One of the strange facts of Christianity is that the Gospels and Acts are not the earliest known Christian documents.

Certainly, the Gospel of Mark can be dated to around 50 AD by fragments found with the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran because the most prestigious institutions would have had the earliest copies.

But for general circulation, the letters of Paul, being shorter and quicker to be hand-copied, gained a readership twenty years before the first Gospel had gained wide circulation.

When these source documents are placed in their correct chronological order – 

  • Paul
  • Mark
  • Matthew

or Luke, John – a picture of the foundation and progress of the movement emerges that is very different from the one depicted in the traditional and un-chronological arrangement of the Gospels and Acts. [408]

Christianity was a religious movement that was undermined from its very beginnings by Saul of Tarsus, a lying Pharisee rabbi and murderer of Christians.

Saint Paul (c. 1611) by Peter Paul Rubens 1.63 MB View full-size Download

Paul, also named Saul of Tarsus, commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul,[8] was a Christian apostle (c. 5 – c. 64/65 AD) who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. For his contributions towards the New Testament, he is generally regarded as one of the most important figures of the Apostolic Age, and he also founded several Christian communities in Asia Minor and Europe from the mid-40s to the mid-50s AD.

Throughout his teachings, Jesus warned about the:

“leaven of the Pharisees,”

that little bit of a lie that the Jews inject into truth like a little bit of yeast added as leavening to bread dough.

From their little lies, grow the huge betrayals and swindles of the Jews.

Again and again, in every Gospel, Jesus warned about this.

And as soon as Jesus had passed out of this life, who should show up but none other than a lying, deceiving Pharisee named Saul of Tarsus to add his leavening to the fresh dough of Christian teachings.

Not only did Paul write his letters twenty years before the Christian Gospels had gained wide circulation but if you add it all up in total, forty percent of what is called the New Testament was written by Paul.

And another forty percent is influenced by Paul because Luke, a pagan, was under Paul’s influence.

Thus, Paul was able to deceive Luke and gain a major (nearly 80%) influence over the direction of Christianity!

By debauching the virtuous and creating perversion among the mighty, the Jews claim to have a “higher morality” than the ones whom they have corrupted.

It was a simple thing to get the son of a king drunk, seduce him with women or – even better – if he had homosexual tendencies, to seduce him with catamites.

In this way, the Jews could always claim a “higher moral authority” when, over the ones whom they had debauched, their victims were made into a public scandal while the Jews held themselves up as paragons of virtue.

It is certainly not that the Jews are virtuous – far from it – but that they hide their perversions behind the mask of Judaism and the solidarity of a congregation of lying hypocrites who protect their own undeserved “prestige” from the censure of non-Jews.

Judaism is the World’s Oldest Organized Criminal Conspiracy within which and by membership, every Jew is guilty.

Civilization attains its highest perfection when the People are:

  • virtuous
  • kindly
  • peaceful
  • honest
  • truthful

and intelligent.

But none of these virtues make money for the Jews.

Nor do the Jews flourish when Truth is held in high esteem by the People because then all of their frauds and lies are revealed for what they are and their mask as a “holy people” is ripped from the demonic grins on their hypocritical faces.

From their earliest days of

  • moneylending
  • foreclosures
  • slavery
  • prostitution
  • liquor sales
  • pawn shops
  • gambling

and related vices, the Jews have prospered from the debauchery and impoverishment of Mankind.

While hiding behind their façade of religion, they have conspired not only to profit from the weaknesses of Mankind but to actually work diligently toward furthering those very weaknesses which foster the destruction of Mankind.

Counting money and operating a business does not require a high intelligence.

The calculations are simple, and the operations are elementary.

So, the Jews have not traditionally been required to be very intelligent.

In fact, their traditional occupations as:

  • pimps
  • booze merchants
  • loan sharks
  • smugglers
  • bankers

and merchants require more cunning than actual intelligence.

So, how can low-life Jews survive in a world of more intelligent people who are striving for excellence and holiness?

By making themselves into a better people?

No, that is not the Jewish way.

To make themselves feel even more celestial than the goyim (non-Jewish, lowly insects, stupid cattle) whom their “God of Armies” has tasked them to destroy, means that they can achieve an even higher distance between themselves and all of Mankind, not by making themselves a better people but by making all of Mankind worse.

For these sinister frauds to become the “kings of the earth” and the slave masters over Mankind as their Hebrew Bible and Babylonian Talmud declare, is accomplished not by raising themselves up to heights of goodness but of throwing the non-Jews down into pits of suffering and depravity where, in Jewish eyes, the:

“lowly insects and stupid cattle”


It is a demonic work that they do, debauching and murdering the people around them so that the Jews can sing and dance on the graves.

RELIGION: DAEMON – Library of Rickandria

By pulling all of Mankind to a level beneath their feet.

The Jews do not make themselves better and worthy of leadership; rather, they make all non-Jews so much more depraved that they are less worthy of leadership.

Then, the Jews step forward as:

“leaders of the masses.”

The goal of the demonic Jews is the pulling down of their betters so that the Jews can rule over those whom they have destroyed.

The Jews are demons.

The impact of Jews and Judaism on every people among whom they are allowed to live is always negative and never positive because they are a destructive and malicious element.

The Jews are predatory parasites and actual devils disguised as human beings.

In modern times, the Jews have swindled ownership and control of all of the Media

  • Newspapers
  • magazines
  • television
  • recorded music

and the film industry, are all owned and controlled by the Jews.

So, they fill the public mind and the airwaves with the most diabolical:

  • trash
  • murder
  • mayhem

of the most depraved:

  • grossness
  • immorality
  • sexual perversion
  • anti-social

and psychopathic sickness and violence.

And the Jews bring into the living rooms of every household, autopsies of rotted corpses and how-to lessons of murder and larceny – and all of it is advertised as “entertainment.”

Destroying the:

  • minds
  • morals
  • families

and nations of the world is easy for the Jews in modern times because they have been allowed to sink their bloody claws into Media ownership.

But in the ancient times, the only control that the demonic Jews had over other people was through control of money, control of kings and manipulation of religion.

Since every book was a one-off, handwritten work, they could control this only form of communication by holding their own writings up as the “word of God” while burning all copies of any dissenting opinions or criticism.

With the incredible wealth that they cherished, kings could be bribed and deceived.

Gold and silver could be manipulated.

NEW WORLD ORDER: GLOBAL BANKING: GOLD: For Humans & Others… – Library of Rickandria

But religion, the one thing that the ancient peoples respected and feared from the gods, was not so easily controlled other than through the Jews’ own plagiarized, fictitious fabrication known as Judaism.

RELIGION: Gods & Religions on Planet Earth – Library of Rickandria

And with Judaism, they had the perfect screen to hide their banking and various other criminal swindles.

But then Jesus appeared suddenly like a lightning bolt.

The priests and rabbis had no way to refute the truth that he told about them, nor to deny the actual wisdom that he spoke.

“Liars, deceivers, hypocrites, murderers and the very children of the devil,”

is what Jesus called the treacherous Jews.

So, the only way that they could stop the truth from being told about them, was not to repent of their evil ways and to accept the truth and salvation that Jesus offered them, but to kill the Messenger.

And in so doing, they fulfilled their own impossible-to-fulfill requirements for a Messiah to appear.

Jesus brought Judaism to an end.

The rabbis’ own “prophesies” claimed that Judaism would end when the Messiah appeared.

That is, Judaism and its concealed banking system would come to an end unless the lying rabbis could devise a scheme to halt or to redirect Christianity into a direction from which the Jews could profit.

They could not stop the Truth entirely, but they could redirect it and lead the Truth into Darkness.

The Jews never tired of bragging to their pagan neighbors about their mighty god who had vanquished great empires like Assyria and Babylonia and Egypt; the mighty god who had brought them out of Egypt with mighty wonders, fed them with manna in the desert for forty years, and gave them Palestine as an inheritance.

Of course, none of it was true.

But the Jews could expose their circumcised nubs as the only “proof” they needed.

“Oy Gevalt!

Who in their right mind would want to be circumcised unless a mighty god had ordered it?

So, you want proof, you schmuck?

Just take a look at my holy Jewish penis.

If that isn’t holy, what is?”

And the pagans believed the Jews; that is, those pagans who were not smart enough to see the improbability of any god – whether in heaven or in hell – wanting those unusually ugly and proverbially dishonest goat-molesters as “his people.”

The dumbest pagans believed the Jews and the smartest pagans were merely wary of them since there was no proof to refute the Jewish lies.

Most pagans just didn’t know one way or the other.

In this way, the Jews learned that among non-Jewish people, the dumbest ones were to be promoted and nurtured as allies of the Jews, while the smartest ones were to be dispossessed and killed.

Through the slow attrition of moneylending and foreclosure as well as:

  • poisoning
  • arson
  • murder

[409], the surrounding people were gradually pruned of the more intelligent members of society so that only the pro-Jewish and dumbest ones remained to serve and be swindled by those predatory parasites.

Through genocide, the Jews breed Mankind (their lowly insects and stupid cattle) to serve the Jews by culling out – through:

  • murder
  • warfare
  • starvation

– those who are not deceivable.

The Jews are able to do this not because they have a Jewish god on their side but only because of the money that they control and their unending lies which they spread as a unified, subversive, demonic entity.

RELIGION: DEMONS – The Pagan Gods of Hell – Library of Rickandria

But now, with the advent of Jesus and Christianity, what could the murderous Jews do to defend their carefully constructed:

“mighty-and-powerful-and scary-god-who-will-send-a-plague-of-leprosy-on anyone-who-insults-His-Holy-Chosen-Jews”?

What could they do when Jesus claimed that God was really not the awful monster to whom the Jews prayed, but was actually a loving and kind god after all?

And He was a god who actually hated Jews!

How could the Jews continue their cleverly concealed banking system with its ancient Sumerian Swindle camouflaged behind a Temple when Jesus preached forgiveness of debts and a contempt for wealth?

With Jesus, the lies of Judaism were destroyed.

The pagan proselytes, whom the Jews had been converting into the diabolical fiends whom Jesus had condemned as being just as evil as the rabbis, were now abandoning Judaism and running toward the light of Christianity.

The proselytes were becoming Christians in a religion that had actual, living, apostolic witnesses of Jesus’ glory, along with the thousands of people who had witnessed the events.

Christianity was a living religion, not merely the impossible, dead lies of the Torah.

So, Judaism was doomed.

The Jews were totally incapable of making better people of themselves while remaining Jews.

Nor could the Jews reach the higher standard set by Christ.

But such devils were certainly capable of pulling Christians down to a lower level than themselves.

They were certainly capable of corroding the pure and debauching the virtuous, of making the strong stumble and the weak fall down.

By pulling the Christians down, the Jews could stand above them with their “prestige,” their special privileges and their arrogant pride fully intact.

But how to do this?

What the Temple priests and rabbis needed was a loyal Jew who would infiltrate the new religion, subvert leadership of it and redirect it along Jewish lines.

The pagans, from whom the Jews got most of their profits, could still be induced to honor the Jews if they were tricked into honoring the Jewish god, “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.”

And the pagans would continue to honor the Jewish god if they could be convinced that this wonder-working Jesus to whom they prayed, also worshipped the god of the Jews.

If the pagans were taught that Jesus was not a new path for Mankind but was actually Judaism incarnate, then all would go well for the Jews.

If the new Christians could be deceived into praying to Jesus as an avatar of “He-Who-Must Not-Be-Named,” then the Jews could still maintain their lies not only as the “Chosen People” but as the ultimate guides to whom the new Christians must look for spiritual guidance.

If the new Christians could be persuaded not to strike out on a new path but to continue walking the same old road of Jewish fables, then the rabbis knew that they could control Christian destiny.

By controlling Christian destiny, they could engineer the destruction of Christianity, and the Jews could stand once again in triumph upon the ashes.

By persuading the Christians to honor the Jewish god, then that meant that they would automatically honor the lies and myths that surrounded “He-Who Must-Not-Be-Named.”

If the Christians honored the lies of Judaism, then that meant that they would also honor the Jews, the “Chosen Ones” of that god.

If the Christians accepted the Jews as the Chosen Ones of God, then the Jews could lead the Christians down paths chosen by the Jews.

And where would that path lead to?

Why it would lead to destruction and Hell.

And that is where the rabbis wanted the Christians to go.

All that they needed was a Judas goat to lead the Christians there.

And this is where the fanatical Pharisee, Saul of Tarsus, entered the picture.

The Letters of Paul Saul of Tarsus (a.k.a. “saint” Paul) is more familiar to us than any other figure of the New Testament. [410]

But whether this is through his self-promoting Jewish hucksterism or through the naïveté of the early Christians regarding the evil Jews or a combination of both, is the only question.

Not only through his own letters but also through the “Acts of the Apostles,” which was written by Luke (a previously pagan physician), has the advertising about Paul been propagated.

These are some of the facts of his wicked life.

Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin who were, as you will recall, the foremost servants and enforcers of the Babylonian moneylenders since even before the time that Abraham swindled Melchizedek.

He was born in Tarsus of Cilicia.

He was educated by the Pharisee sect of Gamaliel in Jerusalem.

He was a fanatical:

  • persecutor
  • torturer
  • murderer

of Christians.

By the decrees of Julius Caesar and the other bribed Roman emperors and officials, the Jews had the legal authority of Rome, itself, to execute any Jews who broke with Mosaic Law.

