This is the ancient secret breathing methods of the:

  • Celts
  • Vikings
  • Druids

and the Egyptians.

SPIRITUALITY: MEDITATION: Yogic Breathing Basics – Library of Rickandria

However, in modern terms the words from both Western science and Chinese medicine are used in the following, modern explanation.

“Breath Work” or “Qi Gong” breathing power is a simple technique.

Simple techniques are easy to learn.

So, it has also been a very secret technique among both martial artists and monastic communities because it gives great power to those who practice it – great power of Mind, great power of Spirit and great power in physical prowess.

Simple techniques that are easily learned are also easily concealed.

Even in the various modern Qi Gong books and videos, either this secret technique is unknown to the teachers, or they are purposely keeping it hidden from the audience.

There are 10,000 methods of Qi Gong movements but only one, foundational breathing secret.

The 10,000 methods can be taught, but without this one, simple basic secret, you will spend 10,000 years looking for your Qi.

But with this, the original secret method, you can become a master of all forms of Qi Gong very quickly.

Everyone knows that we breathe through our lungs.

Pause to take a deep breath now and use your Mind and Inner Eye to look inside your lungs as you inhale.

You may want to do this several times and study carefully your own breathing.

After all, your breathing keeps you alive.

So, should you not take a little time to study how your breathing does this?

Think about it as you breath and look inward.

Study how the air flows from your nose into the very most bottom of your lungs.

This is what the Buddha did before he was enlightened.

Miles Williams Mathis: BUDDHISM – The Stronger Poison – Library of Rickandria

This is what Jesus and Odin did as they pondered Life and the Universe.

However, most people breath incorrectly.

The causes for this error are explained in How the Jews Betrayed Mankind, Volume 3, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.

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But we don’t need to know the complicated causes of the problem in order to correct this problem.

When we simply breathe through our lungs, yes, the blood is oxygenated.

But breathing only through the lungs is a shallow breathing method that does not thoroughly oxygenate the blood, not does shallow breathing clear out the waste gases such as carbon dioxide.

Routinely breathing with your chest and rib muscles does not pull the air deeply into the very bottom of the lungs.

If you look at a little baby, you will see that they do not breathe with their lungs; they breathe with their abdomen.

It is the rising and falling of the diaphragm in the abdomen that moves the air into and out of the lungs.

Even the modern physicians know this.

But what the Western physicians do not know, is the secret of moving their breath with their diaphragm, directed by the Mind and in tune with their acupuncture meridians.

The method is very simple.

Don’t worry!

If a baby can do it, so can you.

After all, you will be re learning something here that you already knew long ago when you, too, were a little child.

When people breathe only through their lungs, their chest muscles do most of the work and their diaphragm is rather passive.

So, their chest rises and falls, but their abdomen doesn’t move much at all.

Lung breathing is similar to a bucket pump that lifts water with atmospheric pressure. (see Figure_135_ Bucket Pump)

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As a piston moves in a tube, the displacement of air creates a vacuum, which causes atmospheric pressure to push the water up the tube.

In a bucket pump, it is the pressure of the atmosphere that pushes the water, not the mechanical action of the pump.

Once the water reaches the plunger via atmospheric pressure then the piston can lift it.

When breathing with your chest muscles, all that you are doing is moving the lungs like bellows and moving air in and out.

Moving air back and forth in the lungs with chest-breathing allows the blood cells to pick up oxygen and give up carbon dioxide which keeps your body alive – but not alive to its fullest potential or highest level of health and power.

Just the chest muscles around the ribs can accomplish this.

And this is how most people breath, living their lives at one-tenth power.

However, when you breathe using your diaphragm, then your full power as a Human Being is energized.

Breathing with the chest muscles is like a bucket pump or lift pump that works the lungs alone but the technique of breathing with the diaphragm is like a double-acting piston pump which both pushes and pulls against the fluids in the circulatory systems as well as moving the lungs for oxygen exchange. (see Figure_136_Double-action_Piston_Pump)

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Please understand that the human body has tens of thousands of little:

  • tubes
  • veins
  • arteries
  • capillaries

and lymph channels, suffusing the entire body from head to toe.

