Purim Exposed
There are different levels of meaning in Judaism when it comes to the understanding of the Jewish texts.
Kabbalah is the highest level, the occult level of understanding the level of “sod” in Hebrew, meaning “secret.”
Kabbalah is an encoded language that is based on symbolism, it’s a right brained or psychic method & the “practical Kabbalah” the real occult teachings are taught to the Rabbinical students who qualify for such instruction.
Symbols are archetypes of the codes & the use of the information they contain.
The tale of the Book of Esther, in the Torah, has baffled some moronic Christian theologians.
Because it does not mention “god” anywhere in the book.
This is unique as its the only book in the Torah to make no mention of “god” at all.
The Rabbis who are actual Kabbalah adepts, have stated if a text does not mention “god” in such case it’s because such is referring to the Rabbi’s using their own psychic power.
This brings us to the tale of Esther; we will understand this first on the occult level.
Mordechai is called a “prophet” in Judaism, in the Talmudic and Kabbalah based texts a prophet is a very psychically advanced Rabbi, an actual occult adept, someone who has advanced psychic powers.
Mordechai is given Esther as a child and nurses her from his own breast and has an incestuous relationship, a secret marriage with her.
Mordechai’s name in Hebrew means “Myrrh” & Esther’s means “Myrtle” note the Chai the name of life in Hebrew on the end of Mordechai’s name, this is the number 18 which relates to the union of male & female energies.
The incestuous relationship is the union of the worlds of the kabbalah tree which generates the Ain Soph, the spark which generates the internal psychic power.
The Myrrh relates to the third eye in the ancient world that which directs the energy.
Mordechai, the entire tale is the one directing Esther into everything.
The Myrtle is the magical tree in Judaism the symbol of the spiritual power of the Jewish soul.
The leaves of the Myrtle tree are used symbolically in magical rituals to obtain workings, which represent the fruits of the psychic power of the empowered soul.
Esther is the energy or psychic power of Mordechai, which he generated & nursed with his own energies to power & then directs to accomplish his occult goal.
In the tale of Esther, the goal is the Jewish race takes over the Persian Empire from within.
Mordechai & Esther are the psychic power of the adept & the mind which directs & creates the workings for it to manifest.
Esther represents Shekinah power.
To expand this understanding, Mordechai is given the number 400 in Judaism.
This represents the letter Tav, which represents the energy of the Jewish soul travelling from Keter the crown through the worlds where it materializes in Malkuth.
This also represents the generation of the energy of a working & the manifestation of this working into the physical world.
The ancient symbol of Tav is the Kabbalah cross of matter, the symbol of Malkuth.
Which is the world of “The Royal Kingdom.”
Such kingdom is what the Jews are attempting to manifest with their Torah spell, in which they rule the world.
The 400 is also taken to 40 which is the number of the Messiah, the Jewish King of the World.
Mordechai also represents the Jewish Messiah, who is a political leader & Rabbinical adept.
The Tav represents the word “Amet” which is the seal the Rabbi’s put on the Goylem’s forehead, to bring the Goy-lem under the control of the Rabbi.
This term means the removal of consciousness in the original Egyptian, its stolen from.
This represents the binding of the Gentiles mind by the energy of the Jewish spell, note the Persian ruler is bewitched & under the spell of Mordechai in the form of Esther.
In the future this binding on the forehead of the Goy-lem will also be the brain chip the Jewish leadership are working on perfecting to implant into the Goyim.
The Tav was placed on the forehead in the Torah.
The symbol of the individual being the property of the Jewish “god.”
When Mordechai’s archetype, the Jewish king of the world conquerors the Gentiles & makes the Gentiles property of the Jews.
The adversary of Mordechai is an Amalekite, Haman.
The Amalekite’s are symbolic of the opposition to the Jewish races goal.
Amalek is the occult name of “Satan” meaning “Adversary” to the Jews, in the Jewish texts.
Mordechai uses Esther to have Haman destroyed and then to obtain from the bewitched, Persian King the decree & military forces that go through the Empire & put all the Amalekite’s, the enemy of the Jews & their entire families to death & steal all their property & wealth for themselves.
