double-weighted, that is, it will put both paws on the ground equally weighted.

You already know who is quicker and nimbler, cats or dogs.

Cats & Dogs (3/10) Movie CLIP – Ninja Cats (2001) HD

This is one reason why.

Cats and Tai Chi masters are experts at being lithe and nimble by never being double weighted.

They let their bones support their weight rather than their muscles, just as the statues of ancient Egypt clearly teach.

This knowledge was known by the ancient Egyptians, and they practiced it even while on guard duty (See Figure 45 – Tutankhamon) or merely standing before the statue of a god while breathing Eternity into their souls; or while standing weightlessly along the banks of the eternally flowing Nile River and looking into the infinite horizon.

Figure 45 – Tutankhamon 195 KB View full-size Download

There is a direct connection between one’s posture and one’s spiritual awareness.

When your breathing is regulated and you are looking through your Third Eye, the Universe becomes your abode.

Again, jumping ahead, the blue-eyed Aryan Prince Gautama Buddha (~563-483 BC) attained Enlightenment merely by observing his inward and outward breath.

Miles Williams Mathis: More on the Buddha – Library of Rickandria

So, one must not assume that your own breathing is in any way inferior to that of the ancient sages and saints.

The difference between you and the Buddha or between you and the Christ, is merely a matter of knowledge.

But the knowledge, itself, is simple and easy to practice.

When the Buddha was Enlightened, the first thing that he said was,

“How wonderful!

All men can attain this blessed state.”

And Jesus taught,

“What I do, you too can do, and some things greater.”

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: Why Jesus was Not a Jew – Library of Rickandria

None of the mystical knowledge is beyond what an ordinary man or woman can achieve, if they try.

The big difference is not the knowledge, but the effort.

You can’t get there without trying.

“No, Try Not. Do or Do Not, There Is No Try.”

And just like the modern scientists who do not understand the mystical powers and the secret knowledge of the ancient peoples, you cannot know what the ancient peoples knew unless you practice the mystic secrets some of which are found in this book.

These secrets are both easy and difficult.

They are easy because they are simple, and they are difficult because practicing them is not easy.

Sitting in meditation, for example, is easy.

But to do it for a long time while settling your mind, is difficult.

Standing in the Universal Post Posture or the Rune Postures is easy, but to stand long enough to be able to balance your skeleton and free yourself of gravitational stress while relaxing your joints, softening your muscular tension and circulating your Qi, is difficult – merely difficult, but not impossible.

Why is sitting and breathing such a chore for modern man?

Because we don’t sit on the floor anymore like the Japanese do or like all of the ancient people did.

We slouch and do not sit upright anymore, so the nerve energy of our spines cannot circulate our Life Force. (See Figure 46 – Tibetan Buddha)

Figure 46 – Tibetan Buddha 538 KB View full-size Download

Unlike this ancient Mesopotamian Mari dignitary of about 2500 BC, we do not sit upright in chairs, we slouch into them. (See Figure 47 – Mari dignitary)

Figure 47 – Mari dignitary 165 KB View full-size Download

We do not squat down to go to toilet anymore.

We sit on tall toilets the height of chairs.

And so, our modern knees and hips are too stiff to sit with crossed legs for any length of time and are certainly too stiff to sit in the swastika posture or lotus posture.

This is not only bad for the health, leading to disease and old age symptoms, but it makes finding the ancient path to Enlightenment and God-consciousness also very difficult.

Why is this?

Whether you are a Buddha sitting under a bodhi tree or a Celtic warrior listening to the deep forest and the hints of the gods, or a Christ sitting in meditation for forty days and forty nights, by sitting on the ground you are directly connected to the entire planet and its energy forces.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CONSCIOUSNESS: Consciousness & Human Energy – Library of Rickandria

How does one plug-in to these cosmic energies?

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: Absorbing & Directing Energy – Library of Rickandria

The technique really isn’t difficult.

This scene from the famous Gundestrup Cauldron (See Figure 48 – Gundestrup), dated to around 200 BC, shows a European Celtic warrior practicing meditation with crossed legs while tuning his soul to the universe.

Figure 48 – Gundestrup 1.05 MB View full-size Download

He is surrounded by the animals of his world and the glowing life force within the plants.


The animals are obviously alive since they are in standing, active poses.

But even the plants in this scene are surrounded by the aura of their life force, showing that they are a part of the message being delineated in this scene.

Obviously, the ancient Europeans were aware of the life energy radiating from living plants, an awareness perceived through their senses, not through scientific instruments.


A careful inspection of this silver cauldron shows the necessary tools of the ancient Celtic religious practices of two thousand years ago. (See Figure 49 – Gundestrup meditation) The Europeans were like all other ancient people in regard to being in tune with the natural world.

Gundestrup meditation 561 KB View full-size Download
  • Hunting
  • fishing
  • gathering
  • animal husbandry

and agriculture gave them their food, the Third Essential of Life.

BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – (5000 BC to 1500 BC) – Chapter 5: Daily Life in Sumeria – Library of Rickandria

The Europeans were a highly religious people who were in tune with Nature and knowledgeable in the ways of their natural world as this ancient Celt is demonstrating the secrets of his mystical life, something that goes beyond the material reality.

First, he is sitting on the floor or on the ground in a cross-legged posture.

There is nothing Oriental about this natural way of sitting, little children sit like this today and the ancient peoples from all over the world also sat like this daily.

However, there is a secret about this method of sitting that the Western physicians know nothing about and which even the various gurus and meditation teachers are unaware.

SPIRITUALITY: MEDITATION – Library of Rickandria

We must look at both Chinese Acupuncture theory as well as Western scientific discoveries to understand this posture for attaining mystical power.

Western science shows us that we are surrounded by a multitude of energy forces both in the air and beneath the earth.

Western science claims that we evolved on this planet for several tens of millions of years.

If so, then how can scientists overlook the fact that we are all still connected to the energies of the planet?


One thing that evolved, but which modern science completely over looks, is the way we find our rest by sitting.

Yes, we can lay down to sleep and that refreshes our weary bodies.

But Mother Nature arranged that we could rest and find refreshment in the way that we sit down.

The refreshment that we experience does not come entirely from a state of bodily rest; it also comes from a re-energization from the entire planet, itself.

It is no coincidence that the ancient Qi Gong breathing methods (described in detail in Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit) begin at acupuncture points that you sit upon.

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

These acupuncture points are named CV-1 or the Hui Yin point.

It is located here (See Figure_50_Ren_1b), halfway between the anus and the uro-genital region in all people, located at the very place that you sit upon and make contact with the energy of the earth.

image.png 31 KB View full-size Download

Similar points are found in all animals who also sit on their rear ends to rest.

The earth has an electromagnetic field as a result of interaction between the magnetic field per se, emanating from the planet’s molten iron-nickel core, and the charged gas of the ionosphere.

It varies with the lunar day and month, and there’s also a yearly change as we revolve around the sun.

There is an electromagnetic cycle of several centuries driven from somewhere in the galactic center.

The earth’s surface and the ionosphere form an electrodynamic resonating cavity that produces micro pulsations in the magnetic field at extremely low frequencies …. Solar flares spew charged particles into the earth’s f field, causing magnetic storms.

The particles join those already in the outer reaches of the field (the Van Allen belts), which protect us by absorbing these and other high-energy cosmic rays.

Every flash of lightning releases a burst of radio energy at kilocycle frequencies, which travels parallel to the magnetic field’s lines of force and bounces back and forth between the north and south poles many times before fading out.

The surface of the earth and ionosphere act as the charged plates of a condenser (a charge storage device), producing an electrostatic field of hundreds or thousands of volts per foot.

COSMOS: EARTH: Flat Earth PSYOP – Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria

This electric field continually ionizes many of the molecules of the air’s gases, and it, too, pulses in the ELF (extremely low frequency) range.

