Expose of Gerald Gardner by Miles Mathis – excerpt is from his paper:
The Unabomber was another PSYOP – Library of Rickandria
Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR.
Start by looking up Gerald Gardner.
Gardner was a British Secret Service spook like Aleister Crowley.
Aleister Crowley – Library of Rickandria
They tell you Gardner was a civil servant, but the Secret Service is a type of civil service, so they aren’t exactly lying, just hedging.
Gerald Brosseau Gardner (13 June 1884 – 12 February 1964), also known by the craft name Scire, was an English Wiccan, author, and amateur anthropologist and archaeologist. He was instrumental in bringing the modern pagan religion of Wicca to public attention, writing some of its definitive religious texts and founding the tradition of Gardnerian Wicca.
While Crowley hid behind “magick”, Gardner hid behind the Wiccan movement, which he founded in 1954.
Magic or Magick? – Library of Rickandria
I showed you in my Tate/Manson paper that the Intelligence communities love to hide behind Satanism and magick and the occult.
I suggested you ignore these feints as purposeful dead-ends.
Satanism works as perfect cover for Intelligence, since most researchers love to be diverted into it:
it is much sexier than the truth.
Dabbling in Satanism – Library of Rickandria
Not only was Gardner the high priest of the Wiccans, but he was also from a family in the timber or lumber business.
Joseph Gardner and Sons was the oldest private company in the timber trade in the British Empire at the time of Gerald’s birth in 1884.
LOR note:
Gerald’s father was named William Robert Gardner.
William Robert Gardner (1843-1935) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree
Wikipedia lists his birth as 1844 but WikiTree says 1843.
Also, it says he was born in 1843 at the website, Geni.
William Robert Gardner (1843 – 1935) – Genealogy (geni.com)
Although ancestry lists his birth year as 1844.
William Gardner, b.1844 d.1935 – Ancestry®
William Robert also had 5 sons & 3 daughters so the lineage could have very well gone on.
A John Gardner was connected the CIA:
129E144131F2E093FB1E441C737ACF92_SearchForTheManchurianCandidate.rtf.pdf (cia.gov)
They specialized in importing hardwood from America and the Far East.
Satanism: Far East Origins – Library of Rickandria
So, you can already see where the willow and wood terms are coming in.
This also explains why the Unabomber put twigs on his packages.
Since Gardner was British and died in 1964, you may wonder why we see these references in US events in 1979 and 1996.
Two main reasons:
one, British and US Intelligence have long been linked; two, US Intelligence, like British Intelligence, has long had a wing that specialized in using the occult as misdirection.
But since the British wing had a head start in this, US Intelligence often borrows terms and feints from the top British spooks like Crowley and Gardner.
The US later developed some of their own spook-spooks like Anton Lavey, but these guys were just offshoots of the older British guys like Crowley and Gardner.
Church of Satan: Anton Szandor LaVey – Library of Rickandria
As further indication of this, we find that England repealed the 1735 Witchcraft Act in 1951.
Fraudulent Mediums Act 1951 – Wikipedia
Why would they do that?
You will say it is because the Act had been in mothballs for centuries, but that isn’t true.
There were two convictions under the Act in 1944 and another witch was threatened with prosecution in 1950.
They tell you that spiritualists pushed for repeal, but the real reason the Act was repealed was to allow Intelligence to expand its faux-occult events without fear of interference from Parliament or Scotland Yard.
This is precisely the time that US and British Intelligence were expanding enormously, and Gardner used the repeal to immediately found covens and publish books promoting witchcraft.
WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria
His first book, High Magic’s Aid, came out in 1949, so it actually preceded the repeal of the Witchcraft Act.
High Magic’s Aid – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
It is very likely his publisher and MI6 were much more active in the repeal than any spiritualists.
As further indication of that, we find that Cecil Williamson had already opened his Folk-lore Center of Superstition and Witchcraft in 1951, within months of the repeal of the Witchcraft Act.
Cecil Williamson (18 September 1909 – 9 December 1999) was a British screenwriter, editor and film director and influential English Neopagan Warlock. He was the founder of both the Witchcraft Research Center which was a part of MI6’s war against Nazi Germany, and the Museum of Witchcraft. He was a friend of both Gerald Gardner, who was the founder of Wicca, and also of the notorious occultist Aleister Crowley.
These people don’t waste any time, you know.
By 1954 there was second Museum of Witchcraft in Cornwall.
Museum of Witchcraft and Magic – Wikipedia
Gardner’s first coven was the Bricket Wood coven, so, again, you can see the:
- Wicca
- Wicker
- Wickel
- Bricket
The reason we are seeing these words come up in these Unabomber and Son of Sam events is that we have a wing of Intelligence telling the rest of the Intelligence community it is there.
The faux-occult wing of CIA, say, is inserting these words to tell:
and the rest of CIA that this is its event.
It is saying,
“We are here!
We did this.
The event is not real, it is a manufactured event and we manufactured it.
Stand down.”
The weird terms like “Wicked King Wicker” do double duty, since those outside the Intelligence agencies will naturally read them as something more sinister.
They may even think real witches or Satanists are involved, which of course is fine with Intelligence.
I can even tell you what H. C. stands for in H. C. Wickel.
It means High Coven.