All of these tubes are fitted with thousands of one-way flapper valves located all along their lengths.

In this way, fluids only flow in one direction and the circulation of fluids (blood and lymph, etc.) is accomplished.

Circulation of fluids in the body is only possible because of these little one-way valves that prevent the fluids from backing up.

Through its up and down pumping action during respiration, the diaphragm acts as a double-acting piston pump for all body fluids.

So, when the diaphragm is properly used in breathing, not only are the lungs moved to oxygenate the blood, but the mechanical pumping action of this diaphragm organ both pushes and pulls fluids throughout the body while the one-way valves prevent any backflow.

Thus, circulation of blood and lymph is induced.

This lowers blood pressure by taking some of the work off the heart while thoroughly oxygenating the entire body and cleaning out toxins as the lymph and blood and intercellular fluids are efficiently pumped throughout the body. In addition, when one’s Mind concentrates on abdominal breathing while using the following secret technique, then your Qi (pronounced “chee”) also moves and circulates throughout your entire acupuncture meridian system and nervous system.

This gives great:

  • psychic
  • mental
  • mystic

and spiritual power to each person who achieves it.

Yet, it is all natural.

We all had this power as children, but it was soon forgotten after about five years of age. 

Acupuncture meridians are unknown in Western medicine.

And a lot of effort has been put into finding them anatomically and microscopically.

The lack of success in finding them as demonstrable body organs is because they exist as a plexus of energy tubes created by the natural folds within the body rather than being actual dissectible tubes containing Qi flow.

The meridians exist in the same way that a tube exists when you roll up a piece of paper and then pour water through the resulting tube.

The water flows but does the tube actually exist?

No, what exists is a flat piece of paper.

But its shape as a tube allows water to be channeled by it.

The water flows through the rolled-up paper but it does not flow because of any actual pipe or tube in the paper.

The shape of the paper channels the water, not an actual tube within the paper.

So, when a Western physician dissects a cadaver looking for acupuncture meridians and then claims that he has:

“Scientifically proven”

that they do not exist, all that he is doing is unrolling the paper and then claiming that it is impossible for water to be channeled by a flat piece of paper.

COSMOS: EARTH: Flat Earth PSYOP – Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria

The meridians are folded within the body.

When you dissect the body, you unfold the meridians.

It’s as simple as that.

There is a plexus of energy channels within the natural folds and bends and fascia of the body.

But when physicians look for them by dissection, they don’t find them because they have undone the skin and unrolled the tubes.

They exist as a shape and as an energy channel, not as an organ.

As a shape within your body, they channel the electromagnetic energies of your Qi flow.

The ancient people knew this as they sat on a mat or sat upright quietly in the forest.

Without the interference of TV sets and jet planes flying overhead, they could tune into their innermost mystical Being.

And you can, too.

This is another reason that the Western physicians as well and a majority of Chinese physicians do not have a thorough understanding of Qi (Life Force); it is something that you find within yourself.

RELIGION: Jewish Takeover of China – Library of Rickandria

If you do not find it within yourself, then you won’t be able to observe it within anyone else.

(I am directing this to you Chinese physicians who have not found your own Qi even though you have intellectually achieved a license to practice acupuncture.

You know that you are charlatans.

Start here and learn what you need.)

Here is how you can find your own Qi and be a master of both physical and esoteric knowledge and mystical powers, attain great skill in martial arts and sports, achieve complete understanding of all religions, and attain good health, long life and immortality.

All you have to do is think wholesome thoughts, direct your Mind carefully and breathe!

And it’s all for free!

Such a deal you won’t find among the Jews who don’t know it, nor among the Chinese who won’t teach it even if they know it.

As explained in Volume 2 above, we are the result of millions of years of evolution wherein Humans have sat directly upon the ground for rest and for recharging our energies through direct contact with the energy fields of the earth.

