First published June 1, 2024, by one of the foremost revisionist intellectuals today, Miles Mathis

Additional information, images, videos & links from LOR on June 2, 2024.
OK, busy day today.
Lot of things to hit.
But it’s June 1, so first I need to pause for my biannual reminder to donate, which I may have to increase to triannual.
Donations are flagging a bit this year, and I am sure it is due to inflation and the terrible economy, since my readers are generally not rich.
You don’t maximize donations by being revolutionary #1, since of course a real revolution comes from an underclass of dispossessed.
The dispossessed generally aren’t flush with possessions and disposable income, by definition.
So, I feel almost guilty begging for support in times like this.
If you ain’t got it, you ain’t got it and the last thing I want to do is pester you.
Just ignore this.
Though twice a year doesn’t really qualify as pestering, especially if you compare it to the other “revolutionary” sites like Infowars, which has to break for a fund-drive every 10 minutes.
Nor is this for my regulars, and you know who you are.
I don’t want more out of you; you are doing fine.
This is just a reminder for the millions of readers I have worldwide who get something out of my research and aren’t broke.
They also know who they are.
If I had five bucks from every one of those readers, I would be a rich man. I don’t want to be a rich man, but a bit more in the kitty would be nice.
A little less squalor would be nice.
Nuff said.
Power of the Purse: The Origin of Money – Library of Rickandria

The first thing that hit my eye today was Alex Jones interviewing two Flat Earthers and tying that to my No-Nukes theory in his title.
The Nuclear Hoax – Library of Rickandria

Eddie Bravo (down) demonstrating his signature “rubber guard” – Edgar Bravo (né Cano; born May 15, 1970) is an American martial arts instructor, podcaster, stand-up comedian, and musician. After earning a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in 2003, Bravo began teaching his own self-developed style of jiu-jitsu and founded 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu. He is also the creator of the Eddie Bravo Invitational (EBI) grappling competition and the EBI ruleset. He is a recurring guest on The Joe Rogan Experience and the Tin Foil Hat Podcast…
Here he is with Eddie Bravo (fake name alert) and Dave Weiss (Jewish name alert), all making a mockery of logic and rationality.
INSANE: Flat Earth Debate With Eddie Bravo, Alex Jones & Dave Weiss (infowars.com)
Eddie Bravo, the expert on all things scientific, doesn’t even know what Starlink is.
Jones asks him about it and Bravo says,
“What is that?”
The man is a moron, and he has been told to play it up, since they are blackwashing all truth here, while pretending to be truthers.
I also note he has a delta or pyramid on his sleeve.
Signaling his fellow agents, though that is kind of redundant in this case, since he is already on Alex Jones.
The signal was already there.
The hidden point of the interview is to tie my No Nukes papers to Flat Earth.
The Flat Earth PSYOP: Everything Old is New Again – Library of Rickandria
They have been trying desperately to lump all my research in with Flat Earth from the beginning, since that is why Flat Earth was invented.
They hire some bozo like this to say Miles is right about everything for ten minutes, then admit they also believe the Earth is flat or the Moon is made of cheese.
At that point you are supposed to say to yourself,
“These people are idiots, so only idiots must read or believe Miles Mathis.”
You see how it works.
Standard military blackwash by association.
That way they don’t have to address any of the things I have pointed out.
They don’t have to make any arguments against me or rebut any of my findings.
All they have to say is “the Flat Earthers love him” or “Stormfront loves him”.
It is sort of like saying,
“A bad man put five dollars in the plate at church, therefore God, Jesus, and all religion is refuted.”
It is the laziest sort of debate trickery, not worthy of a circus barker, but it is all these people have.

They can’t address me by name, referring you to one of my actual papers, then rebutting it logically point for point.
The Work of Miles Mathis – Library of Rickandria
They can’t do that because once someone has read my paper and then listened to their lazy soundbite rebuttal, they are toast.
I win.
Their only hope is to treat you like an idiot.

These videos are for people too stupid to read a paper and follow a logical argument.
Imagine being so intelligence-compromised you got your information from a guy like Eddie Bravo.
Same for David Weiss, since no one with any self-respect would appear on the same screen with Eddie Bravo.
It tells you how little Alex Jones thinks of his audience, that he would dare give airtime to these guys.
But as I said, Bravo isn’t just accidentally stupid.
He was hired to be and look stupid, so that you would write him off at a glance, and with him everything he says.
Therefore, if he slips in a couple of my points—without mentioning my name—their job is done.
My theories will be sullied just by appearing in the mouth of Eddie Bravo.
The other thing going on at Infowars today is Alex’s own sort of fund drive, one he specializes in, but which is beneath me.
He is claiming he was almost shut down last night.
Alex Jones Says Infowars Could Be Shut Down Within Hours – Newsweek
There was allegedly some sort of raid, based on his fake Sandy Hook judgment.
The Alleged Sandy Hook Tragedy – Library of Rickandria
Which would make no sense even if the Sandy Hook trial was real—which it wasn’t.
If the authorities had some sort of order to liquidate, it would not have failed.
If Infowars was being shut down, it would be shut down.
Do you think the authorities showed up and Alex just refused to let them in, and they went away?
It doesn’t work like that.
If you resist in a situation like that, they send in a SWAT team.
The government normally doesn’t take no for an answer and just leave a card.
My guess is Alex saw Trump getting big donations by playing the victim and he wanted to be part of the fun.
If Trump can fake an event, so can Jones.
Which brings us to that.
We are being told tens of thousands of people are breaking the internet trying to donate to Trump, after his guilty verdict.

I don’t believe that either, but just ask yourself how stupid those people would have to be.
Remember, Trump is a billionaire, so if anyone doesn’t need donations or a GoFundMe page, it is Trump.
Trump has between two and five billion, or more, so no one with less than two billion in the bank should be donating to Trump.
Is that you?

I didn’t think so.
Besides which, the Trump trials are just TV theater.
You might as well donate to those poor hobbits in the Rings of Power.
BTW, in that interview with Bravo and Weiss, Jones asks Weiss if the Trump trials are fake.
Weiss says he doesn’t know.
But all three of them know they are fake.
Miles Mathis: The Trump Rape Trial was—of course—Faked – Library of Rickandria
This is just another mindscrew.
OK, now on to the real reason I am here today.
I have been wanting to comment for several days on Denise Brown, Nicole Brown Simpson’s alleged sister, appearing with her other sisters on TV.

[Brown in 1993 – Nicole Brown Simpson (née Brown; May 19, 1959 – June 12, 1994) was the second wife of American football player O. J. Simpson. Brown met Simpson in 1977 and they married in 1985, five years after Simpson had retired from professional American football. Their marriage lasted seven years and they had a daughter and a son.]
They were interviewed by Diane Sawyer for ABCNews.
Nicole Brown Simpson’s sisters share updates on her 2 kids (msn.com)
That’s what’s going on above, with those scary old ladies.
Nicole is not aging too well, is she?
Yeah, my readers know that first woman is not Denise Brown, but Nicole herself.
The whole OJ event was faked as part of the long-running Men-are-Pigs project and Nicole simply changed her name and pretended to be her non-existent sister Denise afterwards.
Mental Health & the Men are Pigs Project – Library of Rickandria
I proved that beyond any reasonable doubt in that paper.
THE O. J. SIMPSON TRIAL was Faked as were the murders – Library of Rickandria
There is no record of Denise before 1994.
All the photos are pastes.
She died her hair dark brown and actually appeared in the trial, giving testimony.
The chutzpah of these people never ceases to amaze me (and to double the chutzpah, she is wearing a big black cross here—at least it isn’t upside-down—maybe the hex is on the back).
How the Jews Deceive the Gentiles – Library of Rickandria
And here she is, 30 years later, still boldly going on TV and talking about her own death.
Death Hoaxes – Library of Rickandria
That’s how little they think of your intelligence or your ability to recognize someone.
I encourage you to go watch that video.
They don’t want you to read my papers, but I encourage you to watch their videos.
It is clear as day to me that is Nicole.
If you didn’t believe it before, give the idea another chance now that her hair is no longer dyed dark.
Something may finally click for you.

I say she is not aging too well because she is only 64.
She looks 74 to me.
She would look even older without the hair extensions and the face sand and all the makeup and the fake teeth.
She is four years older than me:
Miles Mathis: TURNING 60 – Library of Rickandria
But she could be my mother.
And people ask me why I don’t date women my own age.
Organic Portals – Library of Rickandria
In most cases, it wouldn’t really work, would it?
It looks like she has had her forehead and cheeks sanded, but the tell is her neck.
My neck looks nothing like that and won’t in four years.
She looks twenty years older than me.
That doesn’t mean she looks eighty, since she doesn’t.
It means she looks ten years older, and I look ten years younger, giving us a total of twenty.
Some will say I am just being mean or not playing fair, but they are really missing the dynamic here.
These actors like Nicole are the ones lying about everything and I am just telling the truth.
What I Finally Understood – Library of Rickandria
Seems fair to me.
You should be furious at the web of lies they have snared you in, which goes way beyond OJ or nukes, so any pity for them should have long since evaporated.
Or pity them if you like, but nevertheless resist them with everything you have.
They are beyond evil.
These ladies are all witches, and that includes the lying Diane Sawyer, still trying to sell you this fraud.
Gerald Gardner: Witch, Amateur Archaeologist & Intelligence Asset? – Library of Rickandria
And that is because they were always witches.
WITCHCRAFT – Library of Rickandria
They didn’t become witches with the wrinkles and fake hair and fake teeth:
they were witches as soon as they bought into this whole Phoenician con job.
Where did ALL the Phoenicians Go? – Library of Rickandria
But this is what a life of lying and cheating and stealing will do to your face.
And it does even worse things to your soul.
Jewish Soul VS. Gentile Soul – Library of Rickandria
Saying that reminded me to check David Weiss, who is also not looking too good:

I couldn’t find an age for him, but collating all photos seems to indicate he has aged about fifteen years in the last three years.
Lying apparently doesn’t agree with him.
LIAR-BOT – Library of Rickandria
Note the double bags under his eyes especially, indicating sleep problems.
AI seems to be promoting him, since when I asked Bing’s Copilot about him, it finished with this:
In summary, David Weiss is an influential figure within the flat earth community, and his work continues to spark discussions and debates.
Whether you agree with his views or not, exploring alternative perspectives can be thought-provoking.
Why would AI be instructed to be so easy on Flat Earth, when it is so hard on other nonmainstream ideas?
What “Intelligent AI” is Really About – Library of Rickandria
And when I asked Copilot for a bio of this guy, it tried to push attorney David Weiss‘ bio on me.

I told it that was the wrong David Weiss, and Copilot pretended it was an honest mistake.
Pressed, Copilot then told me this:
His journey into the fat earth realm began when he left his lucrative corporate job and started his own company.
As a hobby, he hosted a conspiracy comedy show at a New York City comedy club for three years.
He was associated with David Weiss & Associates, a business management firm dealing with clients in the entertainment industry.
David Weiss & Associates Careers and Employment | Indeed.com
It looks like the last claim is another mix-up, since there are two big similar businesses on opposite coasts, one Weiss and one Weise, but neither appear to be this guy.
When I switched from Copilot to ChatGPT, I was told this Weiss has no available background.
AI Confesses to Lying! – Library of Rickandria
Which of course is just as suspicious as a background in Hollywood.
Where did this guy come from?
Why do we always find these people with no bios posted?
You should just assume that anyone with no confirmable bio posted is CIA or similar.
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency – Library of Rickandria