By Howard Ratcliffe on Oct 27, 2021

Cainites are “Black Nobility”; the Black and White Phoenix Bird represents Cain; Cain’s offerings to God were not acceptable because he did not own them.

BLOODLINE: The Black Nobility – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

They are Cursed.

The offspring of Cain is Canaan through incest are Cursed.

Amalekites followed.


Black and White are in every Masonic Lodge Floor and the foundation of Zoroastrianism “Undiluted Star” aka Black Star.

The Rainbow is the symbol of the Edomite National God Qos; Light created from Black (contains all light) on Day 1, divided into its constituent colors by refraction of 42 degree with respect to the observer forms a “Halo” matching the final number of months of great tribulation before the return of Jesus.

The Rainbow is the theme of the Wizard of Oz; Liber Oz: Book 77 the LGBTQ (Sins God flooded the Earth to end) movement and Covid 19 Operation Warp Speed a logo hiding the Antakerana “Rainbow Bridge” to Hell

George Soros:

Jewish (Ashkenazi, Canaanite, Assyrian 2Ki 17:30) Schwartz György “Black Farmer” i.e. Cain-Canaanite; George=Gift of God.

Henry Kissinger is the mentor of Klaus Schwab (Mordecai = Marduk, Chief god of Babylon = Bauer “Farmer”= Cain “Spear”= Rothschild “Red Shield”

WHO IS Klaus Schwab? His Family Tree… Can you say father of communism?

a relative of Karl Mordecai Marx whose goal is to

“Kill God”

This is the Death Star!


Klaus Schwab is a Suebi aka Alemani,”Worshippers of Mars” the god of War ignorantly worshipped as the UNKNOWN GOD of the Areopagus “Mars’ Hill” Acts 17:22-23

Schwab controls the WEF which controls the Young Global Leader’s School and Global Shapers, accounting for many government and Industry leaders.

NEW WORLD ORDER: WEF – World Economic Forum – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

The Scabbard is an Alemanni warrior in a ritual wolf costume; the same wolf at the center of the Turanian Confederation.

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Edomite National God Qos means “Bow”

Strongs #5115 Toxon = Poison; Qos is equivalent with:

  • Saturn
  • YHWH/Yahweh
  • El/Elohim

The mural dominating the UN Security Council Chamber is the Phoenix Rising in the center under a wedding ceremony to the serpent with the Pale Horse “Death” to the right.

The Monkey Ending Scene

The Phoenix symbolizes New Atlantis re-created as the New World Order using slogans like:

  • Order out of Chaos
  • Great Reset
  • Build Back Better

and the Hebrew phrase Tikkun Olam:

“Repair/Heal the Earth”

Healing refers to eliminating God from the world and the Theosophical Society slogan

“Do what thou wilt”


BlackRock uses the colors of the Rainbow; the world’s largest Asset Manager uses Wall Street created Debt borne by Citizens to purchase Assets.


Jesus is Shiloh “Owner of the House” (Gen 49:10); there is no such thing as Real Estate or Property Ownership; this is why one cannot love God and Mammon (Material Wealth)

“Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” Jude 1:11

BOOK: GRAPHIC NOVEL: The Black Monday Murders (2016-2018) – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Balaam refers to Demons, Idols “Baal’s”; worthless priests.

RELIGION: DEMONS – The Pagan Gods of Hell – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Core refers to the Korahites who offered an “Alternative Priesthood” beginning in Moses and Aaron’s day.

Cain’s descendants in Anatolia (modern day Turkey) are responsible for all 7 Church Warnings given by JESUS (Rev 2 & 3)

Tartarian Christianity & The Revelation: Episode 2

Pretty coincidental 2 Turkish “Moriscos” i.e. fake Muslims from BioNTech created the “TOXON” (Strongs #5115; Poison) on 1/11 eh?

Strong’s Greek: 5115. τόξον (toxon) — Bow

Number 111 Symbolism, 111 Meaning and Numerology

JESUS declares:

“I am Alpha and Omega”

in Rev 1:11 and dictated the 7 church Warnings via the Holy Ghost; the Experimental Medical Device designed to suppress the Soul.

Cain and Abel were Twins (Gen 4:1-2 “Again” means Augment/Add)

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

And she again bare his brother Abel.

And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Cain murders Abel; Cain is the Phoenix; Eve the Serpent.

E Lion | Cain vs Abel Rap Battle – A Tale of Betrayal


Follow those symbols and Black Nobility show up.

Cainites are “Cursed”, ruling the pre-Flood world, Cainites crossed the Flood with Cain’s daughter Namaah, Noah’s wife; incest with her son Ham brought the Curse of Cain to the Cursed Canaan whose daughters married into Ismaelites and Edomites, violating the Covenant God made with Abraham.

Esau is prophesied to “Live by the Sword” (Gen 27:39-41 KJV)

And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above;

And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him:

and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.

Cain means Sword; Esau’s grandson Amalek is the progenitor of the Amalekites, at war with God from Generation to Generation (Exo 17:16)


The ultimate goal to get all of humanity to sell their Birthright as Esau did and Esau is prophesied to obtain worldwide “Dominion”, in control of all physical assets including human DNA; the one thing not under man’s control is the Soul; that is your Pearl of Great Price to be protected above all else.

The Phoenix take flight in St. John Divine Cathedral in NYC.

