“Doomsday came in the twenty-fourth year when Abraham, encamped near Hebron, was ninety-nine years old.
“And the Lord appeared unto him in the terebrinth grove of Mamre as he was sitting at the entrance of the tent, in the heat of the day.
And he lifted his eyes and looked and behold – three men were stationed upon him; and as he saw them, he ran from the entrance of the tent towards them, and bowed to the ground.”
“Swiftly, from a typical Middle Eastern scene of a potentate resting in the shade of his tent, the biblical narrator of Genesis 18 raised Abraham’s eyes and thrust him – and the reader, too – into a sudden encounter with divine beings.
Though Abraham was gazing out, he did not see the three approaching:
“they were suddenly “stationed upon him.”
And though they were “men” he at once recognized their true identity and bowed to them, calling them “my lords” and asking them not to “pass over their servant” until he had a chance to prepare for them a sumptuous meal.
It was in this occasion that the leader of the three “men” promised Abraham he would return on the following year and that by then this wife Sarah would have a son.
But that was not the only reason they had come for.
Sodom and Gomorrah were the real preoccupations of the three men.
The leader of the three, “the Lord,” did not conceal this from Abraham:
“….The outcry regarding Sodom and Gomorrah being great, and the accusation against them being grievous,”
the Lord said he had decided to,
“come down and verify; if it is as the outcry reaching me, they will destroy completely; and if not, I wish to know.”
“….The event was most definitely not a natural calamity.
It is described as a premeditated event: the Lord discloses to Abraham ahead of time what is about to happen and why.
It is an avoidable event, not a calamity caused by irreversible natural forces:
The calamity shall come to pass only if the “outcry” against Sodom and Gomorrah will be confirmed.
And thirdly (as we shall soon discover) it was also a postponable event, one whose occurrence could be made to happen earlier or later, at will.
All these facts prompted Abraham to the “bargaining” (well known by now) and the question to the Lord,
“If I find 50 faithful…. and going down to ten faithful, Abraham was granted the sparing of the cities…. if, he would find at least 10 faithful!
“….Perhaps there be fifty Righteous Ones inside the city,” he said, “Wilt thou destroy and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty Righteous Ones within it?”
Then he quickly added:
“Far be it from you to do such a thing, to slay the Righteous with the guilty!
Far be it from you, the Judge of All the Earth, not to do justice!”
“A mortal preaching to his deity!
And the plea is for calling off the destruction – the premeditated and avoidable destruction….
“At eve time, the two companions of the Lord – the biblical narrative now refers to them as Mal’akhim (translated “angels“ but meaning “emissaries“) – arrived at Sodom, their task being to verify the accusations against the city and report their findings back to the Lord.
Lot – who was sitting at the city’s gate – recognized at once (as Abraham had done earlier) the divine nature of the two visitors, their identity evidently being given away by their attire or weapons, or perhaps by the manner (flying over?) in which they arrived.
“Now it was Lot’s turn to insist on hospitality, and the two accepted his invitation to spend the night at his home….
“”They had hardly lain down when the people of the city, the people of Sodom, surrounded the house – young and old, the whole population, from every quarter; and they called unto Lot and said unto him:
’Where are the men who came unto you tonight. Bring them out to us, that we may know them.’”
When Lot failed to do so, the crowd surged to break their way in; but the two Mal’akhim,
“smote the people who were at the house’s entrance with blindness, both young and old; and they wearied themselves trying to find the doorway.”
“Realizing that of all the townspeople only Lot was “righteous,” the two emissaries needed no further investigation; the fate of the city was sealed….
“….Rushing to convey the news to his sons-in-law, Lot only met disbelief and laughter.
So, at dawn the emissaries urged Lot to escape without delay, taking with him only his wife and their two unmarried daughters who lived with them at home.
Lot also bargained with the emissaries:
“….Could the upheavaling of Sodom be delayed until he had reached the town of Zoar, the farthest one away from Sodom?
Agreeing, one of the emissaries asked him to hurry there:
“Haste thee to escape thither, for I will be unable to do anything until thou hast arrived there.”
