The Jews admit in their own religious text just what their “god” really is.
Who Created God If God Created Everything? – Library of Rickandria
In Judaism there are four levels of meaning in the texts the first is literal, the second is pun or acronym which is meant to get the attention of the reader.
The third which is the story or allegory associated to this & the final level is the Sod or Kabbalistic meaning.
Which is the true meaning of the Torah.
The Zohar calls the Torah nothing but an exoteric cover of the Kabala.
The Rabbis state the Kabala is the real Jewish religion.
The Zohar the major Kabbalistic text in Judaism states in the opening:
“Bereshit bara Elohim”
This verse in Hebrew is reversed to mean:
“In the beginning it created God”.
This “it” as the Rabbis state is the Ayn the highest God in Kabala.
The Ayn is the unlimited nothingness.
However, what this Ayn is becomes obvious in the Kabala the Rabbi’s stated the “it” is the “Aleph to Tov” which is the Hebrew Alphabet.
The Zohar also points out that Aleph to Tov is the title of Shekinah.
The Ayn is Shekinah.
Shekinah & Kabbalah – Library of Rickandria
It was out of this energy that the god of the Jews was created.
Note the Shekinah in Kabala is called “light and vibration” the 22 names of God in Hebrew are the 22 Hebrew letters, the Shekinah.
Note the Ayn is from the Sanskrit mantra Ain which is the name of the Adi Shakti the primal force or energy.
Energy has conscious which is the male form of God in Hebrew how the energy is programmed.
Energy Programming – Library of Rickandria
The Torah is called God in Judaism & treated as such.
Torah was created with the 22 letters.
This is the other meaning of the Oral Torah in Hebrew; Oral is Orah which is from “Or” meaning light the light that was created when God spoke the first statement of creation.
The Oral Torah is the speaking of the Torah to generate the vibration of the word of God which generates the vibration of the god form in the astral & brings it into the material.
Jewish Pseudoscience & Materialism – Library of Rickandria
The other aspect of the Oral Torah is the occult knowledge of Kabala which is the science of the 22 letters.
The Torah is a spell book that the Jews recite orally to bring it into existence by vibration.
Hence their god is created by Ayn, Shekinah, vibration.
Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important – Library of Rickandria
The Jewish “God” is a servitor, a thoughtform that was created by the Rabbis and the Jews by vibrating the Torah in Hebrew.
On Hoova, Hoovids & Hebrews – Library of Rickandria
Their god is nothing but a mass of programmed energy in the astral they are channeling into the material world.
Which is why they use the 6 all the time it brings energy from the astral down into the material.
Christianity was just created to bring this about for the Jews by feeding massive amounts of energy into this program.
Christian Program & Purpose – Library of Rickandria
It’s a Jewish black magic spell created by the Rabbis for one purpose.
BLACK MAGICK – Library of Rickandria
The end goal of the black magic spell of the Torah is to bring about the age of the Messiah which is the ending of the age or world of the Gentiles the non-Jews.
Pagan (Called Satanic, Gentile or Goyim by the Jews) – Library of Rickandria
The age of the Messiah is the global Jewish government in which only Jews will rule, & the Gentiles will be treated as animals the Goyim as Hebrew calls us meaning “Cattle”.
Without any rights.
This is prophesied in the book of Daniel in the Jewish Torah.
The creation of this age is to be brought about by a global holocaust of the Gentiles in the Messianic war – in which most if not all of the Gentiles will be exterminated.
The Jews call Gentiles “Mazzikin” in the Talmud & Kabala which are the offspring of the Sheidin or Demons such as Lilith & Samel.
Samel is another word the Jews use for Satan.
Amalek the god of the Gentiles is the occult name of Samel or Satan in the Talmud & Kabala.
The Torah states the race of Amalek is to be wiped of the earth.
That is the Gentiles.
The Jews openly state the Gentiles are the offspring of the Gods.
The God and Goddess that created the Gentiles are called Lililtu & Enki in Sumeria & Enki is also called Satan by the Chaldeans as their God.
Satan means the “King of the Gods” in the ancient Egyptian & Sumerian.
Sumer & the Anunnaki – Library of Rickandria
The Torah references this as well Amalek is an attack on this meaning of Kingship.
Satan also means “Eternal God” in Sanskrit.
The Matrix & the Sanskrit Texts – Library of Rickandria
In the Kabala tale there is something important.
Satan appears before Moses & uproots & destroys the Jewish Tree of life after mocking them & declaring their end.
This sends the Jews in panic & defeat.
Only by praying to their god are they able to attempt to recover this.
The Tree of life in Judaism is the word & symbol for the Jewish Torah & soul.
The meaning of this tale on the highest two levels of Judaism is that the key to destroying the Jewish agenda is to destroy the Torah which can only be done with water as the tale shows.
Water is symbolic of the element of Shekinah in Judaism.
In the Talmud it shows the way to reverse a spell is the Rabbi has to reverse the Hebrew the spell was spoken with.
Hence the Jews only regain the Tree by praying which is done in Hebrew and they pray the Torah.
The highest level of meaning is for the Rabbis, that Satan is the living God that will & can destroy them.
They acknowledge Satan as the living God of the Gentiles remember this.
Jewish Rabbis Admit Satan is God of the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
The Kabala states the Torah is the soul of the Jewish race & their God form in the astral is connected into it.
Reverse the Torah spell & you undo the Jews on every level.
The Rabbis warned that Satan will be victorious over the Jews.
This is why the Talmud warns the Jews that to reveal anything about the religion of the Jews is to destroy the Jewish race.
The kabala is their Torah, & they were warned this is how Satan will end them.
By ending their Torah.
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