It is a codename for this faux-occult wing of Intelligence.
We will take a quick look at Gardner’s bio before moving on.
We are told that by age 17 Gardner was living in Ceylon, in a bungalow Aleister Crowley and Charles Bennett had just vacated.
Charles Henry Allan Bennett (8 December 1872 – 9 March 1923) was an English Buddhist and former member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He was an early friend and influential teacher of occultist Aleister Crowley.
That is sold to us as some sort of coincidence, but it isn’t.
There is no chance that was a coincidence, so we may conclude that Gardner was already being groomed as an apprentice of Crowley by 1901.
The young Gardner was supposed to be a tea tree planter, but that isn’t believable.
They had “coolies” for manual labor, and Gardner was an asthmatic rich boy.
All his other activities at this time look like a fantasy, so we may assume Gardner was already a recruit of the British Secret Service by 1901.
British intelligence agencies – Wikipedia
It is admitted that he was initiated as a Freemason in 1910, at age 25.
Decoding Rosicrucianism & Freemasonry Using the Unified Field – Library of Rickandria
We are told he soon resigned, but that isn’t believable, either.
Gardner skirted WW1 due to ill health, which also isn’t likely.
More likely is that he avoided combat because he was already busy doing worldwide jobs for British Intelligence.
Most likely he was directing the opium trade in Malaya.
Even Wikipedia admits he was involved in the opium market, adding to his family’s fortune with a mountain of bribes.
By 1927, Gardner was again a Freemason, and although they admit that they tell us he retired again in 1931.
Communism & Masonry: Two Fronts of the Jew World Order – Library of Rickandria
Since we are told Gardner was a close friend of curators at the British Museum and Victoria and Albert Museum, we may assume that one of his assignments while traveling the Far East was the acquisition of artifacts (by any means necessary).
Satanism: Far East Origins – Library of Rickandria
He seems to have specialized in acquiring rare antique weaponry, but since he also worked at many excavations, including that of Starkey at Lachish and Petrie at Tell al-Ajjul, we may assume he brought back whatever came into his hands.
In 1937, Gardner purchased a Doctorate of Philosophy from an Electronic Institute in Nevada, which indicates who we are dealing with.
Celebrities Who Have Received Honorary Doctorate Degrees (people.com)
Agents now often do a similar thing, but since the universities are all owned by Intelligence, they don’t have to mail order their degrees online anymore.
They can get them straight from the President of the University, who is also an agent.
Primed with his fake degree, Gardner began infiltrating several occult societies in England in 1938, hoping no doubt to use them for Intelligence purposes.
Kabbalah, Hermeticism & the Occult – Library of Rickandria
He joined more than a dozen groups, from the Folklore Society to the Rosicrucian Order to the Ancient British Church to the Ancient Druid Order to the Society for Psychical Research.
He mined all these groups for his own initiates.
Finally, on May 1, 1947, Gardner was (re)introduced to Crowley, who almost immediately made him a 7th degree OTO master, and within a year—upon the death of Crowley—Gardner was head of OTO in all of Europe.
Curious, to say the least.
Not only was Gardner’s rise in OTO beyond meteoric—which tends to prove he and Crowley were co-conspirators from long before—but notice that date.
Year one of the CIA.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria
Not a coincidence.
Neither is May 1, which is Mayday.
We saw British Intelligence opening museums of witchcraft immediately after the repeal of the Witchcraft act in 1951, but this rush to promote the occult backfired on them with the real witches, who have a vow of secrecy.
The Three Steps of Witchcraft – Library of Rickandria
Gardner’s media circus after 1955 caused many of his Wiccans to bail on him, which of course proves he was fake, more interested in using witchcraft to promote various brainwashing campaigns than in the thing itself.
MIND CONTROL – Library of Rickandria
We have more proof of that in May of 1960, when Gardner was feted with a garden party at Buckingham Palace for his years of service to the British Empire.
For more in that line, Wikipedia admits Gardner was a supporter of the right-wing Conservative Party and an avid reader of the arch-Conservative Daily Telegraph.
Conservative & Liberal: 2 Masks of Communism – Library of Rickandria
Frederic Lamond (5 July 1931 – 24 May 2020) (also known by the craft name Robert) was a prominent English Wiccan. He was an early member of the Gardnerian tradition having been initiated into the Bricket Wood coven in 1957. He became involved in a number of Pagan organizations, including the Fellowship of Isis, and participated in the interfaith movement. He wrote a number of books on the subject of Wiccan theology and history.
One of his coven members, Fred Lamond, admitted that for someone at the head of a religious movement, Gardner was:
“Surprisingly lacking in charisma.”
All those things fit my interpretation to a T:
Gardner was another tory fascist agent/actor pretending to be a progressive in order to undermine any real progressive movement.
What the mainstream says about Gerald Gardner:
Who Was Gerald Gardner And Why You Should Know | Julia Penelope (patheos.com)
The Coven of Witches That Fought the Nazis During World War II | Military.com
Operation Cone of Power: When British Witches Attacked Adolf Hitler | Mental Floss
Jim Carrey: Actor, Painter, Guru & Church of Satan High Priest? – Library of Rickandria
Gerald Gardner: Witch, Amateur Archaeologist & Intelligence Asset? (basecamp.com)
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