Miles Williams Mathis: ROME – Library of Rickandria

Those Christians who had been converted from Judaism, the Pharisee Jews:

  • beat
  • flogged
  • tortured

and then executed them by stoning or pouring molten lead down their throats.

So, Saul was not a nice guy.

He was a brutally evil and fanatical Pharisee.

As you will remember, Jesus warned against the “leaven of the Pharisees,” that is, the lies of the Pharisees because, among liars, they are especially:

  • diabolical
  • ingenious
  • subtle

and destructive.

Like leavening in bread dough, Jewish lies start very small but soon blow up the entire batch.

After administering countless beatings and stonings where the Christian converts refused to recant their belief that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah, Saul no doubt learned the entire theology of this new Christian faith from his shrieking and pleading victims.

He learned his Christian creed from the very Christians whom he had tortured to death and executed.

But to infiltrate the movement would be difficult for him because he was a known enemy of all Christians.

So, what is a pious Jew to do when he wants to swindle someone?

He lies, of course!

He pretends!

Like all Jewish lies, the ancient method of abracadabra always comes in handy for a Jew: 

“Abracadabra, I create as I speak.”

By abracadabra conjuring up a vision of a Jesus whom he had never in fact met, Saul claimed that Jesus appeared to him and appointed him to be Christ’s very own “holy apostle.”

Thus, Saul was able to promote himself from an enemy Pharisee and Jewish persecutor of the Christians, into an equal among Christ’s own inner circle of apostles through the convenient technique of – Abracadabra! – “seeing a vision” where Jesus had personally:

“chosen him to be the apostle of the pagans.”

Very convenient, indeed.

Primed with a Christian theology that he had bloodily ripped from his torture and murder victims, Saul began spreading among the pagans a particularly Jewish angle which is known in modern times as “Pauline Christianity” – not Jesus’ Christianity, but Paul’s!

The Jews steal everything.

After spending some time in Arabia spreading his “leaven of the Pharisees,” he returned to Damascus to preach.

In about 39 AD, after a brief visit to Jerusalem, Paul went to Syria and Cilicia until Barnabus fetched him back to Antioch where they preached together. [411]

During his first missionary journey (45-49 AD) to:

and Lycaonia, he started using his Greek name, Paul, instead of his Jewish name, Saul.

Because he was the usual:

  • smooth-talking
  • fork-tongued
  • educated

Pharisee by training, with all of the hypocritical swindling ability of a rabbi, he preached more convincingly than the uneducated Barnabus.

So, he started to become more famous than Barnabus.

In 49 AD, fourteen years after his “conversion,” he went to Jerusalem to take part in the apostles’ council, and it was partly through his influence that the council agreed that the Jewish Law was not binding on Christian converts from paganism.

Christians even today breathe a sigh of relief that they don’t have to follow the ridiculous Laws of Moses as if Paul actually did them a favor.

In fact, this ruling was a very necessary goal of the rabbis because:

  1. It kept Christians out of their Temple Cult.
  2.  It allowed the Jews to continue to swindle and betray Christians simply because the Laws of Moses were stipulated to be only for Jews.

Thus, all commandments not to:

  • steal
  • kill
  • molest

etc., meant that the Jews could still do those things to Christians while maintaining their hypocritical fraud of being “innocent” of wrongdoing towards their victims.

If the Christians were required to follow Jewish law, then that would turn them into Jews.

They would be mating with Jews which would cause inheritance monies to pass out of Jewish hands.

And worse than this!

The Jewish racist religion with its secret financial larcenies and political betrayals would become known to the pagans.

This would be very dangerous for the Jews because if the pagans ever learned what:

  • frauds
  • betrayers
  • con artists

and criminals the Jews really were (and are), they would rise up and kill every Jew.

So, what Paul did was to protect the Jews from being Christianized.

The Jewish idea of a “holy race” (Ezra 9:2) was a vitally important point among the rabbis and priests of Abraham’s First National Bank and Pawn Shop.

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Through genealogical lineages, they maintained control over the Jews and kept their Sumerian Swindle concealed by keeping the secrets of their wealth hidden from their non-Jewish victims.

Bankers keep a strict distance from borrowers, so as to be emotionally pitiless in extracting payments.

Referring to them as goyim (lowly insects, stupid cattle) helps in this.

The Jews could give each other free loans under their façade of “brotherly love,” because those free loans gave them the finances for pitilessly swindling the goyim. (Deu 7:2-7)

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How could they maintain the secret frauds of Judaism if the Christians blended in with the Jews by mimicking Jewish laws and customs?

No, the Christians could not be allowed to follow Jewish Law.

The strict separation of Mankind from the Jewish inheritors of Solomon’s Temple, had to be perpetuated if the Jews were to profit from their betrayals of Mankind.

The parasites could not suck the blood of the host if the host was allowed to turn into a fellow parasite.

The Jews could not swindle and betray Mankind if pagans and Christians were allowed to infiltrate among the Jews.

And the truths of Christianity would destroy the lies of Judaism.

Paul protected Judaism by pretending to free the Christians from Jewish Law.

That most Christian Readers throughout the centuries breathed a sigh of relief that Paul “saved” them from having to follow the ridiculous Laws of Moses, is the main reason that Christians to this very day haven’t understood Paul’s real motives for opposing the true Apostles. Paul’s mission as an “apostle to the pagans” was formally sanctioned – Blare of Trumpets Here – according to him. (Galatians 2:2-10)

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That is, it was fully sanctioned because of his claim that he had met Jesus in person.

Abracadabra, a Jew gave his word, so it must be true.


He set out once more, going on two missionary journeys in 50-52 AD and again in 53-58 AD.

He was arrested in 58 AD and sent to Rome, released in 63 AD for lack of evidence.

Set free, arrested again and imprisoned in Rome.

According to a very ancient tradition, he was martyred in Rome in 67 AD.

But that is only a “tradition” with no evidence one way or the other since he could just as easily have escaped and lived a life of ease somewhere on the proceeds from his graft.

Paul suffered from “revelations” and “ecstasies” (2 Co 12:1-4), that is, visions and voices in his head.

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Except for his original street theater of a vision of Jesus, Paul does not seem to have had a very vivid imagination, judging by his sparing and pedestrian use of imagery.

His sly genius was more intellectual than imaginative; his enthusiasm was never divorced from the rigid logic with which he explains his teaching and adapts it to the needs of his audience. [412]

In other words, he practiced the Pharisee double-talk, in those days called the “Tradition of the Elders,” later written down as the Babylonian Talmud.

Paul has sometimes been accused of being an eclectic in the sense of adopting not only different but also contradictory opinions according to the circumstances in which he found himself.

He was interested less in truth than in persuading people to believe in his ideas of who and what the Christ was.

He has also been accused of not having an open mind, of being obsessed by the “vision” which he claimed was Jesus-in-person, appointing him to be an equal among the true Apostles.

This was his only key into ingratiating himself into Christian homes.

With the restless mind of a Jew, he never allowed his ideas to develop beyond their basic falsity.

To show the development of Paul’s demonic thinking, his letters have to be read in the same order in which they were written. [413]

Christian charity towards Paul is misplaced.

What the Bible commentators are actually saying, is that Paul (Saul of Tarsus) was a lying Pharisee who based his entire career of misleading Christians on his delusion that God and Jesus chose him to be equal to the real apostles.

He was such a Pharisee deceiver that he not only deceived Peter, the uneducated fisherman, as well as the other Apostles, but he entirely changed the course of the Church that Jesus had established.

His so-called “Spirit” was the spirit of a devil.

However, the Commentators are correct in that reading Paul’s letters in the order that they were written, reveals much that has been hidden from Christians since the earliest times, as you shall see.

The arrangement of Paul’s letters uses the ancient convention of placing the longest ones first, so the actual time frame gets lost.

To read them in the order that they were written, the arrangement should be as follows:

1 & 2 Thessalonians………………….50-51 AD
1 & 2 Corinthians …………….…….. 50-52 AD
Philippians …………………….……. 56-57 AD
Galatians & Romans ………………… 57-58 AD
Ephesians, Colossians & Philemon…. 61-63 AD
1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy ……..……. 65 AD
Hebrews ………………………..………. 67 AD

Letters to the Thessalonians 50-51 AD

After Paul encountered Jewish hostility in Thessaloniki, he moved to Beroea from where he wrote his first letter.

Detail from Michael Václav Halbax: Saint Paul and Silas in Prison by Michael Václav Halbax [cs], c. 1700 133 KB View full-size Download

Silas or Silvanus (/ˈsaɪləs/; Greek: Σίλας/Σιλουανός; fl. 1st century AD) was a leading member of the Early Christian community, who according to the New Testament accompanied Paul the Apostle on his second missionary journey.

He was traveling with Silas and Timothy whom he had circumcised for some perverted reason, probably because after a Jewish circumciser makes the cut, he immediately sucks on the bleeding penis.

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Timothy or Timothy of Ephesus (Greek: Τιμόθεος, Timótheos, meaning “honouring God” or “honoured by God”) was an early Christian evangelist and the first Christian bishop of Ephesus,[9] who the Acts of Timothy relates died around the year AD 97.  Timothy was from the Lycaonian city of Lystra or of Derbe in Asia Minor, born of a Jewish mother who had become a Christian believer, and a Greek father. The Apostle Paul met him during his second missionary journey, and he became Paul’s companion and missionary partner along with Silas. The New Testament indicates that Timothy traveled with Paul the Apostle, who was also his mentor. He is addressed as the recipient of the First and Second Epistles to Timothy. While included in the Pauline epistles of the New Testament, First and Second Timothy are considered by many biblical scholars to be pseudoepigraphical and not written by Paul.

They left before the persecutions began.

His letters were to encourage the congregation to persevere in the faith with which he had infected them.

Remember, Paul was preaching what he had learned from the Christians whom he had tortured and murdered.

His self-proclaimed “authority” was of an alleged “vision” of a resurrected Christ.

He never met Jesus, but he pretended that he had.

He had had no instruction about Jesus or Christianity from the real Apostles.

Letters to the Corinthians 50-52 AD

Paul wrote the letters to Thessalonians during the eighteen months he spent evangelizing Corinth. [414]

The church he established in Corinth was mostly composed of poor people.

The letters to the Corinthians are actually fragments of several letters and various things that Paul wrote on different occasions which were later put into their present form as part of the process of preserving a collection of his writings. [415]

These were doctrinal arguments in the Church of Corinth between the teachings of Paul and those of Peter (Cephas) and some of the other actual witnesses who had seen Jesus. (1 Cor 1:12)

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Paul uses both Greek logic and Jewish double-talk to inveigle his readers.

He preaches Jesus without context simply because he had never met Jesus other than as a delusion in his head.

There is absolutely no evidence that Paul ever recognized the “primacy” of Peter in relationship to himself.

In Corinth, Paul did not permit a “Cephas party” any more than he did any other party whatever [416] to contest his claims of authority.

Like the typical Jew, Paul demanded center stage at all times.

Any other view other than his own, was an insult to his “prestige” of being an “apostle” of Jesus.

In other words, he was actively subverting the Church at this time and aggressively suppressing the witness of the original Apostles and especially that of Peter (Cephas), the “Rock.”

And why not?

The Jews claimed to be the “Holy Chosen Ones of God” based solely upon their word, so why not also claim to be the Jesus-appointed “apostle to the pagans” also based upon the word of a Jew?

Like most Jews who push and elbow their way into positions that they don’t merit, Paul very much considered himself an apostle equal to the real apostles since his “vision of Jesus” was all that he needed to give himself the “authority of Jesus.”

But instead of the power of loving-kindness that Jesus taught the real disciples with laying-on-of-hands and the spiritual zapping of disease, Paul used the superstitious lies of the Jews. 

Instead of healing through love and persuasion, Paul uses the demonic curses of the rabbis.

This technique alone shows the demonic character of this lying Jew.

In the case of a man accused of marrying his father’s wife and so committing incest under Mosaic Law, instead of praying to God for him, Paul demands of the Corinthians that:

“When you are assembled together in the name of the Lord Jesus, and I am spiritually present with you, then with the power of our Lord Jesus he is to be handed over to Satan so that his sensual body may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.” (1 Cor 5:4-5)

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This really is the opposite of what Jesus taught.

No one is to be sacrificed to the Devil.

This sets the stage for some of the atrocities that Christians committed against each other and against non-Christians in following centuries.

This is an example of the “leaven of the Pharisees” in action.

This was Saul the Pharisee preaching Jewish demonology and pitiless revenge.

Since the Letters to the Corinthians is really not a letter but merely a collection of various writings, what other terrible things did Paul teach other than what is found in the surviving manuscripts?

In another injection of Jewish “yeast” (leaven of the Pharisees) into the Church, Paul hypocritically begins by claiming that the Church should be pure (1 Cor 5:6-8).

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But he ends (1Cor 5) by introducing divisiveness among the Christians.

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He claims that it is acceptable for Christians to associate with people living immoral lives, the 

  • sexual deviants
  • usurers
  • swindlers

and idol worshippers.

But it is not acceptable to associate with fellow Christians who do these things:

“You should not associate with a brother Christian who is leading an immoral life, or is a usurer, or idolatrous, or a slanderer, or a drunkard, or is dishonest; you should not even eat a meal with people like that.” (1 Cor 5:11)

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In this way, Paul injects the “leaven of the Pharisees” to work its slow poison among the Christians by dividing them in this way.

Under Paul’s misguidance, gradually as Christians associate with the riffraff of the world, they become debauched.

