First published on February 23, 2023, by one of the foremost revisionist intellectuals today, Miles Mathis
Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on May 27, 2024.
As usual, this is just my opinion, being my personal reading of the story given to us by the mainstream.
After being down in the depths with me over the years, you can see why someone like Tucker Carlson —who has been implicitly selling himself as some sort of revolutionary, just because he questions some of the mainstream talking points—doesn’t go where I go.
Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson (born May 16, 1969) is an American conservative political commentator and writer who hosted the nightly political talk show Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News from 2016 to 2023. Since his contract with Fox News was terminated, he has hosted Tucker on X. An advocate of former U.S. President Donald Trump, Carlson has been described as “perhaps the highest-profile proponent of Trumpism”, and as “the most influential voice in right-wing media, without a close second.”
Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg (/ˈbuːtɪdʒədʒ/ BOOT-ih-jəj; born January 19, 1982) is an American politician and former naval officer who is currently serving as the 19th United States Secretary of Transportation. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the 32nd mayor of South Bend, Indiana, from 2012 to 2020, which earned him the nickname “Mayor Pete”.
He spends most of his time countering Pete Buttigieg or Eric Swalwell or Don Lemon these days, which, compared to my deep dives, looks even more like the misdirection we know it to be.
Don Lemon (born March 1, 1966) is an American television journalist best known for being a host on CNN from 2014 until 2023. He anchored weekend news programs on local television stations in Alabama and Pennsylvania during his early days as a journalist. Lemon worked as a news correspondent for NBC on its programming, such as Today and NBC Nightly News. Lemon is also a recipient of an Edward R. Murrow Award in 2002 for his coverage of the capture of the Washington, D.C. snipers. He also received three regional Emmy Awards for his special report on real estate in Chicago and a business feature on Craigslist.
Today he was all over Buttigieg for not visiting the manufactured event in Ohio.
I can’t stand Buttigieg, either, but I happen to know why he hasn’t visited Ohio:
for the same reason the EPA and FEMA didn’t, it being a Hollywood production.
Another Hollywood production is the obvious planned failure, Tucker covered tonight in Fulton County, Georgia, with the hook-nosed little Wiccan actress/jury foreman (Emily Kohrs) doing CNN interviews and hamming it up during grand jury deliberations.
Which even Tucker admits is illegal.
So why and how are we having to watch it?
Tucker and his guest expert forget to tell us that.
They just spin it in the opposite way of CNN.
Global Media Control – Library of Rickandria
That said, I have to admit that I gasped when his “expert” Charlie Hurt used this event to question jury selection.
Charles Hurt (born 1971) is an American journalist and political commentator. He is currently the opinion editor of The Washington Times, Fox News contributor, Breitbart News contributor, and a Drudge Report editor. Hurt’s views have been considered to be republican leaning.
Charlie Hurt from the now discredited Drudge Report, though Tucker misdirects by selling him as from the Washington Times.
You don’t see the mainstream question jury selection very often, so having written extensively on this and now seeing it on Fox was curious, to say the least.
Hurt doesn’t suggest jurors should be past 50 or pass extensive tests or be paid, as I have, but he does say they should have a job and be taxpayers, which is strange enough.
Those weren’t the criteria I would choose, since my old jurors may be retired and may no longer be paying taxes for that reason.
I don’t see that their job or taxpayer status is pertinent, but their ability to sort facts and spot a liar is.
LIAR-BOT – Library of Rickandria
The next segment was on black pilot Conrad Aska, who allegedly crashed an Amazon 767 in Houston in 2019.
Atlas Air Flight 3591 – Wikipedia
But again, the story makes no sense, because we are expected to believe Atlas Air hired and certified this guy despite being fully aware of his incompetence.
He was allegedly so incompetent his own family is suing the airline for gross negligence in hiring him.
That also makes no sense.
According to the story we are told, Aska himself would have to have a death wish, knowing he couldn’t cope in any emergency.
Tucker also fails to stress that Aska was actually first officer that day, so Captain Rick Blakely should have been on controls with or instead of Aska at takeoff and landing.
The disorientation of one pilot should not cause the crash of a plane:
that is why they have two in the cockpit at takeoff and landing.
Blakely would have had to freak out as well, and there is no mention of him in the story on Tucker or online.
Which leads me to the usual conclusion:
this was faked, probably for insurance money.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria
Maybe the plane was old or damaged, and it was easiest to just scuttle it.
Which means the three pilots weren’t onboard.
So, let’s look up these guys.
We will start with Rick Blakely, 60, of Madison, IN. Instantcheckmate informs us his current age is 60, so it is possible he really did die in 2019.
But we find something interesting, nonetheless.
His name is not Rick or Richard, it is Ricky Nelson Blakely.
I guess he was named for the actor/singer of the 1950s/60s.
If you remember, Ricky Nelson also allegedly died in a plane crash in Texas.
But it gets weirder.
A partial bio of Blakely is posted at Findagrave, where we find he went to school in Kenya, birthplace of Obama.
His mother is a Faulkner.
His funeral was near Idalou, near my hometown of Lubbock, TX, and that is where his family is from.
But for some reason he was buried at the crash site in Anahuac, near Houston.
You will say his body was not found and that they are indicating his body is still in the Trinity River.
Findagrave shows a stone and states he is buried in Anahuac cemetery.
News reports confirm all three bodies were found.
So why would this guy not be buried with his family, which does exist?
This is all the proof I need that this crash was faked.
But if you still don’t believe me, it gets weirder, and I can go on.
Blakely’s father is Vestal Nelson Blakely, a Baptist minister and African missionary who spent 24 years in Kenya with his wife Carol Jean.
But a simple search finds Vestal also linked to Summit Acquisition LLC as a “governing person”.
Vestal Blakely – Governing Person for Summit Acquisition, LLC (corporationwiki.com)
What is Summit Acquisition?
Well, according to its own website,
Our professional services and unique expertise are not generally available to companies valued at less than $25 million.
Summit Acquisitions Group, LLC – Business Brokers & Business Advisors
So, what exactly is a Baptist missionary in Idalou doing for them?
Vestal is apparently still alive at age 85, since no search on Findagrave pulls him up, but he does come up as an official in many local funerals in that area, and they all have one thing in common:
they are all members of Masonic lodges.
Communism & Masonry: Two Fronts of the Jew World Order – Library of Rickandria
Tucker is using this fake plane crash to imply Aska was hired because he was black, filling a quota.
But again, that is very unlikely, because even if Atlas Air didn’t give a crap for its pilots, it wouldn’t risk losing a plane and cargo worth many millions just to look woke for Jeff Bezos or Joe Biden.
Jeff Bezos looks like another CIA Front – Library of Rickandria
You can be sure that companies are still making decisions based on financial considerations, and that woke ideology is only put onboard as decoration.
In other words, they would ditch this plane for insurance fraud, but not to kiss up to Black Lives Matter.
Which means Tucker is once again promoting fake news as real.
No better than CNN.
The thing is part of this segment at Tucker is true:
the airlines are having to hire less qualified pilots, but it isn’t mainly due to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), it is due to thousands of pilots being injured by the vaccines, and thousands of others who quit rather than take them.
There has been a mass exodus and retirement since early 2021, in this field as in all others, with Pfizer and their owned pups in media having to cover for that by making up these smokescreens about equity and quotas.
Is air travel less safe?
Is it due to quotas?
It is due almost entirely to vaccine mandates and injuries.
Interestingly, Tucker kind of confirms that in his final segment, an interview with Ed Dowd, admitting there is a large increase in excess deaths due to the vaccines.
But even Dowd and Tucker soft-sell it, assuring us—based on no real evidence—that there was no “maniacal conspiracy”, just a confluence of normal financial interests.
