Alchemical knowledge is not transmitted, everyone acquires it himself, and not by speculation, but by hard work, conducting one experiment after another so that the constructions of the mind are sanctified by experience.
Those who do not like to work with their hands, are afraid of the heat of furnaces, coal dust, the danger of unknown changes and long night wakefulness, will forever remain ignorant. – Fulcanelli – Philosophical monasteries
First there is the raising of kundalini (from the hellish worlds to the heavenly ones) then constant internal alchemy and purification (which goes on in all worlds, regardless of whether they are heavenly or hellish for Kali, all worlds are hellish because only that which was not born and does not act does not require purification of Kali is the dark matter of the cosmos “big bang”.
This is a manifestation of the masculine principle in the feminine, or the ejaculation of “Shiva” Or Dattatreya, rather, an allegory of nature).
Dattatreya (Sanskrit: दत्तात्रेय, IAST: Dattātreya), Dattā or Dattaguru, is a paradigmatic Sannyasi (monk) and one of the lords of yoga, venerated as a Hindu god. He is considered to be an avatar and combined form of the three Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who are also collectively known as the Trimurti, and as the manifestation of Parabrahma, the supreme being, in texts such as the Bhagavata Purana, the Markandeya Purana, and the Brahmanda Purana, though stories about his birth and origin vary from text to text.
Ahura Mazda (/əˌhʊərə ˈmæzdə/;[1] Avestan: 𐬀𐬵𐬎𐬭𐬀 𐬨𐬀𐬰𐬛𐬁, romanized: Ahura Mazdā; Persian: اهورا مزدا, romanized: Ahurâ Mazdâ), also known as Horomazes, is the creator deity and god of the sky in the ancient Iranian religion Zoroastrianism. He is the first and most frequently invoked spirit in the Yasna. The literal meaning of the word Ahura is “lord”, and that of Mazda is “wisdom”.
In fact, the deception of monotheism began with the appearance of Ahura Mazda (Yahweh-El) to Zarathustra.
Zarathushtra Spitama,[c] more commonly known as Zoroaster or Zarathustra, was an Iranian religious reformer who challenged the tenets of the contemporary Ancient Iranian religion, becoming the spiritual founder of Zoroastrianism. Variously described as a sage or a wonderworker; in the oldest Zoroastrian scriptures, the Gathas, which he is believed to have authored, he is described as a preacher and a poet-prophet. He also had an impact on Heraclitus, Plato, Pythagoras, and the Abrahamic religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
And then everything comes from some false authorities of schools and traditions.
The Asuras and Devas have long been united against Anu.
Enki (left serpentine path Lucifer Venus Shukra Neptune) and Enlil (right eagle path Indra Jupiter Brihaspati) go together.
At the same time, in order to perform Magnum Opus and make amrita, Asuras and Devas, our inner ones must churn the milky ocean or our prana waters inside us in the solar chakra through the Sushumna channel.
By a certain method.
That is, the union of Ida and Pingala of the Sun and Moon.
Light and Darkness.
Hot and cold.
2 snakes of the Caduceus.
This is the gate to the heavenly city or 2 bronze columns at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon (which is an allegory for a man).
The fact that it is destroyed (the inner temple) is a consequence of Yuga and its etheric Agents, their hostile influences, wrecking, some Gnostics for fun call them insectoids / Lemurians / reptoids because of the actually purely internal similarity in the sense of manifestations of the inner outside on that plane is usually clearly visible, but as usual all allegories they are often taken literally and the literal is often mistaken for allegories, which in fact is also a consequence of the destroyed specifically disturbed lunar canal or Ajna and pineal gland that is located inside the head under the crown.
The energy must descend from top to bottom (inverted pentagram) to unite man and the earth, because he is in the middle of creation, while he himself should strive upward and harmony or a golden mean is needed everywhere.
The Golden Ratio
Up and down have swapped places illusorily for the masses.
Castes (levels of consciousness) and meanings of signs are mixed.
Many of these “followers” of traditionalists do not even understand their own teachings (which are not theirs, but were originally given by the gods to all mankind of PanGaea) at a deep level there is no understanding and it does not matter which hand and school they belong to because some have too narrow horizons and they do not climb into “tantras” or vice versa do not climb out of It is a mystery to them and for them why the gods like to play esoteric “secrets” and have 100 names and 100 more secret names, while Shiva-Vishnu is the same Tyler Durden because he wanted to.