And as they do not love and forgive and offer guidance to their fallen and wayward brothers, their churches fall into vacancy.

This is Pauline Christianity in action.

Paul protects the Sumerian Swindle monopoly of the Jews by ostracizing Christian moneylenders.

It was the goal of the Jews to keep moneylending and usury as their own monopoly without competition from anyone else.

So, this was an extremely important early goal of the Jews such as Paul who had infiltrated the Church, because with only the Jews being allowed to lend money at interest, they could enslave the Christians to unending debt – just as they have to this very day.

Hypocritically, Paul lies and writes,

“It is not my business to pass judgement on those outside [of the Christian community].

Of those who are inside, you can surely be the judges.

But of those outside, God is the judge.

You must drive out this evil doer from among you.”
 (1 Cor 5:12-13)

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In this way, Christians are admonished not to pass judgement on the Jews who wish to destroy them while accepting the judgement of the Jews – that is, meekly accept the judgement of your enemies and be ruthless in judging your brothers.

The Best of Step Brothers

Certainly, this is an urge toward self-destruction that the Churches practice today with their vacant pews, all victims of the leaven of the Pharisees and the false teachings of Paul.

Paul abandons Christ’s call for men to repent of their wickedness.

Paul claims that Christians should not judge the morality or immorality of Jews or pagans because God is their judge, but only to look inward and judge one another.

Thus, all the world can go to hell, but the Christians are not to take a hand in judging what is wrong or remedying the situation.

Monster Magnet See You in Hell

Such is the demonic “leaven of the Pharisees,” another Jewish lie injected into the early Church by Paul.

The Mosaic Law and the Oral Tradition of the Pharisees is what Paul resorts to in 1Corinthians 6.

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Jews are forbidden to take one another to court in civil lawsuits; rather, they must take their complaints before a Sanhedrin court of rabbis.

In the same way, Paul (rabbi Saul the Pharisee) applies Jewish Law to the Christians:

“How dare one of your members take up a complaint against one another in the law courts of the unjust [a Jewish slur against non-Jewish magistrates] instead of before the saints?”

Thus, Paul insists that the Christians settle their own scores rather than parade them before pagan judges.

And of course, he includes himself among the saints.

After telling them to sacrifice one of their fellows to Satan, Paul settles back as a rabbi telling his fellow Jews to love each other.

But then he betrays his own lack of the Holy Spirit by saying,

“For me there are no forbidden things.”

This is a standard rabbinical teaching for the criminal Jews.

He qualifies that with a lecture on avoiding fornication because:

“your bodies are members making up the body of Christ.” (1 Cor 6:15)

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“your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you since you received him from God …. This is why you should use your body for the glory of God.” (1 Cor 1:19-20)

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And since Paul was circumcised, like all Jews, fornication is for the glory of their god.

Saul of Tarsus, this lying rabbi who never met Jesus a day in his life, gives advice to the lovelorn: 

Get married so Satan does not tempt you.

“Because the world as we know it is passing away.”

Paul advises that everyone be perpetually grumpy.

This lame advice (1 Cor 7:29-31) was later taken by the Calvinists as an excuse for being gloomy and ill-tempered.

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From the very earliest days, the Jews have done everything possible to reduce the number of Christians.

Genocide is their favorite technique, as well as warfare, persecution and, in this case, enforced celibacy so that the Christians do not multiply in numbers through marriage, while the Jews continue to multiply in numbers:

“like the sands of the sea.”

Paul recommends that Christians not marry off their daughters but keep them as virgins.

All of his bad advice is given without himself having the Holy Spirit.

This is revealed in the sentence:

“And I too have the Spirit of God, I think.” (1Cor 7:40)

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In other words, he doesn’t know; he only assumes.

Paul claims that

“there is one god, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things come and through whom we exist.” (1Cor 8:6)

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So, he is equating God with Jesus, something that neither Jesus nor the Apostles ever did.

Paul tells his basic lie:

“I, personally, am free; I am an apostle, and I have seen Jesus our Lord.”

He was a self-appointed “apostle” who saw nothing but the delusions of his own mind (if even that much) and the lies on his Jewish tongue.

Paul was just another lying Jew.

In his self-appointed station, he demanded the same “pay” as the real apostles, that is, a servant woman to care for him, free food and lodging and cessation from work, the usual perks of a Jewish priest.

He used the Laws of Moses to defend his use of Christian servants and free meals. (1Cor 9:9)

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And he claimed that

“those who preach the gospel should get their living from the gospel.” (1Cor 9:14)

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This is entirely different from when he was working for a living, when he first began preaching and earning a living as a tent maker.

But it is advice taken by innumerable, modern day slick talkers who preach Christianity for the sake of millions – but not for the sake of millions of people.

Paul adds yet another Jewish lie to those already in the Hebrew Bible.

He claims not only that all of the lies of Moses were true but also that the rock that Moses allegedly struck and from which water allegedly flowed, that rock actually followed them around in their wanderings through the desert.

“Oy Gevalt.

Yet another miracle of the holy Jews!

It keeps getting better already!”

But Paul’s stories get even stranger.

Paul claims that rock was the “pre-existing” Jesus.

Yes, Folks, a rock gushing water in the desert and following Moses around was actually Jesus!

This Jewish method is to make it appear that all of the Hebrew Bible mythology exists as instructions for Christians!

This Jewish lie has swindled millions of Christians into following the lies of the Jews rather than the truth of Jesus.

Demons are a big part of Paul’s teaching.

He equates sacrifices on altars as sacrifices to demons.

Paul’s Jewishness taints his teachings about the relation of men to women.

Based on the Jewish fables about Adam and Eve, Paul claims that,

“A man should certainly not cover his head, since he is the image of God and reflects God’s glory; but a woman is the reflection of a man’s glory.

For man did not come from woman; no, woman came from man; and man was not created for the sake of woman, but woman was created for the sake of man.

That is the argument for woman’s covering their heads with a symbol of the authority over them, out of respect for the angels.”
 (1Cor 11:7-12)

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Was Eve the First Anunnaki Human Hybrid in the Genesis Creation?

Thus, Christian women were made subserviant to men following the Jewish customs which are themselves derived from the Babylonian moneylenders’ enslavement and prostitution of women.

Christian women have suffered for over two thousand years from the false teachings of rabbi Saul of Tarsus, that Jewish subverter of Christ.

The subject of spiritual “gifts” gives insight into both the ancient Christian and the modern Christian powers.

Paul lists the spiritual gifts as:

  • preaching with wisdom
  • preaching instruction
  • gift of faith
  • gift of healing
  • miracles
  • prophecy
  • recognizing spirits
  • gift of tongues
  • interpreting tongues

Most of these are all rather low levels of spiritual experience bordering on fakery and delusion.

By asserting that these “gifts” are only given to specific persons, it is easy to also assert that the lack of such “gifts” means that such persons were unworthy in some way.

Paul puts:

“the first place to apostles, the second to prophets, third to teachers; after them, miracles, and after them the gift of healing; helpers (with charity), good leaders, those with many languages.” (1 Cor 12:28)

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So, Pharisee Rabbi Paul puts himself first, the favorite position of the very Pharisees whom Jesus denounced as hypocrites.

Paul lectures on the importance of love.

Robert Palmer Addicted to Love REMIX

But his so-called “spiritual gifts” are encouraged by Paul no matter how worthless they are. 

“You must want love more than anything else; but still hope for the spiritual gifts as well, especially prophesy.” (1 Cor 14:1)

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Being able to predict the future was important to Paul but also jabbering away with nonsense and garbled gibberish – that is, speaking in tongues – was considered a sign of holy inspiration.

Even in some modern Christian Evangelical churches the so-called “speaking in tongues” is a sign of demented, or rather, “elevated” spirituality.

Such mindless babbling of gobbledygook, Paul comments on:

“Anybody with the gift of tongues speaks to God, but not to other people; because nobody understands him when he talks in the spirit about mysterious things.” (1 Cor 14:2)

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So, Paul would recite his Jewish gibberish sprinkled in among his lectures on occasion, to impress on the gullible that he was “in the spirit” and in a direct transmission frequency to 

“While I should like you all to have the gift of tongues, I would much rather you could prophesy, since the man who prophesies is of greater importance than the man with the gift of tongues, unless of course the latter offers an interpretation so that the church may get some benefit.” (1 Cor 14:5)

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“I thank God that I have a greater gift of tongues than all of you, but when I am in the presence of the community, I would rather say five words that mean something than ten thousand words in tongue.” (1 Cor 14:18-19)

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In other words, Paul can talk gibberish better than all of them.

Such a clever devil!

Babbling gibberish and then claiming that he was talking to God!

What a con artist!

And he has conned all of Christianity up until this day.

Yes, the Jews are devils, and they are very clever devils.

So, beware of every one of them.

Again, women are given subordinate status by Paul,

“since they have no permission to speak, they must keep in the background.” (1Cor 14:34)

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So, common sense and humanity is to be silenced among the Christians.

The Semitic oppression of women is to be continued among the Christians.

Like a typical Jew, Paul puts himself in a high position above all others in his church.

“Anyone who claims to be a prophet or inspired ought to recognize that what I am writing to you is a command from the Lord.

Unless he recognizes this, you should not recognize him.”
 (1Cor 14:37-38)

So, this imposter claims to speak directly from God, just as the Jewish priests and the rabbis claimed.

And Paul wants to silence all opposition by claiming that only those who agree with him, are to be accepted as validly inspired. If they don’t agree with Paul, then their opinions and insights should be ignored.

Paul’s ideas about “resurrection after death” is strictly Jewish materialism.

For him and the rabbis, it is the body alone that is resurrected without considering the soul’s immortality.

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Did Jesus Unlock the Secrets of Immortality from the Anunnaki?


Knowledge of the holy spirit and the soul is missing in the hoax of Judaism.

As their Oral Law teaches, it is only the Jews’ rotting corpses that are “resurrected.”

The Jews are resurrected like Grade-B zombie movies as they crawl up out of their graves and get all of their gold and treasures back.

That is the only resurrection that the rabbis teach to such monsters in this Life.

Paul claims that Jesus appeared to him and that is why he counts himself as an apostle.

First, Peter saw the arisen Christ, then the Twelve Apostles, then more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, then James and finally Paul.

Paul claims vindictively that:

“it was as though I was born when no one expected it.” (1 Cor 15:8)

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So, he imagines himself on a par with Jesus or at least a very great prophet.

He claims that he worked harder than any of the apostles.

Such a humble teacher he is!

And he claims that he preached what they preached.

But this is obviously a lie.

He preached his own variation which has led countless Christians astray.

His “leaven of the Pharisees” divided the Church, created fratricidal wars, and gave a false doctrinal wedge for demonic Islam to later deceive and ravage Mankind.

Saul of Tarsus is an unspiritual Jew trying to use Greek logic to make sense of Jewish fables.

Saul of Tarsus promoted himself to an ever-greater level of Jewish “prestige” as he wrote his Second Letter to the Corinthians:

“From Paul, appointed by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus …” (2 Cor 1:1)

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Jews are the world’s biggest liars.

Paul was appointed by no one other than himself but now he claims that God appointed him. 

No one can disprove his statement, so, it must be true.

He lays it on even thicker as he writes:

“Remember it is God himself who assures us all, and you, of our standing in Christ, and has anointed us, marking us with his seal and giving us the pledge, the Spirit, that we carry in our hearts.” (2Cor 1:21-22)

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In other words, Paul does not have the Holy Spirit (Qi power) other than what he imagines in his heart.

The Qi (Holy Spirit) manifests through your entire being, not merely as an “imagination” in one’s heart.

Not being “outwitted by Satan” (2 Cor 2:11) is another of his Jewish themes as he practices satanic deceit upon the early Christians.

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Paul uses logic in the very illogical ways of the “Tradition of the Elders” while he deflects the obvious accusation that he is really not an apostle at all because he never knew Jesus in the flesh but only has his Jewish Promise to have seen him in a “vision.”

He writes:

“From now onwards, therefore, we do not judge anyone by the standards of the flesh.

Even if we did once know Christ in the flesh, that is not how we know him now.”
 (2 Cor 5:16)

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In this way, he totally evades the charge by claiming that even the real apostles can only know Christ in the spirit, thus Paul is a real apostle since he knows Christ in the spirit like the real apostles.

Paul was a Jewish fraud.

This kind of double-talk is what Jesus condemned as the “Tradition of the Elders” and was later one among many basic methods of deceit so often used in the Babylonian Talmud.

Paul uses rabbinical lies to commend himself to the Corinthians.

He claims that

“For our sake God made the sinless one to sin, that in him we might become the goodness of God.” (2 Cor 5:21)

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God certainly doesn’t work in this way.

It is an argument of both the Jews and, later, of their demented Muslim clones.

Paul’s Talmudic argument is absurd.

Paul is claiming that God corrupted Jesus so that men would come to God or that God corrupts people so that they can become uncorrupted.

This is ridiculous; but it was good enough for a Jew.

And it plays the traditional and world-famous Jewish song-and-dance of:

“Someone Else Must Pay for Our Sins Because It Isn’t Our Fault.”

Paul warns against associating with un-believers or with pagans, even though this was a basic characteristic of Jesus who mingled with all people comfortably.

So, whatever the Christians must not do is bring more pagans to Christ (and thus increase the number of Christians) because it was Paul’s own job to bring the pagans into hell.

He slathers on a thick layer of Hebrew scriptural “promises” that Yahweh will be their god.

