Every day we have our senses assaulted by the Jewish Media’s Lie Machines, favorite fable of the fictional Holocaust of six million poor Jews by the Germans.
Despite the fact such lies have already been exposed by numerous experts from across the world and even during the landmark trial of Zundel [which did not stop him from being put in prison for five years for telling the truth] the Jews keep up the wailing of their lies as they are the race of the Big Lie.
At this point as their Holyhoax tales unravel daily they are left only with state backed terrorism aimed at those who tell the truth on the subject in a desperate bid to use fear to silence those brave souls who speak out.
The truth does not fear investigation.
Exposing the biggest lie of the 20th Century:
Holocaustanity – Library of Rickandria
The following is what Hitler spent his life fighting against and to free the world from:
In this article the Jewish lead slaughtercost of the Gentile People of Eastern Europe will be examined.
The Jews literally in the drive of their Talmudic psyche systemically murdered over sixty million innocent Gentiles.
A whole nation genocided from the top down.
Related articles:
Adolf Hitler Man of Peace
The New Zion
Communism in America – Library of Rickandria
JEWISH BANKSTER’S WAR ON AMERICA & THE WORLD – Conspiracy Theories with Coffee and Pot
“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of.
The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny.
It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.
We mean the word `red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison.
The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us.
If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees.
We shall show what real power is.
By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”
— From the `Memoirs of Aron Simanovich’, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.
The major events that lead to the Communist “Revolution” in the East was the first war.
This war was instigated by Jewry for the purpose of toppling the remaining remnants of the old Gentile political, social and economic power structures.
And creating a chaotic situation that would make the Western world ripe to be seized upon by Jewry and lead into its destruction and enslavement via a global Communist takeover.
In essence the Hegelian dialect of:
- problem
- reaction
- solution
This war alone killed over sixteen million people.
The official trigger event was the murder of Ferdinand and his wife.
The Jewish Revolutionary Gavrilo Princip shown being seized by police moments after mortally wounding Archduke Ferdinand and his wife.
The assassination of Catholic Monarch ~ Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand ~ heir to the Austrian throne, was carried out by the Jewish assassin Gavrilo Princip using a Browning pistol on Jun. 28, 1914.
The Zionist newspaper PEIEWISCHE VORDLE wrote on Jan. 13, 1919, “The international Jewry… believed it *necessary to force Europe into the war so that a new Jewish era could begin throughout the world.
Arch-duke Ferdinand was assassinated by Gavril Princeps at Sarajevo; Austria demanded an apology from Serbia, Serbia apologized but Austria inexplicably declared war anyway.
Max Warburg, Jewish advisor to the Kaiser who also helped fund the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution.
Bolshevism & Zionism as Jewish Instruments (basecamp.com)
He advised the Kaiser to go into WW1 so Zionists could push for an Israeli state.
Both Warburg and Schiff were Rothschild agents.
Warburg also arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.
Three Jewish advisers to Kaiser Wilhelm
Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg
Max Warburg
and Albert Ballin
then had the Kaiser declare war, and the other nations were involved.
To carry out the Jewish Plan.
On February 8, 1920, Sir Winston Churchill expressed his alarm over world developments in an interview published in the Sunday Illustrated Herald, London:
“From the days of Adam (Spartacus) Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx to those of
Bela Kun
Rosa Luxemburg
and Emma Goldman.
This worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstruction of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.
“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international, and for the most part, atheistic Jews.
It is certainly a very great one: it probably outweighs all others.
With the notable exception of Lenin [my note it turns out Lenin was a Jew], the majority of the leading figures are Jews.
Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.”
Churchill referred, of course, to the overthrow of the Gentile State in Russia and its replacement by a hateful gang of homicidal maniacs, whose unimaginable success was accomplished by the astute financial aid of Jacob Schiff to the Jewish revolutionaries, and by Max Warburg in Germany, who, at the crucial moment of the revolution in Russia, arranged for Lenin to be transported through Germany to Russia in a sealed train to lead the conspirators to their Bolshevik triumph.
Jacob Schiff [Jew] whose money bankrolled the Jewish Bolsheviks who were responsible for millions of Gentile deaths and the overthrow of the Russian nation.
A statement of the situation from 1926 from a revised and re-edited version of A Sea of Blood:
the Truth about Bolshevik Russia, a 12,000-word pamphlet originally published in Munich (1926) and authored by a Russian émigré known as “Dr Gregor”.
1. Introduction
Nine years have already passed since an indescribable crime against humanity, the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, was systematically begun.
Now in its ninth year [1926], a government exists which calls itself a worker-and-peasant government—but not one true worker or farmer has ever sat on it.
For nine years, torture has been used in the name of democracy as an official instrument of the state.
And in the name of socialism millions of upright individuals have been murdered, put to death through starvation, or banished from home and hearth to every distant part of the globe.
In the name of the proletariat the Russian people has been subjugated by rank foreigners, their speech has been silenced, and their bodies sent—to the cheers of the [Jewish] Third International — into mass graves.
An old Russian expression says: “There are never more lies told than before a war and after a hunt.”
And in point of fact the Great War [WW1] never had a true armistice; it never really ended.
And the hunt for more human skulls — of course only Gentile and Aryan skulls will do — continues in accordance with a sinister and systematic plan.
And thus, the great lie blooms forth, in effect a form of worship of the Father of Lies, by that international scum calling itself the Bolsheviks.
Mundus vult decipi! — the world wants to be deceived!
It believes Soviet lies and fairy tales and even participates in this sick comedy, sending delegations of well-known people, leftists of course, incapable of understanding the Russian language, and sympathetic to boot with the goals of the Third International!
[The 3rd International was the third great convention meeting held by ultra-radical Jews and Marxists in 1919 to coordinate Communist activities worldwide.]
Off these foreign guests go to Soviet Russia to “study” the situation.
These splendid chaps have no idea what Russia was like before the Bolsheviks—and what it could have become without them in the meantime!
On the other hand, the Soviet Union’s new friends show great knowledge and appreciation for our Russian caviar and vodka!
The caviar is good, the vodka burns like fire going down, and in the brain-fog of democratic good will one somehow misses the rivers of blood, the dashed brain fragments, and the slithering clatter of millions of slaves’ chains.
And so, internationalist democracy [Jewry] celebrates its rites of sacrifice.
The Gentile lamb is slaughtered.
2. The systematic destruction of Russia
The old Russia no longer exists.
In its place we have a vast desert: its intelligentsia 90% annihilated, its middle class throttled, its working class made serfs once again — but this time serfs in state-owned factories, workers who just for using the word “strike” can be put up against the wall!
As for the farmer, now he is a mere beast of burden, a camel in the Soviet-made Sahara, laboring without question for his Jewish exploiters and nearly without pay.
For a non-initiate it must be entirely incomprehensible how such a mighty empire, seemingly in one night of revolution, could be set aflame at all four corners and destroyed.
However, in one night it did not happen.
The events of March 1917 — Kerensky’s middle-class overthrow of the tsar — and of November 1917 — the Bolshevik putsch against Kerensky’s government — were only the visible result of years of patient, mole-like undermining activities by the Jewish International: a work which did not begin in the criminal minds of [Jews]
but instead in an earlier alliance of Jewry with the higher grades of world [Jewish infiltrated] Freemasonry.
My note it’s important to understand the Freemason’s were infiltrated by the Jewish Illuminati in the 18th century and turned into an organ of Global Jewry:
These lofty “idealists” have tortured and killed, in the name of Russia’s workers and peasants — and according to their very own statistics — the following numbers of victims in the first four years of the glorious Russian Revolution:
8,800 Gentile doctors and their aides.
Because they represented non-Jewish middle-class medicine.
Now come the officers: 54,650 army and naval officers, 10,500 police officers (lieutenant-rank and above) and 48,500 lower-ranking policemen.
And for what reason?
Because they were military and police officers, and we all know that “militarism” is no longer permissible for any nationalistic and Aryan-conscious white people.
It is only allowed to red bandits, who call themselves proletarians, to dig the real proletariat a mass grave.
Then there are 260,000 flag-loyal soldiers of the old army, all now executed.
But even this statistic is trifling.
Now come the intelligentsia:
- teachers
- professors
- engineers
- building contractors
- writers
and judges — especially judges, because these were the most dangerous for a state ruled by convicted felons.
To them let us add lawyers, district attorneys and all the college-educated occupations — to reach the number of 361,825 murdered members of our most mentally demanding professions.
I will not even tarry over our annihilated class of large landowners, consisting of 12,950 persons.
And when someone asks me how the Russian intelligentsia can bear the Bolshevik yoke, I always answer that the Russian intelligentsia is either literally six feet under or in exile, and that the tiny remainder left over has suffered such a blood-letting and systematic humiliation through the communist steamroller that they have forfeited every last bit of self-esteem and personal honor.
Finally, we come to the modest numbers of workers and peasants executed by the worker-and-peasant state.
They amount to only 192,350 workers and 815,000 peasants.
All these figures are official statistics published by the Cheka [forerunner of the KGB] and printed in easily obtainable Bolshevik newspapers during this period when the anti-communist White Russian forces were fighting Trotsky and the Red Army, [1917-1921].
All these facts can be verified in the complete volumes of information or excerpts published in 1922 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of Serbia, the only country in Europe which is fighting mercilessly against the disease of communism.
Even this enormous number of casualties is small compared to the mentally ill persons now running around free in Soviet Russia — four million eight hundred thousand of them.
But this is no surprise.
Even the old Russia did not have enough sanatoria and hospitals for them.
Now the whole country has become a madhouse.
The murders continue and the blood flows on, albeit only Gentile and Aryan blood.
When during the 1922 Famine, 30,000 human beings were dying every day, Jewish leader Trotsky made the sarcastic remark: “All the better — look at the paperwork that will save us now!”
3. Tsars assassinated by the Jews
After Nicholas I, his son Alexander II mounted the throne, a true friend of his people.
In 1861 he abolished serfdom and gave the peasants land.
This reform happened through the mir arrangement of village communities — an institution far closer to true and sincere communism than the capitalistic, tax-exploitative system we see in Soviet Russia today.
This same tsar, Alexander II, who in 1864 gave his people a whole new trial procedure for their court system — then the fairest and most progressive in Europe — underwent seven attempts to assassinate him, until finally, in an eighth attempt perpetrated by Goldmann, Liebermann and Zuckermann — can anyone mistake their race? — successfully carried out the wishes of London.
[Great Britain was by this time in the control of the Jewish bankers of the City of London.]
Alexander II, the great benefactor of his nation, was dynamited on March 1, 1881 — the very day that he was to bestow on his country a new, constitutional form of government.
Alexander II was gone.

Alexander II (Russian: Алекса́ндр II Никола́евич, tr. Aleksándr II Nikoláyevich, IPA: [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ftɐˈroj nʲɪkɐˈlajɪvʲɪtɕ]; 29 April 1818 – 13 March 1881) was Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 2 March 1855 until his assassination in 1881. Alexander’s most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator (Russian: Алекса́ндр Освободи́тель, tr. Aleksándr Osvobodítel, IPA: [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ɐsvəbɐˈdʲitʲɪlʲ]). The tsar was responsible for other reforms, including reorganizing the judicial system, setting up elected local judges, abolishing corporal punishment, promoting local self-government through the zemstvo system, imposing universal military service, ending some privileges of the nobility, and promoting university education. After an assassination attempt in 1866, Alexander adopted a somewhat more conservative stance until his death. Alexander was also notable for his foreign policy, which was mainly pacifist, supportive of the United States, and opposite of Great Britain. Alexander backed the Union during the American Civil War and sent warships to New York Harbor and San Francisco Bay ostensibly to deter attacks by the Confederate Navy and sold Alaska to the United States in 1867, fearing the remote colony would fall into British hands if there were another war. He sought peace, moved away from bellicose France when Napoleon III fell in 1871, and in 1872 joined with Germany and Austria in the League of the Three Emperors that stabilized the European situation. Despite his otherwise pacifist foreign policy, he fought a brief war with the Ottoman Empire in 1877–78, leading to the independence of the Bulgarian, Montenegrin, Romanian and Serbian states, and pursued further expansion into the Far East, leading to the founding of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok; the Caucasus, approving plans leading to the Circassian genocide;[6] and Turkestan. Although disappointed by the results of the Congress of Berlin in 1878, Alexander abided by that agreement. Among his greatest domestic challenges was an uprising in Poland in 1863, to which he responded by stripping that land of its separate constitution and incorporating it directly into Russia. Alexander was proposing additional parliamentary reforms to counter the rise of nascent revolutionary and anarchistic movements when he was assassinated in 1881.
Alexander II of Russia – Wikipedia
Alexander III now became tsar.

Alexander III (Russian: Алекса́ндр III Алекса́ндрович Романов, tr. Aleksandr III Aleksandrovich Romanov; 10 March 1845 – 1 November 1894) was Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 13 March 1881 until his death in 1894. He was highly reactionary in domestic affairs and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father, Alexander II. This policy is known in Russia as “counter-reforms” (Russian: контрреформы). Under the influence of Konstantin Pobedonostsev (1827–1907), he opposed any socio-economic moves that limited his autocratic rule. During his reign, Russia fought no major wars as well. He therefore came to be known as “The Peacemaker” (Russian: Миротворец, tr. Mirotvorets, IPA: [mʲɪrɐˈtvorʲɪt͡s]), with that laudatory title enduring into the 21st Century among historians (as the Tsar’-Mirotvorets). Outside of politics, Alexander was additionally known for his striking appearance, with an American historian later noting how he stood out as being a “tall, heavy-set man, of enormous muscular strength.” Alexander’s major foreign policy achievement was helping forge the Russo-French Alliance and thus directing a major shift in the international relations of Russian society that endured for decades. His political legacy represented a direct challenge to the European cultural order set forth by German statesman Otto von Bismarck, intermingling Russian influences with the shifting balances of power. Alexander’s long, multifaceted legacy has been commemorated in public installations across multiple nations. A notable example outside of Russia is the Pont Alexandre III, an ornate arch bridge spanning the Seine in Paris, France. That installation has received mass attention for over a century.
Alexander III of Russia – Wikipedia
With respect to this monarch who preserved European peace, we Russians were all convinced that when he died in 1894, he had succumbed to a normal illness — in this case an acute kidney infection.
How great was afterward our amazement when we learned — on the run, in exile, and from Jewish sources — that this tsar too had fallen victim to the criminal minds of the tribe of Judah.
The Jew Saltus exults over this fact in his book The Imperial Orgy, published in New York in 1920.
In his foam-mouthed delirium over the successful downfall of the Gentile-Aryan world he explains in his book how the Jews, working with the Entente powers —
- England
- France
- the U.S.
and Italy — got rid of the tsars one after the other.
He further relates that, at the same time as Russian churches were praying for the health of the tsar, he was being cursed in the synagogues.
My note this is true and was proved in the 1911 case of the ritual murder of Andrei Youshchinksy, who was ritually murdered by the local Jewish community as part of a ritual by their own confession to help bring down the Tsar and Russia to Jewry:
Jews & the Takeover of Russia – Library of Rickandria
“While the murder which was have proven to have taken place inside the synagogue of a local Jewish owned and operated brick factory, the Jury could not determine for certain if it was Beilis who had wielded the implement that punctured Andrei over 45 times around his body killing him, drawing as much blood possible carefully from Andrei’s body in the process.

Menahem Mendel Beilis (sometimes spelled Beiliss; Yiddish: מנחם מענדל בייליס, Russian: Менахем Мендель Бейлис; 1874 – 7 July 1934) was a Russian Jew accused of ritual murder in Kyiv in the Russian Empire in a notorious 1913 trial, known as the “Beilis trial” or the “Beilis affair”. Although Beilis was eventually acquitted after a lengthy process, the legal process sparked international criticism of antisemitism in the Russian Empire. Beilis’s story was fictionalized in Bernard Malamud’s 1966 novel The Fixer, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the U.S. National Book Award for Fiction.
Menahem Mendel Beilis – Wikipedia
It was stated the puncture marks done to the side of the child’s head were done specifically for a special part of the ritual as a sacrifice so the Jews could overthrow the Czar.”
To the bedside of the sick tsar his personal physician, Zakharin, was summoned.
Zakharin, a perfectly good Russian name, and yet — a Jew.
When he arrived to see the tsar in Livadiya, he had the medicine all ready for him in his vest pocket.
The kind of medicine is easy to imagine: a one-way ticket into the next world.
After the trusting tsar had swallowed the medication and was rolling in pain on his bed, Zakharin bent over-him — according to Saltus — with a diabolical grin on his face.
The tsar choked out the words “Who are you?”
Zakharin’s answer:
“I am a Jew!”
And with enormous chutzpah, he then turned to the empress and the tsar’s ministers and said:
“Not to worry, his majesty is only talking in a fever!”
Then he bent over the dying man and grinned at him again:
“You are breathing your last breath—and we have won!”
This comes straight from the Jew Saltus in his book The Imperial Orgy.
4. The murder of millions of Gentiles by the Cheka
And then the Russian Revolution came.
Who were these friends of the common people who in the name of:
- freedom
- equality
- democracy
began annihilating the Gentile-Aryan population?
Undoubtedly there were among them some true idealists [useful idiots of Jewry] who really believed that they could use murder and manslaughter, robbery and theft, to make a happier world and a new paradise of equality.
The well-known result, however, was a living nightmare consisting of hunger, deprivation, despair and an equality only in one’s right to be murdered by the Jewish-controlled Cheka [forerunner of the KGB].
The word “Cheka” is not only an acronym in Russian for “Special Commission for Fighting Counter-Revolution,” but also a Yiddish expression for animal slaughter.
How fitting this expression!
We Gentiles, who are called “goyim” or cattle, are in the Jewish view mere animals.
Yahweh gave us human faces, however, so as to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who looked like animals. [Paraphrased]
The first provisional government [after the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II and just before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution] consisted exclusively of [Corrupted] Freemasons of Romance-language initiation, from France or Italy, and funded by [Jew Rothschild] English money.
The criminality of this “provisional government” knew no bounds, because it did the most despicable thing a government can do.
It ignored the promises, purposes and ideals for which it was put in power—and for which it had overthrown the Tsar, head of state.
The nine months of this “government” was nothing but a gestation period, and horribly pregnant Russia gave birth to the miscarriage on October 27, 1917.
It can rightly be said that power was lying there on the street and the Bolsheviks merely picked it up.
To provide a show for the friendly democracies abroad, there had to be street battles in Russia.
And so, the prime minister Kerensky, a half-Jew whose real name was Kirbis, meaning “pumpkin”, deliberately sent a battalion of women and young officer cadets into the jaws of a howling and murderous mob, where they were sadistically annihilated.
Meanwhile Kerensky, dressed in a sailor suit, fled St. Petersburg.
Just before that, Kerensky had signed — for publicity reasons — an arrest warrant against the “traitor Trotsky” [Bronstein].
But when General Polovtsev showed up with his Cossacks in Trotsky’s apartment to arrest him, there sitting in a plush armchair with Trotsky was Kerensky, sipping a liqueur.
He took the arrest warrant from the astonished general’s hand, theatrically tore it up, and sent the general on his way — a man who lacked the courage to simply arrest both these scum — for in a revolution, the first one to pick up his stick is on top.
In any case, the Russian and foreign publics were to be treated to scenes of urban warfare and bloodshed.
Aryan blood, of course.
5. [Jew] Lenin, a syphilitic psychopath
The Mensheviks, or “majority people”, wanted a peaceful socialist welfare state and limited state ownership of industries as in Sweden.
The Bolsheviks, or “minority people” [i.e., mostly Jews] wanted a reign of terror and total nationalization under Lenin and Trotsky.
Club of Death – Judea & Bolshevism (basecamp.com)
The Mensheviks made only one condition: that Lenin explain himself with respect to allegations of theft from the Party.
When the convention began and Lenin was challenged to give an account of himself, he stood up, stuck his hands in his pockets and proclaimed that his standing was so high in the party that he owed no one any answers.
When Lenin first arrived in Russia from Germany, he was already demented from untreated or poorly treated syphilis.
With this softening of the brain — a sort of gumming of the tissues — he was now fully qualified to pour his criminal fantasies into the ears of the foaming mob.
Russia already stood in flames, and the shabby gang of brigands were encouraged by Lenin’s slogan, “Rob back what they robbed from us!”
And so, the mob hurled themselves upon the meager remains of Russian society.
Under the joyful croaking of Jewry, Mother Russia was submerged.
Truly, truly the “international proletariat” can be proud: its leader a [Jew] thief, its prophet a syphilitic, its greatest man a mass murderer.
Instead of leading mankind into the bright light above the clouds, it has jammed humanity down into the sewer, and it is no accident that his mausoleum —”Lenin’s tomb” — looks today like a public lavatory.
After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas II abdicated his throne and took refuge with his family in a house in Yekaterinburg.

Nicholas II (Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanov;[d] 18 May [O.S. 6 May] 1868 – 17 July 1918) or Nikolai II was the last Emperor of Russia, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Finland from 1 November 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917. During his reign, Nicholas gave support to the economic and political reforms promoted by his prime ministers, Sergei Witte and Pyotr Stolypin. He advocated modernization based on foreign loans and close ties with France but resisted giving the new parliament (the Duma) major roles. Ultimately, progress was undermined by Nicholas’s commitment to autocratic rule, strong aristocratic opposition and defeats sustained by the Russian military in the Russo-Japanese War and World War I. By March 1917, public support for Nicholas had collapsed and he was forced to abdicate, thereby ending the Romanov dynasty’s 304-year rule of Russia (1613–1917). Nicholas signed the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907, which was designed to counter Germany’s attempts to gain influence in the Middle East; it ended the Great Game of confrontation between Russia and the British Empire. He aimed to strengthen the Franco-Russian Alliance and proposed the unsuccessful Hague Convention of 1899 to promote disarmament and peacefully solve international disputes. Domestically, he was criticized for his government’s repression of political opponents and his perceived fault or inaction during the Khodynka Tragedy, anti-Jewish pogroms, Bloody Sunday and the violent suppression of the 1905 Russian Revolution. His popularity was further damaged by the Russo-Japanese War, which saw the Russian Baltic Fleet Annihilated at the Battle of Tsushima, together with the loss of Russian influence over Manchuria and Korea and the Japanese annexation of the south of Sakhalin Island. During the July Crisis, Nicholas supported Serbia and approved the mobilization of the Russian Army on 30 July 1914. In response, Germany declared war on Russia on 1 August and its ally France on 3 August, starting World War I. The severe military losses led to a collapse of morale at the front and at home; a general strike and a mutiny of the garrison in Petrograd sparked the February Revolution and the disintegration of the monarchy’s authority. After abdicating himself and on behalf of his son, Nicholas and his family were imprisoned by the Russian Provisional Government and exiled to Siberia. After the Bolsheviks seized power in the October Revolution, the family was held in Yekaterinburg, where they were executed on 17 July 1918. In 1981, Nicholas, his wife, and their children were recognized as martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, based in New York City. Their gravesite was discovered in 1979, but this was not acknowledged until 1989. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the remains of the imperial family were exhumed, identified by DNA analysis, and re-interred with an elaborate state and church ceremony in St. Petersburg on 17 July 1998, exactly 80 years after their deaths. They were canonized in 2000 by the Russian Orthodox Church as passion bearers. In the years following his death, Nicholas was reviled by Soviet historians and state propaganda as a “callous tyrant” who “persecuted his own people while sending countless soldiers to their deaths in pointless conflicts”. Despite being viewed more positively in recent years, the majority view among historians is that Nicholas was a well-intentioned yet poor ruler who proved incapable of handling the challenges facing his nation.
Nicholas II of Russia – Wikipedia
The Czar, his wife, his son, his four daughters, his servants and family doctor were all killed in the same room by the Bolsheviks on the night of July 17, 1918.
It has since been confirmed that Lenin ordered the clandestine killings from Moscow.
Veteran British journalist Robert Wilton explains in his cult classic, The Fall of the Romanovs, how the murder of the Tsar and his family was orchestrated entirely by Jews:
“The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of an alien invasion.
