Talk to B (Ancient Hebrew may be new English backwards)

Talk to B (Ancient Hebrew may be new English backwards)


The one thing we’re talking about today is the English alphabet.



Bob Marley – Three Little Birds (Ricky Mears Remix)

Everybody knows in the English we read from left to right.

Which Languages Are Written From Right to Left? – WorldAtlas

We got 26 letters.

When did the English alphabet first exist, and why are there 26 letters in the order we know them today? | HistoryExtra

The Origin of the English Alphabet (and all its 26 letters) (

Why does the English alphabet have 26 letters? (

There Used to Be Six More Letters in Our Alphabet! | Reader’s Digest (

Interview: Michael Rosen , Author Of ‘Alphabetical’ | : NPR

We read from left to right.

Why are most languages read from left to right?

What if we’re just speaking ancient Hebrew backwards?

On Hoova, Hoovids & Hebrews – Library of Rickandria

We’re speaking backwards.

De Staat – Running Backwards Into The Future (official music video)


The Origin of Matthew McConaughey’s ‘Alright, Alright, Alright’


Paleo-Hebrew alphabet – Wikipedia



First letter, you can tell that’s an A, but it’s flipped.

Everything is flipped.

The Tower of Babel – Library of Rickandria


Jesus Jones – Right Here Right Now [J aWay Remix]

And they give no credit to the Hebrew for the English language, even though they’re using the word alphabet, which is literally the first two words in the Hebrew.

Blackalicious- Alphabet Aerobics Lyrics

Aleph and bet.

Psychostick – Heavy ABCs (Official Music Video)

Aleph + bet = Alphabet

Psychostick – “ABCDEath” [OFFICIAL VIDEO] Metal Alphabet ABC’


Mac Miller – Right

And y’all know y’all can recognize a lot of these letters, but they’re all flipped.

I mean down from the periods, parentheses and everything.

Look, Y, A flip, Y flip.

P flip, L flip, everything’s flipped.

We’re reading backwards.

These Backwards Messages in Songs Should be BANNED!

Our directions are backwards.

Cardinal direction – Wikipedia

This is a 1904 World’s Fair map.

1904 World’s Fair: Looking Back at Looking Forward (

And if you come here, you can see that West is where East is supposed to be at.

East is where West is supposed to be at.

South is where North is supposed to be.

And North is where South is supposed to be.

It’s all flipped.

chin-up-kid.mp4 304 KB View full-size Download

Everything’s flipped around.

local-sun-and-local-moon-filmed-from-plane.mp4 1.01 MB View full-size Download

One big flip around.

Dumb cat spinning.mp4 759 KB View full-size Download

So, we might be speaking Hebrew backwards.

Everything’s flipped.

horse-and-goat.mp4 1.05 MB View full-size Download

Look at it.

Ren and Stimpy Look on the Bright Side of Life


Roxette – The Look (DJ Pantelis Remix)


Taylor Swift – “Look What You Made Me Do” PARODY

We’re doing it wrong.

When Everything Goes Wrong | Fails Compilation + HUGE Playlist

What if your right hand is actually your left hand?

And because almost everybody’s wicked, we’re all born right-handed, but that’s actually left-handed.

wicked | Search Online Etymology Dictionary (

The world is flipped.

Nightcore – Season of The Witch

WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria

English is Hebrew backwards.


Speaking of backwards, here is an interesting phenomenon:

Reverse Speech II 8/13

Reverse speech – Wikipedia

Reverse Speech II 12/13
The demon-haunted sentence_ A skeptical analysis of reverse speec.pdf 371 KB View full-size Download
reverse-speech.pdf 147 KB View full-size Download
CIA-RDP96-00792R000500380002-0.pdf 362 KB View full-size Download

Your BACKWARD voice reveals all your secrets (And the CIA knows it)

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria

Modern English is Hebrew in Reverse

English is reverse Hebrew?


In ancient mystery school, Pythagorean Mathematics, there’s only nine numbers in the universe.

Nine numbers.

Ten is actually one plus zero, that’s one.

A universe of 10 dimensions (

Why Does Our Universe Have Three Dimensions? | Live Science

How Many Dimensions Does the Universe Really Have? | NOVA | PBS

We Haven’t Been Zapped Out Of Existence Yet, So Other Dimensions Are Probably Super Tiny | Smart News| Smithsonian Magazine

Do we know how many dimensions there are? |

How Many Dimensions Are There? (

How the universe could possibly have more dimensions | Space

Zeros are placeholders.

That’s a man-made creation.

Creators’ language is math.

There are only nine numbers in the universe.

One through nine.

The numbers have a resonance, a frequency.

A deep sacred geometry.

And that is three sixes and nines is special.

Very special.

Who said that?

How about last century’s greatest genius?

Not Einstein, Nikola Tesla.

Tesla taught his students John Keely and Royal Raymond Rife and others.

If humanity only knew the powers of the three sixes and nines, it would be a completely different universe.

Not just world, universe, said Tesla.

The alphanumerics, alphabet numbers, of the English language.

One through 26.

The Origin of the English Alphabet (and all its 26 letters) (

But we talked about earlier, there’s only nine numbers.

So, you’ve got to use the Pythagorean Mystery School math method of reducing the double digits into the single digit integers.

So, you take one through nine.

Ten is one plus zero, that’s one.

Eleven, one plus one is two.

One through nine, one through nine, one through eight.

Then he took the words:

  • faith
  • trust
  • God 

Oh wow, isn’t that interesting?

He noted they’re all eights.

The infinity sign.

God’s number.

Nine is completion.

Now you might say, oh well that’s nothing fancy.

youdontsay.jpg 15.7 KB View full-size Download

There’s nothing, you know, it’s just interesting, but it doesn’t prove anything.

Here you go.

In the Bible, the Creator never adds or subtracts.

Always multiplies.

Xzibit, Nate Dogg – Multiply (Video)

So, you take the multiples of eights.

One times eight equals eight.

Two times eight equals sixteen, where one plus six is seven.

Three times eight equals twenty-four, where two plus four is six.

Four times eight equals thirty-two, where three plus two is five.

Suddenly, Eureka!

Fact or Fiction?: Archimedes Coined the Term “Eureka!” in the Bath | Scientific American

You have a 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 9.

1 80’s Disco Theme (3-2-1 Contact Dance Remix)

Countdown pattern.


Perfect (Exceeder)

For the English language in reverse.

There’s a reversal here.

Mathematical to language, alphabet.

But interesting, when you then see, you take the English alphabet backwards to the English alphabet forwards, add them together.

8 plus 1 is 9.

7 plus 2 is 9.

6 plus 3 is 9.

5 plus 4 is 9.

It’s always 9.

That means it’s perfect.

The Smashing Pumpkins – Perfect (Official Music Video)

Math never lies.

That’s why it’s God’s language.

1 and 1 is always 2 unless you’re a cheater, right?

But what’s fascinating and definitive is that you see that the English language that we’re speaking today is laid out perfectly mathematically, but backwards.

Now you begin to see that there are sacred languages.

The sacred languages were:

and Babylonian.

That when people spoke those languages, there was a resonance of basic fundamental mathematics, a musical resonance in the voices, in the communications.

People were singing together, not just speaking together.

And that when they did that, it had this:

  • communion
  • interpersonal communication
  • communion from the hearts

And it had this uplift spiritual, this blessing anointing coming from the Creator so that we could be in communion.

This whole process of pulling it down and together and being blessed with that flow of community and communication for divine communion, ultimately the expression of divine in each of us.

So, this is what we realized.

You read Hebrew from right to left.

You read English from left to right.

Flipped, reversal.

Now, this is absolutely certain.

I showed you, for example, that X’s are sixes.

X’s are sixes.

So, to show you how this truth is infiltrated into our culture, by design, not mistake, and that the global industrials who are, who have done that, are still using it.

And we see it, but we don’t see it.

We see it all the time, but we don’t know it.

Faith No More – Epic (Official Music Video)

Here are some examples.

This is, I actually, in the book, “Death in the Air,” decoded the Illuminati’s code that you see in their logos.

17 Secret Messages Hidden in Tech Logos | PCMag

You see them all over.

I’ll give you some examples.

X’s are 6’s.

So, are O’s.

So American Idol, which my family adores.

I do too.

Idol worship.

It’s on Fox.



But that’s not where it ends.

It’s infiltrated completely into our culture.

You sign your letters to loved ones.

X’s and O’s at the bottom.

Kisses and hugs.

Hugs for Thugs

You’re writing 66666666.

When you play tic-tac-toe, board X’s and O’s.

Tic Tac Dough – 7 (1984)

George Orwell & 1984 – Library of Rickandria

At the end of the game, you got 6666666666.

9 6’s.

6 times 9 is 54.

5 plus 4 is 9.

That’s completion.

End of the game.

RockefellerRothschild, Cartel.

That they, that they deceive the wealthiest men of all the nations and practice sorcery.

He-Man – Origin of the Sorceress – FULL episode

The Black Monday Murders 01 – Anna’s Archive (

Black.Monday.Murders.T01.FRENCH.HYBRiD.COMiC.eBook-PRiNTER.pdf – Anna’s Archive (

The root word of sorcery is pharmacopeia.

Teela became the new Sorceress of Castle Greyskull / He-Man Netflix

Pharmacopoeia – Wikipedia

Pharmaceuticals is the root word of sorcery.

Adam And Teela Transformation | He-Man Masters Of The Universe Revolution

And they cast magic spells to do it.

It says that’s exactly what the hypnosis machines called a television are.

Casting magic spells, indoctrinating people into the cult, into the deceptions.

WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria

Thank you to the Rockefeller Cartel.

Operating on behalf of the royalty of Europe and the banksters of Europe, that are running Carnegie and Rockefeller institutes and foundations.

The fundamental mathematics of this starts with the whole note, the whole note in music.

Reflecting the whole cosmic system.

Now imagine you were God for a minute.

bender-i-was-a-god-once.gif 719 KB View full-size Download

Use your imagination.

And you were all that was.


You’d be bored.

Moreover, think about this for a second.

If you were all that was, if you expanded yourself as, let ‘s say you were God, in all directions to infinity, in all directions, massive outward growth and beyond, beyond, until there was nothing left but you, there would be nothing else but you.

That means everything and nothing is the same.


It’s all in that one symbol.

That’s what that symbol represents.

Now, the shortest distance between two points, the creator and you, is a straight line.

So, you divide that, now you’ve got the rudimentary 8, which is the infinity sign on its side.

You see 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 180 degrees, it’s all masonic, it’s all architecture, it’s all sacred geometry, it’s all the buried mathematics.

Now flip this up, look, you flip this one up here, flip this one down here, now you got your X.

image.png 1.03 MB View full-size Download

That’s how you came up with your X’s, which are actually also alphanumerically the six es, which I share with you, is a symbol.

Why is Twitter called X now? Elon Musk’s rebrand explained and where it’s going next | TechRadar

Like you see how the, divide the eight and a half, you got your three, but you also have this six here, cut off a little piece here, you got your six, which represents the spiraling down, spiraling down from heaven to manifest into earth.

And nines, the opposite, completion, going back up, rejoining creator in the wholeness of heaven.

That’s the sacred understanding underlying our most fundamental mathematics.

The Hebrew Origin of the English Alphabet

The Hebrew Origin of the English Alphabet

The old Hebrew alphabet was adopted by the Greeks around the 12th century BCE.

The first five letters of the Hebrew alphabet are:

  • Aleph
  • Bet
  • Gimo
  • Dalet

and He.

The same letters adopted by the Greeks became the:

  • Alpha
  • Beta
  • Gamma
  • Delta

and Epsilon, meaning simple E.

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While Hebrew is usually written from right to left, Greek was written from left to right, and the orientation of the letters were reversed.

Over the centuries, these ancient Greek letters evolved into their modern Greek forms.

Our English alphabet is Roman, and because the Romans adopted the Greek alphabet, we are able to see our own modern English alphabet in these ancient Hebrew turned Greek letters.

we-are-the-romans.jpg 1.46 MB View full-size Download
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

and E.

Jackson 5 – ABC [The Reflex Revision]


The Hebrew Language is the DNA of Creation – Library of Rickandria

Does Covid spelled backwards mean ‘possessed by an evil spirit’ in Hebrew?

Does Covid spelled backwards mean ‘possessed by an evil spirit’ in Hebrew?


Hey guys, JM here at Disciple Dojo.

A friend sent me this article today on Newsweek.

Fact Check: Does COVID Backwards Mean ‘Possession by an Evil Spirit’ in Hebrew? (

Does COVID backwards mean possession by an evil spirit in Hebrew?

Somebody has tweeted and put it on Reddit.

COVID spelled backwards is DIVOC.

DIVAK in Hebrew means possessed by an evil spirit.

And so, I’ve spent today poring over ancient Hebrew texts and sifting through the theological word books of the Old Testament.

Was God trying to tell us all along about COVID and its connection with the Mark of the Beast and the New World Order that’s arising, and he did it by putting it in plain sight by spelling it backwards in Hebrew?


This_guy.gif 1.76 MB View full-size Download

PolitiFact | No, COVID spelled backward doesn’t mean evil spirit possession in Hebrew

Stop being a moron!

conspiracy-zone.gif 326 KB View full-size Download

Conspiracy Theories – Library of Rickandria

This is complete nonsense!

4RxF3GD.gif 745 KB View full-size Download

Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rickandria

That’s it!

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Jews & the Occult – Library of Rickandria

End of video!

newman-laughing.gif 493 KB View full-size Download


On the other hand, Dybbuk backwards (Kubbyd) sounds very similar to covid if you really want to grasp at straws.

The Origins of the Dybbuk – How the Kabbalah Transformed Possession & Exorcism of the Evil Dead

Kabbalah – Library of Rickandria

In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk (/ˈdɪbək/Yiddishדיבוק, from the Hebrew verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq meaning ‘adhere’ or ‘cling’) is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. 

Trachtenberg, Joshua (2004) [Originally published 1939]. “Glossary of Hebrew Terms”. Jewish Magic and Superstition. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. p. 333. ISBN 978-0812218626. Retrieved 10 January 2023. Dibbuk – spirit of deceased person which has entered body of living person.

Jewish Magic and Superstition: Glossary of Hebrew Terms (

It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its goal, sometimes after being exorcised.

Avner Falk (1996). A Psychoanalytic History of the Jews. Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press. p. 538. ISBN 978-0838636602.

“Dybbuk”, Encyclopædia Britannica, retrieved 10 June 2009

Dybbuk | Jewish Spirit, Demon Possession & Supernatural | Britannica

Gershom Scholem“Dibbuk”Encyclopaedia Judaica.

Dibbuk (Dybbuk) (


Dybbuk comes from the Hebrew word דִּיבּוּק‎ dibūq, meaning ‘a case of attachment’, which is a nominal form derived from the verb דָּבַק‎ dāḇaq ‘to adhere’ or ‘cling’.

See A. Sáenz-Badillos & J. Elwolde, A History of the Hebrew Language, 1996, p. 187 on the qiṭṭūl pattern.


The term first appears in a number of 16th-century writings, though it was ignored by mainstream scholarship until S. Ansky’s 1920 play The Dybbuk popularized the concept in literary circles.

Spirit Possession in Judaism: Cases and Contexts from the Middle Ages to the Present, by Matt Goldish, p. 41, Wayne State University Press, 2003

Earlier accounts of possession (such as that given by Josephus) were of demonic possession rather than that of ghosts.

Tree of Souls:The Mythology of Judaism, by Howard Schwartz, pp. 229–230, Oxford University Press, 2004

These accounts advocated orthodoxy among the populace as a preventative measure.

Michał Waszyński’s 1937 film The Dybbuk, based on the Yiddish play by S. Ansky, is considered one of the classics of Yiddish filmmaking.

“The Dybbuk”The National Center for Jewish Film. Retrieved 29 October 2014.

“The Dybbuk” (Der Dibuk), 1937 — Clip: The Dance of Death

The Dybbuk (Der Dibuk), 1937 — Clip: Souls of the Dead

“The Dybbuk” (Der Dibuk), 1937 — Clip: Invoking Darkness


The Dybbuk – Jewish Films

Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar rebbe (1887–1979), is reported to have supposedly advised an individual said to be possessed to consult a psychiatrist.

Traditionally, dybbuks tended to be male spirits who possessed women on the eve of their weddings, typically in a sexual fashion by entering the women through their vaginas, which is seen in Ansky’s play.

Levin, Sala. “Jewish Word: Dybbuk”. Moment Magazine.

Jewish Word // Dybbuk (

In psychological literature, the dybbuk has been described as a hysterical syndrome.

Billu, Y; Beit-Hallahmi, B (1989). “Dybbuk-Possession as a hysterical symptom: Psychodynamic and socio-cultural factors”. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Science. 26 (3): 138–149. PMID 2606645.

Dybbuk-possession as a hysterical symptom: psychodynamic and socio-cultural factors – PubMed (

In popular culture

Few topics in Jewish theater history have inspired as many stage treatments as the dybbuk.

A review of the innovative approaches to the subject was presented by EgoPo Classic Theater in English translation from the Yiddish, as penned by Joachim Neugroschel and adapted by Tony Kushner, the production directed by Lane Savadove.

Containing detailed background information on the history of the dybbuk,

“Don’t ask me what happened. It’s best not to know!”: A DYBBUK, or Between two worlds – phindie

the article was first published by All About Jewish Theatre the world’s largest English-language Jewish theater website, before its demise in 2014, but recently rescued by Drama Around the Globe and republished by Phindie.

“All About Jewish Theatre” website: An Introduction

The Dyke and the Dybbuk is a 1993 novel by Ellen Galford.

The novel is a satirical story based in which an ancient dybbuk returns to haunt a modern-day London lesbian.

Max also has a show called Possessions which is an account of Dybbuk.

Possessions | Official Trailer | HBO Max

Gifting The Dybbuk Box | Paranormal Witness | Real Fear

The Most Haunted Item in the World Shakes Zak | Deadly Possessions

The Curse of the Dybbuk Box | Cursed Possessions

The Possession “The Real Dibbuk Box” Featurette

In the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, the Dybbuk was introduced as a disembodied demonic spirit that could possess and control dead bodies.

They parasitically inhabited mortal corpses in order to partake in their vices and would murder others to steal their forms.

First introduced in the third edition, they were remade for the fifth edition D&D, and the most current version, as of April 2023, can be found in Mordenkainen’s Monsters of the Multiverse (p.113).

In the 2009 horror film The Unborn, the main character is haunted by a dybbuk which appears as, among other forms, a dog with an upside-down head.

The Unborn Official Trailer #1 – Gary Oldman Movie (2009) HD

The Possession is a 2012 American supernatural horror film directed by Ole Bornedal and produced by:

and written by Juliet Snowden and Stiles White.

In this movie a young girl gets possessed after buying a dybbuk box at a garage sale.

The Possession Official Trailer #1 (2012) – Horror Movie HD

The 2017 Indian Malayalam language horror film Ezra is about main characters getting possessed by evil spirits after they come in contact with a dybbuk box.

Ezra | Malayalam Movie Trailer | Prithviraj Sukumaran, Priya Anand, Tovino Thomas | Official | HD

Ezra was remade in Hindi in 2021 as Dybbuk.

Dybbuk – Official Trailer | Emraan Hashmi, Nikita Dutta, Manav Kaul | New Horror Movie 2021 | Oct 29

Dybbuk movie best scene |🔥 horror scene of 2021 dybbuk😱|Rapchik scene – YouTube

In 2019, the short film “Dibbuk” directed by Dayan D. Oualid deals with an exorcism within the Parisian Jewish community.

Short film teaser – DIBBUK

Dibbuk (Short 2019) – IMDb

CHIMERA un nouveau film de Dayan David Oualid avec Michael Charny – BANDE ANNONCE

See also:

Dybbuk – Wikipedia

Other Links:

Is English Derived from Hebrew? – Tablet Magazine (OCTOBER 31, 2013)

That English You’re Speaking? It’s Hebrew. (Well, Some of It.) – Tablet Magazine (JANUARY 26, 2016)


The Sounds of Ancient Languages

The Sounds of Ancient Languages – Library of Rickandria

Is the English Language Really Reversed Hebrew? (

2 throughts on "EDUCATION: Is the English Language Really Reversed Hebrew?"

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