By Miles Mathis
This paper will be very short, for a change.
I just wished to warn you that the alternative media, and especially YouTube, is running a double whammy on you with this one.
First, you are shown video of the SpaceX landing which any child can see is faked.
It is just film run backwards.
That is the first part of the whammy.
But that is only half of the project.
The second half is the hiring of dozens of people to post YouTube videos or other analysis, in which this fake is outed.
They start by telling you the same truth I am telling you:
the SpaceX videos are horrible Hollywood fakes, from the landing to the commentary to the pans of the fake control rooms.
STRANGE RELATIONS – Library of Rickandria
I am not even going to repeat this analysis, since it has already been done and is so obvious.
I simply confirm it.
HOWEVER, I do draw your attention to the fact that most of those exposing SpaceX as fake are Flat-Earth promoters.
The Flat Earth PSYOP: Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria
Russianvids on YouTube seems to have the most hits and is leading the way, and my recommendation is that you be very suspicious of all these people.
They are running the backside of the double whammy.
Here is the project:
they want to make you think that the only people questioning or exposing NASA or SpaceX are Flat Earthers or other obvious kooks.
So, they surround any real analysis with tons of fake analysis that resembles the real analysis in most ways.
They then add a layer of black frosting to the fake analysis.
This frosting is now most often Flat Earth stuff, but it could be a frosting of Hitler promotion or Satanism or anything else that most people find a complete turn-off.
Dabbling in Satanism – Library of Rickandria
Most people will then refuse the cake because of the frosting.
They will refuse the Flat Earth, and in doing so will refuse the exposing of SpaceX or NASA.
Of course, this can be done on any topic.
It is being done to all my papers as we speak.
The Work of Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria
My papers are reposted on big sites where they can be surrounded with noise.
One site is reposting my research and then posting Flat Earth links all around it—although I have told my readers many times that Flat Earth is misdirection.
The Flat Earth PSYOP: Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria
They want desperately to tie me to the tar baby.
But like any magic trick, this trick they are trying to perform loses its power once it is exposed.
Once you see what they are doing, you can move past it.
I suggest you move past it with all possible speed.
For the truth is, there are a lot of hoaxes out there.
There are lot of fake events.
But the Earth is not flat.
There are many simple experiments you can do to prove that to yourself, but I don’t happen to see myself as a teacher of remedial physics or logic.
I am busy with more important things, and don’t have time to prove to people that 2+2 = 4 either, or that trees are green.
For you see, that is another part of the project.
It is a project being run against people like me, and they want me wasting my time proving the Earth is round to a lot of trolls they have hired to send me emails.
Because if I am doing that, I am not writing any new groundbreaking papers, exposing all their old and new projects.
They probably feel gratified that they have caused me to write more than one page on the topic here.
Which is why I am going to stop.
Good job, guys!
You spent thousands of dollars and manhours to divert me for the ten minutes it took to write this.
I Don’t Believe in Elon Musk – Library of Rickandria
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