The murder of the Tsar, deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov, and carried out by the Jews:
is the act not of the Russan people, but of this hostile invader.” (Robert Wilton, The Last Days of the Romanovs, p.148).
6. Trotsky, another killer of Gentiles
Lenin’s great rival was a man who nearly exceeds him in treachery, viciousness and sadistic love of executions: the Jew Laibe Bronstein, who now calls himself Leo Trotsky.
This Bronstein-Trotsky character formerly was an ultra-radical writer of gall-dripping articles for Jewish newspapers.
But long before the war he was an agent of the tsarist secret police in Vienna, reporting on Russian Jews who had deserted from the Russian armed forces.
Trotsky, a full-blooded Jew, betrayed his racial brothers to the Russian government for 150 gold crowns a month [about $200].
This perhaps tells us all we need to know about him.
He moved to St. Petersburg and founded a very bourgeois and capitalist freight-moving business. Later he got into the business of lopping off heads when it became more advantageous to be a communist.
The whole communist system under Soviet Judea is shot through with bizarre values.
While pure communism is said to promise a community of sharing, the slogan of Russian communism seems to be: “What’s mine is mine — and what’s yours is mine, too!”
“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of.
The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny.
It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.
We mean the word `red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison.
The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us.
If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees.
We shall show what real power is.
By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.”
From the `Memoirs of Aron Simanovich’, quoted in The Nature of Zionism by Vladimir Stepin, Moscow, 1993, and translated from Russian into English by Clive Lindhurst.
7. Fiendish tortures devised by the Jewish Cheka
A whole shelf of books with both written and photographic documentation has been published on this theme.
I need mention only:
- The Blood Intoxication of the Bolsheviks by Nilostonsky
- The Battle Against Bolshevism by Avalov
- The Plague over Russia by Albert Rosenberg
- Soviet Russia by Katharina Haug-Houg
and The Cheka by Georg Popov.
[My note when Adolf Hitler was still a solider in the German Army, he was in one of the units that was brought to deal with the Jewish Communist insurgency in Germany he personally along with thousands of other German Nationalist fighters saw the remains of innocent Germans murdered the same way by the Jewish Bolsheviks in the city.
Hundreds of reports and letters coming back from the East during the war from Axis troops and commanders mentioned finding the same, the bodies of Gentile victims of similar atrocities [killed by the Jewish NKVD] in liberated cities, towns and villages.
This is what lead to the pogroms as hundreds of outraged Gentiles who had suffered for over a decade under the Jewish Red Terror Machine took to the streets to find those Jews within their kosher prized communities who had been their tormenters and murders of their friends and family members for years.
As recent KGB reports also show the majority of the Russians in the liberated Axis territory welcomed and worked with the Axis forces on every level, willingly and thanked them for liberating them for the Jewish terrorism and oppression.
Over a million also fought as volunteers for the Axis force to help liberate the rest of the Russia’s from Communist Jewry.
Most where later killed by the Jewish Communist occupation state after the war to the sum of millions.
Their crime was wanting to be free.]
“The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat.
But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” -Joseph Goebbels.
Here now are some of the gruesome tortures devised by the Jewish Cheka for its mostly Russian Gentile victims.
When the Reds occupied a city, they took hostages such as people wearing ties or workers in their Sunday best.
They stripped them naked and then bound onto the stomach of the murder victim an empty flowerpot into which a ravenous, starving rat was placed.
Through the small water hole in the base of the flowerpot a red-hot iron rod was pushed to torment the rat and make him wild, causing him to try to burrow himself away from the rod and deep into the abdomen of the horrified human victim.
They lined up other victims in military formation, then ordered the first row to place one hand upon a wooden table.
A nail was driven through the hand into the wood. Then they cut a full circle around the wrist skin, drenched the hand in boiling water and pulled the hand and finger skin right off.
This they called “making gloves”.
Interestingly, each torture chamber had its own special torture lady, always a Jewess or [Jew] Latvian female, usually with a nickname such as “Dora, the glove maker” or “Rosa, the glove lady.”
It comes as no surprise to us to learn that the chief justice of a criminal court in Moscow is also a Jewess, Anya Glusmann, who is said to love pronouncing death sentences above all else, and, according to a fawning newspaper article about her, she loves flowers and perfume after a “hard day’s work.”
There is more: such as placing a man’s head on an anvil, then slowly exploding it using a huge iron hammer with ever-increasing weights.
Those fated to suffer the same death the following day were ordered to pick up the brain and bone pieces, the nerve tissue and blood which they witnessed flying around the room.
When ordered to their work they were told: “You are digging your own grave.
You must be happy that tomorrow your own kind will be picking up the pieces of your cadavers.”
People had their eyes gouged out, the tongue severed, and the ears sliced off.
Then they were buried alive.
Or their abdomen was opened with a knife and the first section of their intestines was nailed to a telephone pole.
They were then forced to run around the pole as their entrails unwound until death came.
Officers of the Russian navy were steamed to death in their own engine rooms.
They were chained to cement blocks and hurled off the piers so that their tethered corpses, decomposing and rising under the waves, formed hideous, tossing forests of the dead.
General Viren of Kronstadt had both his arms hacked off and was then paraded around the downtown area until it became boring, whereupon he was shot.

Robert Nikolayevich Viren (Russian: Роберт Николаевич Вирен, romanized: Robert Nikolaevich Viren; 6 January 1857 – 14 March 1917), also known as Robert Reinhold von Wirén, was a Baltic German career naval officer in the Imperial Russian Navy, noted for his role in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905.
Human beings had burning cigars pushed into their open eyes until they were blind, their entire body being roasted on spits.
Heads were squeezed slowly to the bursting point with special brain vises.
The German Army discovered a chamber full of these and similar devices, including a testicle-cracker, in an underground chamber in Ukraine in 1941.
Adapted dentist drills were used to drill deep into the brain.
They sawed off the top of people’s skulls and forced others to eat their brains, whereupon the eaters then came under the saw and in turn had their own brains eaten. [Paraphrased]
Entire families were arrested, and children tortured before the eyes of their bound parents, or the wife was tormented before the eyes of her husband or the reverse.
The Bolsheviks drove nails into empty wooden barrels, then jammed human beings inside, rolling the barrels around merrily.
Mass graves of people buried alive were found by the White Army.
Victims of live burial usually have dirt in their mouth and nostrils from trying to breathe.
The writhing bodies of these people were found in the most bizarre contortions.
And all this in the sweet name of freedom and democracy!
Another examination of the situation:
An Orgy of Murder, Extreme Torture and Pillage
The orgy of murder, torture and pillage which followed the Jewish triumph in Russia has never been equaled in the history of the world.
For more than a thousand years, the White Russians, descendants of German settlers in Russia, had provided an economic climate in which Russia, the “breadbasket of Europe”, had prospered.
In a few days, this stable civilization vanished, perhaps never to return.
The fortunate ones were those who recognized the peril in time to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs.
Those who dallied or sought to save others were shot down in mass executions persisting through the night, the constant rattle of machine guns muffled by the roar of truck engines raced at full throttle to drown the sound of the shots and the screams of the dying.
Had you experienced the high standard of living in feudal Russia, perhaps, you would have a different opinion of this alleged prosperity.
The T’zar’s exquisite daughters.
At first, the girls did not die because of the jewels sewn into their corsets.
These jewels were for protection but also so that the family could have some money for when they fled the country.
The shooters were horrified at how the girls were able to withstand the bullets.
To solve that problem, the shooters tried to stab them with bayonets.
That failed, too, because of the jewels, so then, they were shot in the head at close range.
The key word here is “hatred”.
The Jews were free to indulge their most fervent fantasies of mass murder of helpless victims.
Gentiles were dragged from their beds, tortured and killed.
Some were actually sliced to pieces, bit by bit, while others were branded with hot irons, their eyes poked out to induce unbearable pain.
Others were placed in boxes with only their heads, hands and legs sticking out.
Then hungry rats were placed in the boxes to gnaw upon their bodies.
Some were nailed to the ceiling by their fingers or by their feet, and left hanging until they died of exhaustion.
Yakov (Yankel) Mikhailovich Yurovsky [Jew] is best known as the chief executioner of Russia’s last emperor, Tsar Nicholas and his family after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky (Russian: Яков Михайлович Юровский, pronounced [ˈjakəf mʲɪˈxajləvʲɪtɕ jʊˈrofskʲɪj]; 19 June [O.S. 7 June] 1878[n 1] – 2 August 1938) was a Russian Old Bolshevik, revolutionary, and Soviet Chekist (secret policeman). Yurovsky was commander of the guard at Ipatiev House during the assassination of the Romanov family on the night of 17 July 1918. He is known as the chief executioner of Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, his family, and four of their servants. Yurovsky was responsible for the distribution of weapons, ordering the family to the cellar room, announcing the execution to the family, and the disposal of the eleven bodies.
Others were chained to the floor and hot lead poured into their mouths.
Many were tied to horses and dragged through the streets of the city, while the mob attacked them with rocks and kicked them to death.
Mothers were taken to the public square and their babies snatched from their arms.
A Red terrorist would take a baby, hold it by the head, head downward, he would toss the baby into the air, while another member of the mob rushed forward to catch it on the tip of his bayonet.
Pregnant Gentile women were chained to trees and their babies cut out of their bodies.
There were many places of public execution in Russia during the days of the Revolution one of which was described by the American Rohrbach Commission, (Defender Magazine, October 1933):
“The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Jewish Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches.
It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains and pieces of skull.
All the walls were bespattered with blood.
Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them. A gutter of 25 centimeters wide by 25 centimeters deep and about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood.
“Some bodies were disemboweled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces.
Some had their eyes put out the head, face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds.
Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest.
Some had no tongues. In a corner we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate.”
The Jewish Communist Chekists took pleasure in brutally torturing their victims: Victims were nailed to trees, had their eyes gouged out, noses cut off, ears removed, tongues removed.
There were [Jewish] Chekists who cut open their victim’s stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a whip forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unraveled.
Eyes of Gentiles victims were poked out, their tongues cut off, and they were buried alive.
A major Gentile member of the Voronezh area was boiled alive in a big pot, after which others of the community, revolvers at their heads, were ordered to drink.
In Kharkov people were scalped.
In Tsaritsyn and Kamyshin people’s hands were amputated with a saw.
In Poltava and Kremchug the victims were impaled.
In Odessa they were roasted alive in ovens or ripped to pieces.
In Kiev, victims were placed in coffins with decomposing bodies and buried alive.
On March 13, 1917, Jacob Schiff sent Milyukov, new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolshevik Revolutionary Government, and a personal friend of Schiff, a telegram reproduced in the New York Times, April 10, 1917:
“Allow me, as the irreconcilable enemy of the tyrannical autocratic government which pitilessly persecuted our co-religionaires [Jews], to congratulate through your intermission the Russian people for what they have so brilliantly accomplished, and to wish success to your comrades in government and to yourself.”
We already know of the glee with which Jacob Schiff and other Jewish bankers greeted the news that their co-Jews in Russia were now engaged in the favorite Jewish practice of mass murder, but what of American government officials, who were well-informed by a number of intelligence sources about these atrocities?
The Overman Committee in 1919 published a report of its findings which are pertinent to this subject.
Titled, “Bolshevik Propaganda Hearing Before the Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 65th Congress,” it records the testimony of Dr. George A. Simons, former superintendent of the Methodist Missions in Russia, from which we briefly quote:
“We were told that hundreds of agitators had followed in the trail of Trotsky-Bronstein, these men having come over from the lower east side of New York.
Some of them, when they learned that I was the American pastor in Petrograd, stepped up to me and seemed very much pleased that there was somebody who could speak English, and their broken English showed that they had not qualified as being real Americans.
“A number of these men called on me and were impressed with the strange Yiddish element in this thing right from the beginning, and it soon became evident that more than half the agitators in the so-called Bolshevik movement were Jews.
I have a firm conviction that this thing is Yiddish, and that one of its bases is found in the east side of New York.
“The latest startling information, given me by someone with good authority, is this, that in December, 1918, in the northern community of Petrograd ~ that is what they call the section of the Soviet regime under the Presidency of the man known as Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) ~ out of 388 members, only 16 happened to be real Russians, with the exception of one man, a negro from America who calls himself Professor Gordon.
“I was impressed with this, Senator, that shortly after the great revolution of the winter of 1917 there were scores of Jews standing on the benches and soap boxes, talking until their mouths frothed, and I often remarked to my sister, ‘Well, what are we coming to anyway. This all looks so Yiddish.’
Up to that time we had very few Jews, because there was, as you know, a restriction against having Jews in Petrograd, but after the revolution they swarmed in there and most of the agitators were Jews.
“I might mention this, that when the Bolshevik came into power, all over Petrograd, we at once had a predominance of Yiddish proclamations, big posters and everything in Yiddish.
It became very evident that now that was to be one of the great languages of Russia; and the real Russians did not take kindly to it.”
A widely known French journal, “L’Illustration”, of September 14, 1918, commented, “When one lives in contact with the functionaries who are serving the Bolshevik Government, one feature strikes the attention, which, is almost all of them are Jews.
I am not at all anti-Semitic; but I must state what strikes the eye: everywhere in Petrograd, in Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets, I have met nothing but Jews and again Jews.’
“The more one studies the revolution the more one is convinced that Bolshevism is a Jewish movement which can be explained by the special conditions in which the Jewish people were placed in Russia.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn relates that some sixty-six million “real Russians” have been murdered since the Bolshevik Revolution at the hands of the Yiddish revolutionaries, and now two hundred million citizens of the United States await their turn in the abattoirs of the bloodthirsty Jewish terrorists.
Rev. Denis Fahey, in his book, “The Rulers of Russia”, exposed the real names of many of the Jewish terrorists who operated the Soviet murder machine in Russia.
- Trotsky was Bronstein
- Martov was Zederbaum
- Zinoviev was Apfelbaum
- Kamenev was Rosenfeld
- Parvus was Helphand
- Bohrin was Nathanson
and so on.
Many of the White Russians fled towards the Pacific, from Vladivostock to the Port of Dairen.
The Russian women, who had presided over the most gracious palaces known to European civilization, were forced to turn to prostitution to find bread for their starving children; others, finding the degradation unbearable, committed suicide or slowly starved to death.
Decades after the Russian Revolution, some of the White Russian women could still be found in houses of prostitution in:
- Shanghai
- Peking
- Tokyo
The male survivors of the Marxist Terror, many of them highly cultured scholars, philosophers and scientists, found no means of support from their highly specialized talents in the harsh Asiatic world of the refugee.
One Russian General was seen pulling a rickshaw as a coolie in Shanghai for a few days; he later hung himself in his barren room.
Those who survived the initial Terror in Russia were fated for an even harsher death, a slow agonizing one as a prisoner in a Jewish operated concentration camp.
For many years the Jews, through their total control of the media in Gentile nations, prevented any word of the horrors which they daily perpetrated on Gentiles in Soviet Russia from reaching the outside world.
Finally, one victim, who had survived a sentence in a concentration camp, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, reached safety.
In his book, “The Gulag Archipelago”, he informed an incredulous world that the blood-maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million victims in Russia from 1918 to 1957!
Solzhenitsyn cited Cheka Order No. 10, issued on Jan. 8, 1921: “To intensify the repression of the bourgeoisie.”
It was this order on which the establishment of the terrible Siberian camps, Kolyman and many others was based.
Solzhenitsyn also brought to the Gentile world the names of the mass murderers who ran these camps.
All of them were Jews.
Typical was one Lazar Kogan, who watched thousands of slave laborers die during his stint as boss of the White Sea Canal construction.
He would sometimes remark to a new prisoner, “I believe that you personally were not guilty of anything.
But, as an educated person, you have to understand that social prophylaxis was being widely applied.”
“Social prophylaxis” was one of the vicious Jewish phrases which they used as euphemisms for their massacre of the Gentiles.
Their victims, once they were consigned to the camps, were no longer considered human, as the Jews considered all others to be non-human.
They were known simply by the nickname of “zeks”, slang for “zakluchenny”, which means “prisoner” in Russian.
The Jews were given another opportunity to massacre helpless Gentiles during the Spanish Civil War [Communist attempted takeover of Spain].