There are also large direct currents continually flowing within the ionosphere and as telluric (within-the earth) currents, generating their own subsidiary electromagnetic fields.

The potential interactions among all these electromagnetic phenomena and life are almost infinitely complex. [30]

Any electric current automatically generates a magnetic field around itself….[31]

Both electric and magnetic fields … decline with distance, but their influence is technically infinite:

Every time you use your toaster, the fields around it perturb charged particles in the farthest galaxies ever so slightly.

In addition, there’s a whole universe full of electromagnetic energy, radiation that somehow seems to be both waves in an electromagnetic f field and particles at the same time.

It exists in a spectrum of wavelengths that includes:

  • cosmic rays
  • gamma rays
  • X rays
  • ultraviolet radiation
  • visible light
  • infrared radiation
  • microwaves

and radio waves.

Together, electromagnetic fields and energies interact in many complex ways that have given rise to much of the natural world, not to mention the whole technology of electronics. [32]

The electrical energy potential and Qi power of the earth is absorbed by this point, CV-1, where the Qi of the earth enter the body.

Your Qi rises up the front and the back of your body when you breathe beginning from this region.

So, it is no coincidence that these points have evolved to a place on the body that is directly in contact with the earth’s electrical potential when you are sitting on the earth at rest, like recharging your Life Force batteries.

This energy moves upward toward the stratosphere to create lightning but in a human, circulates over the head and then down into the interior of the body through the Triple Warmer, or esophagus, in the lower abdomen.

The ancient Celtic meditators could feel both a centered and grounded feeling as well as an increase in perceptive power when they sat on the ground with their legs crossed because the acupuncture point, they were sitting on directly channeled the earth’s power into their bodies. 

The mind becomes calm as the energy of spiritual power is concentrated.

What else does this ancient Celt depicted on the Gundestrup Cauldron tell us?

His eyes are partially closed as he looks inward using Oden’s Eye while listening to three totem animals whispering secrets into his ears.

A wolf and a stag have secrets to tell.

Both know how to move silently, one is a hunter, the other the hunted.

The stag knows secrets of invisibility and knows both the secret stepping method for moving silently in thick brush and for high leaping.

The wolf knows how to stalk and kill its prey and never gives up the chase.

The serpent is the power in the spine, the “wisdom” of serpents, a boneless pliability of youthfulness and hydraulic strength and Qi power.

The Celt is grasping the serpent because he has knowledge of the serpent power throughout his body, up his spine, straightening his neck, around which a torc is worn as a badge of his attainment.

He is:

“wise as serpents.”

The mystical secrets of the Celts are found in the posture of this ancient warrior-priest.

Sitting cross legged with a straight back allows the Qi of the earth to rise up and circulate, and his mind to find rest.

But what is he holding in his hands?

He is holding what he wants to tell you – the power of the torc and the power of the serpent.

These are both things that the ancient Europeans knew well but which have been lost by their Jew-corrupted modern descendants.

Why is he both holding a torc and also wearing one around his neck?

Because he is showing you the torc in his hand as a teaching of what to strive for and he is wearing a torc as an example of his attainment.

A torc cannot be worn by anyone who has not achieved the secret European power of the ancient Celtic and Druidic cultures simply because modern people do not have the straight necks, ramrod straight backs and iron wills of the ancient people.

torc worn by a Celtic adept sits comfortably around his straight neck.

Bronze 4th-century BC buffer-type torc from France 9.3 MB View full-size Download

But a torc worn by a common, buzzard-necked modern fool will cramp and crimp and cause him pain.

The torc of ancient times was worn as a sign that the wearer was a superior man and had attained the various powers that the ancient European peoples possessed.

Powers that were lost but herein are given back to them.

The Celtic warrior-priest is also holding a serpent that is whispering its secrets into his ear.

Obviously, he is holding it to show it to you, the viewer, otherwise, it would be pictured coiled on the ground.

He is showing that the power of the serpent is also his own power.

In the modern practices of Tai Chi Chuan and Baguazhang, attaining “snake spine” is an ultimate and achievable goal of those who practice these martial arts.


And in the ancient Aryan yoga of India, finding the snake power of Kundalini has always been an ultimate goal.


When the Buddha became enlightened, the Cobra King moved up his back and spread its hood to protect him.

This is the feeling one gets when the snake-like energy moves up the spine and spreads out like the hood of a cobra to your clavicles.

Here on the Gundestrup Cauldron, is proof that the ancient Europeans knew of this power.

The Vikings, also, were masters of the serpent power.

In addition, this ancient Celt is wearing woven woolen clothes with the belt above the navel.

A high belt such as this allows abdominal breathing and mystical power.

But the modern Jewish styles that Westerners wear today of low-cut britches and belts, cut off the breathing of the body and create disease, forcing the victims of Jewish fashion to breathe with their lungs instead of their abdomens and then go to Jewish doctors when they fall ill.

With his flat-soled Celtic slippers on his bare feet, the secret Celtic swastika-wheel acupuncture point at the center of his soles, is also connected when he walks upon the energy fields of the earth.

As this Celt walks, the Dharma Wheel turns around him.

It is an observable power within each person who seeks it.

The Sun Wheel or Dharma Wheel turns around your body as you walk in the Gait of Power.

Just as the Hui Yin acupuncture points absorb energy from the earth when you are sitting, so do the Kidney-11 acupuncture points on the soles of the feet do the same.

image.png 149 KB View full-size Download

The traditional sculptures and paintings of the Buddha’s feet show two things, the flatness of his feet and the long stretching of his toes (See Figure 51 – Buddha feet) as well as a lotus flower plexus on the soles (See Figure 13 – Buddha feet) which actually corresponds both with the bouncy point of earth contact and center of weight on the soles of the feet, something that is unattainable when wearing debilitating Jewish shoe fashions on your feet.

Not only is the perfection of the Buddha found in how he centered his weight over the arch of the foot, but the power of the earth’s energy is directly absorbed through that point.

That is, power is absorbed if you wear flat shoes with no heels or arch supports or if you walk barefooted.

Celtic slippers provided this power to the European peoples.

But today, they are the slaves of the Jewish fashion industry and so their feet are twisted and misshaped causing their bodies and spirits to be likewise corrupted by the demon Jews.

Figure 52 – Elamite woman 351 KB View full-size Download

These observations can be verified in all cultures throughout history where the people were either barefoot or wore simple slippers or sandals without heels or arch supports, such as this Elamite woman from 800 BC (See Figure 52 – Elamite woman) or Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose IV and his mother of the 18th Dynasty (See Figure 53 – Thutmose IV and mother).

Figure 53 – Thutmose IV and mother 485 KB View full-size Download

Notice the triangular shaped feet and the perfectly formed toes, so unlike the twisted feet and toes of modern shoe-wearing people.

Such healthy feet are found in all normal human cultures where people go barefooted or wear simple sandals or slippers. [see Figure 54 – feet]

Figure 54 – feet 167 KB View full-size Download

Just as a building remains strong if its foundation is square, so also does a human remain strong and healthy if his feet are solid and squarely planted on the ground.

The Jewish fashion in shoes causes all manner of diseases and suffering.

Just ask anyone with corns or bunions or hammer toes or knee problems.

Modern, fraudulent, Jewish physicians operate on the feet, cutting and maiming, rather than giving the patient flat shoes and a foot massage.

Podiatrists are among the biggest quacks in Jewish medicine.

Modern Westerners suffer from a variety of diseases that can be directly attributed to the disease-causing Jewish shoes that they wear on their feet.

Celtic slippers allow proper posture, a direct contact with the energy of the earth and the ability to walk in the Gait of Power and use the power of the Celtic Wheel, discussed later.

With flat shoes and the Gait of Power, tremendous speeds can be achieved in running.