So, in general, we are, and most importantly, with whom many egocentrists think to have a conversation apparently.
As it may seem at first glance.
Well, in general, there are those who work for Satya Yuga, as they say, in terms of usefulness, not sabotage.
Which in general is a good saving ark for those who will survive the flood (the flood can be perceived as an allegory for an increase in vibrations or an excess of prana-Shakti light).
The Ark is a built temple of body and soul.
One day a Noah comes to everyone and at the same time makes the one to whom he came himself Noah.
Just as the one who defeats the dragon becomes a dragon himself.
And the Devas take the defeated venerable enemies with their riding animals, the vakhans, and they are forever associated with them.
This shows the principle of absorption of the old by the new (as with people).
Or on the contrary, old new ones (Kronos) are already changing cycles in some Yugas, Asuras (Titans) rule in another Devas.
But in fact, there is no clear division.
All classifications and any order are created for the convenience of people (living).
And the pendulum swings from side to side, bringing the karma of suffering and anxiety.
While what is stationary is in the golden mean and is not subject to either aging or rejuvenation.
There is no beginning and no end.
What was not born cannot die, and at the same time there are secrets of the twice-born and thrice-born.
(stars – people – metals)
At the end, you can quote Goethe:
“The key of wisdom is not on the pages of books.
Who rushes to the mysteries of life with every thought, Finds their spring in his soul.
Learn to achieve success honestly and attract with your mind.
And the trinkets (teachings), echoing like an echo, are fake and are not needed by anyone.”
By the way, the mechanism for achieving Siddhas is encrypted in the first lines.
And in general, the description of the movement through the darkness of ignorance (about which they knock you in all the scriptures) until there is a light that will light one, then it is desirable that someone else lights up, and then the collective assemblage point will finally shift from Kali (black matter) to a more favorable one for all, and not for units.
It’s as if you can’t see how the Abrahamists conjure Saturn by celebrating their holidays on Saturdays and circling around a black cube.
Plunging pagan peoples into questionable activities.
No one wants to figure this out globally.
Considering the sixth law of cause and effect of Hermes Trismegistus, every consequence has a reason.
Each ritual has a meaning that affects on several levels not only forward backward left and right 4 cardinal directions left and right.
But also, up and down, none of the materialists can pay attention to these plans.
So every action has a beginning a middle and an end.
Eye opening and closing.
The beginning of a meal and the end, and it does not matter at what stage it is interrupted and for what reasons.
Will a person try to get out of the beginning of the end.
The first and the last.
Alpha and Omega.
And of course, to reach the golden mean of the pyramid.
The Magnum Opus is the highest working in Satanism, and the end result of all legitimate occult disciplines, the allegories and the legends of the Gods.
The Magnum Opus is physical and spiritual perfection and immortality.
The effects of the Magnum Opus are said to reverse aging- grey hair turns back to its natural color, lost teeth grow back in, ailments are cured, and perfect health is restored.
I strongly advise anyone who begins this working to be totally out of puberty.
Demons who specialize in “metal-working” – all of this is spiritual, and the metals are the chakras.
Many Demons specialize with guidance in regard to the Magnum Opus.
It helps to have a Demon/ess work with you.
Obviously, the Magnum Opus is very advanced and anyone beginning this work should be totally familiar both in direct experience and knowledge with power meditation.
This working is a process which will take time.
The meditations given are exceptionally powerful and are not for newbies or the inexperienced.
It has been quoted, that in the end, many will find the truth too late, in that Christianity and its cohorts are a vicious hoax and a lie, but it will be too late for them.
This working takes time.
There are certain preliminary meditations initiates must perform to prepare the soul for the more advanced workings which will build upon these.
They are given below.
Upon deeper research, Satan gives his children the gift of immortality.
Satan is the bringer and giver of knowledge, along with many Demon friends.
Satan is the one and only True God and Creator of humanity.
Christians talk the talk about perfection, immortality, everlasting life, etc., Everything of Christianity is false.
Satan shows us the truth and the way.
I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires. – Satan
Step one
Step one and step two should be done together.
It is imperative that you locate and activate your pineal gland, as this gland secretes the female aspect of the elixir of life.
