By Joy Jackson, Contributing Writer, In5D.com on May 21, 2017
Why High Vibrational Living for Soul Ascension?
Perhaps you have read or overheard people talking about attaining a higher vibration.
7 Essential Tools to Raise Your Vibration – Library of Rickandria
If you unclear about what this really means, or why it’s supposed to be important to you, in this artilce we are going to address both questions so that you will have a clearer understanding and learn how to raise your frequency to make your life’s journey a smoother ride!
How to Raise Your Personal Vibration – Library of Rickandria
We attune to the frequencies of energies to which our:
- mind
- body
- spirit
are in synch with vibrationally.
When we are attuned to living in state of high frequency vibrational energy this has benefits beyond third dimensional reality.
When the Waves of Energy End Relationships – Library of Rickandria
In an incarnation we have the potential to gain accelerated spiritual progression, the ability to manifest higher potentials more easily and to create energetic bodies that encourage others and the world around us to respond in positive ways.
Remind Me Again: Why did I Incarnate into this Shithole? – Library of Rickandria
Positive Energy Counter Acts Negative Energy
Positive energies counteract negative ones.
Are You Feeling the New Energies? – Library of Rickandria
Many people live with a constant undercurrent of stress, dissatisfaction and in a state of survival mode because our true nature and the reality of the Universe is still unknown to many people.
Organic Portals – Library of Rickandria
By living in a higher vibration, when we come into contact with a situation or person of lower vibration, we find it much easier to diffuse or to transmute the situation into a more positive one for all involved.
What Causes Low Vibrations?
Low vibrations are caused by such things as consuming:
- highly processed
- packaged
- genetically modified
- pesticide treated or low nutrition foods
- polluted water
- excessive exposure to negative entertainment or media
- lack of movement
- fresh air
- sunlight
and exposure to nature.
Ascension Symptoms: Eating Habits – Library of Rickandria
Also, by attachment to negative thoughts and/or emotions such as:
- fear
- anger
- despair
- jealousy
- guilt
- shame
- anger
- criticism
and self-judgment.
- thought
- word
- action
carries its own vibrational frequency.
Raising Vibrational Frequency – Library of Rickandria
How to Raise Our Frequency
*Not an exhaustive list.
The Breath: The Basis of Magick, Energy Manipulation, & Mind Power – Library of Rickandria
Noticing the rise and fall of our breath can help calm the:
- mind
- body
- spirit
Whether we choose to meditate or do breath work, going within and listening to the rise and fall of our inhale and exhale can help to raise our vibration.
Yogic Breathing Basics – Library of Rickandria
Similar to breath work, allowing our mind to tune out and listening to the stillness within our heart and breath can do miracles for our mood and our vibrational resonance.
The Heart – Library of Rickandria
Whether we prefer more formal guided meditations, or sitting in peace, the transformative effects of this practice extend beyond the physical, through energetic and spiritual levels.
- positive affirmations
- mantras
- positive thoughts
THOUGHTFORMS – Library of Rickandria
Consume a high-vibrational diet:
Consuming mostly:
- organic
- sun-based
- plant-based
raw foods, and clean water (spring water, and pure clean sources of filtered water when possible) naturally infuse your body with light energy.
Organic plants are naturally in a high vibrational state, and you can raise your vibration easily by consuming them.
If animal products are consumed, they should be:
- lovingly
- humanely
- respectfully
and sustainably raised or sourced as possible.
Spending time in the sun will significantly increase our vibration.
Strive for at least 20 minutes every day in the sunlight (sun gazing).
Sun Gazing: Why I Stare at the Sun – Library of Rickandria
Spend time in outdoors and in nature:
It has been scientifically shown that within a short time of being in nature our stress levels are significantly reduced.
Even sounds of nature will raise our vibration.
Walk barefoot on the earth, practice earthing.
Breathe clean fresh air.
Music/Dance and listening to the Schumann resonance frequencies.
The Schumann Resonance is the resonant frequency of the Earth’s elector-magnetic field.
Schumann Resonances – Library of Rickandria
It is also known to be foundational to human consciousness.
Consciousness & Human Energy – Library of Rickandria
“One of the ‘secrets’ of the universe, is the creative application of sound frequencies.
John Worley Keely discovered this creative use of musical frequencies in the late nineteenth century and accomplished amazing feats that defied conventional physics and confounded the academicians of his day.”
Sacred Frequencies (altered-states.net)
Mind/Body/Spirit Exercise:
It’s not hard to understand that in order to raise our vibration, we must move our physical bodies and energy through our energetic bodies.
The more active we are and the more we move, the more energy begins to flow through our body.
This flow of energy helps to raise our vibrational resonance and also helps to uplift our mind.
Get plenty of restorative rest and sleep… end the glorification of busy.
Detoxify our physical body daily through such practices as:
- warm sea salt baths
- organic green juicing
- drinking lemon water
- practicing yoga
- sunbathing
- saunas
or any other detoxification practice we are drawn to.
Naturally Detox Your Body with These 6 Power Foods – Library of Rickandria
Avoid consumption of alcohol and toxic substances.
Get Creative:
We are ‘Creators’!
Why You Don’t “Create Your Own Reality” – Library of Rickandria
Find something that we are passionate about, love to do and that brings us joy and do more of it!
When we are engaged and fulfilled in what we are doing, our mood elevates, and our vibration does too.
Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important – Library of Rickandria
When we move into a creative space we also help to activate our chakras and calm our minds, creating awareness and expansiveness.
The Chakras – Library of Rickandria
Practice Unconditional Love:
Change the frequency of our energies to the vibration of unconditional love.
The 5th Dimension: Unconditional Love & Unconditional Wisdom – Library of Rickandria
When talking about unconditional love, it’s not romantic or excessively intensive love, it’s an overall love for all that there is, because we are all one, including humanity, the animal kingdom and everything we see on Earth and within the Cosmos.
COSMOS – Library of Rickandria
By feeling connected and unconditional love for everyone and things, we are shining it back on ourselves.
Practice Not Perfection
This lifetime is another cycle of learning and discovery.
Cycles of Time – The Kali Yuga & Time as a Function of Consciousness – Library of Rickandria
Even if life seems challenging at times, we are learning lessons that will contribute to the progression of our spirit and our soul’s mission.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
Even if we experience hard times, we are becoming wiser and closer to enlightenment.
By living in positive vibrational energies, we are less far likely to become in-tangled in a web of issues and dramas those of others’.
When we exist in high vibrational frequencies, the world seems to flow and easier for us to handle.
How to Align Ourselves to the New Frequencies of Light – Library of Rickandria
- love
- acceptance
- kindness
and tolerance as default emotions rather than:
- frustration
- fear
- anxiety
and sadness, we can be far more grounded, at peace and resilient.
Our chakras will also undergo a clearing (unblocking) process and as a result we gain self-discovery and spiritual advancement benefiting everyone due to the free flowing of these positive energies.
CHAKRA ALIGNMENT – Library of Rickandria
The spiritual advancement we gain in during this lifetime is greatly enhanced by living in a high energy vibration.
Do You Hear Perpetual High-Pitched Frequencies? – Library of Rickandria
It is a trait of the adept to approach all things in love and light and knowing that each step is part of our learning and experience in this schoolhouse.
The Controlled Global Education – Library of Rickandria
Living in the high vibration of light-love means that we experience, both giving and receiving, emotions such as:
- respect
- tolerance
- kindness
- care
- compassion
- joy
- appreciation
- empathy
- sympathy
- happiness
- friendship
and unconditional love itself.
Little annoyances and inconveniences seem less important and easier to brush off and arise less frequently.
A content feeling of knowing what really matters in life arises.
We feel more radiant, healthier, not just mentally but physically as our chakras become unblocked and energy is free to flow throughout our mind/body/spirit complex, cleansing every part of our being.
How to Clean Your Aura – Library of Rickandria
When we are living in a high vibration it will transform the way we view ourselves and the world, and we may discover a lot of:
- peace
- beauty
- joy
that alluded us before.
Beauty of this World – Library of Rickandria
About the author:
Joy Jackson is professional psychic/medium and intuitive guide in the Pacific Northwest.
She is the owner/moderator of The Sphere Being Alliance Forum and Ascension Mastery.
Sphere-Being Alliance (spherebeingalliance.com)
Ascension Mastery Through the 12 Universal Laws – Library of Rickandria