Everyone here has been sufficiently informed on the enemy advances, and what this means.
We will be doing our part, as we are instructed.
The Gods, humanity, other sectors of understanding of society, will have to do theirs.
The enemy will do everything in their power to shut us down.
Hacker attacks against our sites have been increasing.
So long, we are standing still.
It’s a miracle we have made it past the damages of the last few years, but Satan willing, we did, because of determination and many people putting this a top priority of their life and existence.
I am confident others will think of the matter likewise in the future.
Not everyone here sufficiently understands how our collective work affects this world, but it has done so tremendously and, in the future, Gods willing first and foremost – we will affect even more people.
The needs and necessities keep rising exponentially, and there are a lot of dark scenarios ahead.
As everyone knows here, it will get in the height of darkness before the dawn.
The enemy will not sit there idly and lose it all.
Except for psychic warfare, which the enemy is giving in more and more, there will be other forms of attacks against both humanity and individuals who are waking it up.
All of this escalating.
The logical conclusion of anyone who wanted to fight this morbid beast, from our position, would be to cower and walk away.
The Gods do not reward this behavior.
Personally, I would rather face the Gods face to face and have done what I needed to do, rather than take the decision of jumping ship.
I have been copiously threatened to no limits, especially the last 2-3 years, but there is absolutely nothing that will make anyone quit.
Life right now, is worth it, because humans have at least some freedom.
If the enemy gets their way, life will no longer be “worth it”.
What is the point of a life where one is nothing, owns nothing, has no soul, or even is a manipulated borg?
Death in this case would be desirable.
Life is worth living to the fullest, to avoid this fate – living in a world where these things are attempted, is not of higher value than fighting against these on a high or even certain risk of death.
While the enemy is at an all-time high of their abuse of humanity, darkness, negative legislations, forced enslavement, and every other looming darkness they bring to this world, many people can already see the light.
It’s an idea now more than it is a reality, to be honest, as everything physically looks more negative than it actually is.
This “actually” is going to come in the future and be seen by more people as the future comes.
Yet, if people remain idle now, and don’t use all their freedoms and rights to combat the enemy, everything will still be lost.
I ask therefore all Spiritual Satanists, to put these decisions first – do spiritual warfare every single day.
The human mind cannot comprehend yet the importance of this against the enemy, and for the future of our world.
We have sufficiently explained that.
Those in power try to terrorize people now about “Cyberattacks” and the internet going and so on.
This is already manifesting.
The resistance is forming, and the scattered souls of the Gods are coming together.
In these dark times, everyone who opposes the enemy, from any side and every level of understanding, unless proven to be a total shill, should be acknowledged of such.
Not everyone has the same perspective, as many people are not as deprogrammed as we ourselves are.
We should recognize this and keep our distance, but this war against humanity is a war that involves everyone.
There are no exceptions here.
The rights of all are under threat.
Now, many here might undergo forced decisions because of these events.
You might have no choice.
If you are a teen, others may make these choices for you.
In this case, one must endure and not be in fear.
There are solutions to these things.
An example here is someone dragged or forced to vaccinate, or forced to take a digital ID, or whatever else, before they are at the age of consent.
Family, parents, etc, may not listen at all.
Do not break family ties over these things.
One major thing to remember, is to not allow yourself to be intimidated by these dark ghouls into making decisions that you might have never had to.
An example here is the forced vaccination.
Many people will not have a choice, billions or hundreds of millions, won’t.
Yet, everyone here has healing methods, meditations, and other powers that can be used even in these situations or in the case things do not go as desired.
You can also use these to AVOID these things altogether – but don’t delay much and start working as soon as possible.
Yes, the body can heal itself from this and more.
It can counteract foreign elements, and if anything happens, can also heal itself, up to an extent.
Others will be in another position where they have more freedom and in this case:
The cure towards what the enemy is trying to do, is the use of FREEDOM, RIGHTS, CRITICAL THOUGHT, and all the things the enemy attempts to now remove.
Above all, what has the enemy sought to remove most of all?
Spiritual power and the capacity of human spirituality.
That is their greatest sore and problem, and it’s where all humans who want to be part of the future world of the Gods, should be interested in and engaged.
Lastly, many people, for those who will comply with the enemy and their irrational enemy demands, they make the assumption these will go away or that things will get better than them if they do.
At best, they think they might be “left be”.
But this is never the case with the enemy.
The fact that many are Christians, kiss Jewish ass, or anything of the sort, does not guarantee to anyone they will be treated better, in fact, the pool of slaves which is 95% of all these people following the enemy, comes from those who are in compliance.
It will be the opposite.
In fact, those who help in this gradual corrosion of mankind, will be the ones to experience the worst side of it, especially compared to those who did not do that.
Everyone must remember that the enemy, is a liar and nothing more than this.
In the series of many more lies,
“The lockdown will only last for 2 more weeks!”
they will be deceived again and severely by the enemy.
All the enemy is, is a lie, and those who follow this lie, always get punished either through nature or consequence, but now it will be more punishment directly by the enemy.
For example, how many erroneously believe that the vaccine is going to give them back their freedoms?
The opposite is going to happen:
Legislations and justifications over these matters, are going to be after our societies for many, many years.
In regard to the so-called “Vaccination”, this is the least of the concerns, as far as the shot itself is concerned.
The human rights violations, the idea that one can administer anything to anyone without consent, the opening of the gates to mRNA and later even public DNA modification, and who knows what else, are going to be the major issues of what this situation will bring.
How many people have complied with the enemy’s financial models, especially the harmed and the youth that they have cursed, only to see invading looters get a better life?
How many are literally living nowadays, day to day, without a single plan for their future?
Has obedience to this system actually given them anything at all?
And because this system is failing, not only it is failing, but it’s trying to take everything down with it, and put even the most basic provisions behind a major insurmountable wall, that is of all cases, requiring a forced medical practice so people can get in.
Those stupid enough to follow them, and also dig humanity’s grave alongside their consecutive mistakes, will find themselves in more negative positions than those who thought for themselves.
They are already constructing a dystopia, and these idiots are giving them their “consent”, just so that they can go to a cafeteria.
But these people that hand over their rights, are the same category the enemy will have full power over when they will want to abuse power.
The enemy’s sheep are the first going to the slaughter.
It’s not like they weren’t told or never had a clue of this.
I would doubt anyone on the planet doesn’t know what “NWO” or “New World Order” currently means.
If they think that compliance to these monsters is going to end up well or better for them, they are wrong.
They will abuse their own first and foremost.
None of this is about a 0.04% death rate virus, its “mutations” (which were only natural to occur), nor about the elderly, nor about any pandemic.
We are moving through a reconstruction of the planet itself.
New energies are coming in, the Gods and their influence is coming in, the timebomb is ticking for the enemy:
a reconstruction and war of:
- financial systems
- political viewpoints
- modes of consciousness
and being that are currently clashing right now, is affecting everything.
We must be unrelenting in information warfare, and in our taking of the higher domains, until the enemy has nothing left.
Most people don’t seem to be willing to join their prototype of a borg world.
And the closer we get to this objective; the more are going to get it.
As the darkness draws near, so do the responses of salvation draw near.
Then these bring closer and closer the light of hope and the end of the enemy, through the people themselves.
About Dark Times Ahead – And the Light at the Other Side (basecamp.com)
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