1. Clean your aura and chakras thoroughly.
2. Do any breathing exercise of your choice that will get your witchpower going.
SPIRITUALITY: MEDITATION: Yogic Breathing Basics – Library of Rickandria
3. When you can feel your witch power, condense it into a ball of light and circulate it this way- take it to your sacral (2nd) chakra in the front, then to your perinium, your base chakra, your sacral chakra on your spine, work it on up through each chakra on your spine to the crown chakra.
SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: SVADHISTHANA – The Sacral Chakra – Library of Rickandria
From there, drop it into the middle sixth chakra, behind the third eye and then down a bit to the right and onto the pineal gland.
SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: CHAKRA: AJNA – The 6th Chakra – Library of Rickandria
From there, to the third eye on the forehead and then to the front throat chakra and on down the front, back to the sacral chakra.
For the Magnum Opus, the energy must return to and be stored in the sacral (2nd) chakra.
This completes one circuit.
To correctly perform this meditation, you should be intent, but relaxed in directing the condensed witch power to each chakra.
You should feel a pressure sensation (most common) or that the energy is right in the chakra.
Most of the time, this begins as a slow process.
You need to “feel” the energy, this is very important.
SPIRITUALITY: ENERGY: Energy Control -Absorbing & Directing Energy – Library of Rickandria
Take your time with it.
For those of you who have begun their preliminary work on the Magnum Opus (circulating your ball of light), the next step is very important:
You all need to locate your pineal gland.
It is in the center of the brain and down to the right a bit below.
Those of you who are working on this should begin meditating on your pineal gland.
One excellent way to do this is by relaxing and breathing energy into it and expanding it on the exhale, like you would your aura.
The pineal gland is where one major part of the elixir of life is secreted in what is called “dripping ambrosia.”
You will know when you have found it and activated it as the ambrosia is bliss and pleasure beyond words.
You will definitely feel it.
Don’t do this if you must be somewhere and are time sensitive as the pleasure can be so extreme that getting up and about can be near impossible.
There is much more to this, but what I have above is a major step.
At this point, those of you who are following along should do pineal meditation every day.
This is important.
The ambrosia of the pineal gland is the female part of the elixir.
Here are some exercises you can adapt that will work on your pineal gland:
SPIRITUALITY: MEDITATION: Pineal Meditation – Library of Rickandria
3rd Eye, Pineal Breathing Meditation
Another very effective exercise is to perform alternate nostril breathing, where you hold at the top of the inhale.
To adapt this, just inhale into your pineal gland and expand it on the exhale.
The breath follows wherever the attention is focused.
Pineal void meditation:
Just focus on your pineal gland.
Center yourself in it, feel it, and if it secretes the elixir, meditate on the beautiful energy.
This is very effective.
The next step is activating and fueling the sacral chakra, which produces the male aspect of the elixir.
When it is fully operating, this chakra transforms the life-force/vitality into the male aspect of the elixir of life.
This is accomplished through constant heat from the sacral chakra.
Then, through a special process, the two elixirs are combined, but only after they are properly cleansed, which is another step I will add soon.
The result is reversal of aging, all ailments go away and there is immortality and physical and spiritual perfection as the Gods.
This meditation is NOT pleasant!
There are some who are fanatics and take this to extremes.
Abstinence & celibacy are VERY UNHEALTHY.
It is important that you have full orgasms along with this meditation, BUT- THEY MUST BE AT LEAST SEVERAL HOURS OR MORE FROM PERFORMING THIS MEDITATION.
In other words, don’t do the two close together.
Wait to have sexual intercourse/orgasm at least several hours after performing this meditation.
Full orgasm is every bit as important and has other benefits.
Here is the meditation:
Stimulate yourself OR (for men) if you wake up in the morning with an erection, breathe the arousal into your second sexual/sacral chakra until it is completely gone- no erection.
For women, you should no longer feel any arousal.
This can take a few breaths.
This is most effective when done during the am hours.
What this does, it activates and fires up the sacral chakra, and condenses and stores the life-force which is essential to the working.
If done correctly, you will begin to feel a heat/burning sensation in the second chakra.
This is the ‘lower burner.’
The arousal is your life-force and is exceptionally powerful.
This life-force/vitality is then condensed and stored in the second chakra instead of being dissipated through ejaculation/orgasm.
The heat transforms it, and it then turns into an elixir like the ambrosia from the pineal gland.
For those with less sex drive, using a vibrator can be a help in sexually arousing yourself.
Partners can also work together in foreplay, and when almost to orgasm, breathe the energy back into the sacral chakra.