Invocation and evocation are two distinct magical practices that have been used for centuries.
Both words are derived from the Latin word vocare, which means to call forth.
Invocation involves calling upon spiritual entities to help with a particular task or goal, while evocation is the practice of summoning spirits or other supernatural beings to gain knowledge or power.
There are basically two ways of summoning an entity or working with energy:
“Evocation” and “Invocation.”
Spiritual evocation is summoning an entity whether it be a Demon, spirit, deceased person, elemental, or energy, and the being appears outside of the operator.
When working with energy, the energy is always on the outside of the operator and never inside his/her body.
With evocation, there is never a direct tie or connection.
Invocation is taking the spirit into oneself.
The being actually enters the operator’s body.
An example is invoking a Demon, and the Demon speaks through the operator using his/her voice to communicate.
Often when this happens, one’s voice may change, becoming deeper, raspy, or different in some way.
During séances, often the medium is able to produce a substance called “ectoplasm” to provide a luminescent material in order for the evoked spirit to manifest itself visibly.
This is a form of invocation as there is a direct connection with the spirit and the medium.
Dangers of Evocation & Invocation in Magick – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
What is the Difference Between Invocation and Evocation? (languagehumanities.org)
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