“The calamity was thus not only predictable and avoidable but also postponable; and it could be made to afflict various cities at different times.
No natural catastrophe could have featured all these aspects.
“….The cities, the people, the vegetation – everything was “upheavaled” by the gods’ weapon.
Its heat and fire scorched all before it; its radiation affected people even at some distance away:
Lot’s wife, ignoring the admonition not to stop to look back as they were fleeing from Sodom, turn to a “pillar of vapor.”
The “Evil” Lot had feared had caught up with her . . .
Mr. Sitichin explains the mistranslation generally given as a “pillar of salt.”
“Indeed, in the Erra Epos which, we believe, was the Sumerian record of the nuclear upheaval, the death of the people was described by the god thus:
The people I will make vanish, their soul shall turn to vapor.
“It was the misfortune of Lot’s wife to be among those who were “turned to vapor.”
Lot was granted escaping because the gods remembered the bargaining with Abraham:
“For when the gods devastated the cities of the plain, the gods remembered Abraham, and sent Lot away out of the upheavaling of the cities.
Lot’s daughters, believing they had witnessed the end of mankind, and that they and their father were the only three survivors, made their father drunk and committed incest.
Both women conceived child by their own father.
“The night before the holocaust must have been a night of anxiety and sleeplessness for Abraham, of wondering whether enough Righteous Ones were found in Sodom to have the cities spared, of concern about Lot and his family.
“And Abraham got up early in the morning to the place where he had stood facing Yahweh, and he looked in the direction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the region of the Plain; and he beheld there, smoke rising from the earth as the smoke of a furnace.”
“He was witnessing a “Hiroshima” and a “Nagasaki” – the destruction of a fertile and populated plain by atomic weapons.
The year was 2024 B.C.
“Where are the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah today?
Ancient Greek and Roman geographers reported that the once fertile valley of the five cities was inundated following the catastrophe.
Modern scholars believe that the “upheavaling” described in the Bible caused a breach in the southern shore of the Dead Sea, letting its water pour through to submerge the low-lying region to the south.
The remaining portion of what was once the southern shore became the feature figuratively called by the natives el-Lissan (“The Tongue”), and the once populated valley with its five cities became a new, southern part of the Dead Sea still bearing the local nickname “Lot’s Sea….”
“The ancient reports have been confirmed in modern times by various researchers, beginning with an exhaustive exploration of the area in the 1920s by a scientific mission sponsored by the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute (A. Mallon, Voyage d’Exploration au sud-est de la Mer Morte).
Leading archaeologists, such as W. F. Albright and P. Hartland, discovered that settlements in the mountains around the region were abruptly abandoned in the twenty-first century B.C. and were not reoccupied for several centuries thereafter.
And to this very day, the water of springs surrounding the Dead Sea has been found to be contaminated with radioactivity,
“enough to induce sterility and allied afflictions in any animals and humans that absorbed it over a number of years”
(I.M. Blake, “Joshua’s Curse and Elisha’s Miracle” in The Palestine Exploration Quarterly).
“The cloud of death, rising in the skies from the cities of the plain, frightened not only Lot and his daughters but also Abraham, and he did not feel safe even in the Hebron Mountains, some fifty miles away.
We are told by the Bible that he pulled up his encampment and moved further away westward, to reside at Gerar.
“Also, at no time thereafter did he venture into the Sinai. Even years later, when Abraham’s son Isaac wanted to go to Egypt on account of a famine in Canaan,
“Yahweh appeared unto him and said:
’Go not down to Egypt; dwell in the land which I will show thee.’”
The passage through the Sinai peninsula was apparently still unsafe.
But why?
“The destruction of the cities of the plain, we believe, was only a sideshow: concurrently, the Spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula was also obliterated with nuclear weapons, leaving behind a deadly radiation that lingered on for many years thereafter.
“The main nuclear target was in the Sinai Peninsula; and the real victim, in the end, was Sumer itself.
“The Year of Doom – 2024 B.C. – was the sixth year of the reign of Ibbi-Sin, the last king of Ur, but to find the reasons for the calamity, explanations of its nature, and details of its scope, we will have to study the records of those fateful years back from the time of that war.
“Having failed in their mission and twice humiliated by the hand of Abraham – once at Kadesh-Barnea, then again near Damascus – the invading kings were promptly removed from their thrones. In Ur, Amar-Sin was replaced by his brother Shu-Sin, who ascended the throne to find the great alliance shattered and Ur’s erstwhile allies now nibbling at her crumbling empire.
“Although they, too, had been discredited by the War of the Kings, Nannar and Inanna were at first the gods in whom Shu-Sin had put his trust.
It was Nannar, Shu-Sin’s early inscriptions stated, who had “called his name” to kingship; he was “beloved of Inanna” and she herself presented him to Nannar.
“….But all this was insufficient to hold together the Sumerian empire, and Shu-Sin soon turned to greater gods for succor.
“Judging from the date formulas – annual inscriptions, for royal as well as commercial and social purposes, in which each successive year of a king’s reign was designated by the major event of the year – Shu-Sin, in the second year of his reign, sought the favors of Enki by constructing for that god a special boat that could navigate the high seas all the way to the Lower World.
EXTRATERRESTRIALS: ANUNNAKI: Enki, the Mighty Creator God – Library of Rickandria
The third year of reign was also one of preoccupation with the pro-Enki alignment.
Little else is known of this effort, which could have been a roundabout way of pacifying the followers of Marduk and Nabu; but the effort evidently failed, for the fourth and fifth years witnessed the building of a massive wall on the western frontier of Mesopotamia, specifically aimed at warding off incursions by the “Westerners,” followers of Marduk.
“….Desperately Shu-Sin sought acceptance, confirmation that he was
“the king whom Enlil, in his heart, had chosen.”
But Enlil was not there to answer; only Ninlil, Enlil’s spouse, who remained in Nippur, heard Shu-Sin supplications.
EXTRATERRESTRIAL: ANUNNAKI: Anu, Enki & Enlil – Library of Rickandria
Responding with compassion,
“so as to prolong the well-being of Shu-Sin, to extend the time of his crown,”
she gave him a,
“weapon which with radiance strikes down… whose awesome flash reaches the sky.”
“….There was one final effort to entice Enlil back to Sumer, to find shelter under his aegis.
On the apparent advice of Ninlil, Shu-Sin built for the divine couple,
“a great touring boat, fit for the largest rivers… He decorated it perfectly with precious stones,”
outfitted it with oars made of the finest wood, punting poles and an artful rudder, and furnished it with all manner of comfort including a bridal bed.
He then,
“placed the touring boat in the wide basin facing Ninlil’s House of Pleasure.”
“The nostalgic aspects struck a chord in Enlil’s heart, for he had fallen in love with Ninlil, when she was still a young nurse….
“….The sentimental journey, however, was only a brief interlude.
Seemingly (part of the tablet is missing), there had been foul play, and an
“evil inscription was found on an effigy on the boat, “intended perhaps to place a curse on Enlil and Ninlil….
All other evidence suggests that he again left Nippur, this time apparently taking Ninlil with him.
“Soon thereafter – February 2031 B.C. by our calendar – the Near East was awed by a total lunar eclipse, which blacked out the moon during the night for its full course from horizon to horizon.
The oracle priests of Nippur could not allay Shu-Sin’s anxiety:
it was, they said in their written message, an omen,
“to the king who rules the four regions: his wall will be destroyed, Ur will become desolate.”
And so it was for Shu-Sin, and his successor, the last, Ibbi-Sin.
Marduk (to whom the omens had referred to) returned to Babylon for the second time.
“The twenty-four fateful years – since Abraham left Harran, since Shulgi was replaced to the throne, since Marduk’s exile among the Hittites had begun – have all converged in that Year of Doom, 2024 B.C.
Having followed the separate, but interconnected, biblical tale of Abraham and the fortunes of Ur and its last three kings, we will now follow in the footsteps of Marduk.
“The tablet on which Marduk’s autobiography is inscribed (from which we have already partly quoted) continues to relate his return to Babylon after the twenty-four years of sojourn in the Land of Hatti.
“….Then, in that twenty-fourth year, he received a favorable omen.
“….His wish, Marduk continued, was to bring peace and prosperity to the land,
“chase away evil and bad luck… bring motherly love to Mankind.”
But it all came to naught:
Against his city, Babylon, an adversary god,
“his wrath had brought.”
The name of this adversary god is stated at the very beginning of a new column of the text; but all that has remained of it is the first syllable:
“Divine NIN-.”
The reference could have been only to Ninurta.
“….We can pick up some of the missing threads from the third tablet of the Khedorlaomer Texts. In spite of its enigmatic aspects, it paints a picture of total turmoil, with adversary gods marching against each other at the head of their human troops:
the Amorite supporters of Marduk swooped down the Euphrates valley toward Nippur, and Ninurta organized Elamite troops to fight them.
“As we read and reread the record of those trying times, we find that to accuse an enemy of atrocities is not a modern innovation.
The Babylonian text – written, we must keep bearing in mind, by a worshiper of Marduk – attributes to the elamite troops, and to them alone, the desecration of temples, including the shrines of Shamash and Ishtar.
The Babylonian chronicler goes even farther: he accuses Ninurta of falsely blaming on the followers of Marduk the desecration of Enlil’s Holy-of Holies in Nippur, thereby provoking Enlil to take sides against Marduk and his son Nabu…. but it was not Marduk (who desecrated the Ekur), it was Erra (Nergal/Erra):
Erra, the pitiless one, entered the sacred precinct.
He stationed himself in the sacred precinct, he beheld the Ekur.
His mouth he opened, he said to his young men:
“Carry off the spoil of Ekur, take away its valuables, destroy its foundation, break down the enclosure of the shrine.
“When Enlil, “loftily enthroned,” heard that his temple had been destroyed, its shrine defiled, that,
“in the holy of holies the veil was torn away,”
he rushed back to Nippur.
“Riding in front of him were gods clothed with radiance”
he himself,
“set off brilliance like lightning”
as he came down from the skies,
“he made the holy place shake”
as he descended to the sacred precinct. Enlil then addressed himself to his son,
“the Prince Ninurta,”
to find who had defiled the sacred place.
But instead of telling the truth, that it was Erra, his ally, Ninurta pointed the accusing finger to Marduk and his followers…
“Describing the scene, the Babylonian text asserts that Ninurta was acting without the required respect on meeting his father:
“not fearing for his life, he removed not his tiara.”
To Enlil,
“evil he spoke… there was no justice; destruction was conceived.”
and so provoked,
“Enlil against Babylon caused evil to be planned.”
“In addition to “evil deeds” against Marduk and Babylon, an attack against Nabu and his temple Ezida in Borsippa was also planned.
But Nabu managed to escape westward, to the cities faithful to him near the Mediterranean Sea.
“….there follow verses in the Babylonian text that have a direct parallel in the biblical tale of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
“….The picture that can be gathered from the biblical and Babylonian texts of the cataclysm that engulfed the ancient Near East in the time of Abraham is much fully detailed in the Erra Epic (to which we have already referred earlier)….
EDUCATION: ANCIENT TEXT: SUMER: Erra & Ishum aka Erra Epic – Library of Rickandria
“The Erra Epic not only explains the nature and causes of the conflict that had led to the unleashing of the Ultimate Weapon against inhabited cities and the attempt to annihilate a god (Nabu) believed hiding therein.
It also makes clear that such an extreme measure was not taken lightly.
“We know from several other texts that the great gods, at that time of acute crisis, were sitting in a continuous Council of War, keeping constant communication with Anu:
“Anu to Earth the words was speaking, Earth to Anu the words pronounced.”
The Erra Epic adds the information that before the awesome weapons were used, one more confrontation had taken place between Nergal/Erra and Marduk, in which Nergal used threats to persuade his brother to leave Babylon and give up his claims to Supremacy.
