In Matthew 18, Jesus teaches that to enter heaven, one must be as simple and pure as a little child.
All of the complicated theories invented by the adult mind and all of the lusts and passions experienced by the adult body, must be thrown aside and one’s pure and simple nature re-discovered.
There is much modern distaste for his teaching that if one’s hand or foot or eye is the way through which one sins, then it is better to cut them off and throw them away than to keep them and go to hell.
But modern people do not understand the spirit or the soul.
Here is how the human spirit and soul interrelate.
At the moment of conception, the soul enters the fertilized egg and begins to work on the construction of its new abode.
This is why the modern Jewish practice of genocide known as abortion, is murder, since Life begins at conception.
Why the Jews commit genocide on non-Jewish babies in their demonic abortion industry is explained in Volume III, The Bloodsuckers of Judah.
The human is a complete Being at conception, a physical one-celled body inhabited by a radiant, living soul.
As the soul begins construction of its new abode, the fertilized egg multiplies and grows.
The soul and its radiating Holy Spirit (Qi) also grow and expands and learns how to exist within its growing body.
This growth and expansion continue throughout life because learning continues after the physical body stops growing.
Learning is a sort of growth whereby the soul grows in a manner consistent with the kinds of knowledge it acquires.
Knowledge of God and of Goodness allows the soul to grow towards a lightness and buoyancy of spirit.
But knowledge of Evil and degeneracy causes the soul to grow in a sick and malignant manner creating a self-centered heaviness of spirit.
Knowledge combines with Deeds to create either virtue or corruption.
In this way, the soul becomes progressively lighter and more buoyant through knowledge of God and the practice of kindness toward the Universe.
Or the soul becomes heavier and weighted down through the knowledge of evil and the practice of bad deeds which are always directed inward through self-interest, shrinking the spirit and thereby losing buoyancy against the pull of gravity.
A “deed” can be either physical or mental and they are all tied together with the entire Universe.
COSMOS: UNIVERSE: LIFE – Library of Rickandria
Like the ricocheting balls on a billiard table, one speeding ball can cause motion in all the others, every deed and thought has its resulting consequences.
The soul and spirit grow and expands into its new home as the body grows.
As an ephemeral Entity, the soul and its surrounding spirit (Qi) are supported within the lattice of the body.
But when the body dies, like a vine that depends upon the support of a wall or of a tree, the soul cannot remain fully expanded within the framework of the body any more than a vine can stand upright once the tree has fallen.
It can no longer stand upright without the support of the body.
As an ethereal being, the soul and spirit depend upon the structure of the body for support.
So, when the body dies, in order to survive, the soul must shrink and contract to its original size at the moment of conception, which is very small, smaller than an atom.
With small size, it conserves its strength and concentrates its power until it can find another cell to inhabit at conception.
Of course, size is relative.
What may seem to be a shrinking down to an outside observer, means nothing at all to the soul because, in the infinite universe, whether one is seven feet tall or the size of an atom, has no meaning whatsoever when compared to the enormity of the Universe.
In a universe that is infinitely huge, we are all just tiny specks anyway.
Only our egotistical self-awareness makes us believe that we are of some great size within our personal worlds of society and neighborhood relationships.
Now, once the body dies, this microcosmic soul has three possible paths on which to journey.
If it is knowledgeable and light enough, it can ascend upward into the heavenly realm.
“Upward,” too, is relative in relation to the Earth.
But in this case, “upward” is both upward towards the sky and inward towards God.
It is not “upward” towards empty space.
But if the soul is still weighted down with lusts and desires, it must migrate to another fertilized egg or into some other primordial body and once again grow a new home for itself in the world.
This is the path of reincarnation or rebirth where the soul must once again try to learn how to grow upward (and inward) toward God.
However, if the soul is too heavy and weighted down with evil deeds and heavy karma, then the gravity of the earth acts upon the subtle mass of the soul and pulls that soul immediately into the black crushing depths and fires at the center of the earth.
And there in Hell, those souls remain until after several billion years the sun novas outward to engulf the earth in fire.
Then, the sun contracts into a burned-out cinder where the evil souls are crushed and burned in even hotter flames.
There, they must suffer until the Universe, itself, contracts into another Big Bang instant and God once again exhales a new universe.
At that time, all of the souls are released to once again journey through Creation, purified of all contaminants and searching for a way to enter a new body and gather enough virtue to find God.
It is not that God is giving us all a “test” so that only the worthy ones find Him like the stupid Semites claim, but that the Universe, itself, operates on a physical-energetic and spiritual dimension.
Just as atoms can be turned into energy and energy can be gravitationally crushed into atoms, so too are the souls of Sentient Beings created and destroyed.
The great power of every Man and Woman as spiritual Beings, is that, unlike the animals, we have the choice of what happens to us after the shell of our bodies dies away.
Through our choices in Life, we can determine our next direction after our present body drops away.
Just as the atoms that were created at the beginning of the Universe are still here, the Creator of these atoms and the living subtle bodies of the Creation are still here – this means you, the one who is sitting behind your eyelids and reading this.
The Universe is very ancient, and you are very ancient, but none of it is static.
It is all transitory, all in vibration, all alive.
This is why Jesus taught that it is better to cut off a hand or foot or eye that causes you to sin than it is to sin and go to hell, because hell is always beneath our feet waiting to catch heavy souls in its gravity and pull them down to the center of the earth.
If we die with evil inclinations, our souls are pulled down into Hell.
No, it is not some torment that God created out of a sick cosmic meanness.
But a hell that is built into the physical structure of every planet and every star as a natural consequence of gravity.
Just as gravity pulls photons even though they are traveling a 186,000 miles per second, it also effects the direction that souls travel even though our speed is very slow.
Jesus taught a true religion of brotherly love and human kindness, love and compassion that releases a spontaneous radiance of human spirit.
The Universe was created out of love and love sustains it.
Through Christian love, the soul is released from dark and binding illusions.
However, the Pharisee Jews, the scribes and Sadducee Jews, taught only a dead and weighty code of laws that had nothing to do with Reality or Life because they were based solely upon the feeding and prosperity of the priests and the protection of the Temple Treasury.
The Jews hated Jesus for many reasons.
As the Messiah, Jesus nullified all of the Laws of the Jews, took away their legal power and taught the forgiveness of debts.
And no banker or moneylender wants to forgive debts because they make their profits from the debts that they have cheated from the sweat and blood of the People.
Ruthless acquisition of wealth is what was behind Judaism and the Temple of Solomon.