First published April 24, 2024, by Miles Mathis
This is so obvious.
Why do you think most of them are in masks?
To hide the fact that they are outside provocateurs over 25.
Not students.
The mainstream is even admitting that, conceding that although Harvard Yard and other quads were restricted to students-only, they have allegedly been powerless to keep out “invaders storming the campus”.
“Situation Is Unraveling”: Pro-Palestinian Protests Erupt Across America’s Woke Colleges | ZeroHedge
The only people they are powerless to keep out are CIA, since CIA has a free pass everywhere.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria
They and their college theatrical performers outrank all:
- campus police
- city police
- state troopers
When did college students get so militant?
We saw nary a peep to protest mask restrictions during Covid or vaccine requirements afterwards—especially at places like Columbia and Harvard—though those things affected these students personally and in major ways, sometimes killing them.
But this dubious war in the Middle East is reason for them to skip all classes and live in tents on the quad?
Middle East Exopolitical Saga – Library of Rickandria
To get worked up and scream into the cameras?
To risk getting expelled?
To fight cops and get arrested?
Doesn’t really add up, does it?
We are supposed to believe that college students went overnight from:
- quiet
- complacent
- obedient
to rowdy and rebellious, all due to solidarity with Palestine?
You may believe it, but I don’t. I also point out these protests began at and are still centered at Harvard, Columbia, and places like that.
Campuses that are already known as CIA hangouts.
Are there really enough militant Muslims on these campuses to drive these protests?
I doubt it.
I can see that this is all manufactured to move middle America the other way, deeper into the arms of Israel.
Communism in America – Library of Rickandria
All so that these fake students can get lots of bad press and be called anti-Semites by the mainstream press, justifying a crack-down.
They have already been called terrorist sympathizers, or even terrorists themselves.
“Public opinion”
will continue to be manufactured against them, causing your average Joe and Jane to either embrace Israel or keep quiet.
It will likely lead to new laws or “mandates” being passed, forbidding all criticism of Israel and Jews (including bankers) as hate speech.
It won’t matter that those fake laws are wildly unconstitutional, since it will take several years for the Supreme Court to strike them down.
In the meantime, CIA will have done what it was ordered to do:
blackwash all opposition as:
- malcontents
- conspiracy theorists
- loudmouth kids
Same thing they did in the 1960s and 70s when they blackwashed all government opposition as dirty smelly hippies and spoiled youth.
Then there is this:

That subtext sort of proves my point, doesn’t it?
That is one of the photos they are leading with in stories today.
Johnson isn’t trying to talk down a mass protest, is he?
No, he is speaking to. . . the media.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
It’s a media event, with just a few students “looking on”.
Even without the subtext, you can tell that at a glance.
Almost everyone there is media, with just a couple of lines of students in the back.
Like everything else, this is all manufactured.
Look at the empty bleachers!
I bet you missed that.
Reminds us of the empty hospitals and emergency tents and ambulances during Covid, doesn’t it?
What about this:

Does that look like an organic protest?
Everyone just happened to wear the same shirt?
Those weren’t produced at Langley printing?

How staged does that look?
“OK, everyone down in the front row, so we can get the shot!
Jewish girl with the Arafat turban, be sure you are between the camera and the arrestee—the only guy in Brooklyn wearing a tan shirt so he stands out!”
And can someone tell me why that cop is wearing a mask?
He must have an IMDb identity.
IMDb: Ratings, Reviews, and Where to Watch the Best Movies & TV Shows
Plus, notice in that last event we have Jews protesting for Palestine.
So, it is Jews on both sides of these fake protests, and in this case, they admit it.
That should seem kinda curious to you.
It is always the Jews pretending to fight each other in these theatricals, to create distractions and divisions, but now they cleverly admit it.
They know that some will recognize these actors as Jews, so they just admit it, taking you, another turn down the rabbit hole.
You are supposed to think,
“Oh, these are the Jews with a conscience, who don’t think Israel should be taking Palestine.”
Exposing the Jews – Library of Rickandria
But as I am showing you, that isn’t what is going on here.
Like everything else going on right now, this is another big, manufactured eyes-off event:
eyes off the vaccine genocide.
Genocide IS & Always Has Been a Jewish Ideal – Library of Rickandria
These people are trying to prevent their cousins in Big Pharma from getting lynched for crimes against humanity, so that is job one.
In this case division is a secondary matter.
Distraction is the main thesis.
For more proof, see these interviews with NYU “students” protesting in New York.
They don’t even know why they are there and are obviously just actors paid to be on the streets with prefab signage.
And when the fake police arrested the fake protestors, guess how many they arrested?
You could have predicted it, right?
Watch: Clueless Students at NYU Demonstration Have No Idea Why They’re Protesting (infowars.com)
BTW, it looks like Jerry Seinfeld has been reading me, since he recently said,
“Everything is fake”
“Audiences are now flocking to stand-up because it’s something you can’t fake.
It’s like platform diving.
You could say you’re a platform diver, but in two seconds we can see if you are, or you aren’t.
That’s what people like about stand-up.
They can trust it.
Everything else is fake,” he added.

Strangely, that line has been censored on most outlets.
His comments on the movie industry being “over” are being widely reported, and that is where this comes from, but MSN neglects to tell you he said everything is fake.
Pop-Tart movie director Jerry Seinfeld deems “movie business” dead (msn.com)
So does the Guardian.
On the first page of a search on this, so does:
- Yahoo
- Complex
- 10Play
and Reddit.
Reddit took it down completely.
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