All The President’s Women – Hillary Clinton (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Bill and Hillary Clinton “Engage in Sex with Minors” – Says ex-US Department of State Official:
The Highest-Ranking Vatican Official ever Convicted of Child Sexual Abuse (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Bill and Hillary Clinton’s 13-City Tour Canceled Due To ‘Poor Ticket Sales’ – 2018
Bill Clinton – from “…And the Truth Shall Set You Free”
…And The Truth Shall Set You Free – Ch.13 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Breach of Duty – Hillary Clinton and Catastrophic Failure in Benghazi:
Clinton and al-Qaeda – The Propaganda Wars Continue (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Clinton Campaign “Salvage Program” – Technology that will Mimic an “Invading Extraterrestrial Force”:
Coronation of Malevolence – Hillary Clinton as President:
A Clinton Presidency – Humanity’s Worst Nightmare – Hillary’s “Rage for War” (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Crooked Clintons Bombarded with Foreign Cash and Tax Scandals (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Facebook, the CIA and the Clintons (bibliotecapleyades.net)
FBI Director James Comey: Hillary Should Not Face Criminal Charges:
The FBI James Comey Saga – Hillary Bribed the FBI Official in Charge of the Email Investigation (bibliotecapleyades.net)
GOP Targeting Clinton on Phone-Call Snooping (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary and Bill… Gates (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary and Bill – Their Rugged Journey from Paupers to One-Percenters in 365 Days (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary and Obama In Secret Bilderberg Rendezvous (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton Declares International Information War (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton Must Resign – Cites False Reports Regarding Syria “Massacre” (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton’s Axis of Evil (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton’s Culture of Corruption may Doom Candidacy (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton’s War Record – 100% for Genocide (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton – The Queen of Chaos and the Threat of World War III (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Clinton Vaccine-Damaged? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary IS the Candidate of the War Machine (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary’s Bloody Legacy – Militarizing The State Department (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Hillary’s “Cowboy Diplomacy” – There Will Be Hell to Pay for NATO’s Holy War (bibliotecapleyades.net)
How the Clintons “Disappeared” a Film that Exposed their Role in U.S. Terror Attacks (bibliotecapleyades.net)
It Turns out Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are Distant Cousins (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Julian Assange Releases Statement on the U.S. 2016 Election – Breaking (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Supports Monsanto (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Roaming Charges – When the Pterodactyls Came Home to Roost (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Salvage Program – Executive Overview: Hillary Clinton Flash-Crash to 12% Favorable, Losing 19-77%…
Steve Pieczenik – U.S. Intelligence Waging Coup Against Corrupt Clintons:
The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Benghazi Scandal is Obama’s Watergate but Worse (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Benghazi Talking Points and How They Were Changed to Obscure The Truth (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Clinton Mystery – Jean Houston’s Demon Guides – from “America’s Subversion – The Enemy Within”:
America’s Subversion The Enemy Within: Chapter 11 (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Hillary Clinton Dead Pool (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Hillary Clinton Files:
The Next Presidential 2016 Election Will Move the World Closer to War (bibliotecapleyades.net)
These Blast Points on Hillary’s Campaign… Only the Deep State is So Precise (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Third Clinton Administration (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Trump Foiled Soros’ Master Plan TPP to Impose New World Order (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton on 4 Core Issues (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Two Famous Bilderberger Participants – George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton:
Who is ‘The Real’ Hillary Clinton? (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Why Not Being Friends with a War Criminal like Henry Kissinger Matters (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Why the ‘Deep State’ is Dumping Hillary (bibliotecapleyades.net)
WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary Clinton with Gigantic Release of Private Emails and Accuses Facebook for…
We Searched Hillary’s Emails and her Relationship with Rothschild/Rockefeller is Now on Full Display (bibliotecapleyades.net)
WikiLeaks List Exposes at Least 65 Corporate ‘Presstitutes’ who Colluded to Hide Clinton’s Crimes (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Additional Information
7 Shocking WikiLeaks Revelations (bibliotecapleyades.net)
After Me, the Jihad – Gaddafi’s Unheeded Warning to the West (bibliotecapleyades.net)
CNN Pushes Effort to “Ban the Term ‘Fake News'” – Blowback (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Google Is Not What It Seems (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Lilith, Inanna and Hillary – Library of Rickandria
Only A Terror Attack Can Save Obama – Top Clinton Official Says (bibliotecapleyades.net)
The Alleged Clinton And The KGB File – Artificial Humans (bibliotecapleyades.net)

Books & Treatises
Queen of Chaos – by Diana Johnstone
The Difference it Makes – 36 Reasons Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President – by Brandon Turbeville
Blocking The Path to 9-11
With Blocking the Path to 9/11, Citizens United Productions exposes the amazing untold story behind the public firestorm surrounding The Path to 9/11.
It presents courageous interviews with the original film’s writer/producer, director, and editors,
as well as numerous terrorism experts and the head of the 9/11 Commission.
This documentary sets the historical record straight with explosive new revelations.
For all those who seek the truth about 9/11 and want to learn the real story behind this shocking saga, ‘Blocking the Path to 9/11’ is required viewing.
Could take up to a couple of minutes about, to fully load the file and start the video…
Be patient…
Blocking The Path To 9/11 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
BREXIT Pioneer Destroys Hillary Clinton
Clinton Cash
by Breitbart News July 25, 2016
Nagging questions persist regarding the trustworthiness of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
At the center of this debate are her finances, and the inner workings of the popular Clinton Foundation she co-founded with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Has the enormous success of the world-renowned philanthropic organization fattened the wallets of this political power couple?
Have foreign governments been given special privileges that are commensurate with the magnitude of their donations?
Coinciding with the release of the hotly anticipated expose of the same name by author Peter Schweizer, the new documentary ‘Clinton Cash’ couldn’t be timelier in the heat of this tumultuous election season, and its revelations are certain to rile voters from both sides of the aisle.
Wherever the Clintons go, controversy ensues.
The film contends that their improprieties begin with the questionable associations they keep. Such is the case in the Republic of Congo, a devastated region riddled with widespread human rights catastrophes.
According to the information contained in the film, the foundation received $100 million dollars from that country’s dictator – Mobutu Sese Seko.
Following this generous donation, then Secretary of State Clinton ended her public pleas for freedom and democracy in the region.
The filmmakers detail similarly shady incidents in the foundation’s dealings with Nigeria, Africa, Haiti and other ravaged regions of the world.
Also included in the discussion are Bill Clinton’s astronomical speaking fees, possible political favors that have transpired in the wake of sizeable donations, charitable outreach efforts that may have doubled for “pay and play” deals, and the couple’s mounting personal fortunes in the years since they first left the Oval Office.
In each instance, the film charges that these curious dealings and a significant lack of transparency speak to a larger cover-up of global proportions.
Is Clinton Cash an honest examination of corruption at the highest level?
Or is it merely one component of a baseless, unsubstantiated smear campaign meant to derail her current race to the White House?
Avid supporters of Clinton are unlikely to be swayed by the barrage of accusations presented in the film, but it may provide a convincing argument for those who remain on the fence this election cycle.
Clinton Cash – Top Documentary Films
Dirty Secrets of The Bush’s and the Clinton’s (bibliotecapleyades.net)
Are Members of this ‘Families’ going to run for next 2016 U.S. ‘Presidential’ Elections…?
The Dirty Secrets of George Bush
by The Film Archives
June 22, 2012
A number of allegations have been written about and several local, state, and federal investigations have taken place related to the notion of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport as a CIA drop point in large scale cocaine trafficking beginning in the latter part of the 1980s.
The topic has received some press coverage that has included allegations of awareness, participation and/or cover-up involvement of figures such as future presidents Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush, as well future Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Saline County prosecutor Dan Harmon (who was convicted of numerous felonies including drug and racketeering charges in 1997).
The Mena airport was also associated with Adler Berriman (Barry) Seal, an American drug smuggler and aircraft pilot who flew covert flights for the CIA and the Medellin Cartel.
A criminal investigator from the Arkansas State Police, Russell Welch, who was assigned to investigate Mena airport claimed that he opened a letter which released electrostatically charged Anthrax spores in his face, and that he had his life saved after a prompt diagnosis by a doctor.
He also claimed that later, his doctor’s office was vandalized, robbed, and test results and correspondence with the CDC in Atlanta were stolen,
An investigation by the CIA’s inspector general concluded that the CIA had no involvement in or knowledge of any illegal activities that may have occurred in Mena.
The report said that the agency had conducted a training exercise at the airport in partnership with another Federal agency and that companies located at the airport had performed,
“Routine aviation-related services on equipment owned by the CIA”.
Allegations of CIA drug trafficking – Wikipedia
Hillary Clinton – A Career Criminal
Hillary Clinton – A Movie
September 06, 2009
Few people have heard of this film, until last year when the US Government banned the film and its ads from airing on-TV.
As Wyatt Andrews reports (below video), much controversy is surrounding the film.
An excerpt from the movie: in depth look at Hillary Clinton and her corrupt and fraudulent behaviors. This film is the first and last word in what the Clintons want America to forget!
Hillary Clinton – A Threat to All Humanity
by James Corbett July 24, 2016, from GlobalResearch Website
World War III is “On the Table”
Her Candidacy Must be Opposed.
The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party’s candidate for the presidency.
Yet still the leading lights of the so-called “progressive” movement argue that it is the left’s duty to vote for this neocon warmonger.
But the consequences of this strategy may well lead directly to nuclear war.
This is the GRTV Backgrounder on globalresearch.ca.
The nuclear option is on the table.
Hillary Clinton constitutes an existential threat against all of humanity.
Her candidacy must be opposed.
Produced by James Corbett.
Hillary Clinton – Remarks on American Leadership:
In her farewell address, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton discusses American leadership.
Hillary! Uncensored – The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You to See! – Banned by the Media
by NeedToAwaken November 10, 2011
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Then, there’s the Clintons…
This is the video that’s been buzzing around the blogs for the past few months, becoming one of the most viewed on Google Video.
It shows the Peter Paul side of the issue, which involves allegations that Hillary Clinton has committed numerous federal election law violations, has lied about them to cover them up, all culminating in what felonious conduct on her part might be.
Paul makes a strong case here.
Will the media continue to do its best to bury what might be the largest election fraud in US history? Stay tuned…
This is the most shocking expose on the blatant corruption surrounding Hillary Clinton.
Includes exclusive home videos of Hillary to expose the illegalities that elected Hillary to the Senate and the obstructions of justice that keep her there.
The full documentary, at (http//www.hillcap.org) and (http//www.peterfpaul.com) will be released on November 1, 2007, by Equal Justice Foundation of America.
See ‘Hillary Uncensored‘ full-length video.
How to Buy a Politician
by TheYoungTurks May 22, 2012
How do politicians (both Republicans and Democrats) cash in after they leave office?
How does this legalized bribery corrupt the American government?
The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks down examples showing of the influence of money on our political system.
Mena Connection – Clinton, Bush and The CIA Drug Smuggling
by Duncan Bates December 12, 2012
Film that includes clips from mainstream media at the time, CBS etc.
Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and President George Bush – CIA Drugs for Guns Connection, by Paul DeRienzo.
An independent group of researchers in Arkansas are charging that Governor Bill Clinton is covering up an airport used by the CIA and major cocaine smugglers in a remote corner of the Ozark mountains.
According to Deborah Robinson of In These Times, the Inter mountain Regional Airport in Mena, Arkansas continues to be the hub of operations for people like assassinated cocaine kingpin Barry Seal as well as government intelligence operations linked to arms and drug smuggling.
In the 1980’s, the Mena airport became one of the world’s largest aircraft refurbishing centers, providing services to planes from many countries.
Researchers claim that the largest consumers of aircraft refurbishing services are drug smugglers and intelligence agencies involved in covert activities.
In fact, residents of Mena, Arkansas, have told reporters that former marine Lt. Colonel Oliver North was a frequent visitor during the 1980’s.
Eugene Hasenfus, a pilot who was shot down in a Contra supply plane over Nicaragua in 1986, was also seen in town renting cargo vehicles.
A federal Grand Jury looking into activities at the Mena airport refused to hand down any indictments after drug running charges were made public.
Deborah Robinson says that Clinton had,
“Ignored the situation until he began his presidential campaign.”
Clinton then said he would provide money for a state run investigation of the Mena airport.
But according to Robinson, the promise of an investigation was never followed up by Clinton’s staff.
In fact, a local Arkansas state prosecutor blasted Clinton’s promise of an investigation, comparing it to “spitting on a forest fire.”
T-Files: The Last Card – The Political Agenda Behind Alien Disclosure
by Aaron and Melissa Dykes June 13, 2015, from TruthstreamMedia Website
Whatever the real truth is actually out there, rest assured the Powers That Shouldn’t Be will do whatever it takes to make sure we are never allowed to learn it.
Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class – Library of Rickandria
Instead, we’ll get drip-fed a bunch of government:
- lies
- illusions
- distortions
and half-truths as preprogramming for a sinister agenda.
The real truth certainly isn’t going to come in the form of the Clintons (“I want the public to see my emails!”) and Bill’s bad jokes about “investigating” Area 51, Roswell, and other government black sites.
Area 51 – Library of Rickandria
While the probability of life on other planets is surely compelling, we’re not going to find the truth through gatekeepers in establishment positions of power, be that in government, Hollywood, or via elitist billionaires who have documented ulterior motives.
A secret government has set up shop, is deeply rooted, and there’s no getting to the truth without going through them first.
Secret Shadow Government: Deep State – Library of Rickandria
Until we deal with the reality of the breakaway civilization that’s been keeping mankind at large in the dark (sometimes literally) for centuries, we can hardly process the significance of contact from beyond.
Extraterrestrial life is being held and will be dealt as a card that requires ascension to world government and submission to a higher earthly authority.
Life in the Universe – Library of Rickandria
So compelling indeed is the opportunity to use aliens as a pretext for total control, that leader after leader have hinted at its unifying power over humanity.
In the background, the possibly of a Project Blue Beam scenario has been prepared should the time come for the last card to be dealt to a humanity unwilling to march dutifully along under the banner of a one world government New World Order.
Blue Beam: The Uncovert Project – Library of Rickandria
The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States

by Steve Pieczenik November 01, 2016
Silent Coup and Counter Coup?
According to a former high-ranking intelligence agent, Wikileaks is working with U.S. intelligence agents to expose the crimes of the Clinton cabal in an attempt to prevent her from becoming president.
Wikileaks: International New Media Non-Profit Organization – Library of Rickandria
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve Pieczenik has made a profound announcement.
Dr. Pieczenik served under four presidential administrations in the State Department and his expertise includes international crisis and psychological warfare.
Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.
His expertise includes,
- foreign policy
- international crisis management
- psychological warfare
He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.
He consulted on the Camp David negotiations, was present at the historic signing of the Accords and has played an important role in numerous international affairs.
He now says that the powerful, corrupt Clinton political machine has attempted a silent, civilian coup against the republic and that the intelligence community and Wikileaks are currently carrying out a soft counter coup in response.
Is his narrative a sophisticated PSYOP or the truth?
The Laughs of Hillary Clinton – Expressions of A Psychopath?
Hillary Clinton Laughs About Provoking War with Iran
Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi – We Came, We Saw, He Died
As we ponder the dark implications of living in a world where large numbers of people rejoice at gruesome stage shows of death and merrily embrace the murder of decent men, we’ll leave you with the final, disgusting words of the clearly psychopathic… Hillary Clinton:
Psychopathy: Special Research Project of the Quantum Future School – Library of Rickandria
“We came, we saw, he died,” she joked when told of news reports of Qaddafi’s death by an aide in between formal interviews.
Clinton was in Tripoli earlier this week for talks
with leaders of Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC).
The reporter asked if Qaddafi’s death had anything to do with her surprise visit to show support for the Libyan people.
“No,” she replied, before rolling her eyes and saying “I’m sure it did” with a chuckle.
Compilation of Hillary Clinton laughing off Tough Questions and at Inappropriate Times
“We Created Al Qaeda” – The Protagonists of the “Global War on Terrorism” are The Terrorists – Said Hillary
by Prof Michel Chossudovsky June 01, 2013, from GlobalResearch Website
The following video features Hillary Clinton candidly acknowledging that America created and funded Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization in the heyday of the Soviet Afghan war.
What she does not mention is that at no time in the course of the last 30 years has the US ceased to support and finance Al Qaeda as a means to destabilizing sovereign countries.
The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is led by the United States. It is not directed against Al Qaeda.
War on Terror – Library of Rickandria
Quite the opposite:
- The “Global War on Terrorism” uses Al Qaeda terrorist operatives as their foot soldiers.
- “Political Islam” and the imposition of an “Islamic State” (modeled on Qatar or Saudi Arabia) is an integral part of US foreign policy.
- America is the Terror State.
- The GWOT is a diabolical instrument of Worldwide conquest. It is a means to destabilizing sovereign countries and imposing “regime change”.
Clinton’s successor at the State Department, John Kerry is in direct liaison with Al Nusra, an Al Qaeda affiliated organization in Syria, integrated by terrorists and funded by the US and its allies.
Search Global Research – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
In a bitter irony, John Kerry is not only complicit in the killings committed by Al Nusra, but he is also in blatant violation of US anti-terrorist legislation.
If the latter were to be applied to politicians in high office, John Kerry would be considered as a “Terror Suspect”.
New Normal? Al Nusra is on the State Department blacklist of terrorist organizations and the US Secretary of State is channeling money and weapons to Al Nusra.
US blacklists Syria’s al-Nusra Front as terrorist group | US foreign policy | The Guardian
Support to Al Qaeda operatives in different countries by the US government is known and documented.
In this upside down World, the Lie prevails:
The Protagonists of the “Global War on Terrorism” and the “Responsibility to Protect” are the Terrorists.
It’s a circular relationship, a vicious circle: Those who lead the “Global War on Terrorism” in the name of “Democracy” are those who are supporting and financing terrorist organizations, which they themselves created.
C’est le monde à l’envers.
Wikileaks’ Cablegate – The Truth Is Out There – Hillary v. WikiLeaks
by thejuicemedia December 17, 2010
With a steady trickle of Diplomatic communiqués leaking out every single day, the Book of Revelations is expanding dramatically.
n all the hubbub, the global community is forced to ask questions of its leaders.
At the same time, perhaps a stronger focal point for international attention is the WikiLeaks leader, the elusive Julian Assange, whose impact on the global scene is testing the limits of freedom of the press.
How will governmental representatives from North America, Europe and the Middle East react to having their dirty laundry leaked?
Is it all just an insidious Blue Beam Psi-Ops plot hypnotically seeded by MK Ultra, the Rhodes Scholars and the TriLateral Commission?
Will the world ever be the same again?
Join your affable host Robert Foster, as he executes a rhyme inquisition on some of the key players in the Wiki-saga.
It’s diplomatic Rhym-aggedon…
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Ponerology: The Science of Evil – Library of Rickandria – Main File
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Elite’s Drug Management – Library of Rickandria – Main File
Global Elite: The Transnational Capitalist Class – Library of Rickandria
American “Empire” – Library of Rickandria
Obama: A New Sociopolitical Era or the Greatest Deception – Library of Rickandria

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