Our story so far:
The deposed king of Nibiru, Alalu, stole a rocket armed with missiles and set himself up on Earth, promising Nibirans– if they restore his throne–Earth’s gold to save itself from atmospheric loss and the nukes he aimed at Earth.
The Nibirans sent Alalu’s son-in-law, Ea, (who is also son of Alalu’s rival, Anu) to Earth to verify the gold and negotiate with Alalu on Anu’s behalf.
Ea, rocketing to Earth in his spaceship, used up his water supply–needed for the propulsion system–blasting Asteroids in his way.
He landed on Mars to draw water from a lake, then rocketed for Earth,
“its gold Nibiru’s fate for salvation or doom containing.”
[Sitchin, Z., The Lost Book of Enki page 71]
The astronauts splashed into the Persian Gulf; there Alalu guided them ashore.
Ea built a settlement, Eridu, at the head of the Persian Gulf.
From the Gulf, he extracted some gold.
He built a plane, and with his personal pilot, Abgal, tested for more gold all over the planet.
Anu beamed orders from Nibiru to Earth.
He commanded Ea to send Alalu’s ship back to Nibiru with as much gold as possible.
In Alalu’s rocket, Ea and Abgal found seven nuclear missiles.
The Nuclear Hoax – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
They hid the nukes in a cave.
Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests were Faked – Library of Rick and RIA (RARE Information Access)
Anzu, the interplanetary pilot, came to ready Alalu’s rocket to return to Nibiru.
But when he saw the missiles gone from the ship, Anzu confronted Ea.
“When to Earth we flew, only water cannon did we use to blast through the Asteroids, nearly killing our engine due to water wasted blasting rocks.
To return to Nibiru, I need the nukes you took from this ship.”
Ea retorted,
“Foresworn is the weapons’ use.”
[Sitichin, Z., 2002, The Lost Book of Enki, page 82].
“Replaced you are, Anzu, as interplanetary pilot, for we are pledged to no nukes in space.
Your attitude compels me to relieve you.
Stay here on Earth.
Abgal, my personal pilot, will take Alalu’s ship back to Nibiru.
And with water cannon only shall he navigate the asteroids.”
Ea programmed a return route through the Asteroids and Abgal flew the spacecraft to Nibiru with sample gold to test as an atmospheric shield there.
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