by Peter R. Farley extracted from “The True Nature of Planet Earth”
…If we take a look back at the various entities involved with the whole puzzle surrounding Jesus and the different bloodlines, only one significant person remains to whom we have paid little or no attention.
Neither have we found out any more about her beyond what the Bible says – until now.
That person is James the Just’s wife, Mary Magdalen’s sister, Jesus’ sister-in-law, Martha.
Joseph’s marriage to Martha, the Magdalen’s sister and the sister-in-law of Jesus, produced four children, three boys and a girl, all of whom later married, helping spread the royal Davidic bloodline of their father – and also the bloodline of Lucifer.
What is it that is so important about Martha that she would be included in these paintings and given a title such as ‘shepherdess’, unless, like the Magdalen herself she was critical to the entire process and someone important in her own right.
Again, Lindsey channels the Spiritual Hierarchy for an answer:
”Martha was integrated into this entire process because she was a high initiate in the dark side of the esoteric arts.
She was directly related to the Anunnaki.
She had within her the knowledge of sacred alignments and geometry.
In her past incarnations and throughout this entire process she has been that being known as Lilith.
Her role was and is to perpetuate her own bloodline and at some point, bring the Luciferian and Anunnaki bloodlines together.
She is on the planet today as Hillary Clinton.
Her role here now is to bring the bloodlines together.
Chelsea Clinton, then, is the grail child – the one who has the blood of both lines from the Anunnaki and from the royal Davidic bloodline of Jesus and James.
Hillary has to do with Tori [see chapter 9] because she knew Hillary [Lilith] in a past life.
Those who want to merge the two bloodlines are the Anunnaki because it would tie them directly into Lucifer.
Hillary was also Catherine de Medici [married to Henry of France].”
Following up on this very surprising information we could not believe how well it corroborated with what we then were to come across online.
Caterina di Lorenzo de Medici (1519 – 1589), was queen of France, wife of one Valois king and mother of three.
Born in Florence, Italy, she was a daughter of Lorenzo II de’ Medici and a French princess, Madeleine de la Tour d’Auvergne.
Henry II (French: Henri II; 31 March 1519 – 10 July 1559) was King of France from 1547 until his death in 1559. The second son of Francis I and Duchess Claude of Brittany, he became Dauphin of France upon the death of his elder brother Francis in 1536.
Having lost both her parents at an early age, Catherine was sent to a convent to be educated; she was only fourteen when she was married (1533), at Marseilles, to the duke of Orléans, who would later become King Henry II of France.
Pope Clement VII (Latin: Clemens VII; Italian: Clemente VII; born Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici; 26 May 1478 – 25 September 1534) was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 19 November 1523 to his death on 25 September 1534. Deemed “the most unfortunate of the popes”, Clement VII’s reign was marked by a rapid succession of political, military, and religious struggles—many long in the making—which had far-reaching consequences for Christianity and world politics.
It was her uncle, Pope Clement VII, who arranged that marriage with Henry’s father Francis I of France.
Francis I (French: François Ier; Middle French: Françoys; 12 September 1494 – 31 March 1547) was King of France from 1515 until his death in 1547. He was the son of Charles, Count of Angoulême, and Louise of Savoy. He succeeded his first cousin once removed and father-in-law Louis XII, who died without a legitimate son.
Faced with the possible extinction of the royal house of Francis, it was Catherine who was obligated to produce children, and Francis lived long enough to see his grandchildren before he died.
During the reign of her husband (1547-1559), Catherine lived a quiet and passive life but observed what was going on.
Henry being completely under the influence of his mistress, Diane de Poitiers, Catherine had little authority.
Diane de Poitiers (9 January 1500 – 25 April 1566) was a French noblewoman and courtier who wielded much power and influence as King Henry II’s royal mistress and adviser until his death. Her position increased her wealth and family’s status. She was a major patron of French Renaissance architecture.
In 1552, when the king left the kingdom for the campaign of Metz, she was nominated regent, but with very limited powers.
This continued even after the accession of her sickly son Francis II of France at age 15.
Francis II (French: François II; 19 January 1544 – 5 December 1560) was King of France from 1559 to 1560. He was also King of Scotland as the husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, from 1558 until his death in 1560.
His wife, Mary, Queen of Scots, little disposed to meddle with politics on her own account, was managed by her uncles, the cardinal of Lorraine and the duke of Guise.
Mary, Queen of Scots (8 December 1542 – 8 February 1587), also known as Mary Stuart[3] or Mary I of Scotland,[4] was Queen of Scotland from 14 December 1542 until her forced abdication in 1567.
The queen-mother, however, soon grew weary of the domination of the Guises, and entered upon a course of secret opposition, manipulating the key alignments of royal marriages in and around Europe for a long time to come.
[Catherine unwittingly had vast influence on fashions for more than 350 years when she enforced a ban on thick waists at court attendance during the 1550s.
For nearly 350 years, women’s primary means of support then was the corset, with laces and stays made of whalebone or metal.]
On the death of Francis, Catherine became regent during the minority of her second son, Charles IX of France, and found before her a career worthy of the most soaring ambition.
Charles IX (Charles Maximilien; 27 June 1550 – 30 May 1574) was King of France from 1560 until his death in 1574. He ascended the French throne upon the death of his brother Francis II in 1560, and as such was the penultimate monarch of the House of Valois.
She was then forty-one years old, but, although she was the mother of nine children, she was still vigorous and active.
She retained her influence for more than twenty years in the troubled period of the French Wars of Religion.
She was zealous in the interests of her children, especially of her favorite third son, the duke of Anjou [a key figure in the whole Rennes-le-Chateau mystery].
Rennes le Château – Library of Rickandria
The Medici family of Florence itself, can be traced back to the end of the 12th century.
Philip III the Bold & the Crusades – Library of Rickandria
It was part of the patrician class, not the nobility, and through much of its history the family was seen as the friends of the common people.
They achieved their great wealth and influence through banking and commerce during the 13th century at the same time when the Templars were also gaining:
- power
- wealth
- influence
throughout Europe in the creation of these very same fields.
Political influence came along with their wealth.
One ancestor of Catherine’s, Cosimo (1389-1464), amassed the largest library in Europe, brought in many Greek sources, including the works of Plato, from Constantinople, founded the Platonic Academy and patronized Marsilio Ficino, who later issued the first Latin edition of the collected works of Plato [coincides nicely with the Hierarchy’s mention of her knowledge of sacred geometry.
We tend to gravitate to things we have been involved with in past lives as well, and as an Anunnaki leader, geometry and the sacred grid would have been a part of her understanding already].
The Medici family dominated Florentine politics for two and a half centuries and presided over a cultural achievement that is equaled only by Athens in the golden age.
The family also got its genes mixed with those of most royal families in Europe.
Medici women included,
- Catherine (1519-1589) who married Henry II, King of France and ruled the country after her husband’s death
- Maria (1573-1642) married Henry IV, King of France
- Maria’s daughters became queens of Spain and England
- Cosimo II’s wife, Maria Magdalena, was the sister of Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
The Medici Coat of Arms, unusual for its time, is symbolic of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
What is especially interesting about Catherine’s chateau, Chenonceau Chateau, is that it is the only chateau also built as a bridge [symbolic of her role in bridging the two bloodlines, and also bridging heaven and Earth].
It is also the most visited chateau.
The Chateau was also designed by women.
Catherine as queen, lived in another chateau while the king’s mistress lived at Chenonceau.
When the king died, Catherine removed the mistress from the chateau and moved in.
Catherine was a very unhappy person and wanted to decorate in black.
Her third-floor bedroom is painted black, and the bedroom is still the only part of the chateau which has been left painted so dark.
The Black Mass was apparently invented by Catherine de Medici and practiced as a kind of bizarre party gag in the court of Louis XIV, but things degenerated and culminated in the horrific Affair of the Poisons.
The French Revolution – Library of Rickandria
The Black Mass is a parody of a Roman Catholic mass involving the worship of Satan, or the Devil.
Who created the name & concept of Satan? – Library of Rickandria
Accounts of the black mass come primarily from literature and legend.
They describe a number of rituals that generally contradict the message in a proper mass.
Participants may suspend a crucifix upside down, recite traditional prayers backward, perform a mock blessing with filthy water, use a naked woman as an altar, sacrifice animals, or perform a variety of bizarre sexual acts.
Hillary Clinton fits the role of Catherine and Lilith to a T and also explains the regard she is held in for her potential political power and influence on the political agenda here in the United States.
She certainly seemed to know exactly what she was doing when she chose Bill to be her husband, as if the whole thing was planned to happen for her and her handler’s higher agenda.
Clinton Bloodline: American Politics – Library of Rickandria
From her own biographical website comes the description of how she met Bill Clinton after entering Yale Law School.
The former President often recalls how they met in the library when she strode up to him and said,
“If you’re going to keep staring at me, I might as well introduce myself.”
The two were soon inseparable – partners in moot court, political campaigns, and matters of the heart.
She was elected United States Senator from New York on November 7, 2000.
She is the first, First Lady elected to the United States Senate and the first woman elected statewide in New York.
No words could better describe Lilith’s agenda than as ‘First Lady’ of the reptilian bloodline, with her task to blend the two bloodlines involved, that of the Anunnaki of which she was supreme first lady, and the Luciferian bloodline of Jesus, of which William (Bill) Rockefeller Clinton was a leading member.
Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rickandria
Although seemingly infertile for a long time, Catherine sought also to integrate the reptilian bloodline into the royal Merovingian bloodline of Jesus and the crowned heads of Europe [and later the United States] through her 9 children – a synchronicity in and of itself since she was once the birth goddess for the Anunnaki and would have access to fertility techniques not available to others.
Lilith, “she of the night” or “the howler”, said to be Adam’s first mate, had wings [symbolic of an ability to fly – in a craft as the Anunnaki were able to do] and was always portrayed with owls [described earlier in this volume as one of the chief symbols of the Illuminati and the reptilian bloodlines].
Lilith was said to have left Adam because he tried to dominate her [now there’s an archetype for you].
In all likelihood, she too was one of Enki’s experiments in genetic mixing.
The Black Madonna has her roots in this pre-patriarchal first partner of Adam, Lilith.
Pierre Athanase Marie Plantard – Library of Rickandria
She thus represents the strength and equality of womanhood – a proud, forthright, and commanding figure – as opposed to the strictly subordinate image of the conventional White Madonna as seen in church representations of Jesus’ mother.
It was said that Lilith knew the secret name of God [a secret held also by Mary Magdalene, ‘the woman who knew the All’] – in this case it would have been Lucifer’s original name Be’el-zebub.
Is Lucifer the Same Entity as the Anunnaki’s Enki? – Library of Rickandria
She is black because in gnostic thought Wisdom (Sophia), is black, having existed in the darkness of Chaos before the Creation.
In ancient Sumer, the key females of the royal succession were all venerated as lilies, having such names as:
- Lili
- Luluwa
- Lilith
- Lilutu
and Lillette.
Sumer & the Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
The fleur-de-lis [the emblem of the House of Anjou, Catherine de Medici’s son] was introduced in the late 5th century to denote the royal bloodline of France, later included in the Royal House of Scots along with the Davidic Lion of Judah and the Desposynic Unicorn.
The Christine Unicorn, believed to be the only thing that could purify the false doctrines that flowed from the Roman Church, is often shown being chased, imprisoned, persecuted, or at least chained by one leg, often as a direct replication of Jesus.
Dark History of the Vatican – Library of Rickandria
While we may speak of Lilith as one of this being’s incarnations, it would be more correct to say that is the name she was given in her role as Adam’s first partner.
Prior to this role we often know her by two other famous names as well, Inanna and Ishtar, here described in one of Sitchin’s earlier works:
“Some of the principal deities, members of the sacred circle of Twelve, were themselves in a way Earthlings: Nanar/Sin and Ishkur/Adad, Enlil’s younger sons, were born on Earth; so were of course Sin’s twin children, Utu/Shamash and Inanna/Ishtar.”
Inanna speaks of her role through Barbara Clow:
“I was the first Nibiruan female to give birth to the child of an Earth father.
In fact, at the time this was the only way to ensure that the children of Nibiru would remain on Earth.
Their Earth fathers would force them to remain and build families.
Unfortunately, though, this need also created the patriarchy.
And the patriarchy would later destroy the very Goddess culture that had created it.”
Barbara Hand Clow – Library of Rickandria
Her subsequent role as ‘shepherdess’ to her children here on Earth is further explained in the ancient Sumerian Tale of Etana where Etana, the “strongman,” was selected for the position of king after,
“Ishtar was looking for a shepherd and searching high and low for a king”
in the rebuilding process after the Flood.
The one who was chosen “Shepherd” king was awarded the tools that would allow them to keep in contact with their masters the gods in the 4th dimension – the orb, the scepter, the crown, even the throne itself – all the trappings of royalty, all made of gold and all inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones such as diamonds and emeralds (such as the gods spoke through in an earlier chapter to lead their people), and lapis lazuli (the 4th dimensional stone) – all of which acted as crystal receivers for the god’s commands from the higher dimension, as well as transmitters of the king’s thoughts and those of his surrounding subjects in return.
Inana/Ishtar was also called Luluwa, described as “a pure-bred Anunnaki princess,” in the role of also being Cain’s ‘wife’.
Cain: The Forgotten Father – Library of Rickandria
This answers one of the greatest problems with the Biblical account of Adam, that is if Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, and Cain and Abel their first two sons, who was it then that Cain married to sire his children?
Although not giving the name of Cain’s wife, the Bible does name their younger son Enoch (Henôch), while the Sumerian records cite his elder son and kingly successor Atûn, who is perhaps better known as King Etâna of Kish.
So, just as St. Paul came back to repeat his performance in a later life as Brigham Young to help control the religious aspects of control over the people, so too did the Anunnaki birth-goddess, Lilith keep on returning to help integrate the Anunnaki bloodline with that of the royal bloodline of Jesus-Lucifer.
In this regard one might think of he as indeed the ‘shepherdess’ of the bloodline, but a little more still in being ‘mother’ to the race of human slaves as it were.
While not happy with her ‘husband’ Adam, she did make a fertile producer of a race of Anunnaki/human children.
As the Hierarchy said through Lindsey,
“Her role was and is to perpetuate her bloodline and at some point bring the Luciferian and Anunnaki bloodlines together…
Those who want to merge the two bloodlines are the Anunnaki because it would tie them directly into Lucifer.”
This also helps reinforce what Rayelan Allen wrote about Hillary Clinton’s part in shying Princess Diana away from potential husband’s here in the United States:
“Di had her eyes set on being the First Lady of America” [uniting the two bloodlines]… Diana would be allowed to choose her new husband from three men that had been hand-picked for her.
Each man represented a powerful New World Order family [the bloodline of Jesus]: Jay Rockefeller and George W. Bush represented their families respectively.
The other candidate was Bill Clinton.”
New World Order: Novus Ordo Seclorum – Library of Rickandria
It is according to Allan that rumors had circulated in Arkansas since the time Bill Clinton’s mother was born that she was the illegitimate daughter of Winthrop Rockefeller [royal bloodline] but it was the Rothschilds [Anunnaki bloodline] who bought the hand of the Princess Diana and would marry her to a man of their choice.
Rockefeller Bloodline – Library of Rickandria
”On Tuesday, September 24, 1996, President Clinton was in New York signing the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
This meeting had been planned for months, and the President could not get out of it.
Knowing this, Hillary made sure that Princess Diana was invited to the White House on that day.
The White House meeting between Hillary and Diana was only two days after the sudden, swift and secret marriage of John F. Kennedy, Jr. to Caroline Bessette.
Could Hillary have been afraid that now that JFK, Jr. was no longer available, Diana would settle for Bill?
”At the White House breakfast, Hillary told Diana something that made her leave the United States immediately.
What could Hillary have told Diana that would have made her turn and run?…
Whatever Hillary said to Diana at that September White House meeting, Diana left the United States and never returned.”
If this bears an uncanny resemblance to the Alien vs Predator movie where Mankind is trapped between two warring alien races, then perhaps we are not too far wrong, for alien they both are, and warring we are just beginning to find out.
What is it that made such painters as Poussin incorporate her image and her sadness into their geometrically precise paintings, even though in the end they were also keepers of her secret?
”Christopher Cornford has pointed out that one of the most impressive confirmations of Poussin’s conscious manipulation of the geometrical structure of the painting lies in the significant placing of the centre of the controlling pentagram.
It lies, with precision, upon the forehead of the shepherdess.
He makes the comment that ‘It suggests…that the whole scene is somehow emanating from her meditative consciousness, or pivoting round it…It is her mood of gentle sadness that dominates the picture.’
Now that the pentagonal structure has been found in the Rennes-le-Chateau landscape, the identifying of the central point is both logical and inevitable.
It is also very easy to do.
The attempt releases a new torrent of possibilities.” (Lincoln)
Not possibilities, but like everything the New World Order does, a confusion of smoke and mirrors to have people chasing their own tails rather than understanding the true meaning behind the symbology and their relentless pursuit of power…
Where Were You Before the Tree of Life? – The Experiment: The True History of the Darkness & the Light – Library of Rickandria
Obama: A New Sociopolitical Era or the Greatest Deception – Library of Rickandria
Obama’s Genealogy & so much more – Library of Rickandria
THE DESCENT OF ISHTAR – to The Nether World
Inana’s Descent To The Nether World
Inanna and Ebih
Inanna and Enki – The Transfer of the Arts of Civilization from Eridu to Erech – Library of Rickandria
Lilith – in Astrology
Lilith – in Jewish Mysticism – Treatise on the Left Emanation
Lilith – Istahar-Asterah’s and Lilith’s Origins
Lilith – Kabbala – Lilith as God’s Consort
Lilith – Kabbala – Lilith, Samael and Blindragon
Lilith – The Moon
Lilith – The Serpent
Lilith – Before the Alphabet of Ben Sira
Lilith – From Demoness to Dark Goddess
Additional Information
Ereshkigal – Ruler of the Sumerian Underworld and Most Feared Deity in Mesopotamian Pantheon
Halloween – Season of The Crone
Lilith – Neo-Vampire Gods, Demons, and Faeries
Owl of Wisdom – Illuminati, Bohemian Club, Schlaraffia, James Gordon Bennett Jr.
Lilith – The Angelic Influence
Ishtarism Coming Out of the Closet In American Churches!
Books, Reports & Treatises
Lilith – A Dramatic Poem
The Pistis Sophia Unveiled
Inanna Returns – by V.S. Ferguson
Inanna Hyper-Luminal – by V.S. Ferguson
Related Reports
Bohemian Grove – Library of Rickandria
Pistis Sophia – Library of Rickandria
Babalon Working – Liber BABALON – Library of Rickandria
Books of Adam & Eve – Library of Rickandria
Royal Science – Library of Rickandria
The Dragon Court – Library of Rickandria
Sumer & the Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
Occult Reptilian Saga – Library of Rickandria
Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria
YHVH: The Truth About “Yahweh/Jehovah” – Library of Rickandria
Extra Sauce
Inanna, Ishtar & Lilith: International