So, we have evolved special acupuncture points through which we absorb energy which is then channeled to the rest of our bodies.

One such point is the Yung-Chuan (bubbling spring) points (K-1) in the heart of the bottoms of the feet.

This is the last point that touches the earth as we walk or run.

Jewish shoe fashions constrict this point and prevent Qi absorption and circulation.


  • Celtic slippers
  • American Indian moccasins
  • Chinese kung fu shoes

should be worn daily instead of Jewish shoe fashions. (See Volume III, for details.)

However, the two points that we will primarily use in this Qi Gong Lesson is the Hui-Yin point (Ren-1) in the center of the perineum, located between the anus and the scrotum in males and between the anus and the posterior labial commissure in females.

(see Figure_137_Ren_Channel)

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The other point is the Du-1 point located midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus.

(see Figure_138_Du_Channel)

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You don’t need to look in a mirror and touch that lower area with your hands to find these points.

There has been a lot of ignorant speculation by Western physicians, as well as by Chinese physicians who have no knowledge of their own Qi, as to how the acupuncture meridians were discovered.

To cut through all of the theories, quite frankly, they were discovered in the same way that you will discover them, yourself, by using your Mind and your Breath and your inner perceptions and feeling them within yourself.

Merely use your mind, go inside yourself by using your Inner Eye and gaze internally as you breathe.

Usually, people who have spent their lives sitting in chairs will find that they sit with their weight rotated forward on their hip bones with the weight balanced on the bottom hip bone tip of the ramas of ischium.

This puts the body’s weight directly upon the Ren-1 point and cuts off Qi flow.

(The causes for this improper and unhealthy sitting posture are detailed in Volume 3, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.)

What you should try to do, is roll back on the bottom of your hip bones until the tip of your spine makes contact with the sitting platform whether such a platform is a chair or the floor.

You will feel a triangular area formed by the bottoms of both hip bones and the tip of your spine.

The small of your back will straighten, your anus will be at the center of the triangle and both your Ren 1 and your Du-1 point will be in light contact with the sitting platform, preferably on the ground or on a mat or a blanket on the ground or on the floor.

But a firm chair is also okay).

First, sit and use your Inner Eye to study your breath as you inhale and exhale.

This is how the Aryan Buddha, Gautama Buddha, became enlightened, merely by studying his inward and outward breath.

Miles Williams Mathis: More on the Buddha – Library of Rickandria

As you sit calmly, you may look inward using the Eye of Odin Technique (Buddha’s Third Eye as explained in Chapter 4) or merely close your eyes to concentrate your Mind on your breathing. 

Do not practice on a full stomach.

Mentally, avoid the five poisons of:

  • hate
  • lust
  • malice
  • envy

and greed.

Godsmack – Greed

Be positive in feelings of love, compassion and goodness.

Once your Mind is calm and you can observe your breathing with your Inner Eye, begin to use the following secret breathing technique.

There is both a beginner’s and an advanced method for achieving this skill.

First, the beginner’s method is to pull upward on your anus as you inhale.

You do this with your interior muscles around your anus.

Feel how your anus pulls upward as you inhale.

As you pull up on your anus, your diaphragm descends, and the air enters your lungs.

Then, relax the muscles around your anus and the diaphragm automatically rises and air exits the lungs.

Repeat this as often as you want to in order to understand the method.

This pulling up on your anus as you inhale is just the beginner level of this technique to familiarize yourself with the feelings of these various movements.

Practice this a few times and understand how this method affects your breathing.

This technique is correct for learning, but it tends to pull the Qi up into the hollow organs where it has little use.

So, once you learn it comfortably, you should abandon it and move on to the advanced technique where you pull up on the two acupuncture points located on each side of your anus.

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These two points are indicated in the acupuncture maps in Figure_137_Ren_Channel and in Figure_138_Du_Channel.

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The advanced breathing technique is identical to the above but with this one change.

Instead of pulling up on your anus as you inhale, pull up on the acupuncture points of your perineum as you inhale.

Your anus will still rise up and all of the other benefits will still occur but now, instead of the Qi entering the hollow organs of your intestines, it enters the acupuncture meridians through the Ren-1 point and through the Du-1 point.

The Qi will then energize and suffuse your entire Being.

This change in direction of how your Qi flows, is a result of applying the directing force of your Mind.

It is your Mind that directs your Qi, but once you train yourself in proper breathing, your Qi will circulate on its own through proper breathing.

You may practice this breathing method whether:

  • sitting
  • standing
  • walking

or lying down.

Try to make it your normal way of breathing and you will find the secret of Life’s True Knowledge and True Power.

The breath should be slow, long and continuous, smooth and fine.

It should be inaudible and internal.

Huffing and puffing, is to be avoided.

The inward breath and the outward breath should be of equal lengths.

But once you learn how to do it, there is more to this method.

What you will want to do is direct the Qi with your Mind so that it circulates throughout your body just as the blood and lymph circulate.

But the Qi circulates in the acupuncture meridians, the major ones being the Governing Vessel up the spine to the crown of the head and the Conception Vessel up the front of the abdomen and chest.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: SAHASRARA – The Crown Chakra (HEAVEN) – Library of Rickandria

Where these converge, you will discover both the ancient Egyptian secret of mystic breathing power as well as the rarely found Chinese kung-fu system known as the Triple Warmer meridian.

The Du Channel (Figure_138_Du_Channel) originates from the inside of the lower abdomen.

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Descending, it emerges at the perineum.

Then it ascends posteriorly along the interior of the spinal column to Du-16 at the nape of the neck, where it enters the brain.

RESEARCHER: DAVID ICKE: The Reptilian Brain – Library of Rickandria

It further ascends to the vertex and winds over the forehead to the columella of the nose.

[Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, page-260]

This is the first direction that you should direct your Qi.

Begin in this way:

As you pull up on the Du-1 point as you inhale, feel your breath descend and fill the lower abdomen (tan tien, known as the “sea of Qi”).

The breath should be full and natural and the whole abdomen should expand when you inhale even around your kidneys.

Once you inhale into your abdomen, then push with the Du-1 point toward the small of your back at Du-4 (the Mingmen point).

When this point is pinched from improper posture (as a result of wearing Jewish fashions) it can lead to:

  • stiffness of the back
  • lumbago
  • impotence

and seminal emissions.

So, let the curve of your back straighten up as you sit by tucking your tailbone under.

Try it a few times.

Pull up on your Du-1 point behind your anus as you inhale, filling the abdomen with Qi, then from the Du-1 point push the Qi toward the Du-4 point on your spine at the small of the back.

Then relax.

When you push your Qi using both muscular force and mental intent, you should use only the amount of force that you use in blinking your eyes.

In other words, you use force, but not very much force.

It is a very gentle pushing power that you use, like gently pushing air or liquids through a tube.

You want to direct the energy, not force it.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: Energy Control -Absorbing & Directing Energy – Library of Rickandria

Do this exercise as many times as you wish without tiring yourself.

Then, when you can feel a warm flow of your Qi to Du-4, do the same method and direct your Qi to a higher point on your spine.

Practice until you can direct your Qi to the crown of your head (the Du 20 or Bai Hui point).

Then direct your Qi to flow with a single breath all the way from your Du-1 point, up your spine, over the top of your head, along the ridge of your nose entering your gums to the center of your palate.

Touch the top of your palate with your tongue tip to connect this Qi flow to your Triple Warmer channel and inhale as the Qi descends down your esophagus and returns to your abdomen (Tan Tien, or Sea of Qi).

In this technique, you attain knowledge of the ancient Egyptian breathing technique that brings you into union and unity. (see Figure_35_Union)

Next, you will learn to direct your Qi up the front of your body through the Ren Channel.

Ren – Power (Official Music Video)

Concept of the Ren Meridian Conception Vessel

The Ren Channel arises from the lower abdomen and emerges from the perineum.

It runs anteriorly to the pubic region and ascends along the interior of the abdomen, passing through Ren-4 and the other points along the front midline to the throat.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: VISHUDDHI – The Throat Chakra – Library of Rickandria

Running further upward, it curves around the lips, passes through the cheeks and enters the infra-orbital region of the eyes. (St-1)

[Essentials of Chinese Acupuncture, Foreign Language Press, Beijing, Page-272]

Using this same method, pull up on the Ren-1 point on your perineum as you inhale, only this time as you exhale, direct your Qi to the Ren-2 point just at the line made by the top edge of your pubic hair region (symphysis pubis).

When you can feel this occur, relax, inhale using the up-pulling method, then push the Qi from the Ren-1 point to ever higher points on the Ren Channel.

Little by little you teach yourself how to direct your Qi to a higher point along your midline Ren channel.

As you feel the Qi flow upward to your throat and then to your Ren-24 point on your chin, it will flow around your mouth and then upward to the edge of your eye sockets.

As it flows around your mouth, you should feel the corners of your mouth turn upward in a gentle Buddha smile as the tension of your face relaxes and any facial tension and wrinkles disappear.

You can touch with your fingers and feel a tiny little indentation along the bottom edge of your eye socket.

This is the point where the Qi enters and suffuses into your body from the Ren Channel.

From the edges of your eye sockets, the Qi enters the interior of your body, connects to the top of your palate where you have the tip of your tongue touching, and descends down your esophagus back to your abdomen.

This is Qi circulation of your Ren Channel.

Now, combine these two methods into one.

Pull up on both points as you inhale, then as you exhale and push from both of these perineum points, push your Qi simultaneously up both the Ren and Du Channels.

When the Qi meets at the top of your palate, inhale and pull the Qi down to the Tan Tien in your abdomen.

When you achieve this, you have achieved one of the most sought-after techniques of Qi Gong and martial arts skills – the Microcosmic Orbit of the Qi.

Microcosmic orbit – Wikipedia

The next step is to achieve Macrocosmic Orbit, circulating your Qi up both channels, down your esophagus to the Ren-1 point and then pushing it along the front of the legs to the tip of the big toe.

Then as you inhale, pull the Qi along the sole of the feet and up the back of the legs to the Du-1 point and then direct it up the spine.

In this way, your Qi circulated from the back of your heel to the top of your head with every breath.

Later, as you push the Qi up your spine to the points between your shoulder blades, you can then direct it with your mind along the outside of the arms to the fingertips and then inhale it back along the inside of the arms to the spine.

The goal of these breathing exercises is to be able to have conscious control over your breathing and the internal power of your Qi.

Once you can control your Qi and move it at will, you will be able to heal yourself of illnesses and old age as well as heal others of their diseases through the:

“laying on of hands”

technique of the early Christians.


Once you attain a knowledge of your own Qi (Holy Spirit), all of the religions of the world open to you like a lotus flower and you can see the false from the true.

You will see with your own spiritual eyes that Judaism and Islam are false.

While sitting in whatever meditation posture suites you, concentrate deeply as you visualize inwardly your Qi as a flow of light or a warm energy emanating from your Dan Tien area.

Inhale through your nose and feel the energy of the air descend down the front interior of your body to the dan tien.

When the abdomen absorbs this air-energy, breath it upward through the spine up the neck, into the brain and outward from the third eye as rays of light.

Then repeat.

Once you become adept with your Qi Gong, you will be able to breathe through the skin and absorb the Qi into the bone marrow.


whenever you are advised to push or to pull the Qi in your body, use only the force that you would use in blinking your eyes.

If you are using any more force than this, you are doing the exercises incorrectly.

Remain relaxed with your mind in control.

If you find your thoughts racing, concentrate on your breathing and let the thoughts disappear on their own.

Do not strain or use muscular force.

When you finish the meditation session, take a few minutes to cool down by massaging your Dan Tien in a circular fashion an equal number of times clockwise and counterclockwise, to relax and let the Qi dissipate.

Rub your palms together to make some heat and place these over your eyes.

Then open your eyes and wait until all perspiration evaporates before getting up.


If you take your time and take one step at a time, as if preparing yourself for a long voyage and making sure that you have everything that you need, you will succeed.

Don’t rush.

Rush-Tom Sawyer (Lyrics)

Be thorough in your understanding of each technique before moving on to the next one.

Sit in whatever meditation posture you find comfortable and relax.

Look at the tip of your nose and then look through the Eye of Odin or the Buddhist Third Eye as described in the main section of this book.

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: The Third Eye – Library of Rickandria

By concentrating your mind on the various techniques, thoughts will disappear and you will find a peaceful mind.

Concentrate your mind in the lower Dan Tien as you breathe.

Use abdominal breathing to inhale deeply into your abdomen.

The abdomen moves outward as the air enters your lungs.

Inhale evenly for five or six seconds and exhale evenly for an equal length of time or an equal number of heart beats.

You choose a comfortable breath cycle and regulate it accordingly.

If you can inhale slowly for 30 seconds and exhale for 30 seconds, that is okay.

But set your own time.

There is no rush.

It is not a competition.

Sit and breathe for 10 minutes or twenty minutes.

There are various meditation candles available that burn down at set times.

Start with a ten-minute candle.

When you can sit and breathe without strain until it burns down, move up to a 20-minute candle.

Or use a stick of incense as a timing device so that you aren’t looking at a clock all of the time and breaking your concentration.

Here is the Egyptian Great Hymn to Khnum (the soul or ba of the gods and the Breath and Qi of Life) 

“Another hymn to Khnum-Re,
God of the potter’s wheel,
Who settled the land by his handiwork;
Who joins in secret,
Who builds soundly,
Who nourishes the nestlings by the breath of his mouth;
Who drenches this land with Nun, While round sea and great ocean surround him … 
He has fashioned gods and men, 
He has formed flocks and herds; 
He made birds as well as fishes, 
He created bulls, engendered cows… 
 He knotted the flow of blood to the bones,
Formed in his workshop as his handiwork,
So the breath of life is within everything,
Blood bound with semen [chi] in the bones,
To knit the bones from the start…
He made mankind, created gods,
He fashioned flocks and herds.
He made birds, fishes, and reptiles all,
By his will Nun’s fishes leap from the caverns,
To feed men and gods in his time…
He made plants in the field,
He dotted the shores with flowers;
He made fruit trees bear their fruit,
To fill the needs of men and gods.
He opened seams in the bellies of mountains,
He made the quarries spew out their stones….”


This shows that the Egyptians knew of the qi (or “chi”, pronounced “chee”), the life force.

And identical to the modern Chinese ideas about this energy, they equated it with:

“Blood bound with semen in the bones.”

BLOODLINES – Library of Rickandria

Also identical with qi is:

“The breath of life is within everything.”

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: The Breath – The Basis of Magic, Energy Manipulation, & Mind Power – Library of Rickandria


SPIRITUALITY: YOGA: 10 Trivia Facts – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: AURA: The Aura & How to Use It – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: AURA: Aura of Protection – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: AURA: How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: BREATHARIANISM: Living without Food or Drink – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRAS: Basic Seven – Library of Rickandria



SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: Circulating the Elements (Advanced) – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: ELEMENTAL: Invoking Fire – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: MEDITATION: Energy Meditation – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: Creating Multiconstructs – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: Making Complex Energy Forms/Constructs – Library of Rickandria





TRANSMIGRATION: SOULS: High Vibrational Living for Soul Ascension – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: WITCHCRAFT: Factors for Success in Spiritual Alchemy: “The Black Arts” – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: How to Increase Your Spiritual Awareness – Library of Rickandria

SPIRITUALITY: HIGHER SELF: Inner Self Connection/Communication – Library of Rickandria



SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: WITCHCRAFT: Magic 101 – Library of Rickandria

COSMOS: MATRIX: EARTH: The Energy Farm – Library of Rickandria

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Vol. II – Library of Rickandria


The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit