Unfortunately, there is so much misinformation regarding spiritual power and how to get it and use it.
We Are Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey – Library of Rickandria
For example, in working spells, whatever they may be, 99% of the time, this is not a “one-shot” deal.
Truth be known, most people do not have the spiritual strength in that one’s soul is not strong enough, like that of a God, to accomplish something significant in one working.
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
There are a few who are successful with one working, sometimes the planetary energies are aligned a certain way where one hits, but this is not the norm.
Where the Kabbalah Comes from & Planetary Control – Library of Rickandria
Other factors, a coven for example, are a huge help, provided all of the members have strong souls.
Soul & Spirit – Library of Rickandria
For most people, when undertaking a significant working, there must be repetition.
The more powerful one’s soul, the less repetition, but rarely is once enough.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
Energy builds.
Consciousness & Human Energy – Library of Rickandria
This is why skipping a meditation or a working, causes major problems.