Thus, he insists that the Hebrew Bible “promises” are valid for Christians.

This puts Christianity under the power of the Jewish rabbis and scribes, Paul’s main objective. Paul flatters the Corinthians with compliments before he gets down to next asking for money. 

Paul uses competitive generosity as a way of weeding money from the Corinthians, claiming that the poor Macedonians gave so much from their poverty that surely the wealthy Corinthians could give much more from their great wealth.

He challenges them with:

“So then, in front of all of the churches, give them proof of your love, and prove to them that we are right to be proud of you.” (2Cor 8:24)

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He was a clever and scheming, money-grubbing Jew and a fraud; but a good Christian, Paul was not. Paul’s opponents claimed that he: 

“is so humble when he is facing you but bullies you when he is at a distance.” (2Cor 10:1)

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That is, they were saying that Paul is a hypocrite.

Paul claims that he is preaching a simple devotion to Christ.

But other preachers or:

“any newcomer has only to proclaim a new Jesus, different from the one that we preached, or you have only to receive a new spirit, different from the one you have already received, or a new gospel, different from the one you have already accepted – and you welcome it with open arms.

As far as I can tell, those arch-apostles have nothing more than I have.”
 (2Cor 11:4-5)

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So, you can see that there was a conflict between what Paul preached and what the real apostles taught.

He claims that he is better than the real apostles:

“because I have worked harder, I have been sent to prison more often, and whipped so many times more, often almost to death.

Five times I had the thirty-nine lashes from the Jews; three times I have been beaten with sticks; once I was stoned; three times I have been shipwrecked and once adrift in the open sea for a night and a day.”
 (2Cor 11:23-26)

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But nothing further is known of these hardships other than Paul’s word for it, just as nothing is known about David and Solomon other than the Jews’ word for it.


If a Jew says it without evidence to the contrary, then it must be true!

And even if there is evidence to the contrary, because a Jew said it, then it is true no matter what!

For example, the modern frauds of the Holocaust, or Ann Frank, or Elie Weasel, and the list goes on.

RELIGION: The Holocaust Hoax – The “Six Million” Lie – Library of Rickandria

It is an odd situation even in modern times where all actual proofs to the contrary count as nothing and all facts and hard data to the contrary count as zero, while the word of the Jews outweighs all other evidence.

Paul claims that he was:

“caught up – whether still in the body or out of the body, I do not know; God knows – right into the third heaven … into paradise….” (2Cor 12:2-4)

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Like Muhammad six hundred years later, Paul could claim to fly to Paradise, and how could anyone prove his dreams were just delusions?

He claimed that “an angel of Satan” was given to him to:

“beat me and stop me from being too proud.” (2Cor 12:7)

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Thus, he could pretend humility with an angel of Satan backing him up.

Paul was a devil.

The “leaven of the Pharisees” has infected and deflected the Christians ever since.

Even today, the Christians believe the word of the Jews while ignoring the words and the warnings of Jesus.

Letter to the Philippians 56-57 AD In Philippians, Paul is writing either from his arrest in Rome or from Ephesus or Caesarea.

While Paul claims to love the Philippians,

“loving you as Christ Jesus loves you.” (Phi 1:8),

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he thus slyly puts himself on the same level as Jesus, with the same love as Jesus.

Paul wants to die like Jesus, so he claims:

“All I want is to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and to share his sufferings by reproducing the pattern of his death.” (Phi 3:10)

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So, Paul is trying to convince the Philippians to get crucified like Jesus.

This is the advice of the Jews to the Christians:

Go get yourself crucified!

But that is not Jesus’ message, Jesus who was the final sacrifice at the hands of the demonic kikes, giving up his life so that many could live without the rabbis demanding their every shekel.

Finally, after all of his fabulous outpouring of love for the Philippians –


By the way, I almost forgot!”

– he mentions that he is short of money and thanks them for what they sent before.

A Jew just can’t get more holy than that!

Letter to the Galatians 57-58 AD

In his letter to the church in Galatia, Paul makes the claim that he is:

“an apostle who does not owe his authority to men or his appointment to any human being but who has been appointed by Jesus Christ and by God the Father who raised Jesus from the dead.” (Gal 1:2)

So, now, instead of a “humble apostle” who “saw a vision of Jesus,” Paul is blossoming into a fully qualified Jewish fraud.

After all of his flights to the “third heaven” in Second Corinthians and his own, personal, “angel of Satan” to slap him up-side the head, he makes this even more inflated claim.

Paul is declaring himself outside of the power of the real apostles because only he, himself, Paul, was directly appointed by both Jesus and God to preach Christianity.

That this subversive, Jewish, con artist has had such an influence on the Church, is amazing. 

Over two thousand years of Christian fools believing this lying Jew!


Really amazing that no one has been able to see through this fraud until now.

Paul claims that Jesus,

“in order to rescue us from the present wicked world sacrificed himself for our sins.” (Gal 1:4)

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In other words, this is the standard Jewish fraud of “original sin.”

And we should ignore the present world and leave it to the Jews, the bankers and other devils, while we pray to God to be delivered from Reality.

By this time, the Galatians had begun following the teachings of the true apostles and had turned away from Paul’s teaching.

Thus, in this letter to the Galatians, Paul warns them that anyone should be condemned who 

“preaches a version of the Good News different from the one”

that Paul preaches. (Gal 1:9)

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Paul, this false apostle, rejects the teachings of the real apostles who actually knew Jesus, personally!

And he urges the Galatians to likewise reject the true Apostles!

Paul puts himself on the same holy level of both Jesus and of John the Baptist, by telling the Galatians how holy he is because:

“God, who had specially chosen me while I was still in my mother’s womb, called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son to me, so that I might preach the Good News about him to the pagans.” (Gal 1:15-16)

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It’s another Jewish miracle!


Paul is on the same level as Jesus and John the Baptist, to hear him tell it.

No one else is saying it, so it is up to Paul to let everybody know how holy he is, right in there with Jesus and John the Baptist, appointed by God while still in their mothers’ wombs!

Paul gives his background as the very incarnation of a holy angel in a short biography:

“The fact is, brothers, and I want you to realize this, the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation of Jesus Christ.

You must have heard of my career as a practicing Jew, how merciless I was in persecuting the Church of God, how much damage I did to it, how I stood out among other Jews of my generation, and how enthusiastic I was for the traditions of my ancestors.

Then God, who had specially chosen me while I was still in my mother’s womb, called me through his grace and chose to reveal his Son to me so that I might preach the Good News about him to the pagans.

I did not stop to discuss this with any human being, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to see those who were already apostles before me, but I went off to Arabia at once and later went straight back from there to Damascus.

Even when after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephus [Peter] and stayed with him for fifteen days, I did not see any of the other apostles; I only saw James, the brother of the Lord, and I swear before God that what I have just written is the literal truth.

After that I went to Syria and Cilicia and was still not known by sight to the churches of Christ in Judaea, who had heard nothing except that their one-time persecutor was now preaching the faith he had previously tried to destroy; and they gave glory to God for me.”
 (Ga 1:11-24)

In this, he admits to being an idiot.

He was preaching what he invented, gleaned from the torture and murder of his Christian victims.

After fourteen years of preaching his own theology, he went to Jerusalem again to confirm that what he was preaching was the correct message.

But he disagreed with Peter, who was preaching to the Jews what he had learned directly from Jesus.

Paul claimed,

“that what makes a man righteous is not obedience to the Law, but faith in Jesus Christ.” (Ga 2:16)

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The foundation of everything Paul teaches is the idea that we are redeemed because Christ died and rose again. [417]

It is the Jewish idea that the innocent victim can be sacrificed to atone for the evils of the Jews. 

That’s all that his Pauline Christianity teaches – just another false Jewish doctrine.

Paul argues that faith triumphs over following the Mosaic Law.

He asks,

“was it because you practiced the Law that you received the Spirit, or because you believed what was preached to you?” (Ga 3:2)

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As pointed out in previous chapters, almost all other religions (except Islam) are better than Judaism, so most of them can elevate a demented, demonic Jew to a higher level of spiritual knowledge.

He fails to see the connection of the demonic chains of Judaism with the freedom and joy gained by throwing the fraudulent Old Testament into the trash where it belongs.

What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos and Piercings? – AVOID THIS MISTAKE

In Ga 3:29, Paul spreads more of his lies about Christianity being an extention of the false promises of Judaism.

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“Merely by belonging to Christ you are the posterity of Abraham, the heirs he was promised.”

Instead of the freedom that Jesus gave the Jews, Paul wants to continue to enslave them with the lies of Judaism.

Modern people are still under the oppression of the ancient religions.

Those cloven-hoofed old goats such as Paul and Mohammad, based their religious views upon: 

  • voices in their heads
  • false promises
  • dreams

and delusive visions.

In this case, the “reasoning” and rationalization that Paul uses to convince the Jewish converts to give up following Jewish law and becoming born again Christians, makes sense.

But it is based on the false assumption that the alleged “promises” found in the Hebrew Bible were actually made by a mighty Yahweh-god to an actual goat-rustler named Abraham.

Thus, Paul first claims to free the Jews by making them into believing Christians and then he reshackles them to the Jewish lies.

None of this matters, since the Holy Spirit is easily found by everyone who looks for it.

But it is not so easily connected to God without faith and perceptive insight.

That is, we can easily find our own Holy Spirit through inward looking and the breathing exercises of Qi Gong and meditation and prayer.

These give guaranteed results.

The lies and false promises of the Jews have no merit in religion whatsoever.

Yet, finding the Great Spirit of God, requires an outward-looking, also.

The “spirit” that Paul refers to is:

“the Spirit of his Son into your hearts.” (Ga 4:6)

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Apparently, Paul is arguing against those who want the Galatians to be circumcised as part of being a Christian.

Remember, even the original Apostles did not have the wide horizons of spiritual knowledge that I gave you at the beginning of this book.

By Jewish Law they were not allowed to think for themselves, to study other religions, or even to inquire about other religions – under penalty of death!

So, all of the apostles were trying to make sense out of Jesus’ great discovery of God from within the background of lies and the confines of Judaism.

They did not understand religious experience in any way other than with a Jewish background. 

They did not understand that what Jesus had discovered, was something that was not contained within Judaism at all.

It was something found outside of it – direct experience of God through:

  • prayer
  • meditation
  • fasting
  • good deeds
  • good thoughts

and loving kindness, in fact, not in merely going through the empty and useless rituals like the Jews.

Paul aimed at converting as many pagans as possible to his particular Jewish swindle.

He didn’t want pagans to have the official Jewish “membership badge” of the holy, circumcised Jewish penis, because he didn’t want them to pass themselves off as Jews.

Yet, he wanted them to follow his “leaven of the Pharisees,” his belief that Jesus is God, thereby destroying the teachings of Christianity and substituting a universal Jewish confusion.

The word “apostle” is a Jewish title that means “envoy.”

Although Paul was not a member of the Twelve Apostles, his lie that he had been appointed missionary to the gentiles by God, qualified him by his own definition as an apostle of Christ to be equal to the Twelve.

Paul claimed that, just like them, he had seen the risen Christ and had been sent by Jesus, Himself, as another of the “envoys” from God.

All of this is nothing more than Saul of Tarsus claiming to have a vision while on his way to Damascus to murder as many Christians as he could catch.

Paul was a very deluded Pharisee who injected his “leaven of the Pharisees” among the Christians at their most vulnerable time, using the news of their sightings of Jesus as the basis of his own “visions.”

With such:

“visions of the arisen Jesus”

how could the original Christians not at least give some respect to such a liar?

In spite of claiming with false modesty to be:

“the least of the apostles,”

as he hypocritically feigns humility, Paul simultaneously claims to be their equal because he did not learn the Good News he preaches from them. [418]

No, Paul did not learn the Good News from the genuine apostles.

He learned it from the Christians whom he had tortured and murdered.

He heard of their faith in the Messiah among their screams and moans and prayers.

And for the rest of his stories, he made it up, himself.

Letter to the Romans 57-58 AD

Paul preaches that Jesus was the Son of God (Rom 1:3) and as the Son of God,

“in all his power through his resurrection from the dead.” (Rom 1:4)

Paul uses the Jewish fraud that claims sovereignty over something merely by – Abracadabra! – claiming it.

So, he writes to the Roman congregations,

“You are one of these nations, and by his call belong to Jesus Christ.” (Rm 1:6)

Paul claims that God saves
“all who have faith – Jews first, but Greeks as well.” (Rom 1:16)

Thus, this Pharisee swindler promotes his tribe of subversive criminals into the first place through abracadabra declaration, regardless of their evil.

Paul claims that Jesus was put to death for our sins, that his blood paid for our sins.

The idea that Jesus died for our sins is a particularly Jewish idea based on the Jewish swindle that sacrifices can “repay God” in exchange for displeasing Him, that is, the blood of the innocent and the smell of burning fat is what the god of the Jews craves.

Likewise, the Jewish idea that sin entered the world through the mythical Adam, is more Jewish mind garbage.

The Anunnaki and Adam and Eve: Were They Behind the Serpent

And Paul continues with his false assertions by claiming that the sins committed against the Jewish god both before and after the Laws of Moses, are cancelled by the death of Jesus.

In actual fact, Jesus proved the existence of God by destroying the Jewish fables with his: 

  • healings
  • powers
  • resurrection

But Paul uses the Talmudic double talk of the Pharisees to turn around and around the ideas of: 

  • sin
  • Law
  • grace

and forgiveness.