RELIGION: St. John Divine Cathedral – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

John is Oannes the Chaldean Beast rising from the Sea aka Antichrist.

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Economist Magazine put the Phoenix on the cover in 1988 a prediction of the Phoenix One World currency rising from the ashes of the US $.

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London used the Phoenix Rising on the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony featuring the Phoenix Rising from Coronavirus;

The 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony Tells It All

the Closing Ceremony showed the Phoenix rising from Coronavirus Flames:


In 2017 Donald Trump held an illuminated globe with the Saudi and Egyptian dictators playing the role of the Phoenix, the Arabian bird which connects Egypt and Arabia, and self immolates every 500 years to renew itself from its own ashes.

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“Person or thing restored after suffering calamity of apparent annihilation”

Economist Magazine  The 2012 London Olympic Opening Ceremony

On the Phoenix Coin is the Null Symbol.

Coronavirus was declared a Pandemic (All People) on Purim 3/11/20; Purim means “Bring to Naught” or Null.

Atop the Phoenix head is the Fleur di Lys “Lucifer’s Flower”; Jesuit educated Knight of Malta Donald Trump wore funeral attire to the Vatican; Jesuit Pope Francis gave Trump a Lotus Flower symbolizing Re-birth for this reason.

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Phoenix Ripple XRP blockchain cryptocurrency can be seen in the Ripples in the Midnight Countdown Clock (remade into the Carbon Armageddon Clock) in New York City for 12/31/2020 to begin the final 7 years.

America was planned to be the Phoenix of the New Age in 1620 in New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished.

Hollywood Actor Donald Trump played the role of the Phoenix holding a black (Saturn is the Black Star) globe between the Egyptian and Arab dictators.


Phoenix (Pa Hanok=House of Enoch) destroys itself every 500 years by fire, resurrecting itself from the ashes; fires burning from Phoenix AZ to Phoenix OR coincidence?

New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished by Francis Bacon illustrated the plan for America to be the Phoenix of the New Age, a return to the pre-flood age of Atlantis ruled by Saturn.

Phoenix Digital Cryptocurrency rising from the ashes of the $US.

Trump held a globe with Egyptian Pres El Sissi and Saudi King Salman playing the role of the Phoenix, a plan put in writing 400 years ago in 1620 by Sir Francis Bacon (Jesuit Toby Mathew aka Shakespeare) in New Atlantis: A Worke Unfinished.

Wuhan 400: Pandemic Virus from Wuhan by Dean Koontz in 1981.

Pretty prophetic, eh?

Black Nobility are Caintes; follow the Phoenix; descendants of Cain and Eve (Even=Darkness before Light) which crossed the Flood with Ham “Black” his mother Namaah – aka

  • Innana
  • Astarte
  • Easter

to Canaan aka Phoenicians.

Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom” e.g. Fauci means “Sickle”; mother’s maiden name Abys is the Crowned Serpent eating a child.

America (Amurru=Serpent) was set up to be the Military Arm of the Black Nobility, the Phoenix was used on US gold coins, now represented by the Eagle; America is the Phoenix of the New Age, to be destroyed with the New Secular Order “Beast” rising from the ashes.


It is not coincidence Kamala Harris claims Brahmin “Aryan Noble Caste” (Aryan = Noble Caste e.g. Iran led by Shia Ayatollahs and Shariah Law) descent.

Miles Williams Mathis: Iran’s Jewish Rulers – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

TheBlackNobility-Overview.pdf 131 KB View full-size Download


Detail from Cain and Abel by Andrei Mironov, 2015 1.9 MB View full-size Download

Cain is a biblical figure in the Book of Genesis within Abrahamic religions. He is the elder brother of Abel, and the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, the first couple within the Bible. He was a farmer who gave an offering of his crops to God. However, God was not pleased and favored Abel’s offering over Cain’s. Out of jealousy, Cain killed his brother, for which he was punished by God with the curse and mark of Cain. He had several descendants, starting with his son Enoch and including Lamech.  The narrative is notably unclear on God’s reason for rejecting Cain’s sacrifice. Some traditional interpretations consider Cain to be the originator of evil, violence, or greed. According to Genesis, Cain was the first human born and the first murderer.


Spear; To Forge; Join Together e.g. United Nations.

NEW WORLD ORDER: UNITED NATIONS: The Ultimate Delusion – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Depiction of Cain establishing the city of Enoch, by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld. 897 KB View full-size Download

Enoch (/ˈiːnək/; Hebrew: חֲנוֹךְ; Ḥănōḵ) is a person in the Book of Genesis. He is described as a son of Cain, and father of Irad.


Consecrated, Dedicated e.g. Hanukkah “Feast of Dedication”.


Wild Ass e.g. Balaam; Head of Empire e.g. King.

Dragon aka:

  • Devil
  • Satan
  • serpent
  • snake


Destroyed/Smitten of God, Wipe Out, Strike


Who demands his death; Mut/Mot “Death” the Phoenician god of Death e.g. Morrison Mott Waite (Brotherhood of Death Initiate), gave CORPORATION the Rights belonging to Citizens, To Die, Corpse, Kill + El = Elohim Canaanite “God”.

Lamech and Cain, 1524 engraving by Lucas van Leyden 6.19 MB View full-size Download

Lamech (/ˈleɪmɪk/; Hebrew: לֶמֶךְ Lémeḵ, in pausa לָמֶךְ‎ Lā́meḵ) is a figure appearing in the Old Testament’s Book of Genesis, where he is the seventh generation from Adam and father of Jabal, the first breeder of livestock, Tubal-Cain, the first metalworker, Jubal, the first musician, and Naamah. This Lamech appears in the Yahwist genealogy (the line of Cain); the Priestly source has another Lamech who is the father of Noah. This Lamech is distinguished as an insolent man in the Abrahamic texts.


To make low.

Ludacris – How Low

Jabal, son of Lamech, with his sheep and a dog 2.67 MB View full-size Download

Jabal or Yabal (Hebrew: יָבָל – Yāḇāl) is an individual mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, in Genesis 4:20.


Mountain; High Place e.g.

Groves, where:

“Evil is done in sight of the LORD”

Shias who worship the:

“Old Man of the Mountain”


Shade; Shadow of Death; Dark; Ring a Bell e.g.

Church Bells; Bel the Phoenician “Confounder”; Buzz e.g. Whirring Locusts, Bees (Bee is Chaldean for Word; Beehives); Submerge e.g.

Atlantis, Mu.


Ornament; Adorn; Oak e.g. Christmas Ornaments on Groves represent heads of human sacrifices; Druids “Knowers of Trees

Obama’s Foundation is MBK “My Brother’s Keeper”

Cain said:

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”

Obamacare voted into law Sunday 3/22/10 at 3:22 UTC.

Affordable Care Act – Wikipedia

Cainites are the “Brotherhood of Death” aka Society 322 11/9 is the anniversary of Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass or Long Knives) Jews in Germany in 1938 were rounded up and treated as 2nd class citizens, beaten and businesses burned; the Holocaust would officially begin April 19, 1939 with flamethrowers in the Warsaw Ghetto; Coronavirus is setting up the same division of Vaxxed and Unvaxxed today.

Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit assigned waters change of state at 32-33 degrees; the same in Scottish Rite Freemasonry where Sovereignty is obtained.

Michael Moore seems to have captured the fiery destruction of the White House on 11/9; the Cult of Saturn is called the Cult of Fire and Ice.

On 11/9 Biden-Harris announced their Coronavirus Task Force including Ezekiel Emanuel who authored Universal Health Care Act, signed into law on 3/22 at 3:22UTC; an Unconstitutional Law forcing commerce between US Citizens and the US Government.

Zeke’s “Complete Lives” calls for rationing health care for people under 15 and over 50.

Obama’s Foundation MBK “My Brother’s Keeper” essentially forces Commerce with Cain.

Ari Emanuel is Michael Moore and Donald Trump’s Hollywood talent agent.

Miles Williams Mathis: Looks Like Donald Trump is Jewish – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Rahm Emanuel a member of Man’s Country Gay Bath House in Chicago with Obama.

USA is Ancient? – History Different Than We’re Told – LB #19

On 11/9 Pfizer announced its nucleoside-mRNA (modified/man-made RNA) Vaccine BNT 162b2 would apply for FDA, EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) and deliver the Vaccine by the 3rd Week of November in the US with:

  • Europe
  • China
  • Japan

early 2021.

Society 322 is the Cainite “Brotherhood of Death”

Cain Family Crest:

Black and White Phoenix “Pa Hanok” (House of Enoch) and Helmet.

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Qyn means Spear; Curia means “Spear Bearers” e.g. Shakespeare or Pallas-Athena “Spear Shakers”.

Miles Williams Mathis: William Shakespeare, an Intelligence Project – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

The Phoenix represents the:

  • Roman Curia
  • Papal Curia
  • Patriarchal Curia
  • an assembly
  • council
  • tribunal

court of the Universal Church, thus Cain is over the Pope and all religion as well as the Roman Legion; in particular, the Jesuit HQ St John Lateran Archbasilica, considered the Mother of all Churches worldwide; Sede-vacante (Vacant Seat) will be filled by the False Prophet aka Beast rising from the Earth.

Enochian is the language used in Black Magick.



Helm; Crown; Covering; Conceal; Secret; Hell e.g.

Fedora; Crown seen in Coronavirus “Crowned Serpent Venom”

Cainites “Conceal” their uncountable Mammon Wealth, pay

  • no Taxes
  • no Capital Gains
  • no Inheritance Tax

and receive Government subsidies on vast tracts of land used for “Farming”; Cain being the 1st Farmer.

BOOK: The Sumerian Swindle – How the Jews Betrayed Mankind – (5000 BC to 1500 BC) – Vol. I – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

It’s a Secret folks, just look at the Idol of Harpocrates (Horus) dedicated Oct 2021 across from Wall Street, just keep the Secret!

Harpocrates: Encyclopedia of Freemasonry By Albert G. Mackey

Cain: Qayin; Qyn; Qana e.g. QAnon WWG1WGA or Qos the Edomite National God equivalent with Moloch meaning Bow “Poison” (Strongs #5115 TOXON) and “Simplest Fabric” (Strongs #5088 Tikto).


Cain is thus the god of the Rainbow.

e.g. Rainbow Arch Degree in Freemasonry; Q the gadget maker for “007” a Secret Agent who had a “License to Kill”; Queer: Strange; Terkw “To Twist” (Same meaning as Amalekite); Spoil, Ruin, Cheat e.g. FunVax (Cheat; Hoax); Distort; Counterfeit e.g.

“Those who say they are Jews but are not”

aka “Synagogue of Satan” e.g.

  • Crypto
  • Marrano
  • Morisco
  • Conversos

SECRET SOCIETY: Triad Claw Symbolism – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Cain means “Acquired” in Hebrew; Cain acquired the “Curse” of the Serpent by killing Abel, thus Cain is synonymous with “Murderer”.

Ren – Murderer (Official Music Video)

Bankers acquire wealth through Usury; hence Cain also means “Possession”.


Jesus is Shiloh “Owner/Master of the House”; Cain will eventually Acquire all assets on Earth including human bodies and human DNA via mRNA and mDNA “Gene Therapies” Cain uses use the Snake/Serpent Logo symbolizing “Re-Birth” seen in the Caduceus (AMA Logo) and Rod of Aesculapius (WHO), UN Meditation Room (Uniting the nations God separated at the Flood); Aesculapius is the god of plagues and healing guarded today by the same Therapeutae of Pergamon who guarded Satan’s Seat.

NEW WORLD ORDER: VACCINES: Covid-19 – Gene Therapy – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Pharmakeia means “Drug induced Sorcery” Pharmakos “Ritual Sacrifice”.

Cain’s son Tubal-cain instructed the medical profession to put toxic metal adjuvants in “Vaccines”, the dental profession to use metal fillings, the cosmetic industry to use the semi-metal arsenic in eye liners and lipstick; aluminum is used in antiperspirants and Geoengineers add metals to “Chemtrails” all thanks to Cain.

Tubal-cain in his forge. Tapestry, Musée de Cluny – Musée national du Moyen Âge 10.6 MB View full-size Download

Tubal-cain or Tubalcain (Hebrew: תּוּבַל קַיִן – Tūḇal Qayīn) is a person mentioned in the Bible, in Genesis 4:22, named therein as the first blacksmith. He is stated as the “forger of all instruments of bronze and iron”. A descendant of Cain, he was the son of Lamech and Zillah. Tubal-cain was the brother of Naamah and half-brother of Jabal and Jubal.

The Theosophical Society Ouroboros Serpent eating its own tail symbolized Cainite Re-Birth; the Alpha Romeo Logo depicts a Snake eating a man symbolizing Cain killing Abel.

Miles Williams Mathis: From Theosophy to the Beat Generation or How even the Occult was Disguised – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

In Scottish Cain means

“Rent paid in kind”

i.e. Farm produce; Cain the first “Farmer”; Bauer “Farmer” changed his name to Rothschild “Red Shield” using the Six-Pointed Star “Mark of Cain”.

Cain offered sacrifices to God which were unacceptable, so he killed his brother Abel (Mist/Vapor) and was “Cursed”; his offspring killed during the Flood transferred the “Curse” to Canaan via Ham “Black” and his Cainite mother, Tubal-cain’s sister Naamah (Earth Mother; Nanna, Ishtar, Easter).

The Black and White Masonic Floor originates with Cain.

Cain means “Political Leader”, thus Canaan came to be known as Sargon the Great “Legitimate King”.

Dan 4:17 states God puts the Basest of men in charge; this is why world leaders are Morally Corrupt.

Cain means:

“To Forge; Spear, Smith”

Tubal-cain in Masonic Lodges is Vulcan (Hephaestus) the Blacksmith forging the chains to enslave humanity.

Freemasons fashion Stones; altars to the LORD made with unseen stone; thus:

  • Temples
  • Mosques
  • Cathedrals

are of Cainite origin.


Spears carried by

The rent paid in kind are human sacrifices; the Temple Mount is the Canaanite i.e. Jebusite Threshing Floor where Chaff/Tares are separated from Wheat using a Sickle (Fauci).

Wealth comes from the Earth; thus, Cainites are the Elite aka Black Nobility.

E.g. Renaissance “Re-Birth” Venetian Merchants and Bankers Coronavirus Vaccines contain Graphene, a Hexagonal shaped mono-atomic lattice “Tikto” Strongs #5088, the root of Toxon means “Simplest Fabric” is a Neurotransmitter inhibitor controllable via 5G sewn via a Needle; Qos “Eye of Needle” is the Edomite National God meaning Bow; Toxon Strong’s #5115 = Poison delivered via Needle.

Cain means Spear, seen in the Spear of Destiny.

Cain means “Battlefield”, thus Cainites set up all Wars, forging the Spears for both sides.


Cain means “Fashioner”, thus Cainites use phrases like Build Back Better or Tikkun Olam “Repair the Earth” Pa Hanok (House of the Consecrated) refers to the Phoenix destroying and rebuilding from the Holocaust; e.g. INRI (Nature is renewed by Fire) or Kennites (Cainites) like the Kenyan born Obama whose Foundation MBK means “My Brother’s Keeper”.

Cain and Khan mean “Lord; Prince”; thus, Cainites use titles of Nobility e.g. Genghis Khan.

Reproduction of a 1278 portrait taken from a Yuan-era album 1.54 MB View full-size Download

Genghis Khan (born Temüjin; c. 1162 – August 1227), also known as Chinggis Khan, was the founder and first khan of the Mongol Empire. After spending most of his life uniting the Mongol tribes, he launched a series of military campaigns, conquering large parts of China and Central Asia.

