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How comic book superheroes came to serve:

  • truth
  • justice
  • the Jewish-American way

Many of us know that the superheroes at the heart of the American comic book industry were created by Jews.

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Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria

But we’d be surprised to learn how much these beloved characters were shaped by the cultural and religious traditions of their makers.

Superman Is Jewish?

Superman Is Jewish: The Hebrew Roots of America’s Greatest Superhero (

follows the “people of the book” as they become the people of the comic book.

Harry Brod reveals the links between Jews and superheroes in a penetrating investigation of iconic comic book figures.

With great wit and compelling arguments, Brod situates superheroes within the course of Jewish- American history:

  • They are aliens in a foreign land, like Superman.
  • Figures plagued by guilt for not having saved their families, like Spider-Man.
  • Outsiders persecuted for being different, like the X-Men.
  • Nice, smart people afraid that nobody will like them when they’re angry, like the Hulk.

Brod blends humor with sharp observation as he considers the overt and discreet Jewish characteristics of these well-known figures and explores how their creators—including:

and Jack Kirby— integrated their Jewish identities and their creativity.

The Nineties – Library of Rickandria

Brod makes a strong case that these pioneering Jews created New World superheroes using models from Old World traditions.

He demonstrates how contemporary characters were inspired by the golem, the mystically created artificial superhuman of Jewish lore.

And before Superman was first drawn by Joe Shuster, there were those Jews flying through the air drawn by Marc Chagall.

Marc Chagall’s Jewish Identity Was Crucial to His Best Work | Artsy

As poignant as it is fascinating, this lively guided tour travels from the Passover Haggadah’s exciting action scenes of Moses’s superpowers through the Yiddish humor of Mad to two Pulitzer Prizes awarded in one decade to Jewish comic book guys Art Spiegelman and Michael Chabon.

The Passover Haggadah (

Superman Is Jewish? explores the deeper story of how an immigrant group can use popular entertainment media to influence the larger culture and, in the process, see itself in new, more empowering ways.

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Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria

Not just for Jewish readers or comic book fans, Superman Is Jewish? is a story of America, and is as poignant as it is fascinating.

American “Empire” – Library of Rickandria

A surprising question, one that takes a certain amount of chutzpah to even raise.

To add even a bit more chutzpah, this book considers questions about the Jewishness of more superheroes than just Superman and offers answers that will surprise many.

You mean Spider-Man is Jewish too?

Spider-Man’s Jewish Heritage Hinted as Canon by Marvel (

Well, actually, yes, but in a very different way than Superman is.

10 Reasons Superman Is Really Jewish – The Forward

And, as we’ll see, the shift between them reflects the evolution of Jewish life in America itself in the generation between the two, the generation that gets us from World War II and the “Golden Age” of comics to the 1960s and the “Silver Age” of comics.

Communism in America – Library of Rickandria

The historical turning points of those tumultuous years and others, like the powerful 1950s crusade against comics for supposedly causing juvenile delinquency, turn out to be central to our story because these events, and their great impact on American Jews, appear on comic book pages themselves, and behind the scenes in their production.

For it turns out that the history of Jews and comic book superheroes, that very American invention, is the history of Jews and America, particularly the history of Jewish assimilation into the mainstream of American culture.

Superman as Supermensch: how the ultimate alien became the iconic all-American

Flights of Jewish imagination: from the old country to tales of a better tomorrow

The comic in comics: MAD in the original Yiddish

War and peace: the rise and fall of the superheroes in and after World War II

It’s a Jewish thing: not-so-secret identities in the Marvel Bullpen

The spirit of Will Eisner: the pen is mightier than the words

A Jew at war: the art of Joe Kubert

Of mice and supermen: Art Spiegelman’s Maus

From the new world back to the old: Jewish comics abroad

The amazing adventures of Michael Chabon: Kavalier and Clay

An expose of the secret identities of famous superheroes explains how theme dilemmas faced by iconic characters reflect the evolution of Judaism in American culture and the Jewish identities of famous comic book writers.

Cultural Judaism – Library of Rickandria

Includes bibliographical references:

Superman is Jewish__ how comic book superheroes came to — Brod, Harry, 1951- — 2012.pdf 11.2 MB View full-size Download

Superman is Jewish?: how comic book superheroes came to serve truth, justice, and the Jewish-American way – Anna’s Archive (

Superman is Jewish? By Harry Brod (2012) (

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