First published June 11, 2023, by Miles Mathis
Do you still find that photo convincing, or does it make you want to laugh?
If you don’t know what I mean, look closer.
It’s a paste-up.
Easiest place to start?
The black guy in the middle at the rear, with the little fro.
They have painted a white blindfold in using photoshop, but it is transparent.
You can see his eyes through it.
Just awful.
All the people are pasted in and weren’t there together, and you can tell for two main reasons:
1) they are mis-sized,
2) the perspective is wrong.
Look at the blond guy behind the tall guy in front.
His head is too big, and it seems like his face is right on the other guy’s shoulder.
That’s because they are pasting flat images, so any depth of field is lost.
It reminds us of the horrible paste-up of Bobby Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel, on the podium with all the people behind him:
I hit that in my long paper on the fake Kennedy assassinations.
THE HIDDEN KING(S): Camelot Ruled from the Cave of Merlin – Library of Rickandria
Look at all those heads pasted in there willy-nilly, like they had been glued in by a grade-schooler with a pot of Elmer’s Glue-all.
There is no depth of field, so they all look like they are standing in the same line as Kennedy, crawling up his shorts.
It’s been a while, so I will remind you of the main storylines of Iran/Contra.
The year was 1985 and Reagan had just started his second term.
In 1982 Congress had passed the Boland Amendment to prevent the President from using taxes to overthrow the government of Nicaragua.
There was also an arms embargo against Iran, and Reagan was claiming we wouldn’t sell arms to terrorists.
He had also claimed we wouldn’t deal with Middle East terrorists by making deals for hostages.
So, it was a big deal when the US got caught selling arms to Iran in exchange for hostage releases, and then using that money to illegally fund contras in Nicaragua who were waging war against Nicaragua for the US.
Or it seemed like big news since it was in headlines for two years, but of course nothing ever came of it.
Reagan claimed he was in Wyoming at the time riding ponies or ostriches or something and hadn’t been read into the script.
Secretary of Defense Weinberger also skated, being indicted for minor crimes and then pardoned by Bush, Sr., before the trial even went to court—which is of course ridiculous.
LOOKS LIKE the Bushes are Jewish – Library of Rickandria
You can’t be pardoned before you are convicted, since there is nothing to pardon until you are convicted.
Proof this was all theater.
Almost everyone else was also pre-pardoned by Bush, which should have been illegal since he was Vice-President at the time.
The Supreme Court should have quashed all these pardons on Constitutional and logical grounds, since the Executive Branch cannot pardon itself.
The Supremes – Library of Rickandria
Congress did nothing since they were led by Republicans and would not go after their own.
Oliver Laurence North (born October 7, 1943) is an American political commentator, television host, military historian, author, and retired United States Marine Corps lieutenant colonel.
Oliver North and John Poindexter were temporary scapegoats, since they were at first convicted of minor things like perjury and destruction of evidence.
John Marlan Poindexter (born August 12, 1936) is a retired United States naval officer and Department of Defense official. He was Deputy National Security Advisor and National Security Advisor during the Reagan administration. He was convicted in April 1990 of multiple felonies as a result of his actions in the Iran–Contra affair, but his convictions were reversed on appeal in 1991. During the George W. Bush administration, he served a brief stint as the director of the DARPA Information Awareness Office. He is the father of NASA astronaut and U.S. Navy Captain Alan G. Poindexter.
But even those convictions were thrown out on appeal for technicalities.
It was all a wash.
That was all bad enough, but it was even worse than the historians admit.
A Study of History by Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria
A whole level down the rabbit hole was completely ignored.
Your first clue comes if you take the “seven American hostages” link out of the Wikipedia page for Iran/Contra, near the top of the page.
Lebanon hostage crisis – Wikipedia
There we find there were actually 25 American hostages, and the first two mentioned are CIA agents Buckley and Higgins.
They were allegedly killed, so no one needed to bargain for them.
But my point is they were agents, which should be a huge clue this was faked by CIA.
William Francis Buckley was CIA since 1955, and was military retirement age, being 57.
William Francis Buckley (May 30, 1928 – June 3, 1985) was a United States Army officer in the United States Army Special Forces, and a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) station chief in Beirut from 1984 until his kidnapping and execution in 1985.
He was a lieutenant colonel, as you would expect.
He came out of Medford, just north of Boston like Salem (where he also lived).
The Salem Witch Trials WERE FAKED – Library of Rickandria
He was with the CIA in Mexico in the 1960s.
Does any of that sound familiar?
William F. Buckley?
As in William Francis Buckley, Jr., famous head of The National Review.
William Frank Buckley Jr. (born William Francis Buckley; November 24, 1925 – February 27, 2008) was an American conservative writer, public intellectual, and political commentator.
He also worked for the CIA in Mexico.
His mother was Aloise Steiner, daughter of Aloysius, and my readers will know what that means.
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
Buckley and his father both changed their middle name later from Francis to Frank, I guess to break this link to our lt. Colonel.
Buckley, Sr., was an oil magnate who worked with President Huerta in Mexico, and of course the CIA helped Huerta’s rise.
William Frank Buckley Sr. (July 11, 1881 – October 5, 1958) was an American lawyer and oil developer. He became influential in Mexican politics during the military dictatorship of Victoriano Huerta but was later expelled when Álvaro Obregón became president. He became wealthy due to his interests in oil exploration and speculation. Buckley was the father of ten children, including William F. Buckley Jr., the author and founder of National Review magazine, and James L. Buckley, a U.S. Senator from New York (1971–1977). He was the grandfather of author and humorist Christopher Buckley.
Buckley, Jr., went to a Jesuit prep school near Windsor Castle, telling us how privileged he was.
But let’s return to lt. col. William F. Buckley, supposedly resting in Arlington National Cemetery since 1985.
We find him at Findagrave, but curiously he has no relatives.
No parents.
Strange, eh?
Or not so strange, since they don’t want us linking him to the more famous William F. Buckley.
But it isn’t that hard to do, since they admit the famous Bill Buckley’s dad came from Canada.
Well, so did the lt. col’s dad, who is listed right below him on a search at Bing.
William Francis Buckley (1906-1975) – Find a Grave Memorial
His grandmother is a Dickinson from New Brunswick.
But this is even easier, since we can do a people search on this lt. colonel of Medford at Instant Checkmate, where we find he died at age 74 in 2002, not at age 57 in 1985.
William Buckley MA – Instant Checkmate
Confirming that the CIA faked his death for this event.
That is not his current age now, since he would be 95 if still alive.
The computer has a death notice, just not one from 1985.
Also notice that confirms he was a Jr., confirming the William Buckley of Boston and Foxborough, b. 1906, on my Bing link is his father.
We can also search on those relatives, finding a Kerry Buckley married to a Kaufmann.
That confirms our suspicions here once again.
Another one allegedly kidnapped was Terry Anderson, chief correspondent for the Associated Press.
Terry Alan Anderson (October 27, 1947 – April 21, 2024) was an American journalist and combat veteran. He reported for the Associated Press. In 1985, he was taken hostage by Shia Hezbollah militants of the Islamic Jihad Organization in Lebanon and held until 1991. In 2004, he ran unsuccessfully for the Ohio State Senate.
He just happened to be a former Marine who served two tours in Vietnam.
He was allegedly kidnapped off a tennis court by the Islamic Jihad at the behest of Hezbollah.
Yeah, I bet.
Except that I have previously shown both groups are Mossad fronts.
The PLO is & always was a British Marionette – Library of Rickandria
The Islamic Jihad is a ridiculous fake organization like the Symbionese Liberation Army, supposed founded by the ghost Imad Mughniyeh.
Imad Fayez Mughniyeh (Arabic: عماد فايز مغنية; 7 December 1962 – 12 February 2008), alias al-Hajj Radwan (الحاج رضوان), was a Lebanese militant leader who was the founding member of Lebanon’s Islamic Jihad Organization and number two in Hezbollah’s leadership. Information about Mughniyeh is limited, but he is believed to have been Hezbollah’s chief of staff and understood to have overseen Hezbollah’s military, intelligence, and security apparatuses. He was one of the main founders of Hezbollah in the 1980s. He has been described as “a brilliant military tactician and very elusive”. He was often referred to as an ‘untraceable ghost’.
Almost nothing is known of him, but they do give you a big clue:
he was born in Tyre.
Capitol of Phoenicia.
Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria
Just a coincidence, I am sure.
His brothers are named Jihad and Fouad.
You have to laugh.
Although they claim he was from a family of poor lemon farmers, they admit he studied at the American University in Beirut.
On a Langley scholarship, perhaps?
The Islamic Jihad was founded in 1982, but we have a problem since Imad was just 20 then.
He supposedly died in 2008 at age 45 in a car bombing.
You do the math.
The CIA/Mossad had been trying to capture Imad for 23 years at that time, with a $25 million reward, but we are told they couldn’t find him.
He just slipped all their nets.
Wikipedia now all but admits the Islamic Jihad never existed.
After the MNF bombing, the New York Times reported that,
“Lebanese police sources, Western intelligence sources, Israeli Government sources and leading Shi’ite Muslim religious leaders in Beirut are all convinced that there is no such thing as Islamic Jihad,”
as an organization, no membership, no writings, etc. [8]
Lebanese journalist Hala Jaber compared it to,
“a phony company which rents office space for a month and then vanishes,”
“only when it was committing an atrocity against its targets …” [9]
Sort of like a CIA front, then?
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria
But back to Terry Anderson.
After allegedly being held for five years he was released in 1991.
He was later awarded $25 million from frozen Iranian assets and was pictured shaking hands with his captors, whom he has forgiven.
So that isn’t suspicious at all.
Makes perfect sense.
His daughter Sulome married an orthodox Jew and a photo of them kissing was published nationally with the caption
“Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.”
Are they implying she is an Arab?
Yes, because her mother is from Lebanon.
But her mother is (allegedly) a Christian and Sulome doesn’t look Arab.
She looks Jewish, and her name is a variation of Salome, a famous Jewish princess.
But I guess no one ever noticed that.
And let’s see, who was Terry Anderson supposedly captured with?
That would be another Beirut Bureau chief for CNN, Jeremy Isadore Levin.
Oho, you don’t say?
Another Phoenician?
Phoenicians: ANCIENT SPOOKS – Library of Rickandria
Now we just need:
- a Cohen
- a Stanley
- a Stuart
Well, what do you know, another hostage just happened to be David S. Dodge, with the S. standing for . . . are you ready? . . . Stuart.
You will say his middle name is a first name.
Nope, he comes from the Stuarts of Connecticut, previously of Scotland and the Royal line.
Edward Stuart (abt.1700-abt.1744) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree
He is also of the famous and wealthy Dodges, related to:
- Clevelands
- Reeds
- Clements
- Lows
- Pratts
- Phelps
and Murrays.
See my paper on Mabel Dodge Luhan for more.
Mabel Dodge Luhan was a Spook – Library of Rickandria
Dodge was not only the President of American University, he came out of ARAMCO, the Arabian Oil Company.
Note the Reed there, since another hostage was Frank Reed, director of the International School.
Another Stuart cousin, I guess.
Another fake hostage was Thomas Sutherland, Dean of American University, released with Terry November 18, 1991.
Thomas Sutherland (May 3, 1931 – July 22, 2016),[1] Dean of Agriculture at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, was kidnapped by Islamic Jihad members near his Beirut home on June 9, 1985. He was released on November 18, 1991, at the same time as Terry Waite, having been held hostage for 2,353 days, nearly six and a half years.
Chai, aces and eights.
Sutherland was born in Falkirk, Scotland, and I guess you remember who the Sutherlands of that area are?
Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland (born 21 December 1966) is a Canadian actor and musician. He is best known for his starring role as Jack Bauer in the Fox drama series 24 (2001–2010, 2014), for which he won a Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award.
We saw them when I did Keifer and Donald Sutherland.
Donald McNichol Sutherland CC (17 July 1935 – 20 June 2024) was a Canadian actor. With a career spanning six decades, he received numerous accolades, including a Primetime Emmy Award and two Golden Globe Awards as well as a BAFTA Award nomination. Considered one of the best actors never nominated for an Academy Award, he was given an Academy Honorary Award in 2017.
The 22nd of July Massacre in Norway was Fake: Part IV – Library of Rickandria
They are closely related to the Stuarts through the Leveson-Gores, Dukes of Sutherland.
Donald Sutherland is also a Clement through his wife Shirley Douglas, and we just saw how the Clements fold in here through the Dodges and Stuarts.
So, this is all one-big-happy, as usual.
A gathering of cousins.
More proof of that is Malcolm Kerr, the former President of American University allegedly murdered outside his office on January 18, 1984, aces and eights.
Malcolm Hooper Kerr (October 8, 1931 – January 18, 1984) was a university professor specializing in the Middle East and the Arab world. An American citizen, he was born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, where he died. He served as president of the American University of Beirut from 1982 until he was killed by gunmen in 1984.
No one was ever caught or tried for that murder, and it is still “a complete mystery”.
Except to me, since his name tells us everything.
His father was Stanley Elphinstone Kerr, giving us three names from the top of the British peerage.
The Kerrs are the Marquesses of Lothian, closely related to the Fitzalan-Howards, Dukes of Norfolk, same as Stuarts.
The Elphinstones are closely related to all the same people, including the:
- Murrays
- Stuarts
- Cavendish-Bentincks
- Charltons
and Bowes-Lyons, including the Queen Mother.
Remember, I have shown you the US/UK have owned the Middle East since the time of Lawrence of Arabia—another top peer—and the Phoenicians have owned it for 4000 years or more.
Thomas Edward Lawrence CB DSO (16 August 1888 – 19 May 1935) was a British archaeologist, army officer, diplomat, and writer who became renowned for his role in the Arab Revolt (1916–1918) and the Sinai and Palestine Campaign (1915–1918) against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. The breadth and variety of his activities and associations, and his ability to describe them vividly in writing, earned him international fame as Lawrence of Arabia, a title used for the 1962 film based on his wartime activities.
Lawrence of Arabia – Library of Rickandria
So, the idea it is aligned against us somehow is just another old joke.
The various Shahs and Ayatollahs and Sultans are just Jews in turbans, propped up as our enemies for the day like:
and North Korea.
The PLO is & always was a British Marionette – Library of Rickandria
It is all a five-minutes-hate leading to a trillion-a-year defense industry.
So, you can see how I knew this list of hostages was a fake at a glance.
It is all peerage names and CIA agents.
But if there were no real hostages, what does that mean for the Iran/Contra Affair?
Well, it means the US military was just selling arms to foreign countries with no Congressional authorization, and not even diplomacy to back it up or justify it.
Since Article One of the Constitution gives that power to Congress, we can now see the Iran/Contra Affair as a test of the 1976 Arms Exports Control Act, by which Congress attempted to re-assert its Constitutional power in this arena, after years of bowing to the executive.
At the time, the military/CIA thought they could hide these arms sales behind fake hostage transfers, whitewashing them to some extent, but what the spin-out told them is that they didn’t even need that.
The response to Iran/Contra by Congress and the public told them they could sell anything to anyone with zero oversight.
Basically, no one cared.
No one was going to do anything, regardless, so there was no piper to pay.
Since then, Congress has been defunct in that area and all others, just rubberstamping any and all military or intelligence budgets and sales.
Same with the American public, which just stopped caring after Watergate, leading to an anything-goes mentality in Washington.
It isn’t bread and circuses anymore, it is pizza, beer, and televised sports.
The End of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Yuga Cycle – Library of Rickandria
As long as the Americans have that, the rest is gravy.
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
The thieves don’t even try to hide their treasury thefts anymore, just raising the debt ceiling to cover that year’s thefts and moving on.
Raise everyone’s Valium allotment and move on.
Which has of course led to bigger and more magnificent thefts every other year, since they aren’t even investigated.
Move on.
2007 Financial Crisis (aka biggest con job ever)?
Move on.
2020 Covid/Vaccine genocide/rape of the treasury (aka even bigger con job/theft with mass murder)?
Move on.
And because we aren’t doing anything about that we can expect an even larger and more deadly theft/murder very soon.
That is the way these things work, you know:
the thieves just keep coming back until you stop them or there is nothing left to steal.
Iran’s Jewish Rulers – Library of Rickandria
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