It’s a little over a month until Spring of 2025, time to learn human mentality when dealing with this world…

Blue Pill

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The blue pill is constantly administered to the masses & few can resist the comfort it brings.

Humans are not biologically programmed to live in the current world of excess information.

The burning curiosity of humanity has created a monster which cannot be controlled – our world has simply become too complicated for us.

The blue pill is a coping mechanism used to create a fictional version of our world which is not only simple enough for a plebian to understand but also matches their worldview.

Some blue pills are created by individuals in response to information overload, while others are maliciously given to people by the world elite through media & culture.

The blue pill has no political ideology.

They can find themselves in any conventional ideology, from simple progressivism & conservatism to communism & national socialism.

The blue pill is instead defined by a refusal to challenge own’s own beliefs, profound confirmation bias & an innate disdain for people outside of their comfort zone.

The blue-pilled live in:

  • apathy
  • ignorance
  • fear
  • hatred

& bliss.

The Matrix (1999) Ignorance is Bliss

Malignant Red Pill

A variant of the blue pill which insists it is red pilled.

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Woke – Wikipedia

These fallen souls begin carelessly taking red pills & found their way into vast piles of blue pills painted red.

They have succumbed to the will of the indigo pilled (see below), becoming slaves & useful idiots for the people they claim to oppose.

Meditation and the Useful Idiot – Yuri Bezmenov

MEDITATION – Library of Rickandria

Many would agree that these folk are more pitiable than the blue pilled, for their minds have become cemented & unwilling to accept new red pills, while the blue pilled can be made malleable.

The fallen red pilled will commit to the same coping tactics as the blue pilled, denying whatever challenges them & embracing whatever comforts them.

They become particularly dangerous when the blue pilled mistake them for the red pilled & consume their poison believing it will lead them to truth.

Red Pill

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Like the blue pill, the red pill can be found in diverse political & philosophical ideologies & does not belong to any political group.

The strongest political link of the red pill is a tendency to reject the status quo & an attachment to people & groups who oppose it.

Red pilled individuals seek truth & knowledge & will regularly seek out places & people who will challenge their beliefs & hone their intellectual skills.

They do not operate on confirmation bias.

The red pill could be said to exist on a spectrum, as the journey to enlightenment is long & spaced out.

The red pilled care for philosophy & principles & will seek to develop their own & live by them.

They care deeply for various fields of knowledge such as:

  • Biology
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Theology

& Psychology, deriving from their own knowledge of the working structures of the world, how information spreads & how people can be misled into falsely believing they are red pilled.

Their knowledge cannot be undone & they must now make a choice on how it will be used.

Black Pill

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Different people react to the red pill in different ways.

The black pill can be said to be the purest & most concentrated variant of the red pill.

The Rolling Stones – Paint It Black (Dance with the Dead Remix)

It is different from every other red pill variant in that the black pill will not help you.

What is the Black Pill? A Closer Look Inside The New “Red Pill” (

It is the heaviest of pills to carry.

To take the black pill is to sacrifice hope & comfort & all you hold dear in favor of absolute truth.

Unlike the white pill (see below), the black pill does not have faith in humanity.

Unlike the green pill (see below), the black pill does not have faith in God or miracles.

Unlike the indigo pill (see below), the black pill will not sacrifice his principles for power.

To a black pilled individual, the world has been broken, either inherently, through misfortune or through a natural cycle of growth & decay & the only solutions are either currently intangible or require the enlightened to conquer & dominate the weak-minded.

The goal of the black pilled is to fight for one’s integrity, the preservation of what good remains & for the potential rise of a savior.

Green Pill

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The green pill could be considered a retreat, or a coping mechanism used to deal with red pills.

‘The Matrix Resurrections’ Introduces Third Pill That Turns on Big Head Mode (

It can also originate out of pure curiosity & study.

The green pilled believe in magical & other worldly forces such as:

or most stereo typically, ascension from the material plane.

The green pilled do not have the same worldly fears as the red pilled or white pilled, for they believe in more than the material world that we inhabit.

They care little for worldly victory, either because they believe they will be rewarded in the afterlife or because they believe in a world greater than our own.

Through study of esoteric literature concerning:

  • metaphysics
  • theology
  • the occult

coupled with detachment from material desires, many of the green pilled hope to ascend from their physical bodies into the astral realm, where eternal boundless light awaits them.

White Pill

The white pill is the variant of the red pill in which the user becomes an active warrior of:

  • justice
  • ethics
  • truth

They fight an eternal uphill battle against the forces of evil, a battle which may be impossible to ever win, for the white pilled are inherently restrained by their own greatness.

They will not compromise their principles or morality in the name of victory, believing that doing so would lead to their fall & corruption into indigo pills.

The white pill places their faith primarily into any quantity of people, whether it be:

  • one leader
  • a party
  • a country

or all of humanity.

They believe in the active correction of injustices & the development of character & principles in the masses.

The white pilled find comfort in fantasies of victory & dread in the possibility of their fight being impossible or meaningless.

They are driven by hope for a better world.

Indigo Pill

Despite being the innate enemies of ALL other pills with no conscious allies, the indigo pilled experience unmatched power & victory.

They ARE red pilled, but they have abandoned their previously held principles & honor, believing them to be obstacles toward victory.

The indigo pilled view strength & victory as intrinsic goods & will sacrifice character for power.

They are the masters of the blue pilled & the architects of their ignorance, dispensing information engineered to bend the masses to their will.

From studying the techniques of the indigo pilled to become red pilled, they learned how to use the techniques themselves & gave in to temptation, becoming the forces of evil they once fought against.


The Real Matrix – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)

The REAL Pill to Swallow (

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