The DoD and Pfizer didn’t intend to kill millions of people, it just sort of happened while everyone was looking at profit graphs.
Dowd tells us central banks got off the hook, avoiding a debt default; Big Tech got to kick its new surveillance economy into high gear; and of course, Big Pharma made billions selling drugs to consumers who couldn’t say no, since the government was buying the jabs whether you accepted them or not.
Big Pharma Industry: The Healthcare Rip-Off – Library of Rickandria
But since we now know this whole thing was run out of DoD, Dowd forgets to tell you what they got out of it.
What exactly was the defense angle here?
There isn’t one, so the deepest agenda is still hidden.
Or, I should say, it is obvious, but not to be admitted:
the military was defending itself against incipient widescale revolution by pre-emptively attacking its own citizens, especially males.
But they had to do it covertly, since any overt attack would backfire.
Anyway, my original point with Tucker was, with all these important subjects of our current reality he could be addressing, why is he diverting us into this People magazine and Hollywood bullshit every night?
The Real Matrix – Library of Rickandria
You could ask the same of Alex Jones or Mike Adams or Mike Lindell or Jim Hoft or Joe Rogan or anyone else.
When did they ever hit any of these serious subjects like I do, even tangentially?
Can you say never?
No, they are trying to scare you with nuclear war, just like the mainstream.
The Nuclear Hoax – Library of Rickandria
They are selling the DC prisoners as real.
They are selling serial killers as real.
The Zodiac Murders & others were Faked – Library of Rickandria
They are yapping about aliens or spy balloons or pedophiles.
The Truth About Extraterrestrials – Library of Rickandria
They are promoting and interviewing Neo-Nazis or Flat Earthers or MGTOWers or QAnon agents or Hoover Institution fascists or ex-prize fighters in order to spread confusion.
The Flat Earth PSYOP: Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria
This week Infowars is promoting Michael Yon, supposedly ex-Special Forces.
Michael Yon (born 1964) is an American writer and photographer. He served in the Special Forces in the early-1980s, and he became a writer in the mid-1990s. He focused on military writing after the invasion of Iraq. Yon has been embedded on numerous occasions with American and British troops in Iraq, most prominently a deployment with the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment (Deuce Four) of the 25th Infantry Division in Mosul, Iraq that ended in September 2005.
Which is a big enough red flag by itself.
Except for one big problem:
his bio makes no sense, as usual.
To be Special Forces you have to have a college degree, but Wiki tells us Yon only went to community college.
That won’t cut it, since Special Forces requires a full degree, which is normally four years, not two.
Yon claims to have completed SF training by age 20, which also makes no sense.
He would have had to enter college at age 15 or tested out of two years.
The Q-course itself takes 1-2 years, which throws off the dates by at least another year.
The normal age to come out of SF training is 23 or 24, assuming you graduate on time.
Also not believable is that he was discharged just three years later, since you sign on for more than that initially.
We are told Yon allegedly held “rock star” status among soldiers, and no one who left SF after three years would have any status at all, except loser.
So, we must assume his discharge was faked as part of his mission.
My guess would be he is still active duty even today, with his Infowars appearances part of his continuing assignment.
He admits that the PhD level of warfare is “information warfare”, which he is obviously still engaged in.
Information warfare at Infowars.
Just a coincidence, I’m sure.
Yon is pushing the usual fear porn and even helping Alex sell prepper gear.
It is pretty transparent.
He is warning of nuclear war and famine.
This keeps you stocking the bunker instead of thinking about revolution.
The French Revolution – Library of Rickandria
BTW, NATO just tipped its hand to us today with an official tweet from Ukraine:
“We are Harry Potter and William Wallace, the Na’vi and Han Solo.
We’re escaping from Shawshank and blowing up the Death Star.
We are fighting with the Harkonnens and challenging Thanos.”
NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization – Library of Rickandria
Get past how that is being spun by the mainstream and the alternate media and look closer.
What do all those things have in common?
They are all from Hollywood movies.
Same as the fake war in Ukraine, staged to get your mind off the vaccine genocide and use up billions of dollars in weaponry, which now has to be replaced with your tax dollars.
And in other news today, Dr. McCullough and the alternative sites are now selling this as the cure to spike proteins . . . wait for it . . . soybeans.
So, they get you coming and going.
We wondered what McCullough’s function was, and now I guess we are finding out:
steer people into soybeans to reverse their blood clots, flooding them with more hormone mimickers and turning them into androgynes.
So, do you want a heart attack, or do you want to become gray-sex?
Do not fall for it.
Do not start eating soybeans.
If you want to try something, try hawthorn berries, which may actually work to some extent.

I don’t know that they dissolve clots, but they keep blood vessels wide, so the clots don’t cause stoppage.
If you are serious, various kinases do dissolve blood clots, but you don’t need to eat soy to get them.
Eat more nuts, especially organic sesame seeds.
Weed & Smoking – Library of Rickandria
Avoid prescription kinases, especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, since they are bad for your kidneys, which will already be stressed by spike proteins and other crap in the environment right now.
Prescription kinases are generally too strong and can cause a stroke.
Dissolve a clot, cause a stroke:
doesn’t sound like a good trade.
If you drink coffee, quit, since it constricts everything, including blood vessels.
Oh, and by the way, Scott Adams, the Dilbert guy, has either lost his mind with old age, been vaccine damaged, or been hired as a CIA asset to push the race war.
Scott Raymond Adams (born June 8, 1957) is an American author and cartoonist. He is the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, and the author of several nonfiction works of business, commentary, and satire. Adams worked in various clerical roles before he became a full-time cartoonist in 1995. While working at Pacific Bell in 1989, Adams created Dilbert; by the mid-1990s the strip had gained national prominence in America and began to reach a worldwide audience. Dilbert remained popular throughout the following decades, spawning several books written by Adams and becoming a cultural touchstone until it was dropped from syndication. It now runs as a webcomic.
He is now advising white people to avoid blacks completely.
Jews Have Cursed the Black Race – Library of Rickandria
Thanks Scott but I can’t remember anyone asking for your advice on anything.
Didn’t you also advise us to get vaccinated, without anyone asking you?
Yeah, I’m sure your readers thank you for that.
You later admitted you were wrong, but still managed to make yourself look like an idiot, so maybe it’s time to put the camera down and stay off YouTube.
Hey, Scott, did you ever consider the possibility that Rasmussen poll was faked?
Did you ever consider the possibility Rasmussen is just one more CIA front?
Because it is.
They faked that poll to drive the race war they have been pushing for almost a decade through the CIA-front Black Lives Matter, and you either bought it or they got to you as well, paying you to pretend you bought it.
Either way, your legacy is now toast.
You could have retired quietly and rested on your laurels, but like so many others you couldn’t do that.
You are quickly joining the celebrity graveyard along with:
- Sean Penn
- Neil Young
- Jennifer Aniston
- Joni Mitchell
- Rob Reiner
- Meryl Streep
- John Oliver
- Stephen Colbert
- Ryan Reynolds
- Martha Stewart
- Hugh Jackman
- Dolly Parton
- Lady Gaga
- Ian Mckellan
- Joan Collins
- The Rock
- Steve Martin
everyone at:
and thousands of others.
Speaking of NPR, they just cut 10% of staff.
Same reason as:
- Goldman Sachs
and all the rest are crumbling:
people are sick of propaganda 24/7 and aren’t tuning in, buying in, or listening anymore.
They are turning off the entire system and shutting down the grid from their end.
TUCKER TELLS YOU THAT THE NEWS IS GASLIGHTING YOU, while gaslighting you (basecamp.com)
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