Julius Caesar noted this when he wrote in The Conquest of Gaul:

“The Gauls concealed in the wood had already formed up in battle order and were waiting full of confidence.

As soon as they caught sight of the head of the baggage train – the moment which they had agreed upon for starting the battle – they suddenly dashed out in full force and swooped down on our cavalry, which they easily routed.

Then they ran down to the river at such an incredible speed that almost at the same moment they seemed to be at the edge of the wood, in the water and already upon us.

With equal rapidity they climbed the hill towards our camp to attack the men who were busy entrenching it.”

Miles Williams Mathis: ROME – Library of Rickandria

If the Celts and Gauls ran so fast that Julius Caesar was amazed – a hardened Roman general who had seen all manner of men – then their speed must have been phenomenal.

Those Celts obviously knew the Gait of Power and the secret of the swastika.

The straight back, straight neck and the concentrated meditation exemplified by the ancient Celt of the Gundestrup Cauldron, allowed him to reach out with his mind into the surrounding world.

The antlers on his head, you will notice, are not attached to a hat or any other device.

This is because they do not represent real antlers but, rather, the mystical ability of feeling into the world with one’s mind, like Odin’s two ravens named “Thought” and “Memory.”

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: THOUGHT-FORMS: Using Thought-forms – Library of Rickandria

And they are a symbol that this warrior priest had attained the stealthy skills and the leaping and disappearing powers of the buck deer as he sits in meditation with his back straight, his neck straight and his head erect.

He is a master of the natural world with all of its powers.

And he has skills in the mystical world accessed through his meditative Mind.

Meditation and the Druidic Breath were legend among the Celts as well as the Norsemen.

This knowledge is something that you, too, can achieve if you do as our ancient ancestors did.

In these art works, they are giving you the map for finding their powers.

You can do as they did, or not.

It’s up to you, alone, to try.

But there is something else that is hidden in the above panel of the Gundestrup Cauldron because the warrior-priest is holding the torc and the serpent in his hands.

Thus, the Celtic method for attaining his straight neck is concealed.

Adjoining panels, however, reveal this secret of Celtic meditation.

In this panel (See Figure 55 – Gundestrup], a European warrior is also wearing a torc that represents his attainment of power.

Figure 55 – Gundestrup 366 KB View full-size Download

Notice how his arms are posed.

Try it yourself.

Sit as straight as you can.

Take a moment to breathe and relax and sit with your back straight and neck upright and then when you feel like all is well and comfortable, lift your arms up with your thumbs pointing upward but rotated toward your ears as in this panel of the Gundestrup Cauldron.

You will immediately notice how this posture of your arms automatically causes your neck to straighten even more than you had thought possible.

However straight you thought that your neck was, once you raise your arms in this European Celtic yoga posture, your neck becomes even straighter as your shoulder blades drop downward, relieving tension on your neck muscles.

But there’s more.

What is between this warrior’s arms?

To the left is a boxer ready for a fight with his stance in the cat stance of the nimble Kungfu fighter.

In the Universal Post Posture (See Figure 4 – Kuo Lien-ying), one of the secrets is that the front foot is as light as a feather, ready to move, block or kick.

Figure 4 – Kuo Lien-ying 158 KB View full-size Download

The same, single-weighted cat stance is shown on this Gundestrup panel.

And on the left is a leaper, a man who has discovered the swastika secret of Druidic and Celtic leaping.

Such nimble fighters were qualified to be horsemen and warriors.

Such a theme is carried over to another panel on the cauldron (See Figure 56 – Gundestrup].

Figure 56 – Gundestrup 664 KB View full-size Download

Here the warrior is of an even higher level of attainment.

Not only does he wear the torc, but he has attained the Celtic Wheel Power.

Notice that his thumbs are now pointed toward his ears.

Try it yourself, f first lifting your arms as in the previous example and then open your thumbs and point them at your ears as in this Gundestrup panel.

Do you notice the increase in energy and straightness of posture?

The leaper on the left is a more powerful one than in the previous panel.

His thighs are thick, so his jumping is higher.

And he, too, has some of the skills of the Celtic Wheel.

Jumping back from 200 BC in Northern Europe to 1600 BC in the Palace of Knossos, Crete, we find what is called by the archaeologists as a “snake goddess”.

This is actually not a goddess at all.

She is a priestess. (Figure 57 – Minoan Snake Priestess)

Figure 57 – Minoan Snake Priestess 174 KB View full-size Download

Notice her straight neck and back and the posture of her arms.

She too has attained snake spine.

She moves with poise and concentrated attention.

Those two serpents are deadly vipers.

It was a teaching of the Christ that those who have attained spiritual grace would be able to hold serpents in their hands.

Such a teaching was not just a gift of Christianity but was a gift of all people who searched for and found their Qi or Holy Spirit.

RELIGION: CHRISTIANITY: The Real History – Library of Rickandria

You will notice the same erect postures throughout the sculptures and paintings of almost all of the ancient peoples, straight backs and necks.

The ancients were people of high spiritual awareness and great personal power.

Not all of them attained a high level of mystical knowledge, but those who did became the priests and priestesses of the temples and the teachers of the people.

Statues were sculpted of them and ritual cauldrons were embossed because they exemplified attainment of a high goal.

But they were not gods.

This Greek sculpture of Apollo from around 650 BC (See Figure 58 – Greek Apollo) is not just typical of such sculptures but also typical of western scientists’ views of ancient art.

Figure 58 – Greek Apollo 84.9 KB View full-size Download

Not being privy to the secrets of meditation and totally ignorant of Qi or Holy Spirit, not experiencing the powers of the ancient peoples firsthand, the scientists believe that such statues are not realistic but represent an “ideal.”

They think that perfection is only something that is attained in the:

“ideal state of a god”

but not attained by human beings.

With their buzzard necks and stooped shoulders, the modern scientists pass judgement on the ancient people without ever understanding what they are judging.

This statue of Apollo represents someone who has achieved high perfection in his godly life, sculpted by an artist who also had experienced such perfection, himself.

Similar postures are exemplified in sculpture and painting and bas-reliefs throughout the ancient world but are completely misunderstood by the sick and decrepit modern scientists whose spines are crooked, their poor posture resulting from too much study and too much sitting in chairs craning their necks over their books without ever practicing those ancient mystical skills, themselves.

One of the earliest examples of the importance of a straight back and spine, is found in the Sumerian culture of around 3000 BC.

There were basically two kinds of physicians, those who used magic spells and amulets in an attempt to cure disease and those who used herbs and food as their medicines.

The latter kind of physician had a symbol that has been copied throughout history by various kinds of physicians, a serpent on a pole, known as was the Rod of Asclepius, so named after the Greek god of medicine and healing.

It is a symbol used by the modern medical monopoly today as their official badge of the healing arts.

However, the Greek physicians who had studied in Babylonia, inherited their symbol from ancient Sumeria.

This libation vase of Gudea (See Figure 59 – Gudea Libation vase) from around 2000 BC, has sculpted on it the healing god Ningishzida.

Figure 59 – Gudea Libation vase 81.4 KB View full-size Download

When the entire vase is sketched and stretched out in two dimensions (See Figure 60 – Ningishzida) you can see that twin snakes entwine a staff.

Figure 60 – Ningishzida 99.9 KB View full-size Download

Ningishzida is a Mesopotamian deity of the underworld.

His name in Sumerian is translated as:

“lord of the good tree”

and is the earliest known symbol of snakes twining around an axial rod.

This is the source of the modern physicians’ serpent and staff symbol.

EDUCATION: Dollar Symbol & Caduceus – Library of Rickandria

The ancient Sumerian physicians used this to symbolize their healing profession because the trunk of:

“the good tree”

is your own spine!

There have been many theories over the ages as to what this symbol actually means.

The yogis claim that the Kundalini serpent is an energy that rises up the spine.