Jesus freed us from the deceiving Jews, but the Pharisee Jew, Saul of Tarsus, reapplies the fetters.

“But now the Law has come to an end with Christ, and everyone who has faith may be justified.” (Rom 10:4)

This is to claim that all Humanity can be justified to the Jewish swindle simply by believing in Jesus as the Messiah of the Jews.

In this way, Paul uses Jesus to substantiate the fables of the Old Testament.

Paul claims that Yahweh has not rejected his holy, chosen, goat-molesters as he wrote,

“I, an Israelite, descended from Abraham through the tribe of Benjamin, could never agree that God had rejected his people, the people he chose specifically long ago.” (Rom 11:1-2)

While perpetuating the “Chosen” myth, Paul is admitting to being a Jew who is rejecting the Good News of the Messiah while claiming the same Jewish lies of old are still valid Jewish lies today.

Paul is preaching the Jewish lies of the Hebrew Bible.

He enlarges on that lie by claiming that the Jews have not fallen forever but merely stumbled. 

And that,

“their fall though, has saved the pagans in a way the Jews may now well emulate”. (Rom 11:11-15)

Oh, yes!

The evil, diabolical, lying Jews have saved the pagans!


Praise the Jews!

Paul is teaching that these Jewish criminals will benefit the world by turning the pagans into Christians.

Furthermore, he preaches that the pagans became Christians like olive branches grafted onto an olive tree.

That is, the Christians are merely grafted onto the Jewish roots. (Rom 11:16-24)

He claims that the “superior” Jews can much more easily become Christians since Christianity is but a branch of Judaism.

This is another of Paul’s “leaven of the Pharisees” which has caused great harm even into modern times as the criminal Jewish

  • bankers
  • financiers
  • physicians

and politicians lead the world into chaos and destruction while the idiot Christians look on with beatific grins on their stupid faces and their dull minds filled with Paul’s “leaven of the Pharisees” that Jesus solemnly warned them about.

The Christians stupidly look on as the Jews:

  • betray
  • defraud
  • destroy

all of Mankind, but most especially destroying Christians!

You can’t be dumber than that!

While concealing his innermost devil, Paul holds himself in the standard rabbinical pose of lofty knowledge as he writes,

“there is a hidden reason for this, brothers, of which I do not want you to be ignorant, in case you think that you know more than you do.” (Rom 11:25)

Incredibly, he claims that the Jews are the enemies of God only with regard to Christianity and that they are really enemies only for the sake of the Christians!!! (Rom 11:28)

Those Jewish devils are still the “Chosen People” and God still loves them because of Abraham’s big Jewish asl.

After preaching that the Jews are only enemies so as to make the Christians better Christians,
Paul throws more “leaven of the Pharisees” into the Roman Church by exhorting them to, 

“offer your living bodies as a holy sacrifice.” (Rom 12:1)

Yes, Dear Christians!

Go and get yourselves killed!

That sounds like good Jewish advice.

He further intrudes his self-important “prestige” into the letter by writing,

“In the light of the grace I have received I want to urge each one among you not to exaggerate his real importance.” (Rom 12:3)

After all, Paul is the only important one.

They should work in accordance with their gifts and be sure to give alms and to share with the saints.

Of course, Paul includes himself as being one of the saints with whom they should share their wealth and their food.

It smells familiar, doesn’t it?

Like the smell of barbequed goat?

To further reduce the population of Christians, Paul throws in some more “leaven of the Pharisees” by telling the Christians not only to bless the very Jews who persecute and murder them, and to not retaliate against those Jews who murder and torture them, and to never try to get revenge on the Jews who murder and torture them.

This sets the Christians up for destruction by the Jews who are thus given a free hand in destroying Christianity without fear of reprisal.

And this sets the Christians up to meekly accept the:

  • persecution
  • murder
  • torture

and revenge of the Jews.

Yes, let the Jews destroy you but be a good Christian sheep and accept being sacrificed on the bloody Jewish altar of Satan.

That’s Paul’s real message.

Instead of sincere Christian charity being used to make enemies into friends, Paul teaches to use hypocritical Jewish “kindness” on enemies so that,

“you heap red-hot coals on his head.” (Rom 12:20)

This is a Jewish reason for being kind to your enemies, to make him feel bad.

It is not a teaching of Jesus or of true Christianity.

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Was Jesus’ Mission Inspired by Enki’s Compassion?

Paul was a subversive Pharisee fraud.

Paul becomes once again a persecutor of Christians when he writes what can be termed,

“the divine right of kings.”

That is the ancient Babylonian belief that kings and governments serve God, therefore by obeying governments (no matter how oppressive they are) you are serving God.

Of course, like a good Jew, he wants you to pay your taxes. (Rom 13:1-7)

Especially in modern times, when governments are overwhelmingly operated by:

  • traitors
  • Jews
  • Communists

then Christians accepting such lame advice is disastrous.

Witness the supine Christians of today who allow such vile Jewish evils as:

  • homosexuality
  • abortion
  • criminal financial schemes
  • illegal immigration
  • banking fraud

and national treason to prevail while following Paul’s advice to let the Devil prevail.

This is the result of the “leaven of the Pharisees” that Jesus warned us against, modern destruction led by Jews and allowed and enabled by stupefied Christians!

Paul claimed that he was qualified to give such crummy advice simply by saying,

“and I speak for the Lord Jesus.” (Rom 14:14)

What a Jewish fraud he was!

Paul was a deluded Pharisee fanatic and betrayer of Christ.

Again, he claims,

“God has given me this special position.

He has appointed me as a priest of Jesus Christ, and I am to carry out my priestly duty by bringing the Good News from God to the pagans.”
 (Rom 15:16)

Paul’s unique confidence swindle has been,

“I have always, however, made it an unbroken rule never to preach where Christ’s name has already been heard.” (Rom 15:20)

He claims that,

“The reason for that was that I had no wish to build on other men’s foundations” (Rom 15:20)

But actually, he wanted to tell his own lies without being contradicted by the real apostles. 

Vegetarians were present in the Roman world just as they are today, not wishing to give suffering to animals and wishing to enjoy good health.

Paul however wrote,

“People range from those who believe they may eat any sort of meat to those whose faith is so weak they dare not eat anything except vegetables.

Meat-eaters must not despise the scrupulous.”
 (Rom 14:2-3)

This is a devilish statement encouraging the slaughter and eating of animals.

Paul was a carnivorous devil.

Letter to the Ephesians 61-63 AD

Paul lays his bullshit on even thicker in his letter to the people of Ephesus.

“From Paul, appointed by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus:

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.”
 (Ep 1:1-2)

Paul now speaks with the voice of God and of Jesus, so pay attention.

Even before the world was made, Paul claims that God,

“chose us, he chose us, chose us in Christ.” (Ep 1:3)

So, Paul is using the Jewish fraud of the “chosen ones” to deceive the Ephesians.

This same “leaven of the Pharisees” would cause even more blood and fury among Christians 1500 years later when the idiocy of Calvinism arose in Europe based on this Jewish lie that God chose some, but not others, in advance – as a sort of “predestination” and bigotry by God.

Paul can even make the claim of being among the “chosen ones” but he doesn’t have to substantiate that claim.


Standing up proudly and proclaiming it, is all that is necessary.

Why God chose only certain people (who proclaim that they are special favorites of God and everybody else can therefore kiss their asses) can only be,

“for his own kind purposes.” (Ep 1:5)

You see, this Semitic god is a vainglorious god who needs his own creation to tell him how great he is because he can’t recognize it for himself.

So, he chose the Jews and then the Christians (and later the Semitic Arabs)

“to make us praise the glory of his grace.” (Ep 1:6)

God had made the goat-rustlers of Judah “Chosen Ones” but now Christ had allowed the pagans to cozy up to the holy penises of the Jews by becoming Christians.

So, Jesus,

“is the peace between us, and his made the two into one and broken down the barrier which used to keep them apart.” (Ep 2:14)

That is, the wall separating the court of the Jews from the court of the pagans in the Temple. 

Paul is claiming that the Christians are the servants of the Jews who all must pray and offer sacrifices in the Temple.

“So you are no longer aliens or foreign visitors: you are citizens like all the saints, and part of God’s household”

in the Temple. (Ep 2:19-22)

Thus, this evil Jewish snake shows his actual goal of getting the Christians aligned with the Temple swindle of the Jews who operate the entire show.

“I, who am less than the least of all the saints, have been entrusted with this special grace, not only of proclaiming to the pagans the infinite treasure of Christ but also of explaining how the mystery is to be dispensed.” (Ep 3:8-9)

So, this lying kike is going to tell the Christians what to believe.

Like a typical rabbi, Paul confuses heaven and hell, God and demons and mixes the two into one delusion.

In Ephesians 2:2, he claims that the air is the habitat of demons, and their ruler is Satan.

And he claims that the real struggle is:

“against the Sovereignties and the Powers who originate in the darkness in this world, the spiritual army of evil in the heavens.” (Ep 6:12)

This is one very deluded individual, this Saul of Tarsus, this murderer of Christians, who saw visions and claimed that Jesus wasn’t wise enough to choose proper apostles when he was on earth but had to come back in a vision and choose Saul to set the record straight.

Now, this demonic Pharisee Jew teaches that the very heavens are ruled by Satan!

No, Paul was not a Christain.

He was a deceiving Jewish devil who brought great harm to Christianity by changing its course early in its trajectory through history.

Paul lies and tells the Christians of Galicia that through Jesus, they become by their faith heirs to Abraham. (Ga 3:15-29)

And Abraham was the son of a Babylonian banker.

Do you see the fraudster and his fraud?

Letters to the Colossians & Philemon 61-63 AD

Paul’s letter to the church of Colossae contains the same idea that Jesus was the actual Son of God.

Again, he humbly announces himself as

“Paul, appointed by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus.” (Col 1:1)


Appointed by God, Himself!

What prestigious credentials Paul gave himself!

And his word is backed up by what proof?

The same proof that all Jews give when they are telling lies, nothing more than his Jewish promise that what he is telling you is – Abracadabra! – the truth!

And even better than the Truth, is the word of a Jew!

Paul’s teaching is that Jesus was the first creation made manifest by an invisible God.

Before anything was created, Jesus was created.

Using his preposterous rabbinical thought processes, Paul claims that since Jesus existed from the Beginning then he is the first in every way, including the first to be reborn from the dead, another materialistic Jewish idea of dead bodies leaping from the grave and reanimating, come “Judgement Day.” (Col 1:15-20)

Paul preaches that his own odd and bizarre narration of Jesus should be accepted by the Colossians as fact.

And he warns that they should not accept anything as true which is based on common sense, logic or philosophical reasoning. (Col 2:8)

The same methods as used by all rabbis for deceiving people.

Paul teaches the perverted Jewish idea that cutting off the foreskin of the penis during circumcision is wonderful and holy.

But the pagans don’t need to do that because they have all already been circumcised (even women) by becoming Christians. (Col 2:9-15)

Thus, he perpetuates that nasty Jewish perversion as something wonderful and holy, even claiming the magical quality that all un-circumcised Christians are really all circumcised by the Godly Jewish power of abracadabra.

Paul preaches “the angry Jewish god” idea and warns against making God angry through sinful acts (Col 3:6) such as:

  • fornication
  • impurity
  • guilty passion
  • evil desires
  • greed
  • getting angry
  • being bad tempered
  • spitefulness
  • abusive language

and dirty talk. (Col 3:5-9)

Now, the Christians are “God’s chosen race” (Col 3:12) and should treat each other kindly, thus trying to equate Christianity with Jewish racism.

This letter to the Colossians indicates that Paul is in prison for first time and that Luke (the evangelist and author of Acts) is there visiting him.

Also, Mark was with him, the same Mark who was the disciple of Peter and the author of the second gospel.

So, according to this letter, Paul was claiming to be assisted in prison by both Luke and Mark, two authors of gospels under their names.

But Paul has told so many Jewish lies, so far, can his word be trusted even in this, especially since Mark didn’t trust him?

Letters to Timothy 65 AD

In the first letter to Timothy, Paul again extolls his fake credentials.

“From Paul, apostle of Christ Jesus appointed by the command of God our savior and of Christ Jesus our hope.…”

He even elevated Jesus to second in command of the Universe. (1Ti 1:1)

So, he has finally merged God and Jesus into one and the same.

Paul correctly explains what laws are for, especially Mosaic Law. (1Ti 1:8-11)

Paul really has a giant Jewish ego that pushes him on to be great in his own mind.

Paul’s Jewishness is clear when he writes about two men,

“Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to teach them not to be blasphemous.” (1Ti 1:20)

So, Paul practiced Jewish sorcery and witchcraft mixed with his so-called “Christianity” throughout his ministry in the service of the devil.

Magically sacrificing Christians to the Devil, seems a bit odd, doesn’t it?

Paul again puts women in a subservient position, admonishing them to remain quiet and respectful and to bear children and live modestly.

He uses the Old Testament excuse that Adam was formed first and then Eve.

The Anunnaki and Adam and Eve: Could They Be Linked in a Forgotten Creation Bible Story?

Paul is setting up the Church for the Jewish god which he calls “the Church of the living god” (1Ti 3:15)

And there is no actual spirit that he preaches, rather he teaches about “a mystery.”

He uses the word “mystery” because Paul is a spiritless charlatan.

“Without doubt, the mystery of our religion is very deep indeed:

He was made visible in the flesh, attested by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed to the pagans, believed in by the world, taken up in glory.”
 (1Ti 3:16)

Paul uses the “laying on of hands” as a way to blessing his followers in the Jewish way.

It is a sort of transmission of faith which brings out whatever latent talents are within each believer.

Paul teaches the Jewish idea that Jesus:

“sprang from the race of David.” (2Ti 2:8)

And that anything that makes sense should be rejected as mere philosophy since only the “mystery” of Paul’s preaching is to be accepted as fact. (2Ti 2:14-18)

Paul is in chains once again.

  • Demas
  • Cresceus
  • Titus

have deserted him.

Only Luke, the pagan physician, was still with him. (2Ti 4:10-11)

Paul requests that Timothy get Mark to visit him because:

“I find him a useful helper in my work.” (2Ti 4:12)

That is to say, Paul was claiming dominance over Mark, whether in truth or as a way of promoting himself in the eyes of Timothy.

However, there is absolutely no evidence other than his word for it that Paul was ever admitted to the inner circle of the Twelve Apostles.

And some of the original apostles probably never fully trusted him. [419]

Perhaps you can now understand why.

Letter to Titus 65 AD

In the Letter to Titus, the confusion within Christianity of who is God and who is Christ, comes from Paul’s teachings.

He uses god and Christ simultaneously.

“…we must be self-retained and live good and religious lives here in this present world, while we are waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the appearing of the glory of our great God and savior Christ Jesus.” (Tit 2:12-14)

Paul, it was, who claimed that Jesus was God and who, thus, divided Christianity into squabbling sects, all of which later allowed that Lunatic from Arabia to deceive a billion people under Islam and lead them all into hellfire.

Paul was a Jewish devil in disguise.

The Jewish idea of the debt (sin) owed to God that can only be repaid through the sacrifice of Jesus, is foremost in his teaching.

And there is only waiting, not experiencing of the Present Presence of the Holy Spirit.

Those who do not experience the Holy Spirit, are missing a great part of their lives.

It is just as real as the sunshine or the wind on your face.

But it is found within you.

Don’t die without finding it for yourself or the Here-After will be hard on you. [see Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit]

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

Letter to the Hebrews 67 AD

Paul’s Letter to the Hebrews, is addressed to a Jewish-Christian community.

In the usual Jewish way, Paul claims that “inheritance” is what the whole Christian event is all about.

The Jewish asl (pronounced “asshole”) reigns supreme among the benighted Jews.

The Jews go about their filthy lives confident that no matter how vile a Jew is, he is still a blessed, holy, chosen asshole.

And why?

Simply because Abraham didn’t cut Isaac’s throat as a human sacrifice but substituted a goat, instead.

This is what the entire Jewish fraud and hypocrisy rests upon, a goat-rustler’s myth of human sacrifice interrupted by a din of voices in Abraham’s head saying to him,

“Do it!

Do it!”

and then a different set of voices telling him,

“No, don’t do it!

Don’t do it!”

And now in his letter to the Hebrews, Paul sticks his finger up the Jewish asl and wiggles it around so as to make the incredible claim that Jesus, as the Son of God, inherited the entire universe!

Remember, this is Paul talking; the same one who tortured and murdered the early Christians and then had a vision of a glowing, sparkling Jesus appointing him as a bonified apostle whose job it was to preach to the pagans all of the stuff that he learned from his Christian torture victims while he was flogging and killing them.

And why?

Because Jesus had made a mistake in choosing the Twelve Apostles and He wanted to rectify it by choosing Paul to correct the errors!

This begs the question:

If Jesus was such a lame loser, then why didn’t God just leave Jesus at home and send Paul as the Messiah, instead?

So, it is now a much older Paul writing to the Hebrews and claiming that since they all have the same asl, then they all inherit the same blessings.

In this case, Paul wildly claims that God created everything through Jesus and that it is now Jesus who is sustaining the universe. (Heb 1:2-4)

In such ways, Paul had turned Jesus into God and replaced God with Jesus.

With such “leaven of the Pharisees,” Paul opened the doors of Hell for lunatic Christian fanatics and lunatic Muslim maniacs to step into the world and run riot and then fall into Hell after they died.

From here, Paul argues from the fake and plagiarized documents known as the Old Testament, picking and choosing words and sentences that promotes his confused ideas.

This is the “leaven of the Pharisees,” well documented.

But it is also the very “highest” sort of “Jewish scholarship” – that is, false assumptions with a foundation of fraudulent and counterfeited documents expounded with the loud certainty of a carnival barker gathering ticket-buyers.

Paul propounds the vicious Jewish doctrine of cursing those who once became Christians but who then rejected Christianity and who then turned around once again to repent and who wanted to return. (Heb 6:4-6)

Instead of offering Christian compassion and forgiveness, Paul the Jew curses them.

And Paul makes a big deal out of Melchizedek, the high priest of Urusalem who had his blessing swindled by Abraham.

Paul claims that Jesus became,

“a high priest of the order of Melchizedek, and forever.” (Heb 6:20)

This pulls Jesus down to equality with Abraham, as a mere Jewish priest and standing in line behind all of the other Jewish priests.

According to Paul – Abracadabra! – Melchizedek was the “king of Salem (Peace)” and he had 

“no father, mother or ancestry, and his life has no beginning or ending; he is like the Son of God.

He remains a priest forever.”
 (Heb 7:2-3)

These are some incredible mental acrobatics, but Paul is up to the task.

He lays the Talmudic “reasoning” on pretty thick in Hebrews 7.

It’s all horse feathers and chickens’ teeth, but it makes sense to a deluded Jew like Paul. 

According to Paul, Christ’s blood washed away all sins,

“so that the people who were called to an eternal inheritance may actually receive what was promised; his death took place to conceal the sins that infringed the earlier covenant.” (Heb 9:15)

Thus, Paul, by claiming that the lies of the Hebrew Bible are true, is appealing to the Jews to accept Christ because for the blood-thirsty Jews to inherit anything, they need,

“something to be killed” (Heb 9:19)

in order to get it.

Paul claims that,

“Only faith can guarantee the blessings that we hope for, or prove the existence of the realities that at present remain unseen.” (Heb 11:1)

This verse was adopted as the theological definition of faith. [420]

So, the Christians have been misled by this “leaven of the Pharisees” since the earliest time when the demon Pharisee Jew, Saul of Tarsus, was allowed to preach his lies and define for them what “faith” meant.

In fact, this is a complete misrepresentation of what faith actually is.

Yet, this misrepresentation, based on a lying Jew, has been accepted by all Christians for over two thousand years – such is the “leaven of the Pharisees.”

So, let us here set the record straight.

Faith is only the half-way point on the Path to Knowledge.

Faith is much different than Knowledge or of Knowing.

In the realm of religion, faith is very important, but it is not a substitute for actual experience of God nor for a Knowledge of God.

Faith is what buoys up the early Seeker and helps him or her persevere on the Path to God.

Faith is closely linked to Belief.

And for all Believers, Faith is what gives them confidence that they will find what they seek.

It behooves scientists as well as religious adepts and the layman to fully understand the difference between faith or belief versus knowledge.

Dictionary definitions are not enough, so let’s consider these distinctions more carefully so that you are prepared for the discoveries that I outline later.

The words “faith,” “belief,” and “knowledge,” are greatly confused among the various religions and among the adherents of scientific disciplines.

Because most of the data that I present in this book has been misinterpreted by scientists and misunderstood by religious scholars, it is necessary to make the actual meanings of these words clear in the Reader’s mind so that you can make your own judgements without either ignorant science or blind religion incorrectly influencing you.

Scientists see the data that I present to you, but they don’t understand it.

Religious adepts see the data that I demonstrate for you, but they misinterpret it.

So, it is important that you, yourself, understand these differences because what I am demonstrating here in Volume Two, are things that neither science nor religion have been able to grasp since even the earliest times, and yet this knowledge is available to anyone who wishes it.

Even in modern times, many religious seekers think that their faith or their belief is a substitute for actual knowledge.

They wrongly consider faith or belief to be their actual goal, the actual all-encompassing and highest attainment of their religion.

Believing in something is their contentment, even when they don’t have an actual knowledge of what they believe in.

Of course, faith and belief are necessary to find spiritual knowledge, but neither is knowledge, itself. Simple dictionary definitions do not quite explain it.

So, you must understand these concepts through example.

For example, if there is a chest of gold buried in your back yard and you don’t know about it, you could easily spend a lifetime walking directly over it.

In this case, you are in a state of ignorance.

But if I know of its location, then I am in a state of knowledge.

When I tell you about it, if you believe me or if you have faith that what I am telling you is true, then you will go and dig around searching for it until you find it.

You will dig up a lot of rocks and soil looking for it.

But if you persist, you will find the buried treasure, hold the treasure in your very hands and thereby have full knowledge of what was in that hidden treasure chest.

When you find the treasure chest and open it up, only then do you have full knowledge of the treasure – how much gold, how much silver, how many gemstones, etc.

It was your faith and your belief that what I told you was true, which led you to experiencing the actual knowledge of that buried treasure.

Your faith and your belief did not produce knowledge, because the three are not synonymous, but they led you to knowledge.

Because my telling you of the treasure was vague and the backyard was big, you worked very hard finding that treasure.

And yet, your belief and your faith and your persistence in looking for it, gave you the actual knowledge of discovery.

This is what happens when just a little knowledge is offered to someone with a lot of faith.

The one with faith will work very hard to find what they seek.

But how much easier is it, if I not only tell you of a buried treasure in your backyard but actually give you specific instructions and a map on how to find it?

You don’t have to do a lot of digging around.

You can go directly to the spot where the treasure is buried and, with relatively little effort, test to see if my information was true or not and go dig it up.

This is what happens when someone who has specific knowledge tells someone who has even a little bit of faith.

With a map and only a little bit of faith and only a little bit of effort, the treasure can be dug up and that knowledge can be tested for its truthful quality by anyone.

In both cases, the treasure was found.

It was found by those with much faith operating under vague instructions but succeeding through both faith and persistence.

And in the second case, the treasure was found by someone with little faith who was given specific instructions so that even with a little faith and a small effort, he was still fully rewarded with the knowledge of what was in the treasure chest.

But what happens if I tell you that there is a treasure buried in your backyard, and you don’t believe me even if I give you a map?

Will you even look for it?


You can walk over it a thousand times without knowing that it is directly under your feet.

Will you dig for something that you don’t believe is there?


Because you have no faith in what I say and because you have no belief that what I say is true, then even when I give you specific instructions and a map of its location, you won’t find the treasure simply because you won’t look for it.

Without having any belief or faith, you might even tear up the map and throw it away in a fit of disdainful ignorance – like a rabbi tearing up a New Testament.

This is what happens when ignorance and lack of faith or lack of belief overcome knowledge. 

Without faith, without belief, learning even simple truths about their own innate power is impossible for the truly ignorant.

So, for those Readers with faith as little as a grain of mustard seed, read on.

You will find your treasure.

For those Readers who don’t believe in anything, read on, you will be amazed at what you can achieve with a little persistence, even if you lack faith.

In the pages that follow, you will find the actual instructions for discovering the ancient secret treasures of Mankind very easily and with very little effort because what I am showing you is knowledge that is innate in all of Mankind.

The secrets that the ancient people passed along were real powers that they observed and which they experienced. But you modern, scientifically trained people who don’t understand ancient power and knowledge, should be forewarned.

Following the curious dogma that what we don’t understand can’t exist, mainstream science has dismissed the mystical powers of Mankind as well as various psychic phenomena as delusions or hoaxes simply because they are rarer than:

  • sleep
  • dreams
  • memory
  • growth
  • pain

or consciousness.

These are all inexplicable in traditional terms but are too common to be denied. [421]

And yet the ancient mystical powers are denied simply because scientists do not understand them, do not experience them, and thereby claim that they do not exist.

Of course, those who have a penchant for mystical, spiritual and religious knowledge, will attain these ancient secrets instantly, once you read the maps in this book, such as found in Appendix A.

This is why so many religions fall short of their promises – people fail to understand that actual knowledge of God is the goal.

Belief can lead them there.

Faith can propel them there. But they must go beyond Belief or Faith and achieve actual Knowledge.

Jesus attained that actual knowledge, but all of his disciples and apostles fell far short – and they admitted it.

Thus, modern Man must try extra hard to discover what our forefathers believed in and knew from actual experience but failed to find.

“What I do, you too can do; and some things greater,”

was the teaching of a man who had found God, not of a god who was teaching Man.

The Letters to All Christians

James, in his letter to all the churches, in general, may be opposing Paul’s teachings.

James was a brother of Jesus.

His entire life, along with his other brothers and sisters, he had lived with an older brother who was declared to be miracle, a son of God, born to their own mother, Mary, who had been a virgin when Jesus was conceived.

How does a younger brother cope with an older brother who has those kinds of credentials? 

Admiration and worship?

Or, seeing his brother’s obvious humanity, with doubt and rebellion?

This was not an easy older brother to live with.

The sons and daughters of Joseph certainly felt a certain distance between Jesus and themselves from their earliest childhood.

This distance would have been manifested even more by Jesus’ precocious interest in the Hebrew Bible scriptures and his youthful discussion of the Mosaic Law with the rabbis.

While they played games that children play, Jesus studied the Jewish fables and delved into the meaning of it all.

Like all children, they had probably taunted Jesus in their youth.

Being raised with an older brother who also suffered scrapped knees from play and hunger and cold, just as they did, most likely led to a doubt that he was any more of a son of God than they were.

