In exposing the Holy Bible as a book of Jewish witchcraft, always remember…the Jews are extremely clever, and they take control of both sides; both opposing sides, which they pretend to be fighting each other, but underneath it all, they are working for their agenda of world enslavement.
Just as many Christian churches, particularly the Vatican, pretend to be against and fighting communism, unbeknownst to the populace, they are working FOR communism, the Nazarene taught nothing but communism, his sermons, and even his life- quite like Karl Marx himself- lazy, and lived off of the charity of others like a parasite.
The USSR made a show of persecuting a number of Jews [they scream the loudest], when millions of innocent Gentiles were tortured to death, but this Jewish persecution is only for show, and they do not care if they have to sacrifice some of their own to reach their goal of world enslavement and domination.
For example, Joseph Stalin [real name Josef Dugasvilli, the meaning of the Georgian surname Dugasvilli is “Son of a Jew”], claimed to be anti-Semitic, but given his second wife was also Jewish [as were his children], and his communist heroes such as Vladimir Lenin and the other scum he was directly involved with, any idiot can see through these lies, which again, are there only to fool the masses.
Nearly all of the entire communist leadership and KGB were Jews and/or married to Jews and lived extremely well while the working classes were brutalized beyond the imagination.
This did not just include the USSR, but all other communist countries as well.
Prior to the fall of the “Iron Curtain” the USSR would also publicly support any country that was against Israel; pretending to be enemies with Israel, which beneath it all, is not the case, as both, work together for the same agenda.
As I have state before and will again… just how can Christianity really be at odds with the Jews, when every single page of the bible has the word:
and other kosher crap on it and above all, the Nazarene is Jewish from birth to death.
Given the spiritual energies put into Christianity by the ignorant followers, for centuries, the Jews have an endless supply to do as they please with.
This is their bulwark and their root.
This is why the bible is so full of numbers, specific verses [which vibrated in Hebrew are their mantras] and given the bible is planted in nearly every home in the world, Christianity is relentlessly pushed and coerced onto people [love Jesus or burn for eternity], the bible acts as a subliminal medium, a receiver for their workings.
Bible verses are memorized by many Christians.
What this does further, is it creates a very powerful link in the minds of many for which the Jews work their curses and their spells for attracting copious amounts of wealth.
Even their bible states regarding the Jews:
“Thou shalt prosper.”
Stolen from the Gentiles/Pagans/Goyim – Library of Rickandria
The “Holy Bible” serves as a link, as I mentioned in the above for their subliminal workings.
This is no different from having a bible in your home.
We are working for a higher purpose, for a better world through Satan.
We have identified and exposed the problems.
The Jewish power structure works relentlessly to destroy our civil rights and freedoms so that they can enslave us all.
Jewish greed knows no bounds.
Few Americans here know just how brutal life is and has been in many other countries.
The Jews are working very hard to change this.
In the early 1990’s, after the fall of the USSR, many cutthroat Jewish communists emigrated to the USA and have been working for the destruction of our country ever since, and this can be blatantly seen in the many open violations of our constitution and how our legal system has been rapidly deteriorating.
The USA is the last power on this earth that still has some laws protecting freedom of speech and the press, though these are very insecure and many of us are suppressed and harassed.
If the USA goes down, any smaller countries that are somewhat free will also go down and be under the yoke of communist control.
Many of you know it is a felony crime to deny or question the Jewish holoco$t in many countries…resulting in an automatic prison sentence.
Everything the Jew is and does, is blamed on Gentiles.
This creates confusion and makes for an effective diversion and distraction.
The same is with Satan…everything their Christian “God” is and does, they heap the blame on Satan and the Powers of Hell.
YHVH: The Truth About “Yahweh/Jehovah” – Library of Rickandria
Even though the truth is before them in the “Holy Bible” and one can see that Jehovah was a:
“Murderer and a liar from the beginning”
one only needs to look through the Old Testament and also that foul Nazarene ordering his followers to commit both theft and murder:
- Luke 19:27
- Luke 6: 1-5
- Luke 19: 29-35
and break other commandments:
Matthew 10: 34-36.
Christians and others cannot see this, as they have been deluded under a powerful spell.
Gentiles have suffered under Jewish communism.
I have written several articles regarding the slave labor situation in Red China.
This brutality is what Jewish communism is all about.
The Real Holocaust: The Jewish Murder Machine Called the USSR – Library of Rickandria
Quote from the Jewish Talmud:
Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L:
“Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts.
The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”
Unless each and every one of us fights for our freedoms, they will all be taken away.
As with the first pdf, on the Soviet slave labor, one can see the same identical thing occurring in Red China and in other parts of the world- disposable human beings; systematically broken, worked to death and replaced by more Gentiles.
Even a little research blatantly reveals the Jews are and have always been behind this, and that the bible is nothing more than a blueprint for Jewish communism in its teachings and indoctrinations [both the Old and New Testaments], along with the all-important purpose of working powerful spells for the Jews to profit tremendously.
Satan pulls off the drapes in our minds and wakes us up to the truth so we are aware and can see.
The Christians and related ignorant masses are under a most powerful spell.
That spell must be broken.
Christianity is the last stepping off point to Jewish communism.
When the Jews have full control, it has done its job and is no longer needed.
Communism’s Christian Roots
“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.” – Oswald Spengler
“Christianity and communism are very close spiritually and ideologically.
This is a fairly well-known concept that has been adopted by various thinkers, from Thomas More to Lev Tolstoy.
“Few people know that the world’s first socialist state was established in Paraguay and was based on the ideas of Catholic Jesuits before Marx created his teachings.”
“The “Society of Jesus” – the Jesuit religious order – in the Catholic Church was roughly equivalent to the KGB in the Soviet Union.”
Above quotes taken from “Pravda” [The main Communist Party Newspaper and leading newspaper of the former Soviet Union]
From the article:
Is there any difference between Christianity and Communism? 04/30/2013
“American Newspapers claim that Stalin has been preordained to save Christianity.”
-Josef Goebbels [1]
Communism is not anti-Christian, as is commonly believed:
In addition to this, the Catholic Church in China has over 70 million members and is growing.
There is also the Catholic Changchung Cathedral in Communist North Korea, the nominal cathedral of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Pyongyang, North Korea.
The Russian Orthodox Church worked hand in hand with the Communist Party in the USSR.
The violence against its Clergy during the revolution, was simply to weed out the Czarist elements from its ranks, and nothing more.
Stalin openly worked with the Orthodox Church to help the Communist war effort for the Red Army during the second world war.
Today in Russia, high ranking Clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church openly advocate a Christian Communist movement within their nation.
The Catholic Church also has had a strong hand in the Communistic, Liberation Theology in South America.
It’s no mistake Catholic Clergy could traverse the “Iron Curtain” during the cold war with ease.
Link to article from ‘Christianity Today.’
80 million Bibles printed in China – and counting (christiantoday.com)
“Ernst Bloch (1885–1977) was a German Marxist philosopher and atheist theologian.
Although not a Christian himself, he is said to have “bridged the gap” between Christian communism and the Leninist branch of Marxism.
One of Bloch’s major works, the Principle of Hope, contains such declarations as: “Ubi Lenin, ibi Jerusalem” [Where Lenin is, there is Jerusalem] and “the Bolshevist fulfillment of Communism [is part of] the age-old fight for God.” 2
In truth, Christianity prepares the populace to be open to and to accept communism.
There is nothing within the Christian doctrines or the teachings of the Nazarene that conflicts with communism in any way.
Christianity IS Communism.
Both programs work to enslave, using:
- terror
- brutality
- mass murder
and coercion.
The Catholic Church was the KGB of the Middle Ages, ruling through:
- terror
- use of force
- mass murder
The Inquisition is a blatant example.
Both programs prohibit the ownership of private property.
Christianity prepares followers on a subliminal level for communism.
Christians are indoctrinated to believe that poverty is a virtue.
Once this concept takes hold upon one’s subconscious mind, quite often, a serious lack of money is a result and this sometimes even lasts into future lives, speaking from a spiritual perspective.
What this does is it also creates a self-perpetuating program, and in turn creates generations of poor.
The Christian Churches then appear as helpers of the poor and benefactors, when all along, it was the Christian teachings that created and enforced the problem.
The Jew creates the problems and then gives the Jewish version of a damned solution for Gentiles.
There is nothing at all spiritual about Christianity.
Christianity is a tool for removing spiritual knowledge and powers and replacing these with meaningless robotic ‘prayers’ corrupted from and repeated in the same fashion as Far Eastern mantras, and endless indoctrination with false teachings aimed to imbed a fictitious status and history of the Jewish people in the minds of Christians, which is nothing spiritual at all.
Few if any Christian preachers can diagram the human soul, for example.
The removal of and the corruption of spiritual knowledge prepares the populace to accept the atheistic communist state.
Both Christianity and Communism present themselves as brotherhood programs, promoting:
- equality
- prosperity
- good will
and a better way of life, but upon closer examination of their real doctrines and histories, this is nothing more than a come along and beneath the surface:
- terror
- mass murder
- torture
- forced indoctrination
and keeping the populace ignorant are the bulwark of both of these programs.
Any fool who reads the Judeo/Christian Bible can plainly see the endless accounts of:
- mass murder
- pillaging
- rape
- enslavement
and threats of eternal torture and damnation if the doctrines are not taken seriously or adhered to, and above all, how Jehovah was a murderous monster who preyed upon Gentiles, no different from the communist programs.
“But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.” – Luke 19: 27
[Direct quote from Jesus, advocating murder]
“Rebellion” is a definite NO NO and is “of the Devil.”
Christianity also prepares followers for communism in that one is indoctrinated to endure injustice.
Nearly everyone has heard the biblical scriptures about turning the other cheek, walking the extra mile, loving one’s enemies and so forth.
These teachings work together with communism in destroying the justice system and personal rights.
Crime is allowed to get so out of control [as it already has]; that the populace is not only discouraged from fighting back, but if one should defend oneself, one is often punished for this.
What these Jewish programs do, is they set a trap.
Most people eventually are more than willing to give up their rights in favor of ultra-strict laws in order to control crime.
Both programs prohibit taking any personal action in the way of enforcing justice and place this responsibility in the hands of the state for communism, and in the hands of that so-called “God” for Christianity.
Any rebellion or fighting back is a grave offense.
The acceptance of abuse and injustice are both very necessary for establishing a slave state.
A slave must never try to fight back or rebel in any way.
Hate is another taboo in both programs.
A look into Communism’s birth:
Communism was created out of the organization “The League of the Just.”
The motto of the League of the Just (“Bund der Gerechten” or “Bund der Gerechtigkeit”) was “All Men are Brothers” and its goals were:
“The establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one’s neighbor, equality and justice”.
“At a congress held in London in June 1847 the League of the Just merged with members of the Communist Corresponding Committee headed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, adopting a new organizational charter and programme and reconstituting itself as the Communist League.” [3]
This is the basis of the Christian doctrine.
We can trace Communism’s roots back to the radical Liberal ideology in Europe.
Which itself is Christianity in disguise.
As Nietzsche stated about the French revolution and its Liberal ideology as the:
“Daughter and continuation of Christianity.”
This radical, universalist, egalitarian doctrine is at the heart of Christianity, and Liberalism with its stepping off point into Communism.
Where Liberalism then morphed into Communism openly:
“During the decade of the 1840s the word “communist” came into general use to describe those who hailed the left wing of the Jacobin Club of the French Revolution as their ideological forefathers.
This political tendency saw itself as egalitarian heritors of the 1795 Conspiracy of Equals headed by Gracchus Babeuf.
The sans-culottes of Paris which had decades earlier been the base of support for Babeuf — artisans, journeymen, and the urban unemployed — was seen as a potential foundation for a new social system based upon the modern machine production of the day.”
The French thinker Étienne Cabet inspired the imagination with a novel about a utopian society based upon communal machine production- “Voyage en Icarie” [1839].
The revolutionary Louis Auguste Blanqui argued in favor of an elite organising the overwhelming majority of the population against the “rich,” seizing the government in a coup d’état, and instituting a new egalitarian economic order.” 4
A review of the emerging trends from Christianity to Liberalism and into Communism:
Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ – Library of Rickandria
William Gayley Simpson’s:
Which Way Western Man – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Revilo Oliver:
“The other apostates I have mentioned, and many that are now forgotten, together with almost all of the anti-Christians of recent centuries, exemplify the operation of what may be called the law of cultural residues.
In all civilized societies, when a long-established and generally accepted belief is found to be incredible, good minds abandon it, but they commonly retain derivative beliefs that were originally deduced from the creed they have rejected and logically must depend on it.
Thus, it happened that modern enemies of Christianity rejected the mythology, but uncritically retained faith in the social and ethical superstitions derived from it — a faith which they oddly call rational but hold with a religious fervor.”
“They laugh at the silly story about Adam and his spare rib, but they continue to believe in a “human race” descended from a single pair of ancestors and hence in a “brotherhood of man.”
They speak of “all mankind,” giving to the term an unctuous and mystic meaning with which they do not invest corresponding terms, such as “all marsupials” or “all ungulates.”
They prate about the “rights of man,” although a moment’s thought should suffice to show that, in the absence of a decree from a supernatural monarch, there can be no rights other than those which the citizens of a stable and homogeneous society have, by covenant or established custom, bestowed on themselves; and that while the citizens may show kindness to aliens, slaves, and dogs, such beings obviously can have no rights.”
“They do not believe that one-third of a god became incarnate in the most squalid region on earth to associate with illiterate peasants, harangue the rabble of a barbarian race, and magically exalt the ignorant and uncouth to “make folly of the wisdom of this world,” so that “the last shall be first” — that they do not believe, but they cling to the morbid hatred of superiority that makes Christians dote on whatever is lowly, inferior, irrational, debased, deformed, and degenerate.”
“They gabble about the ‘sanctity of human life’ — especially the vilest forms of it — without reflecting that it takes a god creator to make something sacred.
And they frantically agitate for a universal “equality” that can be attained only by reducing all human beings to the level of the lowest, evidently unaware that they are merely echoing the Christians’ oft-expressed yearning to become sheep (the most stupid of all mammals) herded by a good shepherd, which is implicit in all the tales of the New Testament, although most bluntly expressed in another gospel, which reports Jesus as promising that after he has tortured and butchered the more civilized populations of the earth, there will be a Resurrection, and his ovine pets will pop out of their graves, all of the same age, all of the same sex, all of the same stature, and all having indistinguishable features, so that they will be as identical as the bees in a swarm.”
“Although the “Liberal” and Marxist cults have doctrinal differences as great as those that separate Lutherans from Baptists, they are basically the same superstition, and whether or not we should call them religions depends on whether we restrict the word to belief in supernatural persons or extend it to include all forms of blind faith based on emotional excitement instead of observed facts and reason.
When those “atheistic” cults scream out their hatred of “Fascists” and “Nazis,” they obviously must believe that those wicked persons are possessed of the Devil and should therefore be converted or exterminated to promote holiness and love.
And when they see “racists,” who impiously substitute fact and reason for unthinking faith in approved fairy stories, their lust to extirpate evil is as great as that of the Christian mob that dragged the fair and too intelligent Hypatia from her carriage and lovingly used oyster shells to scrape the flesh from her bones while she was still alive.”
“With very few exceptions, the anti-Christians, no doubt unwittingly, retained in their minds a large part of Christian doctrine, and they even revived the most poisonous elements of the primitive Bolshevism of Antiquity, which had been attenuated or held in abeyance by the established churches in the great days of Christendom.
And today, professed atheists do not think it odd that, on all social questions, they are in substantial agreement with the howling dervishes and evangelical shamans who, subsidized with lavish publicity by the Organized Jewry who control the boob-tubes and other means of communication, greedily participate in the current drive to reduce Americans to total imbecility with every kind of irrational hoax.”
“Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism.” — Oswald Spengler
We can witness this statement with the open banner of Christian Communism:
“Christian communists seek to achieve large-scale social change, however.
Some believe that, rather than attempting to transform the politics and economics of an entire country, Christians should instead establish communism at a local or regional level only.”
The Latin American branch of Christian Communist Liberation Theology, according to theologians such as Leonardo Boff; is rooted in the concept that,
“Prudence is the understanding of situations of radical crisis”.
Among Christian Communists, Historical Materialism is utilized as a methodology of analysis to define the nature of the crisis in question as a product of political-economic dynamics and modalities derived from the workings of what is termed “the late capitalist/imperialist mode of production”.
According to this subset of Liberation Theology, the challenge for the Christian Communist is then to define what it means (in context of “a concrete analysis of the concrete social reality”), to affirm a,
“Preferential option for the poor and oppressed”
as Praxis (active theory), and as commanded by an ethics allegedly:
“Rooted in the beatific teachings of Jesus”.
The Fictitious Jesus – Library of Rickandria
Christian Communist Liberation Theology is not about evangelization per se, but rather about developing an Orthopraxis (ethical action; The condition of coming to the light by doing the works of God), that aims to reconcile the “Beatific Ethics” of Jesus, as espoused in the Sermon on the Mount; with existing social struggles against what is termed “neo-colonialism” or “Late Capitalism”.
Both Christian Communism and Liberation Theology stress “orthopraxis” over “orthodoxy”.
A narrative of the nature of contemporary social struggles is developed via “materialist analysis” utilizing historiographic concepts developed by Karl Marx.
A concrete example is the Paraguayan Sin Tierra (landless) movement, who engage in direct land seizures and the establishment of socialized agricultural cooperative production in asentamientos.
The contemporary Paraguayan Sin Tierra operate in a very similar manner as that of the reformation era Diggers.
For Camilo Torres (the founder of the Colombian guerrilla group E.L.N.), developing this Orthopraxis meant celebrating the Catholic Eucharist only among those engaged in armed struggle against the army of the Colombian state, while fighting alongside them.

Christian communists hold the Biblical verses in Acts 2 and 4 as evidence that the first Christians lived in a communist society.
Thomas Wharton Collens‘ Preaching is a good description of biblical sources being used with the goal of a common property society; Prof. José P. Miranda, “Comunismo en la Biblia” (1981), translated as, “Communism in the Bible” (Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1982).
But, in addition, they also cite numerous other Biblical passages which, in their view, support the idea that communism is the most ethical social system and that it is inescapably constitutive of the kingdom of God on earth.
The most often quoted of these Biblical citations are taken from the three synoptic Gospels, which describe the life and ministry of Jesus.
One of Jesus’ most famous remarks regarding the wealthy can be found in Matthew 19:16–24 (the same event is also described in Mark 10:17–25 and Luke 18:18–25, and the metaphor of a camel going through the eye of a needle is common to both Matthew and Luke).
21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Should the word camel in Matthew 19:24 be thick rope? | NeverThirsty
Jesus also described “money changers” (i.e. those engaged in currency exchange) as “thieves” and chased them out of the Temple in Jerusalem.
8 Mistranslations in the Bible that Changed History (symbolsage.com)
This is described in:
- Matthew 21:12–14
- Mark 11:15
- John 2:14–16
In addition, communistic attitudes and implications can be found in Leviticus 25:35–38:
Most significantly, this is part of the Law of Moses, and as such is commandment rather than exhortation or airing of opinion.
This fact bears heavily upon subsequent discussion of the question of compulsory or voluntary relinquishing of riches, either as a possible entry requirement to Christian grace or as a means of achieving divine intentions for human social order. 5
- Page 108 The Goebbels Diaries, Edited and translated by Louis P. Lochner © 1971 by Universal-Award House, Inc.; 1948 by Doubleday & Company; Garden City NY.
- Christian communism – Wikipedia
- League of the Just – Wikipedia
- Communist League – Wikipedia
- Christian communism – Wikipedia
William Gayley Simpson’s Which Way Western Man?
Which Way Western Man? – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Weeds of the Same Root
Hitler was right in this statement of his to paraphrase what he stated:
“Communism aims to do on the physical level, what Christianity aims to do on the metaphysical.”
When Christianity receded during the period leading up to the Enlightenment, it was morphed into secular Christianity with Liberalism.
Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ.
Karl Marx was a Liberal “philosopher” who just as stated repackaged this into something to keep up with the time.
Communism is literally nothing, but Liberalism repacked into an industrial era modality.
Its stated aim is to manifest a society based totally on the radical egalitarianism of Liberal humanism.
The Jacobin’s of yesteryear became the Bolsheviks of later on.
People forget Liberalism plunged Europe into a sea of:
- murder
- violence
- chaos
And ruled its society with terrorism.
Literally called the Terror during the period the Jacobin’s sized power during the Liberal revolution in France in the name of the creed that later become Communism creed.
The Jacobin’s literally wiped out the best of the Frances upper-class.
It was total class warfare and the Jews where behind it all along.
Liberalism aims to literally wiped away the entire order of life in Western Civilization and replace it with its own order.
It’s no mistake the first Communist revolution on earth was in France in the 1870’s.
This is why today the Cultural Marxists [social Communism] blend into Liberalism so well.
They are both sects of the same Jewish creed.
One is just more open in its aggression.
This is why the left is always insane and stuck in Orwellian double think.
They are atheist Christianity.
True the Christard Right, is Theistic Communism and the Left atheistic Christianity.
The only difference.
It’s no mistake the Jewish Bolsheviks never destroyed Christianity in Russia.
They just wiped out the Czarist, Nationalists elements within it.
After that the Church and the Par-tay were in bed together the whole time.
This is the essence of Nietzsche’s, iconic statement of:
“God is dead.”
He was commenting of the fact Liberalism was simply atheist Christianity.
The Liberals had taken the values of the Christian gospels.
But rejected the theistic principal that animated them.
The Christian when asked for the authority of the claims of their values always stated:
“God said.”
Because this is the only claimed authority their value system is built upon.
But the Liberal for who the Christian God is non-existent.
But holds the same [perverse] values.
What shall they state when asked the same?
They repeat the same values as axioms without anything to hold them up under observation.
Nietzsche also stated:
“The Liberal is the Christian Priest in disguise.”
Kim II Sung the first leader of Communist North Korea openly stated that Communist principals are in perfect harmony with Christian ones.
In fact, they reflect each other.
Communist China has a Catholic Church of over 70,000 million people and growing.
Christianity is openly pushed and encouraged in China.
Where the ethnic Chinese culture was literally wiped off the earth by the Communists in the Cultural “Revolution.”
And replaced by a Jewish, Communist culture of control.
Any spiritual practices were banned by the death penalty.
Just to practice Qi Gong was to risk your life.
It’s what Christianity did as well in its conquests.
A former KGB defector from the Soviet Jewion warned American’s that the Communist Empire has created the American Left.
And where using these shitheels to Communize America to the point where they could manifest a open revolution and take power.
They stated these stupid Leftards would also be liquidated in the revolution as they are usefool idiots nothing more.
A step to something more direct.
Many Christian Priests, Christards and Liberals marched with the Communist ranks in the American 1960’s and 1970’s when Communist trained agent Martin Luther King was in full swing.
Along with his Jewish handler who was the former head of the American Communist Party in the 1950’s.
And who wrote that moronic “Dream” speech.
America had a full-on Communist, cultural revolution right under the banner of the cross.
Bible in one hand, the Communist Manifesto in the other.
Because it’s all the same Jewish racial warfare program at the core.
Just in different sects.
Branches of the same tree.
The end goal of the Jewish Bible of which the Jewish Torah forms the majority of the Old Testament is the Jewish messiah shows up unites the Jews and wipes out the Gentiles.
And rules over a slave humanity where everyone is literally one.
There is no difference in race, sex or appearance.
All hive minded drones.
Toiling for the New Zion.
Or Jew World Order.
This is what it comes down to.
Feminism is nothing but a wing of Communism that aims to destroy the biological and psychological differences between the sexes – by turning women into men and attacking women who wish to remain actually feminine.
The Jews are now running men’s movements where it’s the same Communist line but for men.
And this pits the sexes against each other while communizing them both [making them insane] and allows the Jews to conqueror that much more.
The Jews have even created a bogus materialistic scientism that simple acts as bogus scientific justification and base for their Communist agenda.
In this it covers over the truth of humanity origins, the nature of the universe and the spiritual reality of the human being.
And replaces it with junk like the Big Bang, Darwinism which is bizarre as it presupposes inequality on a biological basis.
But the Left pumps their Liberal humanistic jargon into it.
Morphing it to their shit-think more [Social Darwinism is also garbage].
And a whole host of kosher shit that is bunk.
All of this is policed with ruthless enforcement as Dogma.
And any scientist who goes against it is out the door.
They don’t even look at the data.
They just attack their moral and intellectual character.
Which is how Christians behave, along with Liberals.
The Nazi’s advanced a thousand years in a dozen years scientifically just by dismantling this Jewish materialistic, scientism.
They are the reason for all tech advancements that came into society after the war.
It was all from German scientists.
The Jews simply readapted what they had during the rule of the Vatican in Europe.
The bogus science the Church bases as absolute and beyond all question or else.
They infiltrate the scientific revolution with their money and power networks and turned it into a weapon of theirs putting the Goyim under control again.
They just brought the universities and put their people in the chairs and dictated what is to be taught and what attitudes with it.
True knowledge [science means knowledge in English] opens the doors to understanding the metaphysical reality behind all life and the soul.
Soul & Spirit – Library of Rickandria
It’s the true knowledge the Vedic world and Pagan world in general was built upon.
This is the dangerous situation the Christian wing has medieval dogma which most will laugh off with a mind.
But the Communist’s push the same agenda but call their lies: “science.”
And have created a whole pseudo-scientific jargon in all fields, to enforce this lie.
We are back to Christianity in a new guise.
Psychology and Psychiatry are Jewish creations and simply the opinions that Jews made up to give them power.
To enforce their Communist agenda.
Their Psychiatry/Psychological jargon literally forms the major basis of this.
It creates the false premise to attack the enemies of the Jewish agenda as mentality ill and then remove them from society forever and discredit their ideals and information.
As well as keeping the Goyim drugged up and doped out.
This is what they did in the Soviet Jewion and even to their enemies in America such as Commander Rockwell.
Who outsmarted them at this game thankfully.
Jew, Freud was one of the major people in the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism.
The Nazi’s publicly burned this Schools books as the Frankfurt School of Jews, stated aim was to destroy the German People and culture and pull them into International Communism.
This Jewish crap states your personality is just pathology [born in in and need the salvation of the Jewish Head Doc.
And sets Gentiles up for all kinds of horrid shit.
Back to Christianity with tools of the Christian Devil and Heretic’s.
Don’t like the Jewish Christard Church your literally in league with the Christian Devil nothing more.
This gives the premise to destroy their opposition and discredit anything they say.
So, we have not moved on.
We are still in the dark ages.
We can observe that Liberalism, Christianity and Communism, Democracy and Capitalism are all the same enemy paradigm.
In the very fact all the forces of these Ideologies put aside any petty differences they had to oppose and attack Nazism.
National Socialism the one eternal understanding in temporal form.
To this day the dregs of such ideologies still sneer with a vicious hate for Adolf Hitler and Nazism.
It’s the ultimate litmus test.
As the world becomes more Jewish by these annihilation ideologies.
The world also becomes uglier, and humanity becomes degenerate in the mind, body and soul.
The Swastika must smash the Cross, in order for the Supreme Order of Life to triumph on earth.
Even though Christ is fictitious, in a non-atheist way, his teachings spell out the tenets for:
- ultimate Liberalism
- Marxism
- Enemy Socialism
and yes, even Feminism.
There is a book out there titled “Jesus Was a Feminist.”
When I attack Feminism, I am not attacking women in any way, shape, or form; just how the Jews have perverted women’s rights into a program to snatch women away from us so they can be foot-soldiers for the Jews to damn Gentile humanity.
This is in the same vein that the Jews have perverted rights for homosexuals.
My eyeballs ache from research on all of this.
As much as the Jews work to confuse, and as much as they have tried to Christianize Nazism, if a person has any reading and comprehension skills, they will see that Christianity is the ultimate anti-Nazi creed.
Like Christianity’s more atheistic twins of communism, Marxism, etc., the “God” of the Bible truly is an obliteration device, as is shown in this Bible passage:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” – Galatians 3:28
For our enemies who want the lovey-dovey SHIT, where you turn the other cheek, love your enemy, resist not evil, blah blah blah, I think it is obvious that they are Christians at the soul and will never be able to reconcile themselves with True Satanism/Nazism, as the very idea of opening their spiritual eyes becomes a stumbling block because they don’t want to know the truth, as they cannot accept it.
Another observation I have made… Despite the Republican Christian Fundamentalists, Christianity ultimately embraces a mob-ruled Democratic One-World Government.
These so-called “right wing” Christians are praying and tithing to the funeral wreath of humanity…as long as they worship Jewsus and hold Christian “values/morality.”
To sum it up, Christianity and its atheistic counterparts are NOT enemies or at odds with each other in any way whatsoever, despite how the Jews try to make it look like communism is the solution to Christianity.
Such a viewpoint is like saying:
“Christianity is the solution to Christianity.”
Communism is just Christianity in another form, as it is what Christianity boils down to.
For those who want to know a little more about why Satan hates the Jews so much, I found the following whacky video to be revealing.
It shows how much the Jews really do love their Jewish lord Christ.
The Truth About “Jesus Christ” – Library of Rickandria
Christianity & Communism: Jewish Twins
The following excerpt was taken from “Nature’s Eternal Religion” by Ben Klassen
Nature’s Eternal Religion – Anna’s Archive (annas-archive.org)
Note* Although this article was written for a white audience, Jewish communism affects all Gentiles [non-jews] regardless of race, and this is definitely worth a read.
Christianity is a preparation for communism, its doctrines are identical with communist philosophy, and there is nothing spiritual about it.
All occult knowledge and power that would enable Gentiles to fight back through spiritual warfare [what the Jews have been using against us for centuries] has been systematically removed.
After being forcibly removed with the Inquisition, this power has been in the hands of the top Jewish rabbis to throw curses, create unimaginable wealth and power, and to use at will against Gentiles.
In other words, as the “YHVH“ aka “Jehovah“ is in truth the Jewish people, they become “God.”
Communism is another Jewish brotherhood scam that fools Gentiles into thinking it is for:
- equality
- peace
- better living
Nothing could be further from the truth.
It is a Jewish program of genocide, mass-murder, and slavery for Gentiles, regardless of color.
Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins
from “Nature’s Eternal Religion” by Ben Klassen
To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity.
We are led to believe that it is an all-out battle between good and evil.
We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict.
It is a sham battle.
The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the same thing — to destroy the White Race.
If we take a closer look at these two evil forces that have bedeviled and tormented the minds of the White Race for all these years, we find that they are not on opposite sides at all.
We find that they are both on the side of international Jewry, doing the job they were designed to do, namely: confuse and confound the White Man’s intelligence so that he himself will help the Jew in destroying the White Race.
In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites.
In fact, there are so many similarities in the two programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected.
That author is the International Jewish network.
They and they alone wrote both the creed of Christianity and the creed of communism.
Both communism and Christianity preach against materialism.
Communism designates those productive and creative forces of our society to which we owe in such large part the benefits of a productive White civilization, as “bourgeois.”
It then lashes out with unparalleled fury at the bourgeois and tells us over and over again that they must be destroyed.
Instead of giving credit where credit is due, it slanders and vilifies these constructive and productive elements, namely the bourgeois or the capitalists, as the ultimate in evil.
Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven.
It tells us that we should,
“Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor,”
an insidious piece of advice that, if followed, would make us all a pack of roving bums and beggars.
It would most surely cause the breakdown of our society.
Christianity further tells us:
“Lay not up treasures on earth but lay up treasures in heaven.”
Throughout, the implication is clear.
Don’t accumulate unto yourself any of the good things in life.
If, through hard work, you’ve already managed to accumulate some wealth, get rid of it, give it away, give it to the poor, above all, give it to the Church, they’ll take it, with relish.
The net result of this fantastically bad advice, of course, is that it will more easily pass into the hands of the Jews, who do not subscribe to such foolishness.
They hope to make fools of us, knowing very well the old saying,
“A fool and his money are soon parted,”
is only too true.
The other side of the coin is that the leaders of both Christianity and communism themselves are fantastically materialistic.
When we look at the Catholic Church on down through the ages, we find that whereas they were extracting the last mite from the poor widow, the church itself was gathering up and hoarding gold, silver and precious gems in unbelievable quantities.
Not only was it taking in and gathering all the gold, silver and precious stones that it could, but it acquired huge amounts of real estate, and the Catholic Church today is undoubtedly the most fantastically wealthy institution on the face of the earth.
Even through the Dark Ages when poverty was widespread, mostly because of Christianity itself, we find these huge and fabulously rich cathedrals, built in the midst of poverty, with gold encrusted altars and apses and vaults and columns and walls.
The leadership of the Church caused to be built huge and great:
- Basilicas
- Cathedrals
- Abbeys
- Baptisteries
- Mausoleums
- Convents
and Churches.
Practically all of these were so lavish and so huge in comparison with the meager surroundings of the times, that they flamboyantly stood out as the main repository of all the material wealth — gold, silver and architectural lavishness — of both their era and their geographical location.
The church never has bothered to explain why it was so necessary to have such lavish wealth on display to the worshipping faithful, who were told time and again that it was evil to “lay up treasures.”
Unto this day, churches are built to be flamboyant, garish and bizarre.
Money seems to be no object.
The Vatican, that citadel of “spiritual” leadership, which also preaches, “lay not up treasures on earth,” does not practice what it preaches.
On the contrary, what it practices is indeed the height of hypocrisy, and the antithesis of spirituality.
It goes all out for laying up treasures on earth.
It has amassed unto itself a portfolio of 5.6 billion dollars in stocks alone, not to mention all of its real estate, art treasures and other valuables.
It enjoys an annual income of 1.5 billion dollars, much of it undoubtedly collected from the “widow’s last mite,” as well as its vast holdings.
Next Back Home the United States religious establishment as a whole is valued at 102 billion dollars.
In 1969, of the 17.6 billion dollars United States individuals contributed to charity, 45 percent, or 7.9 billion dollars was earmarked for religious purposes.
Pretty materialistic for a religion that “shuns” earthly treasures and preaches:
“my kingdom is not of this world.”
Gods & Religions Across Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria
Likewise, the communist bosses in Russia, practically all of which are Jews, have accumulated unto themselves all the riches of the countryside.
While the communist slave laborer is toiling away twelve hours a day and then comes home to a:
- dingy
- dirty
- filthy
crowded little apartment shared with other families, his Jewish bosses have opulent palaces spread all over the countryside.
They drive the best of cars, chauffeur driven, of course, and eat the best of foods.
Not only that, but they have the best of planes at their disposal to fly wherever they see fit to govern their slave laborers.
These Jewish communist bosses usually also have at their disposal imported clothes and tailors and a galaxy of servants.
When they need a rest from running their slave empire, they have private villas on the Black Sea or other choice vacation spots at their beck and call.
And so, it goes in the Proletarian Worker’s Paradise.
Let us pass on to the next similarity.
Both communism and Christianity make extensive use of the weapons of terror, both psychological and real.
Undoubtedly the most ghoulish and vicious concept ever contrived by the depraved and collective mind of Jewry is the concept of hell.
Can you think of anything more horrible than placing millions of people in confinement in a superheated torture chamber and then burning them forever and ever without even the mitigating mercy of allowing them to die?
With this piece of “Good News,” and “Joyful Tidings,” Christianity set out to conquer the minds of its superstitious and unreasoning victims.
The fact that such a torture chamber was non-existent did not at all detract from the fact that it was a real threat to those who were made to believe that it was real.
To a child, for instance, if you tell him that the Boogieman is going to get him, and he innocently believes you, then the threat is just as real as if a Boogieman actually existed.
And so, it is with hell.
To those that have become convinced that it exists, this horrible threat is just as real as if it did exist.
However, Christianity did not stop with using psychological terror alone.
Those who deviated from the official church line were declared as heretics and forthwith burned at the stake.
The idea of using fire in one form or another as a means of torturing their opponents seems to have obsessed these “loving” Christians’ minds.
According to van Braght’s famous Martyr’s Mirror, some 33,000 Christians were put to death by other so-called Christians by means of burning at the stake, a grizzly type of revenge.
Among my ancestors alone (who were of the Mennonite faith) some 2,000 martyrs were burned at the stake by these ever-loving Christians.
One outstanding feature about this burning at the stake business was that they were always White people who were being burned.
Never have I ever heard of a Jew being burned at the stake for not believing precisely along specified lines of Judaism, even though they did not believe in Christ at all.
Burning at the stake wasn’t the only means of torture and death used by these love-dispensing Christians who were so eager to spread their message of love.
During the Inquisition, and other times, all the beastly refinements of torture that the depraved human mind could devise were used to extort confessions and whip the unbelievers or heretics into line.
The thumbscrew, water-dip, the iron corset, drawn and quartered, gouging out one’s eyes with hot irons, and the rack (slowly tearing limb from body by means of stretching) were but some of the devices used by these ever-loving Christians to spread their gospel of Love.
When the communists came along and used physical torture as one of their instruments of conquest, they had very little left to invent but what the Christians had already utilized before them.
And this is as can be expected, since it was Jewish fiendishness that designed the means of torture for both.
Nor did the Church hesitate to use wholesale warfare to batter down whole nations that did not submit to their religious dictation.
In fact, during the 16th, 17th and 18th century the main causes of war were religious dissentions in which one religious group sought to force their beliefs on their opposites by wholesale warfare and slaughter.
The communist record of using wholesale terror, both psychological and physical, is so recent, so widespread and so well known that we need hardly review it here.
In Russia alone the Jewish communist regime used terror on a scale unknown before in the annals of history.
In order to exterminate the best of the White Race in Russia, namely the White Russians, the Jews slaughtered some 20,000,000.
The terror, the killings, the murders that are going on in Russia today defy the imagination of the average White Man’s mind.
In any case, both communism and Christianity are using, and have used, terror extensively, both psychological and physical, to subjugate their victims.
Whereas the Christians excelled in psychological terror, the communists excel in physical terror.
But in both cases the Jews were experts in using whatever type of terror best accomplished their ends.
Both communism and Christianity have a book that presumably lays down the creed of their movement.
Christianity has the Jewish bible, which was written by Jews, mostly about Jews, for the purpose of uniting the Jewish race and for destroying the White Race.
The communist bible is Karl Marx’s Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx in conjunction with Friedrich Engels, both of whom were Jews.
Both of these Jewish creeds, communism and Christianity, are highly destructive, and when followed, tear down the fabric of the society that has fallen victim to them.
Christianity teaches the evilness of man, that he is a no-good, unworthy sinner, that he is born in sin and that his every instinct is evil.
Communism preaches that the productive, creative element of our society, namely the “bourgeois” as they call them, is rotten and evil, and must be destroyed.
It can be safely said that any sound, healthy society that turned either to complete Christianity and practiced all of its principles, or any society that practiced pure communism, would soon destroy itself.
Again, we want to vigorously point out that contrary to what these Kosher Konservatives are always telling us, communism is by no means the same as socialism or collectivism.
The latter are basic constructive elements of any healthy society, but communism is an undisguised Jewish slave-labor camp.
Since I have gone into this matter in considerable detail in another chapter, we will not take further space to review this idea here.
Both communism and Christianity preach the equality of man.
Christianity preaches that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord, whereas the communists preach that we all must become equal in the communist society.
The latter argue that the only reason we are not equal is entirely due to environment, and this little quirk of Nature they are going to correct.
By the time they get through processing us all in an equal environment, they assure us they will have leveled us all down to where we are all equal.
This will only be too true, for the White Race will be leveled down to where they are all equal to a horde of miserable slaves, whereas every Jew, on the other hand, will be a king.
Not only do both communism and Christianity preach the equality of the individual, but they also preach the equality of races, another vicious lie thrown in the face of Nature.
Both creeds have a very tricky dogma that is rather nebulous and confusing, not to say contradictory, in itself.
They both, therefore, have set up a hierarchy that interprets what the correct dogma of the day is, and everyone is to toe the line or suffer the consequences of an entrenched power structure.
Christianity and communism both have had their schisms.
In the case of Christianity, the followers that differed were called heretics and in the case of communism, those that stray from the official line are called deviationists.
In the case of Christianity, the Great Schism, of course, was during the Reformation when the Protestant segment developed and broke away from the Catholic Church.
It then proceeded to split and splinter in a thousand different directions from there on out, all to the detriment and destruction of the White Race.
The first great split, of course, was when the Byzantine Empire split from the Roman or Western half.
Among the communists there were a number of schisms such as the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks, and a number of other schisms, before the communists ever came to power.
After they did come to power, there were the Stalinist communists and the Trotskyite communists, the latter being vigorously pursued and purged from the ranks.
Now we presumably have the Mao wing of the communist party and for a while we had the Tito deviationists, and so on.
In any case, the main idea in Christianity and communism is the same: On top of a confusing and impossible dogma sits a tight powerful hierarchy which dictates and interprets what the line of its followers must be, and terror, death and reprisal are the consequences to those who dare to think for themselves.
It is not at all surprising that the archenemy of both these Jewish creeds is Adolf Hitler, because he dared to come out with a healthy, natural social structure that embodied those principles that were in harmony with the natural laws, and with the healthy instincts for the preservation of the White Race.
We, therefore, find the Jewish press, the communist press, and Christianity, all in chorus, denouncing Adolf Hitler, and telling us what a terrible, terrible man he was.
All perpetrate and repeat over and over again the same Jewish lies about Hitler that the Jews themselves have dreamed up and supplied to their toadying stooges.
The similarities between these creeds go on and on.
Both preach the destruction of the present society.
They especially zero in on the destruction and downgrading of the more creative and productive elements of society as a whole.
Both denounce and vilify the better elements of established society and rejoice at human failures and weaknesses, thereby claiming to prove the correctness of their communist-Christian theory.
The Jews, who are the perpetrators of communism, envision the United Nations headquarters to finally rest in Israel and in particular, in Jerusalem.
Christianity too, continuously keeps talking about Zion, the New Jerusalem, and looks to Jerusalem as the Holy Land, its origin and spiritual headquarters.
Both of these Jewish creeds consistently follow policies which are disastrous to the welfare of the White Race.
I have already gone into considerably detail about the catastrophic effects of Christianity on the great White Roman civilization.
I have also pointed out previously that the Jews in communist Russia killed off 20,000,000 of the best White Russians.
However, the programs and policies of both these creeds extend much further than these two major catastrophes of history and to point out how disastrous the effects of both Christianity and communism have been upon the fortunes of the White Race would require a whole volume in itself.
I believe we have scattered throughout this book a mass of such examples that it is hardly necessary to again repeat them here.
Another similarity that manifests itself in both of these Jewish creeds is that both have an incurable ability to put forth a profuseness of verbiage that is extremely vague and beclouded with confusion.
Not only is the verbiage profuse, but incredibly lacking in substance.
This is an old Jewish trick to confuse and confound the minds of their opposition, the latter being deceived into thinking that all this vast collection of words must have some higher meaning beyond their comprehension.
To further destroy and beat back the opposition, both creeds have developed to a high state the art of hurling vicious trigger words and hate words at their opponents.
The Christians developed such hate-trigger words as:
- atheist
- heathen
- heretic
- apostate
- blasphemy
- pagan
sinner and anti-Christ.
The communists have developed a whole stable of similar trigger words, and some of these are:
- Fascist
- Nazi
- racist
- bigot
- prejudice
and anti-Semitic.
Without anyone really stopping to analyze what each of these words mean and why they should be considered as bad, these words have been developed to a high state of implied evil so that by just merely calling these names, you need not really debate the issues, but mercilessly strike down your opponents without resorting to any debate or reasoning whatsoever.
If the similarities between Christianity and communism seem rather striking, there is a very good reason for their parallel ideology.
That reason is, of course, they were both concocted by the Jewish power structure for the common objective of destroying the White Race.
Unfortunately, up to this point, both their ideologies have been devastatingly effective.
It is partially the purpose of this book and the Creativity Movement to confront this devastating attack on the mind of the White Race and expose these twin Jewish ideologies for what they are.
Furthermore, I am firmly convinced, and it is my measured conclusion, that the Jews could never have foisted modern communism on a long-suffering humanity, had they not First softened up, unhinged and confused the intellect of the White Race with the fallacious snares of Christianity.
It is therefore the further objective of Creativity to help straighten out the befuddled thinking of the White Race to where they then can, and will, expunge both of these twin Jewish scourges from the face of this planet.
Christianity is Communism
Loosely based off of the writings by Friedrich Nietzsche
“The eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found. I have letters that even the blind will be able to see.
I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough. I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race.“
Christianity in its essence will always be communism, devolving the spirit and mind of man until there is nothing left but obedient slaves.
Ephesians 6:5 – “Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ.”
The fatalism of the weak willed shall establish itself surprisingly when it can pose as a religion.
Weakness will become holy, suffering becomes a sacrament, filth becomes holy scripture, and life becomes less valuable.
But should be seen as evil?
Whatever springs from weakness.
In that sense Christianity is the most atrocious and odious disease to ever plaque humanity.
But the Pain it has caused should not be devalued.
Obstacles cause pain, and only through overcoming obstacles can we advance our power.
The stronger should become master to the weaker.
Nietzsche’s Will to Power is understood to be, the subconscious, and natural desire of all living organisms to advance themselves, compete with one another, and make themselves stronger and more powerful.
It’s why the very concept of competition exists in the first place.
Schopenhauer also believed, as do many today, that the will to survive is the ultimate drive of all organic beings.
For Nietzsche however, the will to survive is simply the lowest level of the all encompassing will to power.
“If an organism is threatened it will defend itself, but only because it’s death will end its power.
If a being is not threatened, it will seek to develop, to advance, to grow, to gain power.
This is not greed, this is growth.
This is reality.”
By making us all “equal in the eyes of God” Christianity, and its twin Communism/Marxism, seek to enslave the human race by denying these very healthy, simple and natural truths.
“The existence of life itself, is merely a special case of the Will to Power.”
Christianity however is nothing but
“A hybrid image of decay conjured up out of emptiness, contradiction, and vain imaging in which all the instincts of decadence all the cowardice and weariness of the soul find their sanction.”
Communism and Christianity both seek to remove all forms of healthy competition with enforced “equality” (really slavery) to force our civilizations to grow stagnant and weak, so we can be more easily controlled and ruled by the Jews.
Communism especially pushes the whole “everyone’s a winner” attitude to try to discourage competition and growth, it is a profound mark against life.
Everything that is profound loves a mask, and Christianity has many masks.
Judaism, Islam, all of the denominations of Christianity are the same ultimately, the:
- Baptists
- Methodists
- Mormons
- Catholics
Wicca too, even Buddhism is the same…. so many different masks but they are all the same, and all have the same agenda.
To remove true spiritual knowledge and enslave the masses.
One of the ways it holds up this mask is by ensuring its “spiritual concepts” are misunderstood by those who practice it, and it making people think it’s,
“Not for them to understand.”.
“Nobody has seen the face of God”
and so on and so forth.
This is why the bible was kept in Latin for most of the Middle Ages, as the only people who could read Latin (or read at all) at that time were Christian priests.
The bible is the greatest sin against the human spirit and is nothing more than a foul black magick working against the entire human race.
Christianity is against life and goes against human nature and basic instincts.
Morals go along with instincts except, Christian morals…
Christianity cheapens and denies reality –
“The will to nothingness is made holy. “
Christians call pity a virtue:
“But in every superior moral system it is seen as a weakness.”
“Pity thwarts the whole law of evolution, which is the law of natural selection.
The Christian concepts break down basic human morals, the human spirit and mind.
The Christians are accustomed to lying, early priests in the Roman Empire were even given specific orders to lie and make things up, to make Christianity look more appealing to outsiders.
Not to mention all of the Christian religious holidays are stolen and corrupted from earlier Pagan holidays.
Stolen from the Gentiles/Pagans/Goyim – Library of Rickandria
You can see this from characters such as the Easter Bunny at easter, and Santa Claus at Christmas – obviously neither of these characters have anything whatsoever to do with Christianity, they were stolen and appropriated to make converting pagans easier.
Pagan churches in England and Scandinavia were even converted into Christian ones, and the very fact this is never mentioned is a huge lie, a lie by omission.
“A principle of Christian love is being well paid in the end.”
The well-known bible quote:
“it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of needle, than it is for a rich man to enter heaven”
is not practiced by the Catholic Church, the oldest and original Christian church.
The Vatican is one of the wealthiest and most influential organizations on the planet, with priests and bishops who live there typically having enormous mansions and being very wealthy, while their followers in places like South America (who often give what little they have to the Vatican) are dirt poor and have nothing.
So much for “Christian charity”.
Not only are Christians but liars and thieves, they’re also massive hypocrites.
Nietzsche said: “Sexuality, the lust to rule, pleasure in appearance and deception, great and joyful gratitude for life and its typical states-these are of the essence of the pagan cults and have a good conscience on their side. – Unnaturalness (already in Greek antiquity) fights against the pagan, as morality, as dialectic.”
Christians are frequently taught that their own bodies, even that the very concept of sexuality itself is evil or “wrong” somehow (sinful), and so they live in constant fear of their own sexual desires. Communism also instils fear and hatred of sexuality in its subjects, by using government bureaucracy in place of the Christian priesthood to cause problems for young couples, deny them marriage certificates and so on, for as in medieval Christian countries, sex without marriage was banned (and one actually needed permission from the government in the Soviet Union to get married).
The Soviet Union had a great deal more in common with medieval repressive theocracies than most people realize, with Josef Stalin, Vladimir Lenin and other Soviet government officials (who were 95% Jews) even being depicted as Christian saints – complete with shining halos and all, in Russian propaganda images.
“From time immemorial we have ascribed the value of an action, a character, an existence, to the intention the purpose for the sake of which one has acted or lived: this age-old idiosyncrasy finally takes a dangerous turn-provided, that is, that the absence of intention and purpose in events comes more and more to the forefront of consciousness.
Thus, there seems to be in preparation a universal devaluation:
“Nothing has any meaning”
– this melancholy sentence means
“All meaning lies in intention, and if intention is altogether lacking, then meaning is altogether lacking too.”
In accordance with this valuation, one was constrained to transfer the value of life to a “life after death,” or to the progressive development of ideas or of mankind or of the people or beyond mankind; but with that one had arrived at a progressus in infinitum of purposes: one was at last constrained to make a place for one- self in the “world process” (perhaps with the dysdaemonistic perspective that it was a process into nothingness).”
Thusly, here we can see another thing the Marxists/Communists push, is the idea that there is no such thing as universal truth, only the consensus created by society’s collective beliefs.
What this means is, without any universal truth for people to look up to, the Jews are free to make up whatever lies they wish and convince society that what they say is “true”.
Thus, because to them there is no universal truth, this new lie they invented becomes the truth, because it’s what society now believes, regardless of whether it’s actually true or not.
“What I relate is the history of the next two centuries.
I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism…
For some time now, our whole European culture has been moving towards a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade: restlessly, violently, headlong like a river that wants to reach the end, that no longer reflects, that is afraid to reflect.”
“Christianity remains to this day the greatest misfortune of humanity”.
Cruelty towards oneself, a hatred of non-believers with the will to persecute, hatred of the:
- intellect
- pride
- courage
- freedom
hatred of all the senses and of joy in general is what one is taught in the bible.
“God” would rather see you mutilate yourself then find pleasure in even its smallest form.
You are taught to suffer in misery and pain and poverty in this life, so you can be rewarded in the afterlife.
Suffer for what?
Because “God” was bored, and it amuses him?
Epicurus said: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then, Whence Cometh Evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”
In all reality to disobey “God” is to disobey the priests who set forth this law originally (the Jews).
”It has served us well, this myth of Christ” – Pope Leo X
Christians live for their own deaths, hoping that by not enjoying the pleasures life has to offer they’ll be granted the reward of not being burned in a lake of boiling fire for all eternity.
Satan means truth in Sanskrit but means enemy in Hebrew (and Sanskrit is far, far older than Hebrew).
Why would the Jews consider truth to be their enemy?
Because knowledge is power and enlightenment will cause revolt, the renunciation of false opinions will be a reunification of life.
Christianity Is Jewish Communism
The Marxist system of life did actually work and for around eight hundred and more years.
It was called the Christian Churches Feudal system.
Rabbi Marx himself gives a constant credit to this fact himself in his work “The Communist Manifesto”.
Let us examine as to why this is.
The Christian doctrine was created by Jewish oligarchs in the Roman Empire the leaders of this being the Jewish, Alexandria family.
The coup that overthrew the Roman aristocracy then put the Flavian regime into power as the Imperial rulers.
The Alexandria’s were the leading group within this new order and were made part of this new Imperial regime and their money funded it.
Vespasian the first Flavian Emperor built a statue to the Alexandrian Jew who thought the agency of Titus had made him Emperor and created the Flavian Dynasty.
Titus was married into the Jewish oligarchy via his Jewish wife.
Vespasian’s family was also big in the banking business which was dominated by the Jewish Oligarchs as well.
The important fact is with the Flavian Dynasty, which was a cabal of Roman and Jewish Oligarchs, run by Jewish money power.
The ideology they created and imposed on the population was Jewish and thus served the interests of the Jews.
And thus, the Jews were in charge at the top rung of this cabal.
This ideology of Christianity had already been manufactured by the Jews in the city of Alexandria and the institution of this doctrine was run by the Alexandria family.
As the intellectual head and patrons.
This is confirmed by Eusebius the Christian historian and bishop in his own writings.
Eusebius stated that Catholicism came originally from Alexandria where it had been practiced for several centuries before under the name of the Therapeutes.
This was the Jewish institution that created the myth of Christianity.
In the previous era’s this institution had stated they created Christ by cultural theft of the Egyptian Osiris and recrafting of the Egyptian religious narrative into Jewish purposes.
The purpose of which is revealed in the Bible.
In the final book of Revelation, the creation of a world Messianic Jewish Kingdom.
That is ruled by the Jewish leader in the form of Rabbi Christ and the 144,000 Jewish elect who symbolically represent the 12 tribes of Israel, the entire Jewish race.
The creation of the Messianic Jewish Age.
This is to happen after the destruction of the age of the Gentiles which ends the age of Edom [the apocalypse].
This is why Revelations is written in the theological language of the book of Daniel in the Jewish Torah.
Where this was laid out by the Rabbinical authors of the text as the spiritual, ideological mission of the Jewish race.
The Bible was created by the Jewish elites to fulfil this mission.
The Christian ideology is the Jewish device to achieve global Jewish supremacy.
This ideology was then violently imposed on the Roman Empire by the orders of the Flavians.
With the order of Theodosius who by Imperial order decreed all must convert to Christianity or be executed.
The Inquisition stated in the fourth century and was always in place till the Church lost power.
This was the destruction of the Roman Empire in a wave of mass murder, torture and cultural genocide the entire Gentile world was wiped away and the world entered year zero.
The birth of the Messianic age of the Jews.
The replacement culture for the Gentiles was the Jewish program.
The economic and political system of life under the rule of the Church was all property was held in common, the organization of the people was into communes were the serfs worked the land owned by the Church who collected it from them.
And after taking the majority of production for the Church, then disturbed the rest among the proles according to the needs of each.
As the Communist manifesto dictates this method of Socialism as well.
The Church owned the land and wealth and political power.
They ruled by military force and the inquisition.
Just as the Marxist State rules.
The Church massacred two hundred million lives.
The Marxist ideals of society are found in the New Testament.
Jesus preaches against wealth, and rails against the owners of his day.
His was the doctrine of class warfare and abolishment of property ownership as this defined wealth.
He preaches the destruction of the family unit and the assimilation of his followership’s into a classless, family less, radical egalitarian socialist society.
That all nations [Nation in the original Greek text is Ethos which means race] have been created out of one blood and are equal, there is no differences between race or gender all are the same.
The Kingdom that Jesus promises is not one in the sky but one on earth.
He promises to bring this radical Communist society to earth with his return.
The Christians are ordered in the New Testament to live in a society that is Communist by definition.
This is evidenced by the social model described by the Apostle Paul.
It is not an accident when Pope John the 23rd created Vatican two.
Which was a purist return to the gospels.
What was brought forth by Pope John was Liberation Theology, Liberation Theology was an openly declared Marxist Social Gospel.
The Jesuits spread Liberation Theology all through Latin America to promote open Communist guerilla movements.
The Communist insurgency in Latin America only ended with the six leading Jesuits preaching and pushing Liberation Theology were assassinated by the anti-Communist squads.
The current Pope, Francis is a Jesuit who ordered the Priests under him to preach Liberation Theology back when he was a bishop in Latin America.
Francis believes in Marxian Liberal Theology, openly.
He is literally a Communist and the Christian leader of the Catholic Church.
The Churches doctrine is that the Messianic age is the arrival of the Catholic Church on this earth and its regime.
This is because the Church is run by the Jewish race and always was.
Like the Communist Party that was the secular remodeling of its Jewish theology.
The goal of the Catholic Church is to create a global Jewish state based on Communism where the state is God.
And the Jewish People are the state.
Writings on the period of rule of the Church openly mention the Jews lived as a privileged elite under the Churches rule and were openly active within enforcing the Churches rule.
The lived with wealth, power and protection under the Church when most Gentiles were literally enslaved on Church run, Communistic plantations.
The writings of Luther reveal the doctrine of the Catholic Church was simply one of open worship of the Jews as God.
How the Jews lived under the Catholic Church is the same as how they lived under the Communist State.
They were given the property and wealth of the Gentiles taken by the Jewish Communists and protected as a privileged elite under the anti-Semitism act were even to criticism them was the death penalty.
Just as the Jews were given the property and wealth of the Gentiles taken by the Churches state.
They were allowed by the Church to lend money with interest [Gentiles were banned from this] and tax collect as well.
Insuring all the Jews were wealthy when the Gentiles were starving and poor.
It is no mistake the Catholic Pope, is a literal COMMUNIST.
And it’s no mistake that the Popes and their leading Priestly order when they made a pure study of the gospels found the Communist ideology within their own Bible.
Pope Francis stated that Communism is just Christianity without the supernatural component.
The supernatural element is simply what…
God wants you to live in a Communist global state.
That’s the message of the New Testament.
Which the entire Catholic Church is built upon.
The Jesuits had already worked out Marxian Socialism centuries before and employed this in their development of regions under Church control.
To note the doctrine of Christianity is one of materialism.
The Christian religion does not have an actual doctrine of the soul.
The pure doctrine of the Bible is that what is later called a soul is simply the breath of life which is what God gives man in the creation in the Garden of Eden.
And when one dies the breath goes out and they sleep in the grave the Sheol.
And upon the arrival of the Messiah the person will be reanimated from the dust of the earth again and judged.
If found righteous according to Mosaic doctrine they will live in the material kingdom of God [God is the Jewish People] on this earth in the Messianic age.
If not, they will be totally destroyed and erased from existence.
Christianity Is spiritually empty, Marxist materialism.
In the Bible the Jewish blueprint for their Global Kingdom was always Communism.
And Communism fulfilled this doctrine of giving the Jewish People their earthly Kingdom.
The Government of God on earth the Communist League promised as their motto, was achieved.
In the Jewish texts the Rabbinical authors stated that “God” is a code word for the Jewish People and in the Torah, People is a term only for fellow Jews.
Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rickandria
As non-Jews are considered by Rabbinical law to be non-humans and property of the Jewish race as Goyim, meaning animal, cattle.
The Torah states that all animals are put on this earth to serve the Jewish People, including the Goyim.
Hence you as a Gentile become property of the Communist State.
The government of God the Jewish run Communist Society promised to bring was the Messianic Kingdom of the Jewish People on earth.
That is why every Communist Regime is called “The Peoples Republic.”
And is run by Jewish rulers.
It’s the Jewish Republic where only Jews are persons so only, they have property, rights and political power.
This is what the Torah promised the Jewish People their Kingdom would be.
This is the return to life as it was under the Jewish run Catholic Church.
Just replace Church with Party and Pope with Supreme Leader and God with The State.
Jewish Christianity is Jewish Communism.
I would also like to add, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev stated in 1959, during his tour of the United States, that Christianity is the foundation of communism.
Khrushchev even quoted the Bible more than once.
K Blows Top: A Cold War Comic Interlude: Starring Nikita Khrushchev
America’s Most Unlikely Tourist by Peter Carlson, describing the 1959 visit of Nikita Khrushchev and his family to the United States.
Some proof from the lips of ex-KGB agent Oleg Kalugin that theist and atheist communists work together.
He says no titles in Christian Orthodox church of Russia are given without approval of KGB, and all church leaders are KGB officials.
Russian Orthodox church is a KGB department.
Kalugin Patriarchs Aleksey and Kirill are my KGB pals.mp4 – Google Drive
Ukrainian Patriarch, Philaret was telling me, that no title in Russian Orthodox Church was ever given without approval of the KGB, that any and all leaders of the Church somehow were linked to the KGB.
Absolutely and definitely right.
And I will tell you this.
First, I know personally all the post-war Russian patriarchs:
Pimen, Aleksey, and nowadays Kirill – actually they are all my pals.
But once I told openly and publicly in front of all Moscow about ex-patriarch Aleksey that he worked with KGB.
I said:
“What you expect from him? he works with the organs” …
Now to Kirill, nowadays patriarch, also my pal, ex-pal better to say.
We know each other from childhood.
It was when he graduated from his Christian academy when I got to know him.
Kirill is an old friend of ours – I mean the old friend of us – KGB.
Church is still working with FSB, isn’t it?
All Soviet power was built upon on 3 pillars:
- Communist party
- Military-industrial complex
Global Militarism: The Military-Industrial Complex – Library of Rickandria
Current Russian power is also built upon 3 pillars:
first – KGB, KGB is the first pillar, because the president himself and 70% of his administration…
…are your co-workers?
yes, either ex-workers or ex-assistants.
So, if the KGB itself is a first pillar, Russian Orthodox Church is the second one, which is always there to help, to smooth, and even criticize when needed.
And the third one then is Russian business, that could find the way to work with them.

Russian people have suffered horribly at the hands of the Jews.
The following is an account of the REAL concentration camps.
All were run by Jews.
This book was published in 1937, long before the accusations of that phony ‘holocaust.’
These are the victims few ever hear about:
Slave Labor in Soviet Russia
And don’t let them fool you – the small numbers of Christian preachers they put in those camps is just for show.
More information:
The Catholic Church & Communism – Library of Rickandria
Christianity & Communism: Parallels in the Bible – Library of Rickandria
David Duke’s Friends – Library of Rickandria
The Disgusting Truth: Ritual Murder Is the Core of Judaism & Christianity – Library of Rickandria
The Real Truth: Jews Promote Christianity & Islam – Library of Rickandria
Year Zero – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish Enforced Microchip Implants
The above article is extremely serious.
This is what the enemy race of alien Greys have, a microchip implant that controls their emotions, thoughts and everything else.
The article contains numerous reference links along with excerpts that prove this is in the VERY near future for the entire world and is already happening.
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