Although this is basically true, the actual explanation is a whole lot simpler than this.

Their explanation gives the impression that there is a mystical energy that rises up the spine and this mystical energy – because it is mystical – cannot be achieved by anyone other than a yogi.

You, yourself, can find this serpent energy within yourself with the ancient Celtic and Viking spine exercises, merely by rotating your spine in circles beginning at its base.

Remember, these ancient people were not distracted with TV or radio.


They had lots of quiet time around a fire, sitting around and practicing their spiritual breathing and movement exercises.

It is not just an energy but also an actual physical entwining of muscle groups that you can feel. 

Here’s how it is accomplished.

Whether you are sitting in a chair or on the floor, use your mind and think downward to your tail bone.

Look and feel inside yourself with your Mind and begin rotating in a circular manner and making a small circle around and around your tail bone.

Use slight physical movement to do this.

As you begin to feel that circular motion, continue the motion and, using your Mind to direct your energy, move the circling up the spine in a spiral a little at a time all the way to the top of your head.

Then practice in the opposition direction.

If you practice this exercise, you will find the Kundalini power within yourself in a very short time.

The Hindu yogis don’t teach this because the knowledge has been lost until now.

You will find that this serpent-like spiral will tonify your spinal vertebrae and straighten your back and neck as well as give you a chiropractic massage of the spine, energizing your internal organs.

While it is true that if you will it to happen, an energy does spiral up the spine, that energy is inferior to the very real interplay of muscles and fascia as you actively use your mind to make your spine spiral from the base upward.

Anybody can do it if they try.

Just don’t hurt yourself.

The Number One Rule of Internal Kung-Fu is:

“If you do anything that hurts, Stop.”

What Western physicians fail to understand is that pain is natural.

It is your body telling you that something is wrong.

Western Jewified physicians will give you drugs to deaden the pain while allowing the disease that causes the pain to fester.

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL ELITE: Elite’s Drug Management – Library of Rickandria

There is no need to hurt yourself by using too much exertion on any of the exercises that I cover in this book.

If you are causing yourself pain, then you are doing them wrong or too energetically.

Relaxation is the key.

Moving your body gently and without force, allows the Qi (the Holy Spirit) to flow.

It should be noted here that the modern Jewish medical monopoly of the American Medical Association and its British clone, has waged a long legal battle against Chiropractic medicine.

It is not that chiropractic is a cure-all, but chiropractors have some healing techniques that the medical physicians do not have.

So, the AMA sued them for quackery in order to clear the field from the competition of making money with their own quack methods.

As you can see from the above examples and from the ancient symbol of the Rod of Asclepius, that the AMA physicians are blindly fighting against their own ancient origins.

“Blindly” because they cannot see their own snake spine and the healing power of proper spinal alignment, and “ancient origins” since their own symbol of the Rod of Asclepius symbolizes the self-same profession.

This shows the ignorance of modern medicine to its own basis in the ancient world of spiritual knowledge.

You can test whether chiropractic theory is valid or not, yourself.

Chiropractic theory claims that since the spine carries nerve impulses into the internal organs, any blockage of nerve impulses by a misaligned spine, will cause disease to the internal organs. 

It makes sense.

If you put a rubber band around your finger tight enough to cut off blood circulation, your finger will die and rot and give you gangrene.

I don’t recommend that you try this.

But use your mind and figure it out for yourself.

If a rubber band can do that to your finger, what would happen if internal restrictions cut off nerve energy from your spine to your internal organs?

It’s the same principle.

Sit in a chair or on the floor and practice the Celtic and Norse spine rotating exercise, move the circular motion upward along your spine and feel the energy of the serpent power straighten your spine and invigorate your internal organs.

Once again, don’t use force.

You should move as soft and gently as silk.

The energy is subtle at first, and easy to miss if you are too aggressive with your muscles.

It is an energy flow through your muscles; it is not an energy from your muscles.

So, be meek and mild.

Use the perceptions of your Mind to find it.

It is with your Mind that you will lead and control your own Qi, your own holy spirit.

Just as the Celtic warrior sitting in meditation on the Gundestrup Cauldron, you will discover the secret of the serpent’s power and the deer’s sensitivity.


“wise as serpents and gentle as doves” (Matthew 10:16)

means that for True Power, to keep your snake-spine power internally hidden using gentleness rather than muscular force.

Another of the ancient secrets that practitioners of modern martial arts will recognize is this, the horse stance. (See Figure 61 – Val Camonica)

Figure 61 – Val Camonica 128 KB View full-size Download

It is a petroglyph from Val Camonica, Italy from sometime between 9000 BC to 1000 BC.

Do you suppose that the original artist took the time to chip that into the rock out of boredom?

Or perhaps he was trying to preserve something about his knowledge that was important to him.

The upright arms of this Val Camonica petroglyph also indicates that this Man of Power also knew the secrets of the straight spine and neck of a warrior-priest.

His arms are forming not just the same posture as the Celtic warrior-priests of the Gundestrup Cauldron but combined with his low stance, he is showing us the swastika secrets.

Nearly identical postures, usually of warriors but just as often of unidentifiable men, are found in the rock carvings and paintings of people worldwide.

Most modern martial artists practice this stance with a very rigid and hard, karate-like flavor but students of the internal styles of kung-fu know that this stance is fluid and pliable, while also strong and sturdy.

If this stance had nothing special about it other than being like a low squat, it would not be represented in ancient art as often as it has been worldwide.

There is something special about the low horse stance that in modern times, can most easily be found it the advanced Tai Chi Chuan schools of Chen and Kuang Ping. (See Figure 62 – Chen Xiao Wang)

Figure 62 – Chen Xiao Wang 143 KB View full-size Download

Chen Xiaowang Taijiquan

It is a stance that moves fluidly from one side to the other while maintaining a vertical body posture.

In combat, this is vital.

In wrestling and throwing; the lower the stance, the easier to throw your opponent.

While holding a spear or pole arm, a low stance gives strength in supporting the weapon or in dodging blows or attacking low.

It is a power posture and a weightless posture because when it is performed in a relaxed manner, all of the bones of the body support the body while the muscles relax.

When this happens, the Qi flows and great power can be expressed as in this Viking broach design showing both a low stance combined with sinuous snake body skills. (See Figure 63 – Viking ornament)

Figure 63 – Viking ornament 34.1 KB View full-size Download

The Vikings knew these powers intimately and so their martial art skills were unbeatable.

They were not the brutal fighters that the lying Jewish Media proclaims, rather, they were very sophisticated and skillful warriors practicing what is best described as Viking Kung-Fu.

Sun symbols in ancient religions were often, but not always, represented by a circle.

It is obvious that the shape is the same as the sun.

Unfortunately, because this knowledge has been hidden for so long, modern scientists have assumed that every round symbol is a sun symbol.

In many cases, they are correct such as for these sun wheels found on Scandinavian rock art (Figure 64 – Sun).

Figure 64 – Sun 48.2 KB View full-size Download

But in the case of the Celtic Wheel, this is not at all true.

Notice once again this panel from the Gundestrup Cauldron. (See Figure 56 – Gundestrup).

image.png 664 KB View full-size Download

Both the leaper and the meditator are connected to a wheel.

The youthful leaper, who has attained Celtic physical prowess, is grasping the wheel with just one hand.

The horns on his helmet are protected with end caps to indicate that he is like a domesticated bull; that is, he has been able to quell his passions.

But he is not wearing a torc and his neck is bent forward because he has not yet attained the highest level of Celtic meditation.

He is at the very edge of spiritual power because he is only just grasping the mystic wheel. 

Notice that the wheel is an extension of the meditator’s forearm.

It is attached to him as if growing out of him, that is, it is a part of him.

It is not a sun wheel because once it meets his arm, no other part of it is visible.