This includes Mordechai who obtains Haman’s property & political power, Mordechai then becomes the most powerful ruler in the Persian Empire.
And Esther his wife, the queen of the Empire, a Jewess, who’s children will take the throne & be Jewish by race & teaching.
The Persian King is nothing but a bewitched Goylem [Golem] by Mordechai & Esther & is a pawn in their hand.
Note 70,000 Persian’s are stated to be killed.
This is the number of 7, the Zayin letter in Hebrew which is the number the Jews use to curse their enemies with to death.
Zayin also means “Zion” the Jewish world government.
The 7 is the number of “holy destruction” of the enemies of the Jews, in Kabbalah.
What this represents on the occult level is simple.
The creation of a powerful curse in Hebrew [Esther] by Kabbalistic, Rabbinical adepts, which bewitches the Persian King & allows the Jewish leaders [Mordechai] to take over the entire Empire by destroying all the Gentile opposition & conquering from within the Royal Court.
Which elevates the Jews to power.
The reason the Book of Esther was placed in the Bible is to create with the energy of the mass mind of Christian, Gentiles imprinted with this book, & to then connect the ritual of Purim of the Jews into this energy & materialize this into the world.
Esther is also the Book of Esther, the spell is the book and the energy it creates within the mass mind that the Purim rituals with readings in Hebrew and other aspects of the ritual, the Jews connect into with & open the doors to achieve such for them in the physical world.
Its specifically used for placing Gentile political leaders & other leaders in powerful areas, under the Jews influence & curses to bring them under control of the Jews.
The Christian Bible is nothing but an occult form of Jewish witchcraft to use the mass mind of the Gentiles under the Christian spell of the Jews, to materialize the occult workings of the Jews into the physical world.
And give the Jews global control.
Purim is a Jewish ritual, which is celebrated by all Jews and involves two days of major readings from the Torah, of curses against the Gentiles.
The ritual includes small triangle shaped cookies which are given to all the Jewish children in which they are told to bite into & picture ripping off the head of Haman & destroying all the enemies of the Jews.
It’s a mock cannibal ritual that connects by sympathetic magic into the ritual murders the Jews commit, in which they engage in cannibalism of the victim [which is why Jews suffer from aliments only cannibal tribes are known to suffer from due to engaging in cannibalism] & works in general to send out vast amounts of energy to curse the Gentiles & open the doors for the Jews to be able to conqueror the Gentile host nations from within.
Notice how easily the Jews just appear and take over every major:
- political party
- corporation
- bank
and academic institution, within a generation.
That is why.
Beware the Time of Purim – Library of Rickandria
Passover Exposed
The Jewish ritual of Passover is a Kabbalistic ritual that ties into the energies of the occult new year which occurs within March to April, in which occult workings are put into motion for the year.
The Jewish Passover is based on when the Jewish “god” murdered the first born, Gentile children of Egypt.
This includes the child of the Pharaoh.
This is also the time the Christian’s celebrate Easter.
During the Passover is when the Jews conduct the ritual murders of Gentile children.
The child is ritually murdered in a mockup of the Christian ritual murder of Jesus at Easter.
This is done to create a sympathetic connection to the Christian ritual which is nothing more than the mock version of the Jewish ritual murders.
The Jews drain the blood of the child into cups & drink such & bake the blood into the Matzo bread.
The Christian communion ritual is based on this ritual.
The energies of the mock ritual murder the Christian’s engage in, & the Jewish ritual murders connect on the astral & give more energy to the ritual.
This is called sympathetic magic in Kabbalah.
When one understands that in esoteric texts the energy of specific chakra’s is used to manifest workings into the world of which they correspond to the energies of, this is the key to understanding Passover.
The ritual of Passover is mass ritual working of which the entire Jewish racial soul is collectively used to manifest the aim of the ritual into the world.
The Jewish racial soul and the individual Jewish soul all at once is called “god” in the Kabbalah texts, the ten sefirot or worlds of their Kabbalah tree is the map of their soul & this tree & the worlds & the 22 letters it makes up is “god” even the YHVH the name of their “god” is how the ten worlds are divided into elemental sections on the tree.