“But this time, persuasion failed; and back at the Council of the Gods, Nergal voiced the recommendation for the use of force to dislodge Marduk….
An especially violent argument developed between Enki and his son Nergal, in which Enki stood by his firstborn son:
“Now that Prince Marduk has arisen, now that the people for the second time have raised his image, why does Erra continue his opposition?”
Enki asked.
Finally, losing his patience, Enki shouted at Nergal to get out of his presence.
“Leaving in a huff, Nergal returned to his domain.
“Consulting with himself,”
he decided to unleash the awesome weapons:
“The lands I will destroy, to a dust-heap make them; the cities I will upheaval, to desolation turn them; the mountains I will flatten, their animals make disappear; the seas I will agitate, that which teems in them I will decimate; the people I will make vanish, their souls shall turn to vapor, none shall be spared. . . . “
“….It was Gibil (whose domain in Africa adjoined that of Nergal),
“these words to Marduk did speak”
in regard to the,
“seven awesome weapons which by Anu were created… The wickedness of those seven against thee is being laid,”
he informed Marduk.
“Alarmed, Marduk inquired of Gibil where the awesome weapons were kept…. To which Gibil revealed that they were hidden underground:
Those seven, in the mountain they abide, in a cavity inside the earth they dwell.
From this place with a brilliance they will rush forth, from Earth to Heaven, clad with terror.
“But where exactly is this place?
Marduk asked again and again; and all Gibil could say was that “even the wise gods, to them it is unknown.”
“Now Marduk rushed to his father Enki with the frightening report.
“….Soon the gods were back in council, for even Enki knew not the exact hiding place of the Ultimate Weapons.
To his surprise, not all the other gods were as shocked as he was.
Enki spoke strongly against the idea, urging steps to stop Nergal, for the use of the weapons, he pointed out,
“the lands would make desolate, the people will make perish.”
Nannar and Utu wavered as Enki spoke; but Enlil and Ninurta were for decisive action.
And so, with the Council of the Gods in disarray, the decision was left to Anu.
“When Ninurta finally arrived to the Lower World with word of Anu’s decision, he found out that Nergal had already ordered the priming of “the seven awesome weapons” with their “poisons“ – their nuclear warheads.
Though the Erra Epic keeps referring to Ninurta by the epithet Ishum (“The Scorcher”), it details in great detail how Ninurta had made clear to Nergal/Erra that the weapons could be used only against specifically approved targets; that before they could be used, the Anunnaki gods at the selected sites and the Igigi gods manning the space platform and the shuttlecraft had to be forewarned; and, last but not least, mankind had to be spared, for,
“Anu, lord of the gods, on the land had pity.”
“….The words of Ninurta finally swayed Nergal.
“He heard the words spoken by Ishum [Ninurta]; the words appealed to him as fine oil.”
Agreeing to leave alone the seas, to leave Mesopotamia out of the attack, he formulated a modified plan:
the destruction will be selective; the tactical aim will be to destroy the cities where Nabu might be hiding; the strategic aim will be to deny to Marduk his greatest prize – the Spaceport,
“the place from where the Great Ones ascend.”
“….So, with one nuclear blow, the Spaceport was obliterated, the mount within which its controls were hidden smashed, the plain that served its runways obliterated…
It was a destructive feat, the written record attests, performed by Ninurta (Ishum).
“Now it was the turn of Nergal (Erra) to give vent to his vow of vengeance.
Guiding himself from the Sinai Peninsula to the Canaanite cities by following the King’s Highway, Erra upheaval them.
The words employed by the Erra Epic are almost identical to those used in the biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah.
“The verses that follow may well describe the creation of the new southern portion of the Dead Sea, by breaking through its southern shoreline, and the elimination of all marine life therein:
He dug through the sea, its wholeness he divided.
That which lives in it, even the crocodiles he made wither.
As with fire he scorched the animals, banned its grain to become as dust.