Ernest Elmhurst states in “World Hoax”, p. 157, “Of no less significance was the transfer of Soviet Russia’s former peace delegate at Geneva ~ the Jew Rosenberg (Moses Israelsohn) with his staff of 140 members to the office of Ambassador to Spain in August of 1936.”
This cadre of highly trained specialists in torture and murder passed over a reign of terror which was largely ignored by the rest of the world, because the journalists covering the Spanish War, Ernest Hemingway and many others, were themselves sympathetic to the Communists and they sought only to discredit the Spanish patriots, the “Fascists” as they contemptuously termed them.
The [Jew] Rosenberg murder teams were called “World Revolutionary Movement Purification Squads.”
Their “purification” consisted mainly of massacres of:
- priests
- nuns
- choirboys
and women and children.
In Madrid, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939.
De Fonteriz in “Red Terror in Madrid” tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described.
Early in World War II, the Communist delighted in the opportunity to indulge in their favorite sport of mass murder.
During the first days of the war, 15,000 Polish officers, who were the flower of the nation, were captured.
They were taken to three Jewish operated Communist camps:
- Starobiesk
- Kozielsk
- Ostashkov
Only 448 were ever seen alive again.
The rest vanished, but not without trace.
The Kozielsk camp was situated in the grounds of a former Orthodox monastery, five miles from the Kozielsk railway station in this camp, about 5000, were sent away in small groups, the process continuing until April 1940.
Polish prisoners-of-war in the Soviet Union after 1939 – Wikipedia
Parfeon Kisselev said that in the spring of 1940 prisoners were brought to Katyn Forest in three or four buses daily.
From his house he heard shots and shouts.
It was rumored that 10,000 Poles were shot there.
When the German Army occupied the area in 1943 an investigation was begun.
The Final Report of the German Police dated June 10, 1943, states that, “It was proved that, without exception, death was caused by a shot in the back of the neck.
The seven mass graves of murdered Polish officers which have been cleared cover a relatively small area.
From the translation of diaries, of memoirs and other notes found with the bodies, it was proved that the officers who had been taken prisoner by the Soviet Army in 1939 were sent to various camps:
- Kozielsk
- Starobielsk
- Ostashkov
- Putiviel
- Bolotov
- Pavlishcev Bor
- Shepyetovka
- Gorodok
“The majority of those killed in Katyn Forest had been in the Kozielski camp.
From the end of March, until the first day of May 1940, the prisoners from Kozielsk arrived by rail.
The exact dates cannot be established.
A few short intervals apart, a batch left almost every day; the number of prisoners varied between 100 and 300 persons.
“Thence, in the early morning, the prisoners proceeded in special Lorries to the Katyn Forest.
There the officers were immediately shot, thrown into the waiting graves and buried, as may be seen from the evidence of witness Kisselev, who has seen the ditches being prepared.
That the shooting took place immediately after the arrival of a batch of prisoners is proved by witnesses who heard shots after every such arrival.
“There was no accommodation in the forest apart with the rest house, which has a limited capacity.
From the position of the bodies, it may be assumed that the majority were murdered outside the graves.
Very many of the dead men had their hands tied behind their backs.
The evidence of witnesses confirms that access to the forest was forbidden.
Voss, Secretary of the Field Police.” Professor Butz’s Report stated, “Documents found on the victims (identity cards ~ but not military passports ~ diaries, letters, postcards, calendars, photographs, drawings, etc. gave the names, age, profession, origin and family relations of the victims.
Pathetic entries in the diaries testify to the treatment of the victims by the [Jewish] NKVD.
“Letters and postcards from relatives in Upper Silesia, in the ‘General Government’ and in the Russian-occupied zone, written, to judge the post office stamps, between Autumn, 1939, and March or April 1940, clearly point to the time of the crime (spring, 1940).”
The Katyn Case came before the Nuremberg tribunal as part of the general trial of German “war criminals”, the Soviets having claimed this atrocity had been committed by the Germans.
Although it was on the agenda, the Soviets omitted it from the judgment, nor was any Pole allowed to testify about it.
Mr. G.F. Hudson wrote in the quarterly, “International Affairs”, “The unquiet dead of Katyn still walk the earth.”
In subsequent years, a number of Congressmen have sought to reopen the case, including Hon. George A. Dondero, Hon. Ray Madden and others.
A U.S. Congressional Select Committee, 2 July 1952, reported that “The committee unanimously agrees that evidence dealing with the first phase of its investigation proves conclusively and irrevocably that the Soviet NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs) committed the massacre of Polish Army officers in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia, not later than the spring of 1940.
“The committee further concludes that the Soviets had plotted this criminal extermination of Poland’s intellectual leadership as early as the fall of 1939 ~ shortly after Russia’s treacherous invasion of the Polish nation’s borders.
There can be no doubt that this massacre was a calculated plot to eliminate all Polish leaders who subsequently would have opposed the Soviets’ plan for communizing Poland.”
The end of World War II gave the Communists the opportunity to wreak revenge on all who had opposed them during the war.
As a result, from two to five million victims were massacred by Jewish terrorists in:
- France
- Italy
- Czechoslovakia
and other countries in which the Communists were allowed by their Allies to murder at will all anti-Communists or “Fascists”.
The Sunday Oklahoman shed some light on this horror, Jan. 21, 1973, “Document tells Allied Part in Deaths of Thousands”: “A former White House consultant has provided the Sunday Oklahoman with a secret document exposing for the first time what appears to be Allied complicity in the deaths of thousands of unsuspecting, liberated prisoners of war and displaced persons after World War II.
“The document, a 10-page British Army report, is believed to be part of voluminous Anglo-American files on the forcible repatriation to the Soviet Union of an estimated 2 to 5 million unwilling anti-Communists between 1944 and 1948.
The files, codenamed Operation Keelhaul, are still kept under tight security in London and Washington as virtually the last major secret of World War II.
Operation Keelhaul – Wikipedia
“The secret British report summarizes one repatriation operation in Italy in which Russian POWs and DIs were turned over to the Red Army and almost certain execution after being duped by the British into believing they would be given asylum in the West.
It tells of the agony and the horror experienced by the prisoners.”
The leading criminal in this mass execution of two to five million anticommunists was ~ who else ~ our grinning Ike, head of the European sector for the Allied armies, or, as you may know him, our former President, [Jew] Eisenhower.
The crime of Operation Keelhaul was not on the agenda at Nuremberg.
To finance the State of Israel which was created as a direct result of the Jewish victory over the Gentile nations in World War II, Jews, who had committed all the atrocities, now imposed enormous “reparations” demands on the conquered German people.
To date, they have extorted more than thirty-five billion dollars from German workers, money which has been collected at the points of bayonets, not Jewish bayonets, but the bayonets of the American Army, which has been maintained as an occupying force in West Germany for nearly four decades, solely to provide military power behind the puppet German Government, which has as its primary function the furnishing of money for the parasitic State of Israel.
Some twenty years after World War II, the Jews began to fear that scholars might focus on the terrible massacres of women and children during that war by armies directed by the Jews.
The incineration of thousands of families by mass fire-bombings of the cities of Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden and other European cultural centers; the firestorms which killed many thousands of families in Tokyo; as well as the nuclear holocausts unleashed on civilian populations at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last days of the Japanese War, when the Imperial Staff was already suing for peace (the Jews did not want to lose this opportunity to test their new Jewish H-Bomb on human targets); these and their numerous other war crimes, began to concern the Jews.
Their guilt was inescapable; it seemed a mere matter of time until their crimes would call down retribution on their heads.
To forestall this possibility, the Jews began a furious campaign of their own; a highly synchronized and coordinated worldwide campaign publicizing their new myth, the “Holocaust”, in which six million Jews were said to have been burned.
Six million Jews were also said to have been gassed.
Whether this meant there were actually twelve million Jews “killed” no one seems to know.
That holocausts, or mass murders by fire, occurred during World War II was a matter of historical record.
There existed photographs of stacks of burned corpses, which had been made in:
- Cologne
- Hamburg
- Dresden
after the mass fire-bombing of those cities by Allied aircraft.
The problem the Jews faced was that there had been no holocausts of Jewish victims during World War II, nor were there any photographs of burned Jewish bodies.
Not to worry ~ the Jews simply appropriated the photographs of the bodies of their German victims, which are exhibited today in gruesome “museums” in Germany as exhibits of dead Jews.
It was a matter of record that the Jews had actually done quite well during World War II.
In Germany, incredible sagas of bribery and corruption on the home front had secured the mass evacuation of all Jews from German cities just before the firebombing began.
When entire German families perished amid scenes of unspeakable horror, the Jews were safely ensconced in comfortable quarters in such refugee camps as Auschwitz.
The ultimate testimony as to their rescue by being segregated in these remote camps, far from the danger of the mass bombing raids, comes from ~ who else ~ the Jews themselves.
As they never cease to assure us ~ they “survived”.
Although they survived amid scenes of genocide or massacres of non-Jews in many countries, they realized several decades later that it was necessary for their purposes to claim that they had been “exterminated”.
The protection camps in which they had been safely segregated by the Germans during World War II now became “death camps”.
Not only were they death camps, but they were camps such as Auschwitz, memorialized in the Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1981, as having “its own soccer stadium, its own library, its own photo lab, and its own symphony orchestra.”
The same article proudly boasts that “the hospital at Auschwitz grew to considerable size, with about twenty doctors and more than three hundred nurses.”
This was a “death camp?”
The fact was that there was not a single German military field hospital near any combat front as sizeable or as well-equipped as the hospital at the “death camp” of Auschwitz, yet Auschwitz is always cited by the Jews as the place where millions of Jews were “put to death”.
The purpose of the large modern hospital has never been satisfactorily explained, since the Jews now claim that within hours after arriving at Auschwitz, the Jews were hurried to the “gas chambers”.
This claim might have more validity had it not been for one unfortunate oversight by the Jews ~ they did not build the gas chambers at Auschwitz until after World War II had ended.
Almost forty years after the war, in which “six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis”, as they claim, there are annual festivals, conventions, and other mass gatherings of many thousands of the “survivors of the death camps”.
Even more peculiar, hardly any of these prosperous, healthy and well fed “victims” claims to have been the survivor of only one “death camp”.
Nearly all of them claim to have been a prisoner in five or six of the camps, this at a time when Germany, fighting a two-front war, could not keep its troops supplied in the combat areas.
The Jews ask us to believe that every few months they were transferred from one camp, put on a train and carried hundreds of miles to another “death camp” to be killed, and then a few months later, apparently not having been killed, they were entrained to yet another “death camp”, where they remained without being harmed until the end of the war.
The reason for the otherwise inexplicable claims of the Jewish “Survivors” that they were in many different “death camps” is revealed by a simple explanation, “gelt”.
The “survivors” regularly receive monthly payments from the conquered Germans.
“Garfinckel” receives a monthly payment in Israel from Germany because he was a prisoner in Auschwitz.
“Rosenfeld” receives a monthly payment from Germany in Israel because he was a prisoner in Treblinka.
“Steinberg” receives a regular monthly payment in Israel from Germany because he was a prisoner in Dachau.
- Garfinckel
- Steinberg
- Rosenfeld
~ you don’t know them?
He’s the same fat, grinning Jew you saw in the news coverage of the Holocaust convention.
The Myth of the Holocaust or the “vanished six million Jews” is not solely a matter of collecting revenue from defeated enemies.
It is also one of the most powerful weapons of propaganda in the hands of the Jews in their drive for total world power.
Today, all officials seeking to continue in office or to seek higher office in the United States must not only make a ritual pledge of eternal and unquestioning faith in the Myth of the Holocaust.
To question the Myth of the Holocaust means a challenge to the Jewish world dictatorship, and it must be punished at once by the most severe sentence.
Thus, the most fantastic elaborations on the basic lie of the “Six million” appear regularly on American religious programs, in educational books, and in the press.
Among the rare public figures who have dared to question the Myth of the Holocaust are such individualists as the actor Robert Mitchum, who told an Esquire interviewer, in response to a question about “the six million”, “So the Jews say.”
“So, the Jews say?” shrieked the horrified interviewer.
“Yeah,” growled Mitchum, “so the Jews say.”
Another actor, Ronald Reagan, while seeking public office, told a Jewish audience in California that “It might help your cause if you would limit your claims of victims to numbers that you could actually prove.”

A reporter noted that “the audience began to hiss like geese, in a rapidly rising cacophony while the aspiring politician dashed to the wings, never to reappear in the particular auditorium.”
Whatever Reagan’s doubts about “the six million”, he has since kept them to himself.
The Reagan Administration will be remembered for the ultimate enshrinement of “the final solution”.
Two government buildings on the Washington Mall have now been given by “our government” to the Jews for a “Holocaust Memorial”.
The Washington Mall, like the Roman Forum, is the center of American aspirations for our Republic, and runs from the White House to the Capital with its principal adornment the magnificent Washington Monument.
To the consternation of most Americans, the Washington Monument can now be called “Jew Alley”.
Many native Washingtonians have begun to express criticism of this amazing development.
In the Washington Post, April 25, 1983, William Raspberry writes on the editorial page, “I simply don’t understand it.”
He points out that although this is to be an official American monument; neither the perpetrators nor the victims were Americans.
He quotes a Howard University professor as wondering why there shouldn’t be a Slavery Memorial on the Mall to honor the memory of the slaves, or a Wounded Knee Memorial for the Indians.
What he doesn’t say is that the erection of a Jewish Memorial on the Washington Mall is a boast of absolute power that the Jews have achieved absolute power over their goyim slaves in America.
We can understand that there is a huge memorial to Karl Marx erected in Red Square in Moscow.
Are we incapable of understanding why a memorial to the Jews is erected on the Washington Mall?
Raspberry, who is black, goes on to tweak the big noses of his Jewish employers, the Meyer family who own the Washington Post, by saying that “a pledge that nothing of this sort will ever be permitted to happen again” worries him, because it is happening right now.
He doesn’t mention the obvious example, the Rosh Hashanah Massacre of Arab women and children in Lebanon, but of course Raspberry fails to understand two crucial factors; first, that “it” never happened at all, and second, that the Jews are attempting to place the rest of the world on notice that “the Chosen People” are sacred, and that no one must ever harm a hair on their heads.
It’s quite all right to massacre all the goyim or non-Jewish cattle, in:
- Cambodia
- Vietnam
- Africa
or Lebanon; this has nothing to do with the “sacred” presence of the Jew.
“Never Again?” the well-publicized slogan of the Jews which refers to the Myth of the Holocaust, should more properly be “Never”, meaning that not only did it never happen but that it is all right for the Jews to massacre the gentile cattle whenever it suits their purposes, because the Myth of the Holocaust gives carte blanche to the Jews to kill as many gentiles as possible, “The diminution, the killing out of the Goyim,” as old Anselm so lustfully put it, because it is obvious that the more gentiles that are killed, the fewer remain alive as a possible threat to the Jews.
Anselm of Canterbury – Wikipedia
The Myth of the Holocaust is interpreted by the Jews as giving them permission to maintain international murder squads whose assassins routinely carry out executions in every country of the world, not only against “enemies of Israel”, but also against those who are merely suspected of being “potential enemies of Israel”.
It pays to be careful.
In no country are the murder squads of the Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Service, given greater freedom than in the United States.
Cooperation with the Jewish assassins is the first line of business for:
- the CIA
- the FBI
- the IRS
The Mossad routinely gives these government agencies lists of American individuals on its hate lists, who are to be given “special attention”.
These lists comprise more than half of all the IRS “special audits” of American citizens.
Despite the frenetic cooperation of official American bureaus with the Israeli assassins, the favor is rarely returned.
The Jews treat the American goyim with justifiable contempt, and rarely lose an opportunity to spit in their faces.
Our Marines soon found this out in Lebanon, when the Israeli soldiers routinely threatened them, offensively cut across Marine lines, and shot at them.
Menachem Begin’s political stance at the present time is to maintain a strong Israeli military presence in Lebanon, despite President Reagan’s frequent whines that the Israelis really ought to pull out of that war torn country.
At these requests, the Israelis responded with the assassination of President Gemayel, and the Rosh Hashanah Massacre of women and children.

Bachir Pierre Gemayel (Arabic: بشير بيار الجميّل [baˈʃiːr ʒɪ’ma.jjɪl]; 10 November 1947 – 14 September 1982) was a Lebanese militia commander who led the Lebanese Forces, the military wing of the Kataeb Party in the Lebanese Civil War and was elected President of Lebanon in 1982. He founded and later became the supreme commander of the Lebanese Forces, uniting major Christian militias by force under the slogan of “Uniting the Christian Rifle”. Gemayel allied with Israel and his forces fought the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Syrian Army. He was elected president on 23 August 1982, but he was assassinated before taking office on 14 September, via a bomb explosion by Habib Shartouni, a member of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. Gemayel is described as the most controversial figure in the history of Lebanon. He remains popular among Maronite Christians, where he is seen as a “martyr” and an “icon”. Conversely, he has been criticized for committing alleged war crimes and accused of treason for his relations with Israel.
The latest requests for Israeli withdrawal were met with the “mysterious” explosion which blew up the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, with great loss of life.
It is confidently stated that this explosion will never be solved.
As long as the Jews, Walt Rostow and Henry Kissinger (both Zionists) were selling out U.S. interests, things were fine.
Secretary Shultz must wonder when they will begin to order him to be murdered, and President Reagan and others as well.

George Pratt Shultz (/ʃʊlts/; December 13, 1920 – February 6, 2021) was an American economist, businessman, diplomat and statesman. He served in various positions under two different Republican presidents and is one of the only two persons to have held four different Cabinet-level posts, the other being Elliot Richardson. Shultz played a major role in shaping the foreign policy of the Ronald Reagan administration and advancing the false narrative used to defraud investors in Theranos. Born in New York City, he graduated from Princeton University before serving in the United States Marine Corps during World War II. After the war, Shultz earned a PhD in industrial economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He taught at MIT from 1948 to 1957, taking a leave of absence in 1955 to take a position on President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Council of Economic Advisers. After serving as dean of the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, he accepted President Richard Nixon’s appointment as United States Secretary of Labor. In that position, he imposed the Philadelphia Plan on construction contractors who refused to accept black members, marking the first use of racial quotas by the federal government. In 1970, he became the first director of the Office of Management and Budget, and he served in that position until his appointment as United States Secretary of the Treasury in 1972. In that role, Shultz supported the Nixon shock, which sought to revive the ailing economy in part by abolishing the gold standard and presided over the end of the Bretton Woods system. Shultz left the Nixon administration in 1974 to become an executive at Bechtel. After becoming president and director of that company, he accepted President Ronald Reagan’s offer to serve as United States Secretary of State. He held that office from 1982 to 1989. Shultz pushed for Reagan to establish relations with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, which led to a thaw between the United States and the Soviet Union. He opposed the U.S. aid to Contras trying to overthrow the Sandinistas by using funds from an illegal sale of weapons to Iran. This aid led to the Iran–Contra affair. Shultz retired from public office in 1989 but remained active in business and politics. He had already been an executive of the Bechtel Group, an engineering and services company, from 1974 to 1982. Shultz served as an informal adviser to George W. Bush and helped formulate the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war. He served on the Global Commission on Drug Policy, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Economic Recovery Council, and on the boards of Bechtel and the Charles Schwab Corporation. Beginning in 2013, Shultz advocated for a revenue-neutral carbon tax as the most economically sound means of mitigating anthropogenic climate change. He was a member of the Hoover Institution, the Institute for International Economics, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and other groups. He was also a prominent and hands-on board member of Th
The Israelis are the most likely suspects in the U.S. Embassy explosion.
An extremist named Abu Nidal was named in Jack Anderson’s column, April 25, 1983, Washington Post, that “secret State Dept. reports quoted two highly placed intelligence sources explanation that the explosion was in Israel’s interests as it aided to ‘divide and conquer’ to disrupt the PLO by setting one faction against the other.
The sources said Israel had secretly provided funds to Abu Nidal’s group.”
eranos, which defrauded more than $700 million from its investors before it collapsed.
His grandson Tyler Shultz worked at the company before becoming a whistleblower about the fraudulent technology.

Sabri Khalil al-Banna (Arabic: صبري خليل البنا; May 1937 – 16 August 2002), known by his nom de guerre Abu Nidal, was the founder of Fatah: The Revolutionary Council (Arabic: فتح المجلس الثوري), a militant Palestinian splinter group more commonly known as the Abu Nidal Organization (ANO).[1] At the height of its militancy in the 1970s and 1980s, the ANO was widely regarded as the most ruthless of the Palestinian groups. Abu Nidal (“father of struggle”) formed the ANO in October 1974 after a split from Yasser Arafat’s Fatah faction within the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Acting as a freelance contractor, Abu Nidal is believed to have ordered attacks in 20 countries, killing over 300 and injuring over 650. The group’s operations included the Rome and Vienna airport attacks on 27 December 1985, when gunmen opened fire on passengers in simultaneous shootings at El Al ticket counters, killing 20. Patrick Seale, Abu Nidal’s biographer, wrote of the shootings that their “random cruelty marked them as typical Abu Nidal operations”. Abu Nidal died after a shooting in his Baghdad apartment in August 2002. Palestinian sources believed he was killed on the orders of Saddam Hussein, while Iraqi officials insisted, he had committed suicide during an interrogation. “He was the patriot turned psychopath”, David Hirst wrote in the Guardian on the news of his death. “He served only himself, only the warped personal drives that pushed him into hideous crime. He was the ultimate mercenary.”
Abu Nidal – Wikipedia
From the outset, the Myth of the Holocaust has had its problems with “the numbers game”.
It has not been easy to sell the story of the “extermination” of an entire people, when that people are more numerous, more visible, more prosperous, and more powerful in more countries than at any time during its history.
It is even more difficult to sell the story of “survivors of death camps”, who survived, not one year, but stays of four to six years in “death camps”, in which, according to the testimony of the “Survivors”, “everyone was being killed every day”; survival, not merely in one “death camp”, but tours of five or six camps over a period of four to six years.
The casualty rate would be higher on a bus tour of the Bronx.
It took a certain amount of raw courage to fix on the number of those “exterminated” at the magic figure of “six million” during a period when the world census of Jews showed an increase from ten million to twelve and a half million.
Even the most hardened Jews shrank from the certain exposure and censure of peddling such fantastic lies to the most gullible of the goyim.
Fortunately, they did not have to.
If Ronald Reagan expressed some hesitancy at accepting the magic figure of six million early in his career, other goyim, notably, the great evangelists, showed no such qualms.
There is now some rivalry among the million dollars a week stooges who jumped on the Golden Bandwagon, but there seems to be little doubt that it was not Billy James Hargis, the Bible-thumper, but Billy Graham, “that nice boy from North Carolina,” who first struck gold in the Myth of the Holocaust.

Billy James Hargis (August 3, 1925 – November 27, 2004) was an American Christian evangelist. At the height of his popularity in the 1950s and 1960s, his Christian Crusade ministry was broadcast on over 500 radio stations and 250 television stations. He promoted an anti-Communist, segregationist message as well as evangelizing, and founded a radio station, monthly newspaper, and a college in Tulsa, Oklahoma to support his ministries. In 1974, several students at his American Christian College accused Hargis of sexual misconduct; however, the Tulsa district attorney found no evidence of wrongdoing. Hargis went into partial retirement, and the college closed in 1977. He continued to publish his newspaper and write books.
Billy James Hargis – Wikipedia
Graham soon proved his loyalty to the State of Israel, while Billy James Hargis and Rev. Carl McIntire huffed and puffed in his well-tailored rear.

Charles Curtis McIntire Jr. (May 17, 1906 – March 19, 2002), known as Carl McIntire, was a founder and minister in the Bible Presbyterian Church, founder and long-time president of the International Council of Christian Churches and the American Council of Christian Churches, and a popular religious radio broadcaster, who proudly identified himself as a fundamentalist.
In recent years, they have been surpassed by two even smoother peddlers of “fundamentalist Christianity”, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson.
Each day these servile shabbos goy pay homage to the Myth of the Six Million, urging their bewitched television audience to send more money to them, and of course, to Israel.
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