Excerpted & Translated from El Pensa Bulletin Monthly Newsletter Self-Help & News Articles
Perched atop a hill in southwestern France, Rennes-le-Château is a lonely place, blazing in the summer sun and battered by Cold winds in winter.
Its dominant position over the rest of the region is the only possible reason why it has been inhabited since the remotest antiquity.
Its castle is a mute witness of past Greatness.
The view of the snow-capped peaks of the Pyrenees is the only compensation for the hardships of living in such an inaccessible place.
Even the modern road becomes tedious as you ascend from the valley to the top.
Seen from afar, the population seems isolated from the rest of the country.
Even in all of the World, a place forgotten by time.
Impression soon dispelled by the many visitors who go up the slope encouraged by a sole purpose:
To discover its enigma, to delve into its secret, and it is that Rennes-le-Château has the prestige of being the place to Europe’s most mysterious site, the scene of strange events and sinister, cradle of fabulous treasures and keeper of the most well-kept from history.
A Study of History by Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria
The enigma of Rennes-le-Château begins at the time of the Roman.
After the soldiers of Emperor Titus sacked and destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the booty – the treasury of Solomon’s Temple – was moved to Rome, where it remained for more than three centuries, until the Empire began to crumble.

In 410 the Visigoths, led by Alaric, sacked Rome, taking “The Treasure of the Temple” with them.

Two years later they landed on the southern shores of Gaul.
The region of Rennes-le-Château pleased them, and they established and founded a permanent kingdom that did not it would take time to jump the Pyrenees and spread across northern Spain.
We don’t know if it’s true that the treasure “The Ark of the Covenant and the Tablets of the Law of Moses” or did not reach Gaul, but He was never heard from again.
And it is not ruled out that it could be found hidden in the surroundings of Rennes-le-Château.
Of In fact, there is no shortage of those who have wanted to see a relationship between the Ark and the population of Arques, not far from Rennes.
After the arrival of the Visigoths in Rennes there were two centuries of relative stability, until in the sixth century from the north the Merovingians, who extended their dominion over the Visigothic Kingdom.
The Merovingian Bloodline: The Lost Kings – Library of Rickandria
These invaders were carriers of a culture that buried their sovereigns with jewels and treasures.
One of these kings, Dagobert II, married in Rennes-le-Château the Visigothic princess Gizelle of Razas.
The Merovingian Mythos & its Roots in the Ancient Kingdom of Atlantis – Library of Rickandria
It is obvious to say that the legendary wealth of the Merovingians, well documented by archaeology, has given rise to tales of fabulous treasures yet to be discovered in the Rennes region.
Considering the magnetism of this region for the treasures of all It is not surprising that in those places it is supposed to be hidden the most precious jewel of Christianity.
Exposing Christianity – Library of Rickandria
And as adventurous as it is It may seem quite possible that this is the case, since the Holy Grail could very well have reached such places in the way that Legend has it:
“Sometime in the first century, Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene They landed in the south of France, bringing with them the so-called Grail, where Joseph of Arimathea collected the precious blood of Crucified Jesus.”
This is plausible since at that time southern Gaul served to the Roman emperors as a convenient place to send the Banished.

Among the illustrious undesirables who at one time or another Both Herod Antipas and Pontius Pilate were found there.

Historically, it is It is possible that Mary Magdalene and Joseph, as faithful followers of Jesus, undertook the forced journey to Gaul.
In the first century A.D., there were permanent navigation routes merchant ships from one side of the Mediterranean to the other, which facilitated the voyages by avoiding the arduous land routes.
Many Jewish families then settled in the region of Rennes-le-Château, and according to one of the theories, one more of those that make up the enigma of the region, when Mary Magdalene disembarked, she did so with a son of Jesus, thus establishing a messianic dynasty.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
From this point of view, the Holy Grail would cease to be a chalice which gathers the blood of Christ to become synonymous with Gri-al, that is, Royal Blood, which would be identified with the genealogy of Jesus‘ descendants to the present day.

However, the true nature of the Grail is a subject as mysterious as the very origins of the legend.
In the older version, the Grail is a golden object, a magic stone; in later ones it is the Holy Chalice Joseph of Arimathea used to collect the blood of Jesus.
Assuming that these have been derived explanations, the original Grail could have been almost anything.
Later on, the chivalric aspects of the legend entered to be part of the medieval Arthurian cycle that later they were enlarged by Romanticism.
Establishing a Connection royal chivalric that links the Holy Grail with the commonly called Knights Templar.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR – Library of Rickandria
The Templars formed a monastic and military order.
They took vows of:
- chastity
- poverty
- obedience
and attained a great popularity and influence after the First Crusade and the conquest of Jerusalem.
They had their main home near the destroyed Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, a site that was given to them, granted around 1120.
Some evidence suggests that the founding group of nine knights had already been formed even before it appeared publicly as Order.
The first few years passed without much increase in his until 1135-1140 when it began its meteoric rise becoming a leading political and economic force magnitude.
They even came to have more power than some kings, and that was the chief factor in their sudden and frightful fall, which culminated in the in the dissolution of the Order and the dispersion of its fortunes and possessions.
For its past splendors and for the experiences it has accumulated in the Middle East, however, it remained around giving them a permanent aura of mystery.
It was said that the Templars had led excavations inside the Temple mount, and even today conjectures are made about the reasons they would have to open tunnels in such a sacred place.
One of the Theories say that they found a treasure, which they took with them when they returned to France to hide it in the region of Rennes-le-Château, and that such a treasure was none other than the true and most holy Grail.

But all this would not have no more than mere legends or speculations, if it had not been for an exceptional discovery that occurred a little more than a century ago in the church of Rennes-le-Château where, a Catholic priest named François Bérenger Saunière, raised to new and dizzying heights the legend of Rennes-le-Château as a place of mystery and hidden treasures.

[François-Bérenger Saunière (11 April 1852 – 22 January 1917) was a French Catholic priest in the village of Rennes-le-Château, in the Aude region. He was a central figure in the conspiracy theories surrounding the village, which form the basis of several documentaries and books such as the 1982 Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. Elements of these theories were later used by Dan Brown in his best-selling 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code, in which the fictional character Jacques Saunière is named after the priest.]
Born on April 11, 1852, in the nearby village of Montazels, in 1879 he was ordained a priest.
In 1885 he was assigned to the parish of Rennes-le-Château.
He was a poor priest, who improved his diet with what he fished and hunted during his long excursions through the region.
Their diaries, which have been preserved to date, testify to a meager standard of living and starvation rations.
The parish consecrated to Mary Magdalene and the scene of the alleged wedding of Dagobert II with Gizelle de Razès, was in an advanced state of ruin towards the end of the nineteenth century.
The last restoration dates back to the 15th century.
That all changed when the new the priest undertook the Restoration of the altar, thanks to some small donations.
Lifting the plough from the ancient columns a number of documents were found in tubes of which there were witnesses, for Saunière told with the help of six workmen for the restoration work, and two of them were still alive in 1958 and corroborate the discovery of manuscripts.
From that moment on, Saunière changed his fortunes.
The finding of four supposedly old documents set in motion a chain of events whose consequences went far beyond the spiritual well-being of the parish priest.
From that moment on, he manifested immense wealth, a luxurious way of life, he made frequent journeys, he restored the church, embarked on new constructions, and turned Rennes-le-Château into a meeting point for nobles and prominent visitors.
What was the Discovery of the parish priest?
What can manuscripts contain?
To change the life of a person and a place in such a way?
Two Hundred Years Earlier We Can Find Vestiges of Hidden Secrets.
Much has been written about the presence of a mysterious stone tomb, in the midst of vegetation, in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Château, having been suggested that this tomb is the same one that the famous French painter Nicolas Poussin depicted in a 1647 work, Les Bergers d’Arcadie II, the most mysterious of all his own.
In it we see a group of shepherds observed by an enigmatic woman and gathered around a tomb, on one side of which is the legend “Et in Arcadia ego.”
The painting is in the Louvre and Saunière commissioned a copy of it.

The painting, the priest and the scrolls combine to increase the secret of Rennes-le-Château.
Saunière’s expertise, with his unexplained access to a fabulous fortune and its impact on the quiet village life of Rennes-le-Château, confirmed the old stories about treasures.
In fact, the peasants in the region had a very simple explanation about the fortune of the parish priest.
No riddle to decipher:
the new priest would have stumbled upon a source of wealth hidden by the ancestors.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
But the fact was that while he lived, Saunière he kept absolute silence about the source of his funds, and he stubbornly refused to reveal the secret.
The endless problems to which such an attitude gave rise were later multiplied of the sudden death of Saunière.
What was the source of Saunière’s rapid enrichment?
Where did the money come from?
Capitalism is a Collapsing System – What’s Next? – Library of Rickandria
What did the mysterious scrolls contain?
Did they have anything to do with the mysterious secret of the Cathars, by the which they preferred to be burned, many centuries ago, in this very region?
The Cathars – Library of Rickandria
Did Saunière discover the hidden treasure of the Templar?
He never did reveal it but left a lot of clues around it.
Especially in its church.
After the discovery of the parchments, and for several years, Saunière devoted himself to restoring the church by adding to decorations and details, bizarre figures and bizarre carvings.
Any Catholic who enters the place and wishes to if you cross yourself, you will find that the font of holy water is supported by a well-known character, although certainly the least I would expect to find in such a place, “the devil himself.”
Is Your God a Devil? – Library of Rickandria
On the other hand, the stations of the Stations of the Cross, very conspicuous and disproportionate in size differ from the engravings of the normal Stations of the Cross.
And if that wasn’t enough, he had the following inscription placed on the lintel of the door:
“Terribilis est locus iste”
This place is terrible.
Saunière found four or five scrolls in some tubes of sealed wood.
Two of them contained genealogies related to the Merovingian dynasty, the others speak of passages Evangelical.
One refers to how Jesus was doing with his disciples on the Sabbath for some fields, and they cut down some ears of corn and ate them.