“….The deed performed by the two gods Ninurta and Nergal, when the Anunnaki guarding the Spaceport, forewarned, had to escape by,
“ascending to the dome of heaven,”
was recalled in a Babylonian text in which one king recalled the momentous events that had taken place,
“in the reign of an earlier king.”
“….Thus was the Spaceport, the prize over which so many Wars of the Gods had been fought, obliterated….
“The great place was never to be seen again…. but the scar made on the face of Earth that awesome day can still be seen – to this very day! It is a vast scar, so vast that its features can be seen only from the skies – revealed only in recent years as satellites began to photograph the Earth. It is a scar for which no scientist has hitherto offered an explanation.
“….The limestone mountains loom white on the horizon, but where the great central plain adjoins the immense scar in the Sinai, the hue of the plain – black – stands out in sharp contrast to the surrounding whiteness.
“Black is not a natural hue in the Sinai Peninsula, where the whiteness of the limestone and the redness of the sandstone combine to dazzle the eye with hues raging from bright yellow to light gray and dark brown but nowhere the black which comes in nature from basalt stones.
“Yet here, in the central plain north-northwest of the enigmatic giant scar, the soil’s color has a black hue.
It is caused – as our photograph clearly shows – by millions upon millions of bits and pieces of blackened rock, strewn as by a giant hand over the whole area.
“….No explanation – unless one reads the verses of the ancient texts and accepts our conclusion that in the days of Abraham, Nergal and Ninurta wiped out the Spaceport that was there with nuclear weapons:
“That which was raised towards Anu to launch they caused to wither, its face they made fade away, its place they made desolate.”
“And the Spaceport, even the Evil Cities, were no more.
“Far away to the west, in Sumer itself, the nuclear blasts and their brilliant flashes were neither felt nor seen.
But the deed done by Nergal and Ninurta had not gone unrecorded, for it turned out to have had a most profound effect on Sumer, its people, and its very existence….
The nuclear explosion gave rise to an immense wind, a radioactive wind which began as a whirlwind…. and then the radioactive whirlwind began to spread and move westward with the prevailing winds blowing from the Mediterranean….
Sumer itself became the ultimate nuclear victim.
“The catastrophe that befell Sumer at the end of Ibbi-Sin’s sixth year of reign is described in several Lamentation Texts – long poems that bewail the demise of the majestic Ur and the other centers of the great Sumerian civilization.
EDUCATION: ANCIENT TEXT: SUMER: Lamentation Texts – Library of Rickandria
“….Invasion, war, killing – all those were well known to mankind by then; but, as the lamentations texts clearly state, this one was unique and never experienced before:
On the Land (Sumer) fell a calamity, one unknown to man:
One that had never been seen before, one that could not be withstood.
The people, terrified, could hardly breathe; the Evil Wind clutched them, does not grant them another day . . .
Mouths were drenched in blood, heads wallowed in blood . . .
The face was made pale by the Evil Wind.
“The source of the unseen death was a cloud that appeared in the skies of Sumer and,
“covered the land as a cloak, spread over it like a sheet.”
Brownish in colour, during the daytime,
“the sun in the horizon it obliterated with darkness.”
At night, luminous at its edges (“Girt with dread brilliance it filled the broad earth”) it blocked out the moon:
“the moon at its rising it extinguished….”
“It was not, however, a natural phenomenon.
It was,
“a great storm directed from Anu . . . it hath come from the heart of Enlil.”
The product of the seven awesome weapons….
“Though the people were baffled, the gods knew the cause of the Evil Wind:
An evil blast heralded the baleful storm,
An evil blast the forerunner
of the baleful storm was;
Mighty offspring, valiant sons
were the heralds of the pestilence.
“The two valiant sons – Ninurta and Nergal – unleashed “in a single spawning” the seven awesome weapons created by Anu,
“uprooting everything, upheavaling everything”
at the place of the blast.
The ancient descriptions are as vivid, as accurate as modern eyewitness descriptions of an atomic explosion:
As soon as the “awesome weapons” were launched from the skies, there was an immense brilliance:
“they spread awesome rays towards the four points of the earth, scorching everything like fire,”
one text stated, another, a lamentation over Nippur, recalled,
“the storm, in a flash of lightning created.”
An atomic mushroom –
“a dense cloud that brings gloom”
– then rose to the sky; it was followed by,
“rushing wind gusts…. a tempest that furiously scorches the heavens.”
Then the prevailing winds, blowing from west to east, began to spread toward Mesopotamia:
“the dense clouds that bring gloom from the sky, that bear the gloom from city to city.”
“Not one, but several, texts attest that the Evil wind, bearing the cloud of death, was caused by gigantic explosions on a day to remember.
“….The lamentation texts identified the site of the awesome blasts as “in the west,” near “the breast of the sea” – a graphic description of the curving Mediterranean coast at the Sinai Peninsula – from a plain “in the midst of the mountains,” a plain that became a “Place of No Pity.”
It was a place that served before as the Place of Launching, the place from where the gods ascended toward Anu.
In addition, a mount also featured in many of these place identifications. In the Erra Epic, the mount near,
“the place from which Great Ones ascend”
was called the “Mount Most Supreme“; in one of the lamentations, it was called the “Mount of Howeling Tunnels.”
This last epithet brings to mind the descriptions, in the Pyramid Texts, of the tunneled mount with sloping underground passages, to which Egyptian Pharaohs journeyed in search of an afterlife.
In The Stairway to Heaven, we have identified it with the mount Gilgamesh had reached in his journey to the place of the Rocketships, in the Sinai Peninsula.
BOOK: The Stairway to Heaven – Library of Rickandria
“….The Uruk Lament vividly describes the confusion among both the gods and the populace.
Stating that Anu and Enlil had overruled Enki and Ninki when they “determined the consensus” to employ the nuclear weapons, the text asserts that none of the gods anticipated the awesome outcome:
“The great gods paled at its immensity”
as they witnessed the explosion’s,
“gigantic rays reach up to heaven [and] the earth trembled to its core.”
“….A breathtaking description of the fear and confusion, among gods and men alike, as the Evil Wind approached is given in The Uruk Lament text, which was written years later as the time of Restoration came.
“….Ninki, we learn from The Eridu Lament, flew away from her city to a safe haven in Africa:
“Ninki, its great lady, flying like a bird, left her city.”
EDUCATION: ANCIENT TEXT: SUMER: LAMENTATION TEXTS: The Lament of Eridug – Library of Rickandria
But Enki left Eridu only far enough to get out of the Evil Wind’s way, yet near enough to see its fate: its lord stayed outside his city . . . Father Enki stayed outside the city . . . for the fate of his harmed city he wept with bitter tears.”
Many of his loyal subjects followed him, camping on its outskirts.
For a day and a night, they watched the storm “put its hand” on Eridu…. Enki surveyed Eridu….
Those who were saved addressed to him a lament…. and they kept on asking whence should they go, what should they do. But though the Evil Wind had passed, the place was still unsafe….
“Forsaking the house of Eridu,”
Enki then led,
“those who have been displaced from Eridu“
to the desert,
“towards an inimical land”
there he used his scientific powers to make “the foul tree” edible.
“From the northern edge of the Evil Wind’s side swath, from Babylon, a worried Marduk sent his father, Enki, an urgent message as the cloud of death neared his city.
“What am I to do?”
he asked.
Enki’s advice, which Marduk then related to his followers, was that those who could, should leave the city – but go only north; and in line with the advice given by the two emissaries to Lot, the people fleeing Babylon were warned,
“neither to turn nor to look back….”
If escape was not possible, Enki advised hiding underground:
“Get thee into a chamber below the earth, into a darkness,”
until the Evil Wind was gone.
Mr. Sitchin continues with a series of lamentations from other gods.
But the fact was that Sumer had been affected not by the blast, but by the Evil Wind, and…
“The desolation of Sumer was complete.”
BOOK: The Wars of Gods & Men – Library of Rickandria
The Wars of Gods and Men – Chapter 14: THE NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST