DECEMBER 4, 2022
Last week two people mentioned the book ‘The Only Planet of Choice’ (1) in connection with the Hoova and the Anunnaki (2,3).
This page starts exploring the possible links between the Hoova and the Hoovid and the Hebrew people.
I would recommend everyone to think along and see what we can discover together.
Dr. Michael Salla (4) and Elena Danaan have spoken about Phyllis Schlemmer’s, The Only Planet of Choice, when referring to a group called the Nine, whom Elena had the pleasure to meet (5).
The Nine would have spoken through their spokesperson ‘Tom’ to various people, amongst them Gene Roddenberry.
Eugene Wesley Roddenberry Sr. (August 19, 1921 – October 24, 1991) was an American television screenwriter, producer, and creator of Star Trek: The Original Series, its sequel spin-off series Star Trek: The Animated Series, and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Born in El Paso, Texas, Roddenberry grew up in Los Angeles, where his father was a police officer. Roddenberry flew 89 combat missions in the Army Air Forces during World War II and worked as a commercial pilot after the war. Later, he followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the Los Angeles Police Department, when he also began to write scripts for television.
In that particular book the Nine talk about 24 Seeder Races and they name a few of them, like:
- the Altea
- the Hoova
- the Aragun
and the Ashai.
In September 2022 Elena Danaan published her book ‘The Seeders’ (6) and for the first time in human history (well, as far as I know of, that is) she portrayed the 24 members of the P’Tal, of whom 11 would have directly contributed their genomes to humanity (7).
THE SEEDERS, THE RETURN OF THE GODS – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Fortunately, the four seeder races mentioned in Schlemmer’s work seem to match the ones given by Elena Danaan.
We have come to meet the Altea, with Oona as the main representative (8,10).
Then there are the insectoid Ashai, the reptilian based Arag’un and the humanoid Hoovids (see drawing).
13 species that are part of the 24 Seeder races did not contribute anything of themselves to our genomes.
We did end up with 24 seeder races, but the additional 13 (or more) were from our own galaxy (7).
I’m not sure to which 24 seeder races the Nine in the Only Planet of Choice are referring.
Based on the similarities between their names, their descriptions, it would seem likely that the Hoova in ‘The Only Planet of Choice‘ are the same race of Intergalactic Seeders as the Hoovids in Elena’s work, especially when their home world is called ‘Hoova’.
The word ‘Hoovid’ is also often mentioned in Schlemmer’s work.
But what about the rest?
How do the descriptions of the Hoova and the Hoovid match?
Elena Danaan has not said a lot about the Hoovid.
In her book she writes that their home world is Galaxy NGC 6702 which is visible through the Lyra constellation.
NGC 6702 Galaxy Facts (UGC 11354) & Distance – Universe Guide
Their star system is called Hoova and their culture is widely spread in that particular galaxy.
They appear as smaller, darker skinned with dark hair, and they would have a life span of 500,000 to 1,500,000 years (9).
And there would be three polarities within their species.
Their communication can be both vocal as telepathic and they would have a colony in Inner Earth (6, p.98)
Here are a few quotes from the Only Planet of Choice that link the Hoova to the Hebrews.
“There are other civilizations – and there are amongst you incarnate souls from those civilizations who have come to help Planet Earth.
One of these civilizations, Hoova, was the civilization that originally seeded Planet Earth, as did some of the others, but Hoova re-seeded Planet Earth on three occasions.
Hoova is the civilization from which the Hebrews derive: hence the importance of the Hebrews. Hoova is the civilization that brought forth the Nazarene.” (1, p.24)
“A Hoovid would live approximately one million of your years.
The civilization of Hoova is the one that brought forth the nation of the Hebrews.
They came to Planet Earth for this in the time of Sumer (whence Abraham came), and at the time when it is said in your books about ‘the sons of the gods merging with the daughters of the Earth’ and they came one other time also.
As they were the one civilization that had sustained energy and were determined to survive, they elected to play a central historical role on Planet Earth their descendants represent a microcosm on Earth.” (1, p.36)
“Tom: It is in that realm. It is two polarities which exactly overlap and overlay, and each charges the other.
It is ‘as above, so below’ as with the emblem of Hoova – the six-pointed star, do you understand?” (1, p. 42)
“With great love Hoova of the Nazarene comes to bring love to the planet Earth.
They will set down a system to begin, to teach humans what they must do for themselves to help Planet Earth and the souls that are trapped.
They will explain the systems of the Universe.” (1, p.49)
How does all this fit in with the account of our history as it was presented by Enki in ‘The Seeders’?
If I would try to fit in the above information it would mean that certain seeders were a lot more active that other seeder-groups.
The Hoovids re-seeding Planet Earth on three occasions?
Are this perhaps three of the four periods that are described before the arrival of the Anunnaki? (11,12)
The lifespan of the Hoovid matches the one mentioned by Elena Danaan.
The ‘leader’ of the Hoovids is called Jehovah in Schlemmer’s book.
To me that sounds a lot like ‘Yahweh’ and that name gives me the creeps (3), but I might be too biased to understand that Jehovah might actually stand for something good.
The Hoova would have created the Hebrews, and they would have merged with the daughters of the Earth?
Haven’t we heard that in connection with the Anunnaki?
An important question in this is…when would this have happened?
I would say that the Hebrews were created after 372,000 BC which would imply that the intergalactic Seeders have interbred with humans even after the waves of all the species from our own galaxy?
And what about the story of the line of Abraham to Jesus which would hold the Enki-bloodline?
It can’t be both Enki-bloodline and Hoovid bloodline, can it?
And where is the Enlil-Ciakahrr-lineage that started about 3,700 BC in Schlemmer’s work? (13)
Why is there no mention of the Anunnaki at all?
I intended to add a perspective by Ashayana Deane on the Hebrew people as well, but things are already far too complicated as they are.
It is not an easy task to combine the historical account that is presented in Elena Danaan’s ‘The Seeders’ with the one presented in ‘The Only Planet of Choice’.
It would have been great if they both matched perfectly, but they don’t, in my humble opinion.
Some crucial elements do match fortunately, but others don’t, or I don’t understand it.
Perhaps you can help solve this intriguing puzzle?
Schlemmer, P. (1993) The Only Planet of Choice
A visitor from Ivory Coast, Joe Kanteny, wrote this to me:
“I don’t know if you have already read the book, in the book The Only Planet of choice, it is said that the Hoovids have sown the Jewish people.
In fact, each seeder race has a particularity:
- Altea is technology
- Aragun is medicine
- Ashai is art
the particularity of Hoovid is:
- individualism
- determination
- ego
To seed the humans of the Earth, the Seeders made a mixture of genome to create a really special race as you already know 11 Intergalactic genomes + 10 genomes of our galaxy.
The Jews had received a surplus of the Hoovid genome, which made them the proudest race on Earth and so, their impact on a planetary level is huge, and over time it had become a problem.
Initially the Hoovid genome was to enable the plan of incarnation through an individual consciousness unlike the hive consciousness of some breeds.
The problem is that the Jews had fallen into a form of pride, and therefore to repair this surplus the leader of the Hoovid in person decided to incarnate as a human to come and bring tolerance and fraternity to the Jewish people and by extension to the Earth, it was Yeshua.
When it was born the Star of Bethlehem was actually a Hoovid ship.
And today I was reading the history of the Anunnaki via the books of Zecharia Sitchin and I remember that Elena said that Yeshua is from the line of Enki, the famous line of the ancestor Adamu.
This is what makes me think that there is a link between the Anunnaki and the Hoovid. the two races both have dark skin.
And we both have a will power to learn to control, this will power that they transmitted to the earthlings.”
In a comment on the page “Some Doubts on the Enlil-Yahweh vibe” Voice of the One wonders whether the Hoova are Anunnaki or not.
Some Doubts about the Enlil-Yahweh-vibe | Galactic Anthropology
Contact with the Council of Nine & Roddenberry’s Star Trek Future – Exopolitics
Danaan, E. (2022) The Seeders
Our Intergalactic and Galactic Genomes | Galactic Anthropology
The Intergalactic Confederation | Galactic Anthropology
Thinking about life spans, read:
Having a Life Span of Two Thousand Years – The Metoni in the Proxima Centauri System | Galactic Anthropology
Aging and Disease as Galactic Anomalies | Galactic Anthropology
Different Faces of Immortality | Galactic Anthropology
While searching through ‘The Only Planet of Choice’ I came across this story on the Alteans, which matches nicely with Elena Danaan’s experiences and Enki’s account of our history as far as the continent of Atlantis is concerned (see Seeders, p.504):
“An example would be the civilisation of Altea; as we are in another realm of existence, we depend upon Altea for communicating with you.
They guard the body of our being while you are in communication with us, and they provide the technology for us to communicate.
Altea was also the head of what you know as the physical civilization that manifested upon Planet Earth as Atlantis.” (1, p.24)
Atlantis – Library of Rickandria
more on Atlantis:
“Tom: The land of Atlantis was developed by Altea, one of the major civilizations of the Twenty-Four, which was technologically advanced in many areas.
Those of Altea upgraded again and merged with those who had already been geneticized.
As Atlantis expanded over an enormous land mass, and colonized on far reaches of Planet Earth for they had the technological ability to do this – difficulties developed.
This was because of Planet Earth with its beauty, variety and sense of feeling, because of their love and their technological expansion, and because they were attempting to bring Planet Earth to its true fulfillment of paradise.
They became involved in the emotional feeling-state of physicalness and became very involved in the creation of larger and more prominent mating organs.
They also attempted, through their scientific knowledge and understanding, to genetically exchange creatures with soul-beings on Planet Earth through transplanting.
Do you know what we mean?” (1, p.99)
What really happened 439 thousand years ago? Two Conflicting Accounts | Galactic Anthropology
In the Seeders we can read:
The Pa-Taal performed four major global interventions on Earth, injecting new genetic input and performing DNA-upgrades.
The three other following important dates were:
- 424.000 BC
- 398.000 BC
- 372.000 BC
(6, p.493)
The Enlil Lineage | Galactic Anthropology
On Hoova, Hoovids and Hebrews | Galactic Anthropology
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