Cain means “Reddish Purple” the Crimson/Purple Dyes used to clothe Royalty is of Phoenician “Men of Purple” origin; Quetzalcoatl for example is the Reddish-Purple feathered Serpent god of Cainite origin.


Cain “Qyn” means “Fit together”; God flooded the Earth; the United Nations is Cain’s attempt to fit the nations together again seen in BabEl and the United Nations.

Cain uses Cattle as a unit of wealth; non Cainite “Human Cattle” led by Scapegoats to slaughter, accounted for their worth as Slaves, or sold for parts.

e.g. Lambda Variant is named for the Cainite Cattle Prod.

SARS-CoV-2 Lambda variant – Wikipedia

Cain means “Branch” seen in

“Branch of the Terrible Ones”

Isa 25:5 or Arthur

“Once and future king”

refers to Sargon III.

Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers, as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud:

the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low.

LJ Echols “How Low Can You Go” [Official Video]

Nostradamus Prophecies | The Third Antichrist Prophecy – The Book of Threes

Cain means “Spear”; Odin’s Spear Gungnir is the Spear of Destiny, which pierced the side of Jesus, forged by Cain’s son Tubal-cain with Odin’s son Thor’s Divine Hammer Mjolnir.

Merck named its oral Covid pill Molnupiravir after Thor’s Hammer.

Maccabee means “Hammer”; Cain means “Consecrated”; Hanukkah “Feast of Consecration”

Edomite National God Qos means “Bow” or “Arrow”; Strongs #5115 Toxon = Poison; Qos is equivalent with

  • Saturn
  • YHWH/Yahweh
  • El/Elohim

symbolized by the Six-Pointed Star of Molech and the Bull.

Edomites will achieve “Dominion” (Gen 27:39-41 KJV); the Serpent promised “Immortality”; Passing children through fires to Molech at places like Amurru/Palmyra in Syria is prohibited in the Bible, done for harvesting Adrenochrome; adrenalized children’s blood is highly addictive and considered the fountain of youth by the Satanic Elite.

The Covenant God made with Noah (Gen 9:4-5)

“But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.”

prohibited consuming flesh with the lifeblood; that would be human flesh which Kahn-Baals (Canaanite Priests of Baal/Qos) taught; hence the word “Cannibal”.

RE ADRENOCHROME The Elite’s Super Drug (Jay Myers Documentaries)- HistoryOfYaiqab

Cain’s son Tubal-cain forged the Nails used to crucify God.

  • Isis
  • Horus
  • Set

In Hoc Signo Vinces “By this sign Conquer”?

The Cross is a symbol of Tammuz used in Egypt as the Ankh.

Constantine, the son of Druid princess Helena used the sign to conquer Christians.

Ixion, Hades (Pluto “God of Wealth”), Styx (River in Hell) the 3 Greek deities of Hell (Tartarus) 3 Nails fastened Jesus to the Tree; the Cross piercing the H is seen in Abram-Abraham, Sarai-Sarah the “h” meaning:

“God is with me”

H is the 8th Letter; the New Covenant is the 8th and final Contract between God and Man; Jesuit oaths require this Contract to be broken.

The Black Sun is Saturn, father of Zeus/Jupiter/Tammuz; Jesuits “Militia of Zeus” use the logo in plain sight.

NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM “New Secular Order” is synonymous with Wilderness or Desolation, i.e. a land without God; it is CAPITALIZED because this is SPIRITUAL Desolation i.e. removal of the Holy Ghost meant here.


On the front of the Great Seal is the Six-Pointed Star aka Abomination of Desolation.


“He approves the undertaking”

The Unfinished Pyramid is capped by the All-Seeing Eye of Horus; the New Aeon of Horus is detailed in Aleister Crowley’s book Liber 44: Mass of the Phoenix.


The US is the Phoenix of the New Age, the Scapegoat for Rev 18 “Babylon”.

Revelation 18 KJV

FDR dedicated the reverse of the Great Seal on 9/11/1935 (1+9+3+5=18=666) the year the Hoover Dam was dedicated 86 years ago the 1st day after Rosh Hashanah “Feast of Trumpets”.

“86” means “Remove completely”.

Phoenicians “Men of Purple” Kamala “Lotus” Kama “Sickle/Scythe” Kamal “Perfection” mother’s maiden name Gopalan “Priest”; yes Kamala is a Man dressed in Purple.

Fauci “Sickle” mother’s maiden name Abys “Hell”


“Hindu goddess of sexual pleasure/ecstasy”

Kamala Harris is a Boule (Noble/Brahmin) Caste Initiate; members are Archons “Demons”; Boule means “Council of Chiefs”; Aryan “Compatriots”, advisors to the “King”.

Women Boule Society Initiates are “Sacred Prostitutes of Qetesh” (Qetesh means “Sacred Cow” Hathor which means “Mansion of Horus”; the New Age is the New Aeon of Horus the son of Saturn) who obtain power and secrets from scented pillows as Cleopatra once did; this happened with SF Mayor and Boule Caste Willie Brown.

Kamala has the Secret Service name “Pioneer” meaning

“Prepare the way for the army; foot soldier”

Biden’s SS name “Celtic” after Keltoi; Druids, Celtic Priests/Judges “Knowers of the Trees”

Official portrait, 2021 1.23 MB View full-size Download

Kamala Devi Harris (/ˈkɑːmələ ˈdeɪvi/ ⓘ KAH-mə-lə DAY-vee, born October 20, 1964) is an American politician and attorney who served as the 49th vice president of the United States from 2021 to 2025 under President Joe Biden. She was the first female U.S. vice president, first African-American and the first Asian-American vice president, making her the highest-ranking female and Asian American official in U.S. history. She served from 2017 to 2021 as a United States senator representing California and from 2011 to 2017 as the attorney general of California. A member of the Democratic Party, she was the party’s nominee in the 2024 presidential election.

Kamala Harris:

Boule Sacred Prostitute of Qetesh;

“Women who obtain secrets from scented pillows as Cleopatra did in Egypt”

Cleopatra the last Pharaoh of united Egypt; Kamala the last President of a United States?

The Berlin Cleopatra, a Roman sculpture of Cleopatra wearing a royal diadem, mid-1st century BC, now in the Altes Museum, Germany 1.44 MB View full-size Download

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator (Koinē Greek: Κλεοπάτρα Θεά Φιλοπάτωρ, lit. ‘Cleopatra father-loving goddess’; 70/69 BC – 10 August 30 BC) was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, and the last active Hellenistic pharaoh. A member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great. Her first language was Koine Greek, and she is the only Ptolemaic ruler known to have learned the Egyptian language, among several others. After her death, Egypt became a province of the Roman Empire, marking the end of the Hellenistic period in the Mediterranean, which had begun during the reign of Alexander (336–323 BC).

And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

Woman made from the rib of Adam Gen 2:22, becomes the Whore Jezebel in Rev 2:22.

Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

Dan 7:8

I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

8 describe the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Goat producing “Little Horn” having the

“Eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things”

Kamala Harris is not eligible to be US VP or President under the Natural Born Citizen Clause of the Constitution.

Kamala descends from Aryan Nobility, the Hindu Brahmin Caste regards Blacks as Dalits “Untouchables”; hence her “Caucasian-Asian” ethnicity birth certificate.

Harris is wearing the same purple suit and pearls Lisa Simpson wore in 2000, representing the Whore of Babylon.

Lions for Lambs 2007 predicted the Afghanistan pullout.

Lions for Lambs – Afghanistan pull out.


The first order of business for Harris-Biden is to bomb Abu Kamal, the site of the Dura Europos Synagogue and the Purim Panel; Kings of the East will cross the Euphrates dry at Abu Kamal enroute to Armageddon (Rev 16:12).

Official portrait, 1974 1.84 MB View full-size Download

Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (born Leslie Lynch King Jr.; July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 38th president of the United States from 1974 to 1977. A member of the Republican Party, Ford assumed the presidency after the resignation of President Richard Nixon, under whom he had served as the 40th vice president from 1973 to 1974 following Spiro Agnew’s resignation. Prior to that, he served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1949 to 1973.

Miles Williams Mathis: Watergate Unstoppered – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

In 1989 Gerald Ford predicted:

“A woman will become president but not in the normal course of events.

A Democrat or Republican President will nominate a woman for VP; the President will die, and the VP will become President under the Constitution.”

Gerald Ford’s Eerie 1989 Prediction: The Almost-Spot-On Path to America’s First Female President – Inquisitr News

Order out of Chaos is the motto of 33rd degree Luciferian Freemasons; this 1989 prediction 32 years seems likely to come true.

“Nothing in politics happens by chance; if it happened you can bet it was planned” Pearl Harbor Architect, 33rd degree Freemason FDR

Boule Society Initiates:

Black Secret Societies: The Boule, Sigma Pi Phi

Fact Check: Is There a Black Secret Society Of Elites Called The Boulé?

Jesse Jackson, mentor to Michael Robinson (Michelle Obama)

  • Bill Cosby
  • Jada Pinkett and Will Smith
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Gayle King
  • Kobe Bryant
  • LeBron James
  • Kanye “Yeezus” West
  • Barack Obama
  • Lil Wayne,
  • Beyonce
  • P Diddy
  • Kamala Harris

Osama bin Laden leads the al Qaeda attack on 9/11/2001 from an Afghanistan cave in Tora Bora prompting the US invasion of Afghanistan.

Kamala Aroush, son of Gen Jumma M Salem al Aroush, killed by Muammar Qhadaffi 10 June 2001, during the Bio-Terror exercise “Dark Winter” headed by Dr Robert Kadlec, Biden’s Covid Adviser who predicts another “Dark Winter”.

Fact Check: Fake ‘Kamal Aroush’ narrative used to discredit Harris’ eligibility for office | Reuters

Aroush is born 10/20/1964 in Benghazi joining the Sufi Order “Sons of Senussi”; Benghazi Libya is Cyrenaica “Synagogue of Libertines”; Coronavirus begins Dec 26, 2019 with a Solar Corona on St. Stephen’s Day; Stephen the 1st Christian Martyr means “Crown”.

The Libyan War begins on Purim Mar 19, 2011 on Purim; Coronavirus is “Classified” a Pandemic Mar 11, 2020 on Purim, 3/11 matching the 311 steps to the Coronavirus depicted on the Monument in London designed by Sir Christopher Wren; Dec 26 is also called “Day of the Wren”; the most clever of birds hid in the wings of the Eagle; the logo used by the HHS.

Barack means “Lightning”; the land hit by Lighting is considered sacred to Bidentales “Priests of Pluto” who offer a sacrificial Bidens at Pluto’s return Feb 19, 2022?

The Abrahamic Family House opens in Abu Dhabi early 2022; the Winged White Horse al Buraq was ridden by Abraham and Muhammad according to Arab teachings; apparently, he landed in the White House.

Kamalas Harris is a man Named Kamal Aroush, Osama Bin Ladin is CIA Operative Named Tim Osman, Who Barack Obama is Either Related to or Actually IS Osman. Our World is Just One Big Elaborate Ongoing Joke on the Rest of Us. WAKE UP! Aren’t You Tired of Being Trolled? – FRINGE CULTURE: News You’re Embarrassed to Admit is True

Cain means “Beam” the beam holding the Scales.

Official portrait, 2018 1.92 MB View full-size Download

Steven Terner Mnuchin (/məˈnuːʃɪn/ mə-NOO-shin; born December 21, 1962) is an American investment banker and film producer who served as the 77th United States secretary of the treasury as part of the first cabinet of Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021. Serving for nearly a full presidential term, Mnuchin was one of the few high-profile members of Trump’s cabinet whom the president did not dismiss during his first term.

77th Treasury Secretary, Skull & Bones Satanist, fake Jew Stephen Mnuchin’s Dune Capital Management became One West Bank, now Trump’s OCC MGT team.

Official portrait, 2020 1.85 MB View full-size Download

Brian P. Brooks (born 1969) is an American lawyer, banker, entrepreneur, technologist, and former government official. He served as Acting Comptroller of the Currency from May 29, 2020, succeeding the 31st Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting, until January 14, 2021. Brooks was nominated twice by President Donald Trump for a five-year term as Comptroller of the Currency, once during the 116th Congress, and once in the 117th Congress.

On Jan 14 Brian Brooks, ex manager of Fannie Mae resigned, and Blake Paulson took over after a busy year of printing $6Trillion Currency Debt.

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Blake Paulson, is an American career national bank examiner, who was the Acting Comptroller of the Currency in 2021. Paulson became Acting Comptroller of the Currency on January 14, 2021, upon the resignation of Acting Comptroller of the Currency Brian P. Brooks. As Acting Comptroller of the Currency, Mr. Paulson was the administrator of the federal banking system and chief officer of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). He held the position until May 10, 2021.

Mnuchin is called the “Foreclosure King” for Reverse Mortgage abuses and a judgment by the DOJ.

Liber Oz: Book 77 by Aleister Crowley may ring a Baal; the entire axiom of Thelema and Witchcraft is:

“Do what thou wilt”

The Scales are carried by Lady Justice and the Black Horse rider of Rev 6:6.

The Key is the World Economic Forum “Great Reset”.

The Arabian Phoenix connects the Benben Stone (Pyramidion on the $US) Egypt and Arabia (Mt. Sinai = Hagar Gal 4).

America is the Phoenix of the New Age whose self-immolation by fire will create the Cainite New World Order.


Cain acquired the Curse of the Serpent Jesuit Pope Francis Encyclicals Lumen fidei:

“Light of the Faith”

and Laudato Si:

“Praise be to you”

“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:

he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
 Rev 12:9

Lumen fidei draws heavily from Evolution fraud Jesuit Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who was caught in the Piltdown Man Hoax fitting an ape mandible to a human skull; Eastern (Rising Sun) Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I, Sufi mystic Ali al Khawes and St Francis of Assisi’s “Canticle of the Sun”.

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Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (French: [pjɛʁ tɛjaʁ də ʃaʁdɛ̃] ⓘ; 1 May 1881 – 10 April 1955) was a French Jesuit, Catholic priest, scientist, palaeontologist, theologian, and teacher. He was Darwinian and progressive in outlook and the author of several influential theological and philosophical books. His mainstream scientific achievements include his palaeontological research in China, taking part in the discovery of the significant Peking Man fossils from the Zhoukoudian cave complex near Beijing. His more speculative ideas, sometimes criticized as pseudoscientific, have included a vitalist conception of the Omega Point. Along with Vladimir Vernadsky, they also contributed to the development of the concept of a noosphere.

One of Satan’s titles is the “Rising Sun” aka Sol Invictus “Unconquered Sun”.

Christmas Dies Natalis Solis Invicti is the Nativity of the Unconquered Sun.

Chardin believed the fate of humanity is the Omega Point where all the world is unified under the Noosphere (Thought) for the eschatological return of Christ.

The Serpent has indeed deceived the entire world!

House of Sforza and Abys Fauci=Sickle; mother’s maiden name is Abyss; Coronavirus means “Crowned Serpent Venom”.

Venom means Toxin Strongs #5115 Toxon.

The Crowned White Horse (Rev 6:6) conquers with a Bow “Toxon”.

This symbol is used by the House of Sforza who control worldwide Media.

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The House of Sforza (Italian: [ˈsfɔrtsa]) was a ruling family of Renaissance Italy, based in Milan. Sforza rule began with the family’s acquisition of the Duchy of Milan following the extinction of the Visconti family in the mid-15th century and ended with the death of the last member of the family’s main branch, Francesco II Sforza, in 1535.


Medean “Magi” were Sorcerers; Pharmakeia means “Drug induced Sorcery”; MAGA means “Sorcerer”.

Miles Williams Mathis: CULTS – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) said:

“TV is Satan’s Family Altar”

Italian Media Billionaire and ex PM Sylvio Berlusconi for example, has the Sforza Crowned Serpent eating a child carved into the grounds of his castle.

Berlusconi in 2010 754 KB View full-size Download

Silvio Berlusconi (/ˌbɛərlʊˈskoʊni/ BAIR-luu-SKOH-nee; Italian: [ˈsilvjo berluˈskoːni] ⓘ; 29 September 1936 – 12 June 2023) was an Italian media tycoon and politician who served as the prime minister of Italy in three governments from 1994 to 1995, 2001 to 2006 and 2008 to 2011. He was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1994 to 2013; a member of the Senate of the Republic from 2022 until his death in 2023, and previously from March to November 2013; and a member of the European Parliament (MEP) from 2019 to 2022, and previously from 1999 to 2001. With a net worth of US$6.8 billion in June 2023, Berlusconi was the third-wealthiest person in Italy at the time of his death.

Jesuit Anthony Stephen Fauci is literally leading the world into the Abyss:

Fauci in 2023 1.5 MB View full-size Download

Anthony Stephen Fauci ForMemRS (/ˈfaʊtʃi/ FOW-chee; born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist who served as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2022, and the chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022. Fauci was one of the world’s most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals from 1983 to 2002. In 2008, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR.

Hell, Bottomless Pit, Primordial Chaos just like his pharmacist father Stephen “Crown/Martyr”

Masons worship Tubal-cain the instructor of metal workers (e.g. Blacksmith) and sister of Naamah, the sister of Tubal-cain and wife of Noah whose incest with her son Ham (Black) brought pre-Flood Sins across the Flood with Canaan, the “Cursed” bloodline whose daughters later married Abraham’s sons Ishmael and Esau in violation of the Covenant God made with Abraham.

Trump’s Abraham Accord is with this bloodline.

Cain is Qos, is the Edomite National god, conquering with a Bow.

Kenneth Samuel Kleinknecht with some Apollo 9 astronauts, and other people that were involved in the Apollo 9 mission. 1.98 MB View full-size Download

Kenneth Samuel Kleinknecht (July 24, 1919 in Washington, D.C. – November 20, 2007) worked for the United States National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics as an engineer and continued at NASA to become a manager of the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo CSM, Skylab, Shuttle, and Spacelab. After retiring from NASA, he worked for Lockheed Martin for 9 years.

Artemis/Diana is the Twin Sister of Apollo “Destroyer”; 33rd degree Luciferian Freemasons manning the Apollo Moon Hoax; in the basement of the Supreme House of the Temple are 2 rooms, 1 devoted to the Lunar Hoax led by NASA’s own Kenneth S. Kleinknecht and his brother, Sovereign Worshipful Grand Master C. Fred Kleinknecht, the other celebrating the FBI and 33rd degree Mason/bi-sexual pedophile J. Edgar Hoover.

Official portrait, 1961 1.13 MB View full-size Download

John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was an American attorney and law enforcement administrator who served as the fifth and final Director of the Bureau of Investigation (BOI) and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). President Calvin Coolidge first appointed Hoover as director of the BOI, the predecessor to the FBI, in 1924. After 11 years in the post, Hoover became instrumental in founding the FBI in June 1935, where he remained as director for an additional 37 years until his death in May 1972 – serving a total of 48 years leading both the BOI and the FBI under eight Presidents.

Miles Williams Mathis: John Dillinger was Fictional – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

The US is spending $3T or Twice as much as it collects with a Debt approaching a $Quadrillion and NASA launches a $28M Vacuum Toilet (al Qaeda=Toilet) to the International Space Station, the $28B Artemis program to land the first woman on the Moon; whoever it is would be the first to survive the Van Allen Radiation Belt; not even Elon Musk’s Stainless Steel BFR can solve that problem.

The Van Allen Belts Are Lethal; This Is How Astronauts Fly Through Them

Miles Williams Mathis: SpaceX is Fake – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

Artemis means “Butcher”, the “Many Breasted” goddess of the Moon (Arab god “Sin”) is worshipped by Luciferian Freemasons achieving the 33rd Sovereign degree at the Supreme House of the Temple, across from Jesuit Georgetown University.

Miles Williams Mathis: The Jesuits – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

The Supreme House of the Temple is an exact replica of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, Turkey; Jesus warned the Church of Ephesus about the Nicolaitanes i.e. those who Conquer the Laity by elevating themselves.

  • Cape Canaveral (Cape of Cain’s Bearers)
  • Mercury (Messenger of the Gods)
  • Redstone (Edom=Red=Debt)
  • Gemini (Twins Remus-Romulus; Esau-Jacob)
  • Apollo (Apollyon/Abaddon Rev 9:11)
  • Saturn V (Satan’s Nail)
  • Eagle (Saturn)
  • Aquarius (Golden Age of Saturn)
  • Orion (“Heaven’s Light”/Saturn)
  • Lunar Gateway (Bab=Gate + Ilu=Sin/Allah)

and now Artemis.

When will we ever wake up?

Cain’s Re-birth as the Phoenix Bird.

The Arabian Phoenix connects the Benben Stone (Pyramidion on the US $) Egypt and Arabia (Mt Sinai=Hagar Gal 4).

America is the Phoenix of the New Age whose self-immolation by fire will create the New World Order.

Miles Williams Mathis: The Jesuits – Do YOU have the HOLY GHOST?

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Cain | TheresNothingNew