Demons have ranks.
The higher ones, when the enemy tried even “Something” against them, they put their top Jews on this, and all of them died or went insane.
And of course, it bore no effect.
This was in the Middle Ages and before when they had “Total power” or so they thought.
It simply never worked.
Jews, falsely “inspired” by stories that never happened, got exterminated in the process a great deal.
That’s because all of this was actually lies and more psychopathy of the Jews, sort of how they write this bogus shit about how “YHVH“ rules the “Earth” and other nonsense.
But if all of humanity in an enslaved state, is guided by them to let’s say, curse some lower Demon, this definitely invites negative energy on them [as it would to a human being or others].
An example here is Asmodeus who told them after they tried to “conjure” him that their season will be short because that vermin only lives for a while, but the Demons LIVE FOREVER.
This is to be understood as literally causing a flu to an elephant.
The elephant won’t die from the flu.
But it may cause considerable harassment.
“Despite all this, why did some demons join the enemy side?”
This never really occurred and is just some nonsense that came from people who mistranslated some Sumerian texts that were allegorical as literal events.
The Demons do not:
“Go to the enemy side”.
This nonsense was started after gross American mistranslations of ancient texts, namely the Sumerian, which were out of Sitchin’s nonsense.
They are too advanced for this.
Also, if any so called “Demon” were to do this, the Gods would know beforehand among other things.
Along these lines we also have other nonsense that Anu betrayed Enlil and Enki, and other nonsense.
These are gross mistranslations of spiritual allegories, and don’t reflect the ET reality.
These things do not happen between the Gods.
There is also no real “Other side”, they have no choice, as the enemy hates lifeforms like the Gods.
They are what parasites is vowed upon to fight a productive being.
“The theory was that some of the gods’ chakras were sealed up hence their auras were dark, and they wished to return to the light or the power of the soul when bright.”
Some lower ranking Demons were actually abused and cursed viciously.
While this doesn’t really affect a Demon permanently, it can be damaging.
Regardless, the stories of Jews are exaggerated, yet the cursing and damning really did take place.
Not all have the same amount of power.
This was not only a doing of the enemy, but a reality of occult warfare between the enemy aliens and our Gods.
But they are OK since they reside under more powerful Gods.
The “part” of the Demons that was bound was one “part” of them.
The soul has many parts, and that is one of it.
This also indirectly ties into the aspects in humans themselves that were attacked, and the whole thing has dimensions and layers to it.
The Jews couldn’t do half of what they “Claimed”, yet they did a lot of negativity and damage.
Much of this was also done through the Gentiles stupidly channeling all these curses towards the Gods [used as parasites and cannon fodder by the Jews].
Jews on their own couldn’t achieve not even 5% of this.
“It had been strange to me that some people believed that the gods had literally bound!
Nobody can bind so powerful beings.
It was we (humanity) who were cut off from them, trapped in lower levels of existence, unable to hear them and unable to reach them. “
Yes, from a higher perspective, nothing can stop the Gods.
These puny beings like the enemy mean nothing to them, yet they can harass us and also indirectly be a nuisance [since they used humanity as a brainwashed army for this harassment].
The enemy and the ignorance they promote however, can be highly damaging to humans or even fatal.
The enemy therefore is focused rather on abusing human beings, with the Gods being attacked in a form of scapegoating ritual [since they know humans are their progeny].
As Asmodeus has said:
Asmodeus (/ˌæzməˈdiːəs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀσμοδαῖος, Asmodaios) or Ashmedai (/ˈæʃmɪˌdaɪ/; Hebrew: אַשְמְדּאָי, ʾAšmədʾāy; see below for other variations) is a prince of demons in Abrahamic religions. In Judeo-Islamic lore, he is the king of both daemons (jinn/shedim) and demons (divs). Asmodeus is mostly known from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit, in which he is the primary antagonist In Peter Binsfeld’s classification of demons, Asmodeus represents lust. The demon is also mentioned in some Talmudic legends, for instance, in the story of the construction of the Temple of Solomon. In Islam, he is identified with the “puppet” mentioned in the Quran.
“Their rule is but for a season.”
The Gods see this whole thing as a temporary flu, on the greater perspective of things.
The deterioration of the enemy is obviously happening and there is no questioning that.
In the 2000’s, it was a mega structure that had ultimate power in the public sphere.
Now closely nobody but minorities do really care about any of this.
The enemy conditioning has been breaking down.
We worked on many things together as well, too many.
The Gods were never really “bound” in the strict sense.
Jews and nobody else can “Bind” these Demons or anything else.
Only a part of them has been affected.
They were merely bound and removed from our perception.
That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.
In hypnosis, you can program someone to stop seeing the number 1, for example.
One then might see the number but not recognize it.
In a sense, that’s what the Jews have done to humanity, programming them to:
- hate
- detest
- ignore
their own Gods.
Torah: Breakaway Civilization Exposed – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
The above is a very simplified view of the subject, which is more complex.
In the same way one cannot bind the Sun or other major forces, the Gods cannot have anything like this done to them.
Yet, psychic warfare is still a situation.
The enemy’s aliens and our Gods do indeed “fight it out” and this involves a series of psychic warfare.
Certain actions that humanity does [as in participating or not participating] can have a minor effect in all this.
In a sense, what the enemy did, was lock human beings into doing psychic warfare against their own Gods, and against our culture and our progenitor entities, since they lied to them these were “evil”.
In the metaphysical writings of the Jews and the “grimoires”, these are written in this manner with bindings and other procedures.
Long story short these don’t affect the universe, but they did have an effect on the sphere of existence where human beings did exist under, which is a very low dimension.
The above is, in a way, like how the mind of a hypnotized person, would be unable to see the number 1, but others would.
The number 1 also has not disappeared.
If the hypnosis also starts wearing off, they might start seeing the number 1 but not remember what it is.
A similar situation to this occurred later on in the Middle Ages, where the people of Europe started digging out the statues of their own Gods, or reading the Ancient Writings that were never available before but to the Church and other thieves.
Eventually, as the hypnosis wears out, one will see these things.
In the Middle Ages, there was absolutely no literacy for 90+% of the population, let alone spiritual knowledge for the masses.
For this reason, any gifted people, resorted in more natural forms of magick or could not explain their own experiences, they had no clue what was going on, and they were easy to find, labelled insane, or exterminated directly if they opened their mouth to the wrong person.
People that could see ghosts, communicate with the dead, had premonitions etc., all that have been discovered were attempted to be killed.
These events mirror events in the history of mankind with the situation of the enemy’s emerging power trying to shut us all down as a species and keep us back.
Even now, we are still coming out of this ignorance, and this situation is ongoing.
What’s for sure, is that the Gods will reclaim their positions.
The Gods have left a part of themselves in this world.
Externally thinking, one might ask, where is this part?
What is it?
A spacecraft?
A tablet?
A building?
No, that is human beings.
We were actually seeded here a very long time ago as every Spiritual Satanist knows.
That period was very much in the past, and the recent departure of the Gods signaled the end of the Golden Age.
Inside human beings however [not everyone now, it will only come out after real work for those who practice spiritually] there is latent potential that is for all intents, seeded by the Gods.
The cultivation of this seed brings out this power, and in effect, also puts someone in the path of the Godhead.
From an internal standpoint, the attacks the enemy has done against our Gods, the removal of this culture, and the brainwashing of humans to remain eternally stuck into the mortal frame of existence, is an assault against the Gods, or rather a part of them.
Bindings, curses, and other issues such as this do indirectly affect the Gods, in the same way someone trying to grow a garden, experiences it getting burned.
Or a parent having their children locked somewhere and unable to communicate.
These bindings against the “Gods”, in their dimension that concerns us humans, are reflections of what the Jews have done in a form of ritualistic slaughter against humanity also.
In a sense, every curse uttered against the Gods, is also affecting human beings.
When the wise people of humanity were desecrated [many of which are ascended beings from the Golden Age and further], the shutting down of communication lines, does inadvertently affect humans.
On a lower dimension, this was coupled with persecution, removal of knowledge, and perpetuation of spiritual oblivion.
This is analogous to severing a telephone line.
In a very plain analogy, what one does through a Summoning or when attempting Communication, is attempting to communicate with the Gods on a psychic telephone.
That analogy is elementary, oversimplified, yet serves as an easy way to understand the matter.
However, the telephone here, is nothing else but the human being itself.
The enemy has done all of the following:
- Attempt to Destroy the Telephone itself [human beings severed off spiritually]
- Attempt to Destroy the Telephone lines [external attacks against the Gods, involving ET’s and so on]
- Destroy the very memory of that the telephone even existed [Spiritual Culture, lower enemy]
- Seal the earth of any external “telephone” communication [the Jewish Rabbis call this a “Curfew”], to retain humanity locked in and unable to interact with the external universe, and of course, the Gods.
All of the above, constitutes the greater work of “Binding the Demons”.
What the lower enemy has done is elementary and does not concern much, as lots of the above was actually the work of the higher enemy anyway, not these idiots they have here.
As one can understand, this situation runs deeper.
Yet I believe through this post and the other one, most questions will permanently be rectified until the subject is retouched upon in the future.
As one can understand now, the “Telephone” of the Gods was still intact as it was back then, today.
Yet, lines remain jumbled, and like after a nuclear war where one can find a radio, it can become increasingly difficult to attain communication.
We are lucky enough however as this is definitely NOT impossible, which was the initial plan of the enemy for this to be.
In the enemy’s “Kabbalah“, that is celebrated as the “Destruction of the Idols”.
To demystify the Jewish nonsense, this involves putting very big bindings on the souls of people, shutting down the soul and parts of the mind in human beings.
In very linear terms, when the Gods are attacked, defamed, driven away, and so on, humanity simply loses access and knowledge that can elevate it.
The end point of this is closure of the mind, and therefore, it’s a matter of time until a human being is turned into a full-scale animal.
This is an attack on the Gods [i.e., also, among other meanings, the Chakras] and constitutes merely what we refer to as psychic warfare.
We know what this involves.
In a simplified form, from the above, we have the eclipse and removal of the influence and existence of the Gods in this planet, merely by limiting and destroying the elements of humanity that could keep this influence going, and therefore, us on this very path.
We call this “Humanity’s fall” and that is a very famous theme in ancient literature.
Except of the natural fall having a natural aspect to it [when we incarnate], this other “Fall” concerns the curses and attacks against humanity, and how this forcibly severed human beings from the higher ways of evolving and spiritual growth.
The Gods have never left.
They certainly did NOT abandon humanity.
They departed this place during a time where they had left and founded behind a very big culture, in eons past, that reassured that we would remain connected both with them but also with our inner self.
They can get anywhere they can, and those who are on the level of advancement, can truly communicate with them.
It took a very long time to erode and destroy this, and this was done due to both decaying forces and enemy influence.
Regardless of beliefs and hearsay or nonsense, this communication is rare.
Even in the times where the enemy wasn’t really set here, this was still quite rare, but it remains a very possible reality for those specific souls and beings that really want to advance.
All of the culture they founded and the knowledge they did their best to safeguard and pass down through the centuries [through their invisible influence] still remains today as valid as it was tens of thousands of years ago.
Humanity can still walk this path.
For those who are or were spiritually aware, they are under their influence, and they can grow beneath their support, as if they never left.
The problem still remains however that the fallen state of humanity and states of a lot of astral dross, is not cleared yet [produced like sewage], and this can impede people seriously.
Others can’t escape this as it requires diligence. It is in other words, a capable state of being achieved provided one meditates.
It is achievable today as it were in the past.
Since we have the knowledge, it will always be.
Esoterically speaking, the “Gods Are Free”, when one does open their own mind and soul up, which are given gifts from the Gods.
The “Gods are Bound”, when one’s soul is closed and shut down.
Externally speaking again, numerous Demons on real interactions with human beings, have mentioned that they want to be “remembered”.
This “remembrance” is part of the upholding of this culture, extending it, and passing it down, so that human beings can have this opportunity to reconnect to get in touch with their divine origins.
It’s worth the effort, and in fact, there is nothing else that is more worthwhile than this task.
By remembering them, we allow reconnection.
Through the reconnection, we can start opening our minds again, and through application of spiritual knowledge,
“We Free the Gods”
and we,
Through this, we can walk once again the path to the Godhead.
Other Links
Demons: Ancient Superstition or Historical Reality? – Apologetics Press
Demons & Demonology
Demons: The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
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