He is grasping the rim of the wheel in his hand while the very hub of the wheel is at his elbow and the opposite rim is at his shoulder.

This is, once again, where the swirling wheel power or snake spiraling power is generated from the rotating of the arms.

This Celtic wheel was also known in Aryan India as the Wheel of the Dharma.

It is not merely an intellectual idea; it is a genuine power latent within all people who search for it.

You can experience the Celtic Wheel, yourself with a simple exercise.

Simply stand up with your feet parallel and about one foot distance apart.

Slowly begin rotating your hips in a circle.

Don’t do this on a full stomach (or too forcefully) otherwise you might herniate your intestines. 

Remember, if you do anything that hurts, stop.

Be relaxed and smooth as silk as you move.

With a continuous practice of this simple circular hip rotation, eventually the power of your Qi will manifest.

It might take years, or it might take a few days or weeks, but the power is there if you take the steps to find it.

Rotate your hips in a circle slowly at first and then build up some speed as you gain confidence.

Rotating the hips in circles is not enough, however, since the wheel is found within all parts of the human body which can move in a circular manner.

The :

  • head
  • neck
  • shoulders
  • knees
  • ankles

every round joint benefits from this circling exercise.

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes with Lyrics ♫ Kids Learning Songs ♫ Camp Song & Brain Breaks for Kids

When you practice slowly and with concentrated awareness of your inner mechanics and energies, you will feel your Qi begin to move.

This round movement of the Qi is also achieved through meditative breathing.

And this is why the Celtic meditator on this Gundestrup panel is represented as having a wheel growing out of his arm, because unlike the leaper who can only make the wheel move through physical exercise, the meditator can move the wheel within himself through use of his concentrated mind.

You may not understand this, but those Readers who can control your own Qi know it. (See Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit)

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

This meditative knowledge was not limited to men.

Celtic women, too, could achieve high attainments as shown in another panel from the Gundestrup Cauldron of a woman showing her high spiritual attainment by wearing a torc as she sits in contemplation between two wheels. (see Figure 65 – Gundestrup)

There are many examples of European prehistoric art that depicts people with wheels on their arms or carried in their hands.

Mistakenly, the archaeologists claim these to be sun gods, but they are, in fact, warriors and adepts who have attained the power of the Celtic Wheel, the power of the Wheel of the Dharma, the Tai Chi Grand Ultimate within themselves.

It is also a physical power extremely useful both in combat and good health.

Understand that this power is a real power that you can experience and express within yourself.

It is not just some imaginary idea or theoretical construct.

The roundness of the wheel is also found in Chinese Kung-Fu in such schools as Tai Chi Chuan and Baguzhang.

We can use this round energy to great effect for good health and martial arts skills.

Part of the reason why the power of the Sun Wheel was lost to the European peoples was not just that it was a secret teaching of the Druids and Celts and Norse and Germanic Peoples but because the symbol, itself, hid the true meaning of its power simply by the way it was displayed.

The Celtic Sun Wheel is usually represented and displayed like this. (see Figure 66 – wheel)

Figure 66 – wheel 24.8 KB View full-size Download

Its symbolic representation shows the power within a man because it represents a Man of Knowledge, a Man of Power, standing with arms outstretched surrounded by his aura.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: AURA: How to Use It – Library of Rickandria

Any child who knows how to turn a perfect cartwheel will recognize what this symbol means.

Or perhaps Leonardo DaVinci’s drawing can explain it. (see Figure 67 – Vitruvian Man)

Figure 67 – Vitruvian Man 344 KB View full-size Download

The Celtic Sun Wheel represents Man.

This is not an ordinary man, but a man whose bright aura extends and radiates around him like a sphere or like the globe of the sun.

This brings up the next level of “wheel power” that the ancient people knew, and which is symbolized by the Yin-Yang symbol (Figure 68 – Yin-Yang Roman).

Figure 68 – Yin-Yang Roman 46.6 KB View full-size Download

You might assume that this is a Chinese symbol.

It is, in fact, the symbol used for the Tai Chi Chuan school of Chinese kung fu as well as for many other Chinese and Korean philosophies.

However, this particular symbol is from a Roman shield pattern of about 430 AD.

The Chinese did not begin using the Tai Chi symbol until around 1500 AD.

This design was also found to be the design drawn by the shadow of the tip of a vertical pole at noon as the sun makes its yearly procession. (Figure 69 – Yin-Yang day)

Figure 69 – Yin-Yang day 30.5 KB View full-size Download

So, although it is called by its Chinese name of Yin-Yang or Tai Chi (“Grand Ultimate”), it is actually a European discovery.

It probably first arrived in China from Europe via the Silk Road since it did not have precursors in Chinese Culture as it did within ancient European Culture.

The secret of the Tai Chi is a Celtic discovery because the Tai Chi is actually a simplified Celtic Spiral.

The mild S-shaped change of direction found on the Tai Chi symbol on that Roman shield design from 430 AD, is beautiful in its simplicity.

But it is really a simplified symbol for the more complicated Celtic Spiral found throughout Europe and Scandinavia – and used by European people two thousand years before Chinese usage.

A good example of the Celtic Spiral is found at New Grange, Ireland. (see Figure 70 – Newgrange, Ireland)

Figure 70 – Newgrange, Ireland 732 KB View full-size Download

A closer inspection of this entry stone will show the center of the spiral is not a one-way spin inward.

It is, rather, a turning in a Tai Chi curve, reversing direction and spinning outward without stopping. (see Figure 71 – Newgrange Entrance Stone)

Figure 71 – Newgrange Entrance Stone 232 KB View full-size Download

It is a continuous and never-ending flow.

The Tai Chi symbol is its simplified representation, but the higher knowledge is found in the Celtic Spiral, itself.

These were not merely decorations.

They guarded the entry ways and were also the ultimate symbol found in the deepest recesses of the Celtic cult centers, places where the light of the sun illuminated just once every year at the solstice. (see Figure 72 – triple spiral)

Figure 72 – triple spiral 293 KB View full-size Download

Why were these symbols so especially important to the ancient Europeans?

This is not something that the scientists can correctly answer.

But it is not something mystical and unattainable because it is also a secret found within yourself if you look.

You, yourself, can discover the secrets of Druids and Celtic and Viking power – as well as Chinese kung-fu mysteries – by using the following simple map.

As you stand practicing the Celtic Wheel hip rotations, you will find that you can reverse the rotation of the Celtic Wheel in two ways.

You can stop and rotate in the opposite direction, which also stops the flow of your Life Force, your Qi.

Or by using the tip of your spine to follow the S-shaped curve at the center of the Celtic Spiral, you can reverse the direction of the circle without stopping. (see Figure 73 – Yin-Yang change)

Figure 73 – Yin-Yang change 13.8 KB View full-size Download

This sinks the Life Force deep into the internal organs and fills your body with power and light. 

The two dots on either side of the Tai Chi, represent your two hip joints.

Again, you can’t discover the ancient secrets unless you are willing to practice the ancient methods.

Make the circle as round and smooth and soft as you can.

If the circle isn’t smooth and round but seems to have bumps or aberrations in it, look into your internal anatomy with your Inner Eye and you will find the cause is usually tight muscles and tense joints.

Over time, as you practice the Celtic Wheel exercise, these physical disabilities such as:

  • stiff joints
  • arthritis
  • old age

will disappear.


It is the healing aspects of this ancient knowledge.

This leads us further into discussion of the Celtic spiral and swirl.

Both the Celts and the Norse were fond of intricate designs involving knots and complicated swirling patterns because these were both artistically interesting and they also reflected the knowledge that they had of the movements of the Life Force (the Holy Spirit or Qi) within the human body.

When you are able to manifest your own Qi, you will be able to move it at will throughout your body and outside of your body simply through the power of your Mind. (See Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit)

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

As you direct your Qi with your Mind, you can guide it twisting and swirling and spiraling throughout your internal anatomy.

It heals as it moves as long as you move gently and as smooth as silk.

This is being:

“wise as serpents and gentle as doves.”

The Celtic Spiral is a good place to begin with this knowledge because it is quickly and easily discovered within yourself with these very simple exercises.

This ancient Celtic knowledge pre-dates the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt by more than 500 years and knowledge of the Celtic Spiral predates Stonehenge by about 1,000 years.

CIVILIZATION: ANCIENT EGYPT: The Great Pyramid – Library of Rickandria

Take another careful look at the Celtic Spiral. (Figure 71 – Newgrange Entrance Stone)

Figure 71 – Newgrange Entrance Stone 232 KB View full-size Download

Are these merely decorative art?

Absolutely not.

Such spirals are one of the secrets of ancient Europe.

Notice that these are not spirals that come to an end.

That is, they do not spiral inward and then stop but they follow an eternal and unending path. 

When the spiral reaches the farthest most interior point, it turns upon itself and reverses direction without stopping.

Softly and gently, continue circling your hips and once you feel comfortable, begin spiraling the tip of your tail bone inward, little by little making smaller and smaller circles spiraling inward until you reach the very smallest circle that you can find within yourself.

Then use the Celtic Spiral’s S-shaped turn to reverse direction and slowly, slowly begin to increase the size of the spiral outward until you reach the Celtic Sun Wheel once again.

You are now moving in reverse without stopping.

And there you have discovered the secret method of the Druids and Celts and Vikings for gaining:

  • internal spiritual power
  • good health
  • physical strength
  • martial prowess

and knowledge of the immortal soul.

TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS: The Jewish Soul VS. the Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria

This is not just a physical exercise.

If you practice it with an observing mind, your spiritual power, your Qi, will manifest like a great energized river carrying you along.

It is a truly enlightening and amazing experience to feel the power of the Life Force circulating within.

All movements should be powered with your Mind directing your breath. (see Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit)

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

The Celtic spiral has only been a secret and a mystery because people stopped practicing it and so lost contact with their inner spiritual powers.

Whenever the Celtic Spiral is found in a group of three (see Figure 72 – triple spiral), this indicates the basic, holy family unit of parents and child, all connected in the spirit as one.

Figure 72 – triple spiral 293 KB View full-size Download

But even among warriors, such as this drawing [34] of the Scandanavian rock art of the Vikings (see Figure 74 – Diskmen), you can see that the knowledge of the Celtic Wheel and the Spiral Power was known to these great adepts of the North, also.

Figure 74 – Diskmen 197 KB View full-size Download

Once you become proficient with the Celtic Wheel rotation, the Celtic Spiral and its Tai Chi reverse, your inner Holy Spirit will begin to manifest.

You will feel a warmth and feeling of energy and then a great flow of power as if you are caught up in a river of energy, all a manifestation of your own inner power coming to life.

The Wheel of the Dharma will turn with a power that you never realized that you had.

If this power was a dream or an illusion or a myth, it would not have been recorded in the same way by so many different people across thousands of years.

You can have this ancient power for yourself, if you look for it within yourself and by using these ancient techniques.

It’s all very simple.

This is also a great secret of:

  • Viking
  • Celtic
  • Aryan

martial arts.

A Celtic Wheel and Spiral was used by the Celts and Vikings in their sword and spear play. 

These were the methods of reversing energies and defeating an opponent’s aggression with blending and reversing evasions.

It was among the greatest warrior secrets of:

  • the Scandinavians
  • the Norse
  • the Celts
  • the Germans

and the Gauls.

Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight | Official Teaser | Netflix

Many people believe that the Norsemen were crude savages.

They were, in fact, highly skilled fighters who knew the innermost secrets of what today would be called Viking Kung-Fu.

Their art has been preserved today in the Scandanavian techniques of Stav.

Ice and Fire Stav martial training page

Figure 75 – River Thames shield boss 357 KB View full-size Download

For example, this knowledge of the power of the Celtic Wheel and Celtic Spiral, can been seen on this Celtic shield boss (Figure 75 – River Thames shield boss) and on this Battersea Celtic shield that was pulled out of the Thames River. (Figure 76 – Battersea shield)

Figure 76 – Battersea shield 583 KB View full-size Download

Archaeologists, who have not been trained in martial arts, see the designs on these implements of war only as magical symbols or artistic designs.

In a way, they actually are magical symbols because they trace the designs of all of the possible curves of attack and defense tactics made by the tip of a sword or spear point.

Study these designs and you can see the tip of a sword or spear, swaying and circling about.

What the magician-armorer was attempting with his designs, was to build into the shield a magical knowledge of all of the possible weapons attack combinations, so as to ward them off in combat.

SPIRITUALITY: WITCHCRAFT: Magic or Magick? – Library of Rickandria

It was as if the shield was magically saying,

“I know all of the sword and spear attack patterns and I will repulse them.”

So, they were designed into the shields and bosses to magically turn away such attacks by an enemy’s sword or spear point.

The Thames Battersea Shield is claimed by the archaeologists to have been thrown into the river as an offering to the gods.

Most likely, this heavy and valuable shield with every possible sword-tip and spear-point attacking pattern incorporated into its warding-off magical design, was thrown into the river because it had failed to protect its bearer from death.

The shield is too small to wield in combat. It was probably a toy shield made for a rich king’s son.

The son probably died, and the king threw the unlucky shield into the Thames in grief more than as an offering to the gods, as the archaeologists assume.

After all, what use do the gods have for a toy shield?

In addition to the magical spear- and sword repulse designs, something that is not easily seen in photos of the Battersea Shield is the fact that over each of the red glass disks is a swastika, that ancient symbol that maps and represents the personal power and good health of those who know its secret.

These swastikas, turning the mighty arms and legs of the men of power who surround the central king and princes, give the swirling designs even more meaning.

The swastika is the innermost secret power of the men of the British Isles and across all of Europe into India.

If, in your rotations of the Celtic Wheel and Spiral within your body, your holy spirit manifests, that is, if you feel the internal flow of Power and feel the radiant buoyancy of your aura expand as your mind attains clarity of perception, then you can realize and experience the next ancient level of power by manifesting what is known as the Orphic Egg.

But first take a look at another prehistoric, Bronze Age stone carving from Camonica Valley, Italy.

This ancient pictograph shows a face within a spiral. (See Figure 77 – Spiral Face)

Figure 77 – Spiral Face 29.2 KB View full-size Download

In a certain way, this is actually a drawing of your own face as you look upward from within the spiraling Celtic swirl that you make as you rotate your hips in the Celtic Wheel exercise.

Rotate and spiral your energy inward and outward using the Celtic Spiral.

As you feel the spiral energy swirl around you, look up to the sky and you will feel exactly what this ancient drawing is recording for eternity – yourself within the vortex of your swirling spirit.

Faith No More – Epic (Official Music Video)

With this knowledge gained from the Celtic Wheel and the Celtic Spiral techniques, you will feel your spirit, your Qi, begin to glow and radiate within your body.

As you become proficient at moving your spirit, and as your holy spirit becomes stronger and more internally centered, it will begin to radiate outside of your body.

You will find as you turn the Celtic Wheel that your holy spirit is shaped like a luminous egg.

This radiant spirit is alive and moves with the swirling serpent-like movements of your Qi as you rotate the Celtic Wheel and move that wheel spiraling into and out of the Celtic Spiral.

What this radiating, egg-shaped aura is, is the actual Orphic Egg. (see Figure 78 – Orphic Egg)

Figure 78 – Orphic Egg 251 KB View full-size Download

You can see your own spirit with your eyes either open looking through Odin’s Eye or the Buddha’s Eye or closed using your Inner Eye.

But most people don’t look.

So, of course, they miss seeing what their own holy spirit looks like.