It’s the Jewish soul & nothing more.
This is made explicitly obvious, openly in the Kabbalah.
In Kabbalah “god” creates the world by the ten sefirot which are the collective energies of the Jewish individual & collective racial soul, which included the 22 Hebrew letters.
In the Kabbalistic texts the actual details of what & why this is done at Passover is revealed.
The Passover is based on directing the energies of the Ain Soph or Kether down through the worlds of Binah & Chochmah, the three upper worlds.
Into what is called the seven lower the Sefirot.
The ten worlds are the map of the Jewish soul, both individually & collectively.
The thought form of the Jews or YHVH is nothing but the projection of energy of the collective and individual Jewish soul.
Keter or Ain Soph is also called the Shekinah or the “Holy Spirit” it’s the 22 Hebrew letters, why?
Because if one studies the practical Kabbalah, the Jewish soul template the vibrational template that forms the Jewish soul across the different levels of manifestation, is the 22 letters & ten worlds.
The ritual Seder’s of Passover is based on ten ritual items, each one relating to the directing of energy into one of the worlds.
The cups of wine used, & the Matzo balls relate to the directing of energies.
The cup of wine of which the blood is placed, is the world of Binah & the Matzo with the blood baked in is the world of Chokhmah.
The Keter is the astral template of the Jewish soul which divides into these two halves of the Jewish soul, the male & female aspects of the worlds of their chakra’s/energy centers.
The Kabbalah states that the life force is in the blood, the energy of the soul is in the blood, which is why the Jews drink the blood, taking in the life force of the victim to add more power into the ritual directly by raising their own energy levels.
The astral energies released by the torcher of the victims & the murder of the victims are directed into the mass ritual, as well.
The energies of the ritual murders of Passover are directed into the collective Jewish soul, thought the plane of Keter the astral template which connects to the entire Jewish soul, all the chakra’s & from which connection its flowed into the masculine & feminine aspects & energy centers of the Jewish soul, thought all of the energy centers of every Jewish person during the Seder’s, the entire Passover Seder’s are designed to connected into the energies of the ritual murders by sympathetic connection & by the direction of the mind & chanting of the Kabbalistic formula’s in Hebrew & the drinking of the wine cups & eating of the Matzo bread.
From here the collective energy of the properties of all ten worlds, infused with the energies raised in the ritual, the full force of the entire Jewish soul collectively is projected outwards to connect with the Christian ritual of Easter & thus become infused by the projected & connected energy of millions of Christian dupes & then manifested into the world.
The aim of using the collective energies of all ten energy or consciousness centers of the Jewish racial soul for this mass working is made clear in the Kabbalah:
Five manifestations for the male worlds or chakras and five manifestations for the female worlds or chakras.
The five of the male chakra’s are directed into cursing the Gentiles & the five of the female chakra’s are for blessing the Jewish race.
This relates to the concept of severity & mercy in the Kabbalah.
It’s just a code for using the energy of the Jewish soul centers for different workings.
The Kabbalah shows how to use them individually or in smaller groups or in the case of Passover all at once.
What this ritual also reveals is the purpose of Christianity is to act as the conduit for the Jewish rituals to manifest into the world with & thought as each Christian is connected into the “Holy Spirit” or the Shekinah, the energy of the Jewish race soul [YHVH].
In the occult its known that one can direct energy into a person it’s called “Pranam” in Hinduism.
The energy of the Christian worship is all directed into the Jewish racial soul, collectively to infuse the Jewish race with major spiritual power.
And to connect the Christian’s into the projected thought form of the Jewish racial soul on the astral, which the Christian connects with & acts as conduit through which the rituals of the Jews manifest into the physical world.
The ritual of Yom Kippur, if one studies the Rabbinical, Kabbalistic adepts, is to create a transfer of the negative energy the Jewish race collects on their soul from Passover & such murderous rituals.
And transfer it onto the Gentiles spiritually, to then curse the Gentiles further to destruction for the Jewish race.
By transfer of the negative karmic energy of the Jewish actions onto the Goyim, the Goyim pay for the Jewish evil committed against them.
The concept of Christianity is what allows this to be successful.
It’s based on the transfer of negative energy from the guilty onto the innocent, this creates a sympathetic connection in the mass mind of the Gentile victims.
The Christian’s are taught to be guilty & ashamed all the time & they deserve to be punished.
This creates the open window in their mind to connect with the curses of the Jews, TOTALLY.
The Christian Gentiles, soul being connected astrally into the Jewish racial soul, creates the link for all this to connect & the Jews to damn them.
The removal of all spiritual knowledge & the total destruction of history by the Jewish program of Christianity leaves the Gentiles as helpless victims to all of the evil of the Jewish racial program.
Hanukkah Exposed
Hanukkah’s purpose in the Jewish religion is based on a fable from the Gemara from the Talmud about the light of the Menorah in the Jewish Temple.
The Jews after they took the Temple from the Greeks found one jar of oil not profaned by the Goyim this jar magically burned for eight days not just one.
Rabbis admit this is symbolic it’s not a literal historical event.
The tale goes the Greeks were forcing the Jews to put images of Pagan Gods into their Temple & this caused the revolt.
The eight days is symbolic of the name YHVH which the 26 value of adds to 8.
The Menorah is the symbol of YHVH.
The Hanukkah was instituted to be based on Sukkot the Jewish festival.
However, as Rabbis state the purpose of Hanukkah is done to attack the Gentile spiritual festival of Saturnalia which would start around this time.
The light of the Menorah is symbolic of the light of Kether which is the Ain Soph which is connected to the Shekinah the 22 Hebrew letters, the Sukkot booths have the skull in them which is the symbol of Kether in Judaism.
Is the English Language Really Reversed Hebrew? – Library of Rickandria
The nine branches of the Menorah are the worlds of the Jewish world tree which is mentioned to also have nine worlds that emanate from Kether the tenth this is stolen from Hinduism.
There are nine main loka’s but a hidden tenth they emanate from.
However, within Judaism the number 9 is a number of finality and is used in judgement against Gentiles this ninth letter Tas relates to one thing the cursing of Gentiles in Kabbalah.
The Jews are attempting to bind the nine major gates of the soul of the Gentiles the Loka’s or Chakra’s that form the centers of consciousness & must be cleaned & activated properly for the serpent which is called Sat to be able to rise up to the crown & become spiritual awakened fully.
Tas the ninth letter is the reversal of Sat which the ancient name of the Gentile soul & Gentile God, which is Satan, in Sanskrit.
The Identity of Satan – Library of Rickandria
The ninth letter Tas will not exist in the world to come of the Jews because it’s the letter of Gentiles & their world.
The fable of the lights is simple the retaking of the Temple & the driving of the Pagans out is symbolic of the world of the Jews to come the destruction of Gentiles with the light of Kether the energy of their god form YHVH will overcome & destroy the Gentile world totally.
Hanukkah is related to cursing Gentiles at the time of year when the Gentiles would be engaging in spiritual practices & customs that relate to the Magnum Opus the spiritual practice of ascension into the Light Body.
It’s designed to bind Gentiles from this & destroy the Gentile world.
The Talmud also mentions this festival of Saturnalia being of the Pagans.
Whom the Jews are sworn to destroy.
This festival was done at this time to be in line with the proper astral energies to perform the spiritual work of the Magnum Opus.
The Jews are trying to corrupt this with their curses.
The Neoplatonist philosopher Porphyry stated the celebrations that with done on the festival of Saturnalia where about the “freeing of souls into immortality”.
This is done by the Magnum Opus. Saturnalia is based on Liberation and dissolution of the Magnum Opus it’s based on the sun entering Capricorn:
As Hauck wrote in his book on Alchemy:
“Capricorn encompassed the entire work from beginning to end.
Capricorn is the first sign of the year, and movement from Capricorn to Capricorn encompassed the one symbolic alchemical year in which the Great Work could be accomplished.”
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