Those who have went far in Satanism know it’s not an easy road, neither pelted with roses and glitter.
Anything but that.
But, as we grow powerful and in power, we can escape the grip of other entities and people who are hindering our freedom, emotional, spiritual or whatever.
Satan is the True God, He is the Truth, and he opens our eyes to the Truth once we dedicate, given we are aware, meditate and ask him to enlighten us.
With opening one’s eyes to the Truth, we see beautiful and ugly things, both in the extremities.
First of all, we have understood a global Jewish conspiracy from “out there”.
Those who have went far in Satanism know this beyond any doubt and see this with their own eyes.
The enemy race of Jews is the architect and slave master of the major programs of removal of spiritual knowledge.
By their grip in mass media, by their massive financial power and all other powers they possess, they create a society of slaves, idiots and careless people without a Soul.
They teach people being a slave is a virtue, so they can enslave them.
Their Protocols of Zion, the bible, their created Koran and all their philosophies revolve around making everything a big clump of no diversity while they are at the top.
They have the nerve to say that even “God” himself must be a Jew.
So far, the idiocy and putrid soul and mind of these desert nomads has gone, that they even claim to be the chosen of some… Psychopathic “god” that sits on the clouds, strikes people and watches you when you masturbate because he himself ordained is a sin and therefore he will send you to hell for it, but HEEEY wait, he knew you would sin, so practically created you to punish you in a lake of fire?
You will see where I am going with that, just bear with me.
Okay people are we serious now?
Do you see, grasp and understand that all these insane bullshits have been infesting the minds of humanity for 2000 years and more?
Masturbating or whatever does feel literally freeing.
Sex is a pleasure.
But do you realize there are people out there who are afraid to touch their genitalia, or get the man/woman of their dreams, or even have a decent home, or even eat meat on Thursdays and Fridays?
Do you realize the depth of programming that has orchestrated by the Jews inside the souls and minds of people?
Do you realize this filthy inexistent piece of shit has made the whole society neurotic and incapable by a large degree, and even devastated TOTALLY BEYOND REPAIR the minds and souls of numerous people?
Do you understand how much they underestimate us subconsciously and what messages they are passing in their bible etc.?
That “god” must be a Jew and so forth.
When this ugly non-existent piece of shit did not answer prayers, obviously one felt even more rejected by “god”, who is a Jew and therefore the mind makes the co-relation to respect the Jews (therefore according to Christian faith “god”) or that they have power and other things.
The subconscious mind makes all these connections.
Liberty, Liberation & Aristocracy in Satanism – Library of Rickandria
Now if you take a look around, these people are people we probably have had in our families.
People whom we know, even the people who held us when we came out of the womb of our mother (which in many cases has been a Christian as well) and maybe when we came into this world the first thing we heard was:
“Jesus it’s a boy/girl!!!”
For those growing up in Christian household, they know how much indoctrination we have had from school, from people and so forth.
Tie into ALL of that the media, the games, the bullshit, the interaction of our psyche with the psyche of all around us in a subconscious level and so forth.
The enemy has had us almost totally.
All their “projections” placed before our eyes set us the goy into the “right” and “politically correct” path of obeying to some sort of Hebrew zombie, who is supposedly a Jew and is the “god of all creation”.
You get the motto here?
No matter if we paid attention to these things, our minds do.
The package of all the above comes with:
- a streak of fear
- illusions
- lack of knowledge
- choosing to be arrogant
- losing oneself
and so forth.
Let alone the historical torture, total lack of scientific knowledge, even malnutrition caused by the Jews and their famines, the massive degeneration of the pure races and their Genetics (which were bestowed upon the Gentile Races by our Gods when they were here physically) and so forth.
This has been going on for 2000 years.
All that torture is imprinted to a degree upon a Soul.
Aliens, Egos & Souls: Who Are We in the Big Picture? – Library of Rickandria
In fact, everyone tries to shape us into some good slave.
Therefore, I let it up to you to understand that our mind being loyal to the programming it has received might do to deter us from… Our own good.
The Jews want even to take your mental peace away.
To have you live in fear of some Jewish ‘god’, to own you and your Soul and all you are.
Can you grasp this concept?
Do you see and understand the PURE EVIL NATURE of these people and of their creations now?
Those of us who are here have obviously been for the most part immune to this brainwashing, as our Souls/Genetics have been to where we are able to understand the rotten society and status quo of the enemy.
Internally we know the Truth about our origins and so forth and in due time, this prevailed over the lies, and we started searching.
We found Satan, dedicated and are evolving in His path and way, re-vamping our Soul energy, our powers of the mind and so forth, meditating.
Now take all the above in conjunction and add the alien bastards into the story.
Thing is that the alien bastards of the enemy did what they had to do.
They infested society, guided their agents and so forth.
To really understand why the attacks, occur, take all the above in consideration and then, put personal problems we might have as people (there is a variety) and mix all of that.
The enemy has created and shaped our minds since we were toddlers against all these things we do.
Against power, against being somebody, against being our True self (they tried to cover everything with lies), against building a strong body, against everything creative and productive.
Do you understand there are people, so subconsciously dehumanized, out there who pollute the Earth and destroy the globe, justifying it in their sub conscience or even CONSCIOUSLY and VERBALLY that:
Yes, there are fucking retards with single digit IQ who think that way, being so faithfully under the Jewish rot and programming.
Do you GRASP that it’s up to you to end this hoax of CATASTROPHIC proportions and its orchestrators?
Do you understand that the Earth herself is going to pay, let alone the whole Humanity, the fruit of all that?
That’s why we do our Destruction Rituals and EVERYONE has to participate.
The subconscious minds of others and their domination (or our domination to them) and so forth.
For instance, you might grow out of nowhere too bored to meditate.
If someone in your early life used to dominate you in some way and your mind convinced itself that you want to be under their influence, then this may contribute to that you stop yourself from advancing, as to remain on the programmed path of your mind.
In other words, what we want consciously, we must make sure we want subconsciously.
The subconscious mind with all these situations of today and all this sick and insane world, rarely is at benefit of someone so it has been reworked and reprogrammed.
Then you will understand where MANY of these attacks come from, our own minds.
I know it sounds strange and in no way, one should forget the enemy…
The enemy has worked it out to where most of us attack our own self.
That’s how intelligent and deceptive they are.
Deprogramming yourselves from Christianity/Islam and maintaining self-control will put most of their attacks to a dead end.
When all this is under control, and you know it, then you can be sure it’s them.
Sometimes, it’s both.
In closing, what I am saying is to stop being paranoid and examine the causes ALWAYS.
For instance, if you have a stabbing pain somewhere, it MAY be an attack, but it MAY also be some disease, something bad you ate or whatever.
It’s not always some alien from outer-space, other than that when it really is.
Many do not know how much power these bastard beings have (or used to have, because now they try to save Israel from her undoing).
This is more than just telepathy.
Being paranoid that one gets attacked is a main reason of drawing these to you.
Tune them out.
Like they do not exist.
You feel attacked?
Attack back, protect yourself, not in a way of making them exist even more in your life.
Tune into Satan more instead, make True God’s influence in your life stronger and brighter.
Do not dwell on some fucked up aliens with no conscience.
Dwell on beings that love you and have proved it, your Guardian Demon and our Gods.
Christian Demons: The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rickandria
Keep on advancing.
Do self-research.
Authors & Investigators – Library of Rickandria
Do you “expect” and attack or feel “worthy” of an attack?
This might draw attention to you, like your own mind drawing them.
Do you feel very “warlike” and want to somehow taunt them or something?
This might do that.
Just do your protection, maintain self-control and know yourself.
The enemy is crumbling as we speak and has been crumbling for a long time.
As we go, they will be destroyed further by our spiritual works and in the Satanic End, we will have exacted spiritual justice on these spiritual criminals, the murderers of the Human Spirit and Soul.
Soul & Spirit – Library of Rickandria
Satan is the Real God, has the Real Power and is for the Real Gentile Spirit and Glory.
Name of Satan – Library of Rickandria
Allow Him to open your eyes, totally and unconditionally.
Who is Satan to the Jews? – Library of Rickandria
Work on building a strong relation with Him.
Jewish Rabbis Admit Satan is God of the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
We must annihilate the enemy.
Satan is Victorious – Library of Rickandria
When you realize the depth of the ugliness and the work of the enemy, you will surely rage so much beyond doubt.
The Philosophy Behind Satan/Lucifer – Library of Rickandria
Work on freeing yourselves.
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