Two of the scrolls discovered in the Church of Rennes-le-Château.

The other tells of the supper at Bethany with Lazarus resurrected from the throne among the dead, during which Mary Magdalene anointed the feet of Jesus.
The official version of the scrolls is on display at the public view on the walls of the Saunière Museum in Rennes-le-Château.
Since the copies of the scrolls were published – the Originals remain hidden – attempts have been made to decipher them based on various approaches.
The Sacred Enigma is possibly the most widely read work on the subject, and in it, as in Later studies, it is emphasized that the treasure found in the interior of the church of Mary Magdalene, was of nature spiritual.
A secret preserved through millennia, a heresy which undermines the foundations of the Church and disturbs the Church.
The Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria
Every Committed Christian:
Jesus’ Body Remains Buried in a place near Rennes-le-Château.
A version he notes that he went into exile after surviving the crucifixion while another is inclined to believe that his body was brought mummified by the Templars, and both that he had offspring from his union with Mary Magdalene.
And that his genealogical line reaches to the present day.
If this If true, the legends about the Holy Grail would take on new meanings.
Much has been written about the mystery of the Cathars and Rennes-le-Château.
Today we know that Saunière’s fortune came from the donations from nobles and secret societies linked to secrecy.
Brotherhoods & Secret Societies – Library of Rickandria
A secret that is indifferent to whether it is true or false, attracts numerous visitors in the mood to find something that perhaps because of its simplicity remains hidden from their gaze but open to their eyes & hearts.
True or false it is part of the history of Rennes-le-Château.
Something that very soon we will all be able to see.
At the entrance to the church, Reverend Saunière had the following inscriptions:
“My house shall be called the house of God.”
“Terribilis est locus iste”
This place is terrible.
The full biblical reference is:
“My house will be called home of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves.” (Matthew 21:13).
This place is terrible, it’s the house of God and the gate of heaven. (Genesis 28:17)
The work of Reconstruction of the entrance was completed in 1897 and cost the equivalent of 3,500,000 francs today.

On the floor of the church is drawn a chessboard of 64 squares oriented towards the four cardinal points.
Right at the entrance is the statue of the devil Asmodeus, holding the font of holy water and on it there is a sculptural group of four angels where the Constantine had seen in heaven:
“With this sign you shall overcome,”
which of course is under the sign of the cross.

But Constantine’s real phrase was only:
“With this sign you will overcome.”
This addition to the original has fueled many controversies.

A significant piece of information is that all the statues in the church face the ground.
On the side, on the right side of the altar the Virgin is holding a child.
On the left Saint Joseph is holding another child.

The two children on either side of the altar suggest the idea that Jesus had another brother, or that one is indeed Jesus and the other his son, and that, according to the legend of the Grail, his offspring escaped the massacre of Montsegur.

Siege of Montségur – Wikipedia
In the church of Rennes-le-Château some stations of the Stations of the Cross, use elements and even scenes that differ from the which is interpreted as new keys to the mystery left by Saunière.
They are very striking tombstones, disproportionate in size in relation to the not-too-large dimensions of the temple, and as some authors have pointed out that they differ from the Stations of the Cross in such details – impossible to ignore by a priest – indicating a willful cryptic intent.
Even the entire Way of the Cross is oriented in the opposite direction to the habitual.
Here are some of the stations:
Station II
A young man kneels on a golden helmet and picks up a piece of spear.
Jesus wears a red robe.
A staircase is observed oriented towards the sky.

Station VII
A Frankish soldier endures the red robe of Jesus, while before him is a woman with a veil of a widow and a child wrapped in a blue plaid.
The Masons call themselves “the widow’s son,” in the same way as In Franco-Freemasonry there are the Scottish Rite and the Blue Degree.

Communism & Masonry: Two Fronts of the Jew World Order – Library of Rickandria
Station XI
Jesus Is Being Nailed to the cross.
A soldier strips him of his red robe.
The background is dark, as if signaling the night.
But the gospel points out that darkness occurred only after Christ’s death.

Station XIV
This is not exactly the image of the risen Jesus rising above the tomb.
Instead, we see some characters who, under cover of night, carry the Jesus’ bleeding body.
Note the wound on the left side of the body.
This image is often interpreted as what could have happened after a mock burial:
Some people take the still-living body of Jesus away.

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