The ARC effort has spawned four critical covert programs:
- Global martial law before the alien presence becomes incontrovertible and undeniable, if that threshold is reached and world chaos threatens to break.
- Making our own ET look-alike fleet, and even, shame on us, faking returning heavenly Messiahs, just in case we need to trump any alien religion covert/overt hostile mass-psych-ops takeover card in that same regard.
- Needing to figure out reliable human consciousness interface to controlling captured alien craft and devices, in the effort to reach parity with the aliens, not really, but as far as Earth people are cogniscent or concerned!
- Releasing and slow popularization of long suppressed histories of heavenly contacts to the Earth, the interlocutor of which in the past been the Church for the modern western world, but today they are new channels (no pun intended).
(Indigenous cultures of course, have been seeing intelligent alien creatures on occasion for thousands of years, calling them angels and demons as well, and often harmless visitors, and have largely integrated their presence into myth, ritual and belief).
The Statement that “Aliens Are Demons” is Both True & False — Here is Why – Library of Rickandria
One big issue is this: If the ETs are connected to key religious characters of our history, then ET intervention and active culturing of their humanly ‘experiment’ on Earth have been going on since ancient times.
That is hard to swallow.
The idea of angels and devils was always a magical subjective world of beings and powers of myth and lore, not a hard nuts-and-bolts physical ET race with weapons and all.
To find out many heavenly religious benefactors of history and the ancients were just cloned, dickless bio-drones, carrying out orders in a heavenly hierarchy of hardware and alien super-science, is plainly a scary thought to just about anyone in power on Earth.
More likely, there are aliens who do have big dicks, so the question is – are they our friends or not?
These are questions techno-phallic top-doG centric worshipping, economic-warrior captains and lieutenants would naturally ask.
Abductions have involved lots of sex and reproduction related genetic control activities, after all, and this makes military dicks go limp.
And they are not alone. It makes the kings of power and influence all need Viagra.
They want to stop ET, but they don’t even really know who to hate, or how to stop them, and they feel awfully impotent in the face of ET’s incredibly advanced technology and powerful telepathy.
All our thoughts may already be under the microscope.
Big Brother might be ET far more than Echelon can ever muster, fiber-optic networked cooled supercomputers with (deleted) and all.
In fact, Echelon’s first and most secret task is to closely track the covert invasion already in progress and feared to be accelerating.
The Echelon Network – Library of Rickandria
For the highest intelligence and control echelon in ARC, Echelon is the eyes and ears and radar to track ET tracking us to keep tabs on the progression and revelation of any ET agenda.
Oh yeah, and a few terrorists, militaries, and multinational competitors on the side.
Now of course that is not the whole story.
The highest privileged need to know have discovered that some aliens are actually us time traveling from the future and working with yet other helper aliens to effect modifications on their own past genetic line.
Some ETs are us coming back to remake a future that went wrong.
Kind of a dimensional evolutionary emigration is going on, tinkering with the temporal lines.
Other ETs are ancient races that have a stake in our genetic pool or planet from the past, and the future.
ETs of all levels of temperament exist, from angels to devils.
Some aliens are humanoid, some look vaguely like any of the animals and insects we have on Earth.
Other ET are shapeshifters and dimensional travelers.
Boogie man time.
The genuine threat is they all seem to be converging on physical Earth in a massive covert contact and covert influence strategy, including genetic experimentation and possible religious takeover plans.
That’s the worst case anyway.
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