A History of the Baphomet – Library of Rickandria
True Satanism is Spiritual Alchemy and of the Ancient Pagan religions that preceded Christianity, Islam and their root of Judaism from hundreds to thousands of years.
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Islam
stole copiously from the original Ancient Pagan religions, removing all of the spirituality and replacing it with lies and corruptions.
The Vatican of the Catholic Church [the original Christian Church], has acted as a policing force to:
- persecute
- torture
- murder
anyone who had any Pagan spiritual ability or knowledge.
The Judeo/Christian/Islamic so-called “religions“ sole purpose is to mislead people spiritually and to deny them spiritual truths.
These programs are based upon the worship of corruption and a focus on death.
True Satanism is based upon knowledge.
To learn the truth, you must study.
The truth does not need to be explained in any certain way, nor does it have to be reinforced, in contrast to lies.
The plain truth is something you can see for yourself.
There are NO mediators in Satanism.
For those of you who are totally new to Satanism, bear in mind that there are some other sects of Satanists, or people who call themselves Satanists, that conform to Christian lies of what they believe Satanism to be.
True Satanism does not in any way conform to Judeo/Christian/Islamic claims, which are all false.
Some of these people are misled, others are infiltrators and others are of enemy souls.
Always be aware of these if you are new.
LOR is a massive website composed of literally thousands of articles.
We have learned through years of research that:
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Islam
are conspiracies and hoaxes of catastrophic proportions.
The Bible is NOT the word of “God” but was created and has been reinforced by human beings who have usurped ancient spiritual knowledge [that’s why the Bible has numbers], and have used this knowledge to become as gods, themselves and to enslave humanity.
Unbeknownst to most people, the populace has been under an intense self-perpetuating spell for centuries.
Satan is TRUTH and the Truth Will Set You Free.
“[Satanism is] mankind’s original religion” – Satan
We are committed to the restoration of True Satanism.
We look to the True Creator of the religion now known as “Satanism” and the Creator is Satan, himself.
For far too long, enemies and outsiders have been free to define Satan and Satanism to fit their own agendas.
Satan has rarely ever been allowed to speak for himself and reveal who he really is and what he is really about.
Satan is a real being.
He has interacted with many over the past several thousand years and he has left us his doctrines of the Al Jilwah, the Qu’ret Al Yezid and other manuscripts.
Satan does not in any way fit the Judeo/Christian or Muslim descriptions that have falsely defined him for so long, nor does he conform to the character depicted of him in Anton LaVey’s “Satanic Bible.”
In order to really know Satan, one must go to him personally, without prejudice or expectations.
One will find he does not conform to this or that denomination’s conceptions of “evil” which have been foolishly and thoughtlessly heaped upon him for centuries.
True Satanism is Pre-Judeo/Christian Paganism.
The facts are that:
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Islam
are late comers and are a reaction against Ancient Paganism which has preceded all three of these programs from hundreds to thousands of years.
Unfortunately, looking for answers from outside sources has been a common theme in Satanism because so much knowledge has been systematically removed and destroyed by the Christian Church.
The Christian Church invented a false history to conform to their agenda, which is keeping spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a few to the detriment of humanity.
We do not acknowledge or recognize:
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Islam
as legitimate religions.
These are in fact programs to replace spiritual knowledge with lies and corruptions, while extorting trillions upon trillions of dollars, and psychic energy, along with exploiting human misery and suffering to keep untold wealth, and spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a “chosen” few.
Judaism and Christianity are also extremely new, though they try to claim otherwise, with the latest major “religion” being Islam, which manifested itself less than 1,000 years ago.
We find these programs have their foundations built upon stolen, corrupted teachings and practices of the older religions and have nothing of their own.
We take the same stance where “Wicca” and “Neo-Paganism” are concerned as well.
Both of these are latecomers (both manifesting in the 20th century) and are corrupted versions of the original religions, that conform to the Judeo/Christian agenda of enslaving the world through the removal of true spirituality.
Our objectives are to enlighten people to the truth and expose all of the lies these recent so-called “religions” have created regarding:
- Satan
- Satanism
- Satanists
We do not recognize, nor do we acknowledge groups who characterize Satan or Satanism by Judeo/Christian concepts, or those, who like the late Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan members, do not acknowledge his existence as a real being.
We do not recognize any organizations, churches, etc, that claim to be Satanists, yet take their so-called “Satanism” straight from the Judeo/Christian Bible, conform to Judeo/Christian concepts regarding Satan, Demons [The Ancient Pagan Gods], or Satanism.
True Satanism existed long before any Judeo/Christian Bible or teachings.
These people are not Satanists, they are reverse Christians, or Jews.
The information on this site is the result of much research concerning the origins of real Satanism.
We encourage you to read and study freely and with an open mind.
Only when one’s mind is completely free and deprogrammed, can true enlightenment and learning come about.
There are different sects of Satanism.
Spiritual Satanism is concentrated on here.
Satanism is not a “Christian invention.”
Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.
Satanism is not about:
- spooks
- goblins
- vampires
- Halloween monsters
or other related entities.
Satanism is not about “evil.”
Satanism is not a “reaction to Christianity.”
Satanism is not about death.
True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity, which was our True Creator (Satan’s) intention.
We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being.
We know Satan to be the True Father and Creator God of humanity.
We know “Yahweh/Jehovah“ of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies.
This is evident in the many contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, revealing this text to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it credible, and to incite fear in order to control.
We are law abiding.
We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice.
This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible:
Deuteronomy 12:27:
“And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh.”
We have found Satanism is the original religion of humanity.
We have done our research.
Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.
Christianity was a reaction to the original Pagan religions, labeled as “Satanism” meaning “enemy/adversary” in Hebrew.
If you read through the information contained within this website, we prove this.
Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a “chosen“ few to the detriment of all humanity.
The powers of the mind and soul are very real.
People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.
The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as “evil” to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge.
Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.
Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all:
- learning
- knowledge
- inquiry
and free thought.
Spiritual Satanism supports the separation of church and state.
Satanists do not push Satanism or proselytize.
Spiritual Satanists acknowledge science and believe everything of the occult/supernatural to have a rational scientific explanation.
We believe humanity has been held back dangerously in this area due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its relentless attacks upon science for centuries.
We practice power meditation to advance spiritually and to elevate ourselves.
Power meditation is as essential for the human soul as food is essential for the human body.
The serpent, a symbol of Satan represents the fiery kundalini force coiled at the base of the spine, which upon ascending, transforms the human mind and soul to a much higher level of understanding and ability.
This is the true meaning of “Raising the Devil.”
The Serpent symbol of Satan also represents the DNA helix of life.
There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism.
For far too long, enemies of Satan such as the Christian churches have been at liberty to dictate lies concerning Satan and Satanism.
These lies have been the foundation of occult crimes and other heinous acts that they indirectly promote.
True Satanism has been actively and zealously suppressed for centuries and many out of ignorance believe lies about Satan and react accordingly.
Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion.
Satan accepts us as we are but guides us to advance ourselves to where we evolve to a higher level.
Spiritual Satanists are free to live their lives as they choose- responsibility to the responsible.
We live by natural law and encourage everyone to develop themselves to their fullest extent.
We know we “save” our own souls as opposed to claims of the Nazarene saving anyone.
Satanism is based upon the true transformation of the soul through power meditation.
The Nazarene is a fictitious entity, whose identity was stolen from some 18+ crucified Pagan Gods, such as Odin, who hung from a tree and is nothing more than a tool to keep humanity under the control of a chosen few.
The Nazarene has been used in Christian masses and services as a substitute for a human living blood sacrifice, revealing their true purpose.
The Judeo/Christian religion is a vicious hoax on humanity of catastrophic proportions.
For a hoax to succeed there has to be a lack of knowledge on the part of the victim.
The Christian religion and its cohorts actively suppress knowledge and free thought, encourage people to be slaves, and never advocate or teach anything for the betterment or advancement of humanity.
As opposed to the stories of how the Nazarene healed people; Satan shows us how we can heal ourselves and perform so-called miracles, using our minds and the powers of our own souls.
Through empowering ourselves, we have confidence, self-respect and achieve spiritual advancement and independence.
Spiritual Satanism places no limits on developing the powers of the mind- known as “witchcraft“ or “magick“.
We believe in justice and just as martial artists are versed in the uses of Dim Mak and other aspects of physical combat; Spiritual Satanists are versed in the Black Arts of “magick“ should they ever need them.
People who are unaware of these powers are defenseless against them, and the powers that be know this all too well.
Satan does not tolerate injustice.
Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires.
The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and “Jehovah“ names is inviting personal disaster.
The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.
Spiritual Satanism advocates:
- individuality
- liberty
- independence
It is obvious that Satan is not the “deceiver of humanity.”
His followers have been few in number and he doesn’t need copious amounts of:
- wealth
- power
- control
to keep his followers.
SPIRITUAL SATANISM – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
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