So, they ignored his teachings and wisdom until that fatal, final hour.

James also taught that,

“A prophet is rejected in his own town.”

So, he was no doubt speaking from the experience of growing up with Jesus, seeing how the townsfolk mocked him and, most likely, having also rejected Jesus’ teachings, himself.

It was only after the Church began that James stepped forward with the fervor of a repentant Christian to take his place as a leader and, eventually, as yet another murder victim of the Jews.

This distance was clearly shown when Mary and all of her children went to talk with Jesus once he had started his healing and preaching mission.

But Jesus turned them away.

At that time, it was too late for them to speak in a familiar way with a saint who was putting every fiber of his Being and his very life into a mission to save Mankind from the Devil and the Jews and to show the true way to God.

It was too late, and the events of Jesus’ life were playing out too quickly for the sons and daughters of Joseph and Mary to ever again be on familiar terms with their eldest brother.

So, James and Jude and the other siblings could only watch from the sidelines, the events leading up to the Crucifixion.

Only then, could they try to put into perspective what they knew of Jesus from their childhood together.

It is from this vantage point that James became the leading member of the Church.

He had the prestige of being the brother of Jesus, so he stepped in and began preaching what he thought his older brother taught based upon both his recollections as well as the coaching of the Apostles.

The letter of James was written around 49 AD. James was sincere in his beliefs, but he relied upon his memory of what his brother, Jesus, had taught him in their youth together, not on his own personal experience of the holy power that Jesus had attained.

So, his advice was rote and primitive Christology.

Even so, the Jews (those unholy, chosen ones of Satan) murdered James by throwing him from the roof of the Temple in about the year 62 AD.

Another brother of Jesus was Jude who wrote his letter sometime between 70 and 80 AD.

Peter’s letters were written from Rome where he was murdered by Nero either in 64 or 67 AD.

First Peter seems to be genuine, but Second Peter is probably a forgery.

First Peter is accepted as a genuine letter from Peter.

In this, the Jewish idea of “purifying and blessing” something by sprinkling it with sacrificial blood, is invoked. (1Peter 1:2)

In this case, it wasn’t the innocent blood of animals of which Peter spoke.

The letter is addressed to all those who have been,

“made holy by the Spirit, obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood.” (1Peter 1:2)

In this case, the metaphor was sprinkling with blessed water.

Peter preaches the same Jewish fraud of the “chosen ones” except now, instead of preaching only to Jews, he is updating his preaching to include mixed groups of converted pagans and Jews:

“You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people set apart to sing the praises of God who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1Peter 2:9)

Although actual knowledge of God does this, Peter is using the fake Jewish recruitment method updated for the Christians, claiming this motley crew to be a “race.”

This First Letter of Peter sums up the entire Christian theology and code of conduct.

Second Peter seems to be a forgery.

It offers a Christian theology but it’s very important emphasis is that it combines God with Jesus in a Pauline way so that God is Jesus.

“From Simeon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ; to all who treasure the same faith as ourselves, given through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (2Peter 1:1)

That this letter is a forgery is seen by the fact that the writer was not personally familiar with the Holy Spirit.

It uses the Jewish trick of making promises of heavenly rewards.

Among the Jews, the rabbis gave “The Holy Promises” as a materialistic promise (or Covenant) of wealth and many children in exchange for following the Mosaic Law and paying their tithes to the Temple.

But the Christian “Holy Promises” were of a future heavenly reward in exchange for doing good. (As you will see later, Muhammad made his “Holy Promises” of Paradise in exchange for doing evil.)

But the writer goes on to laud the Hebrew Bible “prophesies” and claim that,

“When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them.” (2Peter 1:21)

All throughout 2Peter 2, he uses the fraudulent Hebrew Bible stories of:

  • fallen angels
  • Noah and the Flood
  • Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot


“examples of how the Lord can rescue the good from the ordeal and hold the wicked for their punishment until the Day of Judgement.” (2Peter 2:9)

The destruction of the world by fire was, in Greco Roman times, a common topic for philosophers. [422]

So, here the writer warns everybody to be good and holy because,

“The Day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then with a roar the sky will vanish, the elements will catch fire and fall apart, the earth and all that it contains will be burnt up.” (2Peter 3:10)

So, this forgery urges the Christians to,

“long for the Day of God to come, when the sky will dissolve in flames and the elements melt in the heat.” (2Peter 3:12)

Thus, it is the Devil who is writing to the Christians.

And further, the letters of Paul, that Pharisee snake, are commended. (2Peter 3:15)

So, the forger was obviously one of Paul’s disciples or even Paul, himself.

All of the biblical texts have been translated into modern languages, so it is completely impossible for modern readers to perceive the fine differences of:

  • vocabulary
  • style
  • language
  • phraseology
  • historical markers

and numerous hints and philological pointers that indicate whether a literary work is genuine or not.

Only the experts in ancient languages have the skills to decipher such problems.

Thus, it is the conclusion of the experts that the Second Letter of Peter is a forgery. [423]

Even the early Church Fathers such as:

refused to accept Second Peter as genuine.

And yet, the letter was accepted by the Church as worthy of acceptance because it espouses the Pauline doctrine.

But what is this doctrine?

It is first that Paul’s teachings should be accepted because Peter accepts them even though 

“our brother Paul, who is so dear to us, told you this when he wrote to you with the wisdom that is his special gift.

He always writes like this when he deals with this sort of subject, and this makes some points in his letter hard to understand; these are the points that uneducated and unbalanced people distort, in the same way as they distort the rest of the scripture.”
 (2Pe 3:15-18)

Certainly, an uneducated fisherman like Peter would not sneer at uneducated people.

But someone who was trying to promote Paul’s teachings would resort to such methods of advancing Paul’s “leaven of the Pharisees” over the teachings of the genuine apostles.

The slander about “unbalanced people” is a standard Jewish smear, calling “crazy” anyone who opposes their lies.

So, Second Peter, from whence come the idea that Jesus descended into hell in order to save the denizens there, is a Jewish forgery that promotes Paul’s demonology.

It may have been written by Paul, himself, or by one of the Jews who had been Paul’s fellow conspirators in the original Jewish subversion of Christianity.

The Letters of John

John was the one who Jesus loved most because John was the most spiritually understanding and the most religiously advanced of the Twelve.

John preached the importance of loving your brothers and of loving God,

“because God is love.” (1John 4:8)

And John correctly understood why Jesus opposed the teachings of Judaism and the perverse evil of the Jews.

“It was to undo all that the devil has done that the Son of God appeared.” (1Jo 3:8)

John knew that the Jews are devils.

John passes along one of the secrets of Christianity and of the Holy Spirit.


“…said to them again,

‘Peace be with you.

As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.’

After saying this he breathed on them and said,

‘receive the Holy Spirit.

For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.’”
 (Jhn 20:21-23)

The secret of the Holy Spirit is shown by the breath to be identical with the Qi.

That is the ancient Christian secret that this letter teaches.

Jesus breathed on them to give them his Qi and show where their own Holy Spirit emanates.

You can learn to have the power of your own Holy Spirit by studying Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi and Live Within Your Holy Spirit.

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Appendix A: How to Develop Your Qi & Live Within Your Holy Spirit – Library of Rickandria

  • Christians
  • Buddhists
  • Hindus

can all benefit.

Even atheists can use their holy spirit for good health, though without a religious inclination toward God or the Tao, you will have difficulty overcoming death.

The Letter of Jude

Jude was another of Jesus’ brothers.

He calls himself “the brother of James” because he could not accept his older brother, Jesus, as being a son of Joseph like himself.

He wrote his letter after his brother James had been murdered in 62 AD.

He warns against the false teachers.

Those false teachers were the Jews who were following Paul’s example at trying to destroy Christianity by pretending to be Christians while practicing immorality so as to sully the faith and by blaspheming Jesus – all typical Jewish ploys to this very day.

Jude writes at a time when all of the apostles have passed away.

He is acquainted with Paul’s letters and warns against them.

Jude warns of the Jews when he writes,

“Certain people have infiltrated among you, and they are the ones you had a warning about, in writing, long ago when they were condemned for denying all religion, turning the grace of our God into immorality, and rejecting our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 1:4)

The community meals of the early Christians are herein attested. (Jude 1:12)

Christianity was beginning to thrive even against the malicious machinations of the rich and influential Jews.

The Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles were once part of the Gospel of Luke but were separated about 150 AD so that the Four Gospels could be bound into one codex.

Luke was a Syrian from Antioch, a doctor and of pagan origin.

He was converted by Paul, so he has a Pauline bias in all of his writings.

Acts was written sometime between 64 and 70 AD before the Temple was destroyed by the Romans.

Luke used both his own experiences as well as Greek and Aramaic sources.

Peter goes off to an unnamed place in Acts 12 and from that point onward Paul becomes the main attraction and the only attraction in the second half of Acts.

It is Paul who names Jesus as “the Son of God”. (Acts 9:20)

Once again, it was Paul, the subversive Pharisee, who thereby set Christianity on a path of 

  • schism
  • warfare
  • sectarian division

benefited only by the Jews.

Eventually, this false teaching would allow that other Semitic hoax known as Islam to arise.

Paul always preached to the Jews first and turned to the pagans after the Jews had rejected him.

Acts has been called the “gospel of the Spirit” because it seems so full of spiritual joy and of wonder at God’s works, a fact that can hardly surprise those who understand what the coming of Christianity meant to a world that had never seen anything like it. [424]

The Holy Spirit does not seem to have been received by the Apostles during Jesus’ earthly time, according to Luke in (Acts 1:7-8),

“[Jesus] replied, ‘It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has decided by his own authority, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and then you will be my witnesses….”

Acts clearly shows that after Judas had betrayed Christ that his place as an apostle was nominated to Matthias who was then listed as one of the twelve apostles.

Paul was never an apostle except – Abracadabra! – in his own subversive and sinister mind and by his own word of a Jew.

In Acts 2:1-3, a description is given of the Holy Spirit manifesting on the apostles and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and his brothers:

“and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the heads of each of them.”

This aura of flames and scintillating light is found in the paintings and sculptures of:

  • Buddhists
  • Hindus
  • Taoists

as well as Christians and the rock art of the Northern Europeans. (See Chapter 4: Secret Powers of the Ancient People)

BOOK: The Monsters of Babylon: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 4: Secret Powers of the Ancient People – Library of Rickandria

Auras and halos are manifestations of the inherent spiritual power of Mankind.

But you have to seek it, before you can find, although babies are born with it and can see it.

The early Christians practiced community living.

“The faithful all lived together and owned everything in common; they sold their goods and possessions and shared out the proceeds among themselves according to what each one needed.” (Acts 2:44-45)

But Luke still has the Jewish idea given to him by Paul of:

“Those destined to be saved.” (Acts 2:47)

This “leaven of the Pharisees” again would have destructive consequences in Europe as Calvinism and a variety of Protestant splinter groups began to enlarge upon this theme, all claiming that they were “chosen ones,” all of them trying to out-do the Jews in being seduced by the Biggest Lie Ever Told, and ready to kill anybody who disagreed.

This newness of Christianity would forever find it difficult to shake off the Jewish lies of the Hebrew Bible.

Peter uses the often-misunderstood phrase regarding the name of Jesus:

“For all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

The Christ’s name in Hebrew was “Yahshua” which means “Yah” (God) “Shua” (Saves).

This is what Peter meant since “Yahshua” means “God Saves.”

Peter never, ever called Christ by the name, Jesus.

For him, it was always Yahshua.

But the Christ’s name was purposely confused by Paul, the Pharisee, not only to deflect the historical trajectory and to destroy Christianity, but as a means of allowing the Jews to steal Christ’s glory for themselves.


  • archfiends
  • thieves
  • murderers

had swindled and defrauded the entire ancient Near East for over 3,000 years.

These Monsters of Babylon had set up their most successful lie, Judaism, as a means of hiding their bullion and their larceny behind religion.

They had used the false claim that they had a god more powerful than all others who made it a habit to destroy anyone who opposed the swindling Jews.

But now, Jesus Christ had appeared against all odds and over every obstacle that the rabbis had erected in their stolen and plagiarized scriptures.

Christianity was quickly spreading among the very Hebrews whom the rabbis, scribes and priests had deceived and enslaved.

Christianity was proving that every single page of the Hebrew Bible was as useless as putting a yarmulke on a pig.

The Truth could not be stopped, so the Jews were determined to deflect the trajectory of the Truth into something that they could control and from which they could profit.

It was decided among the Pharisee demons that in order to keep the people praying to a Jewish god and giving prestige and wealth and honor to the Jews, that they would have to elevate the Messiah as the Jewish God, Himself, appearing in human form.

That way, any Christians who prayed to Jesus, would automatically be praying to the Jewish god who was hovering over the blood and gore spattering the Temple altar.

The task of Saul of Tarsus was to preach the Jewish god to the pagans and thus blunt the impact of Jesus’ rejection of the Pharisees.

By claiming that Jesus was Yahweh incarnate, the pagans could be induced to give credence to the Jewish lies of the Hebrew Bible.

The Anunnaki and the Bible: Could Enlil Actually Be Yahweh?

They could be deceived into praying to not only Yahweh-in the-body-of Jesus but into believing that Christianity was nothing more than a continuation of Judaism rather than as a new and independent beginning that rejected Judaism.

The pagans would believe not only in the healing power and miracles of Jesus but the Jewish asl (pronounced “asshole”) as well.

By tying the genealogy of Jesus to the fake histories and phony “wisdom” of the Jews, they could sneak their “leaven of the Pharisees” into the Christian community and ingratiate themselves as the legitimate Patriarchs of the Christians and thus become the spiritual leaders of the Christians.

This “leaven of the Pharisees” would have demonic results as the centuries rolled along, which was the intent of the,

“children of the synagogue of Satan.”

Once again, in Acts 4, it is shown how the community of Christians pooled their resources, gave up the greed for personal wealth, and they all had sufficiency.

Acts 8 tells how Stephen preached to the Sanhedrin.

These infuriated Jews,

“ground their teeth at him” (Acts 7:51-54)

and then they rushed Stephen out of the city and stoned him to death with Saul of Tarsus participating in the gruesome murder. (Acts 7:58)

“Saul entirely approved of the killing”

of Stephen. (Acts 8:1)

As a Pharisee (Jew) Saul

“worked for the total destruction of the church; he went from house to house arresting both men and women and sending them to prison.” (Acts 8:3)

Obviously, Saul was a fanatical Pharisee who commanded a squadron of Temple guards and Zealots.

The men and women he arrested preached to him everything they knew about the Christian Good News.

So, he learned the entire Christian faith from his victims.

He learned the Christian doctrine and understood that Jesus had fulfilled all of the prophesies and had satisfied all of the impossible requirements that the rabbis had set for any Messiah who might appear to upset their banking scam.

In Saul’s case, as a rabbi, he knew how to use street theater and the double-talk of the Pharisees to worm his way into the Christian fold.

Judaism was in crises.

The Messiah had arrived.

Their banking monopoly was in jeopardy.

And the pagans were turning to this new religion which taught direct access to God without paying the priests for it.

To maintain Jewish monopoly over their Temple fraud, something had to be done.

The rabbis were finding it impossible to destroy Christianity from the outside, so they needed a mole to destroy it from the inside, someone whose loyalty and fanaticism to Judaism was solid.

Saul of Tarsus was the Jew for the job.

He could both preach the new religion that Jesus was the Messiah and warp it towards the Jewish god as the ultimate power in the world – a Jewish god to whom all knees must bend and to whom all wealth must flow.

With a clever Jew like Saul leading them, the Christians could be turned away from the glorious light and freedom attained by Jesus and back toward the demonic darkness and shackles of the Judaism.

To accomplish this task, Saul resorted to Jewish theatrics and street theater.

He could not just walk into a Christian gathering as himself, a Pharisee, a murderer of Christians, a ruthless oppressor.

He could only enter the Christian community as a repentant convert.

He would have to repent of his murders and tortures of Christians while claiming a new belief in the arisen Messiah.

As a convert, he could claim to have been blind to the Truth but was now convinced that Jesus was the Messiah.

His ploy was simple and effective and typically Jewish.

He could tell irrefutable lies and – Abracadabra! – thereby stand upon them as the “self-evident” truth.

Saul began his charade on the road to Damascus as he traveled there to catch more Christians for arrest.

Suddenly, with his fellow Jews as witnesses, he shouted out with a loud voice and fell to the ground.

He talked to the empty air as if he was talking to Jesus and with his eyes wide open felt around as if he was blind like a raccoon in the dark.

“Even with his eyes wide open he could see nothing at all, and they had to lead him to Damascus by the hand.

For three days he was without his sight, and took neither food nor drink.”
 (Acts 9:8-9)

He told everyone his vision of Jesus appearing to him.

Saul’s “leaven of the Pharisees” made the rounds within the Christian gossip mill.

Needless to say, in an ancient society where news and rumor spread quickly person to-person and group-to-group, the amazing story of Saul meeting Jesus in the spirit and going blind, made the rounds of every Christian group.

Everybody knew who this vicious Saul character was.

Word went around Damascus that Saul the Pharisee, murderer and torturer of Christians, had been blinded by a vision of Jesus talking to him.

Finally, after three days, an idiot named Ananias heard voices in his head.

These voices told him to go and use his newly acquired trick of laying his hands on people and blessing them.

“Then Ananias went.

He entered the house, and at once laid his hands on Saul and said,

‘Brother Saul, I have been sent by the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on your way here so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’

Immediately it was as though scales fell away from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again.

So, he was baptized there and then.…”
 (Acts 9:17-19)

Only snakes have scales on their eyes.

After only a few days, Saul began preaching his “leaven of the Pharisees,” that is,

“Jesus is the Son of the Jewish God.” (Acts 9:20)

When Saul,

“got to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him; they could not believe he was really a disciple.” (Acts 9:26)

As ex-Jews, themselves, they well knew how deceitful the rabbis were (and are to this day).

The real Apostles wanted nothing to do with him.

So, he wormed his way into the Christian community and began preaching on his own.

In the typical Jewish desire to kill anyone who disagrees with them, the Jews of Damascus and Jerusalem tried to kill him in lame attempts designed merely to bolster his reputation.

Thus, his reputation and “prestige” was solidified within the Christian Church and the leaven of the Pharisees was mixed into the pure Christian dough at a very early time.

The “visions” that are recorded in Acts 10, are the paranormal results of religious knowledge and discipline.

That people can have:

  • extra-sensory perception
  • trances
  • meditative ecstasy
  • fore knowledge
  • visions of celestial beings

etc., is not something to be wondered at or to be mocked in unbelief.

It is something to be experienced in your own lifetime!

Prayer, contemplation of God or Tao or Buddha or Krishna or whatever you conceive as the highest and most holy, brings about such experiences.

This is mystical experiences which are available to anyone who seeks such knowledge.

Jesus taught direct communion with God.

No need for killing innocent animals like the Jews (and the later Semitic devil Muslims) still do.

Just direct experience of God is all that is needed.

His message was very simple.

But people prefer complications.

So, over the centuries all sorts of weird sects of Christianity have arisen.

In every single case, these Christian sects were only weird because they believed the Jews but did not believe Jesus.

They read the New Testament but believed the lies of the Old Testament.

In Acts 13, Luke gives prominence to Saul and calls him by his new name, Paul.

Paul works a scam with another Jewish magician name Bar-Jesus or Elymas Magos.

He “curses” him to go blind for a while, and the magician obliges and begins feeling around like a raccoon in the dark so as to further elevate Paul with a fake reputation of spiritual power. 

As usual

“the Jews, prompted by jealousy, used blasphemies and contradicted everything Paul said,” (Acts 13:45)

“The Jews worked upon some of the devout women of the upper classes and the leading men of the city and persuaded them to turn against Paul and Barnabas and expel them from the territory.” (Acts 13:50)

Acts 14, the Jews turned the people against the Christians and stoned Paul.

One of the basic fallacies of Christianity was attempting to base its teachings on the phrase: 

“since the scriptures say,” (Acts 15:15)

and then trying to attach these old lies of the Hebrew priests to the advent of Jesus.

In the case of Act 15:15 where James allegedly quotes from Amos 9:11-12, he is quoting a passage that was not even written by Amos but added at a later time by the lying scribes.

He didn’t know that because it took modern literary analysis to uncover the counterfeit.

This is an example of why it is impossible to base any argument of truth upon the Hebrew scriptures, which are in total, The Greatest Lie Ever Told.

Jesus and his incredible personal power was a result of seeking God through:

  • intense
  • prayerful
  • meditational
  • religious discipline

It was not a “gift” of being “the Son of God”; it was the results of being told that he was the son of God and then going out and trying to live up to it.

What Jesus accomplished through his own efforts, he did not get through the Hebrew Bible or through the teachings of Judaism.

This is why he said,

“What I do, you too can do and some things greater”

because he knew that all men and women who sought God would find God.

But you had to be sincere and truthful which is why the Jews never attained God, they just pretended that they had.

Jesus was the only Hebrew who ever found God.

But how Jesus accomplished his knowledge and insight, never occurred to the early Jewish converts because they had nothing with which to compare it.

The rabbis forbad under a death sentence any study whatsoever of any other religion.

And since Judaism was completely an empty religion of fake rituals and rabbinical law books, it had nothing to teach an aspiring seeker of God.

What Jesus accomplished was in spite of Judaism, not because of it.

That Paul was a snake in Christian clothing comes out once again in Acts 16.

Even after all of the wraggling about circumcision of the pagans and even after the church members along with Paul as a leading proponent of ending this obscene practice, even after they had all agreed that pagan converts were not required to be circumcised, what does Paul do?

Paul found himself a docile Christian boy named Timothy and had him circumcised!

The actual Jewish reason for circumcision is to increase sexual stimulation and to mark one as a slave of Judaism.

Here, it is used by Paul as a means of subjugating a docile admirer and turning him into a personal slave.

The hypocrisy of the Pharisee, Paul, is further described in Acts 16:2-3.

“The brothers at Lystra and Iconium spoke well of Timothy, and Paul, who wanted to have him as a traveling companion, had him circumcised.

This was on account of the Jews in the locality where everyone knew his father was a Greek.”

This could not be the actual reason that Paul did this since:

  1. It was already forbidden to the Christians.
  2. They were not required to expose their penises when they entered a synagogue.
  3. Their preaching took them outside of the region where Timothy was known to the local Jews.

Paul had Timothy circumcised in order to subjugate the boy to his will.

The boy became more docile once Paul had sucked on his bleeding penis, which is the traditional Jewish technique of subjecting converts to the homosexual lusts of the rabbis.

The preaching of Paul at a Jewish synagogue convinced many people both Jews and Gentiles that Jesus was the Messiah.

“The Jews, full of resentment, enlisted the help of a gang from the marketplace, stirred up a crowd, and soon had the whole city in an uproar.” (Acts 17:5)

This is a standard Jewish method of getting other people to fight for them, by hiring thugs and telling lies.

In this case, they blatantly lied and said that the Christians were,

“turning the whole world upside down by claiming that Jesus was Caesar.” (Acts 17:6-7)

Acts 19 describes some of John the Baptist’s disciples at Ephesus who had been baptized but had not received the Holy Spirit.

Paul explains that,

“John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance….” (Acts 19:4)

So, when Paul baptized them,

“in the name of the Lord Jesus, and the moment Paul had laid hands on them the Holy Spirit came down on them, and they began to speak with tongues and to prophesy.” (Acts 19:6)

That is, they began babbling incoherently and talking rubbish.

This is a first-hand account of the type of Christianity that Paul created.

It was not genuinely based on Holy Spirit (Qi) but was based on the desire of ignorant people to commune with God by babbling gibberish and exciting their emotions with frenzied shouts.

Luke writes in Acts 19 of the people whom Paul cured of illness through the power of Jesus.

Since the actual writings of Paul prove that he didn’t possess any Holy Spirit (Qi) then his alleged cures were actually placebo effects.

Luke relates a story that Paul must have told him of the seven sons of a Jewish priest who tried to cure evil spirits without real power, a story that glorifies Paul’s fame.

At Ephesus, Paul again equates Jesus with God (Acts 20:28) telling them to protect his message which he declares is the real truth as opposed to what the other Christian preachers might tell them.

In other words, Paul was practicing Jewish slander and subversion by preaching divisiveness against the teachings of the real apostles.

This Pharisee snake was actively subverting Christianity from the very beginning.

By preaching to the pagans, Paul identified Jesus and the Jewish Yahweh-god with the highest god of the pagans as well.

He claimed that they could very easily pray to Jesus because Jesus was identical with the god that they had already been worshipping for centuries.

The highest god of the Hellenistic world was Zeus.

So, Paul combined the name of the Jewish god found in the Christ’s Hebrew name with the name of Zeus.

He called the Christ, “Yah-Zeus,” which the pagans pronounced “Ye-Zeus” or spelled it as “Je-Zeus” or “Jesus.”

So, from the earliest time, Jesus was equated with everybody’s top god within the meaning of his name.

The actual meaning of the Christ’s name is “God-Saves,” which is obviously true in any religion.

But this meaning became lost.

Instead of the People understanding that “God Saves” us from illness and death, confusions arose from Paul’s “leaven of the Pharisees,” as he preached that only Jesus could save us.

Paul teaches them to remember,

“the words of the Lord Jesus, who himself said, ‘There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.’” (Acts 20:35)

But how would Paul know what Jesus had said?

And in fact, there is no record of this saying in any of the Gospels.

Paul was merely trying to swindle some money out of them.

Luke ends Acts of the Apostles with Paul’s voyage to Rome.

“Paul spent the whole of the two years in his own rented lodging.” (Acts 28:30)

He was released from custody because his case never came to trial since there was no one to accuse him.

With the legal period over, Paul was released to preach his lies to the pagans with the result that today there are myriads of various Christian sects all proclaiming what they call “the Truth.”

None of them have the Holy Spirit that Jesus taught because they have been swindled into accepting the fake stories and rabbinical laws of the Jews as the basis of their Jew-corrupted, so-called “Christianity.”

Their so-called “truth” follows the lies of Paul and elevates the frauds of the Hebrew Bible as the “word of God,” but fails to follow the teachings of Jesus.

Even so, they call themselves “Christians.”

They are Christians in their desire to do good, but not in their actual attainment of true spiritual power.

Even so, such weak Christians are far superior to those two Semitic hoaxes, psychopathic Judaism and fiendish Islam.


BOOK: EXCERPT: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Book of Revelation – Library of Rickandria

BOOK: EXCERPT: How the Jews Betrayed Mankind (1200 BC to 1000 AD) – Volume II – Chapter 11: The Gospels According to G_d – The Leaven of Paul