Jesus called this egg-shaped spiritual aura,

“the pearl of great price.”

This term, the Orphic Egg, like so many terms used to describe the ancient knowledge, is garbled behind modern “interpretations” and an over-reliance on philosophical and over-educated blindness.

The works of such modern “mythologists” as Joseph Cambell are an example of this sort of convoluted and wordy stupidity wrapped around fallacies.

Campbell in the late 1970s 452 KB View full-size Download

Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American writer. He was a professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human condition. Campbell’s best-known work is his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies, termed the monomyth.


According to such wordy “philosophical interpretations,” the Orphic Egg is an ancient Greek tradition from whence the universe supposedly hatched.

But like so many of the Greek “mysteries,” its actual meaning was lost in all of the extra baggage that the ancient Greek priests used to hide its actual reality from the common man.

Only the select few who were “inducted” into the mystery cults of the Greek temples, were taught the actual meaning.

To keep it hidden from the masses, it was cloaked in myth. Instead of teaching Mankind of our: 

  • innate
  • immortal
  • luminous

spirit, the Greek priests claimed that only the gods and the students of the priests could be privy to the secrets.

And so, the actual secret of innate power of Man became lost, to be replaced as an imagination within the minds of philosophers and the theories of blind art historians.

Miles Williams Mathis: A Study of History – Library of Rickandria

Now that you have the ancient methods for manifesting the power of your spirit, what else is there in this?

First, I should explain the manifestations of the human aura as recorded in the archaeological record.

Figure 79 – Maltese cross cylinder seal 96 KB View full-size Download

From Volume I, The Sumerian Swindle, you already know that the so-called “Maltese Cross” and the “Tree of Life” found on Sumerian cylinder seals (See Figure 79 – Maltese cross cylinder seal) are representations of the human aura. (See Figure 80 – Maltese Aura)

Figure 80 – Maltese Aura 197 KB View full-size Download

RELIGION: Tree of Life – Map of the Human Soul – Library of Rickandria

This knowledge was common in Mesopotamia more than two thousand years before there were any lying Jews to deceive Mankind about religion.

But there was an even earlier knowledge of the human aura recorded in the rock art of Val Camonica, Italy. (Figure 61 – Val Camonica)

Figure 61 – Val Camonica 128 KB View full-size Download

These indicate the radiant glow of the human aura and halo (the holy spirit) of those who have attained this spiritual knowledge within themselves.

Even the cave men could attain the power of their radiant spirits and the halo of their Holy Being.

Modern people are no different in ability but are lacking in faith or belief and do not have the simple maps and methods for achieving such power – until found in this book.

Many, many examples of this aura which:

  • unspiritual
  • materialistic
  • faithless
  • modern

scientists have been unable to understand, is found in Egyptian art.

Since the scientists do not know what they are looking at, they have substituted their own ignorance for the truth and have mislead generations of researchers with their stupid theories.

For example, these kinds of paintings are common in Egypt (see Figure 82 – head cone).

image.png 391 KB View full-size Download

The scene is common but what is also common in countless such paintings is the cone that is on the heads of these nobles.

At such a banquet scene, the scientists have surmised that what these Egyptians have on their heads is a:

“scented grease cone.”

Their scientific theory is this:

As the grease melts in the heat, it releases a pleasant scent and cools the wearer.

Anyone who knows anything about the so-called “cooling effects” of grease on your head, will know that such a theory is ridiculous.

Grease is good to fry an egg, but not to cool you off on a hot day.

Anyone who knows anything about cleaning grease out of your clothes, will know that their theory is ridiculous.

Why would the Egyptians, surrounded by gritty, dusty deserts want grease on the clothes or in their wigs in an age when soap and water was not as common as it is today?

And the theory is bogus by the finds of archaeology, itself.

Among the thousands of wigs excavated from Egyptian tombs over the years, not a one of them was found to contain even a trace of grease, tallow or wax.

Obviously, the scientists are wrong.

But what, then, are those glowing cones on the heads of the Egyptians?

They are quite literally representations of the human aura.

This is identical to what was represented in Sumerian art. (see Figure 26 – Sumerian family)

Figure 26 – Sumerian family 143 KB View full-size Download

Another example are these Egyptian women musicians, a flute player and a singer. (See Figure 83 – singer)

Figure 83 – singer 1010 KB View full-size Download

Caught up in the rhythm of the song, shaking their heads so that the hair on their wigs fly around, they are certainly not losing their alleged “grease cone” from off their heads because it is not a grease cone, it is their holy auras radiating.

You will notice that in this painting, (See Figure 84 – Ladies with aura) the Egyptian women are shown with an extra curved line around their heads indicating the extent of their auras wrapping around their heads as it radiates from their bodies.

Figure 84 – Ladies with aura 597 KB View full-size Download

This halo around the head and its association with spiritual immortality was symbolized by the Egyptian Ankh. (See Figure 85 – Ankh)

Figure 85 – Ankh 6.02 KB View full-size Download

Figure 46 – Tibetan Buddha 132 KB View full-size Download

This extension of the spirit above the head should not be confused with the bump on top of the head as seen in Buddhist sculptures of the 15th century AD (See Figure 46 – Tibetan Buddha) or the Goddess Parvati of the 12th Century India. (Figure 86 – Goddess Parvati)

Figure 86 – Goddess Parvati 465 KB View full-size Download

These all represent the aura as it extends above the head of the adept.

But in addition to the aura, this bump is a very real manifestation of what happens when you have developed weightless standing and weightless sitting.

The entire skeletal structure of your body is balanced by the fascia and ligaments and these are all perfectly balanced at the top of the head, which develops as a bump at the balance point and an internal feeling that your head is higher than it looks in a mirror.

As you rotate the Celtic Wheel around your head, the entire muscles and fascia around the cranium feels elevated and as tall as the Egyptian pharaoh’s hat while your entire body is held up as if by a string or like the very tip of a Thai Buddha’s head. (See Figure 87 – Thai Buddha)

Figure 87 – Thai Buddha 456 KB View full-size Download

Notice the flame shape, a fire that was also recorded among the early Christians, flaming above their heads.

image.png 12.9 KB View full-size Download

Figure 88 – protecting wings 656 KB View full-size Download

Auras in Egyptian art are also often represented as wings (See Figure 88 – protecting wings) radiating from the arms of various beings. (See Figure 89 – Egyptian art)

Figure 89 – Egyptian art 353 KB View full-size Download

You can feel this, yourself, as a radiating energy.

This knowledge of their radiating aura was also represented by the crown of the Pharaoh from the most ancient times.

Figure 90 – pre-Dynastic king 579 KB View full-size Download

The pre-Dynastic style of crown (Figure 90 – pre-Dynastic king) was carried over into all later eras of Egypt as the crown of Pharaoh. (Figure 91 – Pharaoh Mycerinus)

image.png 523 KB View full-size Download
image.png 37.3 KB View full-size Download

Rather than the small aura radiating 20 or 30 centimeters above the head, as in the Asian Buddhas, the pharaoh wore a crown that represented the shape of and the size of his powerful aura.

But in this case, rather than something that is observed from the outside, this shape is seen by your inner eye as what your head feels like when your Qi circulates around your skull and between your scalp.

Your head feels as if it is suspended upward by a string and your forehead feels very high and tall.

Anyone can feel this who looks with your inner eye.

Notice, too, in this picture, the broad feet and individually perfect toes of both the Pharaoh and his goddesses.

Debilitating footwear of the modern Jewish garment industry was not a part of the healthy lifestyle of ancient Egypt.

People who achieved high levels of spiritual power, did so in bare feet or wearing Celtic slippers or Egyptian sandals.

Notice the perfect toes.

Very few women today can boast anything other than the twisted feet and painful, misshaped toes cause by Jewish high-heeled footwear.

Modern society has not simply forgotten its ancient powers but has been purposely swindled out of those powers by devils seeking money.

The history of how the Jews use the fashion industry to destroy Western Culture is described in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.

The Egyptian “greeting” also showed their knowledge of the human aura.

This drawing from the Egyptian Book of the Dead from around 1300 BC shows the greeting. (Figure 92 – Book of Dead)

Figure 92 – Book of Dead 586 KB View full-size Download

And it is seen on countless sculptures throughout the entire three-thousand-year history of Egypt. (see Figure 93 – Upuat-mes)

Figure 93 – Upuat-mes 175 KB View full-size Download

Among the ancient Egyptians this form of greeting meant,

“Greetings, I feel your holy aura”


“My ka perceives your ka.”

What many people do not know is that the spiritual knowledge of ancient Europe is as old as, and sometimes older than, that of Egypt.

The dolmens of Europe, in places such as Stonehenge and Newgrange, all show a very high spiritual knowledge that predates that of Egypt.

It is a knowledge of an even higher level because instead of a blend of the human shape with the spiritual aura as in Egypt, only the aura, itself, is represented in European art, such as in this photo [35] of a Celtic sanctuary in France from 2000 BC. (Figure 94 – Celtic Auras)

image.png 518 KB View full-size Download

These radiant auras show the ancient French Celtics as they saw themselves, glowing and bright.

Look closely and you can see where the stone in the foreground has one of the auras turning into flames and one of the auras has a human head at its top.

Notice also the use of the upright snakes at the bottom, representing the snake power of the spine.

These stones represent large groups of Celtic family and tribal members gathered together.

Their individual auras are represented.

The chief priest with his fiery aura takes the central position and all of the various tribes’ members stand around and look out from behind one another’s auras.

In modern parlance, it is a “group photo” chiseled in stone.

These auras and rays of spiritual light did not always find expression in silence.


  • temples
  • sanctuaries
  • meeting places

of these ancient people were often filled with:

  • chanting
  • mantras (that is, repetitions of the names of gods or of prayers)
  • music

and song.

After all, the entire universe is in constant vibration.

COSMOS: Life in the Universe – Library of Rickandria

Every atom is vibrating.

Every molecule, planet and star are in vibration.

Even the emptiness of space has its own tone.

As these Egyptian singers show, they were using the vibration of their voices to affect the universe. (See Figure 95 – Mudra singers)

Figure 95 – Mudra singers 499 KB View full-size Download

These paintings do not show them snapping their fingers as the archaeologists claim; they are shown singing a vibration and feeling that vibration in the palm of their hands.

Try it yourself.

It is not difficult.

If you cannot feel your palm vibrate when you sing into it, perhaps you are using the wrong vibration.

Try an “Om” sound.


Or like the ancient Sumerians, sing the Sky God’s name of An and feel the vibration of his name in your own hand.

Or use the mantra of Odin and see if you can feel the Presence of the Eternal One.

Using the vibration of holy:

  • mantras
  • songs
  • poetry

is one way for attuning oneself to the vibration of the universe and the vibration of God.

The ancient people discovered the uses of sound to produce real effects in the world.

The sounds of:

  • prayer
  • mantras
  • spells

were used for good and bad effects.

How such vibrations are used in modern times for building and destroying entire nations, is covered in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah where it is shown how the Jewish music industry destroys Western Culture by using the sounds of garbage and the songs of talentless morons.

Dear Reader, I am not giving you some:

“esoteric, mysterious, unobtainable, mythological”


Aldo Nova – Fantasy

You can have the ancient powers for yourself merely by practicing these ancient Ways of Knowledge and Power that were written down in ordinary and easy to-understand:

  • petroglyphs
  • sculptures
  • paintings

by our ancient ancestors.

All you have to do in order to obtain this ancient knowledge and power for yourself, is to walk the same path and practice the same exercises and techniques that they did.

RUN DMC – Walk This Way (Official HD Video) ft. Aerosmith

Belief or theory have nothing to do with this because if you only believe that these powers exist within yourself, then you have not really experienced them.

If you have not really experienced them, then you do not have knowledge of them.

Without actual knowledge, then you have nothing but empty belief.

Although belief and faith are important steppingstones toward knowledge, they are not knowledge, themselves.

It is merely a matter of doing the exercises and thereby gaining the benefits.

It is very simple.

If you practice these exercises, your spiritual and physical powers will automatically manifest.

SPIRITUALITY: MANIFESTASTION: The Hidden Secret of Manifestation – Library of Rickandria

Your personal religious convictions are not so important because you will gain the benefits regardless of your religious convictions.

And why?

Because these ancient techniques are basic to all of Mankind.


The luminous, spiritual Being!

Much of the luminous radiation of the human spirit known to the ancient people, was also taught by Jesus and therefore known by the early Christians as you shall see in later chapters. 

The ancient peoples, using a variety of names and religious themes for what they knew, had true and powerful knowledge of their own spiritual might and a genuine knowledge of God – a knowledge that went far beyond mere words for a people who had no words to express their knowledge.

The Bangles – Walk Like an Egyptian (Official Video)

But this knowledge was, and is today, completely unknown to the destructive and dark powers that animate the crooked Jews and their demon spawn known as Islam.

From the above chapter, you can see that:

  • symbols
  • images
  • statues

and paintings were all methods for transmitting religious and mystical information among peoples who had no written language.

And even among people who could read and write, such as the Egyptians and Mesopotamians, graphic arts conveyed ideas and data in ways that words cannot.

The old saying that:

“a picture is worth a thousand words,”

becomes even more true when the people who paint the pictures or sculpt the bas-reliefs do not even have one, single, written word to tell what they knew.

Therefore, what can be said of an allegedly “religious” system such as Judaism or Islam, that routinely destroys the religious graphic arts of other peoples?

It is not that these other people were “evil” or “an abomination” at all.

When you look at the Jews’ and the Muslims’ paucity of actual experience of God or of the Great Beyond, and when you see the ignorant and diabolical nature of these two Semitic hoaxes, then you can see that their methods of destroying the religious knowledge of other people, were simply designed to envelope the Hebrew and Arab people in the blackest of ignorance.

By keeping their congregations ignorant, the evil Semitic priests could foist their lies disguised as “wisdom” and “truth.”

After all, what else was left following the destruction of all other religions other than the teachings of the Semitic priests?

When all that a people have, are lies to follow; then what else can they follow other than the lies of the rabbis and Imams?

What else remains among the smoldering ruins?

The Semites always destroyed people who were better than themselves.

Whether as illiterate Hyksos raiders or illiterate Arabian bandits, they multiplied like cancer cells through rape and multiple wives and concubines who were all culturally encouraged to produce as many little gangsters as possible.

BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle – How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – (5000 BC to 1500 BC) – Chapter 8: The Apiru, the Hapiru, the Habiru, the Hebrew 1520 BC – Library of Rickandria


  • murdered
  • pillaged
  • burnt down

every vestige of religion expressed by other people, whether in religious iconography, statues or written archives, so that only their own foul lies could be taught.

And to control those stupid bandits, the demon rabbis and fiendish Imams prohibited them from learning any other religious ideals while encouraging them to:

  • smash
  • scratch out
  • burn

the religious:

  • symbols
  • statues
  • graphic arts

of all other people.


Through their wanton destruction of True Religions and the erasure of all religious knowledge, if the Semitic cults of Judaism and Islam can be considered to be anything other than anti-religions, then one must surely agree that by using the death and extinction of millions of people as a “proof” of its superiority, then bubonic plague can also claim to be holy.

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

Judaism and Islam are the Devil’s Truth.


BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 5: Pagans & Idolaters, Much Holier than Jews – Library of Rickandria

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Vol. II – Library of Rickandria

The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 4: